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This is the fourth of our regular feature in Mycological Research which is intended to provide our readers with a reference listing of papers on fungal biology ...

Mycol. Res. 9 8 (10): 121&1215 (1994) Printed in Great Britain

One stop mycology

LILYANN N O V A K FRAZER A N D D A V I D MOORE School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M I 3 9PT, U.K.

This is the fourth of our regular feature in M y c o l o g i c a l Research which is intended to provide our readers with a reference listing of papers on fungal biology which have appeared in other journals in recent months. This is the first part of a listing covering the period May 17, 1994 through to June 11, 1994. the second part will appear next month. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. We hope that this service will be found useful and would welcome comments and suggestions from readers. All -correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.

BIOTECHNOLOGY Hocart, M. J. & McNaughton, J. E. (1994). Interspecific hybridization between Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides and P. anguioides achieved through protoplast fusion. Mycological Research 98, 47-56. Liljeroth, E., Jansson, H. B. & Schafer, W. (1993). Transformation of Bipolaris sorokiniana with the gus gene and use for studying fungal colonization of barley roots. Phytopathology 83, 1484-1489. Padgett, D. E. & Posey, M. H. (1993). An evaluation of the efficiencies of several ergosterol extraction techniques. Mycological Research 97, 1476-1480. Schulz, B., Wanke, U., Draeger, S. & Aust, H. J. (1993). Endophytes from herbaceous plants and shrubs - effectiveness of surface sterilization methods. Mycological Research 97, 1447-1450.

ECOLOGY Sridhar, K. R. & Barlocher, F. (1994).Viability of aquatic hyphomycete conidia in foam. Canadian lournal of Botany 72, 106-110.

FORAY & CONSERVATION Archer, A. W. & Elix, J. A. (1993). Additional new taxa and a new report of Pertusaria (lichenised Ascomycotina) from Australia. Mycotaxon 49, 143-150. Bhat, D. J. & Kendrick. B. (1993). Twenty-five new conidial fungi from the western Ghats and the Andaman Islands (India). Mycotaxon 49, 19-90. Bmsse, F. A. (1993). Eight new species in the lichen genus Parmelia (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae) from southern Africa, with notes on southern African lichens. Mycotaxon 49, 1-17.

Elsaid, A. H. M. (1993). Keratino~hilicand cycloheximide resistant fungi in soils of Oman. Crypfogamie Mycologie 14, 271-277. Ferraro, L. I. & Elix, J. A. (1993). Two new species of Parmeliaceae (lichenized Ascomycotina) from South Arnenca. Mycotaxon 49, 405-409. Frohlich, J. & Hyde, K. D. (1994). New Oxydothis species associated with palm leaf spots in north Queensland, Australia. Mycological Research 98, 213-218. Gilbertson, R. L. & Adaskaveg, J. E. (1993). Studies on wood-rotting basidiomycetes of Hawaii. Mycotaxon 49, 369-397. Haridy, M. S. A. (1993). Occurrence of yeasts in yogurt, cheese and whey. Cyptogamie Mycologie 14, 255-262. Hattori, T. & Ryvarden, L. (1993). Polypores from Bonin Is. (Japan). 1. A new species of Inonotus (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycotina). Mycotaxon 49, 209-215. Hauerslev, K. (1993). New tremellaceous fungi from Denmark. Mycotaxon 49, 217-233. Havrylenko, M. (1993). Descriptions of new taxa of Erysiphaceae from Argentina. Mycotaxon 49, 257-267. Hennen, J. F. & McCain, J. W. (1993). New species and records of Uredinales from the neotropics. Mycologia 85, 97G986. Hsieh, W. H. & Chen, C. Y. (1994). Sivanesania, a new botryosphaeriaceous ascomycete genus on Rubus from Taiwan. Mycological Research 98, 44-46. Hsieh, W. H., Chen, C. Y. & Sivanesan, A. (1994). Urosporellopsis taiwanensis gen. et sp. nov., a new arnphisphaeriaceous ascomycete on Sassafras from Taiwan. Mycological Research 98, 101-104. Illana, C., Moreno, G. & Castillo, A. (1993). Spanish myxomycetes. 8. Some nivicolous myxomycetes from central Spain. Cyptogamie Mycologie 14, 241-253. Khan. M. K., Kamal, K. & Morgan Jones, G. (1993). Notes on hyphomycetes. 63. Novel species of Fuligomyces and Tretosporu from India, with comments on the genera. Mycofuxun 49, 477-485. Lorenzo, L. E. (1994). A new hairy species of Sporomiella. Mycological Research 98, 1&12. McKenzie, E. H. C. (1993). New species of Cyptophiale from New Zealand and New Caledonia. Mycotaxon 49, 307-312. Monoson, H. L., Methven, A. S. & Sundberg, W. J. (1993). Illinois species of Volvariella (basidiomycetes, Agaricales, Pluteaceae). Mycotaxon 49, 269278. Naumov, G. I., Naumova, E. S., Sancho, E. D. & Korhola, M. (1993). Taxogenetics of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto yeasts from western and South Africa. Cryptogamie Mycologie 14, 263-270. Pfister, D. H. (1993).A synopsis of the North American species of Byssonectria (Pezizales) with comments o n the ontogeny of 2 species. Mycologia 85, 952-962. Quadraccia, L. (1993). Research on Hebeloma (Agaricales, Cortinariaceae). 3. 3 New species from the Italian middle Tyrrhenian slope. Mycotaxon 49, 279-301.

