Road: An easy 3.5 hour drive from Sydney or. Canberra. Visit
au for directions. Coach service available from. Sydney to Orange. Air:.
Visitor Guide
I n c l u d i n g t h e v i l l a g e s o f C a b o n n e & B l a y n ey
landscape culture villages
unwind wine dineplay
Getting here Location:
Approximately 260 km NW from Sydney, Australia.
The Region:
Covering 7,835 square kilometres featuring a varying topography from mountainous - 1,395m above sea level - through to elevated plains.
Population: The region is home to 54,000 people, with approximately 38,700 residing in Orange City.
Ar riv ing R ail:
Several departures from Sydney Central daily. Ph 13 22 32 (see page 47)
An easy 3.5 hour drive from Sydney or Canberra. Visit for directions. Coach service available from Sydney to Orange.
ex services the region with several flights R into Orange from Sydney each day. Ph 13 17 13
E xploring Taxi Cabs of Orange Ph 131 008 (from Orange) Ph 6362 1333 (outside Orange)
N e w S o u t h Wa l e s
For more exploring options visit the tours and transport directory on page 51.
D is t a nc e s Route
Distance (km)
Average Drive Time (Hour:Mins)
Sydney City – Orange
Penrith – Orange
Katoomba – Orange
Canberra – Orange
Dubbo – Orange
Bathurst – Orange
Brisbane – Orange
Melbourne – Orange
Newcastle 5:20mins
Bathurst 40mins
Cowra 1hr
Sydney 3.5hrs
Canberra 3.5hrs
C l i m a te / R ain f all ch ar t
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
26 13
26 13
23 11
19 7
14 5
11 3
9 1
11 2
14 4
17 7
21 9
24 11
100 81
Avg temp Max C Min C
facts NSW
• The traditional landowners are the Wiradjuri people • O range was named in the mid 1800s after the Prince of Orange who later became the King of Holland • A striking feature of the landscape - Mount Canobolas - at 1,395m is the highest peak in a straight line between the Blue Mountains and Perth • O range is the only recognised wine region within the Central NSW Region that is defined by height above sea level (above 600m) and is one of the highest altitude wine regions in Australia • Orange has close to 40 wineries and 30 cellar doors
What to see and do
Events Calendar
Wi n e Cellar Doors Wi n e s by m a i l o r d e r and local stockists
Fo o d Re s t a u r a n t s Café Culture Fo o d E x p e r i e n c e s
10 14 8
16 18 20
Ar ts, Music and Theatre
Vi l l a g e s Map Molong Millthorpe Canowindra
25 24 26 27 30
Histor y
Fa m i l i e s
Pa r k s & G a r d e n s
• O phir (26 kms from Orange) was the site of Australia’s first payable gold discovery
• T he Amusu Theatre in Manildra is Australia’s longest running picture theatre
100 Miles
Director y Index
Pull out Map
• O range F.O.O.D Week is one of Australia’s longest running regional food events • There are 34 restaurants in Orange & surrounds • C anowindra is the site of one of Australia’s most significant fossil finds
• P ub life is an important part of our lifestyle - we have 13 in Orange • C adia Valley, south of Orange is home to one of Australia’s largest producing gold mines • M anildra is home to the largest flour mill in the southern hemisphere • There are 3 golf courses in Orange
for family & friends Ride the miniature railway © Alf Manciagli
Playgrounds galore to tire them out Explore the Orange Botanic Gardens
Breathe in the
Skate Parks and BMX track for the kids Marvel at the power of the Blayney Wind Farm Come face to face with nature
natural beauty
Wonderful walking and cycling trails
of stunning parks and gardens, lakes, orchards and
Experience rural life at a farm stay Pan for gold at Ophir Reserve Try your luck at a race meeting
Pick in-season fruit and berries Bike ride around Gosling Creek Reserve
Be inspired by the views from Mt Canobolas
Celebrate Slow Summer with us in February
Unearth Borenore Caves (bring a torch) Stroll around National Trust listed Cook Park Explore the Orange Botanic Gardens Canoe or sail on Lake Canobolas Encounter native flora & fauna on a bushwalk in the Canobolas State Conservation Area
© Seth Buchanan
Set up a picnic and soak in the surrounds Bike ride around Gosling Creek Reserve
Experience hands-on a
time gone past
Explore Nangar & Goobang National Parks close by
Visit the Age of Fishes Museum, Canowindra View the historic architecture on the Orange Heritage Trails Pay your respects at Yuranigh’s Grave, Molong Uncover the Golden Memories Museum in Millthorpe Amble along the heritage listed streetscapes of the surrounding villages Age of Fishes Museum
© Simmone Vivers
Discover grand buildings that were part of the golden era
© Craig Fenemor
see&do NSW
we invite you to taste orange and the villages of Cabonne & Blayney
Celebrate F.O.O.D Week and Wine Week with us
Share in our food and
Drop in at a cellar door & meet the winemaker Dine in one of our many renowned restaurants Meet the producers at the Farmer’s Market
© Steve Marshall
Swing by a farm gate and discover the taste of fresh produce
to surprise you
Learn new skills at a cooking school
Catch one of the 30 exhibitions shown at the Orange Regional Gallery each year
Enjoy great coffee Celebrate F.O.O.D Week and Wine Week with us
Immerse yourself in a music concert in an exceptional setting
Try the ‘100 Mile’ Diet
Take in one of the many contemporary Australian & International productions at the Orange Civic Theatre
eat Orange Regional Gallery
Come across professional artists of note in a private gallery Participate in a creative workshop Find yourself a culture buff at Frost Fest
see & hear
2012 2012 Events
Friday 1 June
Fantasia in Orange - Orange Regional Conservatorium Ticketek 02 6393 8111
Friday 15 to Sunday 17 June
Orange Antique Fair 2012 Ticketek 02 6393 8111
Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 June
U/14 NSW Rugby Union State Championships
Friday 22 to Sunday 24 June
NSW U/15 Girls State Hockey Championships Amarlie 0400 309 951
Wednesday 11 to Sunday 15 July
NSW Country Gymnastics Championships Amanda 02 8116 4115
Friday 3 to Sunday 12 August – Frost Fest 2012 Orange/Cabonne District Community festival of music and art events 02 6360 1990 Friday 3 August
Arrebato Flamenco Concert Orange Regional Conservatorium Enquiries 02 6361 7974
Saturday 4 August
Arrebato Flamenco Dance and Guitar Workshops Orange Regional Conservatorium Enquiries 02 6361 7974
Sunday 12 August
Riverina Chamber Orchestra Orange Regional Conservatorium 02 6361 7974
Thursday 23 & Friday 24 August 02 6360 1990
Friday 24 & Saturday 25 August
The School For Wives (Bell Shakespeare) Ticketek 02 6393 8111
Orange Eisteddfod Ticketek 02 6393 8111
Friday 14 September
Orange Youth Orchestra ‘Concerto’ Orange Regional Conservatorium Enquiries 02 6361 7974
Friday 28 September
Duntryleague Junior Classic Golf Tournament Enquiries 02 6362 3466
Sunday 30 September
TAB - Saddle Up Sunday
Saturday 29 September to Monday 1 October
City of Orange Golf Championships Enquiries 02 6361 3210
Monday 1 to Thursday 4 October
Duntryleague Annual Veterans Tournament Enquiries 02 6362 3466
Friday 12 to Saturday 27 October
Singin’ in the Rain (Orange Theatre Company) Ticketek 02 6393 8111
Saturday 13 October
Orange Coin & Stamp Club Spring Fair 2012 Enquiries: Derek 02 6361 4872, Norm 02 6362 3754
Tuesday 16 to Thursday 18 October
Australian National Field Days
Taste Orange @ Sydney
Friday 19 to Sunday 28 October – Wine Week 2012 Program of events throughout the Orange district 02 6360 1990 Monday 22 to Friday 26 October
Duntryleague Ladies Open Golf Tournament Enquiries 02 6362 3466
Thursday 1 November
Circus Oz Ticketek 02 6393 8111
Tuesday 6 November
Melbourne Cup
Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 November
2012 Championship Dog Show Helen 02 6362 3932
Saturday 17 November
Of Earth & Sky (Bangarra Dance Theatre) Ticketek 02 6393 8111
Sunday 18 November
Symphony On Broadway Orange Regional Conservatorium 02 6361 7974
Orange Christmas Carols Concert 1800 069 466
Sunday 2 December
Millthorpe Markets Enquiries & Stallholders:
[email protected]
Monday 31 December
McCormack Barber NYE Under the Stars
What’s on EVERY month
1st Sunday 1st Sunday 2nd Saturday 2nd Saturday Every Sunday
