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Attaching Documents to Courses and Individual Assignments Teachers have the ability to upload documents and attach them to courses as well as individual assignments within the Teacher Access Center gradebook. These are convenient ways for teachers to include PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, image and text files within their gradebook. Students and/or parents can download the attachments from the Home Access Center or from the eSchoolPLUS Family App. • •
Attachments at the course level can be documents specific to the course. Attachments at the assignment level can be documents specific to individual assignments.
This document provides the steps to attach documents at the course level as well as attaching documents to individual assignments. Additionally, this document explains how a parent or student would access the course level attachments as well as the individual assignment attachments from within the Home Access Center or eSchoolPLUS Family App.
Attaching Documents to Courses and Individual Assignments
Adding Attachments to a Course
Within the gradebook, teachers can add attachments by course such as a course syllabus, course guidelines or other course related documents. Example:
How to add attachments to the course: 1. Click Gradebook and then Click Setup
2. Click the Change button and then select the Course 3. Click on the Attachments Tab 4. Click Browse to locate your document 5. Checkmark Include to include the attachment in all marking periods 6. Click to upload a document
Within the Home Access Center (HAC), students and guardians can view attachments by course such as a course syllabus or other course related documents. Example:
How to add attachments to the course: 1. The Week View should be the default display, if not, click the Week View tab 2. Click Course
3. Click on attachment link
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Attaching Documents to Courses and Individual Assignments
Adding Attachments to Individual Assignments
Teachers have the ability to upload documents and attach them to individual assignments within the Teacher Access Center gradebook. This is a convenient way for teachers to include PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, image and text files to their gradebook for each assignment. With the upload feature, teachers can include their rubrics, examples of completed work, worksheets, or supplemental instructions to any assignment, adding a valuable resources to each assignment. Students and/or parents can download the individual assignment attachments from the Home Access Center or from the eSchoolPLUS Family App by clicking on the assignment. Option 1: Steps to Add Attachments to Individual Assignments – Within the Gradebook Setup Example:
How to add attachments (option 1): 1. Click Gradebook and then Click Setup 2. Click the Change button and then select the Course 3. Click the Assignments Tab 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Click to edit the assignment Click to add an attachment Click Browse to locate your document Click to upload a document Verify that the document is now listed Close the Attachments Browse window Click to save the changes identify assignments with attachments
Option 2: Steps to Add Attachments to Individual Assignments – Within the Gradebook Entry Example:
How to add attachments (option 2): 1. Click Gradebook and then Click Entry 2. Click the Change button and then select the Course 3. Add attachments to assignments when creating new assignments or editing existing assignments 4. Click Upload 5. Click Browse to locate your document 6. Click to upload a document 7. Verify that the document is now listed 8. Close the Attachments Browse window 9. Close the Assignment Details window
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Attaching Documents to Courses and Individual Assignments
Parents & Students Accessing Individual Assignment Attachments
Students and/or parents can download the attachments from the Home Access Center or from the eSchoolPLUS Family App by clicking on the assignment. Teachers can include their rubrics, examples of completed work, worksheets, or supplemental instructions to any assignment, adding a valuable resource to each assignment. For more information about parent/guardian accounts, visit:
Option 1: Parents & Students Accessing Assignment Attachments within the Home Access Center Example:
Home Access Center Steps: Log into the Home Access Center 1. Click the Calendar tab 2. Click the Assignment
3. Click on the attachment link
Option 2: Parents & Students Accessing Assignment Attachments within the eSchoolPLUS Family App Within the eSchoolPLUS Family App, students and parents can view attachments within the details of the assignment. Example:
eSchoolPLUS Family App Steps Within the eSchoolPLUS Family App, click on the information within the calendar •
Click on the Attachment Link
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