E-ISSN : 2355-9926
Optimization of Plant Growth and Yield Through Innovation of the Verticultural Materials and Media Sitawati*), Agus Suryanto and Euis Elih Nurlaelih Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya Email:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
ABSTRACT One of efforts to overcome limited land is verticulture or vertical farming. There were two objectives in this research i.e.: 1) to determine the effective and efficient combinations between planting media and verticultural materials for growth of Pakchoy, and 2) to obtain the best combination between planting models and proportion of N, P and K fertilizers to produce optimal yield of strawberry. First experiment was conducted from October to December 2014 in Gresik. Verticultural materials and media were combined into 12 treatments and three replications for Randomized Block Design. Second experiment was conducted in Batu, where horizontal and vertical planting models were used as first factor and composition of fertilizers (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% NPK fertilizers) as second factor. Result showed that Carpet (verticultural material) and compost (planting media) produced the highest fresh weight and number of leaf for Pakchoy. No interaction between the farming models and fertilizer (N, P, and K) on area and number of leaf of strawberry. Separately, both horizontal and vertical farming models did not effect on leaf area and number of leaf of strawberry. Application of N, P and K showed significant effect on numbers of leaf, yield and quality of strawberry. Keywords: NPK; Planting media; Planting models; Verticultural materials. INTRODUCTION Decreasing production area due to the change of farming land use into settlements has become one of obstacles in developing
urban agriculture. One of efforts to overcome limited land is verticulture or vertical farming. Verticulture is a vertical farming technique that applies terraced farming system. Such technique does not require wide area and it could utilize the land efficiently, and it may be applied on houses with no yard. Aesthetically, verticultural park may be useful as covering over less beautiful view or it may create such colorful and beautiful background (Pongarrang et. al., 2013). Superiority of such verticulture application is to increase numbers of plant on a given area for about 310 times, which depends on the applied model. Besides that, the verticultural technique can be applied on a meter square area width with more plants than on flatland of the same width (Noverita, 2005). On verticultural technique, some aspects that must be concerned in order to obtain optimal growth include irrigation management, aeration, fertilizer application, planting medium, and the application of verticultural materials as container for the plants. Characteristics of the best materials for verticulture must be able to provide optimal growing environment for the plant growth in order to produce optimal harvest. Good materials of verticulture must have high resistance and uneasily decayed, have micropores for drainage, good aeration and water absorbability (Gustia, 2013). Good drainage will make the planting medium would not have waterlogged, so that it may not create any root rots or stem rots. Good aeration will provide sufficient air for the plant roots and good absorbability will make the medium could retain the water (Cahyono, 2003). The
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appropriate materials as planting medium for verticulture are burnt hull, fern powder, cocopeat, moss, stable manure, compost, and etc. Planting medium affects the growth of plant, which is grown in verticulture. The selected medium has conformed to requirements for optimal growth. The planting media that can be applied for verticulture are soil, compost, cocopeat, and charcoal from hull. Meanwhile, materials of the verticulture include gunny sack, carpet, and plastics. Interaction between planting medium and verticulture`s container could increase yield (Noverita, 2005). During growth and development process, the plant requires some nutrients, such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphor (P) and Potassium (K). However, phosphor is very useful in establishing protein and essential minerals for the plants, stimulates formation of flowers, fruits, and seeds, as well as could accelerate fruit ripening (Sitawati, Nugroho dan Priyambudi, 2016). Meanwhile, potassium could smooth the photosynthetic process, extend the root growth, and improve yield quality of the flowers and fruits (color and taste) (Pambudi et al., 2015). The application of N, P and K fertilizers on strawberry requires further research concerning with this matter. However, excessive application of inorganic fertilizers may reduce quality and quantity of the production. Meanwhile, improper application of inorganic fertilizers may cause inefficient production process and may disturb the soil due to long-term application. The recommended dosage for strawberry has been mostly determined, but certain test is required to reduce dependency on such inorganic fertilizer. Verticultural technology and design have been well-developed in construction, materials, and planting media. More