Guided Bird Walks at Botanic Gardens - 8:30am 02 6365 1125 Orange Jazz Club @ The Royal Hotel - 2pm Orange Region Farmer’s Market 8:30am - 1pm (See page 20 for more details) 1800 069 466 Miniature Train Rides at Matthews Park - 1pm 02 6362 9634 Rotary Sunday Markets, Orange Central undercover carpark (via Byng St) 8am-12pm 1800 069 466
2013 Events
Friday 18 to Sunday 27 January Slow Summer 2013 Orange/Cabonne District A celebration of nature & nurture, various venues in the Orange region 02 6360 1990 or 1800 069 466 Saturday 19 to Tuesday 22 January
Mercedes Benz Duntryleague Classic Enquiries 02 6362 3466
Tuesday 22 to Saturday 26 January
New Horizons Adult Music Camp Orange Regional Conservatorium Enquiries 02 6361 7974
Saturday 26 January
Australia Day Celebrations in Cook Park Helen Corby 0408 971 945
Saturday 26 January
Orange Picnic Races
Gnoo Blas Classic Car Club - Annual Motor Show Denis Gregory 0417 445 426
Thursday 14 to Sunday 17 February
Dressage with Altitude 0417 224 432
Orange Gold Cup
Colour City Running Festival
Autumn Flower Show G Hamilton 02 6362 6285
Great Volcanic Mountain Challenge
Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 March
‘Orange Brass Band Celebration’ - Cook Park Robert Petrie 02 6362 7516
Friday 12 to Sunday 21 April Orange F.O.O.D. Week 2013
Program of events throughout the Orange district 02 6360 1990
Friday 10 to Sunday 12 May Orange Apple Festival 2013
Program of events throughout the Orange district 02 6360 1990
For more information on events and updates visit or
If you are a health professional visiting Orange, why not consider staying? The Bloomfield campus in Orange is the place to be for mental health professionals. With a significant investment of over a quarter of a billion dollars, the new campus will combine both the general hospital and mental health facilities all on the one site. The new specialist mental health component of the campus will make it one of the largest mental health inpatient services in regional Australia. We can offer health professionals many exciting opportunities to work in several mental health specialties, including • Ch i l d an d A d o l es cen t • A d u l t A c u t e , I n t e n s i v e Care an d H i g h D ep en d en cy • O l d er Peo p l es A cu t e an d N on A c ute • F o r en s i c • Reh ab i l i t at i o n
City Life Village Life Love your life As well as professional opportunities, we can offer a lifestyle to suit your individual needs – from the metropolitan benefits of living in Orange to a more relaxed way of life in one of the unique villages just a stones-throw away. (See Villages, page 24)
A new life and mental health careers await a lucky few... .why not make it you?
Orange and surrounding villages offer top-class schools, a wide range of community services, sporting and cultural pursuits, restaurants and wineries renowned across Australia. We enjoy a regional business and industry focus that will grow Orange into the future. We invite health professionals from all over the globe to join us and work in a first class modern environment. Choose the lifestyle that satisfies your needs and enjoy a work life balance!
w w w. y o r a n g e . c o m . a u
Orange NSW
Visitor Information Centre
souvenirs local produce gift baskets The Orange Visitor Information Centre is located at the corner of Byng and Peisley Streets in Orange, in close proximity to the Regional Art Gallery and Library, open from 9am to 5pm every day of the year, except Christmas Day. It offers a 24 hour Visitor Information Kiosk, free local and regional maps and brochures on accommodation, attractions, events, dining out and places of interest within the Central NSW Region. The Centre provides ‘Relocation Packs’ for visitors interested in moving to Orange and ‘Holiday Packs’ for those wishing to visit our colourful city. The Visitor Centre makes a great break for travellers, with coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cold drinks and a range of confectionary available. It also offers a large range of quality local produce including jam, honey, olives, olive oil, chutney and relish, hazelnuts, pistachios, verjus, biscuits, muesli, lime products, prunes, sauces and dressings, chocolates and licorice. Gift hampers are available ready-made or made to order. The Centre carries an extensive range of souvenirs featuring local images as well as Australiana. Locally produced, quality craft items such as soft toys, ceramics, wood craft, linen and lavender based skin care products are available for sale. Outdoor picnic tables are available for your use and toilets include disabled and baby change table facilities.
OPEN 9am – 5pm | 7 Days 151 Byng St (Corner of Byng & Peisley Sts), Orange NSW 2800 (Map 3 C6) FREE CALL 1800 069 466
! N O W T O U
ORANGE & DISTRICT WINE & FOOD GuIDE with cellar doors, farm gates, produce and dining
ORANGE & DISTRICT WINE & FOOD GUIDE Pick up a FREE copy from the Orange Visitor Information Centre, Cellar Doors and Farm Gates in the Orange Region, download it from our website, or scan the QR Code. Scan the QR code with your smartphone (you may need to install a QR code app.)
In Orange, we make wines that people like to drink. In a world of warming, increasing pace and excess, Orange provides the cool climate, the patience and restraint to produce world class wines of balance and finesse. Like all of the world’s great wine areas, Orange’s unique climate and geography is the key.
Altitude is essential. As night falls in the warmer months, so does the temperature and the sun’s ripening work of the day is tempered as vines are allowed time to rest and reflect. This gradual process allows us to build flavours slowly and ripen grapes well into Autumn, a luxury that allows us to pick fruit at its peak. Soil too, plays a crucial role. Whether it’s the volcanic basalt of Canobolas or red-brown clay further afield, Orange’s soils provide a rich and fertile environment in which vines can take deep roots and thrive. As the world’s collective palate moves away from overripe, heavy and jammy wines, Orange is in a key position. The Orange area continues to attract some of Australia’s great winemakers – reinforcing the belief of visionaries before them. Cellar doors offer as diverse an experience as the personalities that pour their wines. More often than not it is the hand that crafts the wine that pours it for you with a smile.
must see & do
• Catch the new wave of cool climate Chardonnay • Plan a trip for Wine Week • Meet the winemaker at a cellar door
• T aste over 200 wines at the Orange Wine Show Public Tasting • T aste the produce of the region in one of the winery restaurants © Craig Fenemor
must see & do
• Pick berries in season p20 • M eet the producers at the Orange Region Farmer’s Market on the second Saturday of the month p20 • Try one of our award winning restaurants • T ry matched food to wine at the Night Markets in F.O.O.D Week and Wine Week • Prepare seasonal local produce at a cooking class p28
In Orange we love our food. Food of all sorts: enjoying the widest range of quality restaurants in regional NSW, picking up fresh produce from farm gate or Farmer’s Market, local seasonal produce cooked to share with friends and family, or enjoying one of the many food focused events which are held on a regular basis. F.O.O.D – Food of Orange District is now in its 22nd year, making it one of Australia’s pioneering regional promotions. F.O.O.D Week is in April each year but you will find the region is tuned into its regional produce year round. We also promote and support the 100 Mile diet concept, encouraging our community and visitors to explore produce which has been grown or made within 160kms. This has benefits in terms of health and freshness whilst supporting regional producers. Another important initiative is the Orange Apple promotion. Orange is one of Australia’s leading producers of quality apples and you’ll increasingly see the “Taste an Orange Apple” brand out and about. A trip to Orange is the perfect opportunity to try and buy cool climate apples first hand. In the following pages you’ll find a range of options to explore and enjoy food whilst in Orange and there’s also a handy index at the back of this guide. Don’t forget to visit the Orange Region Farmer’s Market on the second Saturday of each month. Visit and for more information.
