Mehdi LAMIRI, Johann DREO and Xiaolan XIE
Operating Room Planning with Random Surgery Times Abstract—This paper addresses the elective surgery planning under uncertainties related to surgery times and emergency surgery demands. Surgery times as well operating rooms’ capacities used by emergency surgery are assumed to be random variables. The planning problem consists of assigning elective patients to operating rooms (ORs) over a planning horizon in order to minimize patients’ related costs and expected ORs’ overtime costs. The planning problem is first formulated as a stochastic mathematical program. Then, a solution approach combining Monte Carlo simulation and column generation has been proposed. Computation experiments show that the solution approach results in near optimal solutions in a reasonable computation time.
perating rooms (ORs) represent the hospital’s largest cost center, they have been estimated to account for more than 40% of total expenses [1]. Therefore, many different approaches for OR planning and scheduling have been proposed in health care literature [2][6]. Nevertheless, few studies considered variability related to OR’s environment. Variability is inherent to the world of health care; it arises from uncertainty in emergency patients’ arrivals, uncertainty in surgery times, medical staff availability, etc. So the planning of surgical activities must take into account these uncertainties; otherwise, it degrades the quality of service toward patients, and generates additional costs for the hospital. An approach to deal with the variability of elective surgery time consists of assigning planned capacity slack (buffertime) to ORs [7]. But, this approach does not consider emergency surgery and assumes the sum of surgery times to be normally distributed. Elective surgery planning with an explicit modeling of random emergency Manuscript received April 30, 2007. M. Lamiri is with the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint Etienne (ENSMSE), Industrial Engineering and Computer Sciences Division , 158 Cours Fauriel, 42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 2, France (phone: +334 7742 6645; fax: +334 7742 6666; email:
[email protected]). J. Dreo is with ENSMSE, Engineering and Health Division (email:
[email protected]). X. Xie is with ENSMSE, Engineering and Health Division (email:
[email protected]).
surgery has been addressed [8]. However, the uncertainty related to elective surgery time was not considered. A model for the advance scheduling of elective surgery under uncertain surgery time and emergency surgery has been proposed [9]. But, it concerns a monoperiod model with aggregated capacity and does not specify the OR and the surgery date for each elective case. This paper addresses the elective surgery planning problem by taking into account uncertainties related to surgery time and emergency surgery demand. Elective patients can be planned starting from an earliest date with a patient related cost depending on the operating room and on the date of surgery. A random amount of each operating room’s capacity is used to serve emergency patients. The planning problem consists of determining a plan that specifies the set of elective patients that would be operated in each OR in each period over a planning horizon. The surgery plan should minimize costs related to the over utilization of ORs and costs related to performing elective surgeries. The planning problem is first modeled as a stochastic integer program. Monte Carlo simulation is then used to approximate the problem by a mixedinteger program. A columnoriented formulation in which each column represents a possible assignment of elective patients to a particular OR in a particular period is then derived. The linear relaxation of the latter formulation is then solved via column generation. Feasible plan is derived from solution of the relaxed problem by a heuristic, and improved by using local improvement heuristics. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a stochastic integer programming formulation of the planning problem. Section 3 presents an approximation of the planning problem by using Monte Carlo simulation. Section 4 presents the column generation approach, the pricing problem, and the construction and improvement of feasible plan. Numerical results of the optimization method are presented in Section 5. Section 6 presents some perspectives concerning the use of meta heuristics to improve the column generation approach. Section 7 concludes the paper and discusses possible extensions of this work.
