This listing covers the period October 1, 1996 through to. October 31, 1996. The last issue of one stop mycology contained an erratum: it covered the period ...
Mycol. Res. 101 (6) : 745–768 (1997)
Printed in Great Britain
One stop mycology
LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER MycoTech Ltd, The Campus Ventures Centre, Electrical Engineering Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, U.K.
This listing covers the period October 1, 1996 through to October 31, 1996. The last issue of one stop mycology contained an erratum : it covered the period September 1, 1996 to September 30, 1996 and not March 1, 1996 to April 30, 1996. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society’s Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available. BIOTECHNOLOGY Abalain, C., Buisson, D. & Azerad, R. (1996). Selective synthesis of 1carbomethoxy, and 3-carbomethoxy 2-tetralol stereoisomers by microbial reduction of the corresponding tetralones. Tetrahedron Asymmetry 7, 2983–2996. Albert, H. H. & Schenck, S. (1996). PCR amplification from a homolog of the bE mating-type gene as a sensitive assay for the presence of Ustilago scitaminea DNA. Plant Disease 80, 1189–1192. Ander, P., Daniel, G., Pettersson, B. & Westermark, U. (1996). Possible applications of cellobiose oxidizing and other flavine adenine dinucleotide enzymes in the pulp and paper industry. ACS Symposium Series 655, 297–307. Andrus, M. B. & Shih, T. L. (1996). Synthesis of tuckolide, a new cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor. Journal of Organic Chemistry 61, 8780–8785. Banks, J. N., Rizvi, R. H., Barker, I., Turner, J. A., Rahman, S. & Northway, B. J. (1996). Specific monoclonal antibodies to Fusarium species and Microdochium nivale. Food and Agricultural Immunology 8, 249–268. Bowen, J. K., Crowhurst, R. N., Templeton, M. D. & Stewart, A. (1996). Molecular markers for a Trichoderma harzianum biological control agent – introduction of the hygromycin B resistance gene and the β-glucuronidase gene by transformation. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 24, 219–228. Bruggemann, O., Meder, M. & Freitag, R. (1996). Analysis of amatoxins αamanitin and β-amanitin in toadstool extracts and body fluids by capillary zone electrophoresis with photodiode array detection. Journal of Chromatography A 744, 167–176. Chaturvedi, V., Bartiss, A. & Wong, B. (1997). Expression of bacterial mtlD in Saccharomyces cerevisiae results in mannitol synthesis and protects a glycerol-defective mutant from high-salt and oxidative stress. Journal of Bacteriology 179, 157–162. Christov, L. P., Akhtar, M. & Prior, B. A. (1996). Impact of xylanase and fungal pretreatment on alkali solubility and brightness of dissolving pulp. Holzforschung 50, 579–582. Claassen, V. P., Zasoski, R. J. & Tyler, B. M. (1996). A method for direct soil
extraction and PCR amplification of endomycorrhizal fungal DNA. Mycorrhiza 6, 447–450. Declerck, S., Strullu, D. G., Plenchette, C. & Guillemette, T. (1996). Entrapment of in vitro produced spores of Glomus versiforme in alginate beads – in vitro and in vivo inoculum potentials. Journal of Biotechnology 48, 51–57. Dias, E. S., Araujo, E. F., Guimaraes, W. V. & Muchovej, R. M. C. (1996). Production and regeneration of protoplasts from the mycorrhizal fungus Suillus granulatus. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 12, 625–628. Durand-Poussereau, N. & Fevre, M. (1996). Characterization of a protease deficient strain of Penicillium roqueforti generated by heterologous plasmid integration – potential use for protein production. Journal of Biotechnology 51, 97–105. Geisen, R. (1996). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction for the detection of potential aflatoxin and sterigmatocystin producing fungi. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 19, 388–392. Georgiou, C. D. (1996). An apparatus (Georgiou-Petri dish) for growing fungi and other microorganisms on liquid media in a petri dish. Biotechnic & Histochemistry 71, 295–297. Goncalves, M. L. F. C. & Steiner, W. (1996). Use of laccase for bleaching of pulps and treatment of effluents. ACS Symposium Series 655, 197–206. Harvey, P. H. & Ophelkeller, K. (1996). Quantification of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici in infected roots and soil using slot-blot hybridization. Mycological Research 100, 962–970. Hojsgaard, S. (1996). Learning structures from data and experts. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 42, 143–152. Huang, C. P. & Huang, C. P. (1996). Application of Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oryzae for Cu(II) removal. Water Research 30, 1985–1990. Jin, X., Taylor, A. G. & Harman, G. E. (1996). Development of media and automated liquid fermentation methods to produce desiccation-tolerant propagules of Trichoderma harzianum. Biological Control 7, 267–274. Johnson, S. M., Zimmermann, C. R. & Pappagianis, D. (1996). Use of a recombinant Coccidioides immitis complement fixation antigen chitinase in conventional serological assays. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 34, 3160–3164. Justen, P., Paul, G. C., Nienow, A. W. & Thomas, C. R. (1996). Dependence of mycelial morphology on impeller type and agitation intensity. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 52, 672–684. Kennedy, J. & Turner, G. (1996). ∆-(L-α-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase is a rate-limiting enzyme for penicillin production in Aspergillus nidulans. Molecular & General Genetics 253, 189–197. Lesage-Meessen, L., Delattre, M., Haon, M., Thibault, J. F., Ceccaldi, B. C., Brunerie, P. & Asther, M. (1996). A 2-step bioconversion process for vanillin production from ferulic acid combining Aspergillus niger and Pycnoporus cinnabarinus. Journal of Biotechnology 50, 107–113. Maliszewska, I. H. & Zboinska, E. M. (1996). Penicillium citrinum protoplasts – preparation, regeneration and lipolytic activity of regenerants. Acta Biotechnologica 16, 193–197.
One stop mycology Mason, A. B., Kardos, T. B., Perlin, D. S. & Monk, B. C. (1996). Functional complementation between transmembrane loops of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans plasma membrane. Biochimica et Biophysica ActaBiomembranes 1284, 181–190. Masoud, S. A., Zhu, Q., Lamb, C. & Dixon, R. A. (1996). Constitutive expression of an inducible β-1,3-glucanase in alfalfa reduces disease severity caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis, but does not reduce disease severity of chitin-containing fungi. Transgenic Research 5, 313–323. Mitsuru, I., Park, Y. S., Kosakai, Y. & Okabe, M. (1997). Application of mineral support on cephamycin C production in culture using soybean oil as the sole carbon source. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 53, 207–213. Oherrin, S. M., Kulkarni, S., Kenealy, W. R., Fechner, J. H., Sollinger, H., Schneck, J. P. & Burlingham, W. J. (1996). Expression of human recombinant β(2)-microglobulin by Aspergillus nidulans and its activity. Human Immunology 51, 63–72. Ralph, J. P., Graham, L. A. & Catcheside, D. E. A. (1996). Extracellular oxidases and the transformation of solubilized low-rank coal by wood-rot fungi. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 46, 226–232. Ridyard, C. H., Whittaker, R. A., Higgins, S. D., Roberts, S. M., Willets, A. J., Bailey, P. D. & Rosair, G. M. (1996). Site-selective oxidation of tricyclo[,7)]decane (adamantane) and some of its derivatives using fungi of the genus Absidia. Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 2 (9), 1811–1819. Roy, N. K., Nidiry, E. S. J., Vasu, K., Bedi, S., Lalljee, B. & Singh, B. (1996). Quantitative structure-activity relationship studies of O,O-bisaryl alkyl phosphonate fungicides by Hansch approach and principal component analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44, 3971–3976. Sun, Y., Li, Y. L., Yang, H., Bai, S. & Hu, Z. D. (1996). Characteristics of immobilized Rhizopus oryzae in polyurethane foam cubes. Biotechnology Techniques 10, 809–814. Thennarasu, S. & Nagaraj, R. (1996). Specific antimicrobial and hemolytic activities of 18-residue peptides derived from the amino terminal region of the toxin pardaxin. Protein Engineering 9, 1219–1224. van den Brink, H. J. M., van den Hondel, C. A. M. J. J. & van Gorcom, R. F. M. (1996). Optimization of the benzoate inducible benzoate p-hydroxylase cytochrome P450 enzyme system in Aspergillus niger. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 46, 360–364. van den Brink, H. J. M., van Nistelrooy, H. J. G. M., de Waard, M. A., van den Hondel, C. A. M. J. J. & van Gorcom, R. F. M. (1996). Increased resistance to 14 α-demethylase inhibitors (DMIs) in Aspergillus niger by coexpression of the Penicillium itulicum eburicol 14 α-demethylase (cyp51) and the A. niger cytochrome P450 reductase (cyrA) genes. Journal of Biotechnology 49, 13–18. van Gemeren, I. A., Beijersbergen, A., Musters, W., Gouka, R. J., van den Hondel, C. A. M. J. J. & Verrips, C. T. (1996). The effect of pre-sequences and pro-sequences and multicopy integration on heterologous expression of the Fusarium solani-pisi cutinase gene in Aspergillus awamori. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 45, 755–763. Walsh, O. M., Meegan, M. J., Prendergast, R. M. & Alnakib, T. (1996). Synthesis of 3-acetoxyazetidin-2-ones and 3-hydroxyazetidin-2-ones with antifungal and antibacterial activity. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 31, 989–1000. Yamaguchi, S., Takeuchi, K., Mase, T., Oikawa, K., McMullen, T., Derewenda, U., McElhaney, R. N., Kay, C. M. & Derewenda, Z. S. (1996). The consequences of engineering an extra disulfide bond in the Penicillium camembertii monoglyceride and diglyceride specific lipase. Protein Engineering 9, 789–795. Zadrazil, F., Kamra, D. N., Isikhuemhen, O. S., Schuchardt, F. & Flachowsky, G. (1996). Bioconversion of lignocellulose into ruminant feed with white rot fungi – review of work done at the PAL, Braunschweig. Journal of Applied Animal Research 10, 105–124. Zhang, Y. Z., Muramoto, K. & Yamauchi, F. (1996). Hydrolysis of soybean proteins by a vortex flow filtration membrane reactor with Aspergillus oryzae proteases. Journal of Food Science 61, 928–931.
ECOLOGY Acea, M. J. & Carballas, T. (1996). Microbial response to organic amendments in a forest soil. Bioresource Technology 57, 193–199.
746 Aggangan, N. S., Dell, B. & Malajczuk, N. (1996). Effects of soil pH on the ectomycorrhizal response of Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings. New Phytologist 134, 539–546. Allouc, J., Lecampion-Alsumard, T. & Tack, D. L. (1996). Bioerosion of magmatic rocks in a coastal environment – the example of the Cap Vert peninsula (Western Senegal). Geobios 29, 485–502. Ba, A. M. & Guissou, T. (1996). Rock phosphate and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza effects on growth and nutrient uptake of Faidherbia albida (Del.) seedlings in an alkaline sandy soil. Agroforestry Systems 34, 129–137. Baar, J. (1996). The ectomycorrhizal flora of primary and secondary stands of Pinus