August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Online Learning in Higher Education Dr. Gerard L. Danford
INTRODUCTION This Online Learning in Higher Education research study grew out of a 2014 academic sabbatical held in the United States. The author spent a considerable amount of time visiting institutions (and other related parties) throughout the USA. During a three month period the author completed 85+ interviews within 38 higher education institutions (public, private, non-profit and for-profit) and a number of Higher Education consultancies, technology providers etc. Within Higher Education institutions a wide range of individuals were interviewed including;
institutional leaders
school/program deans
departmental chairs
instructional designers-technologists and IT Departments
and others
Why This Research Is Relevant There are three dominant drivers (demographic, economic and competitive) impacting Higher Education. These three drivers are individually exhibiting Perfect Storm conditions. Perfect Storm conditions exist when there are simultaneously three or more unfavorable sub-drivers at play within a dominant driver.
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Demographic (declining target-population + flattening graduation rates + stagnant immediate-transition-to-college rates)
The traditional target-segment (high school students) is declining in numbers. Furthermore, high school graduation rates have peaked and the Immediate-TransitionTo-College rate is stagnant (+1%). Therefore, Higher Education institutions are unable to achieve sustainable levels of growth (3.5%+ enrollment). Demographic Perfect Storm conditions demand innovative and bold solutions (identifying and exploiting unserved markets...).
Economic (increasing tuition costs + rising student debt + decreasing government funding)
Tuition and textbook cost increases have outpaced inflation for decades. Tuition inflation combined with sky rocketing student debt ($1.16 trillion +10%) and decreasing government funding of Higher Education have created hyper-sensitive market conditions. The result is that Higher Education has become prohibitively expensive for a broad range of the population. Economic Perfect Storm conditions demand innovative and bold solutions (solving the Iron Triangle puzzle: greater access at lower cost and higher quality...).
Competitive (declining enrollments + new entrants + disruptive innovation)
Enrollments are declining however, for-profit institutions continue to enter the market. Furthermore, enabling technologies (new modalities...) are disrupting incumbent institutions. Competitive Perfect Storm conditions demand innovative and bold solutions (identifying, crafting & implementing sustainable strategies...). 2
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Exhibit: The Three Higher Education Drivers
Triple-Helix Market The three primary drivers of Higher Education are unfavorable and each contains three, if not more, unfavorable. This disruptive condition is referred to as a Triple-Helix Market (3 unfavorable drivers, each containing 3 unfavorable subdrivers). Unfortunately, there does not exist a magic bullet to stop the disruptive impact of a Triple-Helix Market. However, one can benefit from gaining insights into the exploratory and innovative solutions being tested on the marketplace. The lessons learned from such cases can reveal the means to survival & ultimately thriving when faced with a Triple-Helix Market. This Online Learning in Higher Education research provides best-practice examples for surviving and ultimately thriving under disruptive Triple-Helix Market conditions.
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Research Question There is considerable debate around the subject of learning outcome achievement within online Higher Education. Moreover, learning outcome metrics (traditional inclass vs. online) have not been clearly defined and agreed upon. Therefore, this research has explored in some depth the definition of outcomes (metrics), the measurement of outcomes and the achievement of outcomes within the online learning context. There is also much debate concerning the impact online learning may have on costs. Two crucial aspects of costs are considered in this research. The first is related to student costs and the potential cost savings students might realize when engaging in online learning. The second aspect of costs is concerned with the potential costs savings at the institutional level. These two cost dimensions have been explored in considerable depth throughout the interview process. Therefore, the primary research question in this online learning study is; "What is The Impact on Learning Outcomes & Costs" There are multiple forces at play within Higher Education. No single force is dominant and some discrete forces even have the potential to trigger significant shifts in market equilibrium. Due to the current disruptive market conditions in Higher Education (see Triple-Helix discussion above), a holistic empirical approach has been taken in this research. Therefore, the research question has been explored within the scope of nine themes (contexts). These nine themes are;
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Exhibit: The Nine Themes
Video Interviews Close to 100 face-to-face interviews were made during this research. Of those, 32 video interviews were made within; research universities, public and private institutions and other parties. These interviews included; institutional leaders, faculty, instructional designers-technologists, open educational resource experts, librarians and consultants. The 32 video interviews along with full audio transcripts can now be accessed through the main menu of this site.
