respondents. In case of many respondents the positive attitude to help for refugees may be purely declarative: when conf
Solid and Professional
ISSN 2083-1714
CONTENTS Opinions about refugee crisis
Party preferences in June
Internet use
Behavioural addiction
Election · Tax Returns and Personal Allowance · Reactions on the Election's Results and
Expectations for the Newly Elected President · Visiting Religious Websites and Internet
Portals · Attitude to Government in June
Opinions about refugee crisis According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), developed countries have now received a record number of asylum applications (highest in the last 22 years) due to the wars in Syria, Iraq and smaller conflicts. Many migrants who later apply for refugee status arrive illegally, mostly to the countries of southern Europe. In recent months, the European Union undertook resolute action towards relocating the incoming refugees into all member states. The European Commission proposal allocates a quota of 2,500 refugees to be received by Poland. CBOS included questions about receiving political refugees for the first time in 2004. In spite of the fact that a decade has elapsed, opinions have changed very little. As before, three quarters (76%) Should foreign nationals persecuted in believe that Poland should offer their countries for their views or political protection to people persecuted in activity be given the right to live in their countries for their convictions Poland? or political activity. However, the proportion of people with a positive 27% 22% attitude not only to temporary 54% 2015 48% 2004 9% protection, but also to giving them 11% the right to settle in Poland has 15% 14% decreased from 27% in 2004 to 22% Yes, the right to stay No Don't Yes, the right at present. On the other hand, the in Poland until they can know to come return to their land of origin and settle percentage of respondents who think that refugees should be given temporary protection until they can return to their own country has risen from 48% to 54%. About one-seventh (15%) oppose accepting political refugees. Should Poland accept refugees from countries affected by military conflict? Yes, we should receive them and let them settle
· Opinions about Conflict in Ukraine and
No, Poland should not receive refugees
Economic Sanctions against Russia · Opinions of the Political Parties'
Potential Electorates · Who are the Voters of Pawel Kukiz? · Opinions about Parliament, President
and National Electoral Commission (PKW) · Voters' Motivations in the First Round
of Presidential Election · Referendum – First Reactions before
the Start of the Campaign · Trust in Politicians after Presidential
Election · Social Moods in June · Immigrants in Poland
Don't know
Most respondents agree with h e l p i n g re fu ge e s f ro m a rea s affected by military conflict. Three quarters (72%) support help for them, but only one-seventh (14%) think that they should have the right to settle in Poland.
The attitude to refugees depends on education and subjective Yes, we should let them stay in Poland material standard of living. The until they can return to their land of origin worse the education and material situation, the more frequently respondents reject offering help to both political and other refugees. Negative attitude is most common among the oldest respondents. In case of many respondents the positive attitude to help for refugees may be purely declarative: when confronted with specific situations in which Poland could offer such help, respondents accept engagement much less frequently. Almost half of respondents (46%) support granting international protection (asylum) to those Ukrainians from the area occupied by pro-Russian separatists
who apply for such help in Poland. More than a third (36%) are against refugee status for Ukrainian nationals from the conflict area. Do you agree that Poland should grant international protection to Ukrainian refugees from the armed conflict areas?
(31%) of voters in the Sejm and Senate elections. Onefourth intend to vote for the ruling Civic Platform (PO). The other parties and committees cannot be sure about entering the Sejm. The best chances are with the Alliance of the Democratic Left (SLD), Polish Peasant Party (PSL) and NowoczesnaPL, the new political association formed by Ryszard Petru and supported by Leszek Balcerowicz.
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
If elections to Sejm were held next Sunday, which party or political grouping would you vote for? Responses of citizens declaring their intention to vote
Strongly disagree
7% Strongly agree
Don't know
The attitudes to accepting a part of refugees arriving in southern Europe are less positive. A third (33%) share the opinion that Poland, within the EU, should feel obliged to share the burden related to the inflow of refugees into Europe. However, the majority (53%) are against offering international protection to refugees from the Middle East and Africa. It is noteworthy that socio-demographic attributes have little influence on the attitude to this proposal. Do you agree that Poland should receive a part of refugees arriving in Europe from the Middle East and Africa? Moderately agree
Moderately disagree
25% Committee of Paweł Kukiz (Movement for Single-mandate Constituencies)
SLD (Alliance of the Democratic Left)
NowoczesnaPL (Committee of Ryszard Petru supported by Leszek Balcerowicz)
Strongly disagree
7% 4% 4% 4% 0% 0% 3% 4%
6% 5% 2% 2%
National Movement
Party preferences in June
KORWiN (Coalition for Renewal Freedom and Hope)
Don't know
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: "Attitude to refugees", June 2015. Fieldwork for national sample: May 2015, N=1048. The random address sample is representative for adult population of Poland.
