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One stop mycology. LILYANN NOVAK FRAZER AND DAVID MOORE. School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchester, ...
Mycal. Res. 99 (12); 1529--1536 (1995)


PriHted in Great Britain

One stop mycology

LIL YANN NOVAK FRAZER AND DAVID MOORE School of Biological Sciences, 1.800 Stopford Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PT, UK

This listing covers the period June 1, 1995 through to June 30, 1995. Citations are arranged in groups which roughly correspond with the British Mycological Society's Special Interest Committees. All correspondence about this item should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Reprints of this feature will not be available.

BIOTECHNOLOG Y Fungi have been manipulated for our use in food and beverage production for a very long time but what happens when they bite back? Cyclopiazonic acid, a potent inhibitor of Ca 2 + -ATPase, is a mycotoxin produced by several Aspergilli and Penicillia used in manufacturing fermented products. A qUick TLC detection method exists but Matsuda & Sasaki (1995) have developed a simple HPLC technique to quantitatively determine the presence of cyclopiazonic acid in preparations. Ando, 0., Kifune, M. & Nakajima, M. (1995). Effects of trehazolin, a potent trehalase inhibitor, on Bombyx mori and plant pathogenic fungi. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 59, 711-712. Appleyard, V. C. L., Unkles, S. E., Legg, M. & Kinghorn. J. R. (1995). Secondary metabolite production in filamentous fungi displayed. Molecular & General Genetics 247, 338-342. Baldini, A & Lindsay, E. A (1994). Mapping human YAC clones by fluorescence in situ hybridization using Alu-PCR from single yeast colonies. In In Sih. Hybridization Protocols, Methods in Moleclllar Biology, Vol. 33, (ed. K. H. A Choo), pp. 75-84. Humana Press Inc; Totowa. Cai, W. W., Aburatani, H., Stanton, V. P., Housman, D. E" Wang, Y K. & Schwartz, D. C. (1995). Ordered restriction endonuclease maps of yeast artificial chromosomes created by optical mapping on surfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.SA. 92, 5164-5168. Camadro,]. M., Matringe, M., Thome, F., Brouillet. N., Mornet. R. & Labbe, P. (1995). Photoaffinity labeling of protoporphyrinogen oxidase, the molecular target of diphenylether-type herbicides. European journal of Biochemistry 229, 669-674. Chaudhuri, B. & Stephan, C. (1995). A C-terminal domain, which prevents secretion of the neuroendocrine protein 7B2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, inhibits Kex2 yet is processed by the Yap3 protease. FEBS Letters 364, 91-97. Chen, T., Dwyregygax, C, Smith, R. S. & Breuil, C. (1995). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for didecyldimethylammonium chloride, a fungicide used by the forest products industry. journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43, 1400-1406.