© Steve Marshall
taste wine at the cellar door
Refers to the location of the cellar door on pull out Map 1
Borrodell on the Mt.
At 1000m high on the slopes of Mt Canobolas discover a boutique vineyard, trufferie, cherry and heritage apple orchard. Enjoy panoramic views of the valley and Orange in the distance.
The Bluestone Stables, Victoria Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C4 P. 1300 743 332 E.
[email protected]
Hedberg Hill
borenore trail
Experience Angullong wines at our charming bluestone cellar door in the historic village of Millthorpe. Taste our diverse range of exciting wines including Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Viognier, Verdelho, Sangiovese, Barbera, Shiraz Viognier and Cabernet Sauvignon and learn about our picturesque vineyard located amongst the southern foothills of Orange. Open Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 11am - 5pm
Halliday rating last 3 years, 4.5 stars, S.M.H. 2008 “Borrodell wines have so much personality you can drink them on your own and not be lonely.” Open | Daily | 11am–6pm
Lake Canobolas Road, Orange Map 1 E7 P. 02 6365 3425 F. 02 6365 3588 E.
[email protected]
Philip Shaw
Enjoy medal winning wine and beautiful views 3km from Orange on the Borenore Trail.
Philip Shaw produces classic cool climate wines sourced from the Shaw family’s Koomooloo vineyard.
Taste Tempranillo, Riesling, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Viognier in a charming new solar powered cellar door.
The wines display distinct varietal characters with elegance. We invite you to taste at Philip’s house on the hill.
Open: Saturday - Sunday 10am - 5pm. Other times by appointment
Cellar door open | Weekends | from 12noon – 5pm | or by appointment
701 The Escort Way, Orange Map 1 E7 M. 0429 694 051 P/F. 02 6365 3428 E.
[email protected]
Koomooloo Vineyard, Caldwell Lane (The Escort Way), Orange Map 1 D6 P. 02 6365 2334 E.
[email protected]
Small Acres Cyder
Prince of Orange Wines
Producing through traditional methods a range of ciders using fresh juice from heritage cider varietal apples. Tasting Room: Open Saturdays & Sundays 11am - 4pm or by appointment Seasonal Lunches: Hosted the 3rd Sunday of each month. Phone for details.
12 Akhurst Road, Borenore Map 1 E6 P. 02 6365 2286 M. 0434 086 081 E.
[email protected]
taste our wines
With picturesque vistas near limestone caves, Prince of Orange captures the essence of cool climate wines: thoroughly enjoyable and fruity with soft tannins. Try award winning Sauvignon Blanc, Rosé, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Viognier, Merlot blends, red and white ‘ports’. Discover Orange’s history, its connections with Sir Thomas Mitchell and European royalty. Opening times: 9:30am-5pm Saturdays, long or event weekends or by appointment LOOK FOR THE FLAGS! 1814 The Escort Way, Borenore Map 1 C5 P. 02 6365 2396 F. 02 6365 2396 E.
[email protected]
taste wine at the cellar door 6
Established in 1994, Brangayne is located at 970m altitude on the slopes of Mount Canobolas. Known for its Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot as well as its signature wines Tristan and Isolde, Brangayne offers picturesque views and a unique cellar door.
Canobolas-Smith Wines
Cellar Door open Mon - Fri 11am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm Sat and Pub Hol Weekends 10am - 5pm Other times by appointment
One of the original Orange vineyards, our Chardonnay, “Alchemy” (Cab Sauv, Cab Franc, Shiraz blend), Pinot Noir and Shiraz are leading examples of the regional style. Listed by over a dozen “hatted” restaurants in NSW. Cellar door winehead Justin will ensure a memorable tasting experience. Open Saturday 11am – 5pm Other times by appointment, Friday and Sunday are usually good.
837 Pinnacle Road, Orange Map 1 F8 P. 02 6365 3229 M. 0417 290 014 E.
[email protected]
Boree Lane (off Cargo Road), Lidster Map 1 E6 P. 02 6365 6113 F. 02 6365 6113 E.
[email protected]
Orange Mountain Wines
Borenore Store
viognier Viognier is one of Australia’s exciting grape varieties. Terry and Julie invite you to our boutique winery and cellar door to taste award winning, traditional, hand crafted wines. These include Viognier, CharVio (Chardonnay / Viognier), Pinot Noir, Shiraz / Viognier and Mountain Ice Viognier. Open: 5 days a week (Wed – Fri 9am – 3pm, Sat –Sun & PH 9am – 5pm)
The Borenore Store, al fresco café and bottle shop offering a large selection of local wines at cellar door prices, café style meals, gift lines and in-house freshly roasted coffee. Open 7 days Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm | Sat, Sun & P/Hol 9am – 4pm Breakfast & Lunch Wed – Sun | Friday Night Dinner
Cnr Forbes Road & Radnedge Lane, Borenore Map 1 D6 P. 02 6365 2626/0418 118 455 E.
[email protected]
595 Borenore Road, Borenore Map 1 D6 P. 02 6365 2261 E.
[email protected]
Barton Creek
Printhie Wines
Nyrang Homestead is a beautiful country mansion nestled in the foothills of Mount Canobolas. It offers grand accommodation, exceptional cuisine, and is home to Barton Creek Wines, a boutique vineyard producing premium wine varieties. If you love exquisite food and wine, Nyrang and Barton Creek Wines are a truly rewarding culinary experience.
Come and enjoy our wines at the winery and cellar door, a beautiful 25 minute drive from Orange. Monday - Saturday | OPEN | 10am - 4pm Sunday and Public Holidays | PRIVATE TASTINGS ONLY | Prior bookings essential P. 02 6366 8422
Nyrang Homestead, 154 Peabody Road, via Borenore Map 1 C3 P. 02 6364 2160 E.
[email protected]
489 Yuranigh Road, Molong Map 1 B4 P. 02 6366 8422 E.
[email protected]
borenore trail
Brangayne of Orange
taste our wines
taste wine at the cellar door
Refers to the location of the cellar door on pull out Map 1
Cargo Road Winery
Orange Highland Wines & Gardens
10 minutes from Orange. James Sweetapple has been producing full-bodied reds; Zinfandel, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon & Barbera. Aromatic whites; Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling & Gewurztraminer for 13 years. Vineyard Established 1983. 1064 Cargo Road, Orange Map 1 E6 P. 02 6365 6100 M. 0428 656 100 E.
