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Optimizing Lead Generation & Inbound Marketing: A Compilation of Tips Paul Mosenson, February 2013


Contents  About the author  Introduction  Optimization preparation  Optimize your website design

 Optimize your website content  Optimize your content marketing  Optimize your pay per click campaigns  Optimize your online display campaigns  Optimize your social media ads and engagement

 Optimize your SEO  Optimize your email marketing  Optimize your landing page & conversion rate  Optimize your analytics 2

About Paul Mosenson and NuSpark Marketing


About NuSpark Marketing • Founded in 2010; Team members average 25 years of experience • Philadelphia based; virtual team of experts, project-managed by Paul


• Provides the process, consultation, strategy, tactics for firms that need

optimized internet marketing, lead generation, lead nurturing, social media, and conversions

• Flexible Approach: Consultation to Execution


Organization Paul

My Team

•Digital Strategist


•Conversion Tactician


•Project Manager


•Media Director

•SEO Tacticians

•Pay-Per-Click Tactician

•Blog Outreach Managers

•Social Media Manager

•Social Media Content Posters

•Lead Generation

•Analytics Guru

More on Paul Mosenson  Founder Paul Mosenson is a long-time Media Director at Ad agencies and has

been managing digital campaigns for 15 years successfully, and media campaigns for over 25 years  Publisher of multiple eBooks on lead generation and digital marketing  Nationally renown speaker on digital media and lead generation  Recognized as on of the country’s top practitioners on lead generation by the Sales Lead Management Association


Our Approach to Business Assess







Introduction to Optimizing Lead Generation


Introduction  Top challenges of B2B marketers  Generating high quality leads  Generating high volume of leads

 This eBook  A presentation on tips and ideas that contribute to increasing

quality leads and conversions. Certainly each section could (and has been) it’s own book. Consider each section just a primer for a more comprehensive lead generation plan that the team of NuSpark Marketing can optimize for you


Where Marketers are Increasing Budgets: Website Optimization #1


Source: eMarketer

Lead Generation Definitions Let’s Get This Straight!  Someone who views your website: VISITOR  Someone who has expressed interest in your content or product:

    11

INQUIRY Someone who may need your product, but not purchased yet: PROSPECT Someone who is qualified to be contacted by sales due to their budget, title, decision role, timeframe to purchase: LEAD Someone who contacts you via phone, or web form: SITE CONVERSION Someone who was a lead; then buys: SALES CONVERSION

Many Facets of Lead Generation

Overwhelmed? Don’t be; we optimize all of these tactics; or ones that you need assistance with


Calculate the ROI of Optimization: Example Before-After

Got your attention? 13

Preparation Before we get started with optimization


Set Measureable Goals  Increase website traffic by….%

 Increase website visitors by….%  Increase site conversions by…..%  Decrease cost-per-lead by…..%

 Increase newsletter sign-ups by….%  Increase sales opportunities by…%


Confirm You’re On Right Track •What do you sell? •What need does it solve? •Why should prospects buy it?

•Why should prospects buy it from YOU? Above: the seeds for an optimal content strategy that drives leads. 16

Analyze Your Target Audience •Demographics

•Develop Personas •Buying Cycle •What Language They Use to Find Your Products/Services


Who Are They?  One person or committee

 Job title  Role in purchase influence  Business needs (i.e. efficiency, costs, productivity)

 Job frustrations (i.e. time, resources, inefficiency)  Drivers to buy


How Do They Research?  Search engines

 Trade websites  Social media  Colleagues and referrals

 Associations  Content- articles- white papers- webinars- blogs  Traditional media

 Direct marketing  Sales team 19

How Do They Buy?

Your lead generation process needs to address all of these buying phases; it starts with the message, and the story you tell throughout the buying cycle that nurtures leads to become sales.

•They find you because of content •They learn about you because of content •They advocate and share you due to content •They BUY you because of content 20

Confirm What Language (or Keywords) They Use  Ask them! Speak to clients and customers  Review competitive sites (and tools such as Spyfu)  Your own organic keywords obtained from your analytics program  Google’s keyword research tool

 Other third party keyword research tools  Industry research and news websites  Social media monitoring  General internal brainstorming- review all of your products and services- what do you do,

what problems do you solve

What words your prospects search for needs to align with the words used on your website and content, SO, optimization begins with keywords 21

Use a Keyword Template to Organize Your Keyword Research


Optimize Website Design


Consider: Responsive Web Design

Responsive design allows your website to adapt and display on any device or screen size, ensuring your prospects have an enjoyable, positive experience.

