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Dec 19, 2018 - XIAOBO LI,1,2,3 FRANÇOIS GOUDAIL,4,5 HAOFENG HU,1,2,3,* QUN HAN,1,2. ZHENZHOU CHENG,1,2. AND TIEGEN LIU. 1,2. 1 School of ...
Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34529

Optimal ellipsometric parameter measurement strategies based on four intensity measurements in presence of additive Gaussian and Poisson noise XIAOBO LI,1,2,3 FRANÇOIS GOUDAIL,4,5 HAOFENG HU,1,2,3,* QUN HAN,1,2 ZHENZHOU CHENG,1,2 AND TIEGEN LIU1,2 1

School of Precision Instrument and Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 2 Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Information Technology, Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300072, China 3 Joint Laboratory for Ocean Observation and Detection, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China 4 Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay 91127, Palaiseau Cedex, France 5 [email protected] * [email protected]

Abstract: The two ellipsometric parameters of an isotropic sample can be measured with simplified polarimetry setups that acquire at least four intensity measurements. However, these measurements are perturbed by noise and the measurement strategy has to be optimized, in order to limit noise propagation. We determine two different measurement strategies that are optimal for both white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise. The first one involves a polarization state generator (PSG) with a single state of polarization and a polarization state analyzer (PSA) with four states. The second one involves both PSG and PSA having two states. The total estimation variances obtained with both strategies are demonstrated to be minimal, of equal values, and independent of the ellipsometric parameters to be measured. They are based on simple optical elements and could simplify and accelerate ellipsometric measurements. © 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

1. Introduction Ellipsometry/polarimetry is a powerful tool for accurately determining the optical properties and geometric characteristics of materials in bulk or thin film form [1–3]. When observing smooth and isotropic samples, the ellipsometry consists of measuring two ellipsometric parameters [4–7]. Ellipsometric techniques can be broadly divided into two categories [5]. The first one consists in periodically varying the azimuth angle of a component of the polarimeter with time. The detected signal is then Fourier-analyzed in order to determine the ellipsometric parameters. Most commercial ellipsometers fall into this category [6,7]. The second consists of measuring the light intensity at predetermined azimuthal positions. This type of methods is called static ellipsometry [1,2,5]. In both categories of instruments, intensity measurements are performed, and then inverted by linear algorithms (Fourier transform or pseudo-inverse matrix) to yield the ellipsometric parameters [5–7]. However, the measurements are perturbed by noise, and this noise propagates to the estimates of ellipsometric parameters through the inversion process. It is of prime importance to limit this noise propagation, that is, to minimize the variance of the parameter estimates. The purpose of the present paper is to determine the static ellipsometer architectures that optimize estimation precision in the presence of the two main sources of #351358 Journal © 2018

https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.034529 Received 8 Nov 2018; revised 6 Dec 2018; accepted 7 Dec 2018; published 19 Dec 2018

Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34530

noise corrupting the measurements: white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise. Since these noise sources are inevitable, the obtained results will constitute the fundamental limits of measurement precision of ellipsometric parameters with any measurement strategy having the same integration time. We will use the Stokes-Mueller formalism, which has proven its efficiency for finding optimal polarimeter configurations [2,8–11]. The Mueller matrix of isotropic materials is block-diagonal and only contains eight non-zero elements related to the ellipsometric parameters [5,6]. Moreover, these eight elements present some symmetry, so that they finally involve only four different unknown parameters. It should thus be possible to reduce the number of intensity measurements to four. We will describe two different ellipsometric measurement strategies that involve four measurements and that are optimal in the presence of both white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise. Both strategies minimize the total estimation variance while making it independent of the Mueller matrix elements, and thus of the ellipsometric parameters to be measured. The paper is organized as follows. We define the model of the estimation problem we address in Section 2. In Section 3, we consider a first type of measurement strategy where the polarization state generator (PSG) has a single state of polarization and the polarization state analyzer (PSA) with four states. The PSG and PSA are optimized to yield minimal estimation error in the presence of additive Gaussian and Poisson shot noise. In Section 4, another type of setup where both the PSG and the PSA have two states is optimized in the same way. The obtained results are summarized in Section 5, and we draw conclusions and perspectives of this work in Section 6. 2. Polarimetry for measuring ellipsometric parameters The ellipsometric parameters (ψ , Δ ) are defined from the ratio of the amplitude reflection coefficients for p- and s-polarizations [5,6]:

ρ ≡ tanψ exp ( iΔ ) ≡

rp rs



where tanψ = rp r s refers to the amplitude ratio, and Δ = δ p − δ s refers to the difference in phase shift [5]. The two ellipsometric parameters are also related to the Mueller matrix of the sample. In particular, in the case of isotropic samples, only the upper left and lower right 2 × 2 sub-matrices do not vanish, and the Mueller matrix of the sample can thus be written in terms of the ellipsometric parameters (ψ , Δ ) [5,6] as follows: 1 a M =r 0  0

0 0  , 0 b c  0 -c b 

a 1

0 0


where a = − cos 2ψ , b = sin 2ψ cos Δ , c = sin 2ψ sin Δ , and r is the surface power reflectance. One can thus obtain the ellipsometric parameters (ψ , Δ ) by measuring the Mueller matrix. The typical system configuration of complete Mueller matrix polarimetry consists of a light source, a polarization state generator (PSG), a polarization state analyzer (PSA), and an intensity detector. In practice, there are various types of configurations for PSG and PSA [10– 16], and the common system configuration is composed of a linear polarizer and a retarder in both the PSG and the PSA [1–5,10], as shown in Fig. 1. Complete Mueller matrix polarimetry requires 16 intensity measurements to estimate all the 16 elements of the Mueller matrix M ,

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and thus both h the PSG and d PSA must bee able to geneerate four diffeerent polarizatiion states [1,2].

