Eitan Zemel, “Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of Operations ....
Michael Grieves, Product Life Cycle Management, Tata McGraw Hill , 2006. 3.
Facilities requirements, need for layout study – types of layout, Model Classification, Criterion Selection, Model Validation, Design Process.
Layout problem, Plant layout procedures- various approaches, Flow and activity analysis, Designing the layout
Plant location analysis – factors, costs, location decisions – simple problems in single facility location problems, multi facility location problems, network location problems.
- IV
The Process View of Organizations, Performance Measures, Product Attribute and Process Competencies, Process Design, Planning, and Control, Strategic Positioning and Operational Effectiveness, Strategic Fit, Matching Products and Processes, Operations Frontier and Trade-offs.
Process Flow, Key Measures, Flow Time, Flow Rate, Inventory
Process Flow Chart, Flow Time Measurement, Flow-Rate and Capacity Analysis, Managing Flow Variability, Process Integration- Lean operations: Process Synchronization and Improvement References 1. Richard Francis, L. Leon McGinnis, F. Jr., John White, A., “Facility Layout and Location - an Analytical Approach”, Prentice Hall of India., 2nd Ed. 2. Raví Anupindi, Sunil Chopra, Sudhakar Deshmukh,Jan A. Van Mieghem, and Eitan Zemel, “Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of Operations Management” Pearson Education, 2006 3. G.Halevi and R.D.Weill, “Principles of Process Plannning” Chappman and Hall, Madras 1995.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION Overview of enterprise systems technology
– Evolution
- Risks and benefits
- Fundamental
- Issues to be consider in planning design and implementation of cross
functional integrated ERP systems - Case studies.
UNIT II ERP SOLUTIONS AND FUNCTIONAL MODULES Overview of ERP software solutions- Small medium and large enterprise vendor solutions, BPR, Business Engineering and best Business practices - Business process Management. Overview of ERP modules -sales and Marketing, Accounting and Finance, Materials and Production management etc. -Case studies. UNIT III ERP IMPLEMENTATION Planning Evaluation and selection of ERP systems-Implementation life cycle
implementation, Methodology and Frame work- Training – Data Migration. People Organization in implementation-Consultants, Vendors and Employees-Case studies.
UNIT IV POST IMPLEMENTATION Maintenance of ERP- Organizational and Industrial impact; Success and Failure factors of and ERP Implementation -case studies. UNIT V EMERGING TRENDS ON ERP Extended ERP systems and ERP bolt –on -CRM, SCM, Business analytics etc- Future trends in ERP systems-web enabled, Wireless technologies so on-Case studies. TEXT BOOK 1. Alexis Leon, ERP demystified, second Edition Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.32 REFERENCES 1. Jagan Nathan Vaman, ERP in Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008 2. Alexis Leon, Enterprise Resource Planning, second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008. 3. Mahadeo Jaiswal and Ganesh Vanapalli, ERP Macmillan India, 2006. 4. Vinod Kumar Grag and N.K. Venkitakrishnan, ERP- Concepts and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2006. 1. Summer, ERP, Pearson Education, 2008.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION Defining Supply Chain management and logistics management. Evolution. Supply Chain – Fundamentals, , and Importance. Supply chain strategy, Enablers/ Drivers of Supply Chain Performance. Supply Chain relationships.
