One stop mycology. LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER AND DAVID MOORE. School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Sfopford Building, The University of Manchesfer, ...
Mycol. Res. 9 9 (1): 118-126 (1995) Printed in Great Britain
One stop mycology
LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER A N D DAVID MOORE School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Sfopford Building, The University of Manchesfer, Manchesfer M 1 3 9PT, U.K.
This listing covers the period July 26, 1994 through to August 31, 1994 of our literature scanning of other journals. As usual, the citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees.
BIOTECHNOLOGY There is a growing need to h d biocidal substances which have antifungal properties. A variety of organisms, particularly bacteria, are being surveyed in search of these compounds. Lebbadi e f al. (1994) describe a narrow spectrum antifungal peptide from Bacillus licheniformis which not only inhibits germination of Sporofhrix schenkii but arrests exponential growth without side effects to HeLa and MDCK cells. Andersen, R. A., Hamilton-Kemp, T. R., Hildebrand, D. F., McCracken, C. T., Collins, R. W. & Fleming, P. D. (1994). Structure-antifungal activity relationships among volatile C-6 and C-9 aliphatic aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols. ]ournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 42, 1563-1568. Avdagic, A,, Cotarca, L., Ruzic, K. S., Gelo, M. & Sunjic, V. (1994). An efficient chemoenzymatic synthesis of S-(-)-fenpropimorph. Biocatalysis 9, 49-60. Chandler, D. (1994). Cryoprese~ationof fungal spores using porous beads. Mycological Research 98, 525-526. Chu, M., Tmumees, I., Patel, M. G., Gullo, V. P., Pai, J. K., Das, P. R. & Puar, M. S. (1994). Two new phospholipase D inhibitors, Sch 49211 and Sch 49212, produced by the fungus Nattrassia mangiferae. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 4, 1539-1542. Clausen, C. A. (1994). Dyed particle capture immunoassay for detection of incipient brown-rot decay. lournal of lmmunoassay 15, 305-316. Deffieux, G., Vercauteren, J., Baute, M. A,, Neveu, A. & Baute, R. (1994). Bacterial conversion of the fungal ascopyrone T to 26)-dihydroascopyrone T (haliclonol).Phytochemistry 36,849-852. Di San Lio, G. M., Hocart, M. J., Lucas, J. A. & Peberdy, J. F. (1994). Overcoming vegetative incompatibility within and between pathotypes of Pseudocercosporelk herpoh.ichoides by protoplast fusion. Mycological Research 98, 653459. Elkihel, L., Soustre, I., Karst, F. & LeToumeux, Y. (1994). Amino- and aminomethylcholesterol derivatives with fungicidal activity. FEMS Microbiology Letters 120, 163-167. Evans, B. R., Margalit, R. & Woodward, J. (1994). Veratryl alcohol oxidase activity of a chemically modified cellulase protein. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 312, 459-466. Gilardi, G., Abis, L. & Cass, A. E. G. (1994). Wide-line solid-state NMR of wood: Proton relaxation time measurements on cell walls biodegraded by
white-rot and brown-rot fungi. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 16, 676482. Goni, M. A. & Eglinton, T. I. (1994). Analysis of kerogens and kerogen precursors by flash pyrolysis in combination with isotope-ratio-monitoring gas chromatography mass spectrometry (irm-GC-MS). HRC -Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 17,47k488. Hashimoto, T., Tahara, S., Takaoka, S., Tori, M. & Asakawa, Y. (1994). Structures of a novel binaphthyl and three novel benzophenone derivatives with plant-growth inhibitory activity from the fungus Daldinia concentrica. Chemical & Phamaceutical Bulletin 42, 1528-1530. Jimenez, J. J., Atienza, J., Bemal, J. L. & Toribio, L. (1994). Determination of carbendazime in lettuce samples by SFE-HPLC. Chr~matogra~hia38, 395-399. Kim, H. J., Hwang, K. J. & Lee, J. H. (1994). Synthesis and fungicidal activities of 4H,6H-furo[3,4-CIisoxazole derivatives as potential new fungicides. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 5 8 , 1191-1192. Kuschel, A,, Anke, T., Velten, R., Klostermeyer, D., Steglich, W. & Konig, B. (1994). The mniopetals, new inhibitors of reverse transcriptases from a Mniopetalum species (basidiomycetes).I. Producing organism, fermentation, isolation and biological activities. ]oumal of Antibiotics 47, 733-739. Lammerhofer, M. & Lindner, W. (1994). Assignment of absolute configuration and optical purity determination of (R)- and (S)-econazole nitrate by enantioselective HPLC: Method development and application. Chirality 6, 261-269. Lebbadi, M., Galvez, A,, Maqueda, M., Martinezbueno, M. & Valdivia, E. (1994). Fungicin M4: A narrow spectrum peptide antibiotic from Bacillus licheniformis M-4. ]ournu1 of Applied Bacteriology 77,49-53. Lorenzen, K., Anke, T., Anders, U., Hindermayr, H. & Hansske, F. (1994). 14Epidihydroc~chlio~uinone B and 14-epicochlioquinone B, antibiotics from fermentations of the ascomycete Neobulgaria pura: Structure elucidation and effects on platelet aggregation. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C - A ]ournal of Biosciences 49, 312-320. Mosesso, P., Turchi, G., Cinelli, S., Dichiara, D., Fiore, M. & Palitti, F. (1994). Clastogenic effects of the dithiocarbamate fungicides thiram and ziram in Chinese hamster cell lines cultured in vitro. Teratogenesis Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis 14, 145-155. Nakajima, H., Fukuyama, K., Fujimoto, H., Baba, T. & Hamasaki, T. (1994). Absolute stereochemistry of spiciferones and spicifernin, bioactive metabolites of the fungus Cochliobolus spicifer: Evidence for their unique biosynthesis. Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1 (13), 1865-1869. Pedras, M. S. C., McAfee, 8. J. & Lapp, M. S. (1994). Biotransformation of Inaphthalene acetic acid by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus arhizus. Phyfochemisty 36,825-827. Presnell, T. L., Swaisgood, H. E., Joyce, T. W. & Chang, H. M. (1994). Investigation into the kinetic properties of immobilized lignin peroxidases. lournal of Biotechnology 35, 77-85. Rand, K. H., Houck, H. & Wolff, M. (1994). Detection of candidemia by polymerase chain reaction. Molecular and Cellular Probes 8, 215-221.