[email protected]
De Salis Wines
De Salis
Lots of our visitors say: ‘What a beautiful place to taste wine’. Taste award-winning wines in the Cellar Door, set amidst four acres of prize-winning gardens. Open: Thursday, Friday & Monday 10am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm Saturday, Sunday & Public holidays 10am – 5pm 131 Nashdale Lane, Nashdale Map 1 E6 P. 02 6365 3002 M. 0414 594 530 E.
[email protected]
Winery at Lofty Vineyard De Salis Wines was established in 1999, our winery and cellar door are located at Lofty Vineyard, planted in 1993 at 1050m on the northern slopes of Mount Canobolas. Cellar Door: Weekends; 11am – 5pm Weekdays; Welcomed by appointment
Patina Wines Wine – Art – Beautiful Views – Gardens The passion & intensity that winemaker and host Gerald Naef applies to Patina wine brings out the best in the regions varietal character. Weekends 11am - 5pm
Lofty Vineyard, 125 Mount Lofty Road, Orange Map 1 E6 P. 0403 956 295 E.
[email protected]
Dindima Wines
109 Summerhill Lane, Orange Map 1 F9 P. 02 6362 8336 M. 0429 457 575
Be our guest!
Savour acclaimed, hand crafted wines from Riedel glasses, an outstanding photographic exhibition of wine images, gourmet preserves and more.
859 Cargo Road, Orange Map 1 E6 P. 02 6365 3388 F. 02 6365 3096 E.
[email protected]
Mayfield Vineyard Cellar Door & Accommodation
Ross Hill Wines
Ross Hill Wines – established in 1994 The Ross Hill winery is situated at 1100 metres on the slopes of The Pinnacle at the end of a quiet country lane. Taste elegant, cool climate wines produced by winemakers Phil and Rochelle Kerney at our Cellar Door overlooking the vineyard and cherry orchard. Premium Olive Oil also available for tasting. Open: Saturday, Sundays and Public Holidays 10am to 4pm or by appointment.
Discover the many pleasures of our family’s highaltitude vineyard, winery and cellar door nestled amongst picturesque orchards below Mt Canobolas.
Open: Fridays noon - 5pm Weekends, Public Holidays and all of January 10am - 5pm Other times by appointment.
134 Wallace Lane, Orange Map 1 F7 P. 02 6365 3223 E.
[email protected]
Toogoolah Winery
Visit or stay at one of the Orange region’s most picturesque vineyards. Cellar Door – Wed - Sun & PH 10am - 4pm, showcasing our award winning Mayfield Vineyard and Icely Rd Wines.
High altitude, very cool climate wines from our family-run vineyard nearby. Taste complex, fruity whites and elegant, easy reds including Pinot Noir and Port. Adjoining Café with alfresco area.
954 Icely Road, Orange Map 1 F10 P. 02 6365 9292
4602 Mitchell Highway, Orange Map 1 F9 P. 02 6365 5200 E.
[email protected]
taste our wines
Kelly’s Rugby Hotel
Kelly’s Hotel’s newly renovated upstairs restaurant, Mary Jane’s, offers Traditional Australian Cuisine with an Urban Style influence. Inspirational meals and creative desserts feature in a diverse menu that caters for all palates. Mary Jane’s Restaurant is the perfect venue for an intimate dinner for two or a group booking in your choice of separate function rooms… Make a booking today…phone 02 6362 4100 Open 7 Days for Lunch | Tuesday to Saturday Dinner. 133 Lords Place, Orange Map 2 N14
Kelly’s Drive Thru Liquor Barn
Kelly’s drive thru liquor barn. Boasting the biggest range of local and regional wines in Orange. Cleanskins, Bin Ends, Run out stock, Kelly’s has it all at the best price in town for Orange wines. Do the vineyards. Then do Kelly’s, you will not be disappointed. Open 7 days a week from 10am with friendly and helpful driveway service, Kelly’s drive thru liquor barn is a one stop shop for all your liquor needs. Liquor Barn phone 02 6361 9457 133 Lords Place, Orange Map 2 N14 P. 02 6362 7232 F. 02 6361 1596 E.
[email protected]
taste our wines
purchase these wines at retail outlets or by mail order
Bantry Grove
Cumulus Estate Wines Established in 1995, our 508 ha vineyard rises and falls across a range of slopes, above and below an elevation of 600m, producing wines with bright fruit flavours and a subtle elegance. Taste award-winning wines from our Cumulus, Climbing and Rolling ranges at our special Duntryleague cellar-door open during F.O.O.D and WINE Week. Available at all good wine outlets in Orange.
Cool climate wines of exceptional quality and great value.
Our wines are available at: - The Union Bank Wine Store - The Borenore Store
Refers to the location of the cellar door on pull out Map 1
- Ashcroft’s Super IGA - D’Aquino’s Liquor - Totally Local
519 Three Brothers Road, Newbridge P. 02 6368 1036 E.
[email protected]
Charles Sturt University Winery
892 Davys Plains Road, Cudal via Orange P. 02 8977 2800 F. 02 9451 6952 E.
[email protected]
Jarretts Wines Distinctive wines grown with passionate care for the land. Jarretts super premium Finger & Thumb wines are made only in exceptional years when fruit quality demands extra wine making attention. Harder to find but worth the effort; mail order, restaurants and local retailers. “Annangrove Park” Cargo Road, Orange P. 02 6364 3118 F. 02 6364 3048 E.
[email protected]
Charles Sturt University Winery is an integral part of Australia’s leading wine school, making award-winning wines from vineyards in Orange and regional NSW. The wines are made by a professional team, so students gain experience in a real-world setting. Available from mail order and local outlets, a cellar door is planned for 2011. CSU Campus, Leeds Parade, Orange Map 1 D9 P. 02 6933 2435 F. 02 6933 4072 E.
[email protected]
Stockman’s Ridge Wines The idyllic bush setting which is Stockman’s Ridge is situated north of Bathurst at an altitude of 900 metres, this included with the Orange vineyards we use, tipify what many believe to be the most exciting new wine region in Australia. 2160 Limekilns Road, Bathurst P. 0419 249 790 F. 02 9972 3443 E.
[email protected]
D’Aquino’s Liquor D’Aquino’s Retail purveyors of the finest local and imported wine, spirit & beers. LOCATIONS Orange: Head Office | 129-133 Bathurst Road, Orange NSW 2800 | P. 02 6362 7381 F. 02 6362 6183 48 Peisley Street, Orange NSW 2800 | P. 02 6362 9683 Summer Street, Shop 88 - 102 Summer Centre, Orange NSW 2800 | P. 02 6393 5858 F. 02 6393 5858 Bathurst: 1 Wark Parade, Bathurst NSW 2795 | P. 02 6382 3035 Wellington: 126 Percy Street, Wellington NSW 2820 | P. 02 6845 2038 Kelso: 56 Boyd Street, Kelso NSW 2795 | P. 02 6331 6303 Muswellbrook: 87 Hill Street, Muswellbrook NSW 2333 | P. 02 6541 4211
129-133 Bathurst Road, Orange Map 2 O18 P. 02 6362 7381 F. 02 6362 6183 E.
[email protected]
taste our wines
Bistro Ceello
Restaurants Fine local produce, fine local wine, friendly local service. Enjoy a relaxed meal featuring simple local flavours in a comfortable, iconic restaurant. Open Wed – Sat night, Fri lunch.
179 Anson Street, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6361 1179
Bodhi Garden Vegetarian Restaurant and Teahouse Delicious a-la-carte Asian Vegetarian Cuisine. Dine-in & takeaway. Range of Speciality Teas & Tea Accessories. Open: Lunch 11.30am – 2pm Monday – Friday Dinner 5.30pm – late Monday – Saturday 341 Summer Street, Orange Map 3 D6 P. 02 6360 4478
Loc Sing Restaurant Fully licensed.
