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This is the first of what we plan to become a regular feature in Mycological Research. It is intended to provide our readers with a reference listing of papers onĀ ...

Mycol. Res. 98 (7): 81&832 (1994) Printed in Great Britain

One stop mycology

LILYANN N O V A K FRAZER A N D D A V I D MOORE School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchesfer, Manchesfer M I 3 9PT, U.K.

This is the first of what we plan to become a regular feature in Mycological Research. It is intended to provide our readers with a reference listing of papers on fungal biology which have appeared in other journals in recent months. The citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. We hope that this service will be found useful and would welcome comments and suggestions from readers. All correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available. This first listing covers the period October 1993 through to March 14, 1994.

BIOTECHNOLOGY Amau, I. & Oliver, R. P. (1993). Inheritance and alteration of transforming DNA during an induced parasexual cycle in the imperfect fungus Cladosporium fulvum. Current Genetics 23, 508-511. Amau. J. & Oliver, R. P. (1993). Inheritance and alteration of transforming DNA during an induced pavasexual cycle in the imperfect fungus Cladosporium fulvum (Vol. 23, p. 508, 1993). Current Genetics 24, 278. Amau, 1. & Stroman, P. (1993). Gene replacement and ectopic integration in the zygomycete Mucor circinelloldes. Current Genefics 23, 542-546. Arpi. M. & Bremmelgaard, A. (1993). Comparison of detection speed and yield in BACTEC NR-860(R) and Roche BCB(R) blood culture systems. Apmis 101, 545-550. Baudgrasset, S., Baudgrasset, F., Bifulco, J. M., Meier, J. R. & Ma, T. H. (1993). Reduction of genotoxicity of a creosote-contaminated soil after fungal treatment determined by the Tradescantia micronucleus test. Mutation Research 303, 77-82. Bedorf, N.. Schomburg, D., Gerth, K., Reichenbach, H. & Hofle, G. (1993). Antibiotics from gliding bacteria .54. Isolation and structure elucidation of soraphen-A(l alpha), a novel antifungal macrolide from Sorangium cellulosum. Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 1993, 1017-1021. Berges. T., Barreau, C.. Peberdy, J. F. & Boddy, L. M. (1993). Cloning of an Aspergillus niger invertase gene by expression in Trichodma reesei. Current Genetics 24, 53-59. Bouffard, F. A., Zambias. R. A., Dropinski, 7. F., Balkovec, J. M., Harnmond, M. L.. Abmzzo, G. K.. Bartizal, K. F., Marrinan. J. A,, Kurtz, M. B., McFadden, D. C., Nollstadt, K. H., Powles, M. A. & Schmatz, D. M. (1994). Synthesis and antifungal activity of novel cationic pneumocandin B - 0 derivatives. journal of Medicinal Chemistry 37, 222-225.

