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One stop mycology. DAVID MOORE AND LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER. School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopfard Building, The University of Manchester, ...

Mycol. Res. 100 (1): 117-128 (1996) Printed in Great Britain

One stop mycology

D A V I D MOORE A N D LILYANN N O V A K FRAZER School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopfard Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M I 3 9PT, U . K .

This listing covers the period July 1, 1995 through to July 31, 1995. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.

BIOTECHNOLOGY Acheampong, E. A. & Martin, A. M. (1995). Kinetic studies on the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma. iournal of Basic Microbiology 35, 147-155. Akthar, N., Sastry, S. & Mohan, M. (1995). Biosorption of silver ions by processed Aspergillus niger biomass. Biotechnology Letters 17, 551-556. Chou, C. C. & Rwan, J. H. (1995). Mycelial propagation and enzyme production in koji prepared with Aspergillus oryzae on various rice extrudates and steamed rice. lournal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 509-512. Cortassa, S., Aon, J.C. & Aon, M.A. (1995). Fluxes of carbon, phosphorylation, and redox intermediates during growth of Saccharomyces cereuisiae on different carbon sources. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 47, 193-208. Donoghue, J. D. & Denison, W. C. (1995). Shiitake cultivation - gas-phase during incubation influences productivity. Mycologia 87, 239-244. Fierro, F., Barredo, J. L., Diez, B., Gutierrez, S., Femandez, F. J. & Martin, J. F. (1995). The penicillin gene cluster is amplified in tandem repeats linked by conserved hexanucleotide sequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 92, 62004204, Huang, Q., Tezuka, Y., Hatanaka, Y., Kikuchi, T., Nishi, A. & Tubaki, K. (1995). Studies on metabolites of mycoparasitic fungi. 3. New sesquiterpene alcohol from Trichoderma koningii. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 43, 1035-1038. Jara. P., Delmas, P., Razanamparany, V., Olsen, L., Dupin, P., Bayol, A,, Begueret, J. & Loison, G. (1995). Self-cloning in filamentous fungi: application to the constmction of endothiapepsin overproducers in Cryphonectria parasitica. lournal of Biotechnology 40, 111-120. Jirku, V. (1995). Covalent immobilization as a stimulus of cell wall composition changes. Experientia 5 1, 569-5 71. Kozlov, D. G., Prahl, N., Efremov, B. D., Peters, L., Wambut, R., Karpychev, 1. V.. Eldarov, M. A. & Benevolensky, S. V. (1995). Host cell properties and external pH affect proinsulin production by Saccharomyces yeast. Yeast 11, 713-724. Krynetski, E. Y., Drutsa, V. L.. Kovaleva. I. E. & Luzikov, V. N. (1995). High y~eldexpression of functionally active human liver CYP2D6 in yeast cells. Pharmac~~enetics 5 , 103-109. Lorenzen, K., Anke, T., Konetschnyrapp, S. & Scheuer, W. (1995). 5-Hydroxy-