Orange has great restaurants not just by the measure of a regional area – it has great restaurants by any standard. A whole new movement of young, progressive chefs have come from international backgrounds to run kitchens in Orange. These restaurants are closely bound to produce and producers, delivering sophisticated, modern food reflective of the region.
Tonic Restaurant Tonic (Tony and Nicole) situated in the historic village of Millthorpe 15mins drive from Orange, featuring local produce and wines. Tonic has been awarded six chef hats in the Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide since opening in 2003 and now boasts a private dining room catering for a maximum of 110 people.
Takeaway available. Catering for all functions. 293 Summer Street, Orange Map 3 C6 P. 02 6362 4663 E.
[email protected]
30 Victoria Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C3 P. 02 6366 3811 E.
[email protected]
Orange Ex-Services’ Club
Wentworth Gallery Restaurant Great Food | Great Service | Great Views Lunch Tue - Sat | Dinner Wed - Sat Brunch & Lunch Sunday | Booking Essential 130 Ploughmans Lane, Orange Map 2 Q6 P. 02 6361 9513 or 02 6361 4505 E.
[email protected]
Situated in the heart of Orange, Orange Ex-Services’ Club boasts a modern and stylish approach to country hospitality. Setting the standard for enjoyment and leisure, the Club offers a variety of activities including casual dining, bars and entertainment. The club’s extensive leisure facilities include swimming, golf, tennis and bowls. 231-243 Anson Street, Orange Map 3 C5 P. 02 6362 2666 E.
[email protected]
devour our food and produce
Union Bank Wine Bar & Wine Store
The Union Bank Wine Bar & Wine Store, Orange’s food and wine hub, is open seven days for lunch, dinner, drinks with friends and/or a browse of the Wine Store’s 600-plus local, national and international labels. Cnr Sale and Byng Streets, Orange Map 3 C4 P. 02 6361 4441 F. 02 6360 0478 E.
[email protected]
Highland Heritage Estate Restaurant & Cellar Door
Highland Heritage is situated just outside Orange on the Bathurst Road. The Cellar Door and a la carte Restaurant sits amidst our picturesque vineyard overlooking Gosling Creek. We offer everything from a la carte dining, café, small and large functions, as well as private dining, conferences and weddings. Our Chef brings together the finest local produce complemented with extraordinary cool climate wines to create an amazing dining experience.
Cellar Door Café Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10am till 4pm Restaurant Opening Hours: Lunch: Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 12pm Dinner: Friday & Saturday from 6pm Free Bus Service available. Cellar Door Wine Tasting Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday 9.30am till 5pm.
Locally based at Highland Heritage Estate, Helicruz offers visitors to Orange a unique way to see our beautiful town and the surrounding district with our winery tours, scenic flights, heli-golf, heli-fishing and a whole lot more. Flight bookings: P. 0438 272 441 E.
[email protected] 4968 Mitchell Highway, Orange Map 1 E9 P. 02 6361 3054 F. 02 6361 3632 E.
[email protected] www.
Sisters Rock Restaurant
dine @ a cellar door Refers to the location of the cellar door on pull out Map 1
Be Tempted… Friday 12pm lunch | 6pm dinner Saturday 12pm lunch | 6pm dinner Sunday 9.30am - 11am Brunch | 12pm lunch The heart of Orange food and wine - Sisters Rock Restaurant Borrodell Vineyard, Lake Canobolas Road, Orange Map 1 E7 P. 02 6365 3128
producer to plate
Café Culture Beekeeper’s Inn
2319 Mitchell Highway, Vittoria Map 1 H12 P. 02 6368 7382 E.
[email protected]
FROM THE DAYS OF COBB & CO The Beekeeper’s Inn building began life in 1859 as a licensed hotel and was a staging point for Cobb & Co horses. GOLDFIELDS APIARIES - HONEY At the Beekeeper’s Inn you can taste a range of Goldfields varietal honeys and see a live bee colony hard at work - through the safety of a window. CAFÉ Our licenced café serves cuisine prepared using the best seasonal produce and we have a large range of regional wines & Australian boutique beers. FARM SHOP Browse the shelves & deli for specialty products from regional Australian producers. ANTIQUES The Inn and cellar display an extensive array of period pieces and a collection of Australiana from the days of COBB & CO. Open 7 days | 9am – 5pm or for functions and events at other times CENTRAL RANGES BREWING COMPANY - Opening Soon
Energize Café
At delish, we are committed to providing you with quality food, on time, every time. Visit us in store or on line for a fantastic meal or superb catering. Whether it’s a Take Home Meal, Corporate Catering or an On-Site Function, delish has the flexibility to cater for you! Scott Turner
Energize Café is located within The Wellness House, with on-site parking and an enclosed children’s play area. Our focus is on providing quality, nutritious fresh food and beverages using locally-sourced produce, organic where possible & with gluten-free options. Enjoy locally roasted coffee and home-made treats in a sunny relaxed atmosphere. Open: Monday to Friday 8am – 3pm Saturday 8.30am – 2pm
Shop 31 Orange Arcade, Summer Street Orange Map 3 D4 P. 02 6362 5151 E.
[email protected]
The Wellness House, 55 Bathurst Road, Orange Map 2 N16 P. 02 6391 5933 E. energizecafé
[email protected]
© Craig Fenemor
Teahouse A delightful experience for tealovers, over 60 fine loose leaf teas served & sold, along with Teapots, Teaware & gifts. Devonshire teas, tasting plates, and light lunches available. Open times Mon – Fri 10am – 5 pm, Sat 10am – 2pm-ish 220 Lords Place, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6362 9394 E.
[email protected]
devour our food and produce
Hog’s Breath Café
19 At Hog’s Breath Café Orange we do GREAT steak! Our signature Prime Rib steaks are slow-cooked for up to 18 hours for maximum flavour and tenderness. But it’s not just our steaks that we’re famous for - we also offer sensational salads, burgers, grills, plus a range of delicious desserts. And don’t forget, our meals are also available in smaller portions for those who want a little less...or for those who want to leave room for dessert! Open 7 Days Lunch 12 - 2.30pm and dinner from 5.30pm till late Takeaway available
177 Lords Place, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6362 2389 F. 02 6362 2429
The Mountain Tea House The Mountain Tea House Restaurant is nestled at the base of Mt Canobolas on the main road to the summit. It is a popular place for both locals and visitors. The restaurant is decorated with rustic relics and beautiful local art and craft. A comprehensive Information Bay is located in the Restaurant. Join us at our family restaurant, for a hearty mountain breakfast, sumptuous morning or afternoon snacks or a delicious lunch. Try our famous mountain scones, our sumptuous seafood or our thick juicy steaks . We also cater for special dietary needs. The Mountain Tea House Restaurant has a unique atmosphere. Relax indoors or alfresco, as you enjoy the colourful bird life and the fresh beauty of this outstanding part of the Orange Region. We are open Monday to Friday for breakfast, lunch and snacks from 9am to 4pm, and 8.30am to 5pm on weekends. (Table service stops half an hour before close each day). Restaurant choices at Tea House prices 42 Mt Canobolas Road, Orange Map 1 F7 P. 02 6365 3227 F. 02 6365 3951 E.