•The style automatically adjusts for mobile and tablet •User experience is enhanced; Google likes that which means better search rankings 24

•Brand consistency across devices

Website First Impression: Key Components of a Website That Converts  Credible  Trustworthy  Inviting  Easy to Navigate  Simple Look; Few Distractions  Strategic Use of Visuals and Whitespace  Readable Font

 Interactive with Clickable Links  Easy-to-Find Search Bar  Consistent Look Page by Page 25

Use of Color

•Use color strategically •Color themes need to complement each other; not distract •Use Adobe’s Kuler app (see left) to choose color palettes


Navigation and Menu Tips  Page Location: Top or Left; depending on categories needed 

 

  27

experiment with look Limit top level categories to six or seven items Use simple words in your navigation; avoid jargon Always utilize drop-down menus and clear sub-menus Always highlight in the menu where user is in relation to website by color or boldness Utilize proper breadcrumb functionality so users can easily click on higher or lower level menu items Always include a site map link in the footer

An Example of a Lead Generation Website that Converts


Website Optimization Summary (As written by a VP of Sales)


Design/Layout: Our site needs to grab our prospects’ attention, get them interested in our solutions, and then get them to take action. They need to know clearly why they should choose us!

Attention: We need a compelling headline on our home page that includes a key phrase that answer’s our target audience’s problems. We need to pique a potential customer’s interest.

Message: Our prospects are busy. Our site only has a few seconds to communicate our benefits, and what makes us better than our competitors. Persuasive headlines, graphic and design quality, and our page navigation need to work together to communicate our message clearly.

Benefits: Visitors arrive wanting to know what’s in it for them. How will we make our prospects’ business life better? Have we explained our benefits clearly on our home page?

Call to Action: I don’t want any of our site visitors leaving without taking action.This could be to sign-up, join, call or download. I hope our CTAs are easily seen and above the fold.

Nurturing: We need to review our nurturing and social media strategy so that prospects continue to interact with us, read our blog, and share our content.We have long sales-cycles; need to stay out there with problem solving content.

Optimize Content Marketing Part 1: Website Content


A Prospect Has Questions… A website visitor who is a potential customer will ask him/herself the questions below. Can you answer them?  Who are you?  What do you do?  Do I understand what you do?  What will your firm do for me and my needs?  What is each page about?  How do I navigate to each page?

 Why should I stay on your website?  Why should I return to your wesbite?  Why should I download your content?  Why should I buy from you?  Can I make contact easily? 31

Great Website Content…..  Is written for prospects in their language; not for Google

 Provides education and value  Explains simply to prospects how your products solve their    


business needs Is structured as short paragraph chunks and bullet-points Has links within the text to make it easy for prospects to navigate to other pages (big SEO tip as well) Avoids clichés and misunderstood business jargon; clarity is key Is shareable: include sharing widgets like AddThis and ShareThis within your website and blog so audiences can share your valuable content

Website Trustworthy Elements to Consider  Testimonials with real names and pictures  Case studies; authentic, and written clearly so results are easily


 Video testimonials (engaging and real)  Implement trust icons like associations, memberships, and


 Highlight real numeric results (“increased sales 15%”) where



Website Content & Buying Cycles  Website content assets need to appeal to all buying phases:  Educational: Top of funnel; prospects that are exploring

potential solutions

 Expertise: Mid-funnel; prospects are in deep research phase

and are making up their minds on the right solutions and possible vendors

 Evidence: Bottom-funnel; prospects are near buying decision

and are reviewing support content to validate their buying decisions


Optimize Content Marketing Part 2: Lead Generation Content


Developing Your Content Marketing Plan  Objectives. Identify your overall business goals; branding, thought leadership, leads, sales.  Target Audience. Research customer segments and develop buyer personas that cover such

issues as pain points, drivers to purchase, and social/media habits.  Content Map. Combining your objectives and personas with a specific content strategy and

tactics that targets each persona’s buying cycle.  Promotion. The promotion of content toward prospects and influencers for further sharing

that will extend messages to new and relevant audiences.  Engagement. The growth of your community through social listening, participation, and

content sharing provides insight for future content strategy, enables advocacy, and reinforces sharing.  Measurement. Using analytics to measure KPIs, and learning what those insights mean

toward your business goals, and how to refine your content strategy for future lead generation campaigns.


