One stop mycology. LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER. MycoTech Lfd., The Campus Ventues Centre, School of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Building, TheĀ ...
Mycol. Res. 100 (10): 1272-1280 (1995) Printed in Great Britain
One stop mycology
LILYANN N O V A K FRAZER MycoTech Lfd., T h e Campus Ventues Centre, School of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M 1 3 9PL, U.K.
This listing covers the period April 1, 1996 through to April 30, 1996. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.
BIOTECHNOLOGY Ansanay, V., Dequin, S., Camarasa. C., Schaeffer, V., Grivet, J. P., Blondin, B., Salmon, J. M. & Barre, P. (1996). Malolactic fermentation by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae as compared with engineered Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Yeast 12, 215-225. Banat, I. M., Oxspring, D., Marchant, R., Singh, D. & Smyth, W. F. (1995).A new facultative anaerobic filamentous fungus capable of growth on recalcitrant textile dyes as sole carbon source. Microbios 84, 171-185. Blakebrough, M. L., Craig, S. H., Robson, G. D. & Trinci, A. P. J. (1996).How do highly branched (colonial)mutants of Fusarium graminearum A3/5 arise during QuomR Myco-protein fermentations7 Microbiology 142, 525-532. Bui, D. M., Kunze, I., Horstmann, C., Schmidt, T., Breunig, K. D. & Kunze, G. (1996). Expression of the Arxula adeninivorans glucoamylase gene in Kluyveromyces lactis. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 4 5 , 102-106. Bush. S. M., Folta, S. & Lanningan, D. A. (1996). Use of the yeast one-hybrid system to screen for mutations in the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen receptor. Steroids 61, 102-109. Celotti, F., Motta, M. & Martini, L. (1915). Characterization of rat 5-alphareductases Type I and Type 2 expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical Journal 314, 1047-1052. Cepas. J., Silva, M. & Perez-Bendito, D. (1996). Sensitive peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence determination of psychotropic indole derivatives. Analyst 121,49-54. Chu, M., Patel, M. G., Pai, J. K., Das, P. R. & Puar, M. S. (1996). Sch 53823 and sch 53825, novel fungal metabolites with phospholipase D inhibitory activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemisty Letters 6,579-584. Compagno, C., Porro, D., Radice, S., Martegani, E. & Ranzi, B. M. (1996). Selection of yeast cells with a higher plasmid copy number in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae autoselection system. Yeast 12, 199-205. Dealteriis, E., Maurano, F., Battistel, E. & Parascandola, P. (1996). D-amino acid oxidase from Trigonopsis variabilis - immobilization of whole cells in natural polymeric gels for glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid production. Iournai of Fermentation & Bioengineering 81, 138-142. Draborg, H., Halkier, T., Dalboge, H., Christgau, S., Rasmussen, G. & Kauppinen, S. (1996). Secretion of an enzymatically active Trichoderma
harzianum endochitinase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Current Genetics 29, 404-409. Erol, D. D., Calis, U. & Yulug, N. (1996).Synthesis of ethanone derived from 2-benzoxazolinones and their antimicrobial activities.Arzneimittel Forschung 46,205-206. Fiordalisi, J. J., James, P. L., Zhang, Y. P. & Grant, G. A. (1996). Facile production of native-like kappa-bungarotoxin in yeast - an enhanced system for the production of a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor probe. Toxicon 34, 213-224. Fronza, G., Fuganti, C., Mendozza, M., Rallo, R. S., Ottolina, G. & Joulain, D. (1996). Stereochemistry of the double bond saturation in the formation in bakers yeast of 4-(4-hydroxypheny1)-2-butanone(raspbeny ketone). Tetrahedron 52,4041-4052. Gautier, J.C., Urban, P., Beaune, P. & Pompon, D. (1996). Simulation of human benzo[a]pyrene metabolism deduced from the analysis of individual kinetic steps in recombinant yeast. Chemical Research in Toxicology 9, 418-425. Hasslacher, M., Schall, M., Hayn, M., Griengl, H., Kohlwein, S. D. & Schwab, H. (1996). Molecular cloning of the full-length cDNA of (S)-hydroxynitrile lyase from Hevea brasiliensis - functionai expression in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and identification of an active site residue. Iournal of Biological Chemistry 271, 5884-5891. Huang, Q., Tezuka, Y., Hatanaka, Y.. Kikuchi, T., Nishi, A. & Tubaki, K. (1996). Studies on metabolites of mycoparasitic fungi. 5. Ion-spray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of trichokonin-11, a peptaibol mixture obtained from the culture broth of Trichodema koningii. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 44, 590--593. Hughes, S. R., Goyal, S., Sun, J. E., Gonzalez-deWhitt, P., Fortes, M. A,, Riedel, N. G. & Sahasrabudhe, S. R. (1996). Two-hybrid system as a model to study the interaction of beta-amyloid peptide monomers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 93,2065-2070. Ibeas, J. I., Lozano, I., Perdigones, F. & Jirnenez,J. (1996). Detection of Dekkera brettanomyces strains in sherry by a nested PCR method. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62,998-1003. James. L. A,, Ogilvie, D. J., Yamakawa, K., Nakarnura, Y., Stirling, C. J. & Anand, R. (1996). Walking, cloning, and mapping with YACs in 3q27 localization of five ESTs including three members of the cystatin gene family and identification of CPG islands. Genomics 32, 425-430. Kato. N.,Okamoto, H. & Takeshita, H. (1996). Total synthesis of optically active cotylenol, a fungal metabolite having a leaf growth activityintramolecular ene reaction for an eight-membered ring formation. Tetrahedron 52, 3921-3932. LaGrange, D. C.. Pretorius, I. S. & van Zyl, W. H. (1996). Expression of a Trichoderma reesei beta-xylanase gene (xyn~)in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 1036-1044. Mauro, J. M., Cao. L. K., Kondracki, L. M., Walz, S. E. & Campbell, J. R.
