Ontologies in Support of Problem Solving Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen Stanford Medical Informatics, Stanford University, CA 94305, USA
[email protected],
[email protected]
Problem-solving methods are ready-made software components that can be assembled with domain knowledge bases to create application systems. Ontologies and problem-solving methods have a long history of intricate relationships. In this chapter, we describe these relationships and how they can be used in a principled manner to construct knowledge systems. We have developed a methodology that strongly relies on ontologies: first, to describe domain knowledge bases and problem-solving methods as independent components that can be reused in different application systems; and second, to mediate knowledge between the two kinds of components when assembled in a specific system. We present our methodology and a set of associated tools that we have created to support developers in building knowledge systems and that we have used to conduct PSM-reuse experiments.
1 Reusable Problem-Solving Components Ontologies provide a structured framework for modeling the concepts and relationships of some domain of expertise. Ontologies support the creation of repositories of domain-specific reference knowledge—domain knowledge bases—for communication and sharing of this knowledge among people and computer applications. In particular, ontologies provide the structural and semantic ground for computer-based processing of domain knowledge to perform reasoning tasks. In other words, ontologies enable the actual use of domain knowledge in computer applications. In this section, we provide an overview of different means to specify and perform reasoning on a knowledge base. We retain one of these means, Problem-Solving Methods, because they provide reusable reasoning components that participate in the principled construction of knowledge-based applications.
Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen
1.1 Reasoning on Domain Knowledge There is a number of ways in which reasoning can be performed on domain knowledge. At the simplest, a set of logical axioms or rules can complement an ontology to specify the way in which new facts can be derived from existing facts. A general inference engine then can draw conclusions based on these rules or axioms to create new knowledge and eventually to solve some simple problem. Although it did not include an explicit domain ontology, a typical example of a rule-based system is the Mycin medical-diagnosis system [4]. Mycin involved a base of rules about symptoms, medical conditions and laboratory test results and their possible association with infections by micro-organisms. Such rules and axioms are specific to a domain. More problematically, rules often embed implicit procedural knowledge (such as rule ordering and conjunct ordering) that influence the actual behavior of the inference engine. This implicit problem-solving knowledge makes the rule base unreliable, and difficult to maintain as domain knowledge evolves [9]. The lessons learned from experiments with early rule-based systems were not only that domain knowledge should be represented in an explicit way (such as one supported by an ontology), but also that the problem-solving behavior of a system should be carved out in a separate component of the system. Most prominently, the KADS methodology insisted that the model of a system’s components and behavior should identify three distinct, clearly interfaced layers of knowledge, namely the domain layer, the task layer, and the inference layer [3]. However, separating out the inferencing procedure of a knowledge system in a dedicated piece of program code is not enough. Indeed, a system developer can design a more sophisticated and custom method to reason on domain knowledge. For instance, a custom program could embed the logic extracted from the Mycin rules, and encode the order in which the rules should be fired, by grouping them and assigning them priority values depending on cases. The resulting knowledge base then would only contain factual knowledge (e.g., the possible types of laboratory tests and their results for given patients), much easier to evolve. But, like any piece of software designed specifically for an application context, such a program would be very efficient in that context, but it would be very brittle and little adaptable to any change in the domain knowledge or in the purpose of the target system. Overcoming the limitations of both rule-based systems and custom programs, Problem-Solving Methods (PSMs) were introduced as a knowledge engineering paradigm to encode domain-independent, systematic and reusable sequences of inference steps involved in the process of solving certain kinds of application tasks with domain knowledge [8, 5, 20]. One of the first such strategy to have been identified, as a result of analyzing several rule-based systems such as Mycin, was heuristic classification [9]—the process of identifying the class of an unknown domain situation. This strategy involves three main inference steps: first, abstracting the facts about the domain situation (e.g., a patient’s symptoms and condition) into higher-level features,
