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Generally, researchers in the field of ontology and ... using intelligent services from software agents [10]. .... Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC).
Automation in Construction 14 (2005) 99 – 114 www.elsevier.com/locate/autcon

Ontological foundations for agent support in constructability assessment of steel structures—a case study O.O. Ugwua,*, C.J. Anumbab, A. Thorpeb a

Centre for Infrastructure and Construction Industry Development (CICID), Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong b Centre for Innovative Construction Engineering, Dept. of Civil & Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK Accepted 25 August 2004

Abstract Ontologies are the foundation on which knowledge-intensive problem solvers depend. Ontologies encapsulate domain concepts, tasks, problem-solving knowledge, and methods. This paper reports on a research project on ontology development for constructability assessment in steel frame structures. It discusses the conceptualisation and formal knowledge representation for the problem domain. The resulting knowledge structures facilitate reasoning in intelligent systems. The paper uses a case study to demonstrate the potential applications of ontologies in developing intelligent rule-based agents for constructability assessment, and reports on the experiments conducted to teach problem-solving agents. The results indicate great potential in developing high utility ontology-driven agents for use in organisational corporate knowledge management. The paper discusses the findings from the research project. The authors propose a constructability ontology for steel structures and an agent framework for constructability design knowledge acquisition. Recommendations are given for further work in developing ontologies for construction applications. D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Constructability; Rule-based agents; Knowledge-based systems; Ontology; Knowledge management; Problem solving; Knowledge structures

1. Introduction and motivation for research Advances in object-oriented development and product modelling now make it possible to generate * Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2857 8555; fax: +852 2559 5337. E-mail address: [email protected] (O.O. Ugwu). 0926-5805/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2004.08.009

3D and 4D models of structural systems. This has resulted in improvements in the functional capabilities of structural analysis and design applications that support the design of facilities of varying complexities, including steel structures. In addition, recent developments in construction industry standards such as the Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) now facilitate sharing product models between software


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applications [1]. However, while existing product models are designer-centric and capture detailed representations of components and their attributes leading to improved design and visualisations (including virtual reality simulations), these models do not adequately capture or represent the features that impact on the constructability of designed facilities. This situation often results in designs that are extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to construct. Constructability has been recognised as an integral part of the quality management process in realising project objectives. Thus, constructability assessment is increasingly undertaken as part of the value engineering process during scheme design and contract bid evaluation stages. In some cases, this has resulted in significant savings as a by-product of adopting innovative designs and construction techniques that cumulatively improve the construction process. This observation is based on comments from stakeholders in the Hong Kong construction industry during a recently completed study to identify predominant issues and innovative approaches to enhance productivity and quality, reported by Ugwu et al. [35]. In recognition of the importance of constructability, researchers have applied different computational techniques to address constructability evaluation during design stages [2–5]. However, these research projects discussed in literature do not provide formal knowledge representations of constructability factors, which are essential in deploying intelligent agent systems for automated constructability assessment of design proposals. Fischer and Tatum [38] identified the need for explicit constructability knowledge base to assist designers in their decision-making. Thus, the main motivation for the work reported in this paper is to address the existing gap in the representation of steel structure product models in constructability research. In this research, features are used to explicitly describe different issues and factors that impact on the constructability of steel structures. This approach draws from extensive applications of features in the manufacturing sector to describe the parts of a product design as they affect manufacturability of components [6]. The objectives of this paper are to: (i) give a comprehensive analysis and description of ontology for constructability assessment in terms to be easily

understood by construction researchers interested in this area; (ii) discuss a conceptual framework for constructability ontology; and (iii) demonstrate a potential practical application of such ontology within the context of automated learning in intelligent agent systems development and constructability knowledge management at the organisational level. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 outlines the research questions addressed in the investigation, while Section 3 describes operational definitions, and ontology applications. Section 4 discusses related works, and Section 5 describes the various dimensions of ontology for constructability assessment. Section 6 puts the whole work in a practical perspective by using a case study to highlight typical problems in organisational knowledge management issues. In Section 7, the formation of knowledge structures for the domain is discussed. Section 8 describes the experimental work that investigated automated agent teaching and learning using the developed feature ontology, and then proposes an agent framework for constructability knowledge acquisition and management. Such a framework would underpin the deployment of agent-based solutions in the problem domain. Finally, the paper draws conclusions from the research and gives recommendations for future work.

2. Research questions The research project reported in this paper addressed several related questions. These include; (i) to what extent can constructability analysis problem-solving methods and heuristics be extracted manually from domain experts using interviewing techniques?; (ii) how effective are these manual techniques in extracting explicit and tacit knowledge embedded within an organisation’s corporate memory (i.e. people, operational guidelines for design, construction etc)?; (iii) how far can the resulting solutions be made explicit in deploying agents and other intelligent systems, for problem solving and decision support (including automated agent learning) in design?; and (iv) how far can the solutions developed be generalised for use in a multi-agent system (MAS) design space? This paper focuses on the last two research questions. The first two questions are already discussed in detail in Ref. [36].