[email protected]
producer to plate
Fo o d E x p e r i e n c e s Orange Region Farmer’s Market Meet the producers and sample our fresh produce at the Orange Region Farmer’s Market. 2nd Saturday of each month from 8.30am-12 noon. Northcourt, cnr March & Peisley Streets | Map 2 L15 January 8, February 12, March 12, April 9 Orange Showground, Leeds Parade | Map 2 H 16 May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13, September 10, October 8
Huntley Berry Farm Come and have a picnic and pick your own Strawberries, Brambleberries, Raspberries, Currants, Blueberries or Gooseberries. Open M-F 9-4, S/S 10-4 during season. Café serves devonshire teas, coffee & smoothies. Horsedrawn carriage rides available. Near Orange Airport, Huntley Road, Orange Map 1 G9 P. 02 6365 5282 F. 02 6365 5282 E.
[email protected]
Northcourt, cnr March & Peisley Streets | Map 2 L15 November 12, December 10 The Orange Region Farmer’s Market is a community project of the Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak. Entry by gold coin donation.
Hillside Orchard The orchard offers all local fruit in season, including cherries, strawberries, blackberries, boysenberries, raspberries, plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots, as well as apples and pears for most of the year. The orchard has fresh figs in season from New Year to the end of March and locally made fig jam. Take a stroll through the orchard and watch the seasons unfold; from pruning during winter, through the spring blossom, and harvest of fruit in summer and autumn. 10 km from Orange on The Escort Way at Borenore. Tour and school groups welcome. Coaches catered for by appointment. Opening hours | 9am–6pm | 7 days The Escort Way, Borenore Map 1 D6 P. 02 6365 2247 F. 02 6365 2657 E.
[email protected]
Orange Visitor Information Centre The Orange Visitor Information Centre offers an extensive range of the region’s tastiest produce including jams, honey, sauces, dressings, olive oils, verjus, pistachios, hazelnuts, biscuits, muesli, prunes, chocolates and licorice. The Centre offers locally produced quality soft toys, woodcraft, ceramics, linen and lavender-based skin care products. Australian made St Albans mohair and alpaca scarves and rugs are also available, as well as locally produced books on Orange, its history and the surrounding villages. Delicious gourmet gift hampers are available ready made or our friendly staff can prepare one to accommodate your taste. Open 9am – 5pm | 7 days (closed Christmas Day) 151 Byng Street (Cnr Peisley & Byng Streets), Orange Map 3 C6 FREE CALL 1800 069 466
devour our food and produce
Refers to the location of the cellar door on pull out Map 1
A Slice Of Orange A Slice of Orange, the area’s most gorgeous regional providore, is the perfect place to grab a coffee and browse the largest range of Orange’s local produce. Located in the heart of town, A Slice of Orange sells the region’s most famous delectable treats including verjus, seasonal fruit and berries, truffles in season, organic vegetables, smoked trout, cheeses, olive oils, venison, saltbush lamb, gourmet smallgoods, free range eggs, homemade jams and relishes, honey, free range organic chicken and a line of artisan sausages. Whether it’s a bottle or two of spicy chutney or locally smoked ham, each delicacy from A Slice of Orange has been home grown, freshly picked and personally sourced for your everyday grocery needs, a special gift hamper or treat. Also on offer are food lines from the region’s most celebrated chefs- Shaun Arantz (Racine), Simonn Hawke (Lolli Redini) and Anna Wong (Neila). Bills Beans coffee and delicious locally baked snacks are served in store, plus much more including: · · · · ·
Gorgeous kitchen gifts Custom picnic hampers, made to order Bountiful gift baskets Gift vouchers, ideal for the discerning foodie Cooler bags are available for people traveling
Ensure you drop in to A Slice of Orange when you are in town and eat your heart out on Orange produce! They look forward to seeing you... Keep in touch : Facebook Twitter OPEN 7 DAYS Mon – Fri 9am to 5.30pm; Sat 9am to 3pm; Sun 10am to 3pm Shop 2, 200 Anson Street, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6369 0396 E.
[email protected]
The Farm Gate by Nashdale Fruit Co.
Family run business, growing and selling farm fresh produce. • Specialising in rare heirloom varieties of fruit and vegetables including chemical-free garlic, potatoes, unwaxed apples, pears, stone fruit and figs • Juice and preserves made with their own produce • Seasonal farm tours Visit for produce availability and tour bookings. Cargo Road, Nashdale Map 1 E6 P. 0414 832 983 E.
[email protected]
Totally Local -Your Everyday Farmers’ Market
We specialise in Local, Regional & 100% Australian Owned products. With over 120 local & regional producers & wine suppliers we are Your One Stop Local Food, Wine, Beer & Seafood Outlet. Totally Local the home of Badlands Brewery- “Beers with attitude”. Online shopping & home delivery available. 426 Mitchell Highway, Orange Map 1 D7 P. 02 6360 4604 E.
[email protected]
producer to plate
must see & do
• View art in the Orange Regional Art Gallery • Music in the Gardens in February • Watch high class performances at the theatre • Live pub bands on Friday & Saturday nights • View regional art in village galleries © Alf Manciagli
Orange Regional Conservatorium
22 A peerless performance Boasting facilities and productions to rival those in metropolitan cities, the Orange Civic Theatre is at the core of the region’s artistic offer - with a sophisticated program that is savoured by our culturally aware community. Our theatre appears on most travelling performance itineraries, regularly hosting Bell Shakespeare, Sydney Symphony, Oz Opera, the Wharf Revue, the Dancers Company of the Australian Ballet as well as international productions.
Immerse in music In Orange we bring our own special flavour to musical events.
Music - the food of love, the elixir of life, the nectar of a truly civilised existence. It’s no secret, this region is blessed with a richness of natural resources that contributes to the ideal lifestyle. At the Orange Regional Conservatorium, we’re serious about providing the perfect accompaniment. To become an ORC member and receive discounted tickets and event updates, visit our website. 73a Hill Street, Orange Map 3 C3 P. 02 6361 7974 E.
[email protected]
Orange Civic Theatre
Our highly acclaimed Conservatorium of Music enriches our cultural life through performances that unite a love of music, with a lifestyle of food, wine and inspiring surroundings, with events such as Music in the Gardens, or the wine, food and music collaboration of Hear it on the Grapevine, as well as many visiting performers. Seasonal festivals feature accomplished groups including our Brass Band, Choir, Pipe Band and the renowned Orange High School ‘Big Band’. A glass of wine, a beautiful day and fabulous music. Pubs and Bars feature local band talent and the Orange Ex-Services’ Club furnishes a comprehensive program of local and national bands and performers.
immerse & enjoy
Orange Civic Theatre Opened in 1976 and recently refurbished, Orange Civic Theatre is a 520 seat proscenium arch auditorium with fly tower which presents local and leading Australian touring companies and artists in regular seasons of professional theatre productions. Civic Square, 135 Byng Street, Orange Map 3 C6 P. 02 6393 8110 E.
[email protected]
For many years the region has been an important cultural centre with an arts and music scene that not only holds its own in metropolitan company, but is also accessible and welcoming to all.
© Alf Manciagli
Orange Regional Art Gallery Orange Regional Gallery was purpose built in 1986, and has developed a reputation for showing fascinating exhibitions not often seen in the metropolis. It has a strong collection centred upon the Mary Turner Collection of Australian modernists. Because Orange Regional Gallery has four exhibition spaces we always have something interesting, no matter what your taste or age! Families welcome. Closed Monday. Civic Square, 149 Byng Street, Orange Map 3 C6 P. 02 6393 8136 F. 02 6393 8100
Central West Libraries Educate, Entertain, Inform More than books - magazines, CDs, Internet, Homework Help, Storytime, Rhyme and Read. Or try our image library and Blog, all online, at: Orange Library Open 7 days a week: Monday to Friday 10am – 7pm Saturday 9.30am to 4pm Sunday 1pm – 5pm Closed on public holidays 147 Byng Street, Orange Map 3 C6 P. 02 6393 8120 E.