6% 5% 1% 4%
3% Strongly agree
0% 4%
PSL (Polish Peasant Party)
36% 34% 31%
PO (Civic Platform)
35% 33% 31%
PiS (Law and Justice) with coalition partners
1% 1% 1% 2%
IV (N=649) V (N=737)
TR (Your Move)
2% 2% 1% 1%
V/VI (N=661) VI (N=681)
4% 4% 4% 1% 8% 6% 5% 8%
Parliamentary elections in Poland will be held in October. The success of Paweł Kukiz, who received 20.8% of votes in the first round of the last presidential election, stirred hope for a change in Polish politics and encouraged different groups to create new political groupings. In the next parliamentary elections the movement around Paweł Kukiz will field its candidates. In June, almost onefifth (19%) of citizens willing to participate in elections declared the intention to vote for the committee organized by Paweł Kukiz.
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: "Party preferences in June", June 2015. Fieldwork for national sample: June 2015, N=1011. The random address sample is representative for adult population of Poland.
In the May presidential elections Andrzej Duda, the candidate of PiS (Law and Justice), won. Since then, the party supporting him has topped the ranking of party preferences. At present it can count on the votes of a third
Almost two-thirds of Poles (64%) use the internet regularly, i.e. at least once a week. The proportion of users has not changed significantly in the last year. However, from a long-term perspective the changes are immense.
Don't know
Internet use
Internet use (www pages, e-mail, messaging service erc.) at least once a week Affirmative answers
56% 56%
63% 64%
37% 26% 28%
The popularity of social networks has increased since last year. Two-thirds of internet users have a profile on at least one of them. According to declarations, 82% of registered users are active regularly. Do you have a profile on a social network, such as Nasza-klasa, Facebook, Goldenline or similar?
internet users , all adults
Affirmative answers of:
III 2002
II 2004
III 2005
III 2006
III 2007
III 2008
VI 2009
IV 2010
V/VII 2011
V 2012
V 2013
IV 2014
V 2015
Almost all users have internet connection in their homes. With the increase in popularity of mobile devices, more and more people use wireless connection to stay online outside of their home or workplace. Almost four-fifths of internet users (79%) connect to the internet with a smartphone, tablet or laptop; five years ago mobile users constituted less than half of all people who use the internet. Do you connect to the internet using mobile devices such as laptop, smartphone, mobile phone, netbook, tablet? Affirmative answers of internet users 73%
64% 55% 45%
IV 2010 V/VII 2011 V 2012
V 2013
IV 2014
V 2015
Popularity of different forms of activity conducted on the internet increases. It is increasingly popular as a distribution channel of goods and services, including banking services, and for watching video films. In the last month, have you…on the internet? 37% 35% 33% 33% 32% 23% 24% 13% 14% bought anything
2% 3% , , 0,5%
4% ,
7% ,
18% 15% 16% 17% , , , 9% , ,
21% ,
42% 36% 25% 23% , ,
29% ,
69% 54%
60% 59%
30% ,
32% ,
VI 2009
IV 2010
33% ,
33% ,
21% ,
III 2008
V/VII 2011
36% ,
V 2012
V 2013
39% ,
IV 2014
42% ,
V 2015
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: "Internet users in 2015", June 2015. Fieldwork for national sample: May 2015, N=1048. The random address sample is representative for adult population of Poland.
Behavioural addiction Behavioural problems commonly known as behavioural addiction have become a public issue in Poland only recently. Some of them had the conditions to spread only after market economy was introduced: gambling casinos became legal, shopping malls appeared, unemployment changed the attitude to work. In the 20th century the internet appeared, opening a field for new, previously unknown forms of behavioural disorders. The survey on selected behavioural addictions was co-financed by Fund for Solving Gaming-related Problems at the disposal of the Minister of Health. It was realized by CBOS in cooperation with National Bureau for Drug Prevention. In the 12 months preceding the survey, a third of Poles aged 15 and above gambled for money (34.2%). Results of the screening test indicate that 5.3% of all Poles show symptoms of addiction to gambling.