3-vinyl-2(5H)-furanone - a new inhibitor of human synovial phospholipase A(2) and platelet aggregation from fermentations of a Calypielh species (Ba~idiom~cetes). Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences 50, 403-409. Lum, P. Y. & Wright, R. (1995). Preserving yeast colonies grown on agar plates as a dry, thin sheet. Biotechniques 19, 36. Marakis, S. (1995). Fungi and yeasts isolated from Greek tannery liquid wastes. Cyptogamie Mycologie 16, 111-119. Nakata, K., Hasegawa, J. & Okamura, K. (1995). Accumulation and role of trehalose in Torulaspora delbrueckii No. 31 10. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemisty 59, 98&989. Porro, D., Brambilla, L., Ranzi, B. M., Martegani, E. & Alberghina, L. (1995). Development of metabolically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells for the production of lactic acid. Biotechnology Progress 11, 294-298. Salas, C., Lobos, S., Larrain, J., Salas, L., Cullen, D. & Vicuna, R. (1995). Properties of laccase isoenzymes produced by the basidiomycete Ceriporiopsis s~buermis~ora.Biotechnology and Applied Biochemisty 21, 323-333. Sato, F., Koiwa, H., Sakai, Y., Kato, N. & Yamada, Y. (1995). Synthesis and secretion of tobacco neutral PR-5 protein by transgenic tobacco and yeast. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communicat~ons211, 90%-913. Shimizu, H., Miura, K., Shioya, S. & Suga, K. (1995). On-line state recognition in a yeast fed-batch culture using error vectors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 47, 165-173. Srilatha, H. R., Nand, K., Babu, K. S. & Madhukara, K. (1995). Fungal pretreatment of orange processing waste by solid-state fermentation for improved production of methane. Process Biochemisty 30, 327-331. Takeshige, K. & Ouchi, K. (1995a). Effects of yeast invertase on ethanol production in molasses. lournal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 513-515. Takeshige, K. & Ouchi, K. (1995b). Factors affecting the ethanol productivity of yeast in molasses. Iournal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 445L452. Tomaska, M., Gemeiner, P., Materlin, I., Sturdik, E. & Handrikova, G. (1995). Calcium pectate gel beads for cell entrapment.5. A study on the stability of Kluyueromyces marxianus whole-cell lactase entrapped in hardened calcium pectate and calcium alginate gels. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemisty 21, 347-356. Verdoes, J. C., Punt, P. J. & Vandenhondel, C. A. M. J. J. (1995). Molecular genetic strain improvement for the overproduction of fungal proteins by filamentous fungi. Applied Microbiology and Biotecht~ology 43, 195-205. Volesky, B. & Holan. 2.R. (1995). Biosorption of heavy metals. Biotechnology progress 11, 235-250. Wada, S., lida, A., Akimoto, N., Kanai, M., Toyama, N. & Fujita, T. (1995). Fungal metabolites. 19. Structural elucidation of channel-forming peptides, Trichorovins-I-XIV, from the fungus Trichoderma viride. Chemical & Pharmaceuhcal Bulhhn 43, 910-915. Wang, H. X., Liu, W. K., Ng, T. B.. Ooi, V. E. C. & Chang, S. T. (1995). Immunomodulatory and antitumor activities of a polysaccharide-peptide

One stop mycology complex from a mycelial culture of Tricholoma sp., a local edible mushroom. Life Sciences 57, 269-281. Yamauchi, Y., Okamoto, T., Murayama, H., Nagara, A,, Kashihara, T., Yoshida, M. & Nakanishi, K. (1995a). Rapid fermentation of beer using an immobilized yeast multistage bioreactor system - Balance control of extract and amino acid uptake. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 53, 245-259. Yamauchi, Y., Okamoto, T., Murayama, H., Nagara, A,, Kashihara, T., Yoshida, M., Yasui, T. & Nakanishi, K. (1995b). Rapid fermentation of beer using an immobilized yeast mult~stage bioreactor system - Control of minor products of carbohydrate metabolism. Applied Biochemistry and Bioteclrnology 53, 261-276.