[email protected]
Artisans Imposing built and natural environs provide a source of inspiration for a burgeoning arts community who work in a range of mediums. Private galleries abound giving you a chance to uncover your own piece of art to take home.
The Flicks Chill out at the Odeon 5 Cinema for new releases and monthly screenings from the Orange Film Society or step back in time in Manildra at the Amusu Theatre - Australia’s oldest continually operating theatre on the third Saturday of the month.
A family well-read Central West Libraries isn’t only about books. With an aim to educate, entertain and inform, we run a series of children’s activities, author nights, hold an extensive image library and host the Orange Family History Group. Visit for program information and blog.
Orange Regional Arts Foundation The Orange Regional Arts Foundation supports and encourages the cultural life of our community. Projects supported include the Federation Arch in the Botanic Gardens, art catalogues, writer in residence, public sculptures and student bursaries. Paintings by Brett Whiteley and Rodney Pople amongst others have been acquired using Foundation funds. You may join the Foundation by making a gift or testamentary bequest. For more information please visit For events and further information please visit the websites of the arts facilities that appear on this page.
immerse & enjoy
Animals on Bikes
The Animals on Bikes tourist trail - 120km of “Paddock Art” links the villages of Molong, Cumnock and Yeoval via Obley Road. This collection of 45 sculptures created by local farmers and the community will capture your imagination. See for more information.
Yeoval is the childhood home of AB “Banjo” Paterson and holds the Mulga Bill Festival annually. You can visit the Bush Park/Sculpture Garden, Heritage Trail and Goobang National Park, close by.
Yeoval 1 hour
Manildra is home to the oldest operating picture theatre in Australia The Amusu Theatre (see events calendar) and Australia’s largest flour mill.
The village of Cudal hosts the Cabonne Food, Wine & Cultural Centre which is open Friday-Sunday 10am-4pm.
45 mins
Molong (pg 26) 25 mins
Manildra 30 mins
Ophir 12 mins
O r a n g eLucknow
30 mins
N Ophir
Ophir Reserve, located near Mullion Creek is the site of Australia’s first payable gold field, dating from 1851. A great place to camp, picnic by the river or do a bit of fossicking or gold panning.
10 mins
Spring Hill
1 hour
The “Gentleman Bushranger” Ben Hall hails from this area and the self-drive tour ‘Tracing Ben Hall’ includes the villages of Eugowra, Canowindra and the Nangar National Park via the famous Escort Rock, sight of Australia’ largest gold robbery in 1862. Download the brochure from
20 mins
Tracing Bushranger – Ben Hall
Yuranigh’s Grave
Just outside of Molong is a site that honours Yuranigh, an aboriginal tracker who assisted surveyor Thomas Mitchell. This is the only known place where Aboriginal and European burial practices have been used for the same person. Map reference: Map 1 A4.
10 mins
Millthorpe (pg 27)
Canowindra (pg 30)
20 mins
50 mins
Blayney Carcoar
40 mins
Carcoar (est 1839) is the third oldest settlement west of the Blue Mountains and the entire village is classified by the National Trust. Lovingly restored sandstone public buildings and historic homes abound (you can even stay over) and there is a pub and café to fortify you for your next adventure.
The Villages of Cabonne Country Brochure Download from
Millthorpe Visitors Guide Download from
30 mins
Blayney Wind Farm
Consisting of 15 turbines with the capacity to power 3500 homes, this farm has a viewing and information platform.
Spring Hill & Lucknow
Take the walking tour of Spring Hill then on to Lucknow where gold was first discovered in 1851. A heritage trail shows with indelible mark the boom and bust of the gold rush has left in this town.
Lucknow Heritage Trail & Spring Hill Walk Brochure Download from or pick up from the Orange Visitor Information Centre Phone 1800 069 466.
Borenore Trail Map Download from
Settlement of the region in the 1800s saw a host of small villages emerge which now represent some of Australia’s most outstanding examples of colonial architecture and streetscapes - with several Australian period films having been staged in the streets of these villages. Today, the villages are a hub for curio hunters and culture buffs. Soak up the atmosphere of a bygone era, explore the historic buildings, art & antique galleries, boutique shops and intimate cafés while enjoying the hospitality of those who are a part of these close-knit communities. These villages are all within easy reach of Orange, spend a few hours visiting a couple or make it a day trip and picture yourself in an important era of Australia’s history.
molong Explore the Early Austen-European main street classified by the National Trust and the many historic buildings built from the area’s limestone. Then stop for a refreshment and view the current exhibition at the local art gallery. See page 26 for more.
millthorpe Recognised by the National Trust, Millthorpe is a living museum with a heritage streetscape that remains largely untouched and is home to a rural museum, great chefs, cellar doors, artisans and specialty stores. See page 27 for more.
canowindra Canowindra – established in 1846 – has significant pastoral history with its crooked main street, internationally acclaimed Age of Fishes Museum, arts scene, hot air ballooning and food & wine focus. See page 30 for more. © Craig Fenemor
explore villages
First settled in the 1820s, Molong means place of many rocks with many of the historic buildings constructed from local limestone, including the Police Station and Courthouse (c 1850), the Coach House (c 1870) and the Railway Station (c 1886).
Roam the National Trust listed main street, enjoy the cafés, art galleries, specialty stores or ride along the creek on the cycleway. Experiencing life on a working farm or staying in historic accommodation. Molong is also a great base to explore the surrounding farm land, historic villages and wineries. Just to the East of town, the grave of Yuranigh, Aboriginal guide to Sir Thomas Mitchell, is a significant cultural landmark (see page 24).
Jayes Gallery & Sculpture Gardens
Old Redbank Farm Holiday
The complete tourist destination with a large city styled art gallery and sculpture garden representing regional artists of note. Enjoy an afternoon looking at the artworks and sculptures, sit in the alfresco area with a coffee from Jayes café next door, browse the unique gifts in the gallery shop and indulge your senses! Entry is FREE.
Enjoy a family holiday with a difference, or a quiet getaway for a couple on a 498ha cattle/sheep farm! Accommodation is in a cosy, self-contained, 3 bedroom cottage. Observe farm activities or relax in peaceful surroundings. Centrally based for nearby tourist attractions eg. Dubbo Zoo. Ideal accommodation for families! Children most welcome!!
31 - 33 Gidley Street, Molong Map 4 E5 P. 02 6366 9093 E.
[email protected]
521 Garra Road, Molong Map 1 A3 P. 02 6366 8337 E.
[email protected]
Molong RSL Club Ltd
Platypus Hollow
Bistro open Thurs–Sun for dinner. Lunch Sat & Sun. Catering, Functions, Market Night, Bingo and more. Visit our Servicemen and Servicewomen’s Portrait Gallery. 22 – 24 Riddell Street, Molong Map 4 E4 P. 02 6366 8105 E.
[email protected]
Self contained, bed and breakfast accommodation in an historic rural homestead.
Molong Caravan Park
“A place of charm, character and comfort”
Modern on-site cabins. Shady unpowered and powered campsites. Powered camp kitchen. BBQ & picnic areas. Located opposite Molong swimming pool. Cnr Watson & Hill Streets, Molong Map 4 D6 P. 02 6366 8328
visit molong
“Gamboola Cabonne”, Molong Map 4 G7 P. 02 6366 9166 E.