researches that related to verticulture have been conducted, but it`s limited to ecological functions; meanwhile, less research was conducted on other aspects, such as breeding technique, growth and development of plant, which concerning with materials and planting media. Besides that, ornamental plants are usually applied in verticulture. Technically, other plants including horticultures can be consumed, such as vegetables and fruits. In implementing the breeding technology, verticulture pattern has not been applied by the public in large-scales due to some obstacles, such as lack of public comprehension on such innovation. Meanwhile, most of the public have still presumed that such technique is relative costly and the application method is technically complicated. Therefore, this research is required to obtain a verticultural model along with some combinations of planting media and verticultural materials, as well as effective and efficient fertilizer application that can be applied extensively and appropriate food commodities to support food security of the family. There were two objectives in this research namely: 1) to determine the effective and efficient combinations between planting media and verticultural materials for growth of plant in verticulture, and 2) to obtain the best combination between planting models and proportion of N, P and K fertilizers to produce optimal yield of strawberry. MATERIALS AND METHODS Some materials such as carpet, gunny sack, plastic tarpaulin, soil, compost, charcoal from hull, cocopeat, polybag, pakchoy seeds, strawberry seeds derived from stolon (California variety), N fertilizer (Urea: 46%), P fertilizer (SP-36: 36%), and K fertilizer (KCL: 60% K2O) were used in this research. Ruler, analytic scales, oven, hose,
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thermometer, refractometer, scaffolding, small water pump, and Leaf Area Meter (LAM) were used to conduct this research. The first experiment was conducted from October to December 2014 in Gresik Regency at the altitude of 12 meters above sea level (masl). Verticultural materials and media were combined into 12 treatments and three replications for Randomized Block Design. This experiment aimed to determine the best combination between material and medium for growth and yield of Pakchoy (Brassica juncea L.). Numbers of leaf and fresh weight of plant were measured in the first experiment. Result of the first experiment was used to construct the second experiment. The second experiment aimed to determine the best planting models and fertilizer`s composition on strawberry. Two planting models such as horizontal and vertical plantings were used as the first factor. Polybags and 20x20 cm carpet`s bags that made from 2x1 m of carpet were used for horizontal and vertical plantings respectively. For the second factor, compositions of fertilizer were 0% (no fertilizers), 25% (0.94 g/plant Urea + 1,25 g/plant SP 36 + 1.25 g/plant KCL), 50% (1.87 g/plant Urea + 2.5
g/plant SP 36 + 2.5 g/plant KCL), 75% (2.82 g/plant Urea + 3.75 g/plant SP 36 + 3.75 g/plant KCL) and 100% (3.75 g/plant Urea + 5 g/plant SP 36 + 5 g/plant KCL) of N, P and K. The second experiment were arranged by Split Plot Design by three replications and conducted in Batu (ca. 1,000 m asl) from April to June 2015. There were some variables used in the second experiment, i.e.: numbers of leaf, fresh weight per fruit (g/plant), fresh weight of fruit per plant (g/plant), and diameter of fruit. All data collected from each experiment were analyzed by using Analysis of Variance (Anova) at 5%. If there were found the differences between treatments and combinations, five percent level of Least Significant Difference (LSD) is conducted to know the differences between each other. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Growth of Pakchoy on the different planting media and verticultural materials. Growth of Pakchoy on the different planting media and verticultural materials was measured by using two variables of growth i.e.: fresh weight and number of leaf per plant. Fresh weight per plant was described in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Fresh weight of plant on three different materials and using four kind of planting media. Different letters indicate significant differences on LSD 5%.