Lilyann Novak Frazer and D. Moore Ram, M. R. & Mallaiah. K. V. (1993). New species of Cercospora, Cercosporidium and Pseudo~ercos~ora from India. Mycological Research 97, 1430-1432. Ruiz, R. F. C. & Kendrick, B. (1993).Aenigmatomyces, an enigmatic new genus of fungi from Algonquian Park, Canada. Mycologia 85, 1023-1027. Santarnaria. S. (1993). The genus Acompsomyces (Laboulbeniales, Ascomycotina) in Spain. Mycotaxon 49, 313-326. Schisler, D. A.. Neate, S. M. & Masuhara, G. (1994). The occurrence and pathogenicity of Rhiwctonia fungi in South Australian plant nurseries. Mycological Research 98, 77-82. Shin, H. D. & Braun. U. (1993). Notes on Korean Cercosporae and allied genera. 1. Mycotaxon 49, 351-362. Sivanesan, A.. Abdullah, S. K. & Abbas, B. A. (1993). Fxserohilum curvispomm sp. nov., a new hyphomycete from Iraq. Mycological Research 97, 14861488. Sivanesan, A. & Hsieh, W. H. (1993). A new ascomycete, GIomerella septospora sp. nov. and its coelomycete anamorph, Colletotrichum taiwanense sp. nov. from Taiwan. Mycological Research 97. 1523-1529. Tulloss, R. E. (1993). Amanita pachysperma, Amanita subv~rginiana,and Amanita virginiana (taxonomy and distribution) with notes on description of the lamella trama in Amanita. Mycotaxon 49, 449-475. Ulje. C. B. & Bas, C. (1993). Some new species of C o p n u s from the Netherlands. Persoonia 15, 357-368. Vanderaa, H. A. & Samson, R. A. (1994). A new species of Helicoon. Mycological Research 98, 74-76. Vargas, O., Guzmandavalos, L. & Vazquez, L. S. (1993). Observations on some little-known macrofungi from Jalisco (Mexico). Mycotaxon 49, 437-447. Villacarlos, L. & Wilding, N. (1994). Four new species of Entomophthorales infecting the leucaena psyllid Heteropsylla cubana in the Philippines. Mycological Research 98, 153-164. Wang, Y. Z. & Kimbrough, J. W. (1993). A new species of 7hecotheus (Pezizales) from Taiwan. Mycologia 85, 102&1022. Williams, P. G., Roser, D. J. & Seppelt, R. D. (1994). Mycorrhizas of hepatics in continental Antarctica. Mycological Research 98, 34-36. Wing, N., Bryden, W. L., Lauren, D. R. & Burgess, L. W. (1993). Toxigenicity of Fusarium species and subspecies in section Gibbosum from different regions of Australia. Mycological Research 97, 1441-1446.

GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION Angwin, P. A. & Hansen, E. M. (1993). Pairing tests to determine mating compatibility in Phellinus weirii. Mycological Research 97, 1469-1475. Challen, M. P., Bhattiprolu, G. R., Warner, P. J. &Elliott, T. 1. (1994). Cloning the Coprinw bilanatus trp2 gene and its use as a selectable marker in transformation. Mycological Research 98, 179-185. Chen, X. M., Line, R. F. & Leung, H. (1993). Relationship between virulence variation and DNA polymorphism in Puccinia shiiformis. Phytopathology 83, 1489-1497. Doudrick, R. L., Nelson, C. D. & Nance, W. L. (1993). Genetic analysis of a single urediniospore culture of Cronartium quercuum f. sp. fusiforme, using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Mycologia 85, 902-911. Frei, U. & Wenzel, G. (1993).Differentiation and diagnosis of PseudocercosporeIla herpohichoides (Fron) Deighton with genomic DNA probes. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 229-237. Fukuda, M., Nakai, Y. F., Hibbett, D. S., Matsumoto, T. & Hayashi, Y. (1994). Mitochondria] DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms in natural populations of Lentinula edodes. Mycological Research 98, 169-175. Gordon, S. A., Desjardin, D. E. & Petersen, R. H. (1994). Mating systems in Marasmius- additional evidence to support sectional consistency. M y cological Research 98, 200-204. Henrion, B., Chevalier, G. & Martin, F. (1994).Typing truffle species by PCR amplification of the ribosomal DNA spacers. Mycological Research 98, 37-43. Kaialainen, R. & Fabritius, A. L. (1993). ldentification of intersterility groups of Heterobasidion annosum by restriction analysis of PCR products. Journal of Phytopathology-PhytopathologischeZeitschrift 139, 193-200. Levy, M., Correavictoria, F. J., Zeigler, R. S., Xu, S. Z. & Hamer, J. E. (1993). Genetic diversity of the rice blast fungus in a disease nursery in Colombia. Phytopathology 83, 1427-1433.