II.PROBLEM STATEMENT Consider an operating theatre composed of S operating rooms, a finite horizon of H periods (days), and a set of N elective patients waiting to be planned. The planning problem consists of determining the set of elective patients to be operated in each operating room in each period. In the rest of the paper, we refer to an OR s ∈{1,…, S} in a given period (day) t ∈{1,…, H} as an “ORday” (s, t). Each elective patient i∈{1,…, N} has an operating time di. This time includes surgery duration and an allowance for the necessary cleaning and presurgery preparation. In this work operating times are assumed to be random variables. Let f di (x) , be the distribution function of di. Each elective patient i, has also a release date ei which represents the earliest period to operate the patient. Starting from the earliest date the elective patient can be planned in any period with an assignment cost depending on the surgery date and on the OR where the surgery will be performed. Let aits represent the cost of performing elective case i in the ORday (s, t) for t ∈{ei ,…, H, H+1} and s ∈ {1,…,S}. A “fictitious” period H+1 is added to the planning horizon in order to gather elective patients that are rejected from the current planning. Rejected patients will not be operated within the planning horizon, but will be considered in the next horizon. So ai(H+1)s is the cost of rejecting the case i from the current planning. Obviously, this cost is OR independent, i.e., ai(H+1)s = ai(H+1)s’ for any s, s’∈{1,…,S}, and can be simply denoted by ai(H+1). These assignment costs can be used to model several situations .e.g., hospitalization costs, ORs’ availabilities, patient’s and surgeon’s preferences, etc. ORs are used to perform elective and emergency surgery. Emergency patients cannot be planned in advance; they arrive randomly and require an immediate surgical intervention. More specifically, emergency surgery demand must be met on the day of arrival whatever the available capacity. In this work, we consider that a random portion of each ORday capacity is used to serve emergency patients. Let Wts be the capacity, i.e. the total OR time, needed for emergency cases operated in ORday (s, t). It is assumed to be a random variable with the density function fWts(x). Each ORday (s, t) has a regular capacity Tts, i.e., the number of hours available on regular time. If the total duration of emergency and planned elective surgeries exceeds the regular capacity, then overtime is needed. Let cts be the cost per time unit of overtime in ORday (s, t).
The overall objective is to assign elective patients to different ORdays in order to minimize elective patients’ related costs and ORs expected overtime costs. Let Xits ∈ {0,1} be the decision variables, with Xits = 1 if elective case i is performed in the ORday (s, t) and 0 otherwise; with the convention that Xi,H+1,s = 1 implies that elective case i is rejected from the current planning horizon. The surgery planning problem is formulated as follows (general problem GP): J* = min J(X) =
N H 1 S i 1 t ei s 1 H
t 1 s 1
aits X its
cts E Wts
N i 1
d i X its Tts
subject to: H 1 S t ei s 1
X its 1 , i
Xits {0, 1}, i,t,s (3) The expectation E[.] is with respect to the distribution of Wts
N i 1
d i X its , and (y)+ = max {0, y}.
The objective function (1) seeks to minimize the sum of the expected ORs overtime costs and the elective patients’ related costs. Constraints (2) guarantee that each elective case is assigned exactly to one ORday. Constraints (3) are the integrity constraints. Problem (GP) is a stochastic combinatorial problem. By using a polynomial transformation of the 3partition problem, it can be easily proved that (GP) is strongly NP hard. On the other hand, evaluating the expected values E[.] in the objective function (1) involves multiples numerical integrations; an additional source of difficulty. In the next section, we present a solution method that combines Monte Carlo simulation and column generation. III.MONTE CARLO APPROXIMATION In order to overcome the difficulties induced by multiple numerical integrations, a Monte Carlo sampling technique is used to approximate the stochastic planning problem (GP) by a deterministic optimization problem. This approach is also known as the sample path method or the stochastic counterpart method [10]. First, K independent random samples are generated for each random variable. More specifically, for each elective 1 K patient i, K samples d i ,..., d i of operating time are randomly generated; and for each ORday (s, t), K samples Wts ,...,Wts 1
of emergency capacity requirement are also randomly
generated. Then, using the generated samples, expectations in the criteria (1) are approximated by their sample averages. Consequently, the “true” problem (GP) can be approximated by a sample average approximation problem (P): JK = min JK(X) =
N H 1 S i 1 t ei s 1
aits X its
H t 1
H t 1
cts s 1 K S
K k 1
cts E Wtsk K s 1 S
k ts
N i 1
N i 1
d X its Tts k i
d ik X its Tts
subject to: (2) and (3) We note that (P) can be transformed into a mixed integer program, and that its optimal solution converges exponentially fast to the optimal solution of the “true” problem (GP), as K increases [11]. However, problem (P) is still strongly NPhard. In the next section we present a column generation approach to find a near optimal solution for (P). IV.SOLUTION METHODOLOGY The main steps of this approach are as follows: (i) derive a column generation reformulation of the “approximated” planning problem (P), called master problem; (ii) solve the LPrelaxation of the master problem using column generation; (iii) derive a feasible plan from the solution of the LPrelaxation of the master problem; (iv) improve the feasible plan using local optimization. A.Column generation approach In this subsection, a column formulation for the planning problem is presented. A column represents a “plan” for one operating room in one day. A plan p is defined by the followings binary variables: 1 if patient i is assigned to plan p, yip 0 otherwise. ztsp
1 if plan p is assigned to OR day s,t , 0 otherwise.