Lilyann Novak Frazer and D. Moore Sawa. R., Mori, Y.. Iinuma, H., Naganawa, H., Hamada, M., Yoshida, S., Furutani, H., Kajimura. Y., Fuwa, T. & Takeuchi, T. (1994). Harzianic acid, a new antimicrobial antibiotic from a fungus. loumal of Antibiotics 47, 731-732. Schuren, F. H. I. & Wessels, J. G. H. (1994). Highly-efficient transformation of the homobasidiomycete Schiwphyllum commune to phleomycin resistance. Current Genetics 26, 179-183. Takahashi. C., Numata, A,, Ito, Y., Matsumura, E., Aralu, H., Iwaki, H. & Kushida, K. (1994). Leptosins, antitumour metabolites of a fungus isolated from a marine alga. ]oumal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions I (13). 1859-1864. Tanaka. K., Matsutani, S.. Kanda, A,, Kato, T. & Yoshida, T. (1994). Thielocin 83, a novel antiinflammatory human group I1 phospholipase A(2) specific inhibitor from ascomycetes. Joumal of Antibiotics 4 7,63 1-638. Tanimori, S., Ueda, T. & Nakayama, M. (1994). Efficient chemical conversion of ( + )-chokol G to (+I-chokols A, B, C, F, and K, chokolic acid B, and chokolal A. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 58, 1174-1176. Veitch. N. C., Tams, J. W., Vind. J., Dalboge. H. & Wel'ider, K. G. (1994). NMR studies of recombinant Coprinw peroxidase and three site-directed mutants - implications for peroxidase substrate binding. European]oumal of Biochemistry 222, 909--918. Xu, J. P., Yoell, H. J. & Anderson, J. B. (1994). An efficient protocol for isolating DNA from higher fungi. Trends in Genetics 10, 226227. Yadav, L. D. S., Sharma, S. & Vaish, A. (1994). Hetero Diels-Alder synthesis and fungitoxicity of new I,3,4-thiadiazolo[3,2-aj-S-triazine-5(H)-thiones. ]oumal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 42, 1352-1354. Zhang, 1.. Wang, G. Y., Li, H., Zhuang, C., Mizuno, T., Ito, H., Mayuzumi, H., Okamoto, H. & Li, 1. X. (1994). Antitumor active protein-containing glycans from the Chinese mushroom Songshan Lingzhi, Ganoderma tsugae mycelium. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 58, 1202-1205.
ECOLOGY The chance to examine plant material over 5000 years old uncovered by the discovery of an iceman doesn't happen often. Rollo et al. (1994) reveal by SEM that 2/3 of the grass fragments analysed were colonized by fungal hyphae. PCR techniques reveal that the genetic material analysed corresponds to Fusarium, Sclerofinia and Altemaria. Discussion of their findings are continued in the Foray & Conservation section (Gams & Stalpers, 1994; Haselwandter & Ebner, 1994). Baar, J., Ozinga, W. A. & Kuyper, T. W. (1994).Spatial distribution of Laccaria bicolor genets reflected by sporocarps after removal of litter and humus layers in a Pinus sylvestris forest. Mycological Research 98, 726-728. Chen, R. S., Boeger, 1. M. & McDonald, B. A. (1994). Genetic stability in a population of a plant pathogenic fungus over time. Molecular Ecology 3, 209-218. Dighton, J. (1994). Analysis of micromycete communities in soil - a critique of methods. Mycological Research 98, 79&798. Elkady, I . A,, Abdelmallek, A. Y., Elmaraghy, S. S. M. & Hassan, H. A. H. (1994). Toxigenic molds in pesticide-treated liquid medium. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15, 75-81. Evans, H. C. & Tomley, A. I. (1994). Studies on the rust, Maravalia cyptostegiae, a potential biological control agent of rubber-vine weed, Cyptostegia grandiflora (Asclepiadaceae: Periplocoideae), in Australia. 3. Host range. Mycopathologia 126, 93-108. Ismail, M. A. & Abdelsater, M. A. (1994). Mycoflora inhabiting water closet environments. Mycoses 37, 53-57. Jenkinson. P. & Parry. D. W. (1994a). Isolation of Fusarium species from common broad-leaved weeds and their to winter wheat. Mycological Research 98, 776-780. jenkinson, P. & Parry. D. W. (1994b). Splash dispersal of conidia of Fmarium culmomm and Fusarium avenaceum. Mycological Research 98, 506-510. Kerr, S. J. (1994). Frequency of recovery of myxomycetes from soils of the northem United States. Canadian ]oumal of Botany 72, 771-778.
119 Lee, P. I. & Koske. R. E. (1994). Gigaspora gigantea - seasonal abundance and aging of spores in a sand dune. Mycological Research 98, 453-457. Mitchell. A. G. & Brasier, C. M. (1994). Contrasting structure of European and North American populations of Ophiostoma ulmi. Mycologifal Research 98, 576-582. Rollo, F., Asci, W., Antonini, S., Marota, I. & Ubaldi, M. (1994). Molecular ecology of a neolithic meadow: The DNA of the grass remains from the archaeological site of the Tyrolean Iceman. Erperientia 50, 576-584. Shumway, D. L. & Koide, R. T. (1994). Within-season variability in mycorrhizal benefit to reproduction in Abutilon theophrasti Medic. Plant Cell and Environment 17, 821-827. Sturrner, S. L. 81 Bellei, M. M. (1994). Composition and seasonal variation of spore populations of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in dune soils on the island of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Canadian Journal of Botany 72, 359-363. Torres, P. & Honmbia, M. (1994). Basidiospore viability in stored slurries. Mycological Research 98, 527-530. Zhdanova, N. N., Vasilevskaya, A. I., Artyshkova, L. V., Sadovnikov, Y. S., Lashko, T. N., Gavrilyuk V. I. & Dighton, j. (1994).Changes in micromycete communities in soil in response to pollution by long-lived radionuclides emitted in the Chemobyl accident. Mycological Research 98, 789-795.