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Exhibit: Institutions Interviewed by Video
The Author Dr. Gerard L. Danford (D.Sc. Aalto, M.Sc. The London Business School) has been a business school academic for more than 20 years. He has held adjunct professor positions in the USA and Latvia along with visiting faculty positions in Russia and Germany. During his academic career he has specialized in strategy and international business. Gerard designed his first online MBA course in the late 1990's-early 2000's and has been an avid open educational resource enthusiast for more than 5 years. Prior to joining academia he was a management consultant (United Kingdom and Finland). Before his career in consultancy Gerard was an industrial engineer in the United States of America. Gerard L. Danford
[email protected] 6
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Bibliography Archer, D. (2014, Nov). Academic Dean, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Baker, R. (2014, Nov). Associate Professor of Cognitive Studies Human Development, Teachers College, Columbia University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Berg, B. (2014, Nov). Associate Professor, Loretto Heights School of Nursing, Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Bettinger, E. (2014, Nov). Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Bier, N. (2014, Nov). Director Open Learning Initiative, Carnegie Mellon University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Bingaman, K. (2014, Oct). Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Brancatelli, R. (2014, Oct). Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Business, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Buxton, T. (2014, Nov). Assistant Professor, Loretto Heights School of Nursing, Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Cafferkey, A. (2014, Oct). Director, Faculty Technology Services, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Carlon, S. (2014, Oct). Professor, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Carter, C. (2014, Oct). Program Director, National Science Foundation. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Cataldo, L. (2014, Oct). Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Religious Education, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Caulfield, M. (2014, Nov). Director of Blended and Networked Learning, Washington State University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Clemmons, S. (2014, Nov). Associate Dean, Quality Assurance, University College, Florida International University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Clinefelter, D. (2014, Oct). Chief Academic Officer, The Learning House. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Cohen, D. (2014, Nov). Executive Director, Digital Public Library of America. (G. Danford, Interviewer) 7
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Collier, A. (2014, Oct). Vice Provost for Online Learning, Director of Digital Learning Initiatives, Stanford University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Collins, R. (2014, Oct). Doctoral Candidate, New Jersey Institute of Technology. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Cornell, E. (2014, Oct). IT Communications Specialist, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Crouse, M. (2014, Nov). Dean of Education, Chadron State College. (G. Danford, Interviewer) D'Agustino, S. (2014, Oct). Assistant Director, RETC Center for Professional Development, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Delcamp, E. (2014, Nov). Assistant Vice President, Information Technology Services, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) DeMarte, D. (2014, Nov). Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer, Tidewater Community College. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Dematteis, K. (2014, Oct). Instructional Design Project Manager, Graduate School of Social Services, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Ernst, D. (2014, Nov). Chief Information Officer, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Erskine, M. (2014, Nov). Interim Director, Educational Technology Center, Metropolitan State University of Denver. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Eshghi, F. (2014, Oct). Associate Vice President for Instructional Technology, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Estelami, H. (2014, Oct). Professor of Marketing, Director of Blended and Distance Learning, Graduate School of Business Administration, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Fox, A. (2014, Oct). Professor, EECS Department, UC Berkeley. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Getchell, J. (2014, Nov). Director, Instructional Design and Technology, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Goldman, Z. (2014, Oct). Director of Assessment, Post University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Goodwin, J. (2014, Nov). Associate Professor, Communications, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Green, C. (2014, Nov). Director of Global Learning, Creative Commons. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Hatayama, G. (2014, Nov). Systems Engineer, Information Technology Services, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer)
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Haven, V. (2014, Oct). Academic Technology Coordinator, University of Massachusetts. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Hettinger, B. (2014, Oct). Founder, Effective E-Learning. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Hines, S. (2014, Nov). Associate Vice President, Teaching & Learning Technologies, Chadron State College. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Hollands, F. (2014, Oct). Associate Director, The Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Holt, P. (2014, Oct). Assistant Dean, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Jensen, K. (2014, Nov). E-Learning Librarian, University of Minnesota. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Johnstone, S. (2014, Nov). Vice President for Academic Advancement, Western Governors University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Keairns, K. (2014, Nov). Director of Web-Based Learning, Office of Teaching and Learning, University of Denver. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Kilmurray, M. (2014, Oct). Academic Technology Support, Division of Continuing Education, Harvard University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) King, D. (2014, Nov). Chair of Teacher Education Program, Chadron State College. (G. Danford, Interviewer)