Fig. 1. Typical system configurattion for complete M Mueller matrix pollarimetry.

However, it can be seen n from Eq. (2)) that the meassurement of elllipsometric paarameters nly four differeent parameters (r, a, b, c). T Therefore, theooretically speakking, four depend on on intensity meaasurements sho ould be sufficcient to measuure these four parameters. IIt is thus interesting to develop simplified strategiees to measure tthese four parrameters by takking only four intensity measurementss. We will deteermine in the ffollowing two sstrategies baseed on four They will measurementss that minimizze the total esttimation variannce of Muellerr parameters. T differ by the number n of polaarization states generated by tthe PSG and thhe PSA. 3. Optimal strategy s with h one state off PSG and fo our states off PSA In this sectio on, we proposee our first measurement straategy in whichh the PSG geenerates a single, fixed input i polarizattion state, whille the PSA anaalyzes with fouur different polarization states. We deetermine the op ptimal polarizaation states off the PSG and the PSA suchh that the total estimatio on variance off the Mueller matrix m element s is minimal inn the presencee of white Gaussian addiitive noise and d Poisson shot noise. n 3.1 Modeling g of the meas surement strategy In order to acchieve four intensity measureements, a feasiible strategy iss that the PSG G contains one polarization state charracterized by eigenstate e vecctor S, while tthe PSA conttains four different polaarization states characterized by eigenstate vvectors Ti , i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} . Wee will call this strategy “1×4 “ type” in th he following. The eigen nstate vectors S and Ti depend d on the azimuuths and the elllipticities (α S , ε S ) and

T i

he polarization n states used in PSG and PSA A, respectively [2]: , ε iT ) of th S (α S , ε S ) = [1, s1 , s2 , s3 ]


= 1,, cos ( 2α S ) cos ( 2ε S ) , sin ( 2α S ) cos ( 2ε S ) , siin ( 2ε S )  , T

Ti (α iT , ε iT ) = [1, ti1 , ti 2 , ti 3 ]



= 1,, cos ( 2α iT ) cos ( 2ε iT ) , sin ( 2α iT ) cos ( 2ε iT ) , ssin ( 2ε iT )  , T

with α ∈ [ − π 2, π 2] , ε ∈ [ − π 4, π 4] , i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} . According g to Eq. (3), thee four intensitiees measured byy the detector aare thus equal to:

Vol. 26, No. 26 | 24 Dec 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 34532

Ii =

1 T Ti MS, i = {1, 2, 3, 4} , 2


where T denotes matrix transpose and M the product of the sample Mueller matrix by the source intensity. In order to facilitate the discussion, these four measured intensities are rewritten as a vector-matrix product: Ii =

1 T 1 Ai VM ⇔ I = QVM , ∀i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} , 2 2


where I is the intensity vector of the four measured intensities I i , VM is the 16-dimensional vector obtained by reading the measured Mueller matrix M of the sample in the lexicographic order, and Ai = Ti ⊗ S is the 16-dimensional vector computed from the Kronecker product ⊗ between the eigenstate vector of the PSG and the ith eigenstate vector of the PSA. Therefore, Q is the 4 ×16 matrix obtained by stacking the vectors AiT row by row. Taking into account the fact that only eight non-zero elements in Mueller matrix (vector) VM are to be measured, we pick out these eight elements in VM , and obtain an eightdimensional vector VMΩ containing all the non-zero elements of the Mueller matrix as: VMΩ = [ r , ra, ra, r , rb, − rc, rc, rd ] . T


Then, Eq. (5) can be rewritten as: I=

1 Ω Ω Q VM , 2


where Q Ω is a 4 × 8 matrix whose rows are the vectors Ai from which only the eight coefficients indexed by VMΩ are kept. The intensity measured by the detector in Eq. (7) is thus given by:

1  1 1 I=  2 1  1

t11 t21 t31 t41

s1 s1 s1 s1

s1t11 s1t21 s1t31 s1t41

s2 t12 s2 t22 s2 t32 s2 t42

s2 t13 s2 t23 s2 t33 s2 t43

s3t12 s3t22 s3t32 s3t42

 r   ra    s3t13   ra    s3t23   r  , s3t33   rb    s3t43   −rc   rc     rb 


and by merging the terms that involve the same Mueller matrix parameters, Eq. (8) can be rewritten as: 1 + s1t11 t11 + s1 1 + s t t21 + s1 1 1 21 I=  2 1 + s1t31 t31 + s1  1 + s1t41 t41 + s1

s2 t12 + s3t13 s2 t22 + s3t23 s2 t32 + s3t33 s2 t42 + s3t43

s3t12 − s2 t13   r  s3t22 − s2 t23   ra  . s3t32 − s2 t33   rb    s3t42 − s2 t43   rc 


Let VM4 = [ r , ra, rb, rc ] denote the four-dimensional vector of the Mueller matrix to be T

measured, which is called “Mueller vector” in the following, and let us define the matrix:

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W11 W W =  21 W31  W41

W12 W13 W14  1 + s1t11 t11 + s1 W22 W23 W24  1 1 + s1t21 t21 + s1 = W32 W33 W34  2 1 + s1t31 t31 + s1   W42 W43 W44  1 + s1t41 t41 + s1

s2 t12 + s3t13 s2 t22 + s3t23 s2 t32 + s3t33 s2 t42 + s3t43

s3t12 − s2 t13  s3t22 − s2 t23  . (10) s3t32 − s2 t33   s3t42 − s2 t43 

This matrix, which involves the polarization states of PSG and PSA, will be referred to as the “instrument matrix” in the following. Therefore, the vector of measured intensities I = [ I1 , I 2 , I 3 , I 4 ] in Eq. (9) can be written as: T

I = WVM4 .