sylvestris in relation to soil conditions and ectomycorrhizal succession. Journal of Vegetation Science 7, 497–504. Baar, J. & Terbraak, C. J. F. (1996). Ectomycorrhizal sporocarp occurrence as affected by manipulation of litter and humus layers in Scots pine stands of different age. Applied Soil Ecology 4, 61–73. Barker, W. W. & Banfield, J. F. (1996). Biologically versus inorganically mediated weathering reactions – relationships between minerals and extracellular microbial polymers in lithobiontic communities. Chemical Geology 132, 55–69. Braunberger, P. G., Abbott, L. K. & Robson, A. D. (1997). Early vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in soil collected from an annual cloverbased pasture in a Mediterranean environment – soil-temperature and the timing of autumn rains. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 48, 103–110. Brown, A. M. & Bledsoe, C. (1996). Spatial and temporal dynamics of mycorrhizas in Jaumea carnosa, a tidal salt marsh halophyte. Journal of Ecology 84, 703–715. Buyer, J. S. & Kaufman, D. D. (1997). Microbial diversity in the rhizosphere of corn grown under conventional and low-input systems. Applied Soil Ecology 5, 21–27. Callot, G. & Jaillard, B. (1996). Effect of structural characteristics of subsoil on the fruiting of Tuber melanosporum and other mycorrhizal fungi. Agronomie 16, 405–419. Corbett, E. A., Anderson, R. C. & Rodgers, C. S. (1996). Prairie revegetation of a strip mine in Illinois : fifteen years after establishment. Restoration Ecology 4, 346–354. Devevre, O., Garbaye, J. & Botton, B. (1996). Release of complexing organic acids by rhizosphere fungi as a factor in Norway spruce yellowing in acidic soils. Mycological Research 100, 1367–1374. Eldridge, D. J. (1996). Distribution and floristics of terricolous lichens in soil crusts in arid and semi-arid New South Wales, Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 44, 581–599. Grayston, S. J. & Campbell, C. D. (1996). Functional biodiversity of microbial communities in the rhizospheres of hybrid larch (Larix eurolepis) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). Tree Physiology 16, 1031–1038. Harris, P. M. (1996). Competitive equivalence in a community of lichens on rock. Oecologia 108, 663–668. Hart, M. R. & Brookes, P. C. (1996). Effects of 2 ergosterol-inhibiting fungicides on soil, ergosterol and microbial biomass. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 28, 885–892. Henderson, A. (1996). Literature on air pollution and lichens. 44. Lichenologist 28, 603–612. Hiroki, M. & Watanabe, M. M. (1996). Microbial community and rate of cellulose decomposition in peat soils in a mire. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 42, 893–903. Hodge, A. (1996). Impact of elevated CO on mycorrhizal associations and # implications for plant growth. Biology and Fertility of Soils 23, 388–398. Hoper, H. & Alabouvette, C. (1996). Importance of physical and chemical soil properties in the suppressiveness of soils to plant diseases. European Journal of Soil Biology 32, 41–58. Horner, I. J. & Wilcox, W. F. (1996). Temporal changes in activity and dormant spore populations of Phytophthora cactorum in New York apple orchard soils. Phytopathology 86, 1133–1139. Karen, O. & Nylund, J. E. (1996). Effects of N-free fertilization on ectomycorrhiza community structure in Norway spruce stands in southern Sweden. Plant and Soil 181, 295–305. Kayang, H., Sharma, G. D. & Mishra, R. R. (1996). The influence of isopod grazing on microbial dynamics in decomposing leaf litter of Alnus nepalensis Don,D. European Journal of Soil Biology 32, 35–39. Kiefer, P., Prohl, G., Muller, H., Lindner, G., Drissner, J. & Zibold, G. (1996).