Kinney, C. (2014, Nov). Manager, Instructional Design, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Kraus, J. (2014, Nov). Asociate Professor Collections and E-Resources Analysis Librarian, University of Denver. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Ladewig, P. (2014, Nov). Provost, Chief Academic Officer, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Lindquist, D. (2014, Oct). Director, Online MSW Program, Graduate School of Social Services, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Lo, C. (2014, Oct). Director of Admissions, Draper University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Louie, L. (2014, Oct). Dean, Hult International Business School San Francisco. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Lupton, N. (2014, Nov). Associate Dean Graduate Studies and Research, Central Washington University. (G. Danford, Interviewer)
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Maggio, L. (2014, Nov). Director of Research and Instruction, School of Medicine, Stanford University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Margolin, C. (2014, Nov). Associate Dean, School of Business and Professional Studies, Brandman University, Chapman University System. (G. Danford, Interviewer) McBride, M. (2014, Nov). Director of Libraries, Monroe Community College, State University of New York. (G. Danford, Interviewer) McCubbrey, D. (2014, Nov). Clinical Professor, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver. (G. Danford, Interviewer) McLaughlin, J. (2014, Nov). Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Albany, State University of New York. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Kendell-Melton, R. (2014, Nov). Associate Vice Chancellor, Tennessee Board of Regents. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Mierzejewska, B. (2014, Nov). Assistant Professor, Communications and Media Management, Fordham School of Business, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Miller, H. (2014, Nov). Chair, School of Education, Mercy College. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Noteboom, T. (2014, Nov). Associate Dean & Professor, School of Physical Therapy, Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Oakes, J. (2014, Nov). Dean, School of Education, College for Professional Studies, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Oakley, B. (2014, Nov). Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Oakland University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Pennington, K. (2014, Nov). Professor, Loretto Heights School of Nursing, Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Perea, B. (2014, Nov). Senior Instructional Designer, Colorado Community College System. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Perez, T. (2014, Oct). Assistant Professor, Information Systems Management, Brandman University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Pickett, J. (2014, Nov). Publication Director, MIT Open Courseware, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Powell, K. (2014, Oct). Executive Vice President, Provost, American Public University System. (G. Danford, Interviewer)
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Rumfelt, J. (2014, Nov). Associate Professor, College for Professional Studies, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Sagendorf, K. (2014, Nov). Director & Professor, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Regis University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Saltarelli, A. (2014, Nov). Instructional Designer, Stanford University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Schilling, P. (2014, Oct). Associate Vice President, Academic Innovation, Global Technology Services, New York University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Schoppert, J. (2014, Nov). Director of Library Services, Columbia George Community College. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Schottenfeld, M. (2014, Oct). Television Production Manager, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Shea, P. (2014, Oct). Associate Provost for Online Learning, School of Education, University of Albany. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Siemens, H. (2014, Nov). Associate Professor, Program Director of Educational Technology and Online Learning, Fresno Pacific University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Simon, B. (2014, Oct). Head of Teaching and Learning Group, Coursera. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Smith Jaggars, S. (2014, Oct). Assistant Director, Community College Research Center, Columbia University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Smith, D. (2014, Oct). President, Digital Academic Strategies. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Snare, C. (2014, Nov 20). Vice President of Academic Affairs, Chadron State College. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Spear, S. (2014, Nov). Manager, Compliance, Accreditation and Licensure, Western Governors University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Stacey, P. (2014, Nov). Associate Director of Global Learning, Creative Commons. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Stringer, J. (2014, Oct). Associate CIO Academic Engagement & Director Educational Technology Services, UC Berkeley. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Suda, J. (2014, Oct). Reference and Instruction Librarian, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Treglia, K. (2014, Oct). Instructional Technologist, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Turner, K. (2014, Oct). Assistant Professor, Division of Curriculum and Teaching, Fordham University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) 11
August 2015
Online Learning In Higher Education
Dr. Gerard L. Danford
Udermann, B. (2014, Nov). Director of Online Education, University of Wisconsin LaCrosse. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Ugoretz, J. (2014, Oct). Associate Dean, Macaulay Honors College, The City University of New York. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Wan, T. (2014, Oct). Managing Editor, EdSurge. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Wang, E. Y. (2014, Oct). PhD Candidate, Cognitive Studies, Columbia University. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Wang, K. (2014, Oct). Analytics Team, Coursera. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Wayer, N. (2014, Nov). Director of Instructional Design, E-Learning Department, Champlain College. (G. Danford, Interviewer) West, Q. (2014, Nov). Open Education Project Manager at Pierce College District. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Wiley, D. (2014, Nov). Chief Academic Officer, Lumen Learning. (G. Danford, Interviewer) Zvacek, S. (2014, Nov). Associate Provost for the Advcancement of Teaching and Learning, University of Denver. (G. Danford, Interviewer)