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Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore. Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004. 93. OPTIMAL ... 1 Department of Civil Engineer
Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

OPTIMAL DESIGN OF WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK USING SHUFFLED COMPLEX EVOLUTION Shie-Yui Liong1 and Md. Atiquzzaman1 ABSTRACT EPANET, a widely used water distribution network simulation model, is used in this study to deal with both the steady state and extended period simulation and is linked with a powerful optimization algorithm, Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE). SCE deals with a set of population of points and searches in all direction within the feasible space based on objective function. In this present study, SCE is applied for the design of a cost effective water distribution network. The findings of this study show that SCE is computationally much faster when compared with other also widely used algorithms such as GAs, Simulated Annealing, GLOBE and Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithms. Hence, SCE is a potential alternative optimization algorithm to solve water distribution network problems. INTRODUCTION Water distribution system, a hydraulic infrastructure consisting of elements such as pipes, tanks, reservoirs, pumps, and valves etc., is crucial to provide water to the consumers. Effective water supply system is of paramount importance in designing a new water distribution network or in expanding the existing one. It is essential to investigate and establish a reliable network ensuring adequate head. However, the optimal network design is quite complicated due to nonlinear relationship between flow and head loss and the presence of discrete variables, such as market pipe sizes (Kessler and Shamir, (1989); Eiger et al. (1994); Dandy et at. (1996)). In addition, the objective function, which represents the cost of the network, is also nonlinear and causes great difficulty in the design optimization of the network. Researchers in recent years have focused on probabilistic approach to overcome these difficulties (Savic and Walters, (1997); Abebe and Solomatine, (1998); Cunha and Sousa, (1999); Eusuff and Lansey, (2003)) considering a combination of random and deterministic steps. Genetic Algorithms (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), GLOBE and Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithms (SFLA), are the few widely used algorithms in this field of study. The primary aim of the present study is to compare the performance of shuffled complex evolution (SCE; Duan et al. (1992)), in term of prediction accuracy and computation speed, with GA and other widely used optimization algorithms.


Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

LITERATURE REVIEW Researchers have been investigating cost of effective water distribution network with various approaches such as linear, nonlinear, dynamic and mixed integer programming. Alperovits and Shamir (1977) presented a linear programming gradient (LPG) in optimizing water distribution network. Segmental length of pipe with differential diameter was used as decision making variable. The LPG method was later further improved by Kessler and Shamir (1989), for example. Kessler and Shamir (1989) presented two stages LPG method. In the first stage, parts of the variables are kept constant while other variables are solved by linear programming (LP). For a given set of flows, the corresponding sets of heads are determined by LP. In the second step, search is conducted based on the gradient of the objective function. Flows are modified according to gradient of the objective functions. Eiger et al. (1994) used the same formulation of Kessler and Shamir (1989) and solved the problem using a nonsmooth branch and bound algorithms and duality theory. The algorithms are a combination of primal and dual processes and stopped when the difference between the best solution and the global lower bound is within a prescribed tolerance. Although the problem is nonlinear and the gradient information may not be attained in many instances, they nevertheless solved the problem by linearizing the formulation. This results in failure to reach the optimal solution. Therefore, a nonlinear programming (NLP) technique was developed and applied by Chiplunkar et al. (1986). However, NLP also converges to local minima due to their reliance on the initial solution and derivatives of the unconstrained objective function (Gupta et. al. (1999)). Moreover, nonlinear algorithms perform on the basis of continuous variables, pipe diameter for example. Available pipe diameters in the market are definitely not continuous. Conversion of the assumed continuous diameters to the market pipe sizes influences the optimal solution (Cunha and Sousa, (1999)). Recently, researchers focus on stochastic optimization methods that deal with a set of points simultaneously in its search for the global optimum. The search strategy is based on the objective function. Simpson et al. (1994) used simple GA in which each individual population is represented in a string of bits with identical length that encodes one possible solution. All binary coded population of points (chromosomes) undergoes three operations: selection, crossover and mutation operators. The simple GA was then improved by Dandy et al. (1996) using the concept of variable power scaling of the fitness function, an adjacency mutation operator, and gray codes. Savic and Walters (1997) also used simple GA in conjunction with EPANET network solver. Instead of using a single optimization algorithm, Abebe and Solomatine (1998) applied GLOBE (Solomatine, (1995)) that comprises several search algorithms. They identified that very few algorithms reach to optimal or near optimal solutions. Cunha and Sousa (1999) introduced a random search algorithm (Simulated Annealing) that is based on the analogy with the physical annealing process with Newton search method to solve the network equations. Eusuff and Lansey (2003) proposed SFLA, a new meta-heuristic algorithm works based on memetic evolution (transformation of frogs) and information exchange among the population. Frogs which are the hosts of memes (consist of memotype like


