Optimal Construction of Edge-Disjoint Paths in Random ... - CMU Math
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ning of the kth stage we have a path Pk of length k, with endpoints we, wl. We try to extend Pk ..... Furthermore, we have no information about which ..... W. FERNANDEZ DE LA VEGA, Long paths in random graphs, Studio Math. Hungar. 14.
We assume each location can hold only one item. When an .... We note that our analysis that follows also holds also when the table experiences deletions. This.
Aug 30, 2012 - A matching M in a graph G = (V,E) is a set of vertex disjoint edges. ... algorithm Match finds a maximum matching in G in O(n) expected time.
path connecting ai to bi, such that the set of paths so found is vertex-disjoint,. (The problem is M/P-complete for general graphs as well as for planar graphs.
Optimal Construction of Edge-Disjoint Paths in Random ... - CMU Math
(For arbitrary graphs the problem is AV-complete, although it is in V if Ð is ... is fixed - Robertson and Seymour [2 3] . ... E-mail: alan@random.math.cmu.edu.