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One stop mycology. LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER AND DAVID MOORE. School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchester, ...
Mycol. Res. 99 (9): II39-II52 (1995)


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One stop mycology

LIL Y ANN NOVAK FRAZER AND DAVID MOORE School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PT, U.K.

This is the first part of our listing which covers the period March 1, 1995 through March 31, 1995. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.

BIOTECHNOLOGY Weil, Miramonti & Ladisch (1995a) summarised the mode of action and biosynthetic pathway of cephalosporin C. In their next article (Weil, Miramonti & Ladisch, 1995b) they addressed the fact that its biosynthesis by Cephalosporium acremonium hinges on the rate-limiting enzyme deacetoxycephalosporin synthase (DAOCS) and that recombinant technology (insertion of an extra copy of the DAOCS gene) has allowed for increased production. Alfatafta, A A, Gloer, J. B., Scott, J. A & Malloch, D. (1994). Apiosporamide, a new antifungal agent from the coprophilous fungus Apiospora montagnei. Journal of Natural Products - Lloydia 57, 1696-1702. Brown, L Hardwick, L. J. & Wright, A F. (1995). A simple method for rapid isolation of microsatellites from yeast artificial chromosomes. Molecular and Cellular Probes 9, 53-57. Collier, R. H. (1995). Pesticide formulations: fungicides and rodenticides. Journal of AOAC International 78, 120-121. Cookson, L. J. (1995). Reliability of poly B-4II, a polymeric anthraquinonebased dye, in determining the rot type caused by wood-inhabiting fungi. Applied and EnvirO>lmental Microbiology 61, 801-803. Easton, C. )., Hughes, C. M. M., Tiekmk, E. R. T., Savage, G. P. & Simpson, G. W. (1995). Aryl nitrile oxide cycloaddition reactions in the presence of baker's yeast and [3-cyclodextrin. Tetrahedron Letters 36, 629--632. Ghaly, A E. & Benhassan, R. M. (1995). Kinetics of batch production of single-cell protein from cheese whey. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 50, 79-92. Gilbert. S. C. van Urk, H. Greenfield, A )., McAvoy. M. J.. Denton, K. A, Coghlan, D., lones, G. D. & Mead, D. J. (1994). Increase in copy number of an integrated vector during continuous culture of Hansenula polymorpha expressing functional human haemoglobin. Yeast 10, 1569-1580. Heim, L Takabayashi, K., Meyhack, B., Marki, W. & Pohlig, G. (1994). Cterminal proteolytic degradation of recombinant desulfato-hirudin and its mutants in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. European Journal of Biochemistry 226, 341-353.

