Abstract. In this study, optical emission spectra of plasma display panel (PDP) was investigated between 200-850 nm at various pressure, pure (Ar) an mixture ...
Optical Emission Spectra of Plasma Display Panel S.PAT, G.MUSA*, N.EKEM, C.C. SURDU-BOB*, M.Z.BALBAG, M.I.CENIK, T.AKAN, O.AYDIN Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Physics Department, Eskisehir, Tiirkiye ^National Institude of Plasma Physics, Bucharest, Romania Abstract. In this study, optical emission spectra of plasma display panel (PDP) was investigated between 200-850 nm at various pressure, pure (Ar) an mixture gas (0,5Ar+0,5 N2). This device is an application of dielectric barrier discharge. Keywords: Plasma Display Panel (PDP), Optical Emission Spectra (OES), Monochromatisation Effect (M-Effect). PACS: 52.77.-j, 82.33.Xj Using the described arrangement, we recorded the optical emission spectra of pure Ar and also, when was added a N2 to pure Ar gas (%50-%50) the filling gas pressure was about 80 Torr, all of Ar peaks except for one peak centered 588 nm decreased gradually with N2 addition one peak and we seen only one peaks, centered at 588 nm.
INTRODUCTION In our previously published papers aimed at studying dielectric barrier discharge (DBD), a new effect was reported by our group. The effect consists on the selective emission of a few spectral lines under certain plasma conditions. This was called monochromatisation effect ( M effect)[l-2].
CONCLUSION EXPERIMENTAL Our experimental results were sustaining our hypothesis of ion-ion recombination in the electronegative-electropositive gas mixture as Meffect.
In this study, we used simple plasma display cell that represents the basic structure of a large sized plasma display panel. In the present experimental research, we produced a new PDP cell, with the dimensions 15x80 mm and a discharge space of about 1 mm.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research activity was supported by the Scientific Research Committee of ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY (project number of 200319009). Present research has been realized in the frame of cooperation agreement between National Institute for Laser Plasma and Radiation Physics Bucharest, Romania and Ovidius University Constanta, Romania and Eskisehir Osmangazi University Eskisehir, Tiirkiye.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Metal electrodes and dielectric layer deposition were prepared for PDP cell using Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA). An especially realized power supply was made for display function RMS peak voltage is 25 kV with a frequency of 25 kHz. Fig.l represent the Ar spectra and 0,5 Ar+0,5 N2 spectra at 80 Torr.
REFERENCES 1. A.Baltog, E.Raiciu,G.Musa, Contrib.Plasma Phys.,40, 537 -544, (2000) 2. G.Musa and A.Baltog, Contrib. Plasma Phys,43, 216-233 (2003)
FIGURE. 1 a) Ar spectra and b) 0,5 Ar+0,5 N2 spectra
CP899, Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, edited by S. A. Cetin and I. Hikmet © 2007 American Institute of Physics 978-0-73 54-0404-5/07/$23.00 691 Downloaded 30 Apr 2007 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/cpcr.jsp