One stop mycology. DAVID MOORE. School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PT, u.K.. 1010.
Mycol. Res. 100 (8): 1010-1024 (1996)
Printed in Great Britain
One stop mycology
DAVID MOORE School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PT,
This listing covers the period February 1, 1996 through to February 29, 1996. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.
BIOTECHNOLOGY Abraham, W. R. & Abate, D. (1995). Chromanones from Lentinus crinitus (Basidiomycetes). Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C-A Journal of Biosdences 50, 748-750. Archer, D. B., Mackenzie, D. A & Ridout, M. j. (1995). Heterologous protein secretion by Aspergillus niger growing in submerged culture as dispersed or aggregated mycelia. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 157-160. Bilang, M, Attioui, F., Loppinet, V., Michalski, j. C & Bonaly, R. (1996). Structure of the phosphopeptidomannans from flocculent and non-flocculent yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Carbohydrate Research 280, 303-313. Borzani, W. (1995). Product inhibition during the feeding phase in fed-batch ethanol fermentation of sugar-cane blackstrap molasses. Biotechnology Letters 17, 1295-1298. CabraL S. M j. C S., Vasconcelos, M T. & CabraL j. P. S. (1995). SUitability of a detergent-sensitive electrode for the determination of the absorption of cationic detergents by fungal conidial cells. Journal of Microbiological Methods 24, 11-20. Carlsen, M, Spohr, A B., Nielsen, j. & Villadsen, j. (1996). Morphology and physiology of an a-amylase producing strain of Aspergillus oryzae during batch cultivations. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 49, 266-276. Chang, Y. K. & Chase, H. A (1996). Ion exchange purification of G6PDH from unclarified yeast cell homogenates using expanded bed adsorption. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 49, 204-216. Chen, C H., Yang, S. W. & Shen, Y. C (1995). New steroid acids from Antrodia cinnamomea, a fungal parasite of Cinnamomum micranthum. Journal of Natural Products (Uoydia) 58, 1655-1661. Chia, j. K. S. (1996). Brewers yeast as a cause of infection - reply. Clinical Infectious Diseases 22, 202. Chu, M, Truumees, I., Rothofsky, M. 1.., PateL M G., Gentile, F., Das, P. R., Puar, M. S. & Lin, S. I.. (1995). Inhibition of c-fos proto-oncogene induction by Sch 52900 and Sch 52901, novel diketopiperazines produced by Gliocladium sp. Journal of Antibiotics 48, 1440-1445. Delclos, B. & RaynaL G. (1995). Comparison of techniques for the production of Sclerotinia trifoliorum ascospores in the laboratory for forage legumes resistance tests. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 143, 345-348. Dijkerman, R., Vervuren, M. B. F., Dencamp, H. j. M. O. & Vanderdrift, C
(1996). Adsorption characteristics of cellulolytic enzymes from the anaerobic fungus Piromyces sp. strain E2 on microcrystalline cellulose. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 20-25. Elkady, I. A, Mostafa, M E. & Zohri, A A (1995). Utilization of cheese whey for lipid and sterol production by some isolates of xerophilous fungi. Folia Microbiologica 40, 209-212. Ficca, A G., Testa, I.. & Valentini, G. P. T. (1995). The human ~(2)-adrenergic receptor expressed in Schizosaccharomyces pombe retains its pharmacological properties. FEBS Letters 377, 140-144. Fuchs, C T. & Spiteller, G. (1995). 4-pentadecylpyridine - a metabolite from