Conlon, H. D., Baqai, J., Baker, K., Shen, Y Q., Wong, B. L., Noiles, R. & Rausch. C. W. (1995). Two-step immobilized enzyme conversion of cephalosporin C to 7-aminocephalosporanic acid. BiotechHology and Bioengineering 46, 510-513. Cotterill. A S., Gill, M. & MilanoviC, N. M. (1995). Pigments of fungi. 41. Synthesis of (S)-( +)- and (± )-dermolactone; stereochemistry of dermolactone from the Australian fungus DemlOcybe saHguiHea (Wulf ex. Fr.) Wunsche. sensu Cleland. journal of the Chemical Society - Perkill TraHsacliolls I (10), 1215-1223. Crisp, G. T & Meyer, A G. (1995). Synthesis of optically active a-methylene gamma-butyrolactones and (+ )-mintlactone. Tetrahedroll 51, 5831-5846. Dimuccio, A, Camoni, I., Ventriglia, M., Barbini, D. A, Mauro, M .. Pelosi, P., Generali. T, Ausili, A & Girolimetti, S. (1995). Simplified clean-up for the determination of benzimidazolic fungicides by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. Journal of Chromatography A 697, 145-152. Evans, B. R., Margalit, R. & Woodward, J. (1995). Enhanced hydrolysis of soluble cellulosic substrates by a metallocellulase with veratryl alcoholoxidase activity. Applied Biochemistry ClIld Biotechnology 51, 225-239. Garcia-Granados, A, Linan, E., Martinez, A, Rivas, F. & Arias, J. M. (1995). Preparation of polyoxygenated ent-13-epi-manoyl oxides by chemicalmicrobiological semisyntheses. Phytochemistry 38, 1237-1244. Ghaly, A E. & Eltaweel, A A (1995). Effect of nutrient supplements addition on ethanol production from cheese whey using Candida pseudotropicalis under batch condition. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 53, 107-131. Groning, R. & Walz, C. (1995). Development of experimental insulin pumps with glucose-controlled release. IHternatiollal journal of Pharmaceutics 119, 127-131. Hahn, F. M. & Poulter, C. D. (1995). Isolation of Schiwsaccharomyces pombe isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase cDNA clones by complementation and synthesis of the enzyme in Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270, Il298-Il303. Hashim, Y, Ragoussis, I., Kearney, L., Tosi, S. & So, A K. (1995). Physical mapping of the human T-cell receptor 13 gene complex, using yeast artificial chromosomes. Immunogenetics 41, 337-342. Ishigum, J. & Kobayashi, W. (1995). A practical method for fission yeast transformation by electroporation. japanese journal of Genelics 70, 1-6. Kalogeropoulos, A (1995). Automatic intron detection in nuclear DNA sequences of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 11, 555-565. Kleiss, T, Albrecht. )., Putallaz, T. & Cordier, J. L. (1995). Impedance measurement of the microbial flora in dairy-based desserts. journal of Microbiological Methods 22, 13 1-13 7. Krishnan, M. S., Xia, Y., Tsao, G. T., Kasthuri-Krishnan, N., Srinivasan, N. & Cooks, R. G. (1995). Process engineering of high-ethanol-tolerance yeast for the manufacture of ethanol. Applied Biochemistry alld Biotechnology 51, 479-493. Law, R. H. P. & Nagley, P. (1995). Import into isolated yeast mitochondria of radiolabeled proteins synthesized in vitro. In [n Vitro Transcription and Translation Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 37, (ed. M. j. Tymms), pp. 293-315. Humana Press Inc: Totowa.

