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Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches

Georgi Tchernev, Plamen Kolev Penev, Pietro Nenoff, Liliya Georgieva Zisova, José Carlos Cardoso, Teodora Taneva, Gabriele Ginter-Hanselmayer, et al. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift ISSN 0043-5341 Wien Med Wochenschr DOI 10.1007/s10354-012-0139-3

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Author's personal copy review Wien Med Wochenschr DOI 10.1007/s10354-012-0139-3

Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches Georgi Tchernev, Plamen Kolev Penev, Pietro Nenoff, Liliya Georgieva Zisova, José Carlos Cardoso, Teodora Taneva, Gabriele Ginter-Hanselmayer, Julian Ananiev, Maya Gulubova, Reni Hristova, Desislava Nocheva, Claudio Guarneri, Nobuo Kanazawa

Received: 29 April 2012 / Accepted: 2 August 2012 © Springer-Verlag Wien 2012

Onychomykose: Moderne Diagnostik und Behandlungsansätze Zusammenfassung  Der medizinische Terminus Onychomykose steht für eine chronische Infektion des Nagelapparates durch einen Pilz. Zu den häufigsten verursachenden Erregern zählen Dermatophyten sowie Candida-Arten. Zahlenmäßig weniger bedeutsam sind bestimmte Schimmelpilze (nicht- DermatophytenSchimmelpilze oder engl. non-dermatophyte moulds). Assoc. Prof. G. Tchernev () · T. Taneva Polyclinic for Dermatology and Venerology, University Hospital Lozenetz, Academic Educational Hospital of the Saint Kliment Ohridski University, Medical Faculty, Koziak Street 1, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria e-mail: [email protected] P. K. Penev, MD Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Trakia University, Medical faculty, Armeiska Street 11, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria e-mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. med. P. Nenoff Haut- und Laborarzt/Allergologie, Andrologie, Labor für medizinische Mikrobiologie, Straße des Friedens 8, 04579 Mölbis, Germany e-mail: [email protected]

In etwa 60–80 % der Fälle wird die Onychmoykose jedoch durch Dermatophyten verursacht. Der am häufigsten isolierte Dermatophyt ist Trichophyton (T.) rubrum, weitere relevante Spezies für eine Onychomykose sind T. interdigitale (früher T. mentagrophytes), Epidermophyton floccosum und T. tonsurans. Die wichtigsten, eine Onychomykose verursachenden Hefepilze sind Candida albicans und Candida parapsilosis. Zu den disponierenden Faktoren, die eine Onychomykose begünstigen, zählen vor allem Stoffwechselerkrankungen, wie Diabetes mellitus, aber auch Gefäßerkrankungen, wie periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit, chronisch-venöse InsufJ. C. Cardoso Dermatology and Venerology Department, University Hospital of Coimbra, Praceta Mota Pinto, 3000-075 Coimbra, Portugal e-mail: [email protected] Assoc. Prof. G. Ginter-Hanselmayer, MD Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Medical University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 8, 8036 Graz, Austria e-mail: [email protected]; gabriele.ginter@ meduni-graz.at J. Ananiev · Assoc. Prof.  M. Gulubova, MD, PhD Department of General and Clinical Pathology, Medical Faculty, Trakia University, Armeiska Street 11, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria e-mail: [email protected] Assoc. Prof. M. Gulubova, MD, PhD e-mail: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof.  L. G. Zisova, MD, PhwD · R. Hristova, MD D. Nocheva, MD Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Medical University Plovdiv, Vasil Aprilov 15A Street, Plovdiv, Bulgaria e-mail: [email protected]

Claudio Guarneri, MD Department of Social Territorial Medicine, Section of Dermatology, University of Messina, c/o A.O.U. “G. Martino"—via Consolare Valeria, Gazzi, 98125 Messina, Italy e-mail: [email protected]

R. Hristova, MD e-mail: [email protected]

Nobuo Kanazawa, MD, PhD Department of Dermatology, Wakayama Medical University e-mail: [email protected]