It has to be noted that a + b + c = 1 [see in Eq. (2)], hence the Mueller vector VM4 to be measured is structurally similar to a Stokes vector. Moreover, according to Eq. (10), the four elements of each row in W satisfy [the detailed demonstration is shown in Appendix I]: 2



Wi12 = Wi 22 + Wi 32 + Wi 24 , ∀i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} .


It is thus noticed that the form in Eq. (11) is similar to that of Stokes vector polarimetry [16,17]. The only difference is that the elements Wi1 of the first column of the instrument matrix W are not necessarily identical, while for Stokes vector polarimetry, they are all equal to one. In practice, Eq. (11) does not hold strictly since the intensity measurements are disturbed by noise, and thus I is a random vector such that each of its element I i is a random variable [16,17]. In order to estimate the Mueller vector VM4 from the noisy intensity measurements vector I, one just has to invert the instrument matrix W in Eq. (11): ˆ 4 = W −1I. V M

(13) 4 ˆ Once we get the value of VM , we can calculate the two ellipsometric parameters (ψ , Δ ) by [11,18]: ˆ4   ˆ4    V  − V 1 1 −1 −1   M  2  −1  c  −1   M  4  ψ = cos [ − a ] = cos   , Δ = tan   = tan  4  , ˆ4  ˆ  2 2 V V b    M 1    M  3 


ˆ 4 . Therefore, optimizing the estimation of ˆ 4  refers to the ith element of V where  V M M  i Mueller vector is beneficial for achieving higher measurement precision of the ellipsometric ˆ 4 is an unbiased estimator, because V ˆ 4 = W −1 I = V 4 , where parameters. It is clear that V M M M ⋅ denotes ensemble averaging. For an unbiased estimator, the measurement precision is ˆ 4 can be characterized by its covariance determined by its variance [19]. The variance of V M matrix Γ Vˆ 4 , which is given by: M

Γ Vˆ 4 = W −1Γ I (W −1 ) , T



where Γ I denotes the covariance matrix of the intensity vector I. The variances γ i of each ˆ 4 equal the diagonal element Γ 4  of the covariance matrix, and thus the element of V M  Vˆ M  ii total estimation variance of all the four elements in Mueller vector equals the trace of Γ Vˆ 4 , M

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which is expressed as


γ = trace Γ Vˆ  . Our goal will be to find the best association of

 M4  polarization states of PSG and PSA yielding an instrument matrix Wopt with a minimal total i =1 i

estimation variance:  4  Wopt = arg min  γ i  . W  i =1 


3.2 Optimization in presence of white Gaussian additive noise In the presence of white Gaussian additive noise, I is a random vector such that each of its elements I i , i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} is a Gaussian random variable with mean value I i and variance

σ 2 [19]. Since the noise is white, each intensity measurement is statistically independent from the other [20–22]. Therefore, the covariance matrix Γ I is diagonal, and all the four diagonal elements are equal to σ 2 . By substituting Γ I into Eq. (15), one can get the covariance matrix Γ Vˆ 4 as follows: M

T Γ Vˆ 4 = W −1 (W −1 )  σ 2 ,  M 


ˆ 4 are thus given by: and the variances γ i of each element of V M T (18) γ i = Γ Vˆ  = W −1 (W −1 )  σ 2 .   ii   ii It is seen that these variances depend only on the instrument matrix W, and not on the Mueller vector VM4 to be measured. The total estimation variance is thus given by: 4 M


γ i =1


T = σ 2 trace W −1 (W −1 )  ,  


which is also independent of VM4 . According to Eqs. (16) and (19), the optimal instrument Gau in the presence of white Gaussian additive noise should satisfy: matrix Wopt



T Gau (20) Wopt = arg min trace W −1 (W −1 )  . W   It is possible to obtain a closed-form solution for the optimization problem in Eq. (20), and the detailed demonstration is given in Appendix II. It is shown that the optimal association of polarization states of PSG and PSA has the following properties:

1. For the eigenstate vector of PSG given by Eq. (3), the second parameter s1 ≡ 0 ; 2. The four eigenstate vectors of PSA have a regular tetrahedron structure [17,20]. Gau These two properties induce that the instrument matrix Wopt corresponding to the optimal polarization states of PSG and PSA also has a regular tetrahedron structure. The variances γ i of each element of the Mueller vector are:

γ 1 = σ 2 , γ 2 = 3σ 2 , γ 3 = 3σ 2 , γ 4 = 3σ 2 ,


and the total variance is thus equal to 10σ 2 . It is interesting to notice that the optimal measurement matrix found in our case is the same as that which is optimal for Stokes vector estimation [17,20]. The reason for that is the structural similarity of our ellipsometric

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estimation pro oblem with thee Stokes vectorr estimation prroblem, which we have pointted out in Eqs. (11) and (12). v with s1 = 0 is S = [1, 00,1, 0 ] , whichh corresponds tto a linear The simpllest eigenstate vector T

polarizer at 45 4  for PSG [2]. Therefore, the t optimal sysstem configuraation for polarimetry of “1×4 type” iss shown in Fig g. 2. Obviouslly, different frrom the typicaal system conffiguration shown in Fig. 1, the PSG off the proposed optimal o strateggy does not invvolve a retarderr but only a linear polariizer at 45 ang gle.