One stop mycology Ledgerwood, E. C., George, P. M., Peach, R. J, & Brennan, S. O. (1995). Endoproteolytic processing of recombinant proalbumin variants by the yeast Kex2 protease. Biochemical Journal 308, 321-325. Malekar, N. S., Nickson, T E" Tran, M., Biest, N., Miller-Wideman, M., Lawson, J., McGary, C. I. & Stonard, R. (1995). Phenamide, a fungicidal metabolite from Streptomyces albospim/s A19301. Taxonomy, fermentation, isolation, physico-chemical and biological properties. Journal of Antibiotics 48, 369-374. Marten, M. R., Chung, B. H. & Seo, j. H. (1995). Effects of temperature and cycloheximide on secretion of cloned invertase from recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioteclmology mId Bioengineering 46, 627-630. Matsudo, T & Sasaki, M. (1995). Simple determination of cyclopiazonic acid. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 59, 355-357. Minamiguchi, K., Ooi, T" Kawaguchi. T., Okada, H., Murao. S. & Arai, M. (1995). Secretive expression of the Aspergi11us aeulealus cellulase (FICMCase) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79, 363-366. Nomura, N., Matsubara, N., Horinouchi, S. & Beppu, T. (1995). Secretion by Saccharomyces cerevisiae of human apolipoprotein E as a fusion to serum albumin. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 59. 532-534. Nomura, N., Yamada. H., Matsubara, N., Horinouchi. S. & Beppu, T (1995). High level secretion by Saccharomyces cerevisiae of human apolipoprotein E as a fusion to Rhizomucor rennin. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 59, 382-387. Ross, I. K. (1995). Non-grinding method of DNA isolation from human pathogenic filamentous fungi using xanthogenates. Biotechniques 18, 828-830. Ruohonen, L., Aalto, M. K. & Keranen, S. (1995). Modifications to the ADHI promoter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for efficient production of heterologous proteins. Journal of Biotechnology 39, 193-203. Sharma, D. K" Tiwari, M. & Behera, B. K. (1995). Solid-state fermentation of new substrates for production of cellulase and other biopolymerhydrolyzing enzymes - scientific note. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 51, 495-500. Swart, A c., Swart, P., Roux, S. P., van der Merwe. K j., Pretorius. I. S. & Steyn, A j. C. (1995). Expression of human P450cl7 as an export protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Endocrine Research 21, 289-295. Tahara, S. & Ibrahim, R. K. (1995). Prenylated isoflavonoids - an update. Phytochemistry 38, 1073-1094. Uttamlal, M. & Walt. D. R. (1995). A fiber-optic carbon dioxide sensor for fermentation monitoring. Bio - Technology 13, 597-601. White, M. & Ackerman, S. H. (1995). Bacterial production and characterization of ATP11, a yeast protein required for mitochondrial F-I-ATPase assembly. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 319, 299-304. Yang, M. j., Wu, Z. N. & Fields, S. (1995). Protein peptide interactions analyzed with the yeast two-hybrid system. Nucleic Acids Research 23, 1152-1156.

