Dec 7, 2016 - Eat one cup of rice or 3 Chapatis. You also have to eat six whole tomatoes. â You may eat one cup of ric
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Calculate Your Daily Nutrient Amount with Dietkundali
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Day 1 Eat only fruits on first Day and Drink 10 to 12 glass of water.
All fruits. All kinds of fruit may be consumed except for bananas. 10-12 glasses of water should be consumed throughout the day. Stay away from raisins (Kishmish – 308 kCal), dried Dates (317 kCal), apricots (308 kCal), black currants (316 kCal).
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Day 2 Eat only vegetables of your choice on Day 2, baked or cooked. Drink 10 to 12 glass of water. A mixture of greens and boiled vegetables as well as the GM diet wonder soup may be served during lunch and dinner. You may feel weakness and lightheaded at the end of 2nd day. Drink 10 to 12 glass of water. Some people feel weird eating only vegetables. Don’t give up; the results are worth fighting for.
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Day 3 Eat variety of fruits along with vegetables of your choice
Eating only fruits and vegetables will limit your calories to 500 to 1000 kCal. The diet offers very low protein for these days. You may feel weak and dehydrated. Drink 10 to 12 glass of water
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Day 4 Eat Banana and Milk
Eat 7 to 8 bananas (116 kCal per 100 gm) and about 3 glass of cow milk (45 kCal/100 ml). This can be shared with the vegetable soup which may be taken in limited quantities. This is the day you have to control hunger and craving.
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Day 5 Eat one cup of rice or 3 Chapatis. You also have to eat six whole tomatoes
You may eat one cup of rice or 3 Chapatis. Tomatoes are important to match with the day’s meal, along with cucumbers. Take 12 glass water to clean your system of the additional uric acid you will be creating
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Day 6 Consume only vegetables. Baked or cooked On Day 6, brown/white rice or other beef substitute will be matched with vegetables, but potatoes are still restricted. It is best to consume cottage cheese and soybean curd in vegetable bowls. Take 10 to 12 glass of water. You may eat a cup of rice or 2 Chapatis only if necessary.
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Day 7 Take more vegetables on the 7th day
Two cups of brown/white rice may be consumed together with unlimited servings of vegetables and fruits. Fruit juice may also be taken along with 8-10 glasses of water.
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Benefits of Gm Diet
By using this well known 7 days General Motor Diet plan you can lose around 3 to 5 kg (10 to 12 lbs) weight in a week, it varies from person to person.
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You are advised to consult your Dietitian before starting the 7 days diet plan.
The GM diet is a very low calorie diet and it takes thoughtful commitment to follow it. However results are worth fighting for as 1 to 3kg weight loss is remarkable result.