2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies
Optimization of Rectangular Patch Antenna at 5GHz using Bat Search Algorithm Madhwesh Kumar1, Amiya B. Sahoo1, Ritika Sao1 and B. B . Mangaraj2 1
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar Odisha-751024, India 2 Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Odisha Sambalpur-768018, India
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[email protected] The rectangular and circular patches are the basic and most commonly used microstrip antennas. These patches are used for the simplest and the most demanding applications. Rectangular geometries are separable in nature and their analysis is also simple.
Abstract —A rectangular microstrip antenna is widely used now a days. It is analyzed with the length ,width of the rectangular patch and height, dielectric constant of substrate being optimized to make the antenna resonate at 5GHz. The optimization is done through programs based on bat algorithm using MATLAB R2009b and the obtained results are used to design of the antenna using CST Studio Suite 2011.The S-parameter plot is then observed after the transient solver step of the antenna is completed.
There are papers which have been published depicting the optimization of patch antenna to resonate at a particular frequency but as per our knowledge the use of B at Search algo rithm fo r rectangular p atch, has not been implemented yet. Patch antennas are very common in airplanes and other military applications, mobile phones, satellites, etc. They can be of rectangular, circular, elliptical or any other regular shape [1].
Keywords — Fitness function, Loudness, Pulse rate, CST, Echolocation
Antenna is designed to transmit or receive electromagnetic waves. Microstrip antennas have several advantages over conventional microwave antenna. They are widely used in many practical applications. Microstrip antennas in its simplest configuration are shown in Fig1.
The codes in MATLAB contain random functions generating different results each the program is executed. When the fitness value is close to zero, it means the resonating frequency is close to5GHz.The values of various parameters are then taken as input for the modeling process in CST Studio Suite.
The basic antenna parameters which are modified using bat algorithm are as follows [1]:
Figure1: Rectangular patch antenna [1]
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A microstrip patch antenna have a conducting patch of any planar or non planar geometry on one side of a dielectric substrate with a ground plane on other side. These antennas have low profile, mechanically rugged.
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They are mounted on the exterior of aircraft and incorporated into mobile radio communication devices.[2] 978-1-4799-1797-6/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE DOI 10.1109/CSNT.2015.47
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The minimum fitness value depicts that the frequency of that bat is approximately near to the desired frequency.
A. Bat Search Algorithm (BA) In the fourth step, the variables for each bat are updated using certain updating formulas mentioned below: [3]
The Bat Search algorithm [3] is one of the most successful nature- inspired algorithms which uses, evident from its name, the concept of bats and their movement to form the logic for antenna optimization. The BA optimization seems more efficient than any other algorithm such as particle swarm optimization.
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Bat Search algorithm is a new emerging algorithm based on the echolocation properties of micro bats. Echolocation [4] is a type of sonar which is used for the detection of prey and obstacles by micro bats. The main two parameters of echolocation are pulse rate and loudness. BA is established on the basis of variation of these two parameters only. When micro bat starts to search its prey then its loudness is maximum and pulse rate is minimum and when it capture its prey its loudness become minimum and pulse rate become maximum.
B9@ B9@%A " 9@ E WhereBC is the current global best location which is located after comparing all the solutions among n bats and ȕ ∈[ [0, 1] is a random vector drawn from a uniform distribution. For simplicity we assume, f∈[0, :