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

gene in chromosome in GA) search the particle with highest amount of food in a swamp by improving their memes. Although the final solution was improved, Savic and Walters (1997), Cunha and Sousa (1999), and Eusuff and Lansey (2003) required considerable computational effort. PROPOSED SCHEME In this study, an optimization algorithm, Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE; Duan et al. (1992)), is applied and linked with EPANET (Rossman, (1993)) network solver to identify the least cost of some water distribution pipe networks. The original SCE algorithm is modified to accommodate higher number decision variables; and the decision variables (pipe sizes) are converted to commercially available diameters in determining the cost of the network. Design and Formulation The aim of the water distribution network design is to find the optimal pipe diameter for each pipe in the network for a given layout, demand loading conditions, and an operation policy. The model selects the optimal pipe sizes in the final network satisfying all implicit constraints (e.g. conservations of mass and energy), and explicit constraints (e.g. pressure head and design constraints). The hydraulic constraints, for example, deal with hydraulic head at certain nodes to meet a specified minimum value. If the hydraulic head constraint is violated, the penalty cost is added to the network cost. However, diameter constraints enforce the evolutionary algorithms to select the trial solution within a predefined limit. A hydraulic network solver handles the implicit constraints and simultaneously evaluates the hydraulic performance of each trial solution that is a member of population of points. The hydraulic information obtained from network solver is then passed to the SCE for the computation of fitness of the design. The fitness of a trial solution representing a pipe network design is based on the hydraulic performance of the network. It consists of two parts: (1) network cost; and (2) penalty cost. The network cost is calculated as the sum of the pipe costs where pipe costs are expressed in terms of cost per unit length. Total network cost is computed as follows: N


∑c K =1


( DK ) LK


where ck(Dk) = cost per unit length of the kth pipe with diameter Dk, Lk = length of the kth pipe, and N = total number of pipes in the system. The penalty cost is based on the degree of pressure head violation. The penalty functions (Abebe and Solomatine (1998)) may be defined, for example, as C1= P*Cmax*Max (Hmin- Hi)



Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

if the pressure is less than minimum limit and greater than zero; or C1 = 2*P* Cmax – 2*C


if the pressure is less than or equal to zero. In Equations (2) and (3), P is the penalty cost coefficient, Cmax is the maximum possible cost that is calculated based on the largest commercial pipe available, (Hmin- Hi) is the maximum pressure deficit, and C is the actual network cost. The maximum pressure deficit is the difference between the required head (Hmin) at each node and the head found after simulation (Hi). If the pressure head is greater than the minimum required limit, no extra cost is charged to the network cost. It should be noted that the penalty cost coefficient must be selected carefully to provide a smooth transition from infeasible to feasible designs. The penalty factor should be such that optimal near infeasible solution cost is slightly more than the optimal solution. The value of this penalty factor differs from one problem to the other. As a result, trial and error adjustment is needed. The mathematical formulation of water distribution network can thus be stated as follows: Minimize Cost C = Network cost + Penalty cost


G(H,D) = 0, a conservation of mass and energy equation


Hi ≥ H imin , nodal pressure head bounds


Dmin< D(k) < Dmax, constraints related to design parameters


Subjected to:

where, Hi = pressure head at node i, H imin = minimum head required at the same node, D(k) = decision variables (pipe sizes). Brief Introduction of SCE SCE works on the basis of four concepts: (1) combination of deterministic and probabilistic approaches; (2) systematic evolution of a complex of points; (3) competitive evolution; and (4) complex shuffling. The algorithm begins with a randomly selected population of points from the feasible space. The points are sorted in order of increasing criterion value so that the first point represents the smallest function value and the last point represents the largest function value. The randomly generated initial population is partitioned into several complexes. Each complex is allowed to evolve independently to search the feasible domain in different directions. Each individual point in a complex has the potential to participate in the process of reproducing new points. From each complex, some points are selected to form a subcomplex, where the modified Nelder and Mead Simplex Method (NMSM) (Nelder and Mead (1965)) is applied for global improvement. The points of higher fitness values have higher chance of getting selected to generate