ECOLOGY Bozinovic, F. & Munoz-Pedreros, A (1995). Nutritional ecology and digestive responses of an omnivorous-insectivorous rodent (Abrothrix longipilis) feeding on fungus. Physiological Zoology 68, 474-489. Duran, N., Milagres, A M. F., Esposito, E" Curotto, E., Aguirre, C" Teixeira, M. F. S., Carvalho, S. M. S. & Fernandes, O. C. C. (1995). Amazonian lignocellulosic materials. V. Screening of xylanolytic fungi. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 53, 155-162. Khallil, AM., El Hissy, F. T & Ali, E. H. (1995). Seasonal fluctuations of aquatic fungi recovered from Egyptian soil (Delta region). Journal of Basic Microbiology 35, 93-102. Kurakov, A V., Than, H. T H. & Belyuchenko, I. S. (1994). Microscopic fungi of soil, rhizosphere and rhizoplane of cotton plant and tropical grasses introduced in the south of Tadzhikistan. Microbiology 63, 624-629.

FORAY & CONSERVATION Sorokin. A, Seris, j. L. & Meunier, B. (1995). Efficient oxidative dechlorination and aromatic ring cleavage of chlorinated phenols catalyzed by iron sulfophthalocyanine. Science 268, 1163-1166.


GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & EVOLUTION Plummer & Howlett (1995) investigated the cause of chromosomal length polymorphisms in Leptosphaeria maculans, the agent of blackleg of crucifers. They discovered that after meiosis, chromosomes in some progeny varied in length from their parental homologues by up to 50 kb and hypothesised that these 'novel chromosome length polymorphisms are produced by reciprocal recombination between parental homologues of unequal sizes'. ArkinstaIl, S., Chaberl. C, Maundrell, K. & Peitsch, M. (1995). Mapping regions of G(a '1) interacting with PLC f3 1 using multiple overlapping synthetic peptides. FEBS Letters 364, 45-50. Arroyo, j., Garcia-Gonzalez, M., Garcia-Saez, M. I., Sanchez, M. & Nombela, C. (1995). The complete sequence of a 9037 bp DNA fragment of the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII. Yeast 11, 587-591. Atomi, H., Umemura, K, Higashijima. T, Kanai, T, Yotsumoto, Y, Teranishi, Y, Ueda, M. & Tanaka, A (1995). The upstream region of the isocitrate lyase gene (UPR-ICL) of Candida tropicalis induces gene expression in both Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli by acetate via two distinct promoters. Archives of Microbiology 163, 322-328. Basrai, M. A, Lubkowitz, M. A, Perry, j. R., Miller, D., Krainer, E., Naider, F. & Becker, j. M. (1995). Cloning of a Candida albicans peptide transport gene. Microbiology- UK 141,1147-1156. Becker, j., Melchior, F., Gerke, V., Bischoff, F. R., Ponstingl, H. & Wittinghofer, A (1995). RNA 1 encodes a GTPase-activating protein specific for Gsp1p, the Ran/TC4 homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 11860-11865. Betina, S., Gavurnikova, G., Haviernik, P., Sabova, L & Kolarov, j. (1995). Expression of the AACl gene encoding the major mitochondrial ADP/ ATP carrier in Saccharomyces ceret,isiae is controlled at the transcriptional level by oxygen, heme and HAP2 fador. European Journal of Biochemistry 229, 651-657. Bordallo, J., Cueva, R. & Suarez-Rendueles, P. (1995). Transcriptional regulation of the yeast vacuolar aminopeptidase yscI encoding gene (APEI) by carbon sources. FEBS Leiters 364. 13-16. Borges-Walmsley, M. I., Turner, G., Bailey, A M., Brown, )., Lehmbeck, j. & Clausen, I. G. (1995). Isolation and charaderisation of genes for sulphate adivation and redudion in Aspergillus nidulans: implications for evolution of an allosteric control region by gene duplication. Molecular & General Genetics 247, 423-429. Boumans, H., Berden, j. A & Grivell, L. A (1995). eDNA sequence of subunit VIII of ubiquinol-cytochrome-c oxidoredudase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics 1229. 386-388. Bowdish, K. S., Yuan, H. E. & MitchelL A P. (1995). Positive control of yeast meiotic genes by the negative regulator UME6. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 2955-2961. Broda, P., Birch, P. R. j., Brooks, P. R. & Sims, P. F. G. (1995). PCR-mediated analysis of lignocellulolytic gene transcription by Phanerochaete chrysosporium: substrate-dependent differential expression within gene families. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 2358-2364. Carroll, K. & Wickner, R. B. (1995). Translation and M , double-stranded RNA propagation: MAK18 = RPL41B and cycloheximide curing. Journal of Bacteriology 177, 2887-2891. Chang, P. K" Ehrlich. K C, Yu, j. J., Bhatnagar, D. & Cleveland, T E. (1995). Increased expression of Aspergillus parasiticus af/R, encoding a sequencespecific DNA-binding protein, relieves nitrate inhibition of aflatoxin biosynthesis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61. 2372-2377. Chen, j., Zheng, X. F., Brown, E. j. & Schreiber, S. L. (1995). Identification of an 11-kDa FKBP12-rapamycin-binding domain within the 289-kDa FKBP 12-rapamycin-associated protein and characterization of a critical serine residue. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the u.s.A. 92, 4947-4951. Cismowski, M.)., Laff, G. M" Solomon, M. j. & Reed, S. I. (1995). KINl8 encodes a C-terminal domain kinase that controls mRNA transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but lacks cycIin-dependent kinase-adivating kinase (CAK) activity. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15. 2983-2992.