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On Carpet as verticultural material, compost and soil as planting media resulted fresh weight per plant significantly higher than Charcoal and Cocopeat. Average fresh weight per plant were 35.84, 37.38, 17.53 and 17.76 g/plant for Soil, Compost, Charcoal and Cocopeat media respectively. On Gunny Sack, only Compost as planting media was significantly different with two kind planting media (Charcoal and Cocopeat). Compost resulted 22.76 g of fresh weight per plant, and it`s the highest yield for Gunny Sack as vertical material. In case of plastic as vertical material, Soil and Compost as planting media were significantly higher than Cocopeat. Average fresh weight per plant were 35.03, 33.41, 27.45 and 18.67 g/plant for Soil, Compost, Charcoal and Cocopeat respectively. If all treatments were compared, Carpet as verticultural material and compost planting media produced the highest yield with 37.38 g/plant as average of fresh weigh. The highest production was resulted by combination of treatments using compost on carpet (Figure 1). It showed that combinations of treatment using compost and carpet material produced higher yield than other treatments. According to Bilderback et. al. (2005), planting medium may affect growth
and development of the plant in providing optimal growth environment in order to obtain optimal yield. Good quality of medium should have specific characteristics, such as loose-soil, having good drainage and aeration, as well as could sustain the water. Olle et. al. (2012) explained that the organic medium contained substrates, which have various physical condition, decompose over time, and decompose rate. The factors affected crop growth and development, several factors determine the type of growing medium appropriate for specific growing conditions (Vaughn et. al., 2011). Perwitasari et. al. (2012) added that the application of compost may produce optimal growth on mustard greens and optimal yield of harvest in comparison with other planting media. On the other hand, compost could increase capacity of soil water, aeration capacity of the soil, and photochemical decomposition of pesticides or toxic, organic compounds. Deposits of organic matters in the form of compost in the soil will affect the plants growth as basic intake in formation process of new cells for the plant. So that, they support and optimize the soil ability to bind water and absorb nutrients, therefore the compost may provide optimal growth environment for the plants.
Number of leaf
0 14 dap 21 dap 28 dap 35 dap 42 dap
14 dap 21 dap 28 dap 35 dap 42 dap
14 dap 21 dap 28 dap 35 dap 42 dap
Gunny Sack
Charcoal Cocopeat Compost Soil
Figure 2. Relationship between number of leaf and days after planting of Pakchoy on the three different materials and the four planting medias.
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Based on Figure 2, Compost combined with Carpet as verticultural material produced the highest number of leaf. It can be shown at 35 and 42 days after planting (dap) with number of leaf more than 8 per plant. Inversely, charcoal combined with Gunny sack as verticultural material resulted the lowest number of leaf, with number of leaf less than 6 leaf per plant. Gunny sack tended to provide the lowest variable of growth such as fresh weight and number of leaf for Pakchoy. Gunny sack as container of the planting medium and has big pores and worse to sustain water, so that water availability for the plants is less optimal. At temperature above 32°C after watering, the gunny sack may dry quicker and lose water due to evaporation. The application of charcoal from hull has low macronutrients, so that it could not support the growth of mustard greens. Besides that, high capacity of aeration and moderate porosity may cause moderate water loss (Prihmantoro and Indriani, 2003). According to Yeager et. al. (2007), many types of growing media are used on container cultivation, the ideal media have: 1) adequate mechanical properties to guarantee plant stability (bulk density), (2) consistent distribution of water and oxygen in order to sustain root activity; (3) optimal pH for plant growth, (4) low soluble salts content; (5) sterile and (6) availability in standardized and uniform batch in order to permit the use of consistent fertilization and irrigation programs for each successive crop. In breeding the plant by using verticulture, the optimal yield is affected by optimal growth and environment. One of indicators for well-grown plants is development of the growth parameters, such as leaf area. In general, planting
medium and verticultural materials have significant effect on parameters of the plant growth, such as numbers of leaf and leaf area. Planting medium and verticultural materials affect the growth of mustard greens. Different planting medium and verticultural materials will produce different growth of the plants as well. Verticultural materials and planting medium have significant effect on all parameters of the observed leaves. According to Sitompul and Guritno (1995), parameter of leaf area is required as indicator of growth and the supporting data to describe the relating process, such as formation of the plant biomass. Leaf area is the parameter of growth that determines parameters of total dry weight of the plant, as well as the yield, particularly fresh weight of harvest per hectare. Lakitan (2008) suggested that the leaf function as the main organ in photosynthesis, in which the wider the leaf area, light interception and CO2 fixation will be higher, so that higher photosynthesis will effect on the yield of assimilate. Growth and development of strawberry on Carpet as verticultural material combined with four levels of N, P, and K fertilizers under vertical and horizontal farming models. Results for analysis of variance showed no interaction between the farming models and fertilizer applications (N, P, and K) on leaf area and number of leaf of strawberry. Separately, both horizontal and vertical farming models did not effect on leaf area and number of leaf of strawberry at 14 to 70 dap. However, the fertilizers (NPK) applications resulted the significant effects on leaf area and numbers of leaf at 28 to 70 dap. At 56 dap, the application of 100% NPK stimulated the bigger leaf area than the 0%
