International Research Journal of Biotechnology (ISSN: 2141-5153) Vol. 2(5) pp. 128-133, May, 2011 Available online Copyright © 2011 International Research Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Optimization of prodigiosin production by Serratia marcescens SU-10 and evaluation of its bioactivity Antony V.Samrot1, Chandana K1, Senthilkumar P2 and Narendra Kumar G1 1
Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama University, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 119, India Department of Chemical Engineering, Sathyabama University, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 600 119, India
Accepted 9 June, 2011
Prodigiosins, a family of natural red pigments characterized by a common pyrrolylpyrromethane skeleton produced by Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas magneslorubra, Vibrio psychroerythrous etc. It is is a promising drug owing to its reported characteristics of having anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-neoplastic, anti-proliferative, anti-oxidant and anti-malarial activity. Serratia marcescens is known to produce more concentration of prodigiosin. In this study, the optimal condition for pigment production found in nutrient broth at 280C and pH 7 for 72 hrs. The water - insoluble red pigment was extracted using ethanol and hydrochloric acid (9.5:0.5) as well as with acetone and ethyl acetate (1:1). Prodigiosin was further purified by organic solvents and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The pigment was found to have higher inhibitory effect on both gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria. Keyword: Prodigiosin, S.marcescens SU-10 - Serratia marcescens SU-10, Bioactivity INTRODUCTION Serratia marcescens is a Gram negative, bacillus shaped bacteria that belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae. These bacteria grow well on standard media and produce a red to dark pink pigment that aids in its identification and the red color pigment is so called Prodigiosin. Prodigiosin (5( (3-methoxy- 5-pyrrol-2-ylidene-pyrrol-2ylidene) -methyl) -2- methyl-3-pentyl-1H- pyrrole) is an alkaloid secondary metabolite with an unique tripyrrole chemical structure. It is isolated from few species such as Serratia, Pseudomonas and Streptomyces (Giri et al., 2004; Song et al., 2006). It is sensitive to light and insoluble in water but moderately soluble in alcohol and ether, and soluble in chloroform, methanol, acetonitrile and DMSO (Khanafari et al., 2006; Grimont et al., 1977). Prodigiosin have been shown to be associated with extracellular vesicles or present in intracellular granules (Kobayashi and Ichikawa, 1991; Matsuyama et al., 1986). The pigment has no defined role in the physiology of producing strains, but have been reported to have
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antifungal, antibacterial, algicidal, antiprotozoal antimalarial activities, immunosuppressive and anticancer activities. The regular liquid media currently being used for prodigiosin biosynthesis are nutrient broth (Pryce and Terry, 2000), peptone glycerol broth(Jonas et al., 1993) etc. According to the medium patented by Nakamura (1986), has used only triolein as substrate and reported a yield of 0.69 mg mL prodigiosin. A new strain of Serratia marcescens UCP1459 isolated from a semi-arid soil produced the highest level of prodigiosin (49.5 g/L) at 48 h of cultivation using 6% “manipueira” (cassava wastewater) supplemented with mannitol (2%) at pH 7 and 28 °C. Carbohydrates in “manipueira” and mannitol were found to play a role in the enhanced cell growth and prodigiosin production (Araújo et al,. 2010). Acetone and ethyl acetate extract of S.marcescens SM-2 which contained prodigiosin showed inhibitory effect against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria (Mekhael and.Yousif, 2009). S.marcescens strain F-1-1 shows activity against plant pathogens Clavibater michiganensis and Erwinia catotovora (Okamoto et al., 1998).
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and 36°C for 72 h. The prodigiosin unit/cell was estimated after incubation.
Isolation and identification
Effect of NaCl on pigment production
Serratia marcescens was isolated from urine sample collected from out patient, Sathyabama Hospital, Sholinganallur, Chennai – 600 119. The organism was cultured which showed highly mucoid colonies and cell associated red pigment on nutrient agar was isolated, subcultured and stored at 40C. Identification of organism was done by 16SrRNA sequencing. DNA was isolated from the organism and the large fragment of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR using the universal primers BAC-F-(5'-AGA GTT TGA TC(AC) TGG CTC AG-3') BAC-R (5'AAG GAG GTG (AT)TC CA(AG) CC-3') The PCR products were purified using a Wizard PCR Preps DNA Purification System (Promega, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The PCR TM product after purification is sequenced using a BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Applied Biosystems, USA) and a model 3100 automatic sequencer (Applied Biosystems, USA). The closest known relatives of the new isolates were determined by performing a sequence database search. The sequences of closely related strains were retrieved from GENBANK and the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) libraries.