Organize Your Buyers by Buying Phase, Chart the following:

•Pain points, drivers to purchase, media behavior

•What keywords they use and content topics they prefer •Preferred content vehicles


Content Mapping

•Match content asset with vehicle of choice and buying phase •Promote on website, lead generation programs, social media, nurturing campaigns •Measure through tagged links, social tools, analytics platforms,

For more, download our Content Marketing Template eBook


Content Promotion Tips •Understand the objective of your content and post in appropriate channel Your Content

•Have an editorial calendar to plan your frequency and velocity •Follow content distribution strategy with your content map as described earlier

Utilize a content calendar to plan your promotion strategy


Content Marketing Example:  My white paper on pay-per-click optimization  My blog post on pay-per-click keyword selection

 My video demonstrating pay-per-click ad strategy


Promote My White Paper          


Pay-per-click ad for top of funnel lead generation Keyword embed for SEO LinkedIn ad targeting specific audiences Content syndication; Cost-per-lead program with publishers (see eMedia, Netline, TechTarget, etc) Email to segmented lists with special offer Promote on sidebar of blog Banner ad on industry website Promote within blog post Press release for back links Social media postings; target separate landing page for leads

Promote My Blog post  Keyword title and description for SEO

 Syndicate via RSS feed  Include in newsletter  Promote in LinkedIn discussion groups

 Posted on Twitter, Facebook, Google+  Social bookmarking upload- Digg & Reddit  Promote with cover note to targeted bloggers and website

owners as a guest blog (back link opportunity)  Include on recent posts plug-in on website home page 42

Promote My Video  If promotional- keep under a minute; if demo, keep it under  

 

 


5 minutes Host on YouTube and Vimeo Optimize videos with keywords in title and description Utilize a compelling thumbnail image Promote via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, G+ and other channels Include with content on website Offer sharing and more info options

Content Measurement KPIs  Numbers: Fans, likes, followers, subscribers, RSS feeds

 Actions: Views, downloads, registrations, shares,

comments, time-spent  Impact: Brand sentiment, brand mentions  Traffic: site rankings (SEO); inquiries  Conversions and purchases; contribution to sales closes within the funnel (nurture impact)


Optimize Pay-Per-Click


Match keywords with buying cycle; Offer appropriate content in ads  Early-funnel complementary keywords: tips, techniques,

ideas, improve, how to, results, process, effectiveness, pdfs, articles  Content offer: white papers, recorded webinars

 Mid-funnel complementary keywords: top, best, options,

reviews, list, directory, programs, tools, services, companies, firms, vendors  Content: Demos, trials, case studies, benefit-copy

 Bottom-funnel complementary keywords: Buy, discount,

sales, branded search (your firm name), name of product  Content:Trials, free consultations, offers, specials


Paid Search Management Tips  Automate bidding to top 3 positions; higher click rates, visible site links (if budget

     

allows) Use a concatenate tool to easily develop a phrase, exact, and modified broad match keyword list; generally avoid broad match Keywords, Ads, and Landing pages need to be closely aligned- match search intent with keyword and ad Review Google analytics metrics, competitive metrics, and device metrics (desktop vs. mobile) along with basic click and cost data Optimize bidding strategy for conversions and cost-per-conversions, Have clear conversion goals. Utilize long tail keywords for better targeting and higher CTR Constantly test- ads, offers, landing pages

For much more, download our Paid Search for Lead Generation eBook 47

Paid Search Text Ad Tips

 Prepare a matrix as above for your products/services- and      48

include a key feature, benefit, and CTA in each ad you test End the first line of your ad description with a period; then that line becomes part of your ad headline if your ad is in top 3 spots Test asking a question in your headline? Headline needs to be convincing and captivating Have a great offer and strong call-to-action Great ads should align with specific keywords in specific ad groups

Key Paid Search Metrics to Track  Conversion Rate: Percentage of landing page conversions

from ad clicks. Increase conversion rate by following best practice landing page optimization (later in this eBook)  CTR (Click Through Rate): Percentage of clicks from ad impressions. Increase CTR by increasing ad/query alignment and adding negative keywords  CPC (Cost-Per-Click): Average cost for every click.  Cost-per-Conversion: Optimize CPC by focusing bidding on keywords that generate best conversions and also working to improve campaign quality scores. 49

