What is the Optical. W. s e Op c. Computing Buzz About? W s eOp c. Computing
Buzz About? Consider Email. Electronic. To Photonic .txt format. Converter.
Optical p Computing p g HANEESH P
What iss thee Op W Optical c Computing Buzz About? Consider Email Electronic To Photonic Converter .txt format
Fiber optic cables bl
Optical Computers perform computations, operate, store t and d ttransmit it d data t using i only l lilight. ht www.edutalks.org
Why Do We Need Optical Computers? • Rapid growth of the Internet • Network N t k speeds d currently tl li limited it d by b electronic circuits • Increasing density of interconnections p y • Solid transmission medium have a physical limit
Vertical Cavityy Surface Emitting Laser • Semiconductor laser • emits it cylindrical li d i l beam b vertically from the surface of a fabricated wafer • Semiconductor layers of different composition act as partially reflecting mirrors
Role of NLO • Materials those interact with light and modulate their properties • Organic materials due to their high non linearity -high -molecular design flexibility -resistance it to t optical ti l damage d Eg: Phthalocyanines, Polydiacetylenes
Advances in photonic switches • Optical logic gate is a switch that controls one light beam by another • ON when the device transmits light • OFF when it blocks the light • Optical NAND and AND gates are now available
Optical NAND Gate
Optical memory • Two T types - arrays off one bit bi elements l - mass storage • High capacity, high storage density and faster readouts • SLM used to write data into optical storage medium at high speeds • Implemented by optical disk or holographic storage system www.edutalks.org
Merits • • • • • • •
Increased computational p ppower Optimized storage Increased bandwidth Super-fast database searches N h No heatt dissipation di i ti No short circuits Light beams can travel in parallel – They y can transfer data in parallel. p www.edutalks.org
Conclusion • R Research h in i optical i l computing i has h openedd up new possibilities in several fields related t high to hi h performance f computing. ti A As opto t electronic and smart pixel devices mature, software ft development d l t will ill have h a major j impact in future.