Lilyann Novak Frazer and D. Moore



Cockell, M., Palladino, F., Laroche, T, Kyrion, G., Liu, Lustig, A J. & Gasser, S. M. (1995). The carboxy termini of Sir4 and Rap1 affect Sir3 localization: evidence for a multicomponent complex required for yeast telomeric silencing. journal of Cell Biology 129, 909-924. Costanzo, G., DiMauro, E., Negri, R., Pereira, G. & Hollenberg, e. (1995). Multiple overlapping positions of nucleosomes with single in vivo rotational setting in the Hansenula polymorpha RNA polymerase II MOX promoter. joul1jal of Biological Chemistry 270, 11091-11097. Davis, S. C. & Ellis, S. R. (1995). Incorporation of the yeast mitochondrial ribosomal protein Mrp2 into ribosomal subunits requires the mitochondrially encoded Var1 protein. Molecular & General Genetics 247, 379-386. Denobel, H., Pike, J., Lipke, P. N. & Kurjan,]. (1995). Genetics of a-agglutunin function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular & General Genetics 247, 409-415. Dieci, G., Duimio, L., Peracchia, G. & Ottonello, S. (1995). Selective inactivation of two components of the multiprotein transcription factor TFIIIB in cycloheximide growth-arrested yeast cells. journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 13476-13482. Dirago, J. P., Hermann-Ledenmat, S., Risler, F. P.)., Netter, P. & Slonimski, P. P. (1995). Genetic analysis of the folded structure of yeast mitochondrial cytochrome b by selection of intragenic second-site revertants. journal of Molecular Biology 248, 804-811. Donoviel, M. S., Kacherovsky, N. & Young, E. T (1995). Synergistic activation of ADH2 expression is sensitive to upstream activation sequence 2 (UAS2) orientation, coPy number, and UAS1-UAS2 helical phasing. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 3442-3449. Dorris, D. R., Erickson, F. L. & Hannig, E. M. (1995). Mutations in GCD11, the structural gene for e1F-2 gamma in yeast, alter translational regulation of GCN4 and the selection of the start site for protein synthesis. EMBO journal 14, 2239-2249. Einerhand, A W. e., Kos, W., Smart, W. Kal, A )., Tabak, H. F. & Cooper, T G. (1995). The upstream region of the FOX3 gene encoding peroxisomal 3-oxoacyl-coenzyme A thiolase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains ABF1and replication protein A-binding sites that participate in its regulation by glucose repression. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 3405-3414. EI Sherbeini, M. & Clemas, ]. A (1995). Cloning and characterization of GNS1: a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene involved in synthesis of 1,3-~-glucan in vitro. journal of Bacteriology 177, 3227-3234. Erkine, AM., Szentgyorgyi, Simmons, S. F. & Gross, D. S. (1995). The upstream sequences of the HSP82 and HSC82 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: regulatory elements and nucleosome positioning motifs. Yeast 11, 573-580. Fu, L. W., Bounelis, P., Dey, N., Browne, B. L., Marchase, R. B. & Bedwell, D. M. (1995). The posttranslational modification of phosphoglucomutase is regulated by galactose induction and glucose repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. journal of Bacteriology 177, 3087-3094. Fujita, R. & Swaroop, A (1995). Alu-vector PCR with biotinylated primers to isolate YAC ends ready for sequencing. Biotechniques 18, 796-800. Gargas, A, DePriest, P. T., Grube, M. & Tehler, A (1995). Multiple origins of lichen symbioses in fungi suggested by SSU rDNA phylogeny. Science 268, 1492-1495. Gerber, M. R., Farrell, A, Deshaies, R. J., Herskowitz, I. & Morgan, D. O. (1995). Cdc37 is required for association of the protein kinase Cdc28 with G and mitotic cyclins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 92, 4651-4655. Giardina, P., Cannio, R., Martirani, L., Marzullo, L., Palmieri, G. & Sannia, G. (1995). Cloning and sequencing of a laccase gene from the lignin-degrading basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 2408-2413. Goncalves, P. M., Griffioen, G., Minnee, R., Bosma, M., Kraakman, L. S., Mager, W. H. & Planta, R. J. (1995). Transcription activation of yeast ribosomal protein genes requires additional elements apart from binding sites for Abf1p or Rap1p. Nucleic Acids Research 23, 1475-1480. Gorsch, L. Dockendorff, T e. & Cole, C. N. (1995). A conditional allele of the novel repeat-containing yeast nucleoporin RAT7 NUP159 causes both rapid cessation of mRNA export and reversible clustering of nuclear pore complexes. journal of Cell Biology 129, 939-955. Grey, M., Pich, e. T., Haase, E. & Brendel, M. (1995). SNG1 - a new gene