ECOLOGY Appel, D. J. & Gordon, T. R. (1995). Intraspecific variation within populations of Frisarium oxysporum based on RFLP analysis of the intergenic spacer region of the rDNA. E.~perimenta/ Mycology 19, 120-128. Bultman, T. L., White, J. F., Bowdish. T. I., Welch. A. M. &Johnston, J. (1995). Mutualistic transfer of Epichloe spermatia by Phorbia flies. Mycologra 87, 182-189. Derooijvandergoes, P. C. E. M. (1995). The role of plant-parasitic nematodes and soil-borne fungi in the decline of Ammophila arenaria (L) Link. New Phytologist 129, 661-669. Dibonito, R., Elliott, M. L. & Jardin, E. A. D. (1995). Detection of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in roots of different plant species with the PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 2809-2810. EISaid, A. H. M. & Abdelhafez, S. I. 1. (1995). Seasonal-variations of airborne fungi above banana fields in Qena, Upper Egypt. Cryptogamie Mycologie 16, 101-109. Hata, K. & Futai, K. (1995). Endophytic fungi associated with healthy pine needles and needles infested by the pine needle gall midge, Thecodiplosis japonensis. Canadian Journal of Botany 73. 384-390. Horn, B. W., Greene, R. L. & Domer, J. W. (1995). Effect of corn and peanut cultivation on soil populations of Aspergillru flavw and A . pnrasiticris in southwestern Georgia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 2472-2475. Iqbal, S. H., Firdausebareen, M. & Yousaf, N. (1995). Fresh-water hyphomycete communities in a canal. 1. Endophytic hyphomycetes of submerged roots of trees sheltering a canal bank. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 538-543. Knapp, J. S., Newby, P. S. & Reece, L. P. (1995). Decolorization of dyes by wood-rotting basidiomycete fungi. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 17, 664-668. Lambert, M., Kremer, S. & Anke, H. (1995). Antimicrobial, phytotoxic, nematicidal, cytotoxic, and mutagenic activities of 1-hydroxypyrene, the initial metabolite in pyrene metabolism by the basidiomycete Crinipellis stipitaria. Bulletin of E~rvironmental Corrtamination nnd Toxicology 55, 251-257. Li, D. W. & Kendrick, B. (1995). A year-round comparison of fungal spores in indoor and outdoor air. Mycologia 87, 190-195. Marakis, S. (1995). Fungi and yeasts isolated from Greek tannery liquid wastes. Cryptogamie Mycologie 16, 111-119. Mishra, R. C. (1995). Distribution of microfungi in the transitional zone of a subtropical lake in India. Canadian Journal of Botnt~y73, 512-516. Newell, S. Y. (1995). Minimizing ergosterol loss during preanalytical handling and shipping of samples of plant litter. Applied atid Environmerital Microbiology 61, 2794-2797. Noyd, R. K., Pfleger, F. L. & Russelle, M. P. (1995). Interactions between native prairie grasses and indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi implications for reclamation of taconite iron-ore tailing. New Phytologist 129. 651-660.

GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION Abouelela, S., Good, L. & Nazar, R. N. (1995). An efficiently expressed 5.8s rRNA 'tag' for in oivo studies of yeast rRNA biosynthesis and function. Biochin~icaet Biophysicn Actn - Gene Structure and Expression 1262, 164-167.