Optimize Online Display


Display Optimization Tips  Establish goals: branding versus direct response  Explore all options: ad networks, exchanges, DSPs, and direct-to-publisher  Utilize Google ad planner, ComScore, Compete, and Alexa for site research  Strongly consider DSPs (demand side platforms) for best rates and high reach via RTB

(real-time bidding)  Negotiate CPA or CPL programs when possible  Blend run-of-network, behavioral targeting, and contextual targeting strategies  Measure attribution and view-through conversions to weigh display impact of media

channels such as display with last-touch conversions from other channels (Google Analytics has Assisted Conversion reports to measure this impact)  Consider video ad networks (with pre-roll) and YouTube for video marketing



Google Display Placement Options  Contextual: Making use of keywords for Google to find

placements from.  Topic: Specific lists of websites focusing on a topic of choice.  Interest: Based on 3rd party data, these are sites that target audiences with specific interests.  Managed Placements: Specific sites you wish to appear on.

Test All Options 52

Retargeting for Conversion Lift  Utilize retargeting to increase shopping cart

conversions, or promote additional content  Promote special offers to drive audiences back to unique landing pages for conversion opportunity  Test site retargeting versus search retargeting (based on search queries rather than site visits)  Test the Facebook Exchange; Promote ads on FB toward website visitors who failed to convert


Content & Offers Promoted in Ads Drives Clicks to your Landing Pages


Optimize Social Media


Social Media Statistics  50 – 70% of the buying cycle is now completed

before customers ever engage with a sales person  56% of B2B marketers acquired new customers using social media in 2011  70% of marketers now use social media as part of their marketing strategy.

Source-Marketo 56

Social Media Lead Gen Tips  Produce lots of quality content; informational, unique, 

 


shareable Use unique landing pages for lead capture; use URL shortener like bit.ly for tracking Social is about sharing; share and repurpose content; a mix of yours and others Social and SEO intersect; Google rewards social signals Establish your thought leadership via blogs and content. Heavy bloggers generate more leads

Test Social Media Postings and Ads for Lead Capture: Measure Conversions


Facebook Advertising Tips  Elements: Compelling Unique Image; Content that presents   

  59

a clear benefit. Strong CTA Test Newsfeed versus mobile ads for sponsored stories Interest Targeting: Use precise interests (no hashtag) for very specific keyword targeting Interest Targeting: Use broader interests (with hashtag) for larger reach Bidding: Test strategies CPC vs. CPM: Bid higher for specific targeting. Test Facebook automatic bid optimization Measure conversions and cost-per-conversion

Twitter Advertising Tips  Determine goals: New leads, engage current followers,    

  60

convert followers into customers Utilize hashtags in ad copy to make tweets more searchable Promote good content that attracts audiences Utilize Promoted Accounts to get your brand noticed quicker and build followers Utilize Promoted Tweets for unique content and lead capture. Target users searching for keywords. Test placements- via timelines, search results, or your profile Include strong CTA- offers, events, awesome content Measure with Twitter analytics

LinkedIn Advertising Tips  Write effective ad copy; clear message, include benefit and CTA

(download, sign-up)  Utilize a compelling image that attracts attention

 Target specific audiences- titles, industries, geography, company size,

seniority, groups. Ideally blend as many options for best targeting  Test ad variations and targeting options. Split test for optimal performance  Bidding. Typically use LinkedIn suggested bids, but bid higher for more impressions.  Measure performance- CTR, leads, conversions


YouTube Advertising Tips  Have goals: branding, response, new product

 Keep it short; ideal video length 60 seconds  Engage audiences- inform, entertain, educate  Inspire audiences with your message; be conversational and

  

 


compelling Mix with motion graphics and visuals to maintain interest Include a strong CTA Optimize video with keywords in title and description Test targeting: placements, topics, keywords, channels, demographics, but know your audience Consider remarketing: Target ads to those who viewed your videos

YouTube Placement Options  TrueView Video Ads: Gives viewers choice if they wish to watch

your video ad. Pricing based on views; not impressions.