Organism was inoculated in nutrient broth containing different concentration of NaCl viz. 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 g/1000ml. Thus the optimized condition for prodigiosin production was determined and this was followed for prodigiosin production. Isolation of pigment Two types of extraction of pigment from Serratia marcescens was done by either using ethylacetate:acetone (1:1) or ethanol : HCl (9.5:0.5). The pigment thus extracted was then dried and used for further analysis. Separation and purification of prodigiosin The pigment component was separated using Thin layer Chromatography. The TLC plates of silica gel (20x 20 cm) were prepared. The developing solvent which contains Chloroform and Methanol was standardized and poured into the chromatography tank that was saturated using a filter paper soaked in the mobile phase. The Rf value of chromatogram was observed in the TLC plates (Lynch et al., 1967).
Optimization of prodigiosin production Effect of incubation time and carbon source on pigment production Equal volume of the bacterial isolate was inoculated in nutrient broth containing either any one of the following carbohydrate i.e. Glucose, lactose. This was incubated at different time of incubation viz., 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 72, 78, 84 and 90. The prodigiosin production was estimated after incubation.
Estimation Of Prodigiosin Isolated prodigiosin was estimated using the following equation (Mekhael and Yousif, 2008) Prodigiosin unit/cell = [OD499 – (1.381 x OD 620)] x 1000 OD 620 OD 499 – pigment absorbance OD620 – bacterial cell absorbance 1.381 – constant
Effect of initial pH on pigment production Antimicrobial susceptibility assay Equal volume of the bacterial isolate was inoculated in nutrient broth with various initial pH viz.,4, 5, 6, 7and 8.0. The flasks were incubated at 30°C for 72 h. The prodigiosin production was estimated after incubation. The initial pH at which maximum production of prodigiosin was observed was chosen and maintained in the following studies.
Invitro antimicrobial susceptibility assay was done following Perez et al (1990) agar well diffusion method. The ATCC strains like Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli and Pseudomonas sp was used. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Effect of temperature on pigment production Bacterial isolate was inoculated into nutrient broth and incubated at different temperature viz., 26, 28, 30, 32, 34
Serratia marcescens was isolated from clinical sample and identification was done based on its cultural characteristics (Figure 1). S. marcescens was a motile, Gram negative, rod-shaped facultative anaerobe and
130 Int. Res. J. Biotechnol.
Figure 1. Cultural characteristics of S.marcescens SU-10
2000 1800
1793.3 1689
1600 1423
Prodigiosin Unit/cell
1400 1283.6
1325 1248.9
1200 1038.966
866.9 800
Ethylalcohol and HCl Ethylacetate and acetone
800 714.454
435 366.9
400 316 200 0 24
Time in hours
Figure 2. Production of Prodigiosin by Serratia marcescens SU-10 at various incubation time in nutrient broth
colonies on nutrient agar were red. S. marcescens is recognized as an opportunistic pathogen and strains of it are now resistant to commonly used antibiotics (Hejazi and Falkiner, 1997). However, up to 1950 the species was thought to be a harmless saphrophytic organism (Anía, 2008). In1986, Grimont and Grimont proposed ribotyping as a general method for molecular bacterial identification. This method can also discriminate between isolates of the same species and it has proven to be a useful epidemiological tool in the study of various bacteria. 16S rDNA was amplified, sequenced and identified as Serratia marcescens. The 16SrDNA sequence was submitted in GENBANK and the accession number is JF 511460. When the organism was allowed to grow in various media, the organism was found to produce more prodigiosin in nutrient broth, even glucose and lactose did not influence the prodigiosin production (Figure 3, 4 and 5). Prodigiosin production normally done in nutrient broth (Pryce and Terry, 2000) and peptone glycerol broth (Jonas et al., 1993). Sundaramoorthy et al (2009) found Serratia marcescens to produce more prodigiosin in maltose containing medium. Nakamura (1986) has used triolein and reported a moderate yield prodigiosin. In this study, the organism was found to produce 1610