UNIT II LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Logistics – functions, objectives, solution. Customer Service. Warehousing and Material Storage, Material Handling, Trasportation and Packaging – 3PL and 4PL. UNIT III NETWORK DESIGN Distribution Network Design – Role, Factors Influencing, Options, Value Additions. Models for Facility Location and Capacity allocation. Impact of uncertainty on Network Design. Network Design decisions using Decision trees. UNIT IV SOURCING AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Sourcing – Make vs buy decision, Creating World Class Supply base, World Wide Sourcing Inventory Management – managing cycle inventory, safety inventory. Value of information, Bullwhip effect, Coordination in supply chain, Analysing impact of supply chain redesign on the inventory. UNIT V CURRENT TRENDS E-Business – Framework and Role of Supply Chain in e- business and b2b practices. Supply Chain IT Framework.E-Supply Chains, E – Logistics- eSRM, eLRM, eSCM, Agile Supply Chains. Reverse Logistics, Global Logistics. TEXT BOOKS 1. Bowersox Donald J, Logistical Management – The Integrated Supply Chain Process” Tata McGraw Hill, 2000 2. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management-Strategy Planning and Operation, Prentice Hall, 2007.33 REFERENCES 2. Donald J. Bowersox, David J. Closs and M. Bixby Cooper, “Supply Chain Logistics Management”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008 3. Altekar Rahul V, Supply Chain Management-Concept and Cases, Prentice Hall India, 2005. 4. Joel D. Wisner, G. Keong Leong, Keah-Choon Tan, “Principles of Supply Chain Management- A Balanced Approach”, South-Western, Cengage Learning 2005
5. Naraya Rangarj, G. Raghuram, Mandyam M. Srinivasan, “Supply Chain Management for Competitive Advantage – Concepts and Cases”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 5. R.P. Mohanty and S.G. Deshmukh, “ Supply Chain Management”, Biztantra, 2005
UNIT I INTRODUCTION Defining Product, Types of products. Successful Product development – characteristics, duration and cost, challenges. Development Process: Generic Process- Adapting to product types. Stage-gate model - New Service Development Process
UNIT II PRODUCT PLANNING Product Planning Process – Steps. Product Life Cycle. Technology Life Cycle Understanding Customer Needs - Disruptive Technologies- Product Specification - Concept Generation – Activity- Steps- Brain Storming, UNIT III PRODUCT CONCEPT Concept Selection – Importance, Methodology, concept Screening, Concept Scoring. Concept Testing. Product Architecture- Definition, Modularity, implication, Establishment, Delayed Differentiation, Platform Planning. UNIT IV INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND DESIGN TOOLS Industrial Design, Design for Manufacturing-Value Engineering-Ergonomics-PrototypingRobust Design- Collaborative Product development- Product development economics. UNIT V PATENTS Defining Intellectual Property and Patents, Patent Searches and Application, Patent Ownership and Transfer, Patent Infringement, New Developments and International Patent Law.
TEXT BOOK 1. Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, Product Design and Development, Tata McGraw – Hill, Third Edition, reprint 2008. REFERENCES 1. A.K. Chitale and R.C. Gupta, Product Design and Manufacturing, PHI, 2008. 2. Michael Grieves, Product Life Cycle Management, Tata McGraw Hill , 2006. 3. Deborah E. Bouchoux, Intellectual Property Rights, Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2005. 4. Kerber, Ronald L, Laseter, Timothy M., Strategic Product Creation, Tata- McGraw Hill, 2007. 5. Bruce T. Barkley, Project Management in New Product Development, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
UNTI-I Productvity – definition – concepts – importance of productivity circles Measures of productivity – qualitative and quantitative measures – three basic types of productivity – partial – total factor – total productivity – productivity indices – methods of recording data man power planning – productivity measurement at national and international levels – measures of productivity in different organizations like manufacturing and services and R & D etc., UNIT –II Managing productivity – misconceptions about productivity management –cultural factors – human factors – automation and productivity – economics of productivity. Factors affecting productivity – physical environment – technology –materials – machine – layout – lighting – temperature – ventilation. UNIT III employment – job performance – motivation – employee ability – aptitude –personality – experience – training – interest – education – intelligence –variables affecting productivity – internal and external to the company. UNIT IV Productivity improvement – barriers to productivity improvement –productivity improvement techniques – employee based – material based –task based – product based – technology based – incentives to increase productivity – effective team working – performance review and appraise techniques. UNIT V Pit falls in productivity improvement – required organizational change for productivity improvement – top management role – crisis management –concepts – crisis management and productivity.Time management – key to productivity improvement – time management at personal and organizational levels – scheduling works – time saving techniques – tips – using
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Bhinde B T-Basic Productivity Techniques in Manufacturing Management”- B T Bhinde Publishers. 2. Christian H Godefroy and Jahn Clark-“ The complete Time Management Syste,”Judy (iatkus Ltd. Publishers , UK)
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Iwao Kobayashi – “Keys to work place improvement” – Productivity press India Ltd. 2. Lawrence Aft – “Productivity Measurement and Improvement” – Prentice Hall 3. Robert Schaffer – “Managing Productivity” – Jaico Publishing House 4. Sawhney S C – “Productivity Management” - TMH, Delhi .
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCTION AND OPERATION MANAGEMENT Production and Operations Management (POM) – Need, History, System, Types, functions and communication in POM. Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Services Systems. Global /trade operations and supply network applications.