FORAY & C O N S E R V A T I O N Weidenbomer & Kunz (1994) have determined that the nutty components of muesli are the major store for contamination with Penicillium and Aspergillus. Proponents of raisin and grain cereals need not worry since these components only show a maximum 10% of samples colonised. Has anyone told the breakfast cereal companies yet7 Abarca, M. L., Bragulat, M. R., Castella, G. & Cabanes, F. J. (1994).Ochratoxin A production by strains of Aspergillus niger var. niger. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60, 2650-2652. Adebajo, L. 0. & Idowu, A. A. (1994). Mycoflora and aflatoxins in a west Afncan com-groundnut based convenience food. Mycopathologia 126, 21-26. Atienza, V. & Hawksworth, D. L. (1994). Minutoexcipula tuckerae gen. et sp. nov., a new lichenicolous deuteromycete on Pertusaria texana in the United States. Mycological Research 98, 587-592. Bekhouche, F., Breton, A. & Gaillardmartinie, B. (1994). Cellulolytic fungi from dry areas of Algerian Sahara and assessment of their cellulolytic activity. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15. 141-147. Bills, G. F., Pelaez, F., Polishook, J. D., Diezmatas, M. T., Hams, G. H., Clapp, W. H., Dufresne, C., Byme, K. M., Nallinomstead, M., Jenkins, R. G., Mojena, M., Huang, L. Y . & Bergstrom, J. D. (1994). Distribution of zaragozic acids (squalestatins)among filamentous ascomycetes. Mycological Research 98, 733-739. Boidm, J. & Gilles, G. (1994). Basidiomycetes Aphyllophorales from Reunion Island - XVIII. Sistotremateae. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15, 133-139. Checa. I., Blanco, M. N. & Barrasa, 1. M. (1994). Study of some pyrenomycetes sensu lato from Menorca. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15, 125-132. Estey, R. H. (1994). A history of mycology in Canada. Canadian ]oumal of Botany 72, 751-766. Gams, W. & Stalpers, I. A. (1994). Has the prehistoric ice-man contributed to the preservation of living fungal spores? FEMS Microbiology Letters 120, 9-10, Gartz, I., Allen, J. W. & Merlin, M. D. (1994). Ethnomycology, biochemistry, and cultivation of Psilocybe samuiensis Guzman, Bandala and Allen, a new psychoactive fungus from Koh Samui, Thailand. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 43, 73-80. Haselwandter, K. & Ebner, M. R. (1994). Further evidence in support of the authenticity of microorganisms believed to have survived for 5300 years. FEMS Microbiology Letters 120, 11-12. Hyde, K. D. (1994). Aquatic fungi on rachides of Livistona in the Westem Province of Papua New Guinea. Mycological Research 98, 719-725. Jayaraman, P. & Kalyanasundaram. I. (1994). Changes in moisture content, mycoflora and aflatoxin content of rice bran during storage. Mycopathologia 126, 115-120.
One stop mycology Kuthubutheen, A. J. & Nawawi, A. (1994). Henicospora longissim sp. nov., Obeliospora triappendiculata sp. nov., Paraulocladium fabisporum sp. nov. and other hyphomycetes from Malaysia. Mycological Research 98, 6 7 7 4 8 5 . Marcano, V., Mendez, A. M., Salazar, F. J., Martinez. L. & Castellano, F. (1994). Occurrence of psilocybin and psilocin in Psilocybe pseudobullarea (Petch)Pegler from the Venezuelan Andes. ]oumal of Ethnophamcology 43, 157-159.
Mohammed, C., Guillaumin, J. J. & Berthelay, S. (1994). Armillaria species identified in China and Japan. Mycologicai Research 98, 607-513. Pagano. S. & Zucconi, L. (1994). A new record of Oidiodendron setiferum. Mycological Research 98, 6 0 4 4 0 6 .
Srivastava, K., Srivastava, A. K. & Kamal (1994a).New species of Stenella from India. Mycological Research 98, 516-520. Srivastava, N., Srivastava. A. K. & Kamal (1994b). New synnematous foliicolous hyphomycetes from India. Mycologrcal Research 98, 521-524. Tzeferis, P. G. (1994). Fungal leaching of nickeliferous laterites. Folia Microbiologica 39, 137-140.
Vrijmoed, L. L. P., Hyde, K. D. & Jones, E. B. G. (1994). Observations on mangrove fungi from Macao and Hong Kong, with the description of 2 new ascomycetes - Diaporthe salsuginosa and Aniptodera haispora. M y cological Research 98, 699-704.
Weber, G., Spaaij, F. & Gams, W. (1994). T~cogloea,a new genus of hyphomycetes from roots of Ticodendron incognitum from Costa Rica. Mycological Research 98, 660-664.
Weidenbomer, M. & Kunz, B. (1994). Contamination of different muesli components by fungi. Mycological Research 98, 583-586. Wigfield, M. J., Hamngton, T. C. & Crous, P. W. (1994).3 New Leptographium species associated with conifer roots in the United States. Canadian Journal of Botany 72, 227-238.
GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION Genetic studies of obligate pathogens is difficult when fungal material is closely associated with host material. The methods described by Borbye & Giese (1994) are interesting because they extract intact high-Mr DNA from Eysiphe spores and proceed to construct a YAC library, a technique which can be adopted for other fungi. Arganoza, M. T., Ohrnberger, J., Min, J. & Akins, R. A. (1994). Suppressor mutants of Neurospora crassa that tolerate allelic differences at single or at multiple heterokaryon incompatibility loci. Genetics 137, 731-742. Asgeirsdottir, S. A., Schuren, F. H. J. & Wessels, J. G. H. (1994). Assignment of genes to pulse-field separated chromosomes of Schiwphyllum commune. Mycological Research 98, 689-693. Baar, I., Ozinga, W. A. & Kuyper, T. W. (1994).Spatial distribution of Laccaria bicolor genets reflected by sporocarps after removal of litter and humus layers in a Pinus sylvestris forest. Mycological Research 98, 72&728. Bae, H. H., Hansen, E. M. & Strauss, S. H. (1994).Restriction fragment length polymorphisms demonstrate single origin of infection centers in Phellinus weirii. Canadian journal of Botany 72, 44&447. Bakkeren, G. & Kronstad, J. W. (1994). L i a g e of mating-type loci
distinguishes bipolar from tetrapolar mating in basidiomycetous smut fungi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U . S A . 91, 7085-7089.
Borbye, L. & Giese, H. (1994). Genome manipulation in recalcitrant species: Construction and characterization of a yeast art~ficialchromosome (YAC) library from Eysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, an obligate fungal pathogen of barley. Gene 144, 107-111. Braga, G. U. L., Messias, C. L. & Vencovsky, R. (1994). Estimates of genetic parameters related to protease production by Metarhizium anisopliae. journal of Invertebrate Pathology 64, 6 1 2 .
Brown, J. K. M. & Simpson, C. G. (1994).Genetic analysis of DNA fingerprints and vimlences in Eysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei. Current Genetics 26, 172-178.
Chen, R. S., Boeger, J. M. & McDonald, 8. A. (1994). Genetic stability in a
120 population of a plant pathogenic fungus over time. Molecular Ecology 3, 209-218.
Chua, S. S., Momany, M., Mendoza, L. & Szaniszlo, P. J. (1994).Identification of three chitin synthase genes in the dimorphic fungal pathogen Sporothrix schenckii. Current Microbiology 29, 151-156.
Curran, J., Driver, F., Ballard, J. W. 0. & Milner, R. 1. (1994). Phylogeny of Metarhizium - analysis of ribosomal DNA sequence data. Mycological Research 98, 547-552.
Di San Lio, G. M., Hocart. M. J.. Lucas, J. A. & Peberdy, J. F. (1994). Overcoming vegetative incompatibility within and between pathotypes of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides by protoplast fusion. Mycological Research 98, 6 5 3 4 5 9 .