unit/cell and 1616 unit/cell of prodigiosin in glucose and lactose containing medium respectively. This is comparatively lower than Nakamura (1986), but it is greater than Sundaramoorthy et al (2009). Chang et al., (2000) has reported 3 mg/ml of prodigiosin when dextrose was used in the medium. Oller (2005) reported that glucose and sorbitol had a repressive effect on prodigiosin synthesis, that was found with our studies too. The organism was found to produce more prodigiosin at 280C at pH 7 (Figure 5 and 7) and the rate was reduced as the temperature increases. Williams and Quadri (1980) reported that no prodigiosin was produced when cultures were incubated at 38°C; however pigment production was observed when the temperature was shifted to 27°C. A complete block in prodigiosin was observed in most of the basically used media tested at 37° C (Pryce and Terry, 2000). Optimal prodigiosin production was observed at 0.75% NaCl containing nutrient broth medium (Figure 7). Among all the extraction procedure, ethyl alcohol and HCl method was found to extract higher quantity out of Serratia marcescens as it was reflected on bioactivity. Ethyl acetate: acetone extraction did not show any effect on any bacteria. Whereas, ethanol:HCl extraction was found to have antibacterial activity and its zone of inhibition was measured as 16 mm against E.coli, 19 mm
Samrot et al. 131
1523 1400 1342 1333 1233 1234
Prodigiosin Unit/cell
1200 1138 1119
1123.38 1100 1000
Ethylalcohol and HCl
1000.8 968
Ethylacetate and acetone
743 670 600 516.9 514.4 400 345 296 200
0 24
Time in hours
Figure 3. Production of Prodigiosin by Serratia marcescens SU-10 at various incubation time in nutrient broth +glucose
1800 1616.9 1536.9
Prodigiosin unt/cell
1400 1259.8 1249
1299 1289
1145 1123 1000
1043 990.7
Ethylalcohol and HCl Ethylacetate and acetone
712 656.23 600
560 459.5
0 24
Time in hours
Figure 4. Production of Prodigiosin by Serratia marcescens SU-10 at various incubation time in nutrient broth + lactose
2000 1800
1793.3 1634
Prodigiosin unit/cell
1400 1200
1189.62 Nutrient broth
916.9 816.9
600 400 283.566 200 116.9 106.9 83.5 0 4
Figure 5. Effect of pH on prodigiosin production by S. marcesens SU-10
Nutrient broth +Glucose Nutrient broth +Lactose
132 Int. Res. J. Biotechnol.
Prodigiosin unit/cell
1662.4 1634
1603 1567
1509.4 1505
Nutrient broth 1455 1422 1400
1344 1300
Nutrient broth +Glucose Nutrient broth +Lactose
1278 1233
1000 26
Temperature (0C)
Figure 6. Effect of temperature in prodigiosin production by S.marcescens SU-10
2000 1800
1634 1567
Prodigiosin unit/cell
1366.9 1293 1220
1116.9 1045 1003.8
1045.47 986 943
1000 800
Nutrient broth Nutrient broth +Glucose Nutrient broth +Lactose
800 700
366.9 350 300
253.26 224 200
200 0 4
Figure 7. Effect of NaCl on prodigiosin production by Serratia marcescens SU-10
Figure 8. Thin Layer Chromatography analysis of prodiogiosin isolated from Serratia marcescen SU-10
for Pseudomonas sp and 20mm for S.aureus. (Table 1) The isolated pigment was subjected for TLC. The prodigiosin was analyzed and the Rf value of fraction is
0.87 (Figure 8). Song et al (2006) has extracted the red pigment directly from the internal adsorbent using acidified methanol and phase separation. And he has
Samrot et al. 133
Table 1. Antibacterial Activity S.No
1 2 3
E.coli Pseudomonas sp Staphylococcus aureus
purified by silica gel chromatography and high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC). As a result, pure prodigiosin was identified by structural studies as a pigment. The pigment was analyzed by UV spectrophotometry. The maximum UV absorbance was observed at 536 nm, corresponding to prodigiosin, in agreement with results for prodigiosin purified from Serratia sp KH – 95 (Song et al., 2006). CONCLUSION Serratia marcescens SU-10 was isolated from clinical samples. The organism was found to possess novel 16SrRNA sequence and it is submitted in GENBANK (Accession number JF511460). Nutrient broth was found to be the best medium to produce prodigiosin. Ethanol:HCl was found to be effective extraction of prodigiosin. Prodigiosin isolated in this study was found to possess antibacterial activity. Structure of prodigiosin produced by Serratia marcescens SU-10 was elucidated by GC.MS analysis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are thankful to Sathyabama University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India for providing infrastructure facilities for this study. The authors also grateful to Mr. Mittapalli Nagesh, Ms.Anupama, Ms.Nithya Mudaliar and Ms. Jawahar Nisha for their constant support. REFERENCES Anía-BJ(2008).Serratia: overview. Araújo HWC, Fukushima K, Takaki GMC (2010). Prodigiosin Production by Serratia marcescens UCP 1549 Using RenewableResources as a Low Cost Substrate. Molecules, 15(10): 6931-6940. Chang S, Sanada M, Johdo O, Ohta S, Nagamatsu Y, Yoshimoto A (2000). High production of prodigiosin by Serratia marcescens grown on ethanol. Biotechnol. Lett. 22: 1761–1765. Giri AV, Anandkumar N, Muthukumaran G, Pennathur G (2004). A novel medium for the enhanced cell growth and production of prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens isolated from soil. BMC Microbiology. 4: 11. Grimont PAD, Grimont F, Dulong HLC, De Rosnay, Sneath PHA (1977). Taxonomy of the genus Serratia. J. Gen. Microbiol. 98: 39.
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