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based on domain knowledge (e.g., from the patient’s white blood cell count, the patient’s state can be abstracted as “immuno-suppressed”); then, matching the set of abstract features to possible explanations (e.g., the patient has a “gram-negative infection”), using a set of heuristics; and finally, refining the explanation into a more specific one (e.g., the micro-organism responsible for the patient’s infection is “E. Coli”). Unlike rules and axioms, PSMs abstract and isolate procedural knowledge away from domain knowledge, making both the inferencing behavior of a system and the role of domain knowledge in that system explicit and easy to adapt. Unlike custom programs, PSMs are designed to be reusable for various domains and tasks. In this chapter, we focus on this latter type of reasoning and describe the way in which it participates in the design and implementation of knowledge-based applications. 1.2 Problem-Solving Methods PSMs became prominent as a result of: (1) observing recurring patterns of reasoning such as heuristic classification [9], as mentioned above, (2) identifying high-level generic tasks [5] ubiquitously performed with knowledge, such as hypothesis assessment and data abstraction, and (3) comparing different role-limiting methods, such as propose-and-revise and cover-and-differentiate, in the goal of characterizing a taxonomy of methods to guide system modeling [20]. PSMs were proposed as standard reasoning procedures for addressing generic tasks in a domain-independent way [8, 31, 28, 3, 11]. Over the years, the knowledge-engineering community identified and developed PSMs of general usefulness [6, 3] or for specific high-level tasks such as classification [8, 23], diagnosis [2], design [29, 22], and planning [33, 32]. A PSM that the knowledge-aquisition community studied at length is propose-and-revise [19], a method that conducts a state-based search algorithm to perform constraint-satisfaction problem solving. More specifically, propose-and-revise calculates a valid configuration of domain parameters iteratively by assigning values to the parameters, verifying that the resulting configuration does not violate domain constraints among parameters and revising the parameter assignments according to constraint-fixing procedures. This PSM was initially developed for the benchmark task of identifying viable configurations of parts involved in the design of an elevator [29]. In this application, parameters were the dimensions and characteristics of the different parts of an elevator, including specific requirements (e.g., the height of the available doors, the desired capacity), and constraints and fixes were defined by a set of building codes, architectural principles and safety constraints [19]. After participating in this initial experiment [?], we studied the reuse of propose-and-revise for other types of constraint-satisfaction problems, such as predicting plausible configurations of ribosomal units from a set of experimental data [16], as we show later in this chapter.
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PSMs provide a reliable form of knowledge-based reasoning: They usually are the result of both (1) a thorough analysis of the types of problems and tasks that occur in a variety of domains and (2) a good understanding of the solving of these problems at a level that entails the abstraction of the generic reasoning process involved (possibly initially written with rules or custom code). As a result, PSMs are mature algorithms, well characterized and tested, that enable system builders to abstract the procedural processing of knowledge from implementation details. When associated with a piece of program code that implements it, a PSM further becomes an operational building block that a programmer can incorporate readily in a working system [11, 18], much like an element of a mathematical subroutine library. To foster the reuse and sharing of PSMs, method providers build structured libraries [2, 28, 3, 11, 22], in which their methods are indexed for different domains and purposes. 1.3 Component-Based Knowledge Systems A problem-solving task is one that involves reasoning on a large body of domain knowledge to reach a certain goal state or conclusion. As a consequence of identifying PSMs as domain-independent reasoning components, the process of building a system to realize such a knowledge-intensive task merely involves assembling a domain knowledge component with an appropriate PSM [24]. In other words, PSMs and the ontologies that specify domain knowledge are dual building blocks of knowledge applications: PSMs provide the reasoning component of the system, which relies on the contents of the domain ontology component to solve problems in that domain. This is the first of several relationships between PSMs and ontologies, as discussed in Section 2. To build the performance system of an application, a system developer first needs to select a PSM in a library, by comparing the properties and requirements of available PSMs to the desired characteristics of the application. An analysis of the required task makes those application criteria explicit [11], such as the goal of the target system, the desired performance of the application and the form and availability of domain knowledge. Second, the developer needs to configure the selected PSM for the domain at hand [11]. PSMs act as reasoning templates that need to be instantiated with domain knowledge for each new application. However, this instantiation often is not straightforward: PSMs enable domain knowledge to be free of procedural problem-solving knowledge, thus making them also reusable for different purposes; conversely, PSMs being reusable in different applications, they are independent of any domain. Hence, by definition, there is potentially—and in practice, invariably—a mismatch between a domain ontology and a PSM, because each is kept independent of the other. This ontological mismatch needs to be resolved without impairing the reusability and independence of both types of components. In the remainder of this chapter, we present a methodology for building component-based knowledge systems. At the heart of our approach, several ontologies interoperate to provide a framework for assembling independent
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domain and problem-solving knowledge components. We first describe our ontology-based methodology and detail the role of each type of ontology involved. We then present the tools that we have developed for supporting the activities involved in creating and managing these ontologies in the process of building a knowledge system. We illustrate our tools with excerpts of experiments that we led to design and validate our approach. We finally conclude this chapter with open issues and perspectives.