Fig. 2. Op ptimal system conffiguration for polarrimetry of “1×4 tyype”. Gau In addition, for any giv ven eigenstate vector v S and ooptimal instrum ment matrix Wopt with

hedron structurre, the four eig genstate vectoors of PSA cann be calculateed by Eq. regular tetrah (10). 3.3 Optimiza ation in presen nce of Poisso on shot noise Let us now co onsider that the measuremen nts are perturbeed by Poisson shot noise. In this case, each element I i of the inten nsity vector I iss a Poisson ranndom variable w with mean andd variance both equal to o Ii [19]. Beecause of the statistical s indeependence of P Poisson shot nnoise, the covariance maatrix Γ I is also o diagonal with h elements:

[ΓI ]ii =


I i =  Wik  VM4  , i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} , k


k =1

and thus, acco ording to Eq. (1 15), one can geet the variancess γ i of each ellement  VM4  as: i 4


j =1

k =1

γ i =   VM4  j  Wik−1  Wkj , ∀ i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} . 2


Gaussian additiive noise, the criterion It is noticced that contraary to the casse of white G

4 i =1

γ i does depend on thee true value of the Mueller veector VM4 to bee measured. In this case,

x optimization [17], that is, m minimize the ffollowing a proper strattegy is to consider a minmax function:  4   4  F (W ) = max γ max u j  VM4   , =      i 4 j VM4 V M  i =1    j =1


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where u j =  Wik−1  Wkj . To facilitate the discussion, let us define the vectors 2

i =1 k =1

U = 1, uT  and VM4 = r 1, v T  , where u = [u2 , u3 , u4 ] and v = [ a, b, c ] is the normalized Mueller vector. Therefore, the function in Eq. (24) can be rewritten as: T




F (W ) = max {r ( u1 + u ⋅ v )} , u


where “ ⋅ ” denotes the scalar product. Considering the two terms of F (W ) in Eq. (25), it can be seen that the first term ru1 is independent of the normalized Mueller vector v to be measured, while the second term ru ⋅ v depends on v. For a given r, this second term is obviously maximized by v = u u , and thus the function to be minimized with respect to W is: F (W ) = r ( u1 + u ) ,

where u =


4 i=2





. Thus, the instrument matrix WoptPoi in the presence of Poisson shot

noise should minimize F (W ) as: Poi Wopt = arg min F (W ) . W


It is difficult to obtain a closed-form solution of this optimization problem. However, one can apply a numerical optimization algorithm to find the solution. Indeed, according to Eq. (3), each eigenstate vector of PSG and PSA is defined by two parameters (azimuth α and ellipticity ε ), and thus the numerical optimization consists in optimizing 10 parameters of the PSG (two parameters: α S , ε S ) and the PSA (eight parameters: α iT , ε iT , i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} ). We apply the shuffled complex evolution (SCE) method [23], which is robust to the presence of local maxima when there are multiple parameters to be optimized. For the optimization problem in Eq. (27), we have verified that this algorithm can converge rapidly to the global minimum. In addition, we repeat SCE method numerous times with different starting points, and all the numerical results show that: 1. The minimal total estimation variance is equal to 5r; 2. The second parameter of the optimal eigenstate vector S of PSG s1 ≡ 0 , and thus, from Eq. (10), ∀k ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} Wk 1 = 1 2 .

Indeed, considering Wk 1 = 1 2 , one has: u1 =

T 2 1 4 4 1 1 Wik−1  = trace W −1 (W −1 )  = FGau (W ) ,      2 2 i =1 k =1 2


where FGau (W ) denotes the total estimation variance in the presence of white Gaussian

additive noise, and therefore, F (W ) in Eq. (26) can be rewritten as:

1  F (W ) = r  FGau (W ) + u  , (29) 2  According to the optimization in the presence of white Gaussian additive noise in section 3.2, FGau (W ) is minimal only when the instrument matrix has a regular tetrahedron structure.

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Moreover, all the regular tetrahedra lead to a second term u = 0 [17,21], and thus to the minimal total estimation variance of 5r. According to the analysis above, it is reasonable to consider a solution as optimal if it has the following properties: 1. For the eigenstate vector of PSG, the second parameter s1 ≡ 0 ; 2. The instrument matrix W and thus the four eigenstate vectors of PSA have a regular tetrahedron structure. It should be noted that all the instrument matrices with regular tetrahedron structure lead to minimization of total estimation variance of 5r, and this total estimation variance does not depend on VM4 . In the general case, however, the variances γ i of each element of VM4 may vary with the true value of VM4 to be measured. An attractive property for instrument matrix would be that the variances γ i do not depend on VM4 . The only two “standard” regular tetrahedron matrices that have this property are [17]:

Poi Wopt

1 1 3 1 3 1 3    1 1 −1 3 − 1 3 1 3  =  , 2 1 −1 3 1 3 −1 3    1 1 3 − 1 3 −1 3 


and the matrix WoptPoi−1 obtained from WoptPoi by reversing the signs of all the elements of the last three columns. By substituting this optimal matrix into Eq. (23), it is seen that the variances γ i of each element of VM4 have the following expressions:

γ1 =

1 3 r , γ i = r ∀ i ∈ {2,3, 4} , 2 2


and thus the total estimation variance is equal to 5r. It is verified that they are all independent of VM4 . Besides, the variances of the last three elements of VM4 are “equalized” and equal to three times the variance of the first element. However, it should be noted that, in the presence of Poisson shot noise, the “equalization” property is not valid for all instrument matrices with regular tetrahedron structure, but only for the “standard” regular tetrahedron instrument matrix WoptPoi and WoptPoi−1 given by Eq. (30). Table 1. Optimal parameters and eigenstate vectors of PSG/PSA for “1×4 type”. Parameters/ Eigenstate vectors Parameters (α , ε )