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3. Ontology: definitions, types and applications 3.1. Definitions There has been a proliferation of definitions on what exactly is meant by the term dontologyT, and the methodologies for developing ontologies. In the context of this paper, two related operational definitions are adopted. The most widely referenced definition is that given by Gruber [7,8] who defined ontology as b. . .an explicit specification of a conceptualisationQ. Chandrasekaran et al. [9] defined ontologies as b. . .content theories about the sorts of objects, properties of objects, and relations between objects that are possible in a specified domain of knowledge. They provide potential terms for describing our knowledge about the domainQ. These two definitions underpin the work discussed in this paper. The next section discusses the various levels of ontology. 3.2. Ontology classifications and task-dependency Generally, researchers in the field of ontology and knowledge engineering often begin an ontology creation effort by asking the question bwhat is the ontology of X?Q where X is some type of entity or process in a domain of interest. Such a probing question often leads to two broad levels of ontology. The first level identifies the basic conceptualisations that are required to talk about X. The second level identifies the different types of basic concepts in X, and relates the resulting typology to any additional constraints identified in the first level. For example, in the steel structures domain, the first level ontology


would include things like columns, beams, rafters, bracings, purlins, roof, foundation, etc,, while the second level would include things like: simplysupported beams, fixed beams, pinned columns, fixed columns, etc. The second level can be incrementally improved as knowledge of the domain improves and more object types are identified. Ontologies can also be task-dependent. This means that while it is essential that things that exist in the domain be independent of the uses to which the knowledge will be put, at the same time tasks that the ontology is being written for drive the level of details to be identified in the domain. Thus, an ontology for constructability assessment would be constructed to incorporate objects that relate to constructability issues which are perceived as significant constructability factors (such as foundations and column bases, connections and bolts, etc.). Fig. 1 shows the framework (abstract layer) for ontology design and classification. Within the two high levels, the level of detail in a given ontology further depends on the use to which the ontology will be put. For instance, an ontologydriven process automation using intelligent agents would transcend between all the levels, and contain some elements in all the layers. At the higher level of abstraction, the concrete elements capture product models that define the domain, while the abstract components are used for symbolic representation of the tasks and cognitive processes that define the problem [10]. Section 5 of the paper discusses the dimensions of constructability ontology, while Sections 7 and 8 give instances of the ontology implementation at the application level.

Fig. 1. Logical layers of an ontology.


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3.3. Applications of ontology 3.3.1. Ontological analysis to clarify knowledge structures Ontologies underpin intelligent systems development. This means that there must exist some conceptualisation(s) of the underlying knowledge. This objective is usually achieved by developing vocabularies for representing knowledge in the domain and the first step in knowledge representation is to perform a correct ontological analysis of the domain under discourse. The process usually involves domain experts whose comments are used to construct the underlying structures as part of knowledge acquisition process that also identify problem-solving methods in the domain of interest. Previous literature discussed knowledge acquisition, and the development and application of ontologies for automated negotiation in collaborative design of steel structures [11–14]. 3.3.2. Knowledge sharing An ontology provides a means for knowledge sharing. For example, assuming that a consensus is reached on a satisfactory set of concepts and terms that describe knowledge in the steel structures domain as described in the preceding section, the resulting ontology could include terms such as: columns, beams, rafters, purlins, joints, connections, bolts, etc. Again, with such a given ontology, specific knowledge bases that describe specific problem-solving situations can be built. Thus, in the context of constructability assessment, given a validated shared vocabulary, problem-solving methods and scenarios can then be created to describe different aspects of constructability assessments, and automated collaborative design. Other potential major roles of ontology for knowledge sharing are in the Semantic Web. The web services paradigm is widely seen as the next generation web that would facilitate seamless integrated and automated knowledge processing over the Internet using intelligent services from software agents [10]. Such services include search agents, information brokers, and information filters. The success of the Semantic Web hinges on clear definition of standards for synthetic forms of documents and their semantic contents. This is the sine-qua-non to achieving semantic interoperability and ontology would be a major underpinning to achieve this.