Utilize Slideshare for Presentations

Slideshare great for SEO


Google+ and Google Authorship •Google authorship (with photos) makes your content standout, meaning more clicks and inquiries. •Use important keywords in your company profile


Optimize LinkedIn Profiles Optimize profile with keywords in headline and summary


Optimize company page with robust content and status updates

A Quick Slide on Social Media Engagement Strategy….  Ask yourself two questions

when posting social content…  Why Should My Prospects Care?  Why Should My Prospects

Share?  Then Proceed…. 67

Key Twitter Metrics to Track Engaged Follower Rate Active Followers/ Total Followers) X 100 *An active follower is the number of followers who retweeted you or mentioned you in a tweet in a given time period) 

Conversation Rate ((Retweets Given + @replies)/ Total Followers)) x 100 

Content Amplification Rate (Retweets Received/ # of Tweets) x 100 

Content Influence Rate ((Mentions + Retweets Received + Favorited Posts)/# of Tweets)) x 100 

Clicks Per Post (Website Traffic) Original Content Post Clicks/ Total Original Content Posts 


Favorite Twitter Measurement Tools


Key Facebook Metrics to Track Fan Growth Rate (New Fans – Lost Fans)/ Previous Month’s New Fans Post Virality Rate (People Talking About This/Organic Reach) x 100 Content Amplification Rate # of Post Shares / # of Posts Fan Engagement Rate ((People Talking About This + Post Consumptions)/ # of Page Fans) x 100 Content Engagement Rate (People Talking About This / # of Fans) x 100 Clicks per Original Content Post Original Content Post Clicks (Content on your blog/website)/ Total Original Content Posts


Blogging Advantages  Blogs provide a number of benefits for lead generation:  Provides fresh content; a true SEO benefit  Establishes you and your firm as industry and thought leaders  Builds new traffic to your website

 Allows a platform for dialog with your readers  Ability to cross-sell or generate leads with sidebar offers  Useful as a lead nurturing tactic via email marketing.


Blog Optimization Tips Blog Format Tips

Blog Idea Suggestions

Here are some best practices to help you with ideas and format


SEO Optimization (excuse the redundancy)


General SEO Tips  Write lots of great content. Authority comes from off-site links. Build

 

   


followings; promote on social media, foster relationships with influencers Carefully research keywords. Optimize based on a small group of relevant keywords focused on what buyers look for to find you. Pay special attention to page titles and meta descriptions. This is the content audiences see on organic searches. Keyword- benefit focused meta descriptions drives clicks to your website Make sure all blog posts, video content, white papers, and PDFs are all keyword optimized by title and description before posting Ensure Google webmaster tools (and Bing’s) are activated and there are no crawl issues with your site map Internal links within your website content improves site experience; which contributes to higher search rank. Automated article submissions don’t work as well anymore with Panda and Penguin. Quality, unique content submitted to highly-ranked websites work best for backlinks.

Content Optimization Tips for SEO  Title Tag: 10-15 words, with most important keywords first

 Body Copy: Use target keyword phrases 3-5x per 400-500

words or so  Image Alt Text: Use specific exact match keyword  Anchor Text Links: The link text should be a keyword; not a “click here” phrase.  General SEO copywriting: Limit personal pronouns; focus on keyword descriptive references when possible


Guest Blog Outreach •Quality content is critical for blog sites to accept your content. It should be unique and compelling; not cookie-cutter •Blog outreach is essential to generate quality back links that increase search rankings. Utilize an outreach tool like on the left (GroupHigh) for research and outreach management


Other Backlink Opportunities  List your firm in general and industry-specific directories

 List your firm in local online business directories and local

associations  Claim your listing in Google+ Local  Posting content on bookmarking sites such as Digg and Reddit  Promote newsworthy content via online PR distribution services like PRWeb


Key SEO Metrics to Track  Overall increases in site traffic versus prior periods

 Increase in conversions  Increase in organic website traffic from non-branded

keywords (keywords that do not include your firm name)  Increase in search engine ranking for targeted keywords


Optimize Email Marketing


Email Tips Email Content Tips


Email List Management Tips

Need Subject Line Tips?  Tips for Getting Those Emails Opened  Keep the length under 55 characters  Ask a question that’s relevant to the end user’s needs (DidYou Know…)  Make a list. Lists with numbers tell readers that the email is easy to

read (5 Reasons That)  Encourage action to get people to open immediately  Test subject lines and compare open rates (Respond Now for Free Offer)


Email Marketing via Mobile  Consider shortening subject line- 4-5 words- 20 characters. Clear      


and concise Clean design- one column- smaller size images (ideally 500-600px wide) Include text and HTML versions, aka multi-part MIME formattest on all platforms Include complete contact info and social links Don’t oversell- focus on one key message. Describer offer quickly; mobile viewers scan CTA needs to be concise. Utilize simple form or click-to-call Mobile landing pages must be optimized for devices and platforms.