UNIT II MATERIAL AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Material Management (MM) – Handling Technology (Robots, Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) and methods (JIT, / Kanban, ABC Systems).Independent Demand Inventory Models – Fixed order system, Basic EOQ, EBQ Models, Quantity discount models. Dependent Demand Inventory models – MRP and MRP II systems Introduction to ERP, ebusiness and e-operations strategies. UNIT III PLANNING AND FORECASTING Introduction to Strategic, Tactical, Operational, Aggregate and Capacity Planning. Planning Product design and development – Applications of CAD, Expert systems, Standardisation, Group Technology (GT) and Research and Development. Forecasting – Types, Methods (Qualitative and Quantitative), Types of variation in data, Minimising forecasting errors and selection of forecasting methods. UNIT IV SCHEDULING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODS Johnson’s Algorithm for job sequencing (n job thro’ 2 machines, n jobs thro’ 3 machines, n jobs thro’ m machines and 2 jobs thro’ m machines) Use of Gantt charts, Queuing analysis and Critical Ratios as methods for job scheduling. PERT / CPM – Drawing the network, computation of processing time, floats and critical path. Resource leveling techniques. UNIT V FACILITY, LAYOUT LOCATION AND WORK MEASUREMENT Facility Location Decisions (FLcD) – Selections of country, region and site. Facility Layout Decision (FlyD) – Types (Fixed Position, and Production, Process, Flexible), Methodologies (Distance Minimising, Computer software systems (CRAFT, CORELAP, ALDEP), Line Balancing and performance ratios, work measurement methods (WM) - Time study, methods-time measurement, Work Sampling, White color measurement and learning curves, Using WM to increase productivity. TEXT BOOKS: 1. R.Paneer Selvam, Production and Operations Management, Prentice Hall of India, 2002. 2. Sang M Lee and Marc J Schniederjans, Operation Management, All India Publishers and Distributors, First Indian edition 1997.
3. Robert H. Lowson, Strategic operations Management (The new competitive advantage), Vikas Publishing House, First Indian reprint 2003.
10DBA317- BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH The hallmarks of scientific research – the building blocks of science in research – the research process for applied and basic research – the need for theoretical frame work – hypothesis development – hypothesis testing with quantitative data. The research design. The purpose of the study: Exploratory, Descriptive, Hypothesis testing (Analytical and Predictive) – cross sectional and longitudinal studies. UNIT II EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The laboratory and the field experiment – internal and external validity – factors affecting internal validity. Measurement of variables – scales and measurement of variables – development scales - rating scale and concept in scales being developed. Stability measures. UNIT III DATA COLLECTION METHOD Interviewing, questionnaires etc. Secondary sources of data collection. Guidelines for questionnaire design – electronic questionnaire design and surveys. Special data source: Focus groups, Static and dynamic data-collection methods and when to use each. Sampling techniques and confidence in determining sample size. Hypothesis testing determination of optimal sample size. UNIT IV A REFRESHER ON SOME MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES Factor analysis – cluster analysis – discriminant analysis –multiple regression & Correlation – canonical correlation – application of SPSS package. UNIT V THE RESEARCH REPORT The purpose of the written report – concept of audience – Basics of written reports. The integral parts of a report – the title of a report. The table of contents, the synopsis, the introductory section, method of sections of a report, result section – discussion section – recommendation and implementation section. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Donald R.Cooper and Ramcis S.Schindler, Business Research Methods,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2000. 2. C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology, Wishva Prakashan, New Delhi, 2001. REFERENCES: 1. Sekaran, Research Methods for Business, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2000.
2. Donald H.Mc.Burney, Research Methods, Thomson Asia Pvt. ltd. Singapore 2002. 3. G.W.Ticehurst and A.J.Veal, Business Research Methods, Longman, 1999. 4. Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology, Sage Publication, London, New Delhi, 1999. 5. Raymond-Alain Thie’tart, et,al., Doing Management Research, Sage Publication, London, 1999.
UNIT-I INTRODUCTION Decision concept – Steps - Decision support system -components, characteristicsclassification and applications UNIT-II MODEL MANAGEMENT Models- Modeling process – Types of models- Optimization – Simulation - Heuristics Descriptive –Predictive - Model base- Modeling languages - Model directory - Model base management - System-Model execution- Integration and command processing UNIT -III DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Data base – Sources of Data- Data Directory - Data Structure and database language Query facility- Data Management system-DBMS as DSS development tool. UNIT IV DIALOG MANAGEMENT User interface - Graphics – Multimedia- Visual
interactive modeling- Natural language
processing- Speech recognition and understanding - Issues in user interface.