3.3.3. Communication in multi-agent system (MAS) environments One of the core issues in developing MAS is communication between the agents. This is because agents typically communicate by exchanging messages, which are communicated in standard formats using agent communication languages (ACL) as specified by the Federation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) [15]. A basic prerequisite for any ACL is that it must support a common syntax for agent communication and common semantics. Domain ontologies provide the main underpinnings of the knowledge and messages being communicated. Since a given ontology is a formal declarative representation of a subject area, it specifies the concepts to be used in expressing knowledge in that area. The knowledge encapsulates the types of entities (objects), attributes and properties that describe the object, as well as the relations between these objects and their functions or constraints. Consequently, a common ontology defines the vocabulary with which queries and messages are exchanged among problem-solving agents. For example, in a multi-agent system for collaborative design of steel structures such as portal frames, a typical message could contain a design proposal (called dDesignT) that is defined in terms of objects such as: column, beam, rafter and their corresponding attributes such as length, cross-section, and weight. This would be the typical content of a message that an agent sends to its peers in a MAS design space [10], and it facilitates the implementation of MAS requirements such as agent–system integration at data level, and automated negotiation. This example illustrates that ontology provides the infrastructure that makes it possible to integrate agents and systems at the knowledge level [16,17]. A detailed discussion of ontologydriven automated negotiation for collaborative design can be found in Refs. [10,12,13,31,32].

4. Review of related work In recognition of the importance of ontologies in collaborative working in other sectors, many research projects have focussed on developing domain ontologies. This section summarises other related works. There are generally two broad approaches to constructing ontologies. The first approach is to build a

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huge all-encompassing knowledge ontology that can be used for most problems in a given domain of interest. A second, more pragmatic approach, given the realities of resource constraints in the research world, is to build smaller and more domain-specific ontologies for specific problems. As an illustration, in the steel structures domain, a specific ontology was created to investigate collaborative design in a multiagent design space. The specific tasks and research interests were to: (i) integrate the agent ontology with existing structural steel design software (i.e. agent– system integration), and (ii) use the ontology to automate peer-to-peer negotiation in the collaborative design space using multiple agents [12,31]. Another research project conducted at the Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Department at George Mason University, USA, created ontology for use in evolutionary designing of steel skeletal structures [18]. Examination revealed that both ontologies have similar objects and concepts at the 1st level (i.e. structural elements such as; beam, column, etc.), while specific features were incorporated at the 2nd level to cater for the application-specific areas of interest to the researchers involved in the respective projects. In the wider spectrum, there have been some major research initiatives on ontology development. The Enterprise Ontology is a collection of terms and definitions relevant to a business enterprise. This ontology was developed at the University of Edinburgh as part of the Enterprise Project [19]. The main intended uses of the ontology were to: (a) enhance communication between humans for the benefit of integration; (b) serve as a stable basis for understanding and specifying the requirements for end-user applications; and (c) achieve interoperability among disparate tools in an enterprise modelling environment using suitable tool(s) [33]. The PhysSys Ontology provides the foundation for the conceptual database schema of library of re-usable engineering model components. The ontology covers different disciplines such as mechatronics and dynamics, [20]. Woestenenk [21] describes work on the development and definition of a common vocabulary for the storage and exchange of information in construction, undertaken as part of the Dutch BAS project. The Process Specification Language (PSL) project is devoted to the development of a taxonomy, or ontology, of


manufacturing concepts and terms [34]. The project of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is specifically addressing manufacturing systems integration. The objective is to make information interpretable among systems and people within and across networked organisations. The CYC project was initiated in 1984 with the objective to build a vast re-usable ontology [22]. Also, the ontolingua project at Stanford University USA had the objective of creating a sharable and re-usable repository [23]. Gomez-Perez [24], documents details of some other works in ontology development. The above catalogue of ontology-related projects is not exhaustive but they demonstrate the importance that the research community attaches to ontologies in developing intelligent agents and/or collaborative systems as part of system integration efforts. This paper focuses on the methodology and process in developing ontology for constructability assessment and an experimental study of its application for automated learning in developing rule-based agents, using a mixed-initiative strategy. It then proposes an agent framework for constructability knowledge acquisition and organisational knowledge management.

5. Dimensions of ontology for constructability assessment This section describes the various dimensions of ontology in the context of steel frame structures. The ontology for constructability assessment is a specificproblem-solving ontology. This means that the specific contents of such ontology go beyond knowledge of the objects in the domain but should also include task primitives and problem-solving methods. Details of task primitives, problem-solving methods and associated rules in constructability analysis are discussed in Refs. [36,37]. When viewed in the context of a problem solver, two types of knowledge are identified as essential components of the ontology. These are (i) domain factual knowledge that relates to objects, relations between the objects, states etc that obtain in the domain; and (ii) problem-solving knowledge that deals with how to use the domain knowledge to achieve desired goals. In the context of constructability assessment the goal reduces to generating design decisions (i.e. analogous to actions in


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planning systems) that are needed to achieve constructible designs (i.e. desired world states in planning systems), and therefore avoid design configurations that cannot be built in practice (i.e. undesired world states). Thus, the major components of the ontology for constructability assessment are constructed at the appropriate level of granularity and would include: (i) a problem-solving goal, (ii) domain data that describe the problem-instance, (iii) problem-solving knowledge, and (iv) domain factual knowledge.