2 Ontologies at the Heart of Knowledge Systems After the introduction of PSMs, the knowledge-engineering community thought of ways to maximize the potential of ontologies as a basis for the reuse of problem-solving knowledge such as tasks and PSMs [17, 13, 7]. Among several methodologies that differ only in their nuances,1 the Prot´eg´e methodology and associated suite of tools [15] relies on ontologies to support application developers in modeling and building knowledge-based systems. The latest version of the Prot´eg´e tools2 is a generic and extensible software environment which enables users to model, query and apply any domain ontology. More specifically, Prot´eg´e provides an ontology-modeling editor, with which domain experts can represent their knowledge. From an abstract ontology model, Prot´eg´e automatically generates a set of knowledge-entry forms which end-users fill-in to populate the ontology with instances of the classes, that have specific values for slots. Domain experts can customize these forms so that the knowledgeentry activity performed by end-users is more intuitive. Prot´eg´e adopts an OKBC-compatible,3 frame-based modeling view of ontologies. Accordingly, a set of classes are organized in a subsumption hierarchy to represent concepts in the domain of interest, and have slots attached to them to represent their properties. The values that slots can take are restricted by facets, such as cardinality, type and range. Classes are templates for individual instances, that have particular values for slots. 2.1 Ontology-Based Reuse of PSMs The use of ontologies in constructing a knowledge system is pervasive. At the very least, ontologies support the modeling of the domain-knowledge component counterpart of PSMs in knowledge applications. However, as described in Section 1, PSMs and domain ontologies are developed independently and 1
2 3
The main difference between Prot´eg´e and other methodologies such as CommonKADS [30] and OCML [22] is that Prot´eg´e does not make the task level explicit. If needed, Prot´eg´e folds task-specific knowledge into the application ontology—the domain ontology augmented with knowledge important for the specific application. For simplicity, we omit describing the task level here. http://protege.stanford.edu http://www.ai.sri.com/~okbc/
Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen
PSM Description Ontology 1
Domain Ontology
Mapping Ontology 3
Method Ontology
Fig. 1. An ontology-based approach to developing knowledge systems. Besides a domain ontology that holds the necessary knowledge to be processed, building a knowledge system involves using three other ontologies. (1) A PSM-description ontology models metadata properties and competence of the PSMs of a library, (2) a method ontology specifies the required inputs and expected outputs of a PSM, and (3) a mapping ontology provides the framework for expressing transformation rules between the domain ontology and the method ontology, to provide the PSM with knowledge on which to operate.
therefore need to be reconciled to form a coherent knowledge system. As the basis for such reconciliation, PSMs declare the format and semantics of the knowledge and data that they expect from the domain to perform their task. In our approach, a PSM thus provides a method ontology, that elicits its input and output knowledge requirements, independently of any domain (see Section 2.3). For instance, the propose-and-revise PSM declares its inputknowledge needs in terms of state variables, constraints and fixes. This way, the method ontology assigns roles that the domain knowledge needs to fill so that the PSM can operate on that knowledge. Further, the method ontology represents the assumptions that the PSM makes on domain knowledge in an explicit way: Refined versions of the PSM thus can be modeled directly by weakening or strengthening its assumptions by way an additional set of ontological statements—or adapter component [12, 11]. To avoid impairing the independence of either the domain or the method ontologies, our approach includes a mediating component, as originally developed in the field of database interoperation [34]. This third, separate knowledge component holds the explicit relationships between the domain and the method ontologies assembled in a specific knowledge application [17, 27]. Underlying this mediating component is a mapping ontology—one of possible mapping relations that bridge the conceptual and syntactic gaps between a domain and a method ontologies (see Section 2.4). This aspect of our approach too is in line with the notion of knowledge adapters [12] in the sense that our
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mapping relations declare and isolate the knowledge that is needed to adapt a particular PSM to work with a particular domain knowledge base. Finally, an ontology also can provide a principled framework for modeling the important characteristics of PSMs, allowing them to be indexed and retrieved meaningfully in libraries. Our approach thus also includes a PSMdescription ontology—an ontology of the properties and competence of PSMs, including a reference to their method ontology. Our PSM-description ontology also models the relationships of a PSM with other (refined) PSMs and with other components involved in a knowledge system—namely tasks and domain models—through the specification of adapters and task-method decomposition structures [?]. Figure 1 describes the many relationships that a PSM has with ontologies. In the following sections, we detail each of the three ontologies involved in the construction of a knowledge system besides the domain ontology, starting with the PSM-description ontology. 