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offspring. The NMSM performs reflection and inside contraction step to get a better fit point. This new offspring replaces the point with the worst performance in the simplex. The points in the evolved complexes are then pooled together and is sorted again, shuffled, and finally reassigned to new complexes to enable information sharing. This process is repeated until some stopping criteria are satisfied. SCE Optimization Parameters There are a series of SCE optimization parameters. They are: n = number of parameters; p = number of complexes (p ≥ 1); pmin = minimum number of complexes required, if the number of complexes is allowed to reduce as the optimization proceeds (1≤ pmin ≤ p) m = number of points in each complexes in the initial population (m ≥ 2) q = number of points in each sub-complex (1≤ q ≤ m) α = number of offspring generated by each sub-complex β = number of evolution steps allowed for each complex before complex shuffling Population sizes = p x m. Two Stopping Criteria SCE has two stopping criteria checked at each generation. The evaluation will stop when one of the following criteria is arrived first:

1) The relative change in the objective function values within the last k, say 10-15 shuffling loops is less than a pre-specified tolerance; 2) The maximum user-specified number of function evaluations is reached. WORKING MECHANISM OF THE SCE ALGORITHMS A brief description of the steps in SCE algorithms for pipe network optimization is given below (Figure 1):

1) Generate N population of points randomly in the solution space. Each of the N populations represents a possible combination of pipe diameters. 2) Compute the network cost for each of the N solutions after converting the randomly generated pipe sizes to the pipe sizes available in the market. 3) Perform hydraulic analysis of each network. EPANET is used to analyze the network and check the pressure at some nodes which are required to meet certain nodal pressures. The maximum deficit of nodal pressure is noted. 4) Compute penalty cost, if the nodal head at any node is less than the required minimum.


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

5) Calculate the total cost of the network. The total cost of the network is the sum of the network cost and the penalty cost found in steps 2 and 4 respectively. 6) The total cost found in step 5 is used as the fitness value for each of the trial network. START

SCE Generate Possible Solutions

Optimum Solution Obtained? Yes



Back to SCE

Create Input File of Simulation Tool Run Simulation Tool (EPANET) Output File

Figure 1: Flow chart of the design problem

7) The N points are sorted in order of increasing fitness value. 8) N points are partitioned into p complexes. Each complex contains m points.


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

9) Each complex is evolved according to the competitive complex evolution process which briefly can be summarized as follows: (a) based on a triangular probability distribution, q points are selected from the complex to construct sub-complex; (b) the centroid of the sub-complex is computed excluding the worst point; (c) a new point is generated by reflecting the worst point through the centroid of the subcomplex within the feasible space. If this point is better than the worst point, substitute the worst point. Otherwise, a contraction point is computed which is at the halfway between the centroid and the worst point; (d) if the contraction point is better than the worst point, replace the worst point. Otherwise, a random point is generated within the feasible domain and the worst point is replaced by this point; and (e) the steps (b) to (d) are repeated α times, where α ≥ 1 and steps (a) to (d) are repeated β times, where β ≥1. 10) The evolved points from the complexes are combined into a single sample population. 11) The population is re-partitioned after resorting into p complexes again. 12) Stopping criteria is checked, if any of the convergence criteria is satisfied, the process is terminated. RESERVOIR (210)

(160,100) 3

{2, 1000} (150,100) {1, 1000} 2

{7, 1000}



{3, 1000}

{4, 1000}


{8, 1000}



(155,120) {5, 1000}


{6, 1000}




Figure 2: Two-Looped network (Case 1)


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

CASE STUDY 1: SIMPLE NETWORK The first network, Figure 2, is a two looped simple network presented by Alperovits and Shamir (1977) consists of 8 pipes (each 1000 m long with Hazen-Williams C value of 130), 7 nodes and a single reservoir. The minimum pressure requirements are 30 m for each node. Fourteen different pipe diameters are available commercially, Table 1. SCE explores within the boundary of pipe diameters, minimum 1in (25.4mm) and maximum 24in (609.6 mm). The values of SCE parameters for this case study are: p = 4, pmin = 2, m = 20, q =10, α = 1, β = 20, total population = p x m = 80. Ten runs are performed using different initial seed values. Figure 3 shows the variation of network cost with different initial seed values. It could be seen that obtained each optimal solution from each seed value satisfies pressure constraints applied to all nodes. Table 2 lists the optimal network solutions, total network cost, number of function evaluations, and the run time. The pressure at each node is shown in Table 3. Figure 4 depicts the reducing network cost with the increasing evaluation number. 430000 420000