6. Using ontology of steel frame structures for agent support in constructability assessment From the preceding discussions, it can be inferred that an ontology is a general component of a knowledge base that characterises the entire domain of interest. The ensuing section puts the whole discussion in a practical application context by examining a case study company that highlights some issues related to corporate knowledge management. 6.1. Case study—company ABC1: knowledge capture, re-use, and management issues Company ABC is a typical contractor that undertakes steelwork construction projects under different contractual arrangements such as traditional, and design-build contracts. Over its years of operation, the company has accumulated design and construction knowledge to ensure that their engineers know how to design for constructability when selecting structural frame components (such as primary and secondary elements, and other ancillary items). For example, at the operational levels, design for constructability reduces to giving adequate attention to operational issues such as: !


ease of transport of structural member (i.e. sizing of member lengths, which is a function of the xsection), slicing the member when necessary to facilitate erection at site,

1 The case study is based on a real company, but the details have been deliberately sanitised to maintain anonymity.

! ! !

ensuring availability of materials to place order on time, as far as practical using standard materials that are popularly stocked by suppliers, and making adequate provision for ancillary items such as holding down bolts, washer plates, flats, angles, holes, grout holes, etc.

Because company ABC undertakes different types of contract (including design-build contracts) depending on the project scope and complexity, it has developed its in-house reference guidelines. Tables 1 and 2 contain extracts of the guidelines for designing ancillary items. However, the company still relies on traditional paper-based knowledge management. Thus, the design guidelines are still scattered around in the form of various papers and update memos, but there is considerable scope to improve the management of this intellectual asset vis-a`-vis organisational corporate knowledge, and diffuse it throughout the organisation as appropriate. An important requirement here is the need to update the knowledge of stored design processes and operational guidelines, as knowledge of the construction environment improves. Adequate management systems and intelligent tools could be deployed to act as organisational corporate memory, and thus to provide useful knowledge on designing for constructability to inexperienced engineers and new employees to the organisation. The first requirement is to develop a formal structure of knowledge representation for the constructability assessment problem, which would underpin the company’s organisational knowledge bases. A good knowledge source would be the existing organisational guidelines as shown in Tables 1 and 2 below.

7. Knowledge formation for constructability assessment—the ontology To begin to understand the issues related to managing constructability knowledge and deploying intelligent systems in construction organisations such as company ABC, it is essential to examine the business processes associated with a typical construction project. Generally, design commences upon the receipt of a client’s brief that outlines the functional

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Table 1 Design guidelines for holding down bolts and plates (Summary of data/information sheet) (a) Holding down bolts Standard bolt lengths Diameter (mm) M16-4.6 M20-4.6 M20-8.8 M24-4.6 M24-8.8 300 P, A P, A P, A NS NS 375 X P, A, ET P, A X X 450 X P, A, GB P, A P, A, ET P, A (i) P: Denotes popular bolts stocked by bolt distributor, (ii) A: denotes other available bolts, (iii) NS: denotes not standard to BS7419, (iv) X: denotes standard available but not preferred, (v) ET: denotes full bond to Exact Theory, (vi) GB: denotes full bond to Green Book [Note bGreen BookQ is Company ABC’s acronym for a standard steel design handbook with a green cover]. (b) Washer plates Washer plates to theory Bolt size Grade Washer plate Proposed column M16 Grade 4.6 10010010 R.S.A./P.F.C M20 Grade 4.6 10010010 203–457 U.B. M24 Grade 4.6 10010010 533 U.B M20 Grade 8.8 13013010 203–457 U.B M24 Grade 8.8 13013010 533 U.B (i) On an individual project the use of Grade 4.6 and 8.8 HD Bolts of the same diameter should be avoided, (ii) Grade 4.6 bolts should be the first choice; Grade 8.8 bolts should only be used where strength/details requires it, (iii) One form dGT washer is to be ordered with each HD Bolt, (iv) Provide 2 No. grout holes for base plates over 0.5 m2. Document description: Company ABC’s Standard Holding Down Bolts & Washer Plates. Use: Guidelines for designing Bolts and Washer Plates.

requirements of a proposed project. In the traditional procurement route, the client briefs the Architect who translates the brief into a set of conceptual designs that meet the requirements. At the conceptual level of a scheme design, the key decisions would focus on basic plan layout/outline, and the dimensions of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment and process plants, as well as other space requirements for facility installation. The Architect’s specification would form the basis for conceptual and subsequent detailed structural design, which translates the plan and loading requirements into structural layouts, and dimensions (section and length) of structural members such as beams, columns, rafters, etc. Previous interviews with industry professionals have highlighted the need to evaluate issues such as the constructability implications of design decisions at various design interfaces and decision points [14,37]. As an illustration, constructability requirements would be improved at the design stage by (i) ensuring that structural dimensions such as member design length are reasonable to fabricate in practice and transport easily, (ii) checking standard sizes in order to facilitate