2.2 An Ontology for Describing PSMs To build a knowledge system, a developer selects a PSM that suits the requirements of the domain task and knowledge [11]. The developer thus needs to review metadata, as well as a specification of the competence and interface requirements of available PSMs. For instance, a developer considering the propose-and-revise PSM [19] may want to know who implemented the PSM, what kind of constraints the PSM is capable of handling, and whether the PSM outputs an optimal solution. This information gives the developer an indication of the degree-of-fit between the available PSMs and the domain at hand. Characterizing PSMs so that they can be collected, indexed and retrieved meaningfully in libraries requires a dedicated modeling language [7]. The Unified Problem-solving Method development Language (UPML4 ; [14]) is a comprehensive framework for modeling libraries of PSMs. UPML provides humanunderstandable PSM descriptions, while including formal specifications that allow both PSM providers to organize their components into libraries and systems to index and retrieve PSMs automatically. UPML takes its roots in knowledge-engineering approaches such as generic tasks [5], components of expertise [31] and CommonKADS [30], principles of software engineering and reuse, as well as recent Semantic-Web issues. UPML covers all aspects of modeling PSMs and the way in which they are configured into running applications. Although UPML focuses on PSMs because they are the actual performance components of a system, UPML distinguishes the three kinds of components involved in a knowledge-based system: (1) tasks, which are the functions that the system can achieve (e.g., design), (2) PSMs, which are the methods that implement the reasoning process of the system to realize a task, possibly by task-method decomposition 4
Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen
Fig. 2. Part of the UPML ontology for describing libraries of PSMs. This diagrammatic representation (derived from our Prot´eg´e model of UPML) shows a sub-hierarchy of concepts provided by UPML to specify the knowledge components involved in a system: Tasks, domain models and PSMs, each of which described in terms of its own ontology. In particular, the description of a PSM includes a set of input-roles and output-roles, a competence and a possible subtask decomposition with its associated operational description. A parallel sub-hierarchy defines the UPML notions of bridges and refiners—adapter components that connect and configure the knowledge components together in a specific system.
(e.g., the propose-and-revise constraint-satisfaction PSM), and (3) domain models, which are views on domain knowledge (e.g., a set of safety rules in the elevator-configuration domain), as used by tasks and PSMs. The connection of all three kinds of components is modeled by specific mediating constructs: bridges, which express the relationship map between the ontologies of two kinds of components, and refiners, which represent the stepwise adaptation of a component to meet specific application requirements [12]. In support of this approach, UPML defines a complete (meta-)ontology of primitives for describing and publishing libraries of PSMs, tasks and domain models (see Figure 2). As a first way to support the reuse of PSMs, the use of a PSM-description ontology ensures the specification of correct, queryable models of PSMs. Specifically, PSM attributes in UPML include a competence, a method ontology, and an operational description. The competence of a PSM includes input and output role descriptions, as well as a formalization of the preconditions and postconditions associated with that method (i.e., formulas that must hold on inputs and outputs). A separate method ontology holds definitions of the concepts and relations used by the PSM, as further explained in Section 2.3. The operational description of a PSM specifies the controlflow algorithm that sequences the set of subtasks that compose the method,
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if any. Each subtask is further realized by a particular submethod. UPML finally enables PSM providers to define pragmatics metadata about a PSM, including author information, publication references and actual location (e.g., a URL) of the PSM’s code. A partial description of the propose-and-revise PSM in UPML follows (see also Figure 6): Pragmatics title: Propose and Revise Ontology element: parameter, as defined by class stateVariable element: fix, defined by class Fix as “A condition-expression rule associated to a constraint and a parameter” element: parameter values, as defined by class stateVariable element: consistent, defined as a logical predicate Competence inputs: parameters, constraints, fixes outputs: parameter values preconditions: “Every fix has exactly one associated constraint.” postconditions: “The output parameter values are consistent regarding the constraints.”, Operational Description subtasks: Select next parameter, Propose next set of parameter values, Verify against constraints, Revise according to fix knowledge.
2.3 An Ontology of PSM Inputs and Outputs As mentioned in Section 2.2, a crucial piece of knowledge that the provider of a PSM needs to model is the ontology of concepts that represent the input and output structures on which the PSM operates [17], as well as requirements on these structures. This method ontology provides a signature for the PSM, that assigns roles and requirements to the domain knowledge that the PSM processes. What is more, the method ontology expresses those knowledge requirements in a way independent from any application domain. The method ontology hence is the true counterpart of a domain ontology in the construction of a knowledge-based application. By providing a domain-independent method ontology, a PSM provides a generic and explicit framework to construe the domain knowledge for its processing. Necessary reconciliation between the domain knowledge ontology and the method ontology is handled by way of a third ontology, as described in Section 2.4. At the very least, a method ontology models the concepts involved in describing the inputs and outputs of the PSM, to be filled-in by domain knowledge in the appropriate format. As mentioned before, the propose-and-revise PSM declares an input set of parameters to be configured, as well as a set of condition–expression constraints that need to hold on the parameter values and a set of associated fixes to be applied when constraints are violated. The method ontology for propose-and-revise hence defines the classes that
Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen
Fig. 3. The method ontology of the propose-and-revise PSM. This diagrammatic representation (derived from our model of the ontology in Prot´eg´e) shows the definition of the concepts involved in describing inputs and outputs of propose-and-revise. For instance, the assign-constraint input class requires constraint knowledge to be provided as condition–expression rules about a particular variable.