Lilyann Novak Frazer (1996). Fiber-optic fluorometric sensing of polymerase chain reactionamplified DNA using an immobilized DNA capture protein. Analytical Biochemistry 235, 61-72. Mieno, Y., Nagashima, T., Kumagai, C. & Kitamoto, K. (1996). Breeding of a new type of bakers yeast by Delta-integration for overproduction of glucoamylase using a homothallic yeast. Journal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 81, 98-103. Ng, T. K. C., Chan, R. C. Y., Adeyemidoro, F. A. B., Cheung, S. W. & Cheng, A. F. B. (1996). Rapid high performance liquid chromatographic assay for antifungal agents in human sera. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 37, 465-472. Norman, B. H., Shih, C., Toth, J. E., Ray, J. E., Dodge, J. A., Johnson, D. W., Rutherford, P. G., Schultz, R. M., Worzalla, J. F. & Vlahos, C. J. (1996). Studies on the mechanism of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibition by wortmannin and related analogs. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 39, 1106-1111. Passador-Gurgel, G.C., Furlan, S. A,, Meller, J. K. & Jonas, R. (1996). Application of a microtitre reader system to the screening of inulinase nulinase-producing yeasts. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 45, 158-161. Poggeler, S., Schwerk, C., Kamper, U. & Kuck, U. (1996). Efficient synthesis of a 72-kDa mitochondrial polypeptide using the yeast Ty expression system. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications 219, 89G899. Shevchenko,A., Wilm, M., Vorm, 0.& Mann, M. (1996). Mass spectrometric sequencing of proteins from silver stained polyacrylamide gels. Analytical Chemistry 68,850-858. Siddiqi, S. F., Titchener-Hooker, N. J. & Shamlou, P. A. (1996). Simulation of particle size distribution changes occurring during high-pressure disruption of bakers yeast. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 50, 145-150. Stewart, P., Whitwam, R. E., Kersten, P. J., Cullen, D. & Tien, M. (1996). Efficient expression of a Phanerochaete chysosporium manganese peroxidase gene in Aspergillus oryzae. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 860-864. Straver, M. H. & Kijne, J. W. (1996). A rapid and selective assay for measuring cell surface hydrophobicity of brewers yeast cells. Yeast 12, 207-213. Swensen, J. (1996). PCR with random primers to obtain sequence from yeast artificial chromosome insert ends or plasmids. Biotechniques 20, 486-491. Tsutsumi, H., Kawado, A., Murata, K., Suginami, K. & Imayasu, S. (1996). Methods for sporulation of industrially used sake yeasts. Journal of Fermenfatiott & Bioengineering 81, 93-97. Ullmann. P., Gondet, L., Potier, S. & Bach, T. J. (1996). Cloning of Arabidopsis thaliana glutathione synthetase (GSH2) by functional complementation of a yeast gsh2 mutant. European Journal of Biochemistry 236,662469. van der Hee, M. D., Graca. P. M. A., Huizing, H. J. & Mooibroek, H. (1996). Transformation of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricw bisporus, to hygromycin B resistance. Mokcuhr & General Genetics 250, 252-258. Yamanaka. K., Matsuoka, M. & Banno, K. (1996). Determination of thiamine in dried yeast by high-performance liquid chromatography using a cleanup column of CM-cellulose. Journal of Chromatography 726,237-240. Yan, W., Kishida, M. & Sakai, T. (1996a). Breeding a fermentative yeast at high temperature using protoplast fusion. Journal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 81, 104-108. Yan, W., Kishida, M. & Sakai, T. (1996b). Introduction of mitochondria into respiratory-deficient mutant of yeast and improvement of thermostability. ]ournal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 81. 109-111. Zhou, W.,Guo, D. A. & Nes, W. D. (1996). Stereochemistry of hydrogen migration from C-24 to C-25 during biomethylation in ergosterol biosynthesis. Tetrahedron Letters 37, 1339-1342.