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One stop mycology cycle-regulated transcription of the CLB2 gene is dependent on Manl and a ternary complex factor. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 3129-3137. McCarthy, J. E. G. & Kollmus, H. (I995). Cytoplasmic mRNA-protein interactions in eukaryotic gene expression. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 20, 191-197. Messner. R., Prillinger, H., IbI. M. & Himmler, G. (1995). Sequences of ribosomal genes and internal transcribed spacers move three plant parasitic fungi, Eremotheci"m ashbyi, Ashbya gossypii, and Nematospora coryli. towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 41, 31-42. Miranda. M .. Ramirez, J., Pena, A & Coria, R. (1995). Molecular cloning of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from Kluyveromyces lactis: a Single nucleotide substitution in the gene confers ethidium bromide resistance and deficiency in K+ uptake. Journal of Bacteriology 177, 2360-2367. Moore, J., Jacobs, H. T. & Kaiser, K. (1995). Characterisation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes encoding ribosomal protein YL6. Molecular & General Gmetics 247, 247-254. Neugebauer, K. M .. Stolk, J. A & Roth, M. B. (1995). A conserved epitope on a subset of SR proteins defines a larger family of pre-mRNA splicing factors. Jo"rnal of Cell Biology 129, 899-908. Neuman-Silberberg, F. S., Bhattacharya, S. & Broach. J. R. (1995). Nutrient availability and the RAS/cyclic AMP pathway both induce expression of ribosomal protein genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but by different mechanisms. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15,3187-3196. Ohkura, H., Hagan, I. M. & Glover, D. M. (1995). The conserved Schiwsllccharomyces pombe kinase plol, required to form a bipolar spindle, the actin ring, and septum, can drive septum formation in G, and G. cells. Genes & Development 9, 1059-1073. Park, S. K., Chon, S. K. & Yoo, H. S. (1995). A eDNA of Schizosaccharomyces pombe encoding a homologue of DNA )-like protein. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Structure and Expression 1262, 87-90. Plesofskyvig, N. & BrambI. R. (1995). Disruption of the gene for hsp30, an crystallin-related heat shock protein of Neurospora crassa, causes defects in thermotolerance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 92, 5032-5036. Plummer, K. M. & Howlett, B. ]. (1995). Inheritance of chromosomal length polymorphisms in the ascomycete Leptosphaeria maculans. Molecular & General Genetics 247, 410-422. Prendergast, J. A, Singer, R. A, Rowley, N., Rowley, A .. Johnston, G. Danos, M., Kennedy, B. & Gaber, R. F. (1995). Mutations sensitizing yeast cells to the start inhibitor nalidixic acid. Yeast 11, 537-547. Rodriguez-Cousino, N., Lill, R., Neupert, W. & Court, D. A (1995). Identification and initial characterization of the cytosolic protein Ycr77p. Yeast 11, 581-585. SanyaI. A & Getz, G. S. (I995). Detection of mutation in yeast hsp60 gene by PCR. In PCR in Neuroscience, Methods in Neurosciences, Vol. 26, (ed. G. Sarkar), pp. 184-193. Academic Press Inc: San Diego. Schindewolf, C A & Domdey, H. (1995). Splicing of a circular yeast premRNA in vitro. Nucleic Acids Research 23, 1133-1139. Schlenstedt. G., Harris. S., Risse, B., Lilt R. & Silver, P. A (1995). A yeast DNA] homologue, Scj1p, can function in the endoplasmic reticulum with BiP/Kar2p via a conserved domain that specifies interactions with Hsp70s. Journal of Cell Biology 129, 979-988. Schneiter. K, Kadowaki, T. & Tartakoff, A M. (1995). mRNA transport in yeast: time to reinvestigate the functions of the nucleolus. Molecular Biology of the Cell 6, 357-370. Shefervaida. M., Sherman, A, Ashkenazi, T.. Robzyk, K. & Kassir, Y. (1995). Positive and negative feedback loops affect the transcription of IMEl, a positive regulator of meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Developmental Genetics 16, 219-228. Singh, K. K. & Samson, L. (1995). Replication protein A binds to regulatory elements in yeast DNA repair and DNA metabolism genes. Proceedings of the Niltional Academy of Sci""ces of the U. S. A. 92, 4907-4911. Smid. A, Riva, M., Bouet, F., Sentenac, A & Carles, C (1995). The association of three subunits with yeast RNA polymerase is stabilized by A14. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 13534-13540. Smirnova, M. E.. Arman, I. P., Devin, A B.. Peshekhonov, V. T., Chepurnaya, O. V., Koltovaya, N. A & Troitskaya, E. N. (1995). Analysis of maintenance of redundant genetic structures in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: effects of mutations cdc28srm and srm1. Genetika 31, 464-470.