Hottiger, T., Kuhla, J., Pohlig, G., Furst, P" Spielmann, A, Gam, M., Haemmerli, S. & Heim, J. (1995). 2).lm Vectors containing the Saccharomyces cerevisiae metallothionein gene as a selectable marker. Excellent stability in complex media, and high-level expression of a recombinant protein from a CUPl-promoter-controlled expression cassette in cis. Yeast 11, 1-14. Imai, Y, Ishikawa, K., Ayo, R. D., Suzuki, M., Matsumura, M. & Kataoka, H. (1995). Repression of mycelia extension from a support carrier containing immobilized growing Aspergillus oryzae. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 79-82. jiang, Y., Breslav, M" Khare, R. K., McKinney, A, Becker, J. M. & Naider, F. (1995). Synthesis of a-factor analogues containing photoactivatable and labeling groups. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research 45, 106--II5. Katagiri, N., Tsutsumi, Y & Nishida, T. (1995). Correlation of brightening with cumulative enzyme activity related to lignin biodegradation during biobleaching of kraft pulp by white rot fungi in the solid-state fermentation system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 617--622. Kawai, Y, Hida, K., Nakamura, K. & Ohno, A (1995). Introduction of plural asymmetric centers by a beta-keto ester reductase from baker's yeast. Tetrahedron Letters 36, 591-592. Klaffke, W. (1995). Synthesis of GDP-3-acetamido-3-deoxy-a-D-mannose and GDP-3-azido-3-deoxy-a-D-mannose. Carbohydrate Research 266, 285-292. Kurzweilova, H. & Sigler, K. (1995). Comparison of three different methods for determining yeast killer toxin Kl activity and standardisation of units. Erperientia 51, 26--28. Kyogoku, Y & Ouchi, K. (1995). Isolation of a cold-sensitive fermentation mutant of a baker's yeast strain and its use in a refrigerated dough process. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 639--642. Madrid, Y, Cabrera, C, Perez-Corona, T. & Camara, C (1995). Speciation of methylmercury and Hg(II) using baker's yeast biomass (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Determination by continuous flow mercury cold vapor generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 67, 750-754. Mizuno, R., Kawahara, N., Nozawa, K" Yamazaki, M., Nakajima, S. & Kawai, K. (1995). Stereochemistry of an 18,22-cyclosterol, Mer-NF8054X, from Emericella heterothallica and Aspergillus ustus. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 43, 9-II. Muller, A, Mayberry, W., Acuff, R., Thedford, S., Browder, W. & Williams, D. (1994). Lipid content of microparticulate (1- > 3)-[3-D-glucan isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbios 79, 253-261. Ni, X. W" Gao, S. W. & Pritchard, D. W. (1995). Study of mass transfer in yeast in a pulsed baffled bioreactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 45, 165-175. Nielsen, J., Johansen, C L., Jacobsen, M., Krabben, P. & Villadsen, J. (1995). Pellet formation and fragmentation in submerged cultures of Penicillium

One stop mycology chrysogenum and its relation to penicillin production. Biotechnology Progress 11,93-98.

Ogata, T, Okumura, Y., Iimura, Y. & Obata, T. (1995). Development of an integrative DNA transformation system for the yeast Hansenula anomala. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 1-5. Pal, M. & Biswas, B. B. (1995). Expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana 2S albumin gene 3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene 153, 175-178. Piredda, S. & Gaillardin, C (1994). Development of a transformation system for the yeast Yamadazyma (Pichia) ohmeri. Yeast 10, 1601-1612. Ragsdale, N. N. (1994). Fungicides, In Encyclopedia of Agricltltural Science, (ed. C J, Arntzen), pp. 445-453. Academic Press, Inc.: San Diego. Siimes, T, Linko, P., von Numers, C, Nakajima, M. & Endo, L (1995). Realtime fuzzy-knowledge-based control of baker's yeast production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 45, 135-143. Tinao-Wooldridge, L. V., Hsiang, B. C H., Latifi, TN., Ferrendelli, J. A & Covey, D, F. (1995). Partial structures of the fungal toxin aflatrem, methylsubstituted 6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-2-ones have anticonvulsant activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 5, 265-270. Tsiomenko, A B., Tuimetova, G. P., Eldarov, M. A, Korolev, S. V., Skryabin, K. G, & Kulaev, L S. (1994). Prosegment of yeast a-factor directs a heterologous protein (human growth hormone) to the culture medium of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemistry - Moscow 59, 1247-1256. WeiL L Miramonti, J. & Ladisch, M, R. (1995a). Biosynthesis of cephalosporin C: regulation and recombinant technology. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 17, 88-90. Wei\' J., Miramonti, J. & Ladisch, M. R. (1995b). Cephalosporin C: mode of action and biosynthetic pathway. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 17, 85-87. Xue, G. P., Denman, S. E., Glassop, D., Johnson, J. S., Dierens, L. M., Gobius, K. S. & Aylward, J. H. (1995). Modification ofaxylanase eDNA isolated from an anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum for high-level expression in Escherichia coli. Journal of Biotechnology 38, 269-277. Zap£. S" Werle, A, Anke, T.. Klostermeyer, D .. Steffan, B. & Steglich, W. (1995). 9-Methoxystrobilurins - a link between strobilurins and oudemansins. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition in English 34,196-198. Zhang, D. L. & Poulter, CD. (1995). Biosynthesis of non-head-to-tail isoprenoids. Synthesis of 1'-1 and 1'-3 structures by recombinant yeast squalene synthase. Journal of the American Chemical Society 117,1641-1642.