Cost ($)

410000 400000 390000 380000 370000 360000 350000 0


40 60 80 Different Seed Number



Figure 3: Effect of random seed number on total network cost (Case 1)

Although the least cost ($419,000) resulting from SCE is the same as that obtained in Savic and Walters (1997), Abebe and Solomatine (1998), Cunha and Sousa (1999), and Eusuff and Lansey (2003), SCE found this optimal solution significantly faster than their counterparts. SCE converges only after 1091 evaluations with a total CPU time of 18 sec [Pentium 4 (Processor 1.79 GHz, RAM 512 MB)]. The average number of evaluations and computational time are 1345 and 23 sec respectively.


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

1600000 1400000

Cost ($)

1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1







Evaluation Number

Figure 4: Cost Evolution (Case 1): SCE Algorithm

Table 1: Cost data for pipes (Case 1) Diameter (in)

Diameter (mm)

Cost (Units)

1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

25.4 50.8 76.2 101.6 152.4 203.2 254.0 304.8 355.6 406.4 457.2 508.0 558.8 609.6

2 5 8 11 16 23 32 50 60 90 130 170 300 550


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

Table 2: Results of Two-Looped Network (Case 1) Pipe Diameter (in) Pipe Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cost ($) FEN1 Run Time 1

Savic and Walters (1997) GA1


18 10 16 4 16 10 10 1 419,000 65,000 10 min

20 10 16 1 14 10 10 1 420,000 65,000 10 min

Abebe and Solomatine (1998)

Cunha and Sousa (1999)

Eusuff and Lansey (2003)

Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE)

18 10 16 4 16 10 10 1 419,000 1,373 7 min

18 10 16 4 16 10 10 1 419,000 25,000 40 sec

18 10 16 4 16 10 10 1 419,000 11,323 /

18 10 16 4 16 10 10 1 419,000 1,091 18 sec

Function Evaluation Number

Table 3: Node Pressure (Case 1) Node

Pressure Head (m) 53.25 30.46 43.45 33.81 30.44 30.55

2 3 4 5 6 7

CASE STUDY 2: HANOI NETWORK A second water distribution network in Hanoi, Vietnam, is considered in this study. The network (Fujiware and Khang, (1990)), Figure 5, consists of one reservoir (node 1), 31 demand nodes and 34 pipes. The minimum pressure head required at each node is 30 m. The cost of commercially available pipe sizes (12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40; in inches) was calculated using the equation (Fujiwara and Khang, (1990)):

CK = 1.1xLK x DK1.5


The values of parameters used to solve this problem are: p =10, pmin = 10, m =30, q =15, α = 1, β =30, and the total population = p x m = 300. Ten runs are performed with different initial seed values. The results are shown in Table 4. Table 4 shows the solutions obtained by other researchers as well. 102

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11 11





















16 32




17 24




7 18


31 29










19 3







22 22



21 21

6 3



Figure 5: Hanoi Network (Case 2)

The final network cost ($6.22 million) obtained by SCE requires 25,402 function evaluations and a CPU time of only 11 minutes. Although Savic and Walters (1997) obtained a slightly smaller network cost ($6.073 million), the resulting pressure heads at nodes 13 and 30 does not meet the head constraints (Table 5); also their CPU time is relatively very high (3 hr). Abebe and Solomatine (1998) used GA and ACCOL to solve the problem; their solutions are certainly not optimal compared to results from their counterparts. The solution by Cunha and Sousa (1999) is indeed the optimal ($6.056 million) among the results shown in Table 4. The drawbacks are, (1) the pressure head requirement at nodes 13, 16, 17, 27, 29 and 30 is not met (Eusuff and Lansey, (2003)); and (2) they require a much higher number of function evaluations and, hence, longer CPU time. CONCLUSION Optimal water distribution network design is a complex task. Various search algorithms have been proposed and attempted. Main concerns are to achieve the optimal solution with the minimum design cost and, at the same time, satisfies required minimum pressure head at certain demand nodes and can use only commercially available pipe sizes.