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NPK, however it wasn`t significant to the 25%, 50% and 75% NPK. At 70 dap, the 100% NPK produced the bigger leaf area than the 0% and 25% NPK. At 56 and 70 dap, numbers of leaf with applied by 100% NPK were higher than the 0% and 25% NPK. In another hand, the 100% NPK was not significant to the 50% and 75% NPK based on the number of leaf. Relationship between the area and number of leaf of strawberry based on farming models and the fertilizer applications was described in Table 1. In breeding the plant by using both horizontal and vertical farming models, they showed no significant effect on growth and yield of strawberry. Such horizontal and vertical farming models showed that the plants gain optimal environment, which concerning with the availability of light, temperature, water, and optimal nutrients for growth and development of the plants. These results conformed to the research by Nugrahini (2013) who suggested that response of the plants on both models
showed no significant difference on growth variables, such as numbers of leaf and height of plant such as lettuce. Wang et. al. (2000) suggested that growth of the plant is affected by six environmental factors, such as light, mechanical assistance, temperature, air, water, and nutrients (Wang, 2000). So that, the plants which are grown by horizontal and vertical farming models, will grow optimal and show the comparable yields if the plants get optimal environment. Optimal growth and development may be related to yield and quality of the harvested fruits. Analysis of variance showed no interaction between farming models and NPK applications based on variables of yield, such as fresh weight per fruit, fresh weight of fruit per plant, diameter of fruit, and sugar content of fruit. Separately, the farming models showed no significant effect on variables of yield. Meanwhile, the application of NPK showed significant effect on variables of yield.
Table 1. The area and number of leaf of strawberry based on farming models and the fertilizer applications. Treatments Horizontal planting Vertical planting LSD 5%
Leaf area (cm2) at the day after planting (dap) 56 dap 70 dap 66.64 68.74 49.45 58.98 ns ns
Number of leaf at the day after planting (dap) 56 dap 70 dap 7.06 7.93 6.44 7.13 ns ns
100% NPK
63.12 b
72.69 b
7.67 b
8.61 b
75% NPK
61.33 ab
68.40 ab
6.78 ab
7.39 ab
50% NPK
58.92 ab
64.11 ab
7.17 ab
7.67 ab
25% NPK
55.84 ab
57.91 a
6.22 a
7.05 a
0% NPK
50.94 a
57.11 a
5.94 a
6.94 a
LSD 5%
Notes: Number followed by the same letter at the same age (day after planting, dap) shows insignificant difference based on Least Significant Difference (LSD)test of 5%.
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Results showed that the 100% NPK was the highest and significant to the others based on fruit diameter and sugar content. In case of fresh weight per fruit and per plant variables, the 100% NPK was the highest and significant to the 0%, 25% and 50% NPK. Table 2 described the relationship between treatments and four variables of yield such as fresh weight per fruit, fresh weight per plant, fruit diameter and sugar content. The application of N, P and K showed significant effect on numbers of leaf, yield and quality of strawberry. This result conformed to the research by Subhan et. al. (2007) suggested that the application of N, P, and K could increase growth and yield of tomato. Results of the research by Nurtika (1992) showed that the application of N, P, and K would increase growth, height, and diameter of the plant, as well as its production (numbers of flower, numbers of fruit, and weight of fruit per plant), which are higher on tomato. Research by Sumiati (2005) also showed that the application of N, P, and K at dosage 1 ton/ha combined with liquid fertilizer at concentration of 4.5 ml/L may
increase production of tubers. In growth and development process of the plant, Nitrogen is required to produce protein, leaf growth, and support the metabolism process, such as photosynthesis. Phosphor plays important role in metabolism process, which cannot be replaced by other nutrients. Phosphor is very important for root development, initial growth of roots, leaf area, and accelerates the harvest time. Potassium assists in forming protein and carbohydrate, increasing resistant to pest and disease, as well as improving yield quality of the plants. Weight per fruit of strawberry along with the application of 100% N, P and K produced higher weight of fruit than other treatments, but showed insignificant difference by the application of 75% NPK. As we know that P and K play in growth phase, P and K assist in increasing quality and quantity of the yield. Significant effect on weight of fruit has also shown by the application of different proportions of K on strawberry (Ebrahimi et al., 2012). It has conformed to the research by Taha et. al. (2014) who suggested that additional K produced more fruits on mango.