Threat of addiction to gambling:
44% 41% 39% , 38% , 34% 36% 33% 31% , 30% , 23% , 21% 20% , 17% , 10% 11% , , 6% , ,
used banking services
38% 40% 40% 37%
watched films, video recordings, TV programs or series
3.9 0.7
0.7 among players
III II III III III III VI IV VII V V IV V 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 internet users , all adults
2.2 2.2
50% 45% 47%
30% 32% , 27% , 21% 22% 21% , 18% , 17% , , 14% 13% , 8% 4% 5% , , ,
Affirmative answers of:
in the Polish society
No threat
Low risk
Medium risk
High risk; Gambling problem
Respondents not playing for money in the last 12 months
The majority (67.9%) of Poles aged 15 and above use the internet, at least from time to time. Average users, i.e. those who do not have a problem related to internet use, prevail numerically (98.1%). Results of the screening test indicate that 0.08% of the population, that is 0.12% of
internet users, may be addicted to the internet. Some symptoms were detected in 1.2% of respondents, i.e. 1.8% of internet users. The underage are most at risk of internet addiction: among the youngest internet users (aged 15-17 years) 6.2% have symptoms of addiction or risk thereof.
Compulsive shopping in the Polish society No addiction Compulsive shopping
Total 2014
4.1% 98,2%
Men 2014
Threat of addiction to the internet in the Polish society (%)
Women 2014
32.1 0.1
Average internet users At risk of addiction to the internet Addicted to the internet Non-users
The screening test used in the survey allows for diagnosing workaholism as behavioural disorder that may occur even among people who are not in paid employment, as work is defined not only as professional career, but as all activities involving fulfilling obligations. The result of the test shows that, at present, for almost one-fifth of Poles (19.1%) aged 15 or more the addiction to work is a genuine problem, while 36.2% are under threat of such an addiction.
The mean values of selected addictions clearly illustrate their hierarchy in the society. Chemical addictions, especially alcoholism and drug addiction, are perceived as far more dangerous. Behavioural addictions, such as compulsive shopping and workaholism, are seen as far less harmful. Among them, gambling is located closer to life-threatening addictions, while compulsive shopping is closest to harmless habits. Opinion about different addictions Answers on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means “harmless habit” and 10 means “life-threatening addiction” 2014 1
Threat of addiction to work in the Polish society 2014
Drug addiction
No addiction Low probability of addiction to work Genuine addiction to work
Purchasing products is a universal activity; everyone goes shopping. In case of some people, however, this apparently common activity is an addiction making life difficult. Results of the screening test show that 4.1% of Poles aged 15 or more may be affected by compulsive shopping. Stereotypically, this is female problem. Empirical results confirm this thesis. Respondents were asked to evaluate the harm inflicted by addictions on a 10-point scale, in which the extremes were marked as harmless habit (1) and life-threatening addiction (10). Four behavioural disorders were evaluated: gambling, workaholism, compulsive shopping and internet addiction. As a background, three chemical addictions were evaluated in the same way: alcoholism, drug addiction and nicotine addiction.
For more information on CBOS services and publications please contact: CBOS 5/7, Świętojerska, 00-236 Warsaw, Poland Phones: (48) 22 629 35 69, 22 628 37 04 Fax: (48) 22 629 40 89 e-mail:
[email protected]
Nicotine addiction (smoking cigarettes)
Compulsive shopping
Workaholism (addiction to work)
Addiction to the internet
Addiction to gambling
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: "Workoholics, internet addicts, compulsive shoppers… Behavioural addiction", June 2015. Fieldwork for national sample: November 2014 to February 2015, N=2502. The random address sample is representative for population of Poland aged 15 years and above.
Yearly subscription rate for “Polish Public Opinion” is 80 USD Circulation: 70 copies CBOS EXPERTISE in providing professional, accurate and timely research has made us the leading authority in political, social and consumer research in Poland. All sources must be credited when any part of this publication is reproduced © COPYRIGHT BY CBOS, 2015