Burton, S. G., Duncan, J. R., Kaye, P. T. & Rose, P. D. (1993). Activity of mushroom polyphenol oxidase in organic medium. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 42, 938-944. Capieaux, E., Rapin C., Thines, D., Dupont, Y. & Goffeau, A. (1993). Overexpression in Escherichia coli and purification of an ATP-binding peptide from the yeast plasma membrane Hf-ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 268,21895-21900. Carmellino, M. L., Massolini, G., Pagani, G., Zani, F. & Leri, G. (1993). Fungicidal and genotoxic activity of new substituted pyridazinones. Farmaco 48, 1427-1438. Chu, M., Mierzwa, R., Truumees, I., Gentile, F., Patel, M., Gullo, V., Chan, T. M. & Puar, M. S. (1993). Two novel diketopiperazines isolated from the fungus Tolypocladium sp. Tetrahedron Letters 34, 7537-7540. Craven, M. G., Pawlyk, D. M., Choi. G. H. & Nuss, D. L. (1993). Papain-like protease-pP29 as a symptom determinant encoded by a hypovirulenceassociated virus of the chestnut blight fungus. Journal of Virology 67, 65134521. Deak, T. & Beuchat, L. R. (1993). Comparison of conductimetric and traditional plating techniques for detecting yeasts in fruit juices. ]ournal of Applied Bacteriology 75, 546-550. Delatorre, M. A., Gomezalarcon, G. & Palacios, J. M. (1993). In vitro biofilm formulation by Penicillium frequentans strains on sandstone, granite, and limestone. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 40,408-415. Duriati, A,, Jung, M., Mann, J. & Smith, G. P. (1993). Synthesis of analogues of squalene as potential anti-fungal agents. Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions I 1, 3073-3076. Forsyth, C. B. & Mathews, H. L. (1993). A quantitative radiometric assay to measure mammalian cell binding to hyphae of Candida albicans. Journal of Immunological Methods 165, 113-119. Galgiani, J. N. (1993). Susceptibility testing of fungi - current status of the standardisation process. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 37, 2517-2521. Gambainvemizzi, A., Garlaschelli, L., Rossi, A., Vidari, G. & Vitafinzi, P. (1993).Fungal metabolites .30. New farnesane sesquiterpenes from Lactariw porninsis. Journal of Natural Products - Lloydia 56, 1948-1953. Gauillard, F., Richardforget, F. & Nicolas, J. (1993). New spectrophotometric assay for polyphenol oxidase activity. Analytical Biochemistry 215,59-65. Gundecimerman, N., Plemenitas, A. & Cimerman, A. (1993). Pleurotw fungi produce mevinolin, an inhibitor of HMG CoA reductase. FEMS Microbiology Letters 113,333-337. Haltrich, D., Preiss, M. & Steiner, W. (1993). Optimisation of a culture medium for increased xylanase production by a wild strain of Schizophyllum commune. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 15, 854-860. Hunter, K.M. (1993). BACTEC high-blood-volume fungal medium versus isolator comparison misleading. Joltrnai of Clinical Microbiology 31, 3079-3080. Ichinose, K., Kiyono, J., Ebizuka, Y. & Sankawa, U. (1993). Post-aromatic