model these inputs, namely StateVariable, Constraint and Fix (see Figure 3). Note that an extended method ontology (as modeled in UPML) contains the entire set of primitive used to describe the behavior of the PSM, such as predicates and functions involved in expressing assumptions, preconditions and postconditions of the PSM on domain knowledge, and references to steps in the control structure of the PSM [13, 7]. These additional elements of the method ontology both allow a developer to make an informed selection of a PSM based on the requirements of the target application and on the knowledge that is available in the domain, and provide the basis for the refinement and specialization of a PSM to meet domain requirements by weakening or strengthening its assumptions, or by replacing some of its subcomponents by alternative, refined submethods [11, 12]. 2.4 An Ontology of Domain–PSM Mapping Relations A method ontology and a domain ontology typically conceptualize knowledge with different perspectives, independent of one another. When we applied propose-and-revise to the domain of elevator configuration, the state variables, constraints and fixes that the PSM expected had to be reconciled with relevant elevator components and constraints [?]. Later, we reused propose-and-revise for the task of predicting plausible three-dimensional conformations of ribosomal units by examining experimental data and taking into consideration constraints on the spatial relationships among different molecular subunits [16]. The associated ribosome-topology domain specified parameters of a configuration in terms of genomic objects such as helices and
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DNA strands, and constraints in terms of molecular distances and angles— a representation very different from that of propose-and-revise’s method ontology. Keeping domain and method ontologies independent maximizes the possibility of reusing them in different knowledge systems: We hence advocate the use of an intermediate ontology-mapping component (see Figure 1)—one of explicit relations that map concrete concepts of a domain ontology to expected concepts of a method ontology. Mapping relations establish the declarative connections between the contents of domain knowledge—that hence become role fillers—and the input–output templates that a PSM defines in its method ontology. More specifically, mapping relations express the transformation of domain knowledge needed so that the PSM focuses on the pieces and aspects of knowledge that it is competent to reason about. Such mapping relations isolate the knowledge needed for adapting a PSM and a domain knowledge base to work together in a particular knowledge application. According to such mapping relations, instances of the domain concepts of interest to the PSM are transformed (by way of a mapping interpreter, see Section 3.2) into instances of corresponding method concepts, on which the PSM can operate directly.
Fig. 4. The ontology of mapping relations. Each instance-level mapping relation connects one or more domain (“source”) classes to one method (“target”) class and defines the set of slot-level transformations that are needed to compute the values of required method slots (as attached to the method class) from the values of available domain slots. Types of slot-level mapping relations span the scope of possible operations that domain knowledge can undergo to fit the format and semantics specified by the method ontology.
It makes sense to categorize the types of mapping relations that can be expressed in any situation that requires domain–PSM mapping. Such categorization allows us to conceptualize the mappings in a better way and to design appropriate tool support (see Section 3.2). We hence designed a generic
Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen
mapping ontology (shown in Figure 4) that provides a structured encoding of the various types of mapping relations between a source domain ontology and a target method ontology, whether at the instance level or at the slot level [17, 27]. A mapping relation can be as simple as a one-to-one renaming correspondence between a domain class and its slots, and a method class and its slots. In the ribosome-conformation prediction application, propose-and-revise does not need to handle the complexity of the ribosomal objects to perform its task. Thus, it is sufficient that each (domain) ribosomal object and only part of its slots are renamed into a (method) stateVariable and associated slots. When a concept does not exist in the domain, mapping relations can specify constant assignments to method concepts. More complex instance-level mappings can express many-to-one, or many-to-many, aggregation relations between domain and method concepts, as well as one-to-many decomposition relations. Slot-level mappings also can express aggregation and decomposition operations on domain slot values, and include lexical, numerical or arbitrary functional transformations of slot values. For instance, in the application of the propose-and-revise PSM for the domain of ribosome topology, a domain constraint includes the possible definition of a range of acceptable positions of ribosomal objects. Such notion of a range has no direct equivalent in the method ontology: A special mapping relation thus needs to be created to transform each domain instance of the constraint class into two instances of the fix-constraint class for use by the method, one for each bound of the range (see details in Figure 7). Of interesting note, these two particular