ECOLOGY Abe, K., Nagao, Y., Nakada, T. & Sakuma, S. (1996). Assessment of indoor climate in an apartment by use of a fungal index. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62,959-963. Badran, R. A. M. & Aly, M. Z. Y . (1995). Studies on the mycotic inhabitants of Culex pipiens collected from fresh water ponds in Egypt. Mycopathologia 132, 105-110. De Oliveira, P. C. (1996). Diversity of minofungi in the sandy soil of Ipanema beach, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Journal of Basic Microbiology 36,51-58.
1273 Fabre, E. (1996). Relationships between aquatic hyphomycetes communities and riparian vegetation in 3 Pyrenean streams. Comptes Rendw de I'Academie des Sciences Serie Ill-Sciences de la Vie-Life Sciences 319, 107-1 11. Karki, T. B., Terao, T. & Suzuki, C. (1996). Microflora of mana, a Nepalese rice Koji. Journal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 81, 168-170. Naumov, G. I., Naumova, E. S. & Louis, E. J. (1995). Two new genetically isolated populations of the Saccharomyces sensu strict0 complex from Japan. Journal of General & Applied Microbiology 41,499-505. Okeke, B. C., Smith, J. E., Paterson, A. & Watsoncraik I. A. (1996). Influence of environmental parameters on pentachlorophenol biotransformation in soil by Lentinula edodes and Phanerochaete chysosporium. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 45,263-266. Pierson, L. S. & Pierson, E. A. (1996). Phenazine antibiotic production in Pseudomonas aureofaciens - role in rhizosphere ecology and pathogen suppression. FEMS Microbiology Letters 136, 101-108. Requena, N., Jeffries. P. & Barea, J. M. (1996). Assessment of natural mycorrhizal potential in a desertified semiarid ecosystem. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 62, 842-847.
SYSTEMATICS & STRUCTURE, FORAY & CONSERVATION Benedetti, G. & Morosetti, S. (1996). A graph-topological approach to recognition of pattern and similarity in RNA secondary structures. Biophysical Chemistry 59, 179-184. Bomer, U.,Pfanner, N. & Dietmeier, K. (1996). Identification of a third yeast mitochondrial Tom protein with tetratrico peptide repeats. FEBS Letfers 382, 153-158. Bourett, T. M. & Howard, R. J. (1996). Immunolocalization of tubulin and actin in thick-sectioned fungal hyphae after freeze-substitution Fixation and methacrylate de-embedment. Journal of Microscopy 181, 153-161. Bulat, S. A. & Mironenko, N. V. (1996). Identification of fungi and analysis of their genetic diversity by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with genespecific and non-specific primers. Genetika 32, 165-183. Cole, L., Bourett, T., Howard, R. & Hawes, C. (1996). Brefeldin A effects in plant and fungal cells - something new about vesicle trafficking. Journal of Microscopy 181. 162-177. Friedman, D. B., Sundberg, H. A,, Huang, E. Y. & Davis, T. N. (1996). The 110-kD spindle pole body component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a phosphoprotein that is modified in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Journal of Cell Biology 132,903-914. Haucke, V.,Horst, M., Schatz, G. & Lithgow, T. (1996). The Mas2Op and Mas70p subunits of the protein import receptor of yeast mitochondria interact via the tetratricopeptide repeat motif in MasZOp - evidence for a single hetero-oligomeric receptor. EMBO Journal 15, 1231-1237. Howard, R. J. (1996). Brefeldin A-induced structural changes in the endomembrane system of a filamentous fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. Protoplasma 190, 151-163. Iwata, S. & Yamamoto, S. (1996). Alternation in cell wall chitin of Zygosaccharomyces rouii. Journal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 81, 171-173. Joseph-McCarthy, D., Petsko, G. A. & Karplus, M. (1995). Use of a minimum perturbation approach to predict tim mutant structures. Protein Engineering 8, 1103-1115. Liu, D., Coloe, S., Pedersen, J. & Baird, R. (1996). Use of arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction to differentiate Trichophyton dermatophytes. FEMS Microbiology Letters 136, 147-150. Lopez-Ribot,J. L., Cortlandt, D. A., Straus, D. C., Morrow, K. J. & Chafin, W. L. (1995).Complex interaction between different proteinaceous components within the cell-wall structure of Candida albicans. Mycopathologia 132, 87-93. McCarter, J. D. & Withers, S. G. (1996). Unequivocal identification of asp-214 as the catalytic nucleophile of Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha-glucosidase using 5-fluoro glycosyl fluorides. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271, 68894894. Mueller, U. G., Lipari, S. E. & Milgroom, M. G. (1996). Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting of symbiotic fungi cultured by the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyurmex minutw. Molecular Ecology 5, 119-122.