the fabrication and installation of the components at the construction site and (iii) making adequate provisions for holding down bolts, washer plates, etc. Thus, what is required is an intelligent agent that uses its knowledge base (i.e. ontology+rules) to act as an assistant to designers (particularly inexperienced engineers), helping them to choose design options that address the various requirements of the team. Such an agent would be able to critique design configurations by automatically evaluating its constructability downstream. In line with this requirement, the goal of the research reported in this paper is to investigate how emerging computing techniques can be synergistically integrated and deployed to construct large-scale knowledge bases and intelligent agents for the domain. Such knowledge could be used in different, related problem-solving situations and at the same time be updateable as knowledge of the problem domain changes. After a preliminary review of tools and techniques available for intelligent systems development (including large-scale knowledge bases and agents), it was decided to use an agent building


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Table 2 Design guidelines for erection bolts, slots, flats and angles (Summary of data/information sheet) (a) Standard erection bolts and slots Standard bolts (all GR 8.8)


Slots (end to end)

M1230 14 1446 M1640 18 1846 M2055 22 2646 On an individual project, the use of Grade 4.6 and 8.8 HD bolts of the same diameter should be avoided. (b) Standard flats, plates and angles Flats



806 8 50506 8010 12 60606 10010 15 80806 1208 20 909010 These extracts are used for illustration purposes only. It is organisation-specific and their use for demonstration does not constitute an endorsement by the authors of the accuracy or appropriateness of the design guidelines. Document description: Company ABC’s Standard Erection Bolts/ Slots, & Flats, Plates and Angles. Use: Guidelines for designing erection Bolts and Washer Plates.

toolkit-DISCIPLE, developed by computer science researchers at the Learning Agents Laboratory (LALAB) of George Mason University USA. This tool was developed under the High Performance Knowledge Base program sponsored by the Defence Advances Research Projects Agency (DARPA), USA. The DISCIPLE approach to agent building and knowledge-based development is discussed in detail by Tecuci [25,26]. The ensuing sections discuss fragments of the ontology. Disciple’s ontology includes concepts, objects, features, and tasks. Objects are abstracted from the application domain as part of the knowledge acquisition process. Examples of objects include; building, structural elements such as column, beam, rafter, etc. Object features describe the properties these objects may have and also encapsulate the cognitive design processes within an application context such as constructability design. Instances of objects and features are used to define scenarios of problemsolving, and also for agent training and learning process. A concept is a representation of a set of instances, real or abstract. For example, the concept constructability-factor could be used to represent the

set of all considerations in design decision-making, in order to achieve constructible designs. These sets may include provision of appropriate holding down bolts and washer plates for a given proposed column sectional properties. These objects and concepts are represented as frames following the open knowledgebased connectivity (OKBC) protocol. For this research investigation, an initially constructed portal frame ontology was used as a base ontology. This was then extended to the appropriate level of granularity in order to incorporate the problem-specific requirements for constructability assessment. The base steel domain ontology was created and validated with domain experts [14]. 7.1. Application of the ontology to constructability assessment For agent-based decision support in constructability assessment, there is need to develop control knowledge structures for classification of the tasks and associated rules. This section discusses an ontology to underpin automated agent learning and knowledge acquisition in the domain. The ontology captures the concepts and data necessary to operationalise constructability analysis problem, and divides the problem domain into various segments including abstract and concrete concepts. The ontology framework was discussed in Section 3.2 (see Fig. 1). As mentioned earlier, the development of ontology for constructability assessment of steel frame structures builds on previous ontology developed for agent support in collaborative design of portal frame structures [12–14,31,32]. One strategic question that was addressed in the original portal frame ontology for collaborative design relates to identifying the concepts that are required in the majority of problemsolving scenarios in the steel structures domain that agents could be deployed to solve or assist human users in solving. These problems span from design to construction and operational maintenance. While the collaborative design ontology was expressive enough and captured the generic objects and features in the domain, it needed expansion to incorporate constructability-specific issues in greater detail (Fig. 2). The major extensions to account for application of the steel structures ontology in constructability assessment include introducing abstract concepts that encap-

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tions for the ontology construction, highlighting different fragments while Fig. 3 shows the 2nd level ontology highlighting constructability design issues. The tables show that constructability factors have many objects and features. Problem-solving tasks are modelled to generate associated rules by combining specific concept instance values and the features in Tables 3a–3c. These are then used to incrementally build the agent’s domain and problem-solving knowledge bases. DISCIPLE builds this as a hierarchical tree frame structure, but they are shown in tabular format for clarity. The above tables give extracts of the concepts and features ontology implemented in the experimental study. The domain knowledge base has a total of 36 concepts, 31 features, 12 tasks, 110 task features, and 11 rules, while the problem knowledge base has a total of 42 instances of the concepts, 17 feature values, and 59 facts. 7.2. Ontology and knowledge bases

Fig. 2. Portal frame ontology: Collaborative design concepts (adapted from Ref. [14]).