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SYSTEMA TICS & STRUCTURE Geosiphon pyriforme is an intriguing organism compnsIng a consortium between a Glomus-like fungus and endosymbiotic cyanobacteria, commonly Nostoc spp. Schiil3ler et al. (1995) investigated the osmotic properties of the 'fungal bladders' and determined that the thick electron-dense cell walls have unusually small, limiting pores thus providing an 'effective diffusion barrier for glucose'. Atkin, A L., Altamura, N., Leeds, P. & Culbertson, M. R. (1995). The majority of yeast UPFl co-localizes with polyribosomes in the cytoplasm. Molecular Biology of the Cell 6, 611-625. Bidochka, M. L St. Leger, R. L Joshi, L. & Roberts, D. W. (1995). An inner cell wall protein (cwp1) from conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Microbiology - UK 141, 1075-1080. Chen, X. & Rubenstein, P. A (1995). A mutation in an ATP-binding loop of Saccharomyces cerevisiae actin (S14A) causes a temperature-sensitive phenotype in vivo and in vitro. journal of Biological Cllemistry 270, 11406-11414. Chen, X., Pengo J. M., Pedram, M., Swenson, C. A & Rubenstein, P. A (1995). The effect of the S14A mutation on the conformation and thermostability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae G-actin and its interaction with adenine nucleotides. journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 11415-11423. Friederich, M. W., Gast, F. U., Vacano, E. & Hagerman, P. J. (1995). Determination of the angle between the anticodon and aminoacyl acceptor stems of yeast phenylalanyl tRNA in solution. Proceedings of tile NatimIal Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 92, 4803-4807. Huang, K. M. & Snider, M. D. (1995). Isolation of protein glycosylation mutants in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Molewlar Biology of tile Cell 6, 485-496. Japa, S.. Sun, J. Z. & Beattie, D. S. (1995). Import of subunit VII of the cytochrome bC l complex into yeast mitochondria. Arc/lives of Biochemistry and Biopllysics 319, 250-256. Kapteyn, J. c.. Dijkgraaf, G. J. P., Montijn, R. C. & Klis, F. M. (1995). Glucosylation of cell wall proteins in regenerating spheroplasts of Candida albicans. FEMS Microbiology Letters 128, 271-277. Lopez-Ribot, J. 1.., Martinez, J. P. & Chaffin, W. L. (1995). Comparative study of the C3d receptor and 58-kilodalton fibrinogen-binding mannoproteins of Candida albicans. Infection and Immunity 63, 2126-2132. Lubben, B" Fabrizio, P., Kastner, B. & Luhrmann, R. (1995). Isolation and characterization of the small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particle snR30 from Saccllaromyces cerevisiae. journal of Biological Chemistry 270, 11549-11554. Rao, M. H., Yang, W" Joshua, H., Becker, J. M. & Naider, F. (1995). Studies on conformational consequences of i to i + 3 side-chain cyclization in


One stop mycology model cyclic tetrapeptides. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research 45, 418-429. Rupes, I., Mao, W. Z., Astrom, H. & Raudaskoski, M. (1995). Effects of nocodazole and brefeldin A on microtubule cytoskeleton and membrane organization in the homobasidiomycete Schizophyllum commune. Protoplasma 185, 212-221. Schlaich, N. L. & Hurt, E. e (1995). Analysis of nucleocytoplasmic transport and nuclear envelope structure in yeast disrupted for the gene encoding the nuclear pore protein Nup1p. European Journal of Cell Biology 67, 8-14. Schussler, A, Schnepf, E., Mollenhauer, D. & Kluge, M. (1995). The fungal bladders of the endocyanosis Geosiphon pyrifornze, a Glomus-related fungus: cell wall permeability indicates a limiting pore radius of only 0.5 nm. Protoplasma 185, 131-139. Sepulveda, P., Murgui, A, Lopez-Ribot, I- L., Casanova, M., Timoneda, I- & Martinez, I- P. (1995). Evidence for the presence of collagenous domains in Candida albicans cell surface proteins. Infection and Immunity 63,2173-2179. Smith, D. L., Desai, A B. & Johnson, A D. (1995). DNA bending by the a1 and 2 homeodomain proteins from yeast. Nucleic Acids Research 23, 1239-1243. Thimon, L., Peypoux, F., Wallach, J. & Michel, G. (1995). Effect of the lipopeptide antibiotic, iturin A. on morphology and membrane ultrastructure of yeast cells. FEMS Microbiology LeUers 128, 101-106. van der Vaart, I- M., Caro, L. H. P.. Chapman, I- W., Klis, F. M. & Verrips, e T (1995). Identification of three mannoproteins in the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Bacteriology 177, 3104-3110. Vorisek, J. (1995). Ultracytochemical evidence of Golgi functions in microvesicles at all phases of cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerwisiae. Micron 26, 175-190. Yablochkova, E. N., Shabalina, M. V., Ogorodnikova, T E., Mikhailova, N. P. & Shapovalov, O. I. (1994). Morphological heterogeneity and characteristic features of the life cycle in the yeast Pachysolen tannophilus. Microbiology 63. 599-602. Zinser, E. & Daum, G. (1995). Isolation and biochemical characterization of organelles from the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 11, 493-536.