Taphrina pmni. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C-A Journal of Biosciences 50, 766-768. Fushiya, S., Matsuda. M., Yamada, S. & Nozoe, S. (1996). New opine type amino acids from a poisonous mushroom, Clitocybe acrome/alga. Tetrahedron 52, 877-886. Garciagranados, A, Linan, E., Martinez, A & Onorato, M. E. (1995). New polyoxygenated ent-manoyl oxides obtained by biotransformation with filamentous fungi. Journal of Natural Products (Uoydia) 58, 1695-1701. Gyamerah, M. (1995). Factors affecting the growth form of Aspergillus temus NRRL 1960 in relation to itaconic acid fermentation. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 356-361. Hammond, j. R. M. (1995). Genetically-modified brewing yeasts for the 21st century - progress to date. Yeast 11, 1613-1627. Hatano, S., Udou, M, Koga, N., Honjoh, K. & Miyamoto, T. (1996). Impairment of the glycolytic system and actin in bakers yeast during frozen storage. Biosdence Biotechnology & Biochemistry 60, 61-64. Holker, U., Fakoussa, R. M. & Hofer, M. (1995). Growth substrates control the ability of Fusarium oxyspomm to solubilize low rank coal. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 351-355. IsmaiL A MS., Abdelnaby, M. A & Abdelfattah, A F. (1995). Utilization of water hyacinth cellulose for production of cellobiase-rich preparation by Aspergillus niger I. Microbios 83, 191-198. )in, S., Yeo K. M. & Shimizu, K. (1995). Metabolic pathway analysis of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a galactose-inducible promoter based on a signal flow modeling approach. Journal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 80, 541-551. johnson, E. A & Schroeder, W. (1995). Astaxanthin from the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma. Studies in Mycology 1995, 81-90. Kahn, V. (1995). Effect of kojic acid on the oxidation of DL-DOPA. norepinephrine, and dopamine by mushroom tyrosinase. Pigment Cell Research 8, 234-240. Kataoka, M., Shimizu, K., Sakamoto, K., Yamada, H. & Shimizu, S. (1995). Lactonohydrolase-catalyzed optical resolution of pantoyl lactoneselection of a potent enzyme producer and optimization of culture and reaction conditions for practical resolution. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 333-338. Kempken, F., Schreiner, C, Schorgendorfer, K. & Kuch, U. (1995). A unique repeated DNA sequence in the cyclosporin-producing strain of Tolypocladium inf/atum (ATCC 34921). Experimental Mycology 19, 305-313.
D. Moore
Khindaria, A, Yamazaki, I. & Aust, S. D. (1995). Veratryl alcohol oxidation by lignin peroxidase. Biochemistry 34, 16860-16869. Kristofikova, L. & Rosenberg, M. (1995). Changes of y-linolenic acid content in Rhizopus arrhizus during L( + )-lactic acid fermentation. Folia Microbiologica 40, 189-192. Lang, C. & Looman, A C. (1995). Efficient expression and secretion of Aspergillus niger RH5344 polygalacturonase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 147-156. Lee, j. H., Kwon, K. S. & Hah, Y C. (1996). Regulation of ~-glucosidase biosynthesis in Aspergillus nidulans. FEMS Microbiology Leiters 135, 79-84. Liu, W. Z., Boucias, D. G. & McCoy, C. W. (1995). Extraction and characterization of the insecticidal toxin hirsutellin A produced by Hirsutella thompsonii var. thompsonii. Experimental Mycology 19, 254-262. Mahanti, N., Bhatnagar, D., Cary, j. W., joubran, j. & Linz, j. E. (1996). Structure and function of fas-1A, a gene encoding a putative fatty acid synthetase directly involved in aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus parasiticus. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 191-195. Masaphy, S., Levanon, D., Henis, Y, Venkateswarlu, K. & Kelly, S. L. (1996). Evidence for cytochrome P-450 and P-450-mediated benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylation in the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. FEMS Microbiology Leiters 135, 51-55. McCarthy, j. A & Damoglou, A P. (1996). The effect of substrate on the radiation resistance of yeasts isolated from sausage meat. Letters in Applied Microbiology 22, 80-84. Miskiewicz, T. & Wilczynski, S. (1996). A real-time feed rate control system for pilot plant bakers yeast production. Biotechnology Leiters 18, 1-6. Mizoguchi, H., Ikeda, T & Hara, S. (1995). Differences in the intracellular lipids of sake yeast in main mash seeded respectively with two kinds of seed mash - kimoto and sokujo-moto. Journal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 80, 586-591. Mizuno, T., Yeohlui, P., Kinoshita, T., Zhuang, c., Ito, H. & Mayuzumi, Y (1996). Antitumor activity and chemical modification of polysaccharides from niohshimeji mushroom, Tricholma giganteum. Bioscience Biotechnology & Biochemistry 60, 30-33. Mochizuki, N., Hiramatsu, S., Sugai, T, Ohta, H., Morita, H. & Itokawa, H. (1995). Reductive conversion of carbonyl compounds by yeast. 2. Improved conditions for the production and characterization of 1-arylpropane-I,2diols and related compounds. Bioscience Biotechnology & Biochemistry 59, 2282-2291. Morana, A, Moracci, M., Ottombrino, A, Ciaramella, M., Rossi, M. & Derosa, M. (1995). Industrial-scale production and rapid purification of an archaeal ~-glycosidase expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry 22, 261-268. Morawetz, R., Lendenfeld, T., Mischak, H., Muhlbauer, M., Gruber, F., Goodnight, j., Degraaff, L. H., Visser, j., Mushinski, j. F. & Kubicek, C. P. (1996). Cloning and characterisation of genes (PKC1 and PKCA) encoding protein kinase C homologues from Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger. Molecular & General Genetics 250, 17-28. Morikawa, Y, Ohashi, T, Mantani, O. & Okada, H. (1995). Cellulase induction by lactose in Trichoderma reesei PC-3-7. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 106-11 I. Nagasaka, Y., Muraki, N., Kimura, A, Suto, M., Yokota, A & Tomita, F. (1995). Cloning of Corticium rolfsii glucoamylase eDNA and its expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 451-458. Ogawa, T., Ando, K, Tanaka, T, Uosaki, Y & Matsuda, Y (1996). RES-11491 and -2, novel non-peptidic endothelin type B receptor antagonists produced by Aspergillus sp. I. Taxonomy of producing strain, fermentation, isolation, and physico-chemical and biological properties. Journal of Antibiotics 49, 1-5. Pejin, D. & Razmovski, R. (1996). Continuous cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at different biotin concentrations in nutrient media. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 80, 53-55. Chandramohan, D., Michel, F. C. & Reddy, C. A (1996). Raghukumar, Degradation of lignin and decolorization of paper mill bleach plant effluent (BPE) by marine fungi. Biotechnology Leiters 18, 105-106. Rehms, H. & Barz, W. (1995). Degradation of stachyose, raffinose, melibiose and sucrose by different tempe-producing rhizopus fungi. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 47-52. Sanchez, EN., Alhadeff, E. M., Rochaleao, M. H. M., Fernandes, R. C. &