The knowledge base of an agent is represented by the expression below [26]: Knowledge base ðKBÞ ¼ ontology þ rules

sulate constructability design-specific issues (Fig. 3). These abstract concepts relate to the concept hierarchy discussed in Section 3.2 (see Fig. 1). Thus, the ontology is a knowledge representation of the problem domain. The main fundamental of the ontology starts with the physical steel structure-building. It then extends to various depths to account for components that make up a building such as structural elements. The structural elements have two logical components primary elements that include column, beam, rafter, braces, etc., and secondary elements that include, bolts, angles, flats, etc. Tables 3a–3c show abstrac-

In the above expression, the rules are driven by the associated tasks that the agent performs. Table 3 shows snapshots of the domain ontology for evaluating the constructability of a proposed design for steel frame structures. The ontology consists of objects, and the agent uses the object hierarchy as a generalization hierarchy for learning. The agent learning goal is to select the right generalization for a given example solution. The attributes of a feature are its domain, which represent the set of objects that could have such feature and its range, which represents the possible values of the feature [26]. As an example, using

Fig. 3. 2nd Level ontology-constructability factors.


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Table 3a Concepts ontology tree for constructability assessment in steel structures Concept


OBJECT Building Foundation Structural_Element Arch_Specification Building_parameters Building_load Building_height Big_load Medium_load Small_load Building_Span Small_building_span Medium_building_span Long_building_span Column_base Primary_Element Secondary_Element Beam Column Bracing Rafter Angle Bolt Nut Washer_Plate Erection_bolt Holding_down_bolt

OBJECT OBJECT OBJECT OBJECT OBJECT OBJECT Building_parameters Building_parameters Building_load Building_load Building_load Building_parameters Building_Span Building_Span Building_Span Building_parameters Structural_Element Structural_Element Primary_Element Primary_Element Primary_Element Primary_Element Secondary_Element Secondary_Element Secondary_Element Secondary_Element Bolt Bolt


15KN_per_sq_metre 10KN_per_sq_metre 7.5KN_per_sq_metre 20m_span_building 30m_span_building 50m_span_building

beam_406 column_457UB, column_533UB, column_610UB rafter_233UB, rafter_457UB angle_50x50x6, angle_80x80x6,

Washer_plate_100x100x10, Washer_plate_130x130x10 Bolt_M12x30, Bolt_M16-46, Bolt_M16x40 Bolt_M16-46, Bolt_M20-8, Bolt_M24-46

Table 3b Feature ontology tree for constructability assessment in steel structures Feature


FEATURE has_primary_element_feature has_secondary_element_feature has_primary_element_feature has_section_property has_foundation_feature column_base_area Holding_down_bolt_hole_diammeter Rafter_section Column_section Beam_section Bolt_size Column_base_area Proposed_column



has_foundation_feature has_foundation_feature has_primary_element_feature has_primary_element_feature has_primary_element_feature has_secondary_element_feature has_secondary_element_feature has_primary_element_feature

Table 3a, consider the object primary element, which is a sub-concept of structural element but a superconcept of column, beam, and rafter. Also consider the feature Proposed_column in Table 3c. The do-

b23314039Q, b40614039Q b45717850Q, b53321982Q, b61017854Q b45717850Q, b53321982Q, b61017854Q bM16Q bM20Q bM24Q bM30Q bM36Q

main of this feature is structural element that encapsulates another feature has_ section_ property. This means that only objects such as column, beam, and rafter and instances of these sub-concepts such as the

O.O. Ugwu et al. / Automation in Construction 14 (2005) 99–114 Table 3c Feature domains for constructability assessment in steel structures Feature


Proposed_column has_section_property washer_plate_feature

structural_element structural_element washer_plate

universal beams/columns (e.g. b203UBQ b457UBQ b533UBQ b610UBQ in Table 3a), may have the feature has_section_property. The object Building_ parameter in Table 3a defines basic specifications like building span, loading, etc. that can be extracted from the architectural specifications. The features in the ontology play an important role in the agent learning process. It is an abstraction/ encapsulation of the cognitive design processes. It enables expressions to be generalized or specialized by deleting or adding features of objects appearing in their descriptions as generated by the agent while learning. Although the features of each task must be defined from the KB, new features can be added to the agent KB, when a new task is introduced thereby affording the flexibility to incrementally improve the KB development. Some agent toolkits require that the ontology be fully developed before the tasks are defined. This often results in static ontologies that are unable to evolve with the domain design rules and business processes. The next section discusses the preliminary experimental work that investigated the application of this ontology to automated agent learning. It demonstrates the feasibility of ontologydriven organisational knowledge management and highlights some important issues.