1140 fungal communities in crop production systems. Plant and Soil 170, 131-140. janzen, R. A, Dormaar, j. F. & McGilL W. B. (1995). A community-level concept of controls on decomposition processes: decomposition of barley straw by Phanerochaete chrysosporiltm or Phlebia radiata in pure or mixed culture. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 27, 173-179. Klironomos, j. N. & Kendrick B. (1995). Relationships among microarthropods, fungi, and their environment. Plant and Soil 170, 183-197. Nielsen, B. B.. Zhu, W. Y, Trinci, A P. j. & Theodorou, M. K. (1995). Demonstration of zoosporangia of anaerobic fungi on plant residues recovered from faeces of cattle. Mycological Research 99, 471-474. Parker, S. K., Gleason, M. L. & Nutter, F. W. (1995). Influence of rain events on spatial-distribution of Septoria leaf spot of tomato. Plant Disease 79, 148-152. Pietikainen, j. & Fritze, H. (1995). Clear-cutting and prescribed burning in coniferous forest: comparison of effects on soil fungal and total microbial biomass, respiration activity and nitrification. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 27, 101-109. Rothrock C. S., Kirkpatrick T L., Frans, R. E. & Scott, H. D. (1995). The influence of winter legume cover crops on soilborne plant pathogens and cotton seedling diseases. Plant Disease 79, 167-171. Rupe, j. C. & Gbur, E. E. (1995). Effect of plant age, maturity group, and the environment on disease progress of sudden-death syndrome of soybean. Plant Disease 79, 139-143. Sumner, D. R., Dowler, C. c.. johnson, A W. & Baker, S. H. (1995). Conservation tillage and seedling diseases in cotton and soybean doublecropped with triticale. Plant Disease 79, 372-375. Toyota, K., Kitamura, M. & Kimura, M. (1995). Suppression of Fusariltm oxysporum f. sp. raphani PEG-4 in soil following colonization by other Fusarium spp. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 27, 41-46. Wallander, H. (1995). A new hypothesis to explain allocation of dry matter between mycorrhizal fungi and pine seedlings in relation to nutrient supply. Plant and Soil 169, 243-248. Weissenhorn, I., Mench, M. & Leyva\' C (1995). Bioavailability of heavy metals and arbuscular mycorrhiza in a sewage-sludge-amended sandy soiL Soil Biology & Biochemistry 27, 287-296. Wheeler, T A & Rowe, R. C. (1995). Influence of soil characteristics and assay techniques on quantification of Verticillium dahliae in Ohio soils. Plant Disease 79, 29-34.



Alagely, A K. & Reeves, F. B. (1995). Inland sand dune mycorrhizae: effects of soil depth, moisture, and pH on colonization of Oryzopsis hymenoides. Mycologia 87, 54-60. Allen, E. B., Allen, M. F., Helm, D. L Trappe, J. M., Molina, R. & Rincon, E. (1995). Patterns and regulation of mycorrhizal plant and fungal diversity. Plant and Soil 170, 47-62. Bermingham, S., Maltby, L. & Cooke, R. C (1995). A critical assessment of the validity of ergosterol as an indicator of fungal biomass. Mycological Research 99, 479-484. Bowen, K. L., Young, B. & Behe, B. K. (1995). Management of blackspot of rose in the landscape in Alabama. Plant Disease 79, 250-253. Bruns, T D. (1995). Thoughts on the processes that maintain local speciesdiversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Plant and Soil 170, 63-73. Chacon, S. & Guzman, G. (1995). Observations on the phenology of 10 fungal species in the subtropical forests at Xalapa, Mexico. Mycological Research 99,54-56. Falk S. P. & Parbery, D. G. (1995). ArmIllaria luteobltbalina population structure In horticultural plantings in Victoria, Australia. Mycological Research 99, 216-220. Fulling, B. A, Tigchelaar, E. C & Latin, R. (1995). Integration of host resistance and weather-based fungicide scheduling for control of anthracnose of tomato fruit. Plant Disease 79, 228-233. Hardy, G. E. S. & Sivasithamparam, K. (1995). Antagonism of fungi and actinomycetes isolated from composted Eucalyptlts bark to Phytophthora drechsleri in a steamed and nonsteamed composted Eucalyptus barkamended container medium. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 27, 243-246. Hendrix, J. W., Guo, B. Z. & An, Z. Q. (1995). Divergence of mycorrhizal