118 Allshire. R. C. (1995). Elements of chromosome structure and function in fission yeast. Seminars in Cell Brology 6 , 55-64. Amberg. D. C., Basart, E. & Botstein, D. (1995). Defuling protein interactions with yeast actin in vivo. Nature Structural Biology 2, 28-35. Asgeirsdottir, S. A., Vanwetter, M. A. & Wessels, J. G. H. (1995). Differential expression of genes under control of the mating-type genes in the secondary mycelium of Schizophyllum commune. Microbiology - UK 141, 1281-1288. Avila. I., Perez. M. D., Brito, N., Gonzalez, C. & Siverio. J. M. (1995). Cloning and disruption of the YNRl gene encoding the nitrate reductase apoenzyme of the yeast Hansenub polymorpha. FEBS Letters 366, 137-142. Banfield. D. K., Lewis, M. J. & Pelham, H. R. B. (1995). A SNARE-like protein required for traffic through the Golgi complex. Nature 375. 806-809. Banham, A. H., Asanteowusu, R. N.. Gottgens, B., Thompson, S.A. J., Kingsnorth. C. S., Mellor, E. J. C. & Casselton. L. A. (1995a).An N-terminal dimerization domain permits homeodomain proteins to choose compatible partners and initiate sexual development in the mushroom Coprinus cinereus. Plant Cell 7, 773-783. Banham, A. H., Asanteowusu, R. N., Gottgens, B., Thompson, S. A. J., Kingsnorth, C. S.. Mellor, E. J. C. & Casselton, L. A. (1995b).An N-terminal dimerization domain permits homeodomain proteins to choose compatible partners and initiate sexual development in the mushroom Coprznirs cinereus. Plnrit Cell 7, 773-783. Becher, D., Schulze, S., Kasuske, A,, Stoll, R., Wedler, H. & Oliver, S. G. (1995). Chromosome polymorphisms close to the cm-ADEI locus of Candida maltosa. Molecular & General Genetics 247, 591-602. Bendel, C. M., Stsauver, J., Carlson, S. & Hostetter, M. K. (1995). Epithelial adhesion in yeast species: correlation with surface expression of the integrin analog. Journal of Infectious Diseases 171, 1660-1663. Berninsone, P., Lin, Z. Y.. Kempner, E. & Hirschberg, C. B. (1995).Regulation of yeast golgi glycosylation - guanosine diphosphatase functions as a homodimer in the membrane. ]ournnl of Biological Chemistry 270, 14564-14567. Berteauxlecellier, V., Picard, M.. Thompsoncoffe, C., Zickler, D., Panvieradoutte, A. & Simonet, J. M. (1995). A nonmammalian homolog of the PAFI gene (Zellweger syndrome) discovered as a gene involved in caryogamy in the fungus Podospora anserinn. Cell 81, 1043-1051. Berthold, J., Bauer, M. F., Schneider, H. C., Klaus, C., Dietmeier, K., Neupert, W. & Brunner, M. (1995). The MIM complex mediates preprotein translocation across the mitochondria1 inner membrane and couples it to the mt-Hsp701ATP driving system. Cell 81, 1085-1093. Black, S., Andrews, P. D., Sneddon, A. A. & Stark, M. J. R. (1995). A regulated MET3-GLC7 gene fusion provides evidence of a mitotic role for Saccl~arottr~ces cerevisiae protein phosphatase 1. Yeast 11, 747-759. Boucherie, H., Dujardin, G., Kermorgant, M., Monribot, C.. Slonimski, P. & Perrot, M. (1995).Two-dimensional protein map of Sacchnromyces cerevisiae: construction of a gene-protein index. Yeast 11, 601413. Bundock, P., Dendulkras, A,, Beijersbergen, A. & Hooykaas, P. J. 1. (1995). Trans-kingdom T-DNA transfer from Agrobacterium trrmefnciens to Sacchnromyces cereoisiae. EMBO ]octrtrnl 14. 3206-3214. Cam, A. M. (1995). DNA structure checkpoints in fission yeast. Settrinars irr Cell Biology 6 , 65-72. Challen, M. P., Moore, A. J. & Martinezcarrera, D. (1995). Facile extraction and purification of filamentous fungal DNA. Biotechtliqrtes 18, 975-978. Chaure, P. T. & Connerton, I. F. (1995). Derepression of the glyoxylate cycle in mutants of Nerrrosporn rrnssa accelerated for growth on acetate. Microbiology - UK 141, 1315-1320. Chen, P. & Hochstrasser, M. (1995). Biogenesis, structure and function of the yeast 20s proteasome. EMBO lourtrnl 14. 2620-2630. Chiba, Y., Midorikawa, T. & Ichishima, E. (1995). Cloning and expression of the carboxypeptidase gene from Aspergillrrs snitoi and determination of the catalytic residues by site-directed mutagenesis. Bl~lchemrcnl]orcrnnl 308, 405-409. Chua, P & Roeder, G. S. (1995). Bdfl, a yeast chromosomal protein required for sporulation. Molecular and Cellrilnr Biology 15. 368553690, Coglievina, M., Bertani, I., Klima, R., Zaccaria, P. & Bruschi, C. V. (1995). The DNA sequence of a 7941 bp fragment of the left arm of chromosome VII of Sn~charortr~ces cereorsine contains four open reading frames including the multicopy suppressor gene of the pop2 mutation and a putative serinelthreonine protein kinase gene. Yenst 11, 767-774.