Table 2. Averages of fresh weight per fruit, fresh weight per plant, numbers of fruit, diameter of fruit and sugar content of strawberry on two farming models and five application of fertilizers (N, P, and K).
Horizontal planting Vertical planting LSD 5% 0% NPK
Average of fresh weight per fruit (g/fruit) 6.03 5.75 ns 4.90a
Average of fresh weight per plant (g/plant) 30.16 28.77 ns 24.54a
Average of fruit diameter (cm) 1.89 1.85 ns 1.78a
Average of sugar content (brix) 7.67 7.79 ns 6.91a
25% NPK
50% NPK
75% NPK
100% NPK
LSD 5%
9.03c 0.64
Notes: Number followed by the same letter at the same age shows insignificant difference based on Less Significant Difference (LSD) test of 5%.
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Different application of dosages N, P, and K have significant effect on quality of fruits, such as diameter of fruit and sugar content in strawberry. The application of 100% P and K affected on diameter, which is higher than other treatments. It means that reducing dosage has not able to suffice the need of P and K for strawberry. According to Razzaque and Hanafi (2001), the application of K showed significantly different yield on characteristics of the fruit, such as diameter of fruit, length and weight of fruit, decreasing characteristics of fruit occurred by the application of the highest and the lowest dosages. Sturm et. al. (2003) stated that glucose content in strawberry increases on fruits, which completely ripen. K plays important role in transporting glucose as a result of photosynthetic process to the whole part of the plant, so that if the plant is lack of K, the glucose transport will be inhibited. Besides that, K assists in opening and closing the stomata, which relate to respiration process. However, respiration plays in ripening process of the fruit, therefore possibility of any increasing KCl dosage may causes the fruit would ripen earlier. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Carpet as verticultural material and compost planting media produced the highest fresh weight and number of leaf for Pakchoy. Inversely, charcoal combined with Gunny sack as verticultural material resulted the lowest fresh weight and number of leaf. No interaction between the farming models and fertilizer (N, P, and K) on leaf area and number of leaf of strawberry. Separately, both horizontal and vertical farming models did not effect on leaf area and number of leaf of strawberry. The application of N, P and K showed significant effect on numbers of leaf, yield and quality of strawberry.
In addition, 1 m x 0.5 m verticultural farming model is equivalent to 2m x 1 m of horizontal farming model based on total fresh fruit per plant and dry weight per plant. ACKNOLEDGEMENT We would like to express our gratitude to Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education for financial support to this research. REFERENCES Bilderback T. E., Warren S. L., Owen Jr. J. S., Albano J. P. Healthy substrates need physicals too!. (2005). Hort Technology vol. 15, p. 747–751. Cahyono, B. (2003). Teknik dan Strategi Budidaya Sawi Hijau. Yayasan Pustaka Nusatama. Yogyakarta. Hal: 12-62. Ebrahimi, R., M. K. Souri, F. Ebrahimi and M. Ahmadizadeh. (2012). Growth and Yield of Strawberries under Different Potassium Concentrations of Hydrophonic System in Three Substrates. World Applied Journal 16(10): 1380-1386. Fatimah, S. dan B. M. Handarto. (2008). Pengaruh Humusisi Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Sambiloto (Andrographis PaniculataNees). Embryo Vol. 5 No. 2 Issn 0216-0188. Gustia, H. (2013). Pengaruh Penambahan Sekam Bakar Pada Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Sawi. E-Journal WIDYA Kesehatan Dan Lingkungan, 1(1):1-7. Hardjowigeno, S. (1987). Ilmu Tanah. Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta. 218 Hal. Haryadi. (1986). Pengantar Agronomi. Departemen Agronomi. Fakultas
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