Ali, M. S. & Saikia, U. N. (1995). A new species of Septocyta from India. Mycological Research 99, 166. Arambarri, AM. & Cabello, M. N. (1995). Menispora gamundiae sp. nov., a new hyphomycete from Argentina (Buenos Aires province). Mycological Research 99, 377-378. Banares, A, Beltran, E. & Rodriguez, j. L. (1994). Mycological study of the MAB reserve El Canal y Los Tiles (La Palma, Canary Islands). 3. Agaricomycetidae. 2. Cryptogamie Mycologie IS, 1-20. Blaszkowski, j. (1995). Acaulospora koskei, a new species in Glomales from Poland. Mycological Research 99, 237-240. Budathoki, U, & Singh, S. K. (1995). 3 new species of Pseudocercospora from the Nepal Himalaya. Mycological Research 99, 230--232. Checa, L Blanco, M. N. & Barrasa, J. M. (1994). Study of some pyrenomycetes sensu lato from Menorca. Cryptogamie Mycologie IS, 125-132. Chen, j. L. & Tzean, S. S. (1995). A new species of Ardhachandra from Taiwan. Mycological Research 99, 364-366. Donnelly, P. K. & Fletcher, j. S. (1995). PCB metabolism by eetomycorrhizal fungi. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 54, 507-513. Field, J. A, Starns, A j. M., Kato, M. & Schraa, G. (1995). Enhanced biodegradation of aromatic pollutants in cocultures of anaerobic and aerobic bacterial consortia. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek InternatIOnal Journal of General and Molecular MicrobIOlogy 67, 47-77. Gra£' F. & Schumacher, T (1995). Sclerotinia glacialis sp. nov., from the alpine zone of Switzerland. Mycological Research 99,113-117. Hamamoto, M. & Nakase, T (1995). Ballistosporous yeasts found on the surface of plant materials collected in New Zealand. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and MolemIar Microbiology 67, 151-171.

Lilyann Novak Frazer and D. Moore Heykoop, M., Estevera-Ventos, F. & Moreno, G. (1994). Few interesting Agaricales from the province of Guadalajara (Iberian peninsula). 2. Cryptogamie Mycologie 15, 39-56. Hsieh, S. Yoo Chang, H. S., Jones, E. B. G., Read, S. J. & Moss, S. T. (1995). Halosarpheia aquadulcis sp. nov., a new lignicolous, freshwater ascomycete from Taiwan. Mycological Research 99, 49-53. Jwanny, E. W., Rashad, M. M. & Abdu, H. M. (1995). Solid-state fermentation of agricultural wastes into food through Pleurotus cultivation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 50, 71-78. Manimohan, P. & Leelavathy, K. M. (1995). A new variety of Lentinus caespiticola from southern India. Mycological Research 99, 451-452. Mehna, A, Bajpai, P. & Bajpai, P. K. (1995). Studies on decolorization of effluent from a small pulp mill utilizing agriresidues with Trametes versicolor. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 17, 18-22. Moreno, G., Arenal, F. & Gonzalez, V. (1994). Agaricales growing on shores from peninsular Spain. Cryptogamie Mycologie 15, 239--254. Moreno, G., Estevera-Ventos, F. & Ortega, A (1994). Mycological study in the natural park of the Alcornocales (Andalusia, Spain). 1. Agaricales. Cryptogamie Mycologie 15, 153-174. Moreno, G., Horak E. & Lago, M. (1994). Descolea maculata Bougher (Agaricales), 1st report in Europe. Cryptogamie Mycologie 15, 255-261. Mouchacca, J. & Zucconi, L. (1994). Fungi of New Caledonia. 3. Some interesting dematiaceous hyphomycetes from leaf litter. Cryptogamie Mycologie 15, 27-38. Pearce, C. A & Hyde, K. D. (1994). The genus Phyllachora from Australia: 2 new taxa, P. velalispora var. velatispora and P. velatispora var. hillianae, on Grevillea and notes on P. grevilleae. Mycological Research 98, 1402-1408. Srivastava, Noo Srivastava, A K. & Kamal (1995). New hyphopodiate hyphomycetes from North-Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Mycological Research 99, 395-396.

GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION In this sedion three papers deal with genes which encode very different proteins. Fischer & Timberlake (1995) identified apsA which encodes a putative 183 kD protein required for nuclear migration during asexual budding in Aspergillus nidulans, a process which 'could represent a developmental checkpoint' during conidiogenesis. Huang, Flaishmann & Kolattukudy (1995) discovered cap20 which encodes a putative 183 amino acid polypeptide involved in Colletofrichum gloeosporioides pathogenesis. Although cap20-disrupted mutants still form appressoria, there is no infedion. Finally, Kondoh et al. (1995) identified a cDNA speCific to fruiting bodies of Lenfinus edodes. The gene encodes a putative 235 kD protein which contains an RGD motif and might have cell adhesion/attachment fundion during fruiting. Alagramam, Koo Naider, F. & Becker, J. M. (1995). A recognition component of the ubiquitin system is required for peptide transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Microbiology 15, 225-234. Alani, Eoo Chi, N. W. & Kolodner, R. (1995). The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Msh2 protein specifically binds to duplex oligonucleotides containing mismatched DNA base pairs and insertions. Genes & Development 9, 234-247. Allshire, R. Nimmo, E. R., Ekwall, K., Javerzat, J. P. & Cranston, G. (1995). Mutations derepressing silent centromeric domains in fission yeast disrupt chromosome segregation. GOleS & Det'elopment 9, 218-233. Anderson. M. S.. Kanipes, M. I., Jackson, J. Yates, J.. Henry. S. A & Lopes. J. M. (1995). Physical map locations of the phospholipid biosynthetic structural and regulatory genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 11, 187-190. Arkinstall, S., Payton, M. & Maundrell, K. (1995). Activation of phospholipase C gamma in Schizosaccharomyces pombe by coexpression of receptor or nonreceptor tyrosine kinases. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 1431-1438. Arques, D. Goo Lapayre, J. c. & Michel, C. J. (1995). Identification and