LilyAnn Novak Frazer and D. Moore deoxygenation in polyketide biosynthesis - reduction of aromatic rings in the biosyntheses of fungal melanin and anthraquinone. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 41, 2015-2021. Itoh. T., Ishii, K., Irikura, T., Ueno, Y., Kojima, A. & Horie, Y. (1993). A modified method of mixed lymphocyte reaction - establishment of the assay system and its application to extracts of fungal cultures. journal of Antibiotics 46, 1575-1581. Jacobsohn, G. M., Iskandar, R. & Jacobsohn, M. K. (1993). Activity of mushroom tyrosinase on catechol and on a catechol estrogen in an organic solvent. Bioch~micaet Biophysics Acta 1202, 317-324. Kimura, Y., Fujioka, H., Nakajima, H., Hamasaki, T. & Nakashima, R. (1993). BSF-A, a new plant growth regulator produced by the fungus, Botrytis squamosa. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 57, 1584-1585. Kobayashi, M., Uehara, H., Matsunami, K., Aoki, S. & Kitagawa, I. (1993). Trichoharzin, a new polyketide produced by the imperfect fungus Trichodmna harzianum separated from the marine sponge Micale cecilia. Tetrahedron Letters 34, 7925-7928. Lauritsen, F. R., Kotiaho, T. & Lloyd, D. (1993). Rapid and direct monitoring of volatile fermentation products in the fungus Bjerkandera adusta by membrane inlet tandem mass spectrometry. Biological Mass Spectrometry 22, 585-589. Lestan, D., Podgornik, H. & Perdih, A. (1993). Analysis of fungal pellets by uv-visible spectrum d i h s e reflectance spectroscopy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59, 4253-4260. Lorito, M., Hayes, C. K., Dipietro, A. & Harman, G. E. (1993). Biolistic transformation of Trichoderma harzianum and Gliocladium virens using plasmid and genomic DNA. Current Genetics 24, 349-356. Lyngstad, M. & Grasdalen, H. (1993). A new NMR airlift bioreactor used in P-31-NMR studies of itaconic acid producing Aspergillus terreus. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 27, 105-116. Martin, F., Vairelles, D. & Henrion, B. (1993). Automated ribosomal DNA fingerprinting by capillary electrophoresis of PCR products. Analytical Biochemisby 214, 182-189. Masaki, Y., Imaeda, T. & Kawai, M. (1994). Highly stereoselective synthesis and structural confirmation of a fungal metabolite, LI-P880 beta. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 42, 179-181. Matsuhisa, A,, Saito, Y., Ueyama, H., Yamamoto, M. & Ohono, T. (1993). Binding of streptavidin to bacteria or fungi and its applications in detecting these microbes. Microbiology and Immunology 37, 765-772. Matsuura, K., Yesilada, A,, Iida, A., Nagaoka, Y., Takaishi, Y. & Fujita, T. (1993). Fungal metabolites .9. Synthesis of a membrane-modifyingpeptide, Hypelcin A-111, from Hypocrea peltata. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 41, 1955-1959. McCormack, P. J., Bailey, M. J. & Jeffries, P. (1994). An artificial wax substrate for the in vitro study of phylloplane micro-organisms. ]ournu1 of Microbiological Methods 19, 19-28. Monke, E. & Schafer, W. (1993). Transient and stable gene expression in the fungal maize pathogen Cochliobolw heterostrophus after transformation with the beta-glucuronidase ( g w ) gene. Molecular & General Genetics 241, 73-80. Muralikrishna, C. & Renganathan, V. (1993). Peroxidase-catalyzed desulfonation of 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy and 3.5-dimethyl-4-aminobenzenesulfonic acids. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 197, 798-804. Nakajima, H.. Fujimoto. H.. Kimura. Y. & Hamasaki, T. (1993). Importance of the ketone function for the phytotoxicity of spiciferone-A, a phytotoxin produced by the fungus Cochliobolw spicifm. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemisby 57, 1938-1939. Obika, K., Tomura, D., Fukarnizu, A. & Shoun, H. (1993). Expression of the fungal cytochrome-p450nor cDNA in Eschm'chia coli. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 196, 1255-1260. Obrien, D. J., Kurantz, M. J. & Kwoczak, R. (1993). Production of eicosapentaenoic acid by the filamentous fungus Pythium irregulare. Applied Microbiology and Blotechnology 40, 211-214. Olsvik, E., Tucker, K. G., Thomas, C. R. & Kristiansen, B. (1993). Correlation of Aspergillus niger broth rheological properties with biomass concentration and the shape of mycelial aggregates. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 42, 104&1052. Or, Y. S., Clark, R. F., Xie, Q. H., Mcal~ine,J., Whittern, D. N., Henry, R. & Luly, J. R. (1993). The chemistry of ascomycin - structure determination and synthesis of pyrazole analogues. Tetrahedron 49, 8771-8786. 52