D. Nocheva, MD e-mail: [email protected]


Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches  


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fizienz, Polyneuropathien unterschiedlicher Ätiologie und immunsupprimierende Krankheiten, z. B. myeloproliferative Neoplasien (wie z. B. Lymphome und Paraproteinämien), HIV/AIDS, etc. Weitere Faktoren, die der Entstehung einer mykotischen Nagelinfektion Vorschub leisten, sind lokale Traumen bei Profi- oder Leistungssportlern, oft vergesellschaftet mit starker Hyperhidrose. In dermatologischen Kliniken und Praxen kommen verschiedene diagnostischen Methoden zur Anwendung Ein einheitlicher diagnostischer Algorithmus wäre wünschenswert, nach wie vor ist jedoch die persönliche Erfahrung des Untersuchers entscheidend für die eingesetzten Methoden. Entscheidend ist, dass der gewählte therapeutische Ansatz im Wesentlichen vom nachgewiesenen Erreger abhängt. In dieser Übersicht wird die konventionelle Diagnostik von Onychomykosen dargestellt. Außerdem wird auf moderne und neu entwickelte labordiagnostische Methoden, die zum direkten Nachweis und zur Identifizierung der nachgewiesenen Erreger der Onychomykose Einzug in die Dermatologie und Mikrobiologie gefunden haben, eingegangen. Darüber hinaus wird auf die Auswahl der erfolgversprechendsten lokalen und systemischen Therapieformen erläutert, abhängig davon, ob Dermatophyten, Hefepilze oder Schimmelpilze nachweisbar waren. Die verschiedenen Schemata der Onychomykosetherapie für bestimmte Patientenkollektive werden ausführlich dargestellt. Schlüsselwörter:­  Onychomykose, Trichophyton rubrum, MALDI-TOF Massenspektroskopie, UniplexPCR-ELISA-Test, Antimykotische Therapie, Terbinafin, Fluconazol, Itraconazol, Laserbehandlung Summary  The medical term onychomycosis should be understood as chronic infection of the nails caused by a fungus. The most common causative agents are the dermatophytes and Candida species. The less common are certain types of moulds (nondermatophyte moulds or NDMs). In approximately 60–80  % of the cases, onychomycosis is due to dermatophytes. Among dermatophytes, the most often isolated causative pathogen is Trichophyton (T.) rubrum. Other common species are T. interdigitale (formerly T. mentagrophytes), Epidermophyton floccosum, and T. tonsurans. The most significant yeasts causing onychomycosis are Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis. Predisposing factors for onychomycosis include mainly diseases such as diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular arterial disease, chronic venous insufficiency, polyneuropathies of diverse etiologies, and immunosuppression, e.g., myeloproliferative diseases (such as lymphoma and paraproteinemia), HIV/AIDS, etc. Other factors facilitating the fungal infection are frequent trauma in professional sportsmen, often accompanied by excessive perspiration. The diagnostic methods that are often applied in different dermatologic departments and ambulatory units are also different. This precludes the creation of a unified diagnostic algorithm that could be used everywhere as a possible standard.

2   Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches

In most of the cases, the method of choice depends on the specialist’s individual experience. The therapeutic approach depends mostly on the fungal organism identified by the dermatologist or mycologist. This review hereby includes the conventional as well as the newest and most reliable and modern methods used for the identification of the pathogens causing onychomycosis. Moreover, detailed information is suggested, about the choice of therapeutic scheme in case whether dermatophytes, moulds, or yeasts have been identified as causative agents. A thorough discussion of the schemes and duration of the antifungal therapy in certain groups of patients have been included. Keywords: Onychomycosis, Trichophytonrubrum, ­MALDITOF MS, Uniplex-PCR-ELISA-Test, Antifungal therapy, Terbinafine, Itraconazole, Laser treatment

Introduction Onychomycosis is а fungal infection of the nail plate, caused by dermatophytes, yeasts, and moulds [1, 2]. Onychomycosis is the most common disease of the nails worldwide and constitutes about a half of all nail abnormalities [2, 3]. Recent studies, concerning onychomycosis prevalence among population in the USA and Canada, confirmed the following results: 6.5 % [2] and 14 % [1], respectively. The AHIL survey on the other hand, the largest survey undertaken in 20 European countries on patients with onychomycosis, estimated its prevalence in 29.6 % [4]. Depending on its origin, onychomycosis can be divided into primary and secondary. In primary onychomycosis, fungal invasion affects an intact nail, whereas secondary onychomycosis occurs in an already abnormal nail affected by various diseases or traumas [5]. It should be noted, however, that when strictly defined, primary onychomycosis is a rare occurrence. Nowadays, an increasing prevalence of onychomycosis has been noted [1]. The most common reasons for the increasing number of patients with onychomycosis are the increased lifespan of the general population, the wide use of antibiotics and corticosteroids, the prevalence of synthetic clothes over cotton ones, community swimming pools, gyms, saunas and spa procedures becoming a part of everyday life, as well as wearing tight shoes and sneakers. There are numerous factors that can cause or act like catalysts for the clinical manifestation of onychomycosis. Among them are diabetes mellitus, smoking, peripheral vascular arterial disease, varicose syndrome, as well as some systemic diseases such as paraproteinemias, lymphomas, congenital or acquired immune deficiencies [6, 7]. A seriously disturbing fact is the gradually increasing frequency of onychomycosis in children [8]. Some authors estimate onychomycosis prevalence in children at 0–2.6 % [8].