Pereira, N. (1996). Performance of a continuous bioreactor with immobilized yeast cells in the ethanol fermentation of molasses-stillage medium. Biotechnology Letters 18, 91-94. Schorrgalindo, S., Ghommidh, C. & Guiraud, j. P. (1995). Inulin enrichment by fermentation in a flocculating yeast reactor. Biotechnology Letters 17, 1305-1310. Smith, D. L. (1996). Brewers yeast as a cause of infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases 22, 201. Takashima, S., Nakamura, A, Masaki, H. & Uozumi, T. (1996). Purification and characterization of cellulases from Humicola grisea. Bioscience Biotechnology & Biochemistry 60, 77-82. Tanaka, M., Ohra, j., Tsujino, Y, Fujimori, T., Ago, H. & Tsuge, H. (1995). Dendryol A. B, C. and D, four new compounds produced by a weed pathogenic fungus Dendryphiella sp. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C-A Journal of Biosciences 50, 751-756. Tomida, I., Maekita, T. & Hatanaka, A (1995). Synthesis of some di- and tridepsipeptides containing hydroxy-methylbutyric acid involved in the structure of a depsipeptide isolated from the mushroom Sarcodon scabrosus. Bioscience Biotechnology & Biochemistry 59, 2300-2302. Trujillo, E E. & Norman, D. j. (1995). Septoria leaf-spot of lantana from Ecuador - a potential biological-control for bush lantana in forests of Hawaii. Plant Disease 79, 819-821. Vassilev, N., Baca, M. T., Vassileva, M., Franco, L. & Azcon, R. (1995). Rock phosphate solubilization by Aspergillus niger grown on sugar-beet waste medium. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 546-549. Vozza, L. A, Wittwer, L., Higgins, D. R., Purcell, T. j., Bergseid, M., Collinsracie, L. A, Lavallie, E. R. & Hoeffler, j. P. (1996). Production of a recombinant bovine enterokinase catalytic subunit in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Bio Technology 14, 77-81. Watkins, S. j., Hogg, T. A & Lewis, M. j. (1996). The use of yeast inoculation in fermentation for port production - effect on total potential ethyl carbamate. Biotechnology Letters 18, 95-98. Weydemann, U., Keup, P., Piontek, M., Strasser, A W. M., Schweden, j., Gellissen, G. & janowicz, Z. A (1995). High level secretion of hirudin by Hansenula polymorpha - authentic processing of three different preprohirudins. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 377-385. Wightman, P., Quain, D. E & Meaden, P. G. (1996). Analysis of production brewing strains of yeast by DNA fingerprinting. Letters in Applied Microbiology 22, 90-94. Yoshida, I., Kiho, T., Usui, S., Sakushima, M. & Ukai, S. (1996). Polysaccharides in fungi. 37. Immunomodulating activities of carboxymethylated derivatives of linear (1,3)-a-D-glucans extracted from the fruiting bodies of Agrocybe cylindracea and Amanita muscaria. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 19, 114-121. Yu, S., jeppsson, H. & Hahnhagerdal, B. (1995). Xylulose fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and xylose-fermenting yeast strains. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 314-320. Zea, L., Moreno, j., Ortega, j. M., Mauricio, j. C. & Medina, M. (1995). Comparative study of the y-butyrolactone and pantolactone contents in cells and musts during vinification by three Saccharomyces cerevisiae races. Biotechnology Letters 17, 1351-1356. Zhang, D. L., Evans, F. E, Freeman, j. P., Duhart, B. & Cerniglia, C. E. (1995). Biotransformation of amitriptyline by Cunninghamella elegans. Drug Metabolism & Disposition 23, 1417-1425.
ECOLOGY Akthar, M. N., Sastry, K. S. & Mohan, P. M. (1996). Mechanism of metal ion biosorption by fungal biomass. Biometals 9, 21-28. Andrivon, D. & Devallavieillepope, C. (1995). Race diversity and complexity in selected populations of fungal biotrophic pathogens of cereals. Phytopathology 85, 897-905. Bezalel, L., Hadar, Y & Cerniglia, C. E. (1996). Mineralization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 292-295. Bidochka, M. j., Walsh, S. R. A, Ramos, M. E, Stleger, R. j., Silver, j. C. & Roberts, D. W. (1996). Fate of biological control introductions - monitoring an Australian fungal pathogen of grasshoppers in North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 93, 918-921.