Eigenstate vectors ( S / Ti )



, ε S ) = ( 45 ,0 )

S = (1, 0,1, 0 )


(α1T , ε1T ) = ( 22.50 ,17.63 ) ; (α 2T , ε 2T ) = ( −67.50 ,17.63 ) ;

T 3

, ε 3T ) = ( 67.50 , −17.63 ) ; (α 4T , ε 4T ) = ( −22.50 , −17.63 )

T1 = 1,1 3 ,1 3,1 3  ; T2 = 1, −1 3, −1 3 ,1 3  ; T3 = 1, −1 3 ,1 3 , −1 3  ; T4 = 1,1 3 , −1 3, −1 3 

In addition, since the second parameter of the optimal eigenstate vector S of PSG s1 =0 , the simplest PSG setting is one linear polarizer at 45. Therefore, the optimal system configuration for the case of Poisson shot noise is the same as that for white Gaussian additive noise shown in Fig. 2. The corresponding parameters (azimuth and ellipticity) of the PSA can be calculated according to Eqs. (3), (10) and (30), and are shown in Table 1. In addition, the eigenstate vectors corresponding to PSG and PSA are also presented in Table 1.

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It has to be noted that since the optimal instrument matrix for Poisson shot noise also minimizes the total estimation variance for white Gaussian additive noise, the optimal parameters and eigenstate vectors of the PSG and the PSA in Table 1 are also optimal in the presence of white Gaussian additive noise. Therefore, by performing four intensity measurements with the simplified system configuration shown in Fig. 2 and the optimal parameters shown in Table 1, we can estimate the Mueller vector VM4 with minimal total estimation variance in the presence of both white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise. 4. Optimal strategy with two states of both PSG and PSA In this section, we will consider another type of strategy to achieve four intensity measurements, where both PSG and PSA implement two polarization states characterized by the eigenstate vectors S i , Ti , i ∈ {1, 2} , respectively. This strategy will be called “2×2 type” in the following. Applying the same reasoning that led to Eq. (10) in the case of the “1×4 type” strategy, it is easily shown that the instrument matrix for the “2×2 type” strategy is:

W2× 2

 1 + s11t11  1 1 + s11t21 =  2  1 + s21t11  1 + s21t21

t11 + s11

s12 t12 + s13t13

t21 + s11

s12 t22 + s13t23

t11 + s21

s22 t12 + s23t13

t21 + s21

s22 t22 + s23t23

s13t12 − s12 t13  s13t22 − s12 t23  , s23t12 − s22 t13   s23t22 − s22 t23 


where Si = [1, si1 , si 2 , si 3 ] , Ti = [1, ti1 , ti 2 , ti 3 ] , i ∈ {1, 2} refer to the two eigenstate vectors of the polarization states of PSG and PSA, respectively. Then the four elements in VM4 can be ˆ 4 = W −1 I . extracted by inverting the instrument matrix W as V 2× 2


2× 2

4.1 Optimization in the presence of white Gaussian additive noise In the case of “2×2 type”, the optimal association of the polarization states of PSG and PSA that yields the optimal instrument matrix W2Gau × 2 − opt in the presence of white Gaussian additive noise should minimize the total estimation variance of the four elements in VM4 :



−1 −1 T   (33) W2Gau × 2 − opt = arg min trace W2× 2 (W2× 2 )  . W2×2   It is difficult to find a closed-form solution of this optimization problem. One can get the optimal solution numerically by applying an optimization algorithm with SCE method [23], which involves optimizing the eight parameters of PSG and PSA. The numerical optimization result shows that, the minimal total estimation variance is 10 σ 2 , and the second parameter of the optimal eigenstate vectors of PSG fulfils si1 = 0, i ∈ {1, 2} . In this case, Wi1 = 1 2

∀i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} in Eq. (32), and thus the matrices W with regular tetrahedron structure lead to

the minimal total estimation variance of 10 σ 2 . It is thus reasonable to consider a solution as optimal if it has the following properties: 1. For the two eigenstate vectors S i of PSG, the second parameter si1 = 0, i ∈ {1, 2} ; 2. The instrument matrix W has the regular tetrahedron structure.

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ˆ 4 and With the optimal o instrum ment matrix W2Gau riances γ i of eaach element off V × 2 − opt , the var M T −1   W Gau  −1   σ 2 and  the total estim mation variancee are also calcu ulated by γ i =  W2Gau × 2 − opt    2× 2 − opt     ii

4 i =1

o the sam me values as fo r the “1×4 typee” strategy: γ i , respeectively. One obtains 4

γ 1 = σ 2 , γ 2 = γ 3 = γ 4 = 3σ 2 ,  γ i = 10σ 2 ,


i =1

with si1 = 0, i ∈ {1, 2} is S1 = [1, 0,1, 0 ] The simpllest couple of eigenstate vecttors of PSG w


and S 2 = [1, 0,, −1, 0] , which h corresponds to linear ±45 polarized lighht. Therefore, different T

from the “1×4 4 type” strateg gy, the linear polarizer in PSG G is not just fiixed at 45 butt must be   able to impleement two diffferent angles ( 45 and −45 )). The system configurationn of “2×2 type” is show wn in Fig. 3. Co omparing with the configuratiion shown in F Fig. 1, the PSG G in Fig. 3 does not invo olve a retarder but only a lineear polarizer, w which is same to the one in F Fig. 2. In  addition, in Fig. 2, the polarrizer of the PSA A is set to a siingle fixed anggle of 45 , whiile that in Fig. 3 has to be b set to two diifferent angles of ±45 .