D. Moore and Lilyann Novak Frazer Collett, M. A,, Bradshaw, R. E. & Scott, D. B. (1995). A mutualistic fungal symbiont of perennial ryegrass contains two different pyr4 genes, both expressing orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase. Gene 158,31-39. Coria, R., Savinontejeda, A. L. & Bimbaumer, L. (1995). STE2/SCGIdependent inhibition of STE4-induced growth arrest by mutant STE4(Delta C6) in the yeast pheromone response pathway. FEBS Letters 367.122-126. Correa, A. & Hoch, H. C. (1995). Identification of thigmoresponsive loci for cell differentiation in Uromyces germlings. Protoplasma 186,34-40. Coster, F., Jonniaux, J. L. & Goffeau, A. (1995). Analysis of a 32.8 kb segment of yeast chromosome IV reveals 21 open reading frames, including TPSZ, PPH3. RAD55, SEDI, PDC2, AFRI, SSSl, SLUT and a tRNA for arginine. Yeast 11,6 7 3 4 7 9 . Couve, A,, Protopopov, V. & Gerst, J. E. (1995). Yeast synaptobrevin homologs are modified posttranslationally by the addition of palmitate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 92,5987-5991. Cross, F. (1995). Transcriptional regulation by a cyclin-cdk. Trends in Genetics 11, 209-211. Dahmann, C. & Futcher, B. (1995). Specialization of B-type cyclins for mitosis or meiosis in S. cerevisiae. Genetics 140,957-963. Datta, A. & Jinksrobertson, S. (1995). Association of increased spontaneous mutation rates with high levels of transcription in yeast. Science 268, 1616-1619. Degryse, E., Dumas, B., Dietrich, M., Laruelle, L. & Achstetter, T. (1995). In vivo cloning by homologous recombination in yeast using a two-plasmidbased system. Yeast 11,6294540. Dewar, K. & Bemier, L. (1995). Inheritance of chromosome-length polymorphisms in Ophiostoma ulmi (sensu lato). Current Genetics 27, 541-549. Dillin. A. & Rine, 1. (1995). On the origin of a silencer. Trends in Biochemical Sc~ences20, 231-235. Dohlman, H. G., Apaniesk, D., Chen, Y., Song, J. P. & Nusskern, D. (1995). Inhibition of G-protein signaling by dominant gain-of-function mutations in Sstzp, a pheromone desensitization factor in Saccharomyces cereuisiae. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15,3635-3643. Durand, R., Fischer, M., Rascle, C. & Fevre, M. (1995). Neocallimastix frontalis enolase gene, enol: first report of an intron in an anaerobic fungus. Microbiology - U K 141, 1301-1308. Elias, K. S. & Cotty, P. 1. (1995). A Rose-Bengal amended medium for selecting nitrate-metabolism mutants from fungi. Canadian journal of Botany 73,680-682. Farman, M.L. & Leong, S. A. (1995). Genetic and physical mapping of telomeres in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporfhe grisea. Genetics 140, 479-492. Feuermann. M., Charbonnel, L., Demontigny, 1.. Bloch, J. C., Potier, S. & Souciet I. L. (1995). Sequence of a 9.8 kb segment of yeast chromosome I1 including the three genes of the MAL3 locus and three unidentified open reading frames. Yeast 11,667-672. Fierro, F., Barredo, J. L., Diez, B., Gutierrez, S., Fernandez, F. J. & Martin, J. F. (1995). The penicillin gene cluster is amplified in tandem repeats linked by conserved hexanucleotide sequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 92,62004204. Fisher. D. &Nurse, P. (1995). Cyclins of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Seminars in Cell Biology 6 , 73-78. Ghazali. M., Rodier, M. H., Elmoudni, B., Quellard, N. & Jacquemin, J. L. (1995). Detection of myosin immunoanalogue in the yeast Candida albicans. Experimentai Mycology 19, 101-110. Gibbs, P. E. M., Borden. A. & Lawrence, C. W. (1995). The T-T pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidinone UV photoproduct is much less mutagenic in yeast than in Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Research 23, 1919-1922. Glerum, D. M., Koerner, T. 1. & Tzagoloff, A. (1995). Cloning and characterization of COX14. whose product is required for assembly of yeast cytochrome oxidase. lournal of Biological Chemistry 270, 1558515590. Gouka, R. J., Hessing, J. G. M., Stam, H., Musters, W. & Vandenhondel, C. A. M. J. J. (1995). A novel strategy for the isolation of defined pyrG mutants and the development of a site-specific integration system for Aspergillw awamori. Current Genetia 27, 536-540. Graham, L. A., Hill, K. J. & Stevens, T. H. (1995). VMA8 encodes a 32-kDa V-1 subunit of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar Hf-ATPase required for

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