1141 simulation of shifted periodicities common to protein coding genes of eukaryotes, prokaryotes and viruses. Journal of Theoretical Biology 172, 279-291. Ashburner, B. P. & Lopes,). M. (1995). Autoregulated expression of the yeast IN02 and IN04 helix-loop-helix activator genes effects cooperative regulation on their target genes. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 1709-1715. Bach, M. L., Roelants, F., DeMontigny, J., Huang, M., Potier, S. & Souciet, J. L. (1995). Recovery of gene function by gene duplication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 11, 169-177. Ball, L. J., Diakun, G. P., Gadhavi, P. L., Young, N. A, Armstrong, E. M., Garner, C. D. & Laue, E. D. (1995). Zinc co-ordination in the DNA-binding domain of the yeast transcriptional activator PPR1. FEBS Letters 358, 278-282. Bonnefoy, N., Copsey, J., Hynes, M. J. & Davis, M. A (1995). Yeast proteins can activate expression through regulatory sequences of the amdS gene of Aspergillus nidulans. Molecular & General Genetics 246, 223-227. Bryan, G. T., Daniels, M. J. & Osbourn, A E. (1995). Comparison of fungi within the Gaeumannomyces-Phialophora complex by analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 681-689. Buck S. W. & Shore, D. (1995). Action of a RAP1 carboxy-terminal silencing domain reveals an underlying competition between HMR and telomeres in yeast. Genes & Development 9, 370-384. Bunyard, B. A, Nicholson, M. S. & Royse, D. J. (1994). A systematic assessment of Morchella using RFLP analysis of the 28S ribosomal RNA gene. Mycologia 86, 762-772. Cary, J. Woo Brown, R., Cleveland, T. Eoo Whitehead, M. & Dean, R. A (1995). Cloning and characterization of a novel polygalacturonase-encoding gene from Aspergillus parasilicus. Gene 153, 129-133. Cavalier-Smith, T., Allsopp, M. T. E. P. & Chao, E. E. (1994). Thraustochytrids are chromists, not fungi, 18s rRNA signatures of Heterokonta. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 346, 387-397. Chiu, S. W., Chen, M. J. & Chang, S. T. (1995). Differentiating homothallic Volvariella mushrooms by RFLPs and AP-PCR. Mycological Research 99, 333-336. Chrzavzez, E. & Aufrere, R. (1995). Phylogenetic study of genus Zygosaccharomyces. Cryptogamie Mycologie 16, 37-45. Cisar, C. R. (1994). Sequence similarity of mating-type idiomorphs. A method which detects similarity among the Sordariaceae fails to detect similar sequences in other filamentous ascomycetes (Vol 86, pg 540, 1994). Mycologia 86, 866. Coster, F., van Dyck, L., Jonniaux, J. L., Purnelle, B. & Goffeau, A (1995). The sequence of a 13 center dot 5 kb DNA segment from the left arm of yeast chromosome XIV reveals MERl, RAPl: a new putative member of the DNA replication complex and a new putative serine/threonine phosphatase gene. Yeast 11, 85-91. Crowhurst, R. N., King, F. Y, Hawthorne, B. T., Sanderson, F. R. & ChoiPheng, Y (1995). RAPD characterization of Fusarium oxysporum associated with wilt of angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) in Singapore. Mycological Research 99, 14-18. Dahlkvist, A, Kantersmoler, G. & Sunnerhagen, P. (1995). The RCK1 and RCK2 protein kinase genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae suppress cell cycle checkpoint mutations in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Molecular & General Genetics 246, 316---326. Danaie, poo Wittmer, B., Altmann, M. & Trachsel. H. (1995). Isolation of a protein complex containing translation initiation factor Prt1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 4288-4292. Dardalhon, M. & Averbeck, D. (1995). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis of the repair of psoralen plus UVA induced DNA photoadducts in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutation Research - DNA Repair 336, 49-6iJ. Deckert, )., Perini, R., Balasubramanian, B. & Zitomer, R. S. (1995). Multiple elements and auto-repreSSion regulate ROXl, a repressor of hypoxic genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 139, 1149--1158. Demeter,)., Morphew, M. & Sazer, S. (1995). A mutation in the RCC1-related protein pim1 results in nuclear envelope fragmentation in fission yeast. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 92, 1436---1440. Deshaies, R. J. & Kirschner, M. (1995). G 1 cyclin-dependent activation of p34cDC28 (Cdc28p) in vitro. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.SA. 92, 1182-1186.