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Another problem also exists, derived from the fact that often nail psoriasis is misdiagnosed as onychomycosis. Many psoriatic patients have nail changes which morphologically resemble onychomycosis, and in such patients further differential diagnostic procedures are essential to exclude the presence of coexisting fungal infection [9]. Previously conducted studies report a prevalence rate of onychomycosis in patients with psoriasis vulgaris varying in wide ranges from 4.6 [10] to 47.6 % [10], 56 % [11], and 43–62 % [9]. In such cases, secondary fungal invasion is most probable. Dystrophic nail changes in psoriasis vulgaris are a predisposing condition to fungal infections. Dermatophytes are the most common causative pathogens of onychomycosis of toenails, while yeasts, more specifically the Candida spp., are more often isolated from fingernails. A correlation between psoriatic nail change—Nail Psoriasis Area Severity Index—and positive mycology is observed. The huge number of psoriatic patients diagnosed with onychomycosis requires mycological tests to be performed in all patients with psoriasis [9]. An interesting fact is that in most patients onychomycosis is triggered by a long persisting interdigital mycosis and vice versa—in at least one-third of the patients with onychomycosis, a coexisting tinea pedis is observed [12]. Microtraumata, especially in people practicing sports are considered to be a predisposing condition of great importance. An interesting fact is that football players turn out to be the most affected. Genetic predisposition in patients with onychomycosis should not be neglected [13]. It had been described by several authors that the autosomal-dominant inheritance is of utmost importance in the clinical manifestation of distal subungual onychomycosis, caused by T. rubrum [14]. The reasons why children and adults with Down syndrome are more often affected by onychomycosis and tinea pedis have not been determined yet [15]. In the cases of leading clinical manifestation, the accurate identification of the causative fungal pathogen is highly advised. The accurate identification of fungal causative pathogens is obligatory in patients with significant comorbidities and polymedication as well as in immunosuppressed patients. In such cases, high risk of frequent fungal infections exists. Systemic candidosis and sepsis are possible complications due to a blood or lymphatic spread of fungal infection. In addition, fungal infections predispose to relapsing erysipelas, which can be followed by lymphedema [16]. It is assumed that topical antifungal treatment should be prescribed only after positive microscopic examination for fungal elements and systemic treatment—after fungal culture, followed by identification. Despite established rules, not every dermatologist and only a low percentage of general practitioners in Europe initiate antifungal therapy after testing for fungal infection. An interesting fact is that according to some European studies, barely around 50  % of the dermatologists conduct diagnostic procedures before initiating systemic antifungal therapy. Without systemic therapy there is a conside-

rable risk for the fungal infection to spread to other areas of the body, most commonly via autoinoculation [17–19]. Treatment should be considered in every patient with onychomycosis; but decision to treat should be made on individual grounds taking into account several factors including the degree of nail involvement and the patient’s general status, comorbidities, and concomitant medications. Fungal infection may advance to complete destruction of the nail plate [20], and involvement of the surrounding skin is a common event. However, spreading of the infection to affect other sites of the body is a rare event. Nevertheless, it is important to note that without treatment, patients can suffer from low self-esteem, shame and fear, and often avoid participating in community activities [20].


Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches   3

Ambulatory and clinical diagnosis According to some European studies, low percentage of dermatologists and general practitioners conduct diagnostic procedures before initiating topical or systemic antifungal therapy [21, 22]. The samples for fungal microscopy should be taken after at least 4–6 days without topical antifungal therapy; otherwise false negative results can be obtained. Immediately before the sample is taken, the nail plate should be cleaned with 70 % alcohol, thus diminishing the possibility of contaminating the samples with moulds or bacteria. Disinfection procedure is not required if selective agars which contain cycloheximide (active against moulds) or chloramphenicol (active against bacteria) are used. The sample from the affected area is obtained through sharp scissors, nail buffer, or scalpel, and at least 15–20 nail scrapings are needed. A special electrical grinding machine can be used if the obtained material is not sufficient. Some authors consider the best method for obtaining material for the confirmation of fungal invasion to be the one in which the diagnostician takes the most proximal part of the diseased nail as sample [23].

Conventional methods for laboratory diagnosis of onychomycosis Conventional methods used for the diagnosis of onychomycosis have been potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation and fungal culture of nail samples on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar.

Fungal microscopy The easiest and quickest method for the identification of nail fungal infection is a KOH preparation. However, it is characterized by low diagnostic sensitivity [10]. The nail fragments are placed on a slide adding 1–2 drops of KOH solution (10–30 %) [24]. After a cover slip is placed, the specimen is put into a humid environment for at least 2  hours or more (best overnight). Immediately after that typical morphology of fungal hyphae can

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be observed under the microscope [24]. Some clinicians heat the slides to accelerate the process, or add color stains to make hyphae easier to identify.