In this study, an evolutionary optimization algorithm, Shuffled Complex Evolution or SCE (Duan et al. (1992)), has been coupled with the widely used water distribution network software, EPANET, and applied to water distribution network designs. Two networks are considered. Comparisons between the performance of SCE and those 103

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obtained by other researchers with different optimization techniques (GA, GLOBE, SFLA, SA) were conducted. Overall, the study shows that SCE yields categorically better performance in term of optimal network design cost and/or computational speed. Table 4: Solution of Hanoi Network (Case 2) Pipe Diameter (in) Pipe Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Cost($ mill) FEN Run Time

Savic and Walters (1997) GA1 GA2 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 24 24 20 16 12 12 16 20 20 40 20 12 40 30 30 20 12 12 16 16 12 12 16 20 6.073 / 3 hr

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 24 16 16 12 16 20 24 24 40 20 12 40 30 30 20 12 12 16 16 12 12 16 20 6.195 / 3 hr

Abebe and Solomatine (1998) GA ACCOL 40 40 40 40 30 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 16 24 30 30 30 40 40 40 20 20 30 16 20 12 24 20 24 30 30 30 30 12 7.0 16,910 1 hr15min

40 40 40 40 40 30 40 40 24 40 30 40 16 16 30 12 20 24 30 40 30 30 40 40 40 24 30 12 16 40 16 20 30 24 7.8 3,055 15 min

Cunha and Sousa (1999) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 24 24 20 16 12 12 16 20 20 40 20 12 40 30 30 20 12 12 16 12 12 16 16 24 6.056 53,000 2 hr

Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE) 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 24 16 12 12 24 30 30 30 40 20 12 30 30 24 12 20 24 16 16 12 16 20 24 6.22 25,402 11 min


Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 44 Issue 1 2004

Table 5: Pressure Head for Hanoi Network (Case 2) Node Number

Savic and Walters (1997)

Nodal Pressure (m) Abebe and Solomatine (1998)

Cunha and Sousa (1999)

Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE)

GA1 GA2 GA ACCOL 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 2 97.14 97.14 97.14 97.14 97.14 97.14 3 61.63 61.63 61.67 61.67 61.63 61.67 4 56.83 57.26 58.59 57.68 56.82 57.54 5 50.89 51.86 54.82 52.75 50.86 52.43 6 44.62 46.21 39.45 47.65 44.57 47.13 7 43.14 44.91 38.65 42.95 43.10 45.92 8 41.38 43.40 37.87 41.68 41.33 44.55 9 39.97 42.23 35.65 40.70 39.91 40.27 10 38.93 38.79 34.28 32.46 38.86 37.24 11 37.37 37.23 32.72 32.08 37.30 35.68 12 33.94 36.07 31.56 30.92 33.87 34.52 * * 13 29.72 31.86 30.13 30.56 29.66 30.32 14 35.06 33.19 36.36 30.55 34.94 34.08 15 33.07 32.90 37.17 30.69 32.88 34.08 16 30.15 33.01 37.63 30.74 29.79* 36.13 * 17 30.24 40.73 48.11 46.16 29.95 48.64 18 43.91 51.13 58.62 54.41 43.81 54.00 19 55.53 58.03 60.64 60.58 55.49 59.07 20 50.39 50.63 53.87 49.23 50.43 53.62 21 41.03 41.28 44.48 47.92 41.07 44.27 22 35.86 36.11 44.05 47.86 35.90 39.11 23 44.15 44.61 39.83 41.96 44.24 38.79 24 38.84 39.54 30.51 40.18 38.50 36.37 25 35.48 36.40 30.50 38.95 34.79 33.16 26 31.46 32.93 32.14 36.01 30.87 33.44 * 27 30.03 32.18 32.62 35.93 29.59 34.38 28 35.43 36.02 33.52 36.47 38.60 32.64 29 30.67 31.38 31.46 36.45 29.64* 30.05 * 30 29.65 30.47 30.44 36.54 29.90* 30.10 31 30.12 30.95 30.39 36.64 30.18 30.35 32 31.36 32.24 30.17 36.76 32.64 31.09 * Infeassible solution (pressure less than 30) when EPANET network solver was used.

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