Optimized microbolometers with higher sensitivity for visible and infrared imaging D. Razansky1, P. D. Einziger2, D. R. Adam1, and T. Tamir3 1
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel 2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel 3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
[email protected]
Abstract: Optimal absorption method for improving the sensitivity of bolometric detection is explored. We show that, in addition to its role in conventional conducting-film detection, the application of plasmon resonance absorption offers highly promising characteristics for efficient far-field thermal detection and imaging. These characteristics include good frequency sensitivity, intrinsic spatial (angle) selectivity without focusing lenses, wide tunability over both infrared and visible light domains, high responsivity and miniaturization capabilities. In this context, we examine the well-known surface plasmon resonance (SPR) regime, but also report on a new type of plasmon resonance excitation, the cavity plasmon resonance (CPR), which offers more flexibility over wide ranges of wavelengths, bandwidths, and device dimensions. Both CPR and SPR occur in metallic films, which are characterized by high thermal diffusivity essential for fast bolometric response. ©2006 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (110.3080) Infrared imaging; (240.6680) Surface plasmons; (240.0310) Thin films; (300.1030) Absorption.
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Received 18 July 2006; revised 27 September 2006; accepted 8 October 2006
30 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 22 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10426
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1. Introduction Thermal bolometric detection and imaging have traditionally been based on absorption of infrared radiation by thin films of materials in their conducting, semiconducting or transition states [1, 2]. The heat, generated in the absorbing film, is then detected either by combining the functions of radiation absorption and thermometry within the film itself [3] or by attaching some external thermometer element, as appropriate for composite bolometer designs [4]. Both room temperature and cooled thermal detector arrays have found widespread applications [13, 5]. Thermal detection elements have been reported to be efficient and inexpensive when operating over a wide range of frequencies in the millimeter, submillimeter and infrared bands. Bolometers are also efficient in the visible, ultraviolet and X-ray regions [6], but they have been avoided in cases where well-developed photon detectors can be used [7, 8]. In this work we explore optimal absorption by plane-stratified bolometric elements and outline an approach for the characterization of optimal materials and structures that may provide total absorption of the incident electromagnetic radiation. Particular attention is given to the possibility of far-field thermal imaging utilizing plasmon resonance for total absorption in thin metallic films. Plasmon detection has previously been applied to other imaging applications, such as evanescent wave two-dimensional imaging [9], near-field [10], [11] and far-field [12] optical microscopy, and evanescent wave holography [13]. Thermal detection of surface plasmons was also suggested [14], [15], however, to the best of our knowledge, the application of plasmon resonance for thermal detection of far-field radiation, via microbolometer arrays, has not yet been proposed. We also describe, for the first time, the phenomenon of cavity plasmon resonance (CPR) that, like the well-known surface plasmon resonance (SPR), occurs in metallic films. While SPR requires very specific excitation conditions, which could be disadvantageous in some practical designs, CPR does not require complicated evanescent field excitation above the critical total internal reflection angle and can be implemented for both transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) fields even under normal incidence (TEM). These and other unique features of CPR enable a more flexible design of highly efficient thermal detector elements. 2. Plane stratified model for microbolometer element As shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b), a radiation-absorbing microbolometer element typically consists [1] of an absorbing film of thickness d located at a height above a substrate layer, which may include, for example, some CMOS compatible read-out electronics. The dimensions are optimized by maximizing radiation absorption in the frequency window of interest [16]. Lossy resonance, i.e. full absorption of the incident wave by the absorbing film, is then considered to achieve optimal electromagnetic performance of the device. For fast operation, good responsivity and sensitivity, all the sensing elements should have low heat capacity and high thermal conductivity while either external or combined (composite)
#73138 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2006 OSA
Received 18 July 2006; revised 27 September 2006; accepted 8 October 2006
30 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 22 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10427
thermometric elements should be characterized by a high temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR).
ε 1 , μ0 ,θ1 IR radiation
ε 2 , μ0 ,θ 2
z2 Absorber
ε 3 , μ0 ,θ3
ε 4 , μ0 ,θ 4
(a) Top-side view of typical two level IR microbolomete
SPR field distribution
θ1 > θc,3
(b) General four-layer model
θ1 < θc,3
CPR field distribution
Perfect mirror
(d) CPR configuration, ε 4 → ∞
(c) SPR configuration, ε 4 = ε 3
Fig. 1. Bolometer configurations.