One stop mycology Dien, B. S., Peterson, M. S. & Srienc, F. (1994). Cell-cycle analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In Methods in Cell Biology, Vol 42, (ed. Z. Darzynkiewicz, j. P. Robinson & H. A Crissman), pp. 457-475. Academic Press Inc: San Diego. Drysdale, eM., Duenas, E., jackson, B. M" Reusser, U" Braus, G. H. & Hinnebusch, A G. (1995). The transcriptional activator GCN4 contains multiple activation domains that are critically dependent on hydrophobic amino acids. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 1220-1233. Ekena, K. & Stevens, T H. (1995). The Saccharomyces cerevisiae MVP1 gene interacts with VPS1 and is required for vacuolar protein sorting. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 1671-1678. Elmer, W. H. (1995). A single mating population of Gibberella fujikuroi (Fusarium proliferatum) predominates in asparagus fields in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Michigan. Mycologia 87, 68-71. Erickson, F. L. & Hannig, E. M. (1995). Characterization of Schizosaccharomyces pombe hisl and his5 cDNAs. Yeast 11, 157-167. Espinet, C, De la Torre, M. A, Aldea, M. & Herrero, E. (1995). An efficient method to isolate yeast genes causing overexpression-mediated growth arrest. Yeast 11, 25-32. Fabre, j. V" julien, j., Parisot, D. & Dron, M. (1995). Analysis of diverse isolates of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum infecting common bean using molecular markers. Mycological Research 99, 429-435. Fan, Q. Q., Xu, F. & Petes, T D. (1995). Meiosis-specific double-strand DNA breaks at the HIS4 recombination hot spot in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: control in cis and trans. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 1679-1688. Fischer, R. & Timberlake, W. E. (1995). Aspergillus nidulans apsA (anucleate primary sterigmata) encodes a coiled-coil protein required for nuclear positioning and completion of asexual development. Journal of Cell Biology 128, 485-498. Fishkind, D. j. & Wang, Y L. (1995). New horizons for cytokinesis. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 7, 23-31. Ford, E. L Miller, R. V., Gray, H. & Sherwood, ). E. (1995). Heterokaryon formation and vegetative compatibility in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Mycological Research 99, 241-247. Freeman, S. & Rodriguez, R. j. (1995). Differentiation of Colletotrichum species responsible for anthracnose of strawberry by arbitrarily primed PCR. Mycological Research 99, 501-504. Freirepicos, M. A, Hollenberg, C P., Breunig, K. D. & Cerdan, M. E. (1995). Regulation of cytochrome c expression in the aerobic respiratory yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. FEBS Letters 360, 39-42. Friedberg, E. C, Bardwell, A L Bardwell, L., Feaver, W. j., Kornberg, R. D., Svejstrup, j. Q., Tomkinson, A E. & Wang, Z. G. (1995). Nucleotide excision repair in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its relationship to specialized mitotic recombination and RNA polymerase II basal transcription. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences 347, 63-68. Gargas, A, DePriest, P. T & Taylor, j. W. (1995). Positions of multiple insertions in SSU rDNA of lichen-forming fungi. Molecular Biology and Evolution 12, 208-218. Gerlach, V. L., Whitehall, S. K., Geiduschek, E. P. & Brow, D. A (1995). TFIIIB placement on a yeast U6 RNA gene in vivo is directed primarily by TFIIIC rather than by sequence-specific DNA contacts. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 1455-1466. Giot, L., Simon, M., Dubois, C & Faye, G. (1995). Suppressors of thermosensitive mutations in the DNA polymerase delta gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular & General Gmetics 246, 212-222. Goldman, G. H. & Morris. N. R. (1995). Extragenic suppressors of a dynein mutation that blocks nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans. Gmetics 139, 1223-1232. Goodson, H. V. & Spudich, ). A (1995). Identification and molecular characterization of a yeast myosin I. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 30, 73-84. Hecht, A, Laroche, T., Strahl-Bolsinger, S., Gasser, S, M. & Grunstein, M. (1995). Histone H3 and H4 N-termini interact with SIR3 and SIR4 proteins: a molecular model for the formation of heterochromatin in yeast. Cell 80, 583-592. Hennebert. G. L., Pascal. S. & Cosyns. M. (1994). Incompatibility interactions between homocaryons of the bifactorial basidiomycete Lenzites betulinus : a sexual repulsive pheromone. Cryptogamie MycologJe 15. 83-116.

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