One stop mycology Nakatani, Y., Bagby, S. & Ikura, M. (1996). The histone folds in transcription factor TFIID. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271,6575-6578. Overholtzer, M. H., Yakowec, P. S. & Cameron, V. (1996). The effect of amino acid substitutions in the conserved aromatic region of subunit I1 of cytochrome C oxidase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271, 7719-7724. Pain, N. A,, Hutchison, K. A., Jones, G. L. & Green, J. R. (1996). Ultrastructure and composition of the cell surfaces of infection structures formed by the fungal plant pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Journal of Microscopy 181,204-212. Pecorari, F., Guilbert, C., Minard, P., Desmadril, M. & Yon, J. M. (1996). Folding and functional complementation of engineered fragments from yeast phosphoglycerate kinase. Biochemistry 35,3465-3476. Perotto, S., Actisperino, E., Perugini, J. & Bonfante, P. (1996). Molecular diversity of fungi from ericoid mycor~hizalroots. Molecular Ecology 5, 123-131. Peter, M. & Scherrer, S. (1996). Drought-induced structural alterations at the mycobiont photobiont interface in a range of foliose macrolichens. Protupopbma 190, 221-232. Rollo, F., Sassaroli, S. & Ubaldi, M. (1996). Molecular phylogeny of the fungi of the iceman's grass clothing (vol 28, pg 289, 1995). Current Genetics 29, 410. Tafi, A,, Anastassopoulou, J., Theophanides, T., Botta, M., Corelli, F., Massa, S., Artico, M., Costi, R., Disanto, R. & Ragno, R. (1996). Molecular modeling of azole antifungal agents active against Candida albicans. 1. A comparative molecular field analysis study. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 39, 1227-1235. Waddle, J. A,, Karpova, T. S., Waterston, R. H. & Cooper, J. A. (1996). Movement of cortical actin patches in yeast. Journal of Cell Biology 132, 861-870. White, M.F. & Lilley, D. M. J. (1996). The structure-selectivity and sequencepreference of the junction-resolving enzyme CCEI of Saccharomyces cereoisiae. Journal of Molecular Biology 25 7, 330-341. Xu, Z. Y. & Wickner, W. (1996). Thioredoxin is required for vacuole inheritance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Cell Biology 132, 787-794. Yang, H.M., Hamada, K., Terashima, H., Izuta, M., Yamaguchi-Sihta, E., Kondoh, 0..Satoh, H., Miyazaki, M., Arisawa, M., Miyamoto, C. & Kitada, K. (1996). A point mutation within each of two ATP-binding motifs inactivates the functions of elongation factor 3. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta -Molecular Cell Research 1310,303-308.
GENETICS, MOLECULAR B I O L O G Y & EVOLUTION Akasaka, K., Tamada, M.. Wang, F., Kariya, K., Shima, F., Kikuchi, A., Yamarnoto, M., Shirouzu, M., Yokoyama, S. & Kataoka, T. (1996). Differential structural requirements for interaction of Ras protein with its distinct downstream effectors. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271, 5353-5360. Aifano, P.. Fani, R., Lio, P., Lazcano, A., Bazzicalupo, M., Carlomagno, M. S. & Bruni, C. B. (1996). Histidine biosynthetic pathway and genesstmcture. regulation, and evolution. Microbiological Reviews 60,44-69, Altamura, N., Capitanio, N., Bonnefoy, N., Papa, S. & Dujardin, G. (1996).The Saccharomyces cerevisiae oxal gene is required for the correct assembly of cytochrome C oxidase and oligomycin-sensitive ATP synthase. FEBS Letters 382, 111-115. Amon, A. (1996). Mother and daughter are doing fine -asymmetric cell division in yeast. Cell 84,651-654. Armstrong, G. A. & Hearst, J. E. (1996). Carotenoids. 2. Genetics and molecular biology of carotenoid pigment biosynthesis. FASEB ]ournal 10, 228-237. Bobola, N., Jansen, R. P., Shin, T. H. & Nasmyth, K. (1996). Asymmetric accumulation of ASHlp in postanaphase nuclei depends on a myosin and restricts yeast mating-type switching to mother cells. Cell 84,699-709. Bomer, U., Pfanner, N. & Dietmeier, K. (1996). Identification of a third yeast mitochondrial Tom protein with tetratrico peptide repeats. FEBS Letters 382, 153-158. Brandt. M. E., Hutwagner, L. C., Klug, L. A., Baughman, W. S., Rimland, D.,
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