8. Experiments in ontology-driven agent support for constructability assessment This section describes the application of the ontology in teaching agents how to solve constructability problems. It demonstrates the potential application of intelligent agents in teaching and learning, the entire process being driven by the domain ontology. The multistage process includes: modelling, scenario development, teaching the agent to solve design problems using the mixed-initiative strategy. Ugwu et al. [17,32] discuss constructability design knowledge modelling using the task reduction


paradigm. This section focuses on the scenario development and its application in teaching the agent how to solve constructability assessment problem. (1) Typical Scenario Descriptions: Example 1 (Positive): A 20m_span _building with 10KN sq m loading and structural elements beam 40614039UB column 533UB, rafter 233UB that requires washer plate 10010010, standard bolt 300 mm diameter M20_46, holes 22 mm, and slots 2614. Example 2 (Negative): A 20m_span_building with 10KN sq m loading and structural elements beam 40614039UB column 533UB, rafter 233UB that requires washer plate 10010010, standard bolt 300 mm diameter M16_40 (wrong bolt size for the column section), holes 2 mm, and slots 2614. (2) Column_533UB: Column 533 is a universal column whose features determine the type of bolt size to use and hence other subsequent secondary elements and ancillary components such as hole size, and slots required to facilitate construction at site. (2.1) Constructability design goals: The main constructability design goal here is to provide adequate bolt sizes, washer plates, holes, and slots that are suitable to facilitate the construction process during erection on site. (2.2) Constructability factors: Columns 457UB and 533UB require appropriate washer plates and bolt sizes, holes and slot sizes. Scenarios—To design washer plates, holding down bolts of standard length, standard erection bolts, holes, and slots. Problem-solving tasks were modelled and different scenarios were developed and used to train the agent. The scenarios include correct and incorrect examples, which were used to teach the agent as discussed in the ensuing section. 8.1. Agent teaching and learning—the mixed-initiative strategy In the mixed-initiative learning strategy technique, the relationship between the domain expert and the agent under development is like that of between a master and an apprentice. The expert teaches the agent by solving problems in co-operation with the agent in the same way that she/he would train an apprentice in


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a job. The task modelling guides the agent teaching stages. The agent at the beginning has no rules in the KB, but the task reduction was undertaken in the study by following constructability assessment problem modeling [17], and using appropriate examples such as discussed under the scenario development sections that include both correct and incorrect examples. This enables the agent to learn reduction rules through a series of question and answer sessions using simple natural language dialogue. The agent is also assisted (taught) to understand why a particular task is reduced to a subsequent set of tasks (partial ordering), the whole exercise being underpinned by the domain ontology is described in the previous section. There are two interesting characteristics of the automated agent learning process described in this paper, from the perspectives of machine learning and intelligent systems development. First, the agent does not have the ability to understand natural language and translate the simple questions and answers into corresponding explanations. On the other hand, the expert cannot formulate the explanation himself because of the numerous objects and feature names in the KB. In addition, the expert, who is not a knowledge engineer is also hampered by the difficulty in generating formal explanations that are syntactically correct. This twin problem is addressed by giving the agent correct hints to help it generate the explanations. It is then able to use the hints, explanation generation heuristics, and analogical reasoning to propose a set of plausible explanations from which the expert selects the correct ones [25,27– 30]. Fig. 4 shows some excerpts of the learned rule from the experimental study. Only few extracts are shown due to space constraints, but further details are discussed in Refs. [17,32,36]. 8.2. Discussion of observations from the experimental work It was observed during the experimental study that the quality of the solutions generated by the learning agent depends on the inputs it receives from the expert, which consists of: the ontology, tasks, features, and explanations. However, when given the correct inputs, the agent synergistically integrates the different learning strategies such as learning from example,

Fig. 4. Example of the Agent Learned Rule (Source: Ref. [17]).

learning by analogy, and learning by experimentation to generate good solutions [26]. Thus, the study shows that the success of the agent development and learning

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process is predicated on the following inter-related factors: domain modeling, ontology development, and problem-solving scenarios. It is a juxtaposition of these efforts and the synergy that results in the learning process that underpins the mixed-initiative learning strategy.

digital nervous system (i.e. corporate memory). The success of the framework implementation is underpinned by the domain ontology [17,37].