Feibelman, T., Bayman, P. & Cibula, W. G. (1994).Length variation in the internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA in chanterelles. Mycological Research 98, 6 1 4 4 1 8 .
Fletcher, L. D., McDowell, J. M., Tidwell, R. R., Meagher, R. B. & Dykstra, C. C. (1994).Structure, expression and phylogenetic analysis of the gene encoding actin I in Pneumocystis carinii. Genetics 137, 743-750. Foster, B. A., Thomas. S. M., Mahr, J. A., Renosto, F., Patel, H. C. & Segel, I. H. (1994). Cloning and sequencing of ATP sulfurylase from Penicillium chysogenum - identification of a likely allosteric domain.]ournal of Biological Chemistry 269, 19777-19786.
Fries, N. (1994). Sexual incompatibility in Suillw variegatus. Mycological Research 98, 545-546.
Gessnerulrich, K. & Tudzynski, P. (1994). Studies on function and mobility of mitochondnal plasmids from Clauiceps purpurea. Mycological Research 98, 511-515.
Giovannetti, M. & Gianinazzi-Pearson, V. (1994).Biodiversity in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Mycological Research 98, 705-715. Goldman, G. H., Vasseur, V., Contreras, R. & van Montagu, M. (1994). Sequence analysis and expression studies of a gene encoding a novel serine danine-rich protein in T r i c k o d m harzianum. Gene 1 4 4 , 113-117. Gupthar, A. S. (1994).Theoretical and practical aspects of ploidy estimation in Pichia stipitis. Mycol~gicalResearch 98, 716-718. Harrison, M. J. & Dixon, R. A. (1994). Spatial patterns of expression of flavonoid/isoflavonoid pathway genes during interactions between roots of Medicago truncatula and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus versiforme. Plant
Journal 6, 9-20.
Heath, M. C. (1994).Genetics and cytology of age-related resistance in North American cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) to the cowpea rust fungus (Uromyces vignae). Canadian Journal of Botany 72, 575-581.
Hennebert, G. L., Pascal, S. & Cosyns, M. (1994).Incompatibility interactions between homocaryons of the bifactorial basidiomycete Lenzites betulinus a sexual repulsive pheromone. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15, 83-116. Lacourt, I., Panabieres, F., Marais, A,, Venard, P. & Ricci, P. (1994). Intraspecific polymorphism of Phytophthora parasitica revealed by analysis of mitochondria1 DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism. Mycological Research 98, 562-568.
Li, A.M., Begin, M., Kokurewicz, K., Bowden, C. & Horgen, P. A. (1994). Inheritance of strain instability (sectoring) in the commercial button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60, 2384-2388.
Mitchell, A. G. & Brasier, C. M. (1994).Contrasting structure of European and North American populations of Ophiostoma ulmi. Mycological Research 98, 576582.
Mohammed, C., Guillaumin, I. 1. & Berthelay, S. (1994). Armillaria species identified in China and Japan. Mycological Research 98, 6 0 7 6 1 3 . O'Brien, P. A. (1994).Molecular markers in Australian isolates of Rhiwctonia solani. Mycological Research 98, 6 6 5 4 7 1 .
Ogel, Z. B., Brayford, D. & McPherson, M. J. (1994). Cellulose-triggered sporulation in the galactose oxidase-producing fungus Cladobotyum (Dactylium)dendroides NRRL-2903 and its re-identification as a species of Fusarium. Mycological Research 9 8 , 474-480.
Ogoman, D., Xue, B., Hsiang, T. & Goodwin, P. H. (1994). Detection of Leptosphaeria korrae with the polymerase chain reaction and primers from the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers. Canadian ]ournal of Botany 72, 342-346.
Rehner, S. A. & Samuels, G. J. (1994). Taxonomy and phylogeny of Gliocladium analyzed from nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. Mycological Research 98, 6 2 5 4 3 4 .
Lilyann Novak Frazer and D. Moore Revill, P. A., Davidson, A. D. & Wright, P. J. (1994). The nucleotide sequence and genome organization of mushroom bacilliform virus: A single-stranded RNA virus of Agaricw bisporw (Lange) Imbach. Virology 202,904-911. Richards, W. C. (1994). Nonsporulation in the dutch elm disease fungus Ophiosfoma ulmi - evidence for control by a single nuclear gene. Canadian journal of Botany 72,461-467. Rollo, F., Asci, W., Antonini, S., Marota, I. & Ubaldi, M. (1994). Molecular ecology of a neolithic meadow: The DNA of the grass remains from the archaeological site of the Tyrolean Iceman. Experientia 50, 576-584. Schuren, F. H. J. & Wessels, J. G. H. (1994). Highly-efficient transformation of the homobasidiomycete Schiwphyllum commune to phleomycin resistance. Current Genetics 26, 179-183. Sidow, A. & Thomas, W. K. (1994). A molecular evolutionary framework for eukaryotic model organisms. Current Biology 4, 596603. Spitzer, S. G. & Spitzer, E. D. (1994). Characterization of the CNRE-l family of repetitive DNA elements in Cyptococcw neofomans. Gene 144,103-106. Tan, M. K.. Wong, P. T. W. & Holley, M. P. (1994). Characterization of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in Gaeumannomyces graminis and correlation of rDNA variation with G. graminis varieties. Mycological Research 98,553-561. Tham, F. Y., Lucas, J. A. & Wilson, Z. A. (1994). DNA fmgerprinting of Peronospora parasitica, a biotrophic fungal pathogen of crucifers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 88, 490-496. Tomura, D., Obika, K.. Fukamizu, A. & Shoun, H. (1994). Nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P-450 gene, CYP 55, of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum containing a potential bindmg-site for FNR, the transcription factor involved in the regulation of anaerobic growth of kcherichia coli. ]ournal of Biochemrstry 116, 88-94. Torres-Guunan, J. C., Arreola-Garcia, G. A., Zazueta-Sandoval, R., CarrilloRayas, T., Martinez-Cadena, G. & Gutierrez-Corona, F. (1994). Genetic evidence for independence between fermentative metabolism (ethanol accumulation) and yeast-cell development in the dimorphic fungus Mucor rorcrii. Current Genetics 26, 166171. Tunlid, A., Rosen, S., Ek, B. & Rask, L. (1994). Purification and characterization of an extracellular serine protease from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobohys oligospora. Microbiology - UK 140, 1687-1695. Veitch, N. C., Tams, J. W., Vind, J., Dalboge, H. & Welinder, K. G. (1994). NMR studies of recombinant Coprinw peroxidase and three site-directed mutants - implications for peroxidase substrate binding. European journal of Biochemistry 222,909-918. Verdoes, J. C., Calil, M. R., Punt, P. J., Debets, F., Swart, K., Stouthamer, A. H. & van den Hondel, C. A. M. J. J. (1994). The complete karyotype of Aspergillus niger: The use of introduced electrophoretic mobility variation of chromosomes for gene assignment studies. Molecular & General Genetics 244, 75-80. Vilgalys, R. & Sun, B. L. (1994). Ancient and recent patterns of geographic speciation in the oyster mushroom Pleurotw revealed by phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences (vol91, pg 4599, 1994) (Correction). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 91, 7832. Whittaker, S.L., Assinder, S.J. & Shaw, D.S. (1994). Inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in Phytophthora infestans. Mycological Research 98, 569-575. Williams, R. S. B., Davis, M. A. & Howlett, B. J. (1994). Nitrate reductase of the ascomycetous fungus, Lepfosphaeria maculans: Gene sequence and chromosomal location. Molecular & General Genetics 244, 1-8. Wilson, R., Wheatcroft, R., Miller, J. D. & Whitney, N. J. (1994). Genetic diversity among natural populations of endophytic Lophodermium pinastn from Pinus resinosa. Mycological Research 98, 740-744. Xu, J. P., Yoell, H. J. & Anderson, J. B. (1994). An efficient protocol for isolating DNA from higher fungi. Trends in Genetics 10,226-227. Xue, B. & Goodwin, P. H. (1994). Insertions and G-C rich DNA sequences in the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit of Leptosphaeria maculans. Mycological Research 98,445-452. Yao, J. M., McElreath, S. D. & Tainter, F. H. (1994). Genetic relatedness among dsRNAs from different isolates of Discula destructiva. Cuwent Microbiology 29, 145-149. Zimand, G.,Valinsky, L.. Elad, Y., Chet, I. & Manulis, S. (1994). Use of the RAPD procedure for the identification of Trichodem strains. Mycological Research 98. 531-534.