UNIT-V DEVELOPMENT OF DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Development process-Software and hardware and data acquisition - Model acquisitionDialog development –Integration- Testing and validation -Training and implementation. References 1. Efraim Turban, Jay E. Aronson, Ting-Peng Liang: DSS and Intelligent Systems, Pearson Education, 2007. 2. Macllah: Decision Support Systems and Data Warehousing, Tata McGraw-Hill 2003. 3. Stevenson, Introduction to Management Science, 1/e, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2007. 4. James A Obrien, george M Marakas: Management Information systems, ,Tata McGrawHill, 2007. 5. Janakiraman and K Sarukesi, Decision Support system, PHI, 1999 6. Lotfi, Decision support System and Management, McGraw Hill Publications, 2006 7. Goyal, Management Information Systems, Macmillan,2010
10DBA412-TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO QUALITY MANAGEMENT Definitions – TOM framework, benefits, awareness and obstacles. Quality – vision, mission and policy statements. Customer Focus – customer perception of quality, Translating needs into requirements, customer retention. Dimensions of product and service quality. Cost of quality. UNIT II PRINCIPLES AND PHILOSOPHIES OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT Overview of the contributions of Deming, Juran Crosby, Masaaki Imai, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, Taguchi techniques – introduction, loss function, parameter and tolerance design, signal to noise ratio. Concepts of Quality circle, Japanese 5S principles and 8D methodology. UNIT III STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL AND PROCESS CAPABILITY Meaning and significance of statistical process control (SPC) – construction of control charts for variables and attributed. Process capability – meaning, significance and measurement – Six sigma concepts of process capability. Reliability concepts – definitions, reliability in series and parallel, product life characteristics curve.Total productive maintenance (TMP) – relevance to TQM, Terotechnology. Business process re-engineering (BPR) – principles, applications, reengineering process, benefits and limitations. UNIT IV TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality functions development (QFD) – Benefits, Voice of customer, information organization, House of quality (HOQ), building a HOQ, QFD process. Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) – requirements of reliability, failure rate, FMEA stages, design, process and documentation. Seven old (statistical) tools. Seven new management tools. Bench marking and POKA YOKE. UNIT V QUALITY SYSTEMS ORGANIZING AND IMPLEMENTATION 9 Introduction to IS/ISO 9004:2000 – quality management systems – guidelines for performance improvements. Quality Audits. TQM culture, Leadership – quality council, employee involvement, motivation, empowerment, recognition and reward- Introduction to software quality.
TEXT BOOKS 1. Dale H.Besterfield et al, Total Quality Management, Third edition, Pearson Education (First Indian Reprints 2004). 2. Shridhara Bhat K, Total Quality Management – Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, First Edition 2002.
REFERENCES 1. Douglas C. Montgomory, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley Student Edition, 4th Edition, Wiley India Pvt Limited, 2008. 2. James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, The Management and Control of Quality, Sixth Edition, Thomson, 2005. 3. Poornima M.Charantimath, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, First Indian Reprint 2003. 4. Indian standard – quality management systems – Guidelines for performance improvement (Fifth Revision), Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.
10DBA473-TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT UNIT- ITECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Review of Technology Management- Technological Innovation- Business CompetitivenessTechnology Strategy and LeadershipUNIT II DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITIES Developing Technology Based Capabilities- Technology Based Developments - Diffusion and Adaptation Technology - Need for Technology Analysis UNIT III MANAGEMENT ISSUES & BUSINESS COMPETITIVENESS People and Organization Issues- Characteristics of Innovative Firms- Technology Interface with Markets- Customers and Suppliers-Operational System Strategies - Business Competitiveness Interface- Market Integration with Technology- Accountability with Share Holders UNITIV MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY Factors
Implementation of Structure for Managing Technology- Need for Inter-Disciplinary Endeavour and Improved -Functional Relation UNIT -V IMPLEMENTATION OF PERFORMANCE Decisions for Implementing- Performance & Impact of New Technology- International E Business ManagementReferences 1. Gerared H Gaynor,Hand book of Technology management, Tata McGraw Hill,2006 2. Murthy, Technology Management , Himalaya Publishing House,2009 3. Fredric Betz, Strategic Technology Management, Tata McGraw Hill,1996 4. Ray Gehani, Management of Technology & Operations, Wiley 2009 5. Krihanamacharyulu, Lalitha, Management of Technology, HPH,2009.