Liljeroth, E., Jansson, H. B. & Schafer, W. (1993). Transformation of Bipolaris sorokiniana with the gus gene and use for studying fungal colonization of barley roots. Phytopathology 83, 1484-1489. Lobuglio, K. F., Pitt, J. I. & Taylor, J. W. (1994). Independent origins of the s y ~ e m a t o u Penicillium s species, P. duclauxii, P. clavigemm, and P. vulpinum, as assessed by 2 ribosomal DNA regions. Mycological Research 98, 25&256. Moller, E. M.. Decock, A. W. A. M. & Prell, H. H. (1993). Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA restriction enzyme analysis of the closely-related Phytophthora species P. infestans, P. mirabilis, and P. phaseoli. Journal of PhytopathologyPhytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 30+321. Newton, A. C. & Thomas, W. T. B. (1993). The interaction of either an effective or a defeated major gene with nonspecific resistance on mildew infection (Eysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) and yield in mixtures of barley. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 268-274. Nicholson, P. & Rezanoor, H. N. (1994). The use of random amplified polymorphic DNA to identify pathotype and detect variation in Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. Mycological Research 98, 13-21. Nicholson, P., Rezanoor, H. N. & Su, H. (1993). Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis and genetic fingerprinting to differentiate isolates of race o, race c and race t of Bipolaris maydis. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 261-267. Rakoto~rainy,M. S., Cariou, M. L., Brygoo, Y. & Riba, G. (1994).Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Metarhizium based on 28s RNA sequences and isozyme comparison. Mycological Research 98, 225-230. Simcox, K. D. & Bennetzen, J. L. (1993). The use of molecular markers to study Setosphaeria turcica resistance in maize. Phytopathology 83,13261330. Sreenivasaprasad, S., Mills, P. R. & Brown, A. E. (1994). Nucleotide sequence of the rDNA spacer 1 enables identification of isolates of Colletotrichum as C . acutatum. Mycological Research 98, 186188. Stenlid, J., Karlsson, J. 0 . & Hogberg, N. (1994). Intraspecific genetic variation in Heterobasidion annosum revealed by amplification of minisatellite DNA. Mycological Research 98, 5 7 4 3 . Ward, E. & Akrofi, A. Y. (1994). ldentification of fungi in the GaeumannomycesPhialophora complex by RFLPs of PCR-amplified ribosomal DNAs. Mycological Research 98, 219-224. Yarden, 0. & Katan, T. (1993). Mutations leading to substitutions at amino acids 198 and 200 of beta-tubulin that correlate with benomyl resistance phenotypes of field strains of Botytis cinerea. Phytopathology 83, 1478-1483.

PATHOGENIC & MUTUALISTIC INTERACTIONS Alzaemey, A. 8.. Magan, N. & Thompson, A. K. (1993). Studies on the effect of fruit-coating polymers and organic acids on growth of Colletotrichum musae in vitro and on postharvest control of anthracnose of bananas. Mycological Research 97, 1463-1468. Asiegbu, F., Daniel, G. & Johansson, M. (1993). Studies on the infection of Norway spruce roots by Heterobasidion annosum. Canadian ]oumal of Botany 71, 1552-1561. Benson, D. M. (1993). Suppression of Phytophthora parasitica on Cantharanthw roseus with aluminum. Phytopathology 83, 1303-1308. Bowers, J. H. & Parke, J. L. (1993). Epidemiology of Pythium damping-off and Aphanomyces root-rot of peas after seed treatment with bacterial agents for biological control. Phytopathology 83, 1466-1473. Campbell, C. L. & Vandergaag, D. 1. (1993). Temporal and spatial dynamics of microsclerotia of Mauophomim phaseolina in 3 fields in North Carolina over 4 to 5 years. Phytopathology 83, 1434-1440. Canter, H. M. & Dick, M. W. (1994). Euychasmopsis multisecunda gen. et sp. nov., a parasite of the suctorian ciliate Podophyra. Mycological Research 98, 105-117. Chen, X. M., Line, R. F. & Leung, H. (1993). Relationship between virulence variation and DNA polymorphism in Puccinia striiformis. Phytopathology 83, 1489-1497. Clerivet, A. & Macheix, J. J. (1993). Host-parasite interaction Solanum gilo (Raddli) Stemphylium floridanum (Hannon et Weber) - foliar level of chlorogenic acid related to pathogen resistance. Journal of PhytopathologyPhytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 322-328. Cooke, M. A., Widden, P. & Ohalloran, I. (1993). Development of vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizae in sugar maple (Acer sacchamm) and effects of base-