Fungal cultures Another frequently used method for the diagnosis of onychomycosis is fungal cultures. The specimen is put into a Petri dish, containing agar—usually Sabouraud’s dextrose agar (a selective medium that is formulated to allow the growth of fungi and inhibit the growth of bacteria). The usage of the Kimmig agar is similar. It is a nonselective agar, which allows the growth of yeasts, dermatophytes, and moulds. Its disadvantage is the need of an experienced clinician, who will be able to distinguish the microscopic and macroscopic morphology of the causative pathogen. A typical fungal culture requires 2–5 weeks at a constant temperature around 37  °C to grow. After that a macroscopic and microscopic identification of the causative pathogen should be done (Figs. 1 and 2). Some additional substances are recommended to be used in order for the bacterial growth in fungal cultures to be inhibited. Sabouraud’s dextrose agar allows considerably faster fungal growth in comparison with Kimmig agar. Both the agars contain antibiotics (Chloramphenicol 50  mg/L, Penicillin, Streptomycin 40,000 IE/L), which inhibit bacterial growth. In routine diagnostic procedures for the accurate identification of the fungal causative pathogen, Sabouraud’s 2 or 4 %-dextrose agar are predominantly used; Kimmig agar can be used as an alternative. For selective identification of the causative pathogens of onychomycosis, especially regarding dermatophytes and yeasts, Sabouraud’s dextrose agar+ Actidion (cycloheximide 400 mg/L) is recommended. Cycloheximide inhibits the growth of moulds, bacteria, and certain yeasts. A possible alternative is Mycosel agar (Becton Dickinson, Heidelberg, Germany), which contains cycloheximide [25]. Another alternative is the modified agar for dermatophytes (SIFIN, Berlin)—2 % Sabouraud’s dextrose agar with additional cycloheximide and chloramphenicol. The identification of yeasts and dermatophytes is preceded by macroscopic, microscopic, and molecular biological observation of the infected people. Dermatophytes grow for about 2–4 weeks at a temperature of 26–32 °C. Yeasts, especially that of the genus Candida, grow within 2–4 days at 26–32 °C, or up to 37 °C. For Candida albicans and nonalbicans species, culture on the so-called CHROM agar or biochemical tests (e.g., API 20 °C, ID 32  °C, bioMérieux SA, France) is used. Rarely, onychomycosis can be caused by yeasts from the genus Malassezia—especially in immunosuppressed patients or those with AIDS. The cultivation of Malassezia spp. is performed onto lipid-enriched Dixon’s agar medium, and the Tween test is used to identify the different Malassezia species. The growth of moulds begins during the first days after the cultivation on Sabouraud agar. They can be both causative pathogens or laboratory contaminants.

4   Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches

Fig. 1  Infection due to T. rubrum, 32-year-old swimmer

Fig. 2  Diagnostics of T. rubrum by culture

They cannot be cultivated on media containing Actidion (cycloheximide). If a medium with Actidion (cycloheximide) is routinely used, mould identification as a causative pathogen can sometimes be impossible. In order for the moulds to be identified as causative pathogens rather than laboratory contaminants, they should be isolated in several consecutive microbiological cultures. The exact type of causative pathogen is determined by microbiological culture [25].

Fluorescence microscopy This method gains higher sensitivity, when compared with the direct microscopic examination using KOH preparation. However, UV light (UVA 365 nm, special filter) and a fluorescence microscope are needed. A special fluorescent substance is added to the KOH (Blankophor,


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Calcofluor, or acridinium orange). It binds to fungal chitin, and marks hyphae and arthrospores appear as brightening structures.

Histopathology Histological examination of nail material is rarely used, but it is a highly informative method. One of the following stainings is used—periodic acid-schiff (PAS), or Groccot–Gomori silver staining. It should be considered that although there is a fungal invasion of the tissues, histopathology is not always positive. According to some retrospective researches undertaken in famous European University Hospitals, the diagnostic sensitivity of the fungal culture and microscopy is not always very high. In some cases, they are positive in just about 50–70  % of patients with onychomycosis [25]. The diagnostic sensitivity can be considerably increased by conducting biopsy. However, biopsy is not always advisable or possible to conduct, e.g., in diabetics. An additional problem regarding histological diagnosis is that it does not provide identification of the exact species, although dermatophytes or yeasts can be suspected [25, 26]. Compared with direct microscopy, histological diagnosis is much more reliable [27]. The histological diagnosis of fungal elements in tissues is a highly sensitive method in comparison with the direct microscopy with KOH preparation and fungal culture. However, patients often reject this diagnostic procedure [24].

Molecular biological methods as diagnostic tool Dermatophytes are considered to be one of the most significant causative pathogens of onychomycosis worldwide. Dermatоphytes belong to three genera of fungi—Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Microsporum. T. rubrum is the most common causative agent of dermatophytosis, followed by T. interdigitale, T. tonsurans, E. floccosum, M. gypseum, and rarely M. canis [28]. For their diagnosis, conventional methods can be used— direct microscopy with KOH preparation, fluorescence staining, or cultivation on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar. Certain dermatophytes such as Trichophyton species of Arthroderma benhamie (genus Trichophyton)—a zoophilic dermatophyte can be identified only through molecular biological methods [29, 30]. The conventional classic (macromorphology and miscroscopic examination) and biochemical methods cannot provide identification of Trichophyton species of Arthroderma Benhamiae [26]. The direct microscopy with KOH preparation, cultivation on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar followed by specifying of microconidia and macroconidia morphology, presence of chlamydospores, urease activity are classical methods, showing low specificity and long duration—around 6 weeks [31]. In addition, for the correct identification of the results a mycologist with a good


Fig. 3  Onychomycosis, 57-year-old man with diabetes

knowledge of the morphological features of dermatophytes is needed. A precise diagnosis and exact identification of the causative agent could be performed through some new molecular biological methods—such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI-TOF MS—time of flight mass spectrometry). The last one is used to identify dermatophytes in fungal material that has been isolated from culture [24].