mapping relations are very similar in their meaning to two mapping relations that we defined for mapping the range-constraint class of the elevator-configuration domain to the fix-constraint class of the method. Although specific mapping rules are different, the relations transform constraints about lower and upper bounds of values for domain parameters into method constraints that specify a value comparison expression and associated value-incrementing, or value-decrementing, fixes. This observation suggests that mapping relations defined for a particular application of a PSM may be reused for a different application of the same PSM. To configure a selected PSM to operate on a given domain knowledge base, the application developer needs to instantiate this mapping ontology with the set of mapping relations that link the domain ontology to the roles defined in the method ontology. The developer thus creates a mapping knowledge base that contains both direct mappings—that compute the PSM’s inputs out of domain instance knowledge—and reverse mappings—that translate the PSM’s outputs back into domain form (see Section 3.2). It is important to note that there may be situations in which concepts expected by the method have no obvious equivalent in the domain ontology, either because the concepts do not exist at all and cannot be replaced by a constant assignment of values, or because no mapping relation would be sophisticated enough to account for the transformation of existing domain knowledge, or finally because the
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transformation has become mature enough in the domain to be modeled as an explicit concept. In those cases, the domain ontology needs to be extended into an application ontology for the purpose of building a given knowledge application. For instance, when applying the propose-and-revise PSM to the problem of predicting plausible ribosome conformations, we had to add the notion of a fix in the ribosome-topology ontology, that would map naturally to the equivalent notion in the propose-and-revise method ontology, instead of creating a non-intuitive mapping out of other concepts of the domain [16]. Our mapping ontology provides the basis for expressing the adaptation knowledge needed to configure a PSM for a certain application. In that sense, our mapping ontology extends the notion of domain–PSM bridges in the UPML framework (see Section 2.2) by providing a structured and operational set of possible mapping axioms that bridge the ontologies of both components. It is important to note that the core knowledge that is needed to create method instances out of domain instances resides in the set of slot-level transformation operations attached to an instance-level mapping relation—operations that change the format and resolution of the domain slot values to fill-in the required values of method slot. Indeed, the piece of software that is associated to a PSM eventually needs to operate on data structures that are filled-in according to the instantiated method ontology. To this end, our mapping ontology accounts both for ontology-level alignment operations, and for datalevel transformation operations. Current approaches for mapping conceptual schema and ontologies focus on the ontology-level operations [?, ?], whereas database integration approaches traditionally concentrate on the data-level transformations needed to have multiple databases interoperate [?]. In this respect, our approach is closer to more recent work on database schema mapping [?].
3 Tool Support for Reusing PSMs Providing adequate tool support is essential in knowledge engineering. In particular, tools enables the systematic design, implementation and evaluation of methodologies. In this section, we present the kind of tools that can be developed for PSM providers and for PSM users (i.e., knowledge-system developers), to support them in using our ontology-based methodology. In particular, we describe the way in which the four ontologies of our methodology—the domain ontology, the PSM-description ontology, the method ontology and the mapping ontology—participate in the construction of running applications. Ontologies have been at the heart of the Prot´eg´e methodology and tools since very early versions of the system [15]; Prot´eg´e hence is suited to provide the kind of tool support that is necessary for PSM providers and users. Although we designed and improved our methodology over the years, it is not until we integrated all aspects of tool support for PSMs in Prot´eg´e that we were able to start evaluating it and extending it. Prot´eg´e supports domain
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Table 1. This table presents the actors involved in the process of building a knowledge application and the tools that they use to provide expert knowledge and produce application-specific knowledge. Actors
Knowledge Provided
Knowledge Produced
Domain experts
domain models & facts
Prot´ eg´ e
domain ontology & KB
PSM providers
Prot´ eg´ e-UPML editor PSM models PSM i/o models PSMs
PSM users
PSM library method ontologies
PSM Librarian domain KB application requirements application knowledge domain case inputs
Selection Manager (PSM libraries) Mapping Editor (mapping ontology) Mapping Interpreter execution environment (PSMs) mapping interpreter (reverse)
selected PSM (ontology) mapping KB method KB method case outputs domain case outputs