One stop mycology Boudreau, M. A. & Madden, L. V. (1995). Effect of strawberry density on dispersal of Colletolrichum acutatum by simulated rain. Phytopathology 85, 934-941. Brodo, I. M. (1995). Lichens and Iichenicolous fungi of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. 1. Introduction and new records for BC, Canada and North-America. Mycotaxon 56, 135-173. Buyck, B. & Verbeken, A (1995). Studies in tropical African Lactarius species. 2. Lactarius chromospermus Pegler. Mycotaxon 56, 427-442. Chvostova, V., Nerud, F. & Homolka, L. (1995). Viability of wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes following cryogenic preservation. Folia Microbiologica 40, 193-197. Cullings, K. W., Szaro, T M. & Bruns, T D. (1996). Evolution of extreme specialization within a lineage of ectomycorrhizal epiparasites. Nature 379, 63-66. Desjardin, D. E., Martinezpeck, L. & Rajchenberg, M. (1995). An unusual psychrophilic aquatic agaric from Argentina. Mycologia 87, 547-550. Field, J. A, Boelsma, F., Baten, H. & Rulkens, W. H. (1995). Oxidation of anthracene in water/solvent mixtures by the white-rot fungus, Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 234-240. Field, J. A, Verhagen, F. J. M. & Dejong, E. (1995). Natural organohalogen production by basidiomycetes. Trends in Biotechnology 13, 451-456. Francomolano, A E. (1995). Observations on Rug050pora heinemann in the neotropics. Mycologia 87, 574-578. Gao, R. H., Sun, M. H. & Liu, X. Z. (1995). Daetylella clavata sp. nov., a hyphomycete from Xisha Islands, China. Mycotaxon 56, 191-195. Giralt, M. & Barbero, M. (1995). The saxicolous species of the genus Rinodina in the Iberian peninsula containing atranorin, pannarin or gyrophoric acid. Mycotaxon 56, 45-80. Gugliotta, A M. & Capelari, M. (1995). Polyporaceae from Ilha do Cardoso, SP. Brazil. Mycotaxon 56, 107-113. Hamelin, R. Beaulieu, J. & Plourde, A (1995). Genetic diversity in populations of Cronarlium ribicoia in plantations and natural stands of Pinus strobus. Theoretical & Applied Genetics 91, 1214-1221. Holker, U., Fakoussa, R. M. & Hofer, M. (1995). Growth substrates control the ability of Fusarium orysporum to solubilize low rank coal. Applied Microbi%gy & Biotechnology 44, 351-355. Itoh, K., Kitade, Y. & Yatome, C. (1996). A pathway for biodegradation of an anthraquinone dye, CI disperse red 15, by a yeast strain Pichia anomala. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 56, 413-418. Josephhorne, T., Hollomon, D., Manning, N. & Kelly, S. L. (1996). Investigation of the sterol composition and azole resistance in field isolates of Septoria tritici. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 184-190. Lange, B., Kremer, S., Sterner, O. & Anke, H. (1995). Induction of secondary metabolism by environmental pollutants - metabolization of pyrene and formation of 6,8-dihydroxy-3-methylisocoumarin by Crinipellis stipitaria ]K 364. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C-A journal of Biosciences 50, 806-812. Liu, P. G. (1995). Five new species of Agaricales from southern and southeastern Yunnan, China. Mycotaxon 56, 89-105. Marin, S., Sanchis, V. & Magan, N. (1995). Water activity, temperature, and pH effects on growth of Fusarium moni/iforme and Fusarium proliferatum isolates from maize. Canadian journal of Microbiology 41, 1063-1070. Matoub, M. & Rouland, C. (1995). Purification and properties of the xylanases from the termite Macrotermes bellicosus and its symbiotic fungus Termitomyces sp. Comparative Biochemislr!! and Physiology B-Biochemislr!! & Molecular Biology 112, 629-635. Oh, K. B., Matsuoka, H., ling, W., Yamamoto. A & Kurata, H. (1995). Transmission of the effect of an antifungal agent within a single hypha. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 44, 473-478. Benoitguyod, j. L., Steiman, R. & Seiglemurandi, F. Onochieokeke, B. (1996). Influence of environmental adaptation on the sensitivity of micromycetes to pentachlorophenol toxicity in microcosms. Microbiologica 19, 77-84. Ouellette, G. B., Methot, N., Chamberland, H., Cote, C. & Lafontaine, ]. G. (1995). Cytology of irregular growth forms of Ophiostoma ulmi and Ophiostoma novo-ulmi growing through Millipore filter membranes and sterilized elm wood sections. Canadian journal of Microbiology 41, 1095-1110. Rajchenberg, M. & Greslebin, A (1995). Cultural characters, compatibility tests and taxonomic remarks of selected polypores of the Patagonian Andes forests of Argentina. Mycotaxon 56, 325-346.