Fig. 3. Op ptimal system conffiguration for polarrimetry of “2×2 tyype”.

In addition, as soon as the two eigen nstate vectors S i and the opttimal instrumennt matrix Gau 2× 2 − opt


with regular tetraheedron structuree are decided, tthe two eigensttate vectors off PSA can

be calculated by Eq. (32).

4.2 Optimiza ation in presen nce of Poisso on shot noise For the case of “2×2 typee” strategy in the presence of Poisson sshot noise, thee optimal instrument maatrix W2Poi × 2 − opt is such that:


W2Poi a min r ( u1 + u × 2 − opt = arg W2×2






[W2× 2 ]−1  [W2× 2 ] . We obtain the ooptimal solutioon of the optimization where u j =   kj ik   i =1 k =1

problem in Eq. (35) numerically by using g SCE methodd. The numericcal optimizatioon results show that the second param meter of the eig genstate vectorrs of PSG fulfiills si1 = 0, i ∈ {11, 2} , and the minimal total variancee equals 5r. Similar to thee case of “1× ×4 type” strategy, the instrument maatrix with regu ular tetrahedron n structure is allso optimal forr “2×2 type” sttrategy. It indicates that the optimal in nstrument mattrix for Poissonn shot noise aalso minimizess the total

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variance for white Gaussian additive noise. However, only the “standard” matrix given by Eq. (30) minimizes and equalizes the variances of each Mueller parameters to be measured, and makes all these variances independent of the value of this Mueller vector. Table 2. Optimal parameters and eigenstate vectors of PSG/PSA for “2×2 type”.

Parameters/ Eigenstate vectors Parameters (α , ε ) Eigenstate vectors ( S i / Ti )


(α (α

S 1

S 2

, ε 2S

S 1


) = ( 45 , 0 ) ; ) = ( −45 , 0 ) 

S1 = [1,0,1,0] ;

S2 = [1,0, −1,0]

(α (α

T 1

T 2

T 1

, ε 2T

) = ( 22.50 ,17.63 ) ; ) = ( 67.50 , −17.63 ) 

T1 = 1,1 3 ,1 3 ,1 3  ; T2 = 1, −1 3 ,1 3 , −1 3 

Therefore, in this case again, the system configuration optimal for Poisson shot noise is identical to the configuration optimal for white Gaussian noise shown in Fig. 3, in which only one linear polarizer is required for the PSG. The four intensity measurements can be achieved with this polarizer at two angles ( +45 and −45 ). The corresponding optimal parameters (azimuth α and ellipticity ε ) and the eigenstate vectors of PSG and PSA can be calculated according to Eqs. (3), (30) and (32), and are shown in Table 2. By comparing this table with Table 1, it is clearly seen that the “2×2 type” strategy has the same optimal performance as “1×4 type” strategy: ˆ 4 are γ = 1 2 r , γ = 3 2 r , 1. The variances of each element of the Mueller vector V M 1 i ∀ i ∈ {2,3, 4} and the total estimation variance is equal to 5r;

2. The noise variances are equalized and independent of the Mueller vector, and thus of the ellipsometric parameters to be measured. Therefore, by performing four intensity measurements with the optimal configuration shown in Fig. 3 and the optimal parameters shown in Table 2, one can estimate the Mueller vector VM4 with minimal total estimation variance for both white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise. In addition, the total estimation variances obtained with the “2×2 type” and “1×4 type” strategies are identical. 5. Summary In the sections above, based on the Stokes-Mueller formalism, we have proposed two types of ellipsometric parameters measurement strategies that are optimal in the presence of both white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise. In order to present the results clearly, we summarize them in Table 3. It should be noted that in the case of white Gaussian additive noise, all the instrument matrices W with regular tetrahedron structure are optimal. Therefore, the optimal set of eigenstate vectors of PSA is not unique: any set of four measurement vectors obtained by 3D rotation of the standard regular tetrahedron matrix given by Eq. (30) is optimal [21]. For the purpose of illustration, we presented in Table 3 the optimal eigenstate vectors of PSA corresponding to the standard regular tetrahedron instrument matrix given by Eq. (30) in the presence of white Gaussian additive noise. In practice, the intensity detection is disturbed by both additive Gaussian noise and Poisson shot noise. The quantum efficiency (QE) η influences the relative weights of the Gaussian and Poisson noise components, since it has a quadratic influence on the variance of 2 2 Gaussian noise σ Gau , but a linear influence on the variance of Poisson noise σ Poi . Therefore, the variance of the detected intensity I is [9,15,17]:

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2 2 VAR [ I ] = ησ Poi + η 2σ Gau ,


However, as shown in Table 3, the regular tetrahedron matrix given by Eq. (30) is optimal for both Gaussian and Poisson noise. Therefore, this regular tetrahedron matrix is also optimal when Gaussian and Poisson noise are simultaneously present. Table 3. The performance for the two types of optimal strategies in the presence of white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise.




Optimal instrument matrix (W)


T1 = 1,1 T2 = 1, −1 T3 = 1, −1 T4 = 1,1

All the matrices with regular tetrahedron structure.