Lilyann Novak Frazer Factors affecting the transfer of radiocesium from soil to roe deer in forest ecosystems of southern Germany. Science of the Total Environment 192, 49–61. Klepzig, K. D., Smalley, E. B. & Raffa, K. F. (1996). Interactions of ecologically similar saprogenic fungi with healthy and abiotically stressed conifers. Forest Ecology and Management 86, 163–169. Koch, J. & Petersen, K. R. L. (1996). A check list of higher marine fungi on wood from Danish coasts. Mycotaxon 60, 397–414. Krapfenbauer, A., Holtermann, C. & Wriessnig, K. (1996). The role of mycorrhizal fungi in forestry and agriculture. Bodenkultur 47, 141–146. Kropp, B. R. & Albee, S. (1996). The effects of silvicultural treatments on occurrence of mycorrhizal sporocarps in a Pinus contorta forest : a preliminary study. Biological Conservation 78, 313–318. Lima, J. A., Nahas, E. & Gomes, A. C. (1996). Microbial populations and activities in sewage-sludge and phosphate fertilizer-amended soil. Applied Soil Ecology 4, 75–82. Lipscomb, D. (1996). A survey of microbial diversity. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 83, 551–561. Loppi, S. & DeDominicis, V. (1996). Lichens as long-term biomonitors of air quality in central Italy. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45, 563–570. Loth, F. G. (1996). Abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores at different native sites in dependence on sewage-sludge applications. Bodenkultur 47, 89–96. Marshall, W. A. (1996). Aerial dispersal of lichen soredia in the maritime antarctic. New Phytologist 134, 523–530. Newell, S. Y. (1996). Established and potential impacts of eukaryotic mycelial decomposers in marine}terrestrial ecotones. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 200, 187–206. Newell, S. Y., Arsuffi, T. L. & Palm, L. A. (1996). Misting and nitrogen fertilization of shoots of a salt marsh grass – effects upon fungal decay of leaf blades. Oecologia 108, 495–502. Nunez, M. (1996). Fructification of Polyporaceae S-L (Basidiomycotina) along a gradient of altitude and humidity in the Guanacaste conservation area (Costa Rica). Journal of Tropical Ecology 12, 893–898. Nurlaeny, N., Marschner, H. & George, E. (1996). Effects of liming and mycorrhizal colonization on soil phosphate depletion and phosphate uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) grown in 2 tropical acid soils. Plant and Soil 181, 275–285. Olsson, P. A., Chalet, M., Baath, E., Finlay, R. D. & Soderstrom, B. (1996). Ectomycorrhizal mycelia reduce bacterial activity in a sandy soil. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 21, 77–86. Parat, S., Fricker-Hidalgo, H., Perdrix, A., Bemer, D., Pelissier, N. & Grillot, R. (1996). Airborne fungal contamination in air conditioning systems – effect of filtering and humidifying devices. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 57, 996–1001. Parat, S., Perdrix, A., Fricker-Hidalgo, H., Saude, I., Grillot, R. & Baconnier, P. (1997). Multivariate analysis comparing microbial air content of an airconditioned building and a naturally ventilated building over one year. Atmospheric Environment 31, 441–449. Persmark, L., Banck, A. & Jansson, H. B. (1996). Population dynamics of nematophagous fungi and nematodes in an arable soil – vertical and seasonal fluctuations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 28, 1005–1014. Peters, J. C. & Shaw, M. W. (1996). Effect of artificial exclusion and augmentation of fungal plant pathogens on a regenerating grassland. New Phytologist 134, 295–307. Piervittori, R., Salvadori, O. & Laccisaglia, A. (1996). Literature on lichens and biodeterioration of stonework. 2. Lichenologist 28, 471–483. Polishook, J. D., Bills, G. F. & Lodge, D. J. (1996). Microfungi from decaying leaves of two rain forest trees in Puerto Rico. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 17, 284–294. Purvis, O. W. & Halls, C. (1996). A review of lichens in metal-enriched environments. Lichenologist 28, 571–601. Raviraja, N. S., Sridhar, K. R. & Barlocher, F. (1996). Breakdown of introduced and native leaves in two Indian streams. Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie 81, 529–539. Reddell, P., Hopkins, M. S. & Graham, A. W. (1996). Functional association between apogeotropic aerial roots, mycorrhizas and paper-barked stems in a lowland tropical rain forest in north Queensland. Journal of Tropical Ecology 12, 763–777. Reddy, P. R. P., Reddy, P. J. M. & Manoharachary, C. (1996). Colonization of
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One stop mycology Yevdokimova, G. A. & Mozgova, N. P. (1996). Microflora of tundra soils in the Kola Peninsula. Eurasian Soil Science 28, 188–203.
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