One stop mycology cation amendment on vesicle and arbuscule formation. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1421-1426. Cotty, P. J. & Bayman, P. (1993). Competitive exclusion of a toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flauus by an atoxigenic strain. Phytopathology 83, 1283-1287. Cripps, C. & Miller, 0. K. (1993). Ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with aspen on 3 sites in the north-central Rocky mountains. Canadian ]ournu1 of Botany 71, 1414-1420. Currah, R. S., Tsuneda, A. & Murakami, S. (1993a). Conidiogenesis in Oidiodendron periconioldes and ultrastructure of ericoid mycorrhizas formed with Rhododendron brachycarpum. Canadian Journal of Botany 71,1481-1485. Currah, R. S., Tsuneda, A. & Murakami, S. (1993b). Morphology and ecology of Phialocephala fortinii in roots of Rhododendron brachycarpum. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1639-1644. Doehlert, D. C., Wicklow, D. T. & Gardner, H. W. (1993).Evidence implicating the lipoxygenase pathway in providing resistance to soybeans against Aspergillus flauus. Phytopathology 83, 1473-1477. Favaron, F., Castiglioni, C. & Dilenna, P. (1993). Inhibition of some rot fungi polygalacturonases by Allium cepa L. and Allium porrum L. extracts. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 201-206. Frei, U. & Wenzel, G. (1993). Differentiation and diagnosis of Pseudocercosporella herpohichoides (Fron) Deighton with genomic DNA probes. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 229-237. Frohlich, J. & Hyde, K. D. (1994). New Oxydothis species associated with palm leaf spots in north Queensland, Australia. Mycological Research 98, 213-218. Gao, M. & Chamuris, G. P. (1993). Microstructural and histochemical changes in Acer planatoides rhytidome caused by Dendrothele acerina (Aphyllophorales) and Mycena meliigena (Agaricales). Mycologia 85, 987-995. Hajek, A. E., Nelson, P. E., Humber, R. A. & Perry, J. L. (1993). 2 Fusarium species pathogenic to gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Mycologia 85. 93 7-940. Hasan, H. A. H., Bagy, M. M. K. & Abdelmallek, A. Y. (1993). The incidence of fungi in human axillary hair and their toxigenic potentialities. Cyptogamie Mycologie 14, 297-306. Howe, M. J. & Suberkropp, K. (1993). Effects of mycoparasitism on an aquatic hyphomycete growing on leaf litter. Mycologia 85, 898-901. Huang, H. C. & Kokko, E. G. (1993). Trichothecium roseum, a mycoparasite of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Canadlan Journal of Botany 71, 1631-1638. Hutchison. L. J., Sigler, L. & Hiratsuka, Y. (1993). Hyphozyma lignicola sp. nov., a yeast-like hyphomycete from black galls and cankers of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides). Mycological Research 97, 1409-1415. Kumar, V.U., Shishupala, S., Shetty, H.S. & Umeshkumar. S. (1993). Serological evidence for the occurrence of races in Sclerospora graminicola and identification of a race-specific surface protein involved in host recognition. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1467-1471. Larsson, M. (1994). Pathogenicity, morphology and isozyme variability among isolates of Aphanomyces spp. from weeds and various crop plants. Mycological Research 98, 231-240. Leuchtmann, A. (1994). Isozyme relationships of Acremonium endophytes from 12 Festuca species. Mycological Research 98, 25-33. Levic, J. & Pencic, V. (1993). Morphology of a new pathotype of Bipolaris zeicola (Stout) Shoemaker. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 33+346. Levy, M., Correavictoria, F. J., Zeigler, R. S., Xu, S. Z . & Hamer, J. E. (1993). Genetic diversity of the rice blast fungus in a disease nursery in Colombia. Phyt~patholog~ 83, 1427-1433. Liljeroth, E., Jansson, H. B. & Schafer, W. (1993). Transformation of Bipolaris sorokiniana with the gus gene and use for studying fungal colonization of barley roots. Phytopathology 83, 1484-1489. Maehara. N., Kikuchi, J. & Futai, K. (1993). Mycorrhizae of Japanese black pine (Pinw thunbergii) - protection of seedlings from acid mist and effect of acid mist on mycorrhiza formation. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1562-1567. Matsumoto, N. & Tajimi, A. (1993). Effect of cropping history on the population structure of Typhula incarnata and Typhula ishikariensis. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1434-1440. McGee, P. A. & Baczocha, N. (1994). Sporocarpic Endogonales and Glomales in the scats of Rattus and Perameles. Mycological Research 98, 246-249. Mostafa, M. (1993). Biological control of Drechslera teres- ability of antagonists to reduce conidia formation, coleoptile infection and leaf infection in barley (Hordeum uulgare). Cyptogamie Mycologie 1 4 , 287-295.