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SYSTEMA TICS & STRUCTURE, FORAY & CONSERVA TION Adler, K., Kruse, ). & Kunze, G. (1996). Slow-speed freezing of chemically unfixed biological tissues and long-term storage of frozen samples for cryoscanning electron microscopy. Microscopy Research & Technique 33, 262-265. Altes, A & Moreno, G. (1995). Tulostoma fimbriatum, the correct name for Tulostoma readerii. Mycotaxon 56, 421-425. Archer, A W., Elix, j. A & Streimann, H. (1995). The lichen genus Pertusaria (lichenised Ascomycotina) in Papua New Guinea. Mycotaxon 56, 387-401. Bandoni, R. j. (1995). Dimorphic heterobasidiomycetes - taxonomy and parasitism. Studies in Mycology 1995, 13-27. Blanz, P. & Doring, H. (1995). Taxonomic relationships in the genus Exobasidium (Basidiomycetes) based on ribosomal DNA analysis. Studies in Mycology 1995, 119-127. Boekhout, T & Fell, j. W. (1995). Heterobasidiomycetes - systematics and applications. Studies in Mycology 1995, 5-11. Boekhout, T., FelL j. W. & OdonnelL K. (1995). Molecular systematics of some yeast-like anamorphs belonging to the Ustilaginales and Tilletiales. Studies in Mycology 1995, 175-183. Boerema, G. H., Degruyter, j. & Noordeloos, M. E. (1995). New names in Phoma. Persoonia 16, 131. Bouznad, Z., Roquebert, M. F. & Benelmouffok, A (1995). Didymelia viciae sp. nov., teleomorph of Ascochyta viciae lib, pathogen of Vicia sativa in Algeria. Mycotaxon 56, 443-450. Brodo, I. M. (1995). lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. 1. Introduction and new records for Be. Canada and North-America. Mycotaxon 56, 135-173. Buyck, B. & Verbeken, A (1995). Studies in tropical African Lactllrius species. 2. Lactarius chromospermus Pegler. Mycotaxon 56, 427-442. Castro, M. L. & Freire, L. (1995). Gyroporus ammophilus, a new poisonous bolete from the Iberian Peninsula. Persoonia 16, 123-126. Chang, F. & Nurse, P. (1996). How fission yeast fission in the middle. Cell 84, 191-194. Desjarclin, D. E.. Martinezpeck, L. & Rajchenberg, M. (1995). An unusual psychrophilic aquatic agaric from Argentina. Mycologia 87, 547-550. Dickhauser, A, Lumbsch, H. T & Feige, G. B. (1995). A synopsis of the Lecanora subcarnea group. Mycotaxon 56, 303-323. Doolittle, R. F., Feng, D. F., Tsang, S., Cho, G. & Little, E. (1996). Determining divergence times of the major kingdoms of living organisms with a protein dock. Science 271, 470-477. Elix, j. A (1995). New species in the lichen family Parmeliaceae (Ascomycotina) from Australasia and Malaysia. Mycotaxon 56, 231-241. Farismokaiesh, S., Boccara, M., Denis, j. B., Derrien, A & Spire, D. (1996). Differentiation of the Ascochyta complex fungi of pea by biochemical and molecular markers. Current Genetics 29, 182-190. Farr, D. F. & Bills, G. F. (1995). Wojnowicia colluvium sp.nov. isolated from conifer litter. Myco/ogia 87, 518-524.
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