8.3. Agent framework for automated knowledge acquisition

This paper has described a research project that investigated synergistic integration of AI techniques and computing paradigms to solve constructability assessment problems. The research shows that the design and construction process is inherently a knowledge-intensive processing activity, and that domain ontology underpins the development of knowledge-based systems and intelligent agents. The work reported in this paper demonstrates that developing deep knowledge structures (ontologies) would facilitate knowledge re-use in deploying intelligent systems in construction. It examined different aspects of the development of a formal ontology for constructability assessment. The proposed solution is generic and can be extended to other construction domains with appropriate extensions to domainspecific requirements. The paper demonstrates that the synergy between these complementary computational techniques, artificial intelligence (AI), distributed AI (DAI), and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) makes it possible to deploy these techniques to solve complex problems in construction. It contributes to a better understanding of knowledge formation and ontology-driven solutions to construction problems. The research observations show that ontologies are the foundation on which knowledge intensive problem-solvers depend. This is because such systems embody the domain ontology, tasks, problem-solving knowledge, and methods.

This section introduces a generic framework that could be adopted in any construction domain for automated knowledge acquisition using intelligent agents (Fig. 5). The proposed framework addresses the problems with knowledge acquisition and construction ontology for constructability problems solving. In the specific context of constructability assessment, the framework would be implemented in phases. During the first phase, the domain experts (with some minimal help from knowledge engineers) would focus on defining the domain ontology that encapsulates associated tasks, problem-solving methods, and rules. The second phase would involve problem modelling and using scenarios to teach an agent how to solve constructability design problems. The scenario could be developed working jointly with domain experts, the agent learning process being predicated on the mixed-initiative leaning strategy, which is a juxtaposition of analogical and case-based reasoning. In the third phase, there is a role reversal in that the agent having learnt, formalised, and stored associated problem-solving rules in its knowledge base, now uses the enhanced knowledge base to teach inexperienced designers how to solve similar problems thereby contributing to sustaining the organisation’s

9. Conclusions and recommendations

Fig. 5. Framework for automated knowledge acquisition using intelligent agents (adapted from Ref. [37]).


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The paper described constructability problems in construction and proposed an ontology-driven solution that addresses constructability design decisionmaking issues. The solution presented constitutes a high generic problem-solving-strategy for the domain. With regards to the research questions raised in Section 2, the research reported shows that ontology provides a framework and underpinning infrastructure for agent support in constructability analysis and knowledge acquisition. It demonstrates that ontology addresses problems of manual knowledge acquisition that often results from the combinatorial explosion associated with combining various concepts in a knowledge base to generate rules for task problemsolving—the so-called bknowledge acquisition bottleneckQ. The research reported also shows that ontology provides an underlying infrastructure and vehicle to transform captured tacit knowledge, into explicit knowledge and that it enables deployment of intelligent agents imbued with such knowledge to disseminate the knowledge throughout various organisational interfaces. The paper discussed potential practical applications of the mixed-initiative learning strategies in developing agent-based systems within a construction context. It used the results of an experimental study to demonstrate the synergy that results from collaboration between the domain expert and agent during the development process. The focus is on the need to change the way future knowledge-based and intelligent agent systems for construction domain could be constructed, from the current practice of programming to being taught using simple natural languages. The authors proposed a framework for automated knowledge acquisition and agent learning, in various construction problem domains including constructability. The proposed framework for agent development and construction is ontology-driven. Further collaborative research is required to develop ontologies for other construction problem domains, and investigate the application of mixed-initiative learning techniques in such domains. The agent-based framework is also underpinned by the observations and findings from the experimental study conducted in this research. It is a contribution towards investigating next generation intelligent systems in the general context of knowledge capture, storage and re-use across organisational interfaces. Such framework would contribute

to sustain construction organisations corporate memories. The research concludes that there is need for collaborative effort and tools in creating ontologies for constructability assessment in steel structures domain, in the context of distributed construction environments. It is a contribution towards understanding ontology-driven agent learning and knowledge management for constructability design in construction. Acknowledgements The Royal Society United Kingdom supported this research through a Visiting Fellowship Award that enabled Dr. Ugwu to visit Loughborough University UK, as a visiting Scientist from China (Award No: SP/ SV/China/15889). The University of Hong Kong also supported the study visit through a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Grant awarded to Dr Ugwu, for the visit. Constructability design knowledge was acquired within the framework of ADLIB Project conducted at the department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK from March 1999 to May 2002. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK funded the ADLIB Project, as part of the Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI)—(Grant No: GR/ M42169). The work on automated agent learning was first initiated during Dr. Ugwu’s visit as a Visiting Research Scholar to the Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Department in the Information Technology and Engineering School at George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia, USA, in January/ February 2002, with Prof. Tomasz Arciszewski as his principal host. Prof. G. Tecuci, Director of the GMU LALAB and other members of his research team provided the DISCIPLE system and other related technical information for research and educational use. References [1] International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI), IFC 2x Extension Modelling Guide (available from the URL:http:/ www.iai.org.uk), (2002). [2] T. Arciszewski, Engineering semantic evaluation of decision rules, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 5 (3) (1998) 285 – 295. [3] T. Arciszewski, D. Ardayfio, J. Doulamis, Automated knowledge acquisition in proactive design, Proceedings of

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