1212 Mouzeyar. S.. Delabrouhe, D. T. & Vear, F. (1993). Histopathological studies of resistance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii). ]ournu1 of Phytopathology-PhytopathologischeZeitschrift 139, 289-297. Munkvold, G. P., Duthie, J. A. & Marois, J. J. (1993). Spatial patterns of grapevines with Eufypa dieback in vineyards with or without perithecia. Phytopathology 83, 144G1448. Newton, A. C. & Thomas, W. T. B. (1993). The interaction of either an effective or a defeated major gene with nonspecific resistance on mildew infection (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) and yield in mixtures of barley. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 268-274. Nicholson, P. & Rezanoor, H. N. (1994). The use of random amplified polymorphic DNA to identify pathotype and detect variation in Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. Mycological Research 98, 13-21. Nicholson, P., Rezanoor, H. N. & Su, H. (1993). Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis and genetic hgerprinting to differentiate isolates of race o, race c and race t of Bipolaris maydis. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139. 261-267. Phelps, R. A,, Morganjones, G. & Owsley, M. R. (1993). Systematic and biological studies in the Balansieae and related anamorphs. 7. Hostpathogen relationship of Eragrostis capillaris and Balansia epichloe. Mycotaxon 49, 117-127. Ristaino, J. B., Larkin, R. P. & Campbell, C. L. (1993). Spatial and temporal dynamics of Phytophthora epidemics in commercial bell pepper fields. Phytopathology 83, 1312-1320. Salo, V. & Sen, R. (1993). Isoenzyme analysis of teliospores from species of Anthracoidea parasitic on Carex species. Canadian 1oumal of Botany 71, 1406-1413. Schisler, D. A,, Neate, S. M. & Masuhara, G. (1994). The occurrence and pathogenicity of Rhiwctonia fungi in South Australian plant nurseries. Mycological Research 98, 77-82. Shamoun, S. F. & Sieber, T. N. (1993). Isozyme and protein patterns of endophytic and disease syndrome-associated isolates of Melanconium apiocarpum and Melanoconium marginale collected from alder. Mycotaxon 49, 151-166. Shi, J., Mueller, W. C. & Beckman, C. H. (1993). The inhibition of fungal growth in resistant cotton plants infected by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytapnthologische Zeitschrift 139, 253-260. Simcox, K. D. & Bennetzen, J. L. (1993). The use of molecular markers to study Setosphaeria turcica resistance in maize. Phytopathology 83, 1326-1330. Stanghellini, M. E., Rasmussen, S. L. & Vandemark, G. J. (1993). Relationship of callose deposition to resistance of lettuce to Plasmopara lactucae-radicis. Phytopathology 83, 1498-1501. Subbarao, K. V., Michailides, T. J. & Morgan, D. P. (1993). Effects of osmotic potential and temperature on growth of 2 pathogens of figs and a biocontrol agent. Phytopathology 83, 1454-1459. Subileau, C., Renard, J. L. & Demetiere, B. (1993). Phyllachora torrendiella (Batista) comb. nov. responsible for Lira pequena (coconut palm tar spot). Mycotaxon 49, 175-185. Trinci, A. P. J., Davies, D. R., Gull, K., Lawrence, M. I., Nielsen, B. B., Rickers, A. & Theodorou, M. K. (1994). Anaerobic fungi in herbivorous animals. Mycological Research 98, 129-152. Villacarlos, L. & Wilding, N. (1994). Four new species of Entomophthorales infecting the leucaena psyllid Heteropsylla cubana in the Philippines. Mycological Research 98, 153-164. Viret, O., Scheidegger, C. & Petrini, 0.(1993). Infection of beech leaves (Fagus sylvatica) by the endophyte Discula umbrinella (teleomorph, Apiognomonia errabunda) -low temperature scanning electron microscopy studies. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 152lF1527. Walker, C., Gianinazzipearson, V. & Marionespinasse, H. (1993). Scutellospora castanea, a newly described arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Cyptogamie Mycologie 14, 279-286. Williams, P. G., Roser, D. J. & Seppelt, R. D. (1994). Mycorrhizas of hepatics in continental Antarctica. Mycological Research 98, 34-36. Yang, J., Tewari, T. P. & Verrna, P. R. (1993). Calcium oxalate crystal formation in Rhiwctonia solani AG-2-1 culture and infected crucifer tissue -relationship between host calcium and resistance. Mycological Research 97, 15161522. Yarden, 0. & Katan, T. (1993). Mutations leading to substitutions at amino