817 Orth, A. B., Sfarra, A,, Pell, E. J. & Tien, M. (1993).Assessing the involvement of free radicals in fungicide toxicity using alpha-tocopherol analogs. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 47, 134-141. Patrick, M., Adlard, M. W. & Keshavarz, T. (1993). Production of an indolizidine alkaloid, swainsonine by the filamentous fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. Biotechnology Letters 15, 997-1000. Peng, M., Lemke, P. A. & Shaw, J. J. (1993). Improved conditions for protoplast formation and transformation of Pleurotw ostreatus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 40, 101-106. Porter, R. C., Lo, P., Low, D. E., Simor, A. E., McGeer, A., Scriver, S., Moore, T. C., Goldman, C. & Skulnick, M. (1993). Utilisation review of the use of BACTEC plus high-volume blood culture bottles. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 31, 2794-2795. Ramakrishnan, S. & Hartley, B. S. (1993). Fermentation of lactose by yeast cells secreting recombinant fungal lactase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59, 4230-4235. Rodriguezlopez, J. N., Escribano, J. & Garciacanovas, F. (1994). A continuous spectrophotometric method for the determination of monophenolase activity of tyrosinase using 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinonehydrazone. Analytical Biochemistry 216, 205-212. Roussos, S., Raimbault, M., Prebois, J. P. & Lonsane, B. K. (1993). Zymotis, a large scale solid state fermenter- design and evaluation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 42, 37-52. Schliephake, K., Lonergan, G. T., Jones, C. L. & Mainwaring, D. E. (1993). Decolourisation of a pigment plant effluent by Pycnoporw cinnabarinus in a packed-bed bioreactor. Biotechnology Letters 15, 1185-1188. Shafiee. A,, Chen, T. S., Arison, B. S., Dumont, F. J., Colwell, L. & Kaplan, L. (1993). Enzymatic synthesis and immunosuppressive activity of novel desmethylated immunomycins (ascomycins). Journal of Antibiotics 46, 1397-1405. Sonnenbichler, J., Dietrich, J., Schafer, W. & Zetl, I. (1993). Secondary fungal metabolites and their biological activities .4. Synthesis of compounds with structural similarities to the toxic metabolites of the pathogenic fungus Heterobasidion annosum and investigation of their antibiotic activities. Biological Chemishy Hoppe - Seyler 374, 1047-1055. Sugiyama, H., Idekoba, C., Kajino, T., Hoshino, F., Asami. 0 . . Yamada, Y. & Udaka, S. (1993). Purification of protein disulfide isomerase from a thermophilic fungus. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 57, 1704-1707. Switchenko. A. C., Miyada, C. G., Goodman, T. C., Walsh, T. J., Wong, B., Becker, M. J. & Ullman, E. F. (1994). An automated enzymatic method for measurement of D-arabinitol, a metabolite of pathogenic Candida species. journal of Clinical Microbiology 32, 92-97. Tahara, S., Matsukura, Y., Katsuta, H. & Mizutani, J. (1993). Naturally occuning antidotes against benzimidazole fungicides. Zeitschrift fir Naturforschung C - A ]ournal of Biosciences 48, 757-765. Takahashi, A,, Kusano, G., Ohta, T. & Nozoe, S. (1993). Revised structures of flavidulols, constituents of Lactariw @vidulw Imai, and the structure of flavidulol-D. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 41, 2032-2033. Takahashi, H., Hashimoto, T., Noma, Y. & Asakawa, Y. (1993). Biotransformation of 6-ginger01 and 6-shogaol by Azpergillus niger. Phytochemishy 34, 1497-1500. Tanaka, Y. & Omura, S. (1993). Agroactive compounds of microbial origin. Annual Review of Microbiology 47, 57-87. Tanimori, S.. Ueda, T. & Nakayama, M. (1993). Total synthesis of ( +/ -)chokolic acid-A. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 57, 1713-1715. Tsuchiya, K., Gomi, K., Kitamoto, K., Kumagai, C. & Tamura, G. (1993). Secretion of calf chymosin from the filamentous fungus Aspergillw oyzae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 40, 327-332. Tu, C. & Berchtold, G. A. (1993). Total synthesis of ( +/-)-(I beta,6 alpha.9 beta.10 a l p h a ) - 9 - c h l o r o - 1 0 - h ~ d r o x ~ - 8 - ( m e t h o x y ~ t h y l e n e - 2 , 5-dioxabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-7-ene-3-one, the hrst chloride-containing chorismate metabolite from fungi. journal of Organlr Chemistry 58, 69154916. Wiebe, M. G., Robson, G. D., Cunllffe, B., Oliver, S. G. & Trinci, A. P. I. (1993). Periodic selection in longterm continuous-flow cultures of the filamentous fungus Fusarium graminearum. Journal of General Microbiology 139, 2811-2817. Wilson, M. & Lindow, S. E. (1993). Release of recombinant microorganisms. Annual Review of Microbiology 47, 913--944. Yang, Z. & Robb, D. A. (1993). Comparison of tyrosinase activity and

One stop mycology


stability in aqueous and nearly nonaqueous environments. Enzyme and

mycotoxins of some dried fruits in Egypt. lournal of Basic Microbiology 33,

Microbial Technology 1 5 , 1 0 3 S 1 0 3 6 .