P A T H O G E N I C & MUTUALISTIC INTERACTIONS In past issues there have been interesting papers pertinent to the forestry industry and this issue is n o exception. Noteworthy is an article on the application of NMR techniques to determine the status of healthy, white- or brown-rot infected wood (Gilardi, Abis & Cass, 1994). Atanassov, Z., Nakamura, C., Mori, N., Kaneda, C., Kato, H., Jin, Y. Z., Yoshizawa, T. & Murai, K. (1994).Mycotoxin production and pathogenicity of Fwarium species and wheat resistance to Fusarium head blight. Canadian lournal of Botany 72, 161-167. Bae, H. H., Hansen, E. M. & Strauss, S. H. (1994). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms demonstrate single origin of infection centers in Phellinw weirii. Canadian journal of Botany 72,44G447. Bakkeren, G. & Kronstad, J. W. (1994). Linkage of mating-type loci distinguishes bipolar from tetrapolar mating in basidiomycetous smut fungi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.SA. 91, 7085-7089. Benyagoub, M., Jabajihare, S. H., Banville, G. & Charest, P. M. (1994). Stachybohys elegans - a destructive mycoparasite of Rhiwcfonia solani. Mycological Research 98,493-505. Bidochka, M. J. & Khachatourians, G. G. (1994). Basic proteases of entornopathogenic fungi differ in their adsorption properties to insect cuticle. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 64,2 6 3 2 . Bonnarme, P., Moukha, S., Moreau, P., Record, E., Lesage, L., Cassagne, C. & Asther, M. (1994). Fractionation of subcellular membranes of the secretory pathway from the peroxidase-producing white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chysosporium. FEMS Microbiology Letters 120, 155-161. Borbye, L. & Giese, H. (1994). Genome manipulation in recalcitrant species: Construction and characterization of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library from Eysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, an obligate fungal pathogen of barley. Gene 144,107-111. Bottin, A,, Veronesi, C., Pontier, D., Esquerretugaye, M. T., Blein, J. P., Rusterucci, C. & Ricci, P. (1994). Differential responses of tobacco cells to elicitors from two Phytophthora species. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 32,373-378. Brown, J. K. M. & Simpson,C. G. (1994).Genetic analysis of DNA fingerprints and virulences in Eysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei. Current Genetics 26, 172-178. Camegie, A. J. & Keane, P. J. (1994). Further Mycosphaerella species associated with leaf diseases of Euralyptw. Mycological Research 98,413-418. Chalot, M., Brun, A., Finlay, R. D. & Soderstrom, B. (1994a). Metabolism of [C-l41glutamate and [C-14lglutamine by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Parillus involutw. Microbiology - UK 140, 1641-1649. Chalot. M., Brun, A., Fday, R. D. & Soderstrom, B. (1994b). Respiration of [C-14lalanine by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillw involutw. FEMS Microbiology Letters 121,87-91. Curran, J., Driver, F., Ballard, J. W. 0 . & Milner, R. J. (1994). Phylogeny of Mefarhiziurn - analvsis of ribosomal DNA-seauence data. Mucolo~ical . Research 98,547-552. Daniel, G., Volc, J. & Kubatova, E. (1994). Pyranose oxidase, a major source of H 2 0 2during wood degradation by Phanerochaete chysosporium, Tramefes versicolor, and Odemansiella mucida. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60,2524-2532. Esnault, A. L., Masuhara, G. & McGee, P. A. (1994). Involvement of exodermal passage cells in mycorrhizal infection of some orchids. Mycological Research 98,672-676. Evans, H.C. & Tomley, A. J. (1994). Studies on the rust, Maravalia cyptostegiae, a potential biological control agent of rubber-vine weed, Cypfostegia grandiflora (Asclepiadaceae: Periplocoideae), in Australia. 3. Host range. Mycopathologia 126, 93-108. Flaishman, M. A. & Kolattukudy, P. E. (1994).Timing of fungal invasion using host's ripening hormone as a signal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 91,657-583. Frantzen, J. (1994). The role of clonal growth in the pathosystem Cirsium arvense - Puccinia punctiformis. Canadian Journal of Botany 72, 832-836. Gessnerulrich, K. & Tudzynski, P. (1994). Studies on function and mobility of
One stop mycology mitochondrial plasmids from Claoiceps purpurea. Mycological Research 9 8 , 511-515. Gilardi, G., Abis, L. & Cass, A. E. G. (1994). Wide-line solid-state NMR of wood: Proton relaxation time measurements on cell walls biodegraded by white-rot and brown-rot fungi. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 16, 676682. Gupta, S. C., Leathers, T. D., Elsayed, G. N. & Ignoffo, C. M. (1994). Relationships among enzyme activities and virulence parameters in Beauveria bassiana infections of Galleria mellonella and Trichoplwia ni. Joumal of invertebrate Pathology 6 4 , 13-17. Hadwiger, L. A,, Ogawa, T. & Kuyama, H. (1994). Chitosan polymer sizes effective in inducing phytoalexin accumulation and fungal suppression are verified with synthesized oligomers. Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions 7 , 531-533. Hanison, M. J. & Dixon, R. A. (1994). Spatial patterns of expression of flavonoid/isoflavonoid pathway genes during interactions between roots of Medicago tmncatula and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomw oersiforme. Plant ]oumal 6 , 9-20. Hedstrom, I . (1994). Stigmatomyces species on guava fruit flies in seasonal and nonseasonal neotropical forest environments. Mycological Research 9 8 , 403-407. Heneen, W. K., Gustafsson, M., Brismar, K. & Karlsson, G. (1994).Interactions between Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Heterobasidion annosum. 