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) PCR is a process of in vitro amplification of a DNA molecule, as a result of which within a few hours millions of copies of a particular molecule can be generated [24]. Hence, it is a very sensitive and specific method. There are different primers available to detect different species, including T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, M. gypseum, M. canis, T. tonsurans, T. violaceum, and E. floccosum. In 1999, the first special gene probe was used for the detection of T. rubrum in nail material (Fig. 3) [27].

Polymerase chain reaction-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PCR-ELISA) for direct detection of dermatophyte DNA This new established method comprises an amplification and hybridization technique, which is used to detect sequences within the PCR products of amplified DNA of dermatophytes. The topoisomerase II gene of the dermatophytes is used as target for the primers (one of them is labeled by digoxigenin). DNA isolation is carried out using the Qiagen QIAamp DNA Mini Kit. The first step of the amplification process follows those of the PCR—denaturation, annealing of the primers to the single-stranded DNA template and elongation. The ready copies of DNA sequences are used in the second step—ELISA—in which specific probes (primers) labeled with biotin, are used to bind to amplified DNA. If dermaOnychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches   5

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tophyte DNA is available in the sample, the biotin-labeled probe will be fixed to streptavidin that is fixed to the bottom of the microtiter plate. After an antibody–antigen reaction the enzymatic change of the substrate produces a color change in the microtube that is considered positive. In this way, the presence of dermatophyte DNA in the examined sample can be confirmed and the identification can be performed. Uniplex-PCR-ELISA-Test includes T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, E. floccosum, T. tonsurans, M. canis, T. violaceum, and Trichophyton species of Arthoderma benhamiae separately. According to some researches, the diagnostic value of the selective culture media for Dematophytes is evaluated to be around 82.1  %, and that of PCR-ELISATest 85.8 %, respectively [24]. This molecular–biological method allows a considerably quick identification of the causative agent directly from nail material within 24 hours [32]. A multiplex-PCR for T. rubrum-DNS identification as well as for other clinically relevant dermatophytes (Pan-Dermatophytenprimer) allows identification within 5 hours [33]. The morphological differentiation between anthropophilic and zoophilic T. interdigitale strains by classical microscopical and biochemical methods is often problematic. In particular, it is impossible to differentiate between the zoophilic strains of T. interdigitale, T. mentagrophytes, and the Trichophyton anamorph of A. benhamiae. In these cases, molecular identification methods may be applied to answer epidemiological, taxonomical, and therapeutical questions [34].

According to other sources in the literature, MALDITOF MS, used with special software (SARAMIS), is capable of identifying the different phenotypic variations of Aspergillus species, even in their specific growth phases [40]. This technique can be applied and completed within a few hours directly from Aspergillus mycelium, and within a few days if spores are present [41]. MALDI-TOF MS can be used as an additional test for confirming the results of fungal cultures, especially when accurate identification of the causative agent is difficult—Trichophyton species of Arthoderma banhamiae, for example, an often ignored and misclassified zoophilic dermatophyte, which causes tinea corporis and tinea capitis. This method allows successful morphological differentiation between Arthroderma benhamiae and M. canis (causative agent of tinea capitis). Such differentiation turns out to be impossible in above 75 % of the cases in which classical diagnostic methods have been used. With MALDI-TOF MS different species of Candida can also be differentiated (such as C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. magnoliae, C. dubliniensis, C. lusitaniae, C. krusei, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, and C. guilliermondii). According to other sources in the literature, MALDITOF MS can be used for direct identification of fungal species in nail material [41]. However, this direct assessment of fungi in clinical samples has to be proved in further studies.

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI-TOF MS)

The accurate identification of moulds such as Fusarium, Acremonium, and Aspergillus, is performed in specialized laboratories. Firstly, PCR is used for the extraction of ribosomal RNA followed by RFLP [40].

MALDI-TOF MS is a routine technique for the identification of certain bacteria and it is nowadays gaining increasing popularity [27]. At present, the use of the method is restricted to the identification of a causative agent that has been cultivated in a microbiological culture [35, 36]. MALDI-TOF MS allows identification of the causative agents by the molecular weight of their specific protein fragments. The principle of the method—the proteins are added to crystals of UV-absorbing proteins (matrix). Laser flash ionizes the matrix molecules and as a result, positive ions are formed, which are captured by a detector. Small ions reach the detector before large ions. The differences in the time required for the ions to reach the detector show differences in analyzed spectrum, thus the causative agent is identified. The spectrum for every microorganism is individual, so it can be used for identification of fungal species and subspecies from nail and skin samples. This method can be used not only for onychomycosis diagnosis, but also in dermatomycosis diagnosis. This method is specific, sensitive, quick to process, and has a relatively low cost, being able to detect not only fungi but also different types of bacterial species in a sample [37–39].

6   Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)

Therapeutic schemes, choice of treatment The therapeutic scheme is chosen depending on the microbiological culture, the results of PCR, and/or MALDI-TOF MS for accurate identification of the causative agent (see Table 1).