Akin, D. E., Sethuraman. A., Morrison, W. H., Martin, S. A. & Eriksson, K. E. L. (1993). Microbial delignification with white rot fungi improves forage digestibility. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 5 9 , 4274-4282. Arora, D. K. & Gupta, S. (1993).Effect of different environmental conditions on bacterial chemotaxis toward fungal spores. Canadian Journal of

Aust, S. D. & Benson, J. T. (1993). The fungus among us -use of white rot fungi to biodegrade environmental pollutants. Environmental Health

Microbiology 39, 922-931.

Aust, S. D. & Benson, J. T. (1993). The fungus among us -use of white rot fungi to biodegrade environmental pollutants. Environmental Health perspectives 101, 232-233.

Baudgrasset S., Baudgrasset. F., Bifulco, J. M., Meier, J. R. &Ma, T. H. (1993). Reduction of genotoxicity of a creosote-contaminated soil after fungal treatment determined by the Tradescantia miaonucleus test. Mutation Research 3 0 3 , 77-82.

Dehoog, G. S. (1993).Evolution of black yeasts -possible adaptation to the human host. Anfonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 6 3 , 105-109.

Dejong, E., Field, J. A., Spinnler, H. E., Wijnberg, I. B. P. A. & Debont, J. A. M. (1994). Significant biogenesis of chlorinated aromatics by fungi in natural environments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60,264-270. Delatorre, M. A,, Gomezalarcon, G. & Palacios, J. M. (1993).In vitro biofilm formulation by Penicillium frequentam strains on sandstone, granite, and limestone. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 4 0 , 408-415. Hollomon, D. W. (1993).Resistance to azole fungicides in the field. Biochemical

Perspectives 1 0 1 , 232-233.

Bano, Z., Shashirekha, M. N. & Rajarathnam, S. (1993).Improvement of the bioconversion and biotransformation efficiencies of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotw sajor-caju) by supplementation of its rice shaw substrate with oil seed cakes. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 1 5 , 985-989. Baudgrasset. S., Baudgrasset, F., Bifulco, J. M., Meier, J. R. & Ma, T. H. (1993). Reduction of genotoxicity of a creosote-contaminated soil after fungal treatment determined by the Tradescantia micronucleus test. Mutation Research 3 0 3 , 77-82.

Lopezllorca, L. V. & Valiente, M. F. C. (1993). Study of biodegradation of starch-plastic films in soil using scanning electron microscopy. Micron 24, 457-463.

Merlin, M. D. & Allen, J. W. (1993). Species identification and chemical analysis of psychoactive fungi in the Hawaiian islands. ]ournal of Ethnophamacology 4 0 , 21-40.

Okeke, B. C., Smith, J. E., Paterson, A. & Watsoncraik, I. A. (1993). Aerobic metabolism of pentachlorophenol by spent sawdust culture of shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes) in soil. Biotechnology Letters 1 5 , 1077-1080. Schliephake, K., Lonergan, G. T., Jones, C. L. & Mainwaring, D. E. (1993). Decolourisation of a pigment plant eMuent by Pycnoporus cinnabarinus in a packed-bed bioreactor. Biotechnology Letters 1 5 , 1185-1188.

Society Transactions 2 1, 1047-105 1.

Li, D. P. & Holdom, D. G. (1993).Effect of soil matric potential on sporulation and conidial survival of Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycotina, hyphomycetes). journal of Invertebrate Pathology 6 2 , 273-277. Liu, 2. Y., Milner, R. J., McRae, C. F. & Lutton, G. G. (1993). The use of dodine in selective media for the isolation of Metarhizium spp from soil. journal of Invertebrate Pathology 6 2 , 248-251.

Marchisio, V. F., Cassinelli, C., Piscozzi, A,, Tullio, V. & Mischiati, P. (1993). A preliminary survey of cydoheximide-resistant airborne fungi in Turin, Italy. Mycopathologia 123, 1-8. McCormack, P. J., Bailey, M. J. & Jeffnes, P. (1994).An artificial wax substrate for the in vitro study of phylloplane micro-organisms. ]ournu1 of Microbiological Methods 1 9 , 19-28.

Poder, R. (1993). Ice mans fungi -discussion rekindled. Science 2 6 2 , 1956. Rajasekaran, A. K. & Maheshwari, R. (1993). Thermophilic fungi - an assessment of their potential for growth in soil. lournal of Biosciences 1 8 , 345-354.