Lilyann Novak Frazer and D. Moore acids 198 and 200 of beta-tubulin that correlate with benomyl resistance phenotypes of field strains of Botrytis cinerea. Phytopathology 83.1478-1483. Zhang, J. X., Mace, M. E., Stipanovic, R. D. & Bell, A. A. (1993). Production and fungitoxicity of the terpenoid phytoalexins in cotton inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum. Journal of PhytopathologyPhytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 247-252. Zhang, W. & Pfender, W. F. (1993). Effect of wetting period duration on ascocarp suppression by selected antagonistic fungi in wheat-straw infested with Pyrenophora tritib-repentis. Phytopathology 83, 1288-1293.

PHYSIOLOGY Alzaemey. A. B., Magan, N. & Thompson, A. K. (1993). Studies on the effect of fruit-coating polymers and organic acids on growth of Colletotrichum musae in vitro and on postharvest control of anthracnose of bananas. Mycological Research 97, 1463-1468. Botha, W. T. (1993). Zoospore production in Pythium spinosum. Mycological Research 97, 149551498, Brasier, C. M. & Stephens, T.M. (1993). Temperature-growth responses distinguish the OPC and OPH sibling species within Ophiostoma piceae. Mycological Research 97, 1416-1418. Chem, L. L. & KO, W. H. (1993). Effect of light on hormonal regulation of sexual reproduction in Phytophthora parasitica. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1672-1674. Clerivet, A. & Macheix, J. J. (1993). Host-parasite interaction Sobnum gilo (Raddli) Stemphylium floridanum (Hannon et Weber) - foliar level of chlorogenic acid related to pathogen resistance. ]ournu1 of PhytopathologyPhytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 322-328. Doehlert, D. C., Wicklow, D. T. & Gardner, H. W. (1993).Evidence implicating the lipoxygenase pathway in providing resistance to soybeans against Aspergillw flavus. Phytopathology 83, 1473-1477. Favaron, F., Castiglioni, C. & Dilenna, P. (1993). Inhibition of some rot fungi polygalacturonases by Allium cepa L. and Allium porrum L. extracts. ]ournal of Phytopathology-PhytopathologischeZeitschrift 139, 201-206. Feofilova, E. P., Mikhailova, M. V. & Sadovova, N. V. (1993). Influence of green light on spore formation and lipid composition of Blakeslea trispora spores. Microbiology 62, 383-386. Gilbertson, R. L. & Adaskaveg, J. E. (1993). Studies on wood-rotting basidiornycetes of Hawaii. Mycotaxon 49, 369-397. Goshadze, M. K. & Elisashvili, V. 1. (1993). Biosynthesis and some properties of laccase from Lentinus tigrinus IBR-101. Biochemisty - Russia 58, 1448-1452. Gotz, M., Zombach, W. & Boyle, C. (1993). Life cycle of Mycosphaerella brassicicola (Duby) Lindau and ascospore production in vitro. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 298-308. Hocking, A. D., Miscamble, B. F. & Pitt, J. I. (1994). Water relations of Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Curvularia lunata and Curvularia pallescens. Mycological Research 98, 91-94. Jenkins, N. E. & Prior, C. (1993). Growth and formation of true conidia by Metarhizium flavoviride in a simple liquid medium. Mycological Research 97, 1489-1494. Kepczynska. E. (1994). Involvement of ethylene in spore germination and mycelial growth of Alternaria alternata. Mycological Research 98, 118-120. Leite, B. &Nicholson, R. L. (1993).A volatile self-inhibitorfrom Colletotrichum graminicola. Mycologia 85, 945-95 1. Leuchtma~,A. (1994). Isozyme relationships of Acremonium endophytes from I 2 Festuca species. Mycological Research 98, 25-33. Marvinsikkema, F. D., Driessen, A. J. M., Gottschal, J. C. & Prins, R. A. (1994). Metabolic energy generation in hydrogenosomes of the anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix - evide~cefor a functional relationship with mitochondria. Mycological Research 98, 205-212. Masuhara, G., Neate, S. M. & Schisler, D. A. (1994). Characteristics of some Rhiwcton~aspp. from South Australian plant nurseries. Mycological Research 98, 83-87. McGarry. A. & Burton, K. S. (1994). Mechanical properties of the mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. Mycological Research 98, 241-245. Peltonen. S.. Kajalainen, R. & Nikupaavola, M. L. (1994). Purification and