As shown in Fig. 1(b), the electromagnetic wave is incident at an angle θ1 upon the absorbing film. For simplicity, we shall henceforth assume that all the media are lossless ( ε q are pure real, q = 1,3, 4 ) except for the absorbing film ( ε 2 complex). As usual, the propagation angles in all the layers are determined via Snell’s law, i.e. n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ 2 = n3 sin θ3 = n4 sin θ 4 , where the refractive indexes are given via nq = ε q ε 0 ( q = 1, 2, 3, 4 ). Subsequently, the
critical incidence angles are given via θc ,q = sin −1 ( nq n1 ) . The field solutions in such a multilayer refraction problem are generally known (e.g. [17]) and the power absorption efficiency of the absorbing film can be defined as
η = 1 − R1 − T4 ℜ { N 4 } , 2
which is a direct extension of the formulation developed in Ref. [18] for the current four-layer configuration, written in terms of the global field reflection and transmission coefficients R1 and T4 . The latter can be conveniently recovered through an iterative procedure [19] where, for the four layers of interest q = 1, 2,3, 4 , one obtains
Rq =
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rq + Rq +1e
− i 2 k0 nq+1 zq cos θq +1
1 + rq Rq +1e
− i 2 k0 nq +1 zq cosθ q+1
i 2 k0 nq zq cosθq
, R4 = 0
Received 18 July 2006; revised 27 September 2006; accepted 8 October 2006
30 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 22 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10428
and q
Tq = ∏
(1 + rm −1 ) eik ( n 0
m−1 cos θ m−1 − nm
cosθ m ) zm −1
1 + rm−1 Rm e −i 2 k0nm zm−1 cosθ m
m =2
with k0 = ω ε 0 μ0 and the normalized refractive indexes and their associated phases ψ q defined via
nq ⎛ cos θ q ⎜ ⎝
n1 cos θ1
⎞ ⎟ ⎠
N −N N +N
rq =
q +1
q +1
T1 = 1 ,
, local refraction coefficients rq ,
= ( −1) q e
iψ q
r4 = 0 .
The superscripts TE and TM have been retained in Eqs. (1)-(4) only in those terms that distinguish between the two elementary plane-wave polarizations. This rule is adopted throughout the paper for all subsequent relations. From (1) it can readily be noticed that full absorption (η = 1 ) can be achieved if two conditions are satisfied, namely, (i) either T4 = 0 or ℜ { N 4 } = 0 and (ii) R1 = 0 . When T4 = 0 , i.e. r3 = −1 in (4), no energy penetrates into the substrate layer n4 and an equivalent lossy resonance cavity appears in the region z3 ≤ z ≤ z1 = 0 due to a perfect mirror at z = z3 [Fig. 1(d)] and no reflection at z = z1 . Alternatively, the term ℜ { N 4 } vanishes when exciting evanescent plane waves in the region
z ≤ z3 , which may lead to the classical SPR situation described in Fig. 1(c) upon setting n3 = n4 (leading to z3 = z2 ).
As already noted, R1 must also vanish in (1) to achieve total absorption. Utilizing (2), this term can be explicitly expressed as
R1 =
r1 + ρ2ei 2 k0 dn2 cosθ2 , 1 + r1 ρ2ei 2 k0 dn2 cosθ2
where the composite local refraction coefficient ρ 2 is defined via ρ2 =
N −N N +N 2
The composite normalized refractive index
cot ( γ + ψ 3 2 ) , γ = k0 n3 cos θ 3 .
actually incorporates the effects of two layers
( n3 and n4 ), so that Eq. (5) expresses the well-known global reflectivity of a single slab [17], but with ρ2 replacing r2 , i.e.