1×4 type

(1,0,1,0) Poisson

Gaussian 2×2 type


1 1 3  1 1 − 1 3  2 1 − 1 3  1 1 3

1 −1 1 −1

3 3 3 3

3   1 3   −1 3   − 1 3  1

All the matrices with regular tetrahedron structure. 1 1 3  1 1 − 1 3  2 1 − 1 3  1 1 3

1 −1 1 −1

3 3 3 3

3   1 3   −1 3   − 1 3  1

Optimal eigenstate vectors PSA (T)

Total variance

3 ,1 3 ,1 3  ; 3 , −1 3 ,1 3  ; 3 ,1 3 , −1 3  ; 3 , −1 3 , −1 3 

10σ 2

Not unique, and can be obtained by 3D rotation. T1 = 1,1 3 ,1 3 ,1 3  ; T2 = 1, −1 3 , −1 3 ,1 3  ;


T3 = 1, −1 3 ,1 3 , −1 3  ; T4 = 1,1 3 , −1 3 , −1 3 

T1 = 1,1 3 ,1 3 ,1 3  ; T2 = 1, −1 3 ,1 3 , −1 3 

(1,0,1,0) (1,0, −1,0)

Not unique, and can be obtained by 3D rotation. T1 = 1,1 3 ,1 3 ,1 3  ;

10σ 2


T2 = 1, −1 3 ,1 3 , −1 3 

6. Conclusion In this paper, we have described two types of optimal strategies for estimating the ellipsometric parameters of isotropic samples with only four intensity measurements. These two strategies minimize the total estimation variance of the Mueller parameters in the presence of both white Gaussian additive noise and Poisson shot noise. They yield the same value of the total estimation variance, and this value is independent of the ellipsometric parameters to be measured. Interestingly, in both strategies, the optimal instrument matrix is found to have a regular tetrahedron structure, which is well known to also minimize noise propagation in Stokes vector estimation problems [17,20]. This is because we have been able to express the problem of ellipsometric parameters estimation in a mathematical form that is similar – albeit not identical – to Stokes vector estimation. In addition, these optimal strategies only require a polarizer in the PSG, which simplifies the system and reduces its cost. In short, we have proven, for the first time to our knowledge, that ellipsometric parameters estimation with minimal error propagation can be performed using very simple optical setups. Besides, our proposed method can also be implemented on spectroscopic ellipsometers. In this case, a key issue is taking into account that the phase retardance of the compensator (retarder) depends on the wavelength [26]. Therefore, the optical implementation of the optimal measurement matrix should be adapted to the wavelength. On the other hand, we can also use achromatic compensators, which can provide almost the same phase retardance over a wide spectral range [26], to implement our method for spectroscopic ellipsometers.

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Compared to the existing common commercial ellipsometers, which use continuously rotating motors and spread the total integration time to a large number of data points (for example, ~40 points [24,25] or ~80 points [26] per one optical cycle), the outstanding advantage of our method is that it only requires four optimal intensity measurements, and the whole available integration time can be devoted to four points, which further reduces the impact of noise. However, a key issue for our method is the “dead time” between each measurement, since the system must wait for the motor to move to the next location. During this time, intensity is not collected, contrary to what happens in ellipsometers with continuous data collection. A step-and-stare system might thus not be efficient from the standpoint of intensity collection. In order to reduce the “dead time” to the order of microseconds, rotating optical elements could for example be replaced by electro-optical or photoelastic modulation devices with no moving parts (such as photoelastic modulator (PEM) [27]). More globally speaking, comparison between step-and-stare and continuous ellipsometers amounts to a tradeoff between using only optimal measurement points with dead time in between, or having no dead time but a large set of measurement points. Optimization of this tradeoff in terms of estimation accuracy will depend on the optical precision and noise parameters of the two compared systems. Studying this tradeoff in concrete cases is a very interesting perspective, for which our present work on performance optimization of step-and-stare systems will constitute an important element. Finally, we have considered in this paper only the simplest and most fundamental noise sources. Our results thus represent the fundamental upper limit on the performance that can be reached with a static ellipsometer. Of course, in practice, other sources of perturbations such as instrumental errors may be present or even dominant [28]. Implementation of the optimization approach described in this paper on more precise measurement models is indeed an interesting perspective to the present work. Nonetheless, we think that the results obtained in this paper provide a solid basis for performing these future works and interpreting their results. Appendix I: Demonstration of Wi12 = Wi 22 + Wi 32 + Wi 42 , ∀i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} in Eq. (12). According to Eq. (10), one has: 1 2 2 2 ( ti1 + s1 ) + ( s2 ti 2 + s3ti 3 ) + ( s3ti 2 − s2ti 3 )  4 1 = ti21 + s12 + 2ti1 s1 + s22 ti22 + s32 ti23 + s32 ti22 + s22 ti23  4 1 2 = ti1 + s12 + 2ti1 s1 + ( s22 + s32 )( ti22 + ti23 )  . 4

Wi 22 + Wi 32 + Wi 24 =


Since s12 + s22 + s32 = 1 and ti21 + ti22 + ti23 = 1, ∀i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} , thus 1 2 ti1 + s12 + 2ti1 s1 + (1 − s12 )(1 − ti21 )   4 1 = 1 + 2ti1 s1 + s12 ti21  4 1 2 = ( ti1 + s1 ) 4 = Wi12 .

Wi 22 + Wi 32 + Wi 24 =

Therefore, we have Wi12 = Wi 22 + Wi 32 + Wi 42 , ∀i ∈ {1, 2,3, 4} .