1213 characterization of a xylanase from Bipolaris sorokiniana. Mycological Research 98, 67-73. Robson, G. D., Wiebe, M. G. & Trinci, A. P. J. (1994). Betaine transport in Fusarium graminearum. Mycological Research 98, 17&178. Salo, V. & Sen, R. (1993). Isoenzyme analysis of teliospores from species of Anthracoidea parasitic on Carex species. Canadian Journal of Botany 71, 1406-1413. Sancholle, M. & Dalpe, Y. (1993). Taxonomic relevance of fatty acids of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and related species. Mycotaxon 49, 187-193. Shamoun, S. F. & Sieber, T. N. (1993). lsozyme and protein patterns of endophytic and disease syndrome-associated isolates of Melanconium apiocalpum and Melanoconium marginale collected from alder. Mycotaxon 49, 151-166. Shchipanova, I. N., Bartoshevich, Y. E., Sibeldina. L. A. & Mishchenko, A. V. (1993). P-31 NMR spectroscopic study of the metabolism of the fusidinproducing fungus Fwidium coccineum. Biochem~stry- Russia 58, 1194-1197. Shi, J., Mueller, W. C. & Beckman, C. H. (1993). The inhibition of fungal growth in resistant cotton plants infected by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum. Journal of Phytopathology-Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 139. 253-260. Speakman, J. B. (1993). A simple method for the ~roductionof large volumes of Rhynchosporium secalis conidial suspension. Journal of PhytopathologyPhytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 275-276. Subbarao, K. V., Michailides, T. J. & Morgan, D. P. (1993). Effects of osmotic potential and temperature on growth of 2 pathogens of figs and a biocontrol agent. Phytopathology 83, 1454-1459. Tamm, L. & Fluckiger, W. (1993). Influence of temperature and moisture on growth, spore production, and conidial germination of Monilinia laxa. Phytopathology 83, 1321-1326. Trinci, A. P. J., Davies. D. R., Gull, K., Lawrence, M. I., Nielsen, B. B., Rickers, A. & Theodorou, M. K. (1994). Anaerobic fungi in herbivorous animals. Mycological Research 98, 129-152. Vismer, H. F. & Eicker, A. (1994). Growth of human pathogenic isolates of Sporothrix schenckii on indigenous and exotic wood species in South Africa. Mycological Research 98, 121-124. Wing, N., Bryden, W. L., Lauren, D. R. & Burgess, L. W. (1993). Toxigenicity of Fusarium species and subspecies in section Gibbosum from different regions of Australia. Mycological Research 97, 1441-1446. Withers, 1. M., Wiebe, M. G.. Robson, G. D. & Trinci, A. P. J. (1994). Development of morphological heterogeneity in glucose-limited chemostat cultures of Aspergillus o y z e . Mycological Research 98, 95-100. Wu, M. X. & Youssef, N. N. (1993). Synchronous spomlation of Ascosphaera proliperda. Mycologia 85, 1028-1034. Yang, J., Tewari, T. P. & Verma, P. R. (1993). Calcium oxalate crystal formation in Rh~roctoniasolani AG-2-1 culture and infected crucifer tissue -relationship between host calcium and resistance. Mycological Research 97, 1516-1522. Zhang, J. X., Mace, M. E., Stipanovic, R. D. & Bell, A. A. (1993). Production and fungitoxicity of the terpenoid phytoalexins in cotton inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum. Journal of PhytopathologyPhytopathologische Zeitschrift 139, 247-252. Zhang, W. & Pfender, W. F. (1993). Effect of wetting period duration on ascocarp suppression by selected antagonistic fungi in wheat-straw infested with Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Phytopathology 83, 1288-1293.

SYSTEMATICS & STRUCTURE Archer, A. W. & Elix, J. A. (1993). Additional new taxa and a new report of Pertwaria (lichenised Ascomycotina) from Australia. Mycotaxon 49, 143-150. Banejee, P. & Sundberg, W. J. (1993). Reexamination of Pluteus type specimens - types housed at the New York Botanical Garden. Mycotaxon 49, 413-435. Barr, M. E. (1993). Notes on the Pleomassariaceae. Mycotaxon 49, 129-142. Bas, C. & Demeijer, A. A. R. (1993). Amanita grallipes, a new species in Amanita subsection Vittadiniae from Southem Brazil. Persoonia 15.345-350. Bas, C. & Noordeloos, M. E. (1993). Notulae ad floram agaricinam Neerlandicam. 22. New taxa in Marasmiellus. Persoonia 15, 351-355. Bayer, R. J. & Stebbins, G. L. (1993). A synopsis with keys for the genus

