One Sheet: AutoSplit Transaction File Specifications - Talyst

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CSB-0045 Rev 3 AutoSplit340B Transaction File Specifications | | 877.4. ... Issued Date: 06/22/2010 ... The cross-reference is just a 2-column CSV of Excel spreadsheet that ... tablet capsule (EA). Solutions form is in milliliter (ML).
Product: AutoSplit Serial Number: All Version: All Action Level: Informational Issued Date: 06/22/2010

AUTOSPLIT TRANSACTION FILE SPECIFICATIONS _____________________________________________________________________________ Purpose This bulletin provides an overview of the file process for receiving 340B dispense information from hospitals, along with the actual required data fields and file formats.

Batch File Process Talyst AutoSplit imports 340B dispensing information from a file located in a specified hospital directory. This file is usually created every night, or weekly, and contains the 340B dispenses for that time period. AutoSplit can also process more than one file at a time (some customers create several files a day). This is typically known as a “Batch File Process” because information is “batched up” each night and added to a file. This file must be capable of being run by date range. This does not require Talyst to have a VPN connection through your firewall to access your 340B dispensing data. Hospitals generally create an order once or twice a day (although there is no restriction as to how many orders a day you split).

File Naming Conventions A recommended naming convention for transaction file would be to include the date with no spaces in the format MMDDYYY. This will ensure that each file name is unique and will not be overwritten. We highly recommend the use of a datetimestamp as part of the file name. File must have an extension type (.txt, .csv, etc) Once the report has been created there can be no changes to format or extension without prior review by Talyst Technical Support.

Transaction File Specifications 1.



There are two types of transaction files that AutoSplit will accept a. CSV files (Recommended) i. Character delimitated fields, for example comma, semi-colon or pipebar. b. Fixed Length ASCII text files The Transaction files should only contain the 340B qualified transactions a. As of 2009, qualified transactions are as follows: Dispenses to all outpatient, including but not limited to: outpatient, observation, recurring patients, day surgery and emergency dispense (ED). Dispenses to patients while they were outpatients, prior to being admitted. Example: a patient that came into the ER and is subsequently admitted. Your state may require a Medicaid carve-out, which means that you cannot include your Medicaid dispenses in the transaction file (even if they are 340B eligible). This is considered “doubledipping” because the manufacturer has already given a steep discount to the Medicaid program. You can setup another account in AutoSplit to handle the Medicaid-only 340B transactions. These dispenses would be used to split against a WAC (Wholesale acquisition cost) account (usual and customary pricing). Basically, we would setup a 3-way CSB-0045 Rev 3 AutoSplit340B Transaction File Specifications | | 877.4.TALYST


4. 5.




split: splitting your GPO (Group purchasing organization) order first against 340B (no Medicaid), then against WAC (Medicaid only dispenses), and leaving a GPO remainder order. All of the requirements for this file are the same for the 340B file, the only difference is that one file contains no Medicaid dispenses and the other file contains only Medicaid dispenses. Medicaid transaction files would go into a different file and a different directory. Each account that you setup in the AutoSplit 340B application will have its own transaction file which will be placed into a unique directory for that account. You are also allowed to go back to when you first qualified for 340B pricing (up to 1 year maximum). This means that you will also need to run this extract once going back to the date when the hospital first qualifies. Confirm this with Wholesaler. This file should be pulled from either your PhIS or financial system, depending on which system knows the status of the patient at the time of the transaction – typically your PhIS (Pharmacy System). Required Fields in the Transaction Files - Excluding the header, the fields in this file can appear in ANY order. a. Header i. Each file must contain a header labeling the information in the columns below. b. NDC number i. If the NDC number is not available, then a Charge Code (Billing number) will be used. ii. If the charge code is being used to track dispenses in the transaction file, a cross reference file of charge code to NDC will need to be provided. The cross-reference is just a 2-column CSV of Excel spreadsheet that contains the Charge Code in the first column and the NDC in the second column. Typically, this cross-reference is created and should be updated periodically by the Pharmacy. c. Drug Description. Commas must be surrounded by quotes (“,”), Talyst recommends enclosing the whole description in quotes. d. Dispensing quantity i. This should be in terms as they relate to your wholesaler’s unit of form or measurement. Typically oral solid medication is counted individually by each tablet capsule (EA). Solutions form is in milliliter (ML). Ointments and inhalers are measured in grams (Gms). ii. The quantity (qty) should NOT be reported in J-code MG/ML terms (MG per ML) because the wholesaler does not store their package sizes in these terms. iii. A multiplier (conversion factor) may be needed to get the dispense qty into the proper terms. This multiplier file is a 2 column CSV/Excel file with charge code or NDC to conversion factors. iv. Credits must be tracked in negative quantities. Recommended fields: The following fields are required in order for AutoSplit to be able to provide an audit trail. a. Unique Transaction ID. i. Unique Transaction ID can combine several fields, up to 100 characters. ii. The preferred fields to be provided include: Patient_Account_# Charge_Code DOS (Date of Service) Qty Sequence_# Patient_Location_At_Dispense Patient_Status_At_Dispense Payor_Type - This helps to ensure that duplicate transactions are never processed. b. Metric Dose Sizes. Gram, Milliliter, or Each.

Technical Support Contact Information This message has been sent to you by Talyst Technical Support, please direct any further questions to [email protected] or call 1-800-541-4102. CSB-0045 Rev 3 AutoSplit340B Transaction File Specifications | | 877.4.TALYST