Topical antifungal therapy Topical antifungal therapy is used only in superficial onychomycosis, which affects up to one-third of the nail plate. The most commonly used medications are Ciclopirox (Polinail nail lacquer, Batrafen nail lacquer), Naftifine (Exoderil solution), and others. An antifungal nail lacquer can be used in onychomycosis which affect up to 40  % of the nail surface or not more than three out of ten nails. According to the international consensus conference of onychomycosis the fungal affection should not exceed 50 % of the nail surface. However, some nail lacquers are approved for topi-


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Table 1.  Some of the most commonly used topical and systemic therapeutic options for onychomycosis Modality



Duration/therapeutic scheme



250 mg per day

6 weeks—fingernails 12 weeks—toenails

250 mg

Once a day for 2 weeks Then once per week, up to 1 year

250 mg per day

4-weeks course followed by 4-weeks break Repeat second or third course according to clinical response


200 mg twice a day for 1 week

Two courses with 3-weeks intervals—fingernails Three to four courses with 3-weeks intervals—toenails



150–300 (450) mg once a week

Up to 9 months or until cure is achieved


Once a day

Until cure is achieved


Once a week

Until cure is achieved

cal treatment of an onychomycosis up to 80 % of the nail surface [42].

According to treatment success, a second and third pulse may follow [43].

Systemic antifungal therapy



Fluconazole as well as itraconazole are effective against infections caused by dermatophytes, and in particular by yeasts (with the exception of Candida glabrata and Candida krusei), and in case of itraconazole also moulds. Fluconazole can be successfully administrated as pulse therapy at a dosage of 150 up to 300 (450) mg once a week for up to 9 months or until cure is achieved [45].

Itraconazole exhibits efficacy against fungal infections caused by dermatophytes, yeasts, and moulds. A so-called pulse therapy with itraconazole 200  mg twice daily for 1 week is recommended. After a therapy-free period of 3 weeks, a second pulse therapy with itraconazole pulse 200 mg twice daily should follow [43]. The total number of pulses in onychomycosis is usually 3, with a maximum 4. During systemic therapy, an additional topical therapy with Ciclopirox (Polinail nail lacquer, Batrafen nail lacquer) or Bifonazole cream is recommended [43].

Terbinafine  If dermatophytosis of the nails is confirmed then oral terbinafine therapy is recommended. Various therapeutic schemes have been proposed. In practice, terbinafine is usually prescribed as follows—one oral tablet of 250  mg once a day with different continuity of the therapy course: at least for about 6 weeks in onychomycosis of the fingernails, which is most often of the distal subungual type. According to the clinical response, therapy can be continued after 6 weeks. In onychomycosis of toenails, the therapeutic course continues up to 12 weeks. In cases of slow nail growth, therapy should be even more prolonged [43]. One important therapeutic scheme is the following: from the 1st to the 14th day—terbinafine 250 mg once a day, followed by 250 mg terbinafine once a week; treatment duration is until recovery and can achieve up to 1 year. Another intermittent therapeutic scheme is reported by Gupta et al. [44]. Terbinafine 250 mg once daily is administered for 4 weeks, followed by a 4-weeks break.


Onychomycosis due to moulds  Terbinafine is the drug of choice with highest evidence for treatment of onychomycosis due to Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Aspergillus spp. Topical drugs may be effective [46], in particular ciclopirox-containing nail lacquer in infections due to Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Acremonium spp., best in combination with chemical keratolysis of the nails using 40 % urea preparations.

Modification of treatment in certain groups of patients  Individual modification of therapy is possible, sometimes even compulsory—in polymedicated patients with significant comorbidities, including liver, kidney, or heart failure, as well as immunosuppressed patients (Figs. 4 and 5). Antifungal therapy should be administrated carefully in patients with chronic or active liver diseases. Before antifungal therapy is initiated, an evaluation of the possible presence or absence of liver disease should be done [43]. In patients with kidney diseases, therapy should also be carefully administrated. In patients with immune deficiency, the full blood count should be constantly observed especially when treatment continues more than 6 weeks. In patients with heart failure, itraconazol should be used with great caution, since it Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches   7

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can have a negative inotropic effect with potential for decompensation of the underlying cardiac disease. Furthermore, in polymedicated patients, careful choice of the systemic drug should be done according to the potential for interactions [47]. In general, in these patients azol antifungals should be avoided, in particular itraconazol.

Surgical treatment of onychomycosis  It is considered that onychomycosys is one of the fungal infections among population with the highest percentage of unsuccessful treatment. Although rarely used independently, surgical treatment is an alternative to systemic therapy [48]. Topical antifungal medications are used at the same time and/or immediately after that, aiming at elimination of the infected nail structures [48]. Surgical treatment could be accompanied by topical or systemic therapy. Surgical nail plate removal could be combined with topical antifungal therapy. This method provides very good clinical results. Such treatment has been applied in cases of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Acremonium species infections [49]. Surgical treatment is also necessary in fungal infections resistant to systemic or topical treatment [49]. Besides avulsion (the forcible tearing away of nail plate), the mechanical therapy of onychomycosis includes abrasion (scraping off the superficial layer) of the nail [49]. Partial avulsion is recommended in cases of distal lateral subungual onychomycosis and partial subungual onychomycosis as an adjuvant to local therapy.