2 Infection of woody roots. Canadian Joumal of Botany 7 2 , 884-889. Heneen, W. K.. Gustafsson, M., Karlsson. G. & Briunar, K. (1994).Interactions between Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Heterobasidion annosum. 1. Infection of nonsuberized and young suberized roots. Canadian ]ournal of Botany 7 2 , 872-883. Hetrick, B. A. D., Hartnett, D. C., Wilson, G. W. T. & Gibson, D. J. (1994). Effects of mycorrhizae, phosphorus availability, and plant density on yield relationships among competing tallgrass prairie grasses. CanadianJoumal of Botany 7 2 , 168-176. Ho, Y.W., Khoo, I. Y. S., Tan, S. G., Abdullah, N., Jalaludii, S. & Kudo, H. (1994). Isozyme analysis of anaerobic m e n fungi and their relationship to aerobic chytrids. Microbiology - UK 140, 1495-1504. Hodges, C. F. & Campbell, D. A. (1994). Infection of adventitious roots of Agrostis palwtris by Pythium species at different temperature regimes. Canadian Journal of Botany 7 2 , 378-383. Jeng, R. S. & Brasier, C. M. (1994). 2-Dimensional mapping of mycelial polypeptides of Ophiostoma ulmi and Ophiostoma nova-ulmi, causal agents of Dutch elm disease. Canadian Journal of Botany 7 2 , 370-377. J e h s o n , P. & Parry, D. W. (1994). Isolation of Fwarium species from common broad-leaved weeds and their pathogenicity to winter wheat. Mycological Research 9 8 , 776-780. Julian, A. M., Hardy, J. E. & Lucas, J. A. (1994). Cultural variability in the cereal eyespot pathogen Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. Mycological Research 98, 396-402. Kruger, B. M. & Manion, P. D. (1994). Antifungal compounds in aspen effect of water-stress. Canadian Journal of Botany 7 2 , 454-460. Lacey, L. A. & Orr, B. K. (1994).The role of biological control of mosquitoes in integrated vector control. American ]ournal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 50, 97-115. Lacourt, I., Panabieres, F., Marais, A,, Venard, P. & Ricci, P. (1994). Intraspecific polymorphism of Phytophthora parasitica revealed by analysis of mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism. Mycological Research 9 8 , 562-568. Lee, P. J. & Koske, R. E. (1994). Gigaspora gigantea - parasitism of spores by fungi and actinomycetes. Mycological Research 9 8 , 458-466. Liljeroth, E., Franzonalmnren, - I. & Gustafsson, M. (1994). Effect of prehelminthosporol, a phytotoxin produced by Bipolaris sorokiniana, on barley roots. Canadian Joumal of Botany 7 2 , 55&563. Lorito, M., Broadway, R. M., Hayes, C. K., Woo, S. L., Novielio, C., Williams, D. L. & Harman, G. E. (1994). Proteinase inhibitors from as a novel class of fungicides. Molecular Plant - Microbe lnferactions 7 , 525-527. Marais, G. 1. & Wingfield, M. 1. (1994). Fungi associated with infructescences of Protea species in South Africa, including a new species of Opkiostoma. Mycological Research 9 8 , 369-374. Martin, F, Rubini, P., Cote, R. & Kottke, 1. (1994). Aluminium polyphosphate complexes in the mycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor: A A-27 nuclear magnetic resonance study. Planta 194, 241-246.
122 Miyagawa, H., Nagai, S., Tsurushima, T., Sato, M., Ueno, T. & Fukami, H. (1994). Phytotoxins produced by the plant pathogenic fungus Bipolaris bicolor EL-I. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 5 8 , 1143-1145. Mueller, W. C., Morgham, A. T. & Roberts, E. M. (1994). Immunocytochemical localization of callose in the vascular tissue of tomato and cotton plants infected with Fwarium oxyspomm. Canadian ]oumal of Botany 7 2 , 505-509. Neill, S. J., Lenton, J. R. & Wibberley, M. S. (1994). Differential effects of elicitors on secondary metabolism in hairy root cultures of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Biochemical Sociefy Transactions 22, 383-388. Nielsen, K. K., Bojsen. K., Roepstorff, P. & Mikkelsen, J. D. (1994). A hydroxyproline-containing class IV chitinase of sugar beet is glycosylated with xylose. Plant Molecular Biology 25, 241-257. Ogorman. D.,Xue. B., Hsiang, T. & Goodwin, P. H. (1994). Detection of Leptospkaeria kowae with the polymerase chain reaction and primers from the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers. Canadian Journal of Botany 7 2 , 342-346. Oyarzun, P. J., Poshna, I.. Luttikholt, A. I. G. & Hoogland, A. E. (1994). Biological control of foot and root-rot in pea caused by Fusm'um solani with nonpathogenic Fwarium oxyspomm isolates. Canadian Joumal of Botany 7 2 , 843-852. Pedras, M. S. C, McAfee, B. J. & Lapp, M. S. (1994). Biotransfonnation of Inaphthalene acetic acid by the ectomycorrhual fungus Pisolithw arhizw. Phytochemisty 36, 825-827. Plassard, C., Bany, D., Eltrop, L. & Mousain, D. (1994). Nitrate uptake in maritime p i e (Pinw pinaster) and the ectomycorrhii fungus Hebeloma cylindrospomm - effect of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. Canadian ]oumal of Botany 7 2 , 189-197. Prenerova, E. (1994).Pathogenicity of Paecilomyces farinosw toward Cepkalcia abietis eonymphs (Inseda, Hymenoptera): Enhancement of bioactivity by in vivo passaging. Journal of lnoertebrate Pathlogy 6 4 , 62-54. Rafin. C., Nodet P. & Tirilly, Y. (1994). Immuno-enzymatic staining procedure for Pythiurn species with filamentous non-inflated sporangia in soilless cultures. Mycological Research 9 8 , 535-541. Reinecke, T. & Kindl, H. (1994). Inducible enzymes of the 9,IO-dihydrophenanthrene pathway. Sterile orchid plants responding to fungal infection. Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions 7 , 449-454. Revill, P. A., Davidson, A. D. & Wright, P. J. (1994). The nudeotide sequence and genome organization of mushroom bacillifonn virus : A single-stranded RNA virus of Agaricus bisponrs (Lange) Imbach. Virology 202. 904-911. Richards, W.C. (1994). Nonsporulation in the dutch elm disease fungus Ophiostoma ulmi - evidence for control by a single nuclear gene. Canadian Iournal of Botany 7 2 , 461-467. St. Leger, R. J., Bidochka, M. J. & Roberts, D. W. (1994).Germination triggers of Metarhizium anisopliaeconidia are related to host species. Mimobiology - UK 140, 1651-2660. Schilder, A.M. C. & Bergstrom, G. C. (1994). Infection of wheat seed by Pyrenophora tritici-repmtis. Canadian Journal of Botany 7 2 , 510-519. Sdunid, E. & Oberwinkler, F. (1994). Light and electron microscopy of the host-fungus interaction in the achlorophyllousgametophyte of Botrychium Iunana. Canadian Joumal of Botany 7 2 , 182-188. Shankar, M.,Kurtboke, D. I. & Sivasithamparam, K. (1994). Nutritional and environmental factors affectiig growth and antifungal activity of a sterile red fungus against Gaeumannomycesgraminis var. fritici. Canadian Joumal of Botany 7 2 , 198-202. Shumway, D. L. & Koide, R. T. (1994).Within-season variability in mycorrhizal benefit to reproduction in Abutilon theophrasti Medic. Plant CeN and Enoironmmt 17, 821-827. Smith, C. 1. (1994).Signal transduction in elicitation of phytoalexin synthesis. Biochemical Sociefy Transactions 22, 414-419. Smith, S. N., Chohan, R.. Howitt, S. G. & Armstrong, R. A. (1994).Proteolytic activity amongst selected Saprolegnia species. Mycological Research 9 8 , 389-395. Stomp, A.M., Han, K. H., Wilbert. S.. Gordon, M. P. & Cunningham, S. D. (1994). Genetic strategies for enhancing phytoremediation. In Recombinanf DNA Technology11, (ed. R. K. Bajpai & A. Prokop), pp. 481-492. New York Acad Sciences: New York. Sturmer, S. L. & Bellei, M. M. (1994). Composition and seasonal variation of spore populations of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in dune soils on the island of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Canadian ]oumal of Botany 7 2 , 359-363.
Lilyann Novak Frazer and D. Moore Swertz, C. A. (1994). Morphology of germlings of urediniospores and its value for the identification and classification of grass rust fungi. Studies in Mycology 1994, 1-152. Tan, M. K., Wong, P. T. W. & Holley, M. P. (1994). Characterization of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in Gaeumannomyces graminis and correlation of rDNA variation with G. graminis varieties. Mycological Research 98, 553-561. Tegli, S., Comparini, C., Giametti, C. & Scala, A. (1994).Effect of temperature on growth and cerato-ulmin production of Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and 0 . ulmi. Mycological Research 98, 40&412. Tham, F . Y., Lucas, J. A. & Wilson, Z. A. (1994). DNA hngerprinting of Peronospora parasitica, a biotrophic fungal pathogen of crucifers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 88, 490-496. Torres, P. & Honrubia, M. (1994). Basidiospore viability in stored slurries. Mycological Research 98, 527-530. Tunlid, A,, Rosen, S., Ek, 8. & Rask, L. (1994). Purification and characterization of an extracellular serine protease from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotys oligospora. Microbiology - UK 140, 1687-1695. Tumau, K., Kottke, I. & Dexheimer, J. (1994). Paxillw involutw/Pinus sylvestris mycorrhizae from heavily polluted forest. 2. Ultrastructural and cytochemical observations. Botanica Acfa 107, 73-80. Viret, 0. & Petrini, 0 . (1994). Colonization of beech leaves (Fagw sylvatica) by the endophyte Discrrla umbrinella (teleornorph,Apiognomonia errabunda). Mycological Research 98, 423-432. Weir, A. (1994). Further records of Laboulbeniales from collections of British Coleoptera. Mycological Research 98, 433-444. Wilson, R., Wheatcroft, R., Miller, J. D. & Whitney, N. J. (1994). Genetic diversity among natural populations of endophytic Lophodermium pinastri from Pinw resinosa. Mycological Research 98, 74C-744. Wubben, J. P., Joosten. M. H. A. J. & Dewit, P. J. G. M. (1994). Expression and localization of two in planta induced extracellular proteins of the fungal tomato pathogen Cladosporium fulvum.Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions 7, 516-524. Xue, B. & Goodwin, P. H. (1994). Insertions and G-C rich DNA sequences in the mitochondria1 large ribosomal subunit of Leptosphaeria maculans. Mycological Research 98, 445-452. Yahiaoui, R., Guechi, A,, Lukasova, E. & Girre, L. (1994). Mutagenic and membranal effect of a phytotoxic molecule isolated from olive leaves parasitized by the Fungus Cycloconium oleaginum Cast. Mycopathologia 126, 121-129. Zhang, P. G. & Sutton, J. C. (1994). High temperature, darkness, and drought predispose black spruce seedlings to gray mold. Canadian Journal of Botany 72, 135-142.