experts in modeling relevant knowledge in an ontology and in customizing an associated knowledge-entry tool, as outlined in Section 1. In the following, we expose how we extended this native support of Prot´eg´e for domain experts, with tools to help PSM providers and PSM users in their respective activities. Table 1 summarizes the type of actors, tools and knowledge involved in the entire process of building a knowledge application. 3.1 Tool Support for PSM Providers We first employed Prot´eg´e in its native form to develop a dedicated knowledgeacquisition tool for PSM providers, the Prot´eg´e-UPML editor [26], based on the PSM-description ontology (see Section 2.2). Using this tool, PSM providers model and document libraries of PSMs by entering descriptions of particular PSMs as a set of instances of the classes provided by the UPML ontology. This way, several libraries were modeled in UPML, such as our library of general-purpose search PSMs [11], as well as a library for classification problem-solving [23] and a library for information agents.5 In particular, PSM providers create an ontology component for each PSM in their library that lists all the terms and relations that are important to describe a PSM’s competence, requirements and behavior. In addition, providers model the actual contents of the method ontologies, either directly within their UPML library (i.e., using the Prot´eg´e-UPML editor) or separately using the base Prot´eg´e system (see Figure 3). 3.2 Tool Support for PSM Users Special-purpose tools are needed for users of PSM libraries—knowledgesystem developers and knowledge-system users. Typically, developers are domain experts capable of handling both the use of a system like Prot´eg´e and 5
These latter libraries were developed as part of the IBROW project—http:// www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/ibrow/home.html
Ontologies in Support of Problem Solving DOMAIN Domain Ontology
MAPPING Mapping Ontology
METHOD PSM Library PSM PSM Library Library (PSM-description (PSM-description Ontology) Ontology) (PSM-description Ontology)
PSM Librarian (Selection Manager)
Method Ontology
PSM Code
PSM Librarian (Mapping Editor)
Application Ontology
Mapping Knowledge Base
Application Knowledge Base (Inputs) PSM Librarian (Mapping Interpreter) Method Knowledge Base (Inputs) PSM-Execution Environment Method Knowledge Base (Outputs)
PSM Librarian (Reverse-Mapping Interpreter) Application Knowledge Base (Outputs)
Fig. 5. The process of building a knowledge application, using our PSM Librarian tool. First, the Selection Manager enables the application developer to choose a PSM from available UPML libraries, and isolates the corresponding method ontology. Then, the Mapping Editor allows the developer to create a knowledge base of domain–method mapping relations, according to our generic mapping ontology. The Mapping Interpreter then processes the mapping relations to transform the domain knowledge instances (including case data inputs) into corresponding method instances—instances of the method ontology. The configured PSM thus operates solely on the resulting method knowledge base. Finally, reverse mapping relations are processed by the mapping interpreter when translating the PSM’s output instances into domain-compliant instances.
the principles underlying the construction of a knowledge system. The applications that they build then become templates that end-users instantiate and run with their own case data. Support for system developers covers the range of activities involved in building a knowledge application from a domain-knowledge component and a PSM component. As an illustration, we present here the PSM Librarian—a tool that we have built as an extension to Prot´eg´e to provide methodologi-
Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen
Fig. 6. The PSM Librarian: Support for PSM selection with the Selection Manager. The left panels allow developers to load and browse libraries of PSMs. The right panel displays the UPML-based description of the highlighted PSM— here, propose-and-revise—centered around the flow-chart diagram of the PSM, that focuses on the roles and tasks defined by the PSM. From this description, developers can inspect all characteristics of a PSM (such as its pragmatics metadata, its ontology and its competence) and make an informed selection of the one that meets their domain-problem requirements.
cal assistance to knowledge-system developers. Our PSM Librarian supports developers in the selection of an appropriate PSM for their domain problem and in the configuration of that PSM to work with the particular domain knowledge base at hand. The PSM Librarian accesses knowledge bases from Prot´eg´e and reuses user interface elements of the base environment to provide a familiar, yet customized, interaction with system developers. Figure 5 gives a synoptic view of the process of building an application and running it, with the support of our custom tools.6 Underlying the tools are the four ontologies that participate in our proposed methodology for constructing knowledge systems. Subsequent figures detail the components of our PSM Librarian tool: Figure 6 focuses the Selection Manager, Figure 7 focuses on the Mapping Editor and Figure 8 shows some results produced by the Mapping Interpreter. Based on the application configured by developers with help of our tools, support for system users merely consists in providing them with case-data entry forms to populate the application knowledge base, and then in running 6
When considering the activities of task selection and configuration explicitly in this process, a few additional steps occur before selecting a candidate PSM, as detailed in [10].