Lead Nurturing Optimization Tips  Have goals in place for each drip campaign- convert prospects, activate  

   


dormant leads, promote free trials, educate existing prospects, etc Use lead scoring and a sound qualification process to identify when leads are sales-ready Assess your current content, fill in gaps of missing content, test and repurpose papers, webinars, reports, and case studies. Utilize blog posts as well Segment audiences by lead source, job function, industry, product interest, and website/email engagement activity Plan your content strategy in a logical order; emailing content offers via each target list’s buying cycle. Direct audiences to specific landing pages, and explain clearly how to obtain the content (email or download link) Test content offers, drip campaign frequency, subject lines, target audiences

Key Email Metrics to Track  Bounce rate: Percentage of emails that go undelivered. Fix?

Remove bad emails  CTR (Click-Through-Rate): Number of email recipients who clicked at least one link in your email. Low CTR? Rethink message  Open Rate: Percentage of emails opened. Not as important as clicks or conversions, but open rates can be improved by tweaking audience segment and subject line  Conversion Rate: Percentage of recipients who clicked a link, went to a landing page, and performed a desired action. 84

Landing Page Optimization A landing page is any page on a website or a stand alone page/microsite where traffic is sent specifically to prompt a certain action or result.


Landing Pages Tips      

 


Each landing page aligns itself with a specific audience with a valuable, relevant message.Tips: Headline: Clear, focused, align with ad copy and offer; Grab a prospect’s interest with your “hook.” Value: Ensure your offer provides business value to your prospects.Your landing page needs to demonstrate that value Page Content: Further explain offer, remind audiences on benefits of your offer, use bullet points and attention-getting style/formatting. If free offer; I still need convincing Images: Use images (or video) that reinforce offer benefit; images should be eyecatching, relevant, but not overpowering. Sharing: Include social media sharing links so the content is shared easily Reassurance: Consider testimonials, association badges and authority endorsements Above the Fold: Keep primary messaging above the bottom of the screen Limit Distractions: Keep message laser-focused. Limit navigation or external links so prospects focus on your web form

Effective Landing Pages


Benefits of Landing Page Videos  Multiple research has proven that

 

  88

videos increase conversion rate (up to 80%) Videos increase time spent on your page; message sinks in Videos that feature employees or testimonials increase trust factor Many audiences prefer to watch than read Combination of sight, sound, and text leaves memorable persuasive impressions

Video Landing Page Optimization  Use YouTube’s Keyword Tool to research keywords for your video title and   

  


description Optimize your video title: Up to 100 characters long; containing keywords Optimize tags; 120 character limit, with keywords Video sitemap. Submit a video XML sitemap to Google webmaster tools Add a video transcript to accompany the video (within source code) Have a compelling thumbnail image to encourage video viewing Ensure landing pages load quickly

Web Form Optimization Tips  Keep the form fields to an absolute minimum.

It’s OK to gather a little information for segmenting, but only capture the most critical, like company size and role/job title  Make sure it’s clear on expectations- when prospects receive their download or trial, and how it’s delivered  Submit buttons must be easy to find, clear, and engaging. Test action words other than Submitlike Go, or Download Now!


Conversion Rate Testing  Determine conversion increase metrics/goals  Utilize a testing tool (coming up)

 Choose a campaign to test; one with high acquisition costs or low  

  

conversion rates Create an experiment with hypothesis Build and launch the test; brainstorm testing options Run tests long enough to judge a clear winner Analyze results; make recommendations; roll-out the winner Test regularly


A/B Tests


Multivariate Tests


Testing Variables  Headlines  Calls-to-Action  Color Scheme

 Body copy- content/ font/ size  Layout  Fields in form

 Use of images  Message Match- Ads to

Landing Page Offers  Audience segments


Template for Conversion Tests


Example: Headline Tests  Promote Benefit  LowerYour Cost-Per-Conversion 33%

 Offer Focus  Free Conversion Optimization Consultation

 Question or Tease  Need to LowerYour Cost-Per-Conversion?

