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TURN MAINTENANCE AND OPTIMIZATION OVER TO THE EXPERTS KEY FEATURES • System cleanup • User interface enhancement • New feature activation • Candidate experience improvements • Workflow enhancement
Oracle Taleo Managed Services offers skilled experts ffrrom om Oracle to maintain and optimize your Oracle Taleo Cloud Service—so tha thatt you don’t have to. This tailored program is ideal for organizations that have li lim mited ited inhouse resources Taleo Cloud Service. to administer, manage, and optimize the use of Oracle Taleo Let Oracle Experts Maintain Your Solution Whether you use Oracle Managed Services to supplement your iin nternal ternal resources or to act as the primary, dedicated administrator for your Oracle Taleo Clou Cloud d Service, you can •
Lower administration costs to rapidly achieve ROI objectives
Depend on an experienced Oracle Taleo Remote System Admi Admin nistration resource who has been certified through Oracle University
Draw on the talent management expertise of Oracle system ad adm ministrators inistrators with deep and current knowledge of Oracle Taleo Cloud Service
• Ondemand service
Reallocate your resources to more strategic activities
Easily gain system administration support across the wide ran rang gee of Oracle Taleo Cloud Service offerings
• Reporting
KEY BENEFITS • Oracle expertise • Lower administration costs • Faster ROI
Eliminate the Need for a Dedicated Resource For customers without existing internal resources, Oracle Taleo Managed Services can serv vice ice on demand to eliminate the need for a dedicated fulltime resource. Use the ser supplement existing resources and to accelerate the completion ooff projects such as version migrations, product rollouts, and deployments to new geographi geographiees. s.
Complete Projects More Efficiently and Effectively Oracle Taleo Managed Services provides the fastest way to brin bring g deep Oracle Taleo Cloud Service expertise into your organization to make your projects rru unn faster and smoother. Oracle experts keep their skills current through continuous learning and have direct access to Oracle’s internal subject matter experts and resources.
Keep Internal Resources Focused on Strategic Project Projects s Keep your HR practitioners focused on important activities and iin nternal ternal IT resources focused on larger initiatives by turning over the daytoday administratio administration n of Oracle Taleo Cloud Service to Oracle experts. With Oracle Taleo Managed Services, you get ongoing support for daily maintenance as well as additional support for newproject rro ollouts.
ORACLE TALEO ENTERPRISE CLOUD SERVICE Leading organizations worldwide use Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service to hire the best people, align them to corporate objectives, and develop their skills to drive superior business results.
This includes •
Creation and maintenance of Oracle Enterprise Cloud Service application content (including reports, correspondence, career sections, onboarding workflows, performance review and goal plan forms, learn centers, and more)
Configuration changes (including updates to organization, location, and function hierarchies)
Tactical support for version migrations, new products, and global rollouts
Troubleshooting issues and logging support incidents
Configuration and testing assistance
RELATED PRODUCTS • Oracle Taleo Development
Planning Cloud Service • Oracle Taleo Goals Management
Cloud Service • Oracle Taleo Learn Cloud Service
Get Your Own Oracle Taleo Cloud Service Administrator
• Oracle Taleo Onboarding
Oracle Taleo Managed Services provides a specialized and highly skilled administrative resource to help you drive user adoption and maximize the impact of your Oracle Taleo Cloud Service. In addition, Oracle Taleo Managed Services helps optimize your Oracle Taleo Cloud Service usage by providing support for planned and ad hoc projects. Oracle experts have access to the most recent releases, internal tools, knowledge bases, and more.
Cloud Service • Oracle Taleo Performance
Management Cloud Service • Oracle Taleo Recruiting
Cloud Service • Oracle Taleo Succession Planning
Cloud Service
Choose Ongoing Administration or OnDemand Services Oracle offers either ongoing packages or OnDemand hours for Oracle Taleo Managed Services. For more predicable budgeting and support, the ongoing administration program includes a named Oracle expert who provides support for a specific number of months. For unanticipated gaps in resources or capabilities, the OnDemand program provides immediate support.
Ongoing Administration Packages Transfer partial or complete administration to Oracle Taleo Cloud Service experts.
Table 1. Ongoing System Administration
Hours per Quarter
Oracle Taleo Remote Systems Administration Weekly 10
Oracle Taleo Remote Systems Administration Weekly 20
Oracle Taleo Remote Systems Administration Weekly 30
Minimum service period of 2 quarters for Oracle Taleo Remote System Administration Weekly 10 and Weekly 20 packages. Minimum service period of 4 quarters for Oracle Taleo Remote System Administration Weekly 30 package.
OnDemand Hours Buy hours to support special initiatives or fill unanticipated resource gaps.
Table 2. On Demand Packages
Oracle Taleo Remote Systems Administration OnDemand
Minimum of 20 hours. Additional hours sold in increments of 10 hours. Maximum of 50 hours per order.
12 Weeks
OnDemand hours must be used in the duration time period.
ORACLE TALEO BUSINESS EDITION CLOUD SERVICE Oracle TBE Cloud Service helps you become the employer of choice by giving you the power to recruit the brightest, hire the best, and build a culture of performance and productivity. RELATED PRODUCTS • Oracle TBE Learn Cloud Service • Oracle TBE Onboarding
Cloud Service
Get Started Today Oracle’s highly experienced and certified remote system administrators can fill resource gaps quickly, lower your administration costs, and help you rapidly achieve your ROI objectives.
• Oracle TBE Performance
Management Cloud Service • Oracle TBE Recruiting
Cloud Service
Contact Us For more information about Oracle Managed Services, visit oracle.com or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative.
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