Laser treatment of onychomycosis  Because of the high morbidity rate of onychomycosis and the low results of oral and topical therapy, administrated separately or at the same time, as well as common relapses, modern and noninvasive treatment methods have been investigated. One of them is laser treatment [50]. It is applied as 0.65  ms pulsed Nd:Yag 1,064  nm laser. Patients are treated 2–3 times with minimum 3-weeks interval between sessions. It is well tolerated. According to the literature, in seven out of eight cases (87.5 %) fungal cultures are negative after the second or third procedure. Because of that, treatment with 1,064 Nd:YAG laser is to be carefully explored, concerning its long-term effect in relation to clinic and microbiology, as well as specifying the individual number of treatment courses and optimal regimen [50]. The advantage of Nd:YAG 1,064  nm laser compared with lasers with longer exposure to radiation is that there is no need of skin cooling, which simplifies the procedure. Adverse effects and complications are not significant. It is recommended for the nails not to be long for better results. Laser therapy consists of radiation of 2 mm area with 233 J/sm energy without cooling spray, gel, or local anest-

8   Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches

hetic. Every nail is treated separately vertically and horizontally, forming a cross over the surface of the nail. The duration of treatment is 45 seconds or less for every nail plate. For prevention of reinfection, patients are secured with daily use of antifungal cream. Revision is made 4 –6 months after the treatment. The efficacy of therapy is estimated after the secondary microbiological examination is performed [50]. Noveon is a laser with dual wavelength of 870 nm and 930 nm. Its parameters are close to those of the infrared diods [51]. These machines are used for the treatment of onychomycosis because of their unique photolethal effect to infective agents [51]. These lasers have no teratogenic risks, unlike the photodynamic therapy (PDT) with UV beam. Also, there is no toxic photoablation deriving from the Nd:YAG lasers. The results from several clinical researches show that these lasers are suitable for the treatment of onychomycosis irrespective of the stage of nail damage [51]. The femtosecond (f-sec) infrared titanium-sapphire laser does not damage the surrounding tissues [52]. This laser achieves selective delivery of energy into deep layers of the nail bed. In this kind of lasers, interaction with environment is nonlinear [52]. Besides, the deep penetration of this laser contributes to the elimination of deeply located dermatophytes without damaging the surrounding tissues. Efficacy of treatment is evaluated by subculture, while assessment of collateral damages is done by scanning electron microscopic [52]. Experience shows that the f-sec laser inhibits fungus growth successfully in examined specimens, while lower intensity damages the nail plate [52]. CO2 laser also improves the condition of patients with onychomycosis and gives good results [53, 54]. Other authors have also reported an experimental method of approaching the laser treatment of onychomycosis [55].

Photodynamic therapy (PDT)  Photodynamic therapy is based on the usage of photosensitizing agents and light with exact wavelength. Singlet oxygen is generated, leading to cell death. It has been examined whether PDT is appropriate for treatment of superficial nail infections. There is a research concerning the efficiency of PDT in onychomycosis caused by moulds—Acremonium sclerotigenum [56]. PDT, combined with methyl-aminolevulinic acid, is administrated in three sessions, with 15 days interval between each procedure [56]. Another study reveals the effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). The dermatophyte T. rubrum, causative agent of onychomycosis, metabolizes ALA to protoporphyrin IX (PP IX) in liquid culture. In optimal conditions, a typical red fluoroscence is seen. It is induced by PP IX and is estimated qualitatively with Wood’s lamp or fluoroscent microscope. Optimal concentration of ALA is 1–10 mmol/L. ALA causes significant reduction of dermatophyte growth and lack of PP IX fluorescence, if higher concentration of ALA is used. A combination


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between ALA and light clearly demonstrates the inhibitory effect of PDT with ALA. This method is promising as far as reduction of T. rubrum colonization in onychomycosis is concerned [57]. One of the possible PDT schemes is: Damaged nail surface is coated lavishly with 20 % urea unguentum and is covered with a folio for 10 hours. The nails are subsequently treated with 20 % solution of ALA methyl ester in liquid cream for 5 hours, but only after protection from light with plaster and aluminium folio has been done. Protoporphyrin fluorescence is confirmed with UV-beam and spectrophotometer before PDT. It’s observed in nail base and periphery of fungal lesions. The nail (including proximal and lateral nail borders) is exposed to radiation horizontally and vertically with pulsed laser 630 nm light, 100 J/sm2 using excimer laser [58] PDT with 5-ALA, applied once a week [59]. A bearable pain has been reported in patients during the procedure but it tends to disappear the next day. Improvement in the condition occurs after 6–7 treatment courses (total dosage 600–700 J/sm2). Most frequently, dermatophytes are not found in posttreatment investigations—microscopy with KOH preparation and culture [57]. According to the literature, there are no relapses of onychomycosis after 3–6 months. In comparison, improvement is not observed after treatment with ALA or radiation solely [59]. According to recent researches, PDT with methylaminolevulinate is also a successful treatment of refractory onychomycosis caused by nondermatophytic moulds [58]. PDT is suitable for treatment of distal and lateral subungual onychomycosis caused by T. rubrum [60]. The advantages of PDT are the lack of side effects, concerning kidney and liver function, as well as the lack of risk to patients with systemic diseases and the absence of interaction with other drugs [57, 59]. Old age is not a contraindication for treatment. On the other hand, oral therapy with antifungal agents may not be effective and it may be even contraindicated in case of intolerance. PDT is a very good alternative in these cases [58, 60].