Then the plan p can be represented by [y p ,z p ] [(y1 p ,..., yNp ),(z1 p ,...,z(H S )p )] . The first N entries, given by yp, represent the set of patients assigned to the plan. The next H×S entries, i.e., zp, indicate to which OR day(s) the plan is assigned. Let Ω be the set of all possible feasible plans. A plan p is feasible if it is assigned to exactly one ORday (i.e.,
t ,s
ztsp 1 ) and respects patients’ earliest periods. The
expected cost Cp of plan p can be expressed as follows: Cp
t ,s
yip aits Ots y p
where Ots(yp) is the expected overtime cost of ORday (s, t) Ots y p cts K
K k 1
k ts
yip dik Tts
Remark 1: if yp = 0, then the expected overtime cost is Ots 0 cts K
K k 1
Wtsk Tts
, i.e., if no elective
patient is assigned to ORday (s, t) overtime may occurs due to emergency surgery, and the expected cost is Ots(0). Using the new notation, problem (P) consists in selecting a subset of feasible plans. Let λp for pΩ be a binary decision variable indicating whether a feasible plan p is selected (λp =1) or not (λp =0). The planning problem can now be formulated as follows: min
C p λp
aiH 1 (1
yip ip )
t ,s
Ots (0) (1
ztsp ip )
subject to: p
yip ip
1 i 1,...,N ,
z tsp λp ≤1
, t 1..H ,s 1..S
λp {0,1}, ∀ p∈OMEGA (10) The objective function is composed of three parts. The first part corresponds to the cost of selected plans. The second part is the cost incurred by patients assigned to the fictitious period H+1, i.e., not assigned to any selected plan. And the third part represents costs related to ORdays that do not have a corresponding selected plan and hence do not receive any elective patient (Remark 1). Constraints (8) guarantee that each patient is planned in at most one OR day within the planning horizon. Constraints (9) ensure that at most one feasible plan is selected for each ORday. a y O 0 z . Then, the Let C% C p
iH 1
t ,s
problem can be restated as follows (called master problem MP): % min i aiH 1 t ,s Ots 0 p C p p (11) Subject to: (8), (9) and (10). The master problem is an integer linear programming problem with a huge number of columns. The linear relaxation of the MP (called LMP, linear master problem) is solved by column generation. Instead of considering all the
columns of LMP explicitly, column generation employs a restricted master problem (RMP) that considers only a subset Ω’Ω of all possible columns and a pricing problem that generates promising new columns [12][13]. The algorithm follows a loop in which the RMP is solved, and the dual solution (called also simplex multipliers) is transmitted to the pricing problem in order to find the column with the most favorable reduced cost. If a favorable column exists, it is inserted into the RMP; otherwise, the algorithm stops. B.Column generation subproblem The pricing problem can be decomposed into H×S column generation subproblems (CGts), also called pricing subproblems, one for each ORday, that identifies a column of minimal reduced cost: * ts = min ts y p Ots 0 ts N
subject to:
i 1
a%its i yip Ots y p
yip = 0 , i with t ei yip{0,1}, i 1,...,N
method is explained. Depending on the value of πts the heuristic performs differently. If πts = 0, the heuristic constructs a negative reduced cost column (if any exists). If πts