Ontologies in Support of Problem Solving
Fig. 7. The PSM Librarian: Support for domain–PSM mapping with the Mapping Editor, here used for mapping the domain of ribosome topology to the propose-and-revise PSM. Our Mapping Editor provides system developers with an integrated access to all elements needed to express mapping relations. The two left columns display, side-by-side, the application-domain knowledge base of ribosomal objects and the method ontology of the propose-and-revise PSM (classes at the top; slots below). The right panel displays the mapping knowledge base: At the top, the available classes and instances of instance-level and slot-level mapping relations; below, the contents of the selected mapping-relation instance, including the set of associated slot-level mappings. Shown here is the transform mapping constraint-lower, from the domain class constraint to the method class fix-constraint. This mapping specifies how to map the lower bound value for the location of a ribosomal object into a method constraint that specifies a value-comparison expression and an associated value-incrementing fix to use when the expression is violated. For instance, the lexical slot mapping for the method’s expression slot defines a comparison predicate involving several slots of the ribosome-topology domain (using the ∗ < ... > ∗ notation to access their actual values). A similar mapping handles the upper bound value constraint. The “Mapping operations” menu above the mapping knowledge base enables the system developer to run our Mapping Interpreter, that populates the method ontology with instances created from available domain instances (see Figure 8).
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the mapping interpreter to process these new domain instances and update the method knowledge base. Our tools only provide straightforward support for the actual execution of the configured PSM: This step usually is handled best outside of the tool, as it depends on the type of executable PSM. The PSM Librarian can interface minimally to an execution environment, and provide that environment with both the executable file of the PSM (as in the UPML specification) and the PSM’s instantiated method knowledge base (including case data inputs) The result of the PSM is outputted in the method knowledge base, that the mapping interpreter translates back to the domain knowledge base, based on the declared reverse mapping relations.
Fig. 8. The PSM Librarian: Support for domain–PSM mapping with the Mapping Interpreter. Here, the left screen shot displays an instance of the ribosome-topology domain constraint class, and the right screen shot displays the resulting instance of the propose-and-revise’s method class fix-constraint, as computed by the mapping interpreter according to the mapping relation shown in Figure 7. In particular, the mapping interpreter replaced all slot-value references by the actual value in the domain instance—for example, 6.75 replaces ∗ ∗ in the expression slot of the method instance.
4 Conclusion Problem-Solving Methods (PSMs) provide powerful means to model and implement the performance component of an application that solves a reasoning task on a body of domain knowledge. PSMs are naturally related to ontologies because ontologies provide the basis for modeling the domain knowledge on which PSMs operate. We argue that PSMs are related to ontologies in several additional ways that support a principled methodology for reusing both PSMs and domain models as components in different applications. Although they are nuances among modern knowledge-engineering approaches, the Prot´eg´e methodology that we present here reflects a general
Ontologies in Support of Problem Solving
consensus in the field. A hallmark of our methodology, however, is the definition of a set of explicit ontology-mapping relations for each new application, that mediates domain knowledge to and from the PSM’s inputs and outputs. Similarly, although we presented our Prot´eg´e-based tools here, our primary goal was to illustrate how ontologies can be used not only as models of domains and PSMs but also as a basis for developing support tools for problem solving. Using our methodology and associated Prot´eg´e-based tools, we led several experiments to study the reuse of PSMs in different applications [?]. Experiments reported then were initiated with earlier versions of our tools than the ones described in Section 3; these experiments helped us in designing our current tools, that now handle the past experiments in a systematic and integrated way. In particular, our propose-and-revise experiments [?, ?, 16] helped us design the mapping ontology [17, 27] and support tools for system builders, such as the mapping interpreter. Open perspectives of our proposed methodology and tools include integrating the activities related to problem definition, task specification, and task configuration in the application-building process [10], as well as studying the specialization and refinement of PSMs for varying task and domain requirements. Additional ontologies and additional ontology-mapping relation types would be involved in this extended process to enable task, method and domain views on knowledge to interoperate. On another note, the identification of reusable mapping templates associated to a PSM might prove to reduce the amount of work involved in configuring an application. Thus the floor is open for exploring the scope, use and possible extensions of our mapping approach. Finally, although the notion of PSM has been around for more than a decade now, we think that this approach to building knowledge systems has still long to live. In particular, the recent emergence of Web Services7 and other distributed-reasoning resources on the World-Wide Web renew the interest and potential impact of a PSM-centered, ontology-based approach to the construction of Web-enabled applications [1, 10].
5 Acknowledgements This chapter presents the work and ideas of many researchers in the Knowledge Modeling Group at Stanford Medical Informatics over the past decade. Main contributors to this approach and associated experiments also include: Henrik Eriksson, John Gennari, John Park, Angel Puerta, Thomas Rothenfluh and Samson Tu. Parts of this work were funded by the High Performance Knowledge Base Project of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (contract N660001-97-C-8549), the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (contract N6001-94-D-6052) and the National Library of Medicine (grants LM05157 and LM05208). Figures 2, 3, and 4 were created using the Ontoviz plugin of Prot´eg´e, developed by Michael Sintek. 7
See http://www.daml.org/services/ and http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl12/
Monica Crub´ezy and Mark A. Musen
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