One stop mycology Antennaria (Asteraceae, Inuleae, Gnaphaliinae) of North America. Canadian ]ournal of Botany 71, 1589-1604. Bhat, D. J. & Kendrick, B. (1993). Twenty-five new conidial fungi from the western Ghats and the Andaman Islands (India). Mycotaxon 49, 19-90. Brusse, F. A. (1993). Eight new species in the lichen genus Parmelia (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae) from southern Africa, with notes on southern African lichens. Mycotaxon 49, 1-17. Cano, J., Guarro, J. & Elshafie, A. E. (1993). A new Chaetomidium from Oman. Mycotaxon 49, 399-403. Canter, H. M. & Dick, M. W. (1994). Euychasmopsis multisecunda gen. et sp. nov., a parasite of the suctorian ciliate Podophyra. Mycological Research 98, 105-117. Chiu, S. W. (1993). Evidence for a haploid life-cycle in Volvariella volvacea from microspectrophotometric measurements and observations of nuclear behavior. Mycological Research 97, 1481-1485. Contu, M. (1993). The Agaricus genus. 1. Agaricus bis~oratus spec. nov. Cyptogamie Mycologie 14, 307-309. Currah, R. S., Tsuneda, A. & Murakami, S. (1993). Conidiogenesis in Oidiodendron periconioides and ultrastructure of ericoid mycorrhizas formed with Rhododendron brachycarpum. CanadianJournal of Botany 71,1481-1485. Degmyter, J., Noordeloos, M. E. & Boerema, G. H. (1993). Contributions towards a monograph of Phoma (coelomycetes). 1. 2. Section Phoma additional taxa with very small conidia and taxa with conidia up to 7 mum long. Persoonia 15, 369-400. Desjardin, D. E. (1993). Incrwtocalyptella hapuuae sp. nov. and Favolaschia minima from native forests of Hawaii. Mycologia 85, 1017-1019. Evans, H. C. (1994). Spore germination in the entornopathogenic genus Aschersonia. Mycological Research 98, 165-168. Ferraro, L. I. 81 Elix, J. A. (1993). 2 New species of Parmeliaceae (lichenized Ascomycotina) from South America. Mycotaxon 49. 405-409. Frohlich, J. & Hyde, K. D. (1994). New Oxydothis species associated with palm leaf spots in north Queensland, Australia. Mycological Research 98, 213-218. Frohlich, J., Raga, N., Philemon, E. & Hyde, K. D. (1993). Annelolacinia pandanicola sp. nov. with notes on A. dinemnsporioides from pineapple. Mycological Research 97, 1433-1436. Fukuda, M., Nakai, Y. F., Hibbett, D. S., Matsumoto, T. & Hayashi, Y. (1994). Mitochondria1 DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms in natural populations of Lentinula edodes. Mycological Research 98, 169-175. Gao, M. & Chamuris, G. P. (1993). Microstructural and histochemical changes in Acer planatoides rhytidome caused by Dendrothele acerina (Aphyllophorales) and Mycena meliigena (Agaricales). Mycologia 85, 987-995. Geesteranus, R. A. M. & Horak, E. (1993). Mycena acrocephala - a new member of section Adonideae from Sikkim. Persoonia 15, 341-343. Gotz, M., Zornbach, W. & Boyle, C. (1993). Life cycle of Mycosphaerella brassicicola (Duby) Lindau and ascospore production in vitro. lournal of Phytopathology-PhytopathologischeZeitschrift 139, 298-308. Hajek, A. E., Nelson, P. E., Humber, R. A. & Perry. J. L. (1993). 2 Fwarium species pathogenic to gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Mycologia 85, 93 7-940. Hanlin, R. T., Goh, T. K. & Tortolero, 0. (1993). Icones ascomycetum venezuelae - Melanospora zamiae. Mycotaxon 49, 167-174. Hattori, T. & Ryvarden, L. (1993). Polypores from Bonin Is. (Japan). 1.A new species of Inonotw (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycotina). Mycotaxon 49, 209-215. Hauerslev, I ( . (l993a). The genus Myxarium (Tremellales) in Denmark. Mycotaxon 49, 235-255 Hauerslev, K. (1993b). New tremellaceous fungi from Denmark. Mycotaxon 49, 217-233. Havrylenko, M. (1993). Descriptions of new taxa of Erysiphaceae from Argentina. Mycotaxon 49, 257-267. Hennen, J. F. & McCain, J. W. (1993). New species and records of Uredinales from the neotropics. Mycologia 85, 970-986. Henrion, B., Chevalier, G. & Martin, F. (1994). Typing truffle species by PCR amplification of the ribosomal DNA spacers. Mycological Research 98, 3 7-43. Hosagoudar, V. B. & Pillai, M. (1994). Two interesting Cirsosia species on Calamw from India. Mycological Research 98, 127-128. Hsieh, W. H. & Chen, C. Y. (1994). Sivanesania, a new botryosphaeriaceous ascomycete genus on Rubw from Taiwan. Mycological Research 9 8 , 44-46.

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