MEDICAL MYCOLOGY Different cell wall components of Candida albicans have been shown to induce cytokine secretion from immune cells. Thus, Jouault et al. (1995) purified [3- I,2-linked oligomannosides derived from C. albicans and showed that they could stimulate murine macrophages to produce tumour necrosis factor directly. Funai, N., Shimamoto, Y., Tokunaga, 0., Sugihara, W. & Yamaguchi, M. (1995). Ten-year survey of incidence of infection as a cause of death in hematologic malignancies: study of 90 autopsied cases. Acta Haematologica 93,25-30. Giamarellou, H. (1995). Empiric therapy for infections in the febrile, neutropenic, compromised host. Medical Clinics of North America 79, 559-580. Heier, I- S., Gardner, T A, Hawes, M. L McGuire, K. A, Walton, W. T & Stock, J. (1995). Proptosis as the initial presentation of fungal sinusitis in immunocompetent patients. Ophthalmology 102, 713-717. Jouault, T, Lepage, G., Bernigaud, A, Trinel, P. A, Fradin, c.. Wieruszeski, J. M., Strecker, G. & Poulain, D. (1995). j3-1,2-linked oligomannosides from Candida albicans act as signals for tumor necrosis factor ex production. Infection and Immunity 63, 2378-2381. Khatib, R., Clark, J. A, Briski, L. E. & Wilson, F. M. (1995). Relevance of culturing Candida species from intravascular catheters. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 33, 1635-1637. Kung, N., Fisher. N., Gunson, B., Hastings, M. & Mutimer, D. (1995). Fluconazole prophylaxis for high-risk liver transplant recipients. Lancet 345, 1234-1235. Leu, H. S. & Huang, e T. (1995). Clearance of funguria with short-course antifungal regimens: a prospective, randomized, controlled study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 20, 1152-1157.

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VETERINARY MYCOLOGY Abuodeh, R. O. & Scalarone, G. M. (1995). Induction and detection of delayed dermal hypersensitivity in guinea-pigs immunized with Blastomyces derrnatitidis lysate and filtrate antigens. Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 33, 19-25. Cartwright-Shamoon, J., Dickson, G. R., Dodge, J. & Carr, K. E. (1995). Morphological aspects of particle translocation in vivo following ingestion of the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. Journal of Drug Targeting 3, 61-63. Mayeux. P., Dupepe, L., Dunn, K., Balsamo, J. & Dorner, j. (1995). Massive fungal contamination in animal care facilities traced to bedding supply. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61, 2297-2301. Nansen, P., Larsen, M., Gronvold, J., Wolstrup, J., Zorn, A & Henriksen, S. A (1995). Prevention of clinical trichostrongylidosis in calves by strategic feeding with the predacious fungus Duddingtonia flagrans. Parasitology Research 81, 371-374. Sawyer, R. G., Adams, R. 3., May, A K., Rosenlof, L. K. & Pruett, T L. (1995). Development of Candida albimns and C. albicans - Escherichia coliBacteroides fragilis intraperitoneal abscess models with demonstration of fungus-induced bacterial translocation. Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology 33, 49-52.