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Appendix II: Demonstration of optimal solution in case of “1×4 type”. According to Eqs. (7), (10) and (11), the instrument matrix W can be rewritten as the product of two matrices T and Q: 1 t11 t12 t13   1 s1  1 t    t22 t23   s1 1 1 21 . W = TQ =  s2 s3  2 1 t31 t32 t33      s3 − s2  1 t41 t42 t43   Therefore, the total estimation variance in Eq. (19) is given by [29]: −1 −1 T trace (TQ ) (TQ )  = trace (T T T ) ( QT Q )  .     Since Q and T are invertible, this criterion can be written as: −1



F ( A, B ) = trace ( A−1 B −1 ) ,


with A = T T T and B = Q T Q which are symmetric, positive definite matrices. Our goal will be to find the best association of A and B that minimizes the total estimation variance:

( A, B ) = arg min {F ( A, B )} , A, B


trace ( A ) = 2 and s = 1,


with the following constraints:

where s = ( s1 , s2 , s2 ) is the reduced eigenstate vector of the PSG. Since A and B are both positive definite, it can be shown that [29]: trace( A−1 B −1 ) ≤ trace( A−1 )trace( B −1 ).


Let us denote G ( A, B ) = trace( A )trace( B ) . Since the function trace ( ⋅) is decreasing −1


and convex, and the constraints in Eq. (43) define convex sets, the functions F ( A, B ) and

G ( A, B ) thus have a single extremum in the domain defined by the constraints, and this is

thus a minimum [30]. It is clear that,

( A, B ) = arg min {G ( A, B )} A, B





= arg min trace ( A−1 ) ⋅ arg min trace ( B −1 ) . A



According to previous works [17,20], it is known that under the constraint trace ( A ) = 2 ,

the matrix A that minimizes the value of trace ( A−1 ) is:



A0−1 = arg min trace ( A−1 ) A

1   3  , =  3    3 


and it corresponds to the matrix T in Eq. (39) having a regular tetrahedron structure on the Poincaré sphere [20].

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Besides, with the constraint s = 1 , it is easy to find that:

trace ( B −1 ) =


(1 − s )

2 2 1



which has a minimal value whenever s1 = 0. Therefore, the optimal matrix B that minimizes

the value of trace ( B −1 ) is:

1   1  . B0−1 = arg min trace ( B −1 ) =  B  1    1  According to Eqs. (46) and (48), it can be noticed that:



trace ( A0−1 B0−1 ) = trace ( A0−1 ) trace ( B0−1 ) .



Therefore, F ( A0 , B0 ) = G ( A0 , B0 ) . According to the above, we thus have: 1. ( A0 , B0 ) = arg min {G ( A, B )} ; A, B

2. F ( A0 , B0 ) = G ( A0 , B0 ) ; 3. F ( A, B ) ≤ G ( A, B ) ∀A, B ; 4. Since F ( A, B ) and G ( A, B ) are convex, they have a single minimum [30].

Let us denote X = ( A, B ) the set of variables, and X 0 = ( A0 , B0 ) a minimum of G ( A, B ) .

The constraints in Eq. (43) are rewritten as g ( A, B ) = 0 . Thus, by using the Lagrange multiplier method [31], one gets: ∂G ( X 0 ) ∂X


∂g ( X 0 ) ∂A


∂g ( X 0 ) ∂B

= 0,


where λ , μ refer to the Lagrange parameters. For any prescribed small interval around the minimum ( X 0 + δ X ) , one has: T

 ∂F  F ( X0 +δ X ) = F ( X0 ) +    ∂X 


 ∂G  G ( X0 +δ X ) = G ( X0 ) +    ∂X 

( X 0 ) δ X + o1 (δ X ) , (51)

( X 0 ) δ X + o2 (δ X ) ,

where oi (δ X ) , i ∈ {1, 2} refers to the higher order terms of Taylor series of F ( A, B ) and G ( A, B ) , respectively. Since F ( X 0 ) = G ( X 0 ) , and let us denote: Δ (δ X ) = G ( X + δ X ) − F ( X + δ X ) ,

One can get, by substituting Eq. (51) into Eq. (52), and then using Eq. (50), that:


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 ∂G  Δ (δ X ) =    ∂X 


∂F    ∂X 

( X 0 ) δ X − 

( X 0 ) δ X + o (δ X )

∂g ( X 0 ) ∂F  ∂g ( X 0 )  = λ +μ − ( X 0 )  δ X + o (δ X ) , ∂A ∂B ∂X   T


where o (δ X ) = o2 (δ X ) − o1 (δ X ) is also a higher order term, which can be neglected and considered as zero. Since ∀A, B F ( A, B ) ≤ G ( A, B ) , one must have ∀δ X , Δ (δ X ) ≥ 0 .

Therefore, the following equality must be satisfied: ∂g ( X 0 ) ∂g ( X 0 ) ∂F −μ = 0. (54) ( X0 ) − λ ∂X ∂A ∂B According to Eq. (54), it is seen that X 0 is also an extremum of F ( A, B ) under the

constraint g ( A, B ) = 0 [30]. Since F ( A, B ) is a convex function, and the constraint g ( A, B ) also defines a convex set, this extremum is unique. It means that X 0 is the single

minimum of F ( A, B ) [31]. Therefore, the only minimum of F ( A, B ) must also be ( A0 , B0 ) .

According to the analyses above, the optimal closed-form solution of the optimization problem in Eq. (42) and thus that in Eq. (20) should satisfy: 1. For the eigenstate vector of PSG given by Eq. (3), the second parameter s1 ≡ 0 ; 2. The four eigenstate vectors of PSA and thus the matrix T in Eq. (39) has the regular tetrahedron structure [17,20]. Funding

National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61775163), National Instrumentation Program (No. 2013YQ030915), Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST (2017QNRC001), Director Fund of Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM201717), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2016M601260). Acknowledgments

The authors thank Enric Garcia-Caurel and Razvigor Ossikovski for fruitful discussions. References 1. 2. 3.

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