 Direct Approach  Conversion Optimization Experts

 Numbers/Checklist  5Ways to Increase Conversion Rates 96

Examples: Other Tests  Call-to-Action Language  Free Trial, Get Quote, DownloadYour Paper Now, Get Started, Sign Up,

StartYour Trial Now  Features/Benefits  Test key benefits- between 3 and 5 points, see which “hot

buttons” drive conversions  Pricing/Offers  Webinar versus ebook, Limited Time versus One Month Free,

Show Pricing versus hidden pricing, White Paper versus Blog Post links


Favorite Conversion Testing Tools Unbounce

Visual Website Optimizer




Also, Google Analytics- Content Experiments  Google’s own content testing tool allows you to experiment with

landing page elements and measure conversions Choose experiment pages……..set experiment options…….set goals to track


Chat can Increase Conversions Adding a chat option can increase website engagement and persuade prospects to convert. Two popular solutions are below.


Consider Call Tracking With call tracking and Google Analytics integration, we can measure phone calls by media source and landing page, and paint a better picture of conversions when more than web form conversion options exist. Below are popular call tracking solutions


Google Analytics for Lead Generation Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.


Conversion Goals  For Landing Pages/Microsites, purely measure conversion

goals from Thank You pages  For Websites, utilize micro and macro conversions  Macro: The ultimate conversion that leads to an email capture

 Micro: Activity can leads up to a potential macro conversion,

such as time-on-site, pages-per-visit, bounce rates, page events, videos viewed, content downloaded as PDFs, pricing page views, and other relevant metrics

Visitor KPIs That Matter  Visitor KPIs          


Traffic sources Search traffic; paid versus organic New visitors Desktop versus mobile Keywords Non-branded keywords Frequency of visits Referral traffic Social traffic Audience segments

Engagement KPIs That Matter  Engagement KPIs  Pages per visit  Time on site  Bounce rate

 Exit rate  Events  Video views  Content downloads  Chat  Newsletter signups  Blog pages viewed 105

Conversion KPIs That Matter  Conversion KPIs  Product inquiries  Web Form submissions  Quotes requested

 Salespeople contacts  Purchases  Conversion values


Track Multi-Channel Funnels; Measure Attribution Affects

This report measures attribution; how media channels contribute to last-touch conversions. This report can support how channels such as display and social affect overall site or landing page conversions 107

General Google Analytics Tips  Focus on business decisions and optimization planning

 Review and understand mobile traffic compared to desktop traffic  Review non-bounce traffic versus bounce traffic by keywords.

Terms with a high bounce (over 40%) may still be profitable of the non-bounce traffic of the same terms generate a high conversion rate  Study the content and landing page reports, as well as the navigation summary for each page; look at page exit rates, then determine what pages on your website need optimization  Create custom dashboards and review the most important trends easily.  Always study trends; and review sudden traffic increases and drops 108

Example of a Custom Dashboard


Bottom-Line: Analytics Business Outcomes  Track Conversion Rate and Cost-Per-Conversion metrics for:  Ad campaigns  Landing page offers or destination URLs  Pay per click keywords  SEO efforts  Email campaigns  Bounce visits versus non-bounce visits  Mobile campaigns  Offline campaigns  Blog readership  Social media efforts  AND MUCH MORE

 Then make strategic decisions to optimize your

website, lead generation and inbound marketing


One More Thing  Did I Mention I Buy Traditional Media Too?

 Television  Radio  Newspaper  Trade Journal

 Billboard  Transit  Alternative 111

Questions?  Contact Paul Mosenson of NuSpark Marketing  [email protected]  610-812-2725

 www.nusparkmarketing.com

Our Values  We fully immense ourselves with your marketing goals, target 

audiences, and culture so that we truly understand your business We focus on 24/7 customer service. We treat every client the same; no pecking order. No matter how large or small, every single relationship is equal in our view We spend your budget like its our own; our goal is to maximize investment-seek the best deals, the best promotions, the best added-value. We strive to drive results like no other firm We will continually optimize and audit to make sure you’re getting the absolute best value We pride ourselves on win-win relationships. By creating professional one-to-one relationships with vendors, we typically get increased value and that means increased ROI for you