PHYSIOLOGY How d o truffles drink? Barry, Staunton & Callot (1994) reveal through radiolabel tracer studies that truffles use the tufts of hyphae which sprout from certain sites on the peridium to scavenge nutrients and water from the soil. Abarca, M. L., Bragulat, M. R., Castella, G. & Cabanes, F. J. (1994).Ochratoxin A production by strains of Aspergillus niger var. niger. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60, 2650-2652. Barr, D. P. & Aust, S. D. (1994). Conversion of lignin peroxidase compound 111 to active enzyme by cation radicals. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 312, 511-515. Bany, D., Staunton, S. & Callot, G. (1994). Mode of the absorption of water and nutrients by ascocarps of Tuber melanospomm and Tuber aestivum - a radioactive-tracer technique. Canadian Journal of Botany 72, 317-322. Bekhouche. F., Breton, A. & Gaillardrnartinie, B. (1994). Cellulolytic fungi from dry areas of Algerian Sahara and assessment of their celluloiytic activity. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15, 141-147. Bidochka, M. J. & Khachatourians, G. G. (1994). Basic proteases of entomopathogenic fungi differ in their adsorption properties to insect cuticle. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 64, 26-32. Bills, G. F., Pelaez, F., Polishook, J. D.. Diezmatas. M. T., Hams, G. H., Clapp, W. H., Dufresne, C., Byme, K. M., Nallinomstead, M., Jenkins, R. G., Mojena, M., Huang, L. Y. & Bergstrom, J. D. (1994). Distribution of
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SYSTEMATICS & STRUCTURE X-ray crystallographic studies (Derewanda ef al., 1994) reveal the "jack-in-the-box" mechanism that fungal lipases use to hydrolyse acylglycerols. In the absence of substrate, the active site is protected by the lid while the role of the unusual buried polar cluster is to maintain the structural integrity of the enzyme in the a/polar environment when it is active. Atienza, V. & Hawksworth, D. L. (1994). Minutoexcipula tuckerae gen. et sp. nov., a new lichenicolous deuteromycete on Pertusaria texana in the United States. Mycological Research 98, 587-592. Benyagoub, M., Jabajihare, S. H., Banville, G. & Charest, P. M. (1994). Stachybotys elegans - a destructive mycoparasite of Rhizoctonia solani. Mycological Research 98,493-505. Bobichon, H., Gache, D. & Bouchet, P. (1994). Ultrarapid cryohation of Candida albicans: Evidence for a fibrillar reticulated external layer and mannan channels within the cell wall. C y o - Letters 15, 161-172. Boidin, J. & Gilles, G. (1994). Basidiomycetes Aphyllophorales from Reunion Island - XVIII. Sistotremateae. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15, 133-139. Bonnarme, P., Moukha, S., Moreau, P., Record, E., Lesage, L., Cassagne, C. & Asther, M. (1994).Fractionation of subcellular membranes of the secretory pathway from the peroxidase-producing white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chysosporium. FEMS Microbiology Letters 120, 155-161. Bourett, T. M. & Howard, R. J. (1994). Enhanced labeling of concanavalin A binding sites in fungal endomembranes using a double-sided, indirect method. Mycological Research 98, 769-775. Broadhurst, P. G. & Johnston, P. R. (1994). Gibberella tumida sp. nov. teleomorph of Fusarium tumidum from gorse in New Zealand. Mycological Research 98, 729-732. Camegie, A. J. & Keane, P. J. (1994). Further Mycosphaerella species associated with leaf diseases of Eucalyptus. Mycological Research 98,413-418. Checa, J., Blanco, M. N. & Barrasa, J. M. (1994). Study of some pyrenomycetes sensu lato from Menorca. Cyptogamie Mycologie 15, 125-132. Christensen, M., Miller, S. L. & Tuthill, D. (1994). Color standards - a review and evaluation in relation to Penicillium taxonomy. Mycological Research 98, 635-644. Daniel, G., Volc, J. & Kubatova, E. (1994). Pyranose oxidase, a major source of H,O, during wood degradation by Phanerochaete chysosporium, Trametes versicolor, and Oudemansiella mucida. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60,2524-2532.
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MEDICAL M Y C O L O G Y Finding the fungal agents which kill rather than slow fungal growth and adding these to 'the pitifully small armementarium for combatting human fungal infections' is stressed again (Potera, 1994).This time the bacterium is Pseudomonas and the key element to the efficacy of antifungal compounds is the short peptide sequence containing unusual amino acids. These same methods were initially applied to try to find a biological control for Dutch elm disease. Research works in funny ways. Adam. R. D.. Hunter, G., Ditomasso, J. & Comerci, G. (1994). Mucormycosis: Emerging prominence of cutaneous infections. Clinical Infectious Diseases 19, 67-76. Alver. L. L., Travassos, L. R., Previato, J. 0 . & Mendoncapreviato, L. (1994). Novel antigenic determinants from peptidorhamnomannans of Sporothrix schenckii. Glycobiology 4, 281-288. Chavanet, P., Lopez, J., Grappin, M., Bonnin, A,, Duong, M., Waldner, A., Buisson, M., Carnerlynck P. & Portier, H. (1994). Cross-sectional study of the susceptibility of Candida isolates to antifungal drugs and in vitro in vivo correlation in HIV-infected patients. AIDS 8, 945-950. Cortet, B., Richard, R., Deprez, X., Lucet, L., Flipo, R. M., Leloet, X., Duquesnoy, B. & Delcambre, B. (1994). Aspergillw spondylodiscitis: Successful conservative treatment in 9 cases. Journal of Rheumatology 21, 1287-1291. Donahue. S. P., Greven, C. M., Zuravleff, J. J., Eller, A. W., Nguyen, M. H., Peacock, J. E., Wagener, M. M. & Lu, V. L. (1994). Intraocular candidiasis in patients with candidemia- clinical implications derived from a prospective multicenter study. Ophthalmology 101, 1302-1309. Fingeroth, J. D., Roth, R. S.,Talcott, J. A. &Rinaldi, M. G. (1994). Zygomycosis due to Mucor circinelloides in a neutropenic patient receiving chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukemia. Clinical Infectious Diseases 19, 135-137. Fletcher, L. D., McDowell, J. M., Tidwell, R. R., Meagher, R. B. & Dykstra, C. C. (1994). Structure, expression and phylogenetic analysis of the gene encoding actin I in Pneumocystis carinii. Genetics 137, 743-750. Guglielmo, B. J., Stoller, M. L. & Jacobs, R. A. (1994). Management of candiduria. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 4, 135-139. Hibino. Y., Konishi, Y., Koike, J., Tabata, T., Ohashi, Y. & Sugano, N. (1994). Productions of interferon-gamma and nitrite are induced in mouse splenic cells by a heteroglycan-protein fraction from culture medium of Lentinw edodes mycelia. Immunopharmacology 28, 77-85. Karlsson, G. & Holmberg, K. (1994). Does allergic rhinitis predispose to sinusitis7 Acta Oto-Layngologica (515, Suppl.), 2 6 2 9 . Lehrer. S. B., Hughes, J. M., Altman, L. C., Bousquet, J., Davies, R. J., Gell, L., Li, 1.. Lopez, M., Malling, H. J., Mathison, D. A., Sastre, J., Schultzeweminghaus, G. & Schwartz, H. J. (1994). Prevalence of basidiomycete allergy in the USA and Europe and its relationship to allergic respiratory symptoms. Allergy 49, 46G465. Lorenzen, K., Anke, T., Anders, U., Hindemayr, H. & Hansske, F. (1994). 14Epidiiydrocochlioquinone B and 14-epicochlioquinone B, antibiotics from fermentations of the ascomycete Neobulgaria pura: Structure elucidation and effects on platelet aggregation. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C - A Iournal of Biosciences 49, 312-320. Mosesso, P., Turchi, G., Cinelli, S., D~chiara,D., Fiore, M. & Palitti, F. (1994). Clastogenic effects of the dithiocarbamate fungicides thiram and ziram in Chinese hamster cell lines cultured in vitro. Teratogenesis Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis 14, 145-155. Nemoto, J., Ohno, N., Saito, K., Adachi, Y. & Yadomae, T. (1994). Analysis
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