Fungal tests are very important in the differential diagnosis of nail diseases, since other condition such as lichen planus, psoriasis, and nail dystrophy of different causes may have features that can be confused with onychomycosis. Having in mind that onychomycosis frequently occurs in cases of primary or genetically damaged nails, this problem is not very easy to be solved [9, 24, 25]. Modern additional methods, which are molecular– biological—PCR, Uniplex-PCR-ELISA-Test, and MALDITOF MS—will probably play a very important role in the diagnosis of onychomycosis [24, 40]. PCR is an easy and rapid method. Extraction of DNA takes up to 30 minutes, whereas elongation takes 5 hours. PCR results are ready within a day. This method is characterized by high sensitivity and diagnostic specificity that exceed the classic diagnostic methods. The specificity of PCR analysis derives from the possibility of revealing the exact causative agents in the presence of other microorganisms, viruses, and cells of macroorganisms [24]. From this point of view, the ability of PCR can be defined as unique. By using this method, it is easy to identify and diagnose dermatophytes that are difficult to detect

Fig. 4  Tinea pedis, 57-year-old patient, caused by T. rubrum

Discussion Currently, the most frequently used diagnostic methods for fungal infection confirmation are the conventional ones—direct microscopy with KOH preparation and culture on Saboraud agar. Culture identifies the exact causative agent and in this way makes it easier to choose the most suitable medication [25]. Culture has a diagnostic sensitivity of 50–70  %. As a result, 30–50 % of fungal agents cannot be identified by conventional methods [25]. Fluorescence method and histology/PAS are less used. A number of data reveals that PAS staining is a considerably sensitive method in comparison with other methods for diagnosis, but not all patients will accept this invasive manipulation [24, 25].


Fig. 5  Onychomycosis, a 70-year-old man; causative pathogen—T. rubrum Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches   9

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by classic methods. The analysis is made with minimal amount of specimen and at the same time concomitant diagnosis of a number of species in one clinical sample is possible. By PCR, different biologic specimens can be examined, including those directly taken from skin lesions, nails, and hair (Figs. 4 and 5). These properties allow wide usage of the method by dermatologists and mycologists [24]. In conclusion, PCR is a more reliable method than direct microscopy and culture. At the moment, this method is not available in all clinics and laboratories, although it is used as an additional diagnostic tool to the classic methods. This method has considerably increased the percentage of positive results and has reduced the time needed for achieving an accurate diagnosis. The culture gives results in 3–4 weeks, whereas PCR method within a maximum of 1–2 days. This method is also reliable as far was necessary investments and materials for maintenance are concerned. At present, the wide use of the method is restricted only by labor intensity and the need of more staff. In recent years, it is considered that molecular biology methods will completely replace conventional methods, which are currently considered as standard methods. The establishment of separate specialized centers and laboratories aiming to focus their activity in this field could be significant to the exact identification of the causative agent and administration of proper systemic therapy. The choice of treatment and duration of antifungal therapy depends on the identification of the causative agent—dermatophytes, moulds, and yeasts. Besides the well-known topical and systemic antifungal medications, in recent years new treatment methods have gained popularity—PDT and laser treatment have been successfully applied.

Conclusion The most frequently used diagnostic methods for the confirmation of fungal infection are still the conventional ones—direct microscopy with KOH preparation and culture on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar. Only a restricted number of laboratories perform modern diagnostic molecular biology methods such as PCR and MALDI-TOF MS. This results in problems in creating a universally accepted diagnostic algorithm. At present, treatment options for onychomycosis include topical and systemic antifungal medications, as well as surgical treatment, PDT, and laser treatment for very particular situations. Therapy with terbinafine is preferred in cases of onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes. It has a very good effect in infections caused by Trichophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton species [61, 62]. Therapy with terbinafine has also good effect in infections with moulds [62, 63]. It is, however, less effective against yeasts, since it is primarily fungistatic against some species, for example, Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis [62, 63]. Because of the powerful fungicid effect of terbinafine against dermatophytes and moulds, many clinicians pre-

10   Onychomycosis: modern diagnostic and treatment approaches

fer systemic therapy with terbinafine instead of itraconazole or fluconazole. On the other hand, therapy using fluconazole or itraconazole schemes (pulse treatment) is preferred when yeasts are identified, but it is considered a second-line treatment for dermatophyte infections. Surgical treatment as well as more recently described options such as PDT or laser treatment should, in principle, be reserved for cases that have not responded adequately and/or for patients with contraindications for the more conventional therapeutic options. Conflict of interest The authors declare that there is no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this article

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