Sawyer, A. J., Griggs, M. H. & Wayne, R. (1994). Dimensions, density, and settling velocity of Entornophthoralean conidia - implications for aerial dissemination of spores. ]ournu1 of Invertebrate Pathology 6 3 , 43-55. Suberkropp, K., Gessner, M. 0. & Chauvet, E. (1993).Comparison of ATP and ergosterol as indicators of fungal biomass associated with decomposing leaves in streams. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 5 9 , 3367-3372. Sugiura, Y.,Fukasaku, K., Tanaka. T., Matsui. Y. & Ueno, Y. (1993).Fusarium poae and Fwarium mookwellense, fungi responsible for the natural occurrence of nivalenol in Hokkaido. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59, 3334-3338.

Vazquez, F. J., Acea M. J. & Carballas, T. (1993).Soil microbial populations after wildfire. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 1 3 , 93-103. Vinas, I., Vallverdu, N., Monllao, S., Usall, J. & Sanchis, V. (1993). lmazalil resistant Penicillium isolates from Spanish apple packinghouses. Mycopathologia 1 2 3 , 27-33. Waller, P. J. (1993). Nematophagous fungi -prospective biological control agents of animal parasitic nematodes7 Parasitology Today 9 , 429-431. Williams, A. G. & Lloyd, D. (1993). Biological activities of symbiotic and parasitic protozoa and fungi in low-oxygen environments. Advances in Microbial Ecology 1 3 , 211-262. Wilson, M. & Lindow, S. E. (1993). Release of recombinant microorganisms. Annual Review of Microbiology 4 7 , 913-944. Zohri, A. A. & Abdelgawad, K. M. (1993). Survey of mycoflora and

GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION Adachi, Y., Watanabe, H., Tanabe, K., Doke, N., Nishimura, S. & Tsuge, T. (1993). Nuclear ribosomal DNA as a probe for genetic variability in the japanese pear pathotype of Alternuria alternata. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 5 9 , 3197-3205.

Alvarez, M. E., Rosa, A. L., Temporini, E. D., Wolstenholme, A,, Panzetta, G., Patrito, L. & Maccioni, H. J. F. (1993).The 59-kDa polypeptide constituent of 8-10-nm cytoplasmic filaments in Neurospora crassa is a pyruvate decarboxylase. Gene 1 3 0 , 253-258. Amau, J. & Oliver, R. P. (1993). Inheritance and alteration of transforming DNA during an induced parasexual cycle in the imperfect fungus Cladosporium fulvum. Cuwent Genetics 2 3 , 508-511.

Amau, J . & Oliver, R. P. (1993). Inheritance and alteration of transforming DNA during an induced parasexual cycle in the imperfect fungus Cladosporiumfulvum (vol 23, pg 508, 1993). Cuwent Genetics 2 4 , 278. Amau, J. & Stroman, P. (1993).Gene replacement and ectopic integration in the zygomycete Mucor circinelloides. Cuwent Genetics 2 3 , 542-546. Backlund, J . E. & Szabo, L. J. (1993).Physical characteristics of the genome of the phytopathogenic fungus Puccinia graminis. Cuwent Genetics 2 4 , 89-93. Bagirova, S. F. & Dyakov, Y. T. (1993). Interrelations of the sexual and vegetative incompatibility systems in fungi. Genetika 2 9 , 1589-1596. Banks, G. R., Shelton, P. A,, Kanuga, N., Holden, D. W. & Spanos, A. (1993). The Ustilago rnaydis-narl gene encoding nitrate reductase activity sequence and transcriptional regulation. Gene 1 3 1 , 69-78. Barth, G. & Scheuber, T. (1993). Cloning of the isocitrate lyase gene (icll) from Yawowia lipolytica and characterisation of the deduced protein. Molecular & General Genetics 2 4 1 , 422-430.

Bayles, C. J., Aist, J. R. & Berns, M. W. (1993).The mechanics of anaphase-b in a basidiomycete as revealed by laser microbeam microsurgery. Erperimental Mycology 1 7 , 191-199.

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