3. Full absorption cases
As mentioned above, the two full-absorption (η = 1 ) cases of interest are given by either lossy resonance cavity ( T4 = 0 ) or total internal reflection ( ℜ { N 4 } = 0 ). The latter is satisfied when
θ1 is above the critical angle, i.e. θ1 > θ c ,4 , whereas the former is realized by placing a perfect
mirror at z = z3 , leading to N 4 = ∞ and ψ 3 = 0 . Table 1 summarizes full absorption conditions, obtained for these two general cases. Evidently, they are both characterized by purely imaginary composite normalized refractive index, namely ℜ N 3 = 0 , as expected for
{ }
zero power transmission into the substrate layer ( z < z3 ). We shall now focus on conducting and metallic-type absorbers, corresponding to ℑ{ N 3} = 0 and ℑ
{N } < 0 , respectively. 3
both perfect mirror ( T4 = 0 ) and total internal reflection ( θ1 > θ c ,4 = sin ( n4 n1 ) ) cases, optimal −1
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Received 18 July 2006; revised 27 September 2006; accepted 8 October 2006
30 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 22 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10429
absorption by metallic films can be implemented either below (CPR) or above (SPR) the critical angle θ c,3 = sin −1 ( n3 n1 ) . While the condition ℑ N 3 < 0 is satisfied by all
{ }
polarizations (TE/TM/TEM) in the CPR case, only the TM polarization is admissible for the SPR case. Note that the previously discussed SPR case for single slab configuration [18], for which N 3 = N 3 ¸ is recovered either by selecting identical materials in the third and fourth
regions, i.e. n3 = n4 [Fig. 1(c)], or by placing the mirror at a sufficiently large distance γ → ∞ in Fig. 1(d). Table 1. Full absorption ( η = 1 ) conditions for configurations (a) with perfect mirror termination ( T = 0 ) and (b) 4 under total internal reflection ( θ1 > θc ,4 ). (a)
Incidence angle Absorption regimes and associated conditions and polarizations p = 0,1, 2,... Good conductor: ℑ , ℑ{cos θ3 } = 0 , 3 =0
{N }
0 ≤ θ1 < θ c ,3 TE/TM/TEM CPR:
θ c ,3 < θ1 < π2 TM only
{N } 3
r3 = −1 , γ = π2 + pπ < 0 , ℑ{cos θ 3 } = 0 ¸
r3 = −1 , π2 + pπ < γ < π + pπ
{N } < 0 , ℜ{cos θ } = 0 , 3
r3 = −1
(b) Incidence angle Absorption regimes and associated conditions and polarizations p = 0,1, 2,... Good conductor: ℑ , ℑ{cos θ3 } = 0 , 3 =0
{N }
r3 = 1 , γ + ψ 3 2 = π 2 + pπ
θ c ,4 < θ1 < θ c ,3 TE/TM/TEM
r3 = 1 ,
θ c ,3 < θ1
θ c ,4 = sin −1 ( n4 n1 ) = 48.754o . Configuration parameters for the intersection points appear in Table 2 (note that intersection number 8 in Table 2 is out of range here).
Evidently, the CPR and SPR absorption is inherently characterized by high frequency and spatial selectivity, having potential promise for noise and jamming immunity and lensless farfield imaging. Furthermore, ultrathin absorbing films made of noble metals have intrinsically higher thermal diffusivity as compared to semiconductors and semimetals [1-4], that the corresponding bolometers feature a faster time response. Obviously, the cases shown in Fig. 3 are not the only possible examples and, as suggested by Fig. 2, many other intersection points and overlapping regions exist, thus offering more flexibility for achieving full absorption in thin films over wide range of wavelengths, bandwidths, and device dimensions.
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Received 18 July 2006; revised 27 September 2006; accepted 8 October 2006
30 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 22 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10433
1 1
7 7 0 0.1
λ [μ m]
0 -100
θ1 [o ]
Fig. 3. Power absorption efficiency in the vicinity of various lossy resonances (configuration details are given in Table 2 and material dispersions are taken from [1, 4, 21]). (a) efficiency η versus excitation wavelength λ = c f ; (b) efficiency η versus angle of incidence θ1 . The curve numbers here correspond to the full absorption (intersection) points as appear in Fig. 2 and Table 2 (note that intersection number 8 is out of range in Fig. 2).
Evidently, the CPR and SPR absorption is inherently characterized by high frequency and spatial selectivity, having potential promise for noise and jamming immunity and lensless farfield imaging. Furthermore, ultrathin absorbing films made of noble metals have intrinsically higher thermal diffusivity as compared to semiconductors and semimetals [1-4], that the corresponding bolometers feature a faster time response. Obviously, the cases shown in Fig. 3 are not the only possible examples and, as suggested by Fig. 2, many other intersection points and overlapping regions exist, thus offering more flexibility for achieving full absorption in thin films over wide range of wavelengths, bandwidths, and device dimensions. 5. Conclusion
A rigorous absorption optimization method was applied for improving the sensitivity of planar microbolometric detection array elements. We showed that the optimally absorbing detection films can be implemented by either conducting or plasmon-type materials. It is further demonstrated that the novel application of plasmon resonance absorption for far-field thermal imaging offers highly promising characteristics for efficient far-field thermal detection and imaging, including high responsivity, miniaturization, and intrinsic spatial (angle) selectivity without focusing lenses. Apart from the well-known surface plasmon resonance regime, we examined the cavity plasmon resonance excitation of thin metallic films, introduced here for the first time. In the context of bolometric detection, the latter phenomenon may offer more flexibility over wide ranges of device dimensions as well as tunability over both infrared and visible light domains. Acknowledgment
We thank Y. Nemirovsky for useful discussions.
#73138 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2006 OSA
Received 18 July 2006; revised 27 September 2006; accepted 8 October 2006
30 October 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 22 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10434