[email protected]
Historic Millthorpe village was established in the pioneering era and has a rich agricultural history, a legacy of grand buildings, heritage architecture and a streetscape that has remained largely unchanged. Recognised by the National Trust, Millthorpe is now known as a living museum, with the village boasting award winning restaurants, arts and antiques, a museum, boutique shops, hotels, wine tasting and accommodation enhancing its charm, sophistication and eclectic style. Winter sees cold nights and open fires with frosty mornings, Spring brings green blossoming countryside, Summer is a time of outdoor entertaining under magical starry skies and Autumn delivers a spectacular display of colour. It’s always a great time to visit Millthorpe.
millthorpe food & wine
So take a step back in time, stroll around the streets and experience a place where horse and cart were tethered to verandah posts, locals chat on street corners and children play in the streets. Relax, unwind and soak up the beauty and elegance of a bygone era. Millthorpe, heritage with style... you’ll just love it! More information on Millthorpe visit
An experience to satisfy the ‘gourmet’ in you - from fashionable pub meals through to an award winning restaurant with local produce and wines widely featured.
Millthorpe Wine Centre
13 10
Experience Angullong wines at our charming bluestone cellar door in the historic village of Millthorpe. Taste our diverse range of exciting wines including Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Verdelho, Savagnin, Sangiovese, Barbera, Tempranillo and Shiraz Viognier and learn about our picturesque vineyard located amongst the southern foothills of Orange. Open: Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 11am - 5pm
Taste medal winning Edgecombe and Coffee Hill Wines at the historic Millthorpe Railway Station, end of Pym Street, Millthorpe. Varieties include Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Viognier, Pinot Gris, Cabernet, Shiraz, Merlot and Zinfandel. Inspect the charming 1886 heritage listed railway station. Open: Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays (and festival periods) 11am - 5pm
The Stables, Victoria Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C4 P. 1300 743 332 E.
[email protected]
Millthorpe Railway Station, Station Street, Millthorpe Map 6 D3 P. 0437 574 137 / 0400 210 189
Refers to the location of the cellar door on pull out Map 1
visit millthor pe
Basalt @ The Commercial Hotel
Urban Graze
Built in 1877, the hotel now houses Basalt which is currently owned by the team at Urban Graze and offers a unique dining experience using local produce of the Central Western Region of NSW. The restaurant theme is modern pub food with plenty of twists with four open fires and an all local wine list. Open: Wednesday – Thursday Dinner 4pm – 9.30pm. Friday – Saturday Lunch & Dinner 12pm – 9.30pm, Sunday Lunch 12pm – 3.30pm
Urban Graze Millthorpe offers hands-on, three hour cooking classes that focus on high quality, non-intimidating, food education. As the class progresses we match the food with local wine and enjoy 4 courses as a group at the dining table in front of the open fire and discuss the day’s class. See for schedules.
29 Park Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C4 P. 02 6366 3999
26 Victoria Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C3 P. 02 6366 3888
An eclectic mix of interesting art, antique and boutique shops. A haven for curio hunters, culture buffs and those in need of some unique retail therapy.
galvanised at Millthorpe
28 Delight all your senses with our range of beautiful handcrafted Australian goods, furniture, books, records, artwork, ceramics, jewellery and more.
A visit to Millthorpe just isn’t complete without the tomolly experience! Open: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Open: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10am - 4pm 17 Pym Street, Millthorpe Map 6 D3 P. 02 6366 3983 E.
[email protected]
Drayshed Nursery
la boucherie - art, books, espresso
Turn on your bulb with great coffee at Drayshed Nursery. You’ll find gifted gardening solutions for your very own evergreen moments. Plants • coffee • lifestyle - for delights of all types. Open: Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 10kms East of Blayney
Contemporary local art, new books and Single Origin coffee within a former butcher shop. Locally made fodder and gelato available - get online with our iPad. Also available for private events.
66 Kings Plains Road (off Mid Western Highway), Blayney P. 02 6368 2140 E.
[email protected]
25 Victoria Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C3 P. 02 6366 3656 E.
[email protected]
Mi Ne llth ar orp e
7 Blake Street, Millthorpe Map 6 D4 P. 02 6366 3847 E.
[email protected]
Ada’s Place
Tonic Restaurant
Joy, colour and friendliness abound at Ada’s Place. You’ll find it hard to resist her expressive, colour soaked paintings, jugs, bowls, jewellery, handmade rugs from the Stans, unique tablemats, tiles and unusual gifts. Open: Wed –Sat 9am -5pm
Enticing palates since 2003 where warm infused flavours boldly complement a seductive array of fresh local produce. Exceptionally innovative dining in the streetscape of yesteryear that is Millthorpe.
5 William Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C4 P. 02 6366 3108 M. 0412 663 114
30 Victoria Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C3 P. 02 6366 3811 E.
[email protected]
visit millthor pe
Stay over with a wide range of accommodation styles available across hotel, motel and bed & breakfast hospitality.
Millthorpe Motel
Luxury in the heart of the village! Located in the heart of historic Millthorpe, this motel has all the modern conveniences including wireless internet, big screen TV’s & DVD players, iPod docks and clean crisp furnishings without losing the country hospitality. Millthorpe motel has 20 rooms ranging from luxury loft style apartments to standard accommodation and all in between that will suit you and your family’s & friends’ budgets. Catering for individuals, families, groups and the corporate traveller.
Just 12 minutes drive to Orange airport, 15 minutes from the centre of Orange and 25 minutes to Bathurst - Millthorpe Motel makes an ideal base from which to explore not only the village but the whole Central West. Your Millthorpe Motel team understand the importance of customer service and will ensure that you and your guests will not be disappointed. 26 Victoria Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C3 P. 02 6366 3653 F. 02 6366 3870 E.
[email protected]
Golden Memories Museum
For the real country experience stay at Warriwillah, once an artist’s retreat. Comfortable affordable ensuite rooms with complimentary continental breakfast. Walk around the lovely bird filled garden with safe parking. 168 Forrest Reefs Road Map 1 H9 P. 02 6366 3168 E.
[email protected]
Central West Getaways Affordable | Adaptable | Achievable Wine Tours, Hen’s Nights, Mystery Tours, Death by Chocolate Tour. Day trips to: Dubbo, Wellington, Forbes, Parkes, Lithgow, Cowra, Oberon & Katoomba. P. Carol 0413 551 212
Millthorpe’s memory bank. Relive the rich history of the district through working rural technology, social history and stories of gold from 1851 to today. Group visits and catering enquiries welcome. Open: 10am – 5pm every weekend and daily during school holidays. 37 Park Street, Millthorpe Map 6 C4 P. 02 6366 3980 E.
[email protected]
visit millthor pe
canowindra Canowindra Trading Post
Toms Waterhole Winery/ Balloon Joy Flights Boutique Certified Organic Winery • Makers of wine to enjoy with food • Ploughman’s lunches, woodfired pizzas, espresso coffee • Open 10am - 4pm daily
Wander through the two floors of the Canowindra Trading Post. Enjoy the ambience created by the eclectic mix of old and new. Enjoy a Lavazza Coffee served in the tranquil garden setting. Antiques | Gifts | Homewares | Lamps | Jewellery | Garden Features
The region’s most experienced balloon flight operator • Early morning, champagne balloon flights • Group discounts and gift certificates available
Open Seven Days 46-50 Ferguson Street, Canowindra Map 5 D4 P. 02 6344 1529 F. 02 6344 1135 E.
[email protected]
Longs Corner Road, Canowindra Map 5 A1 P. 02 6344 1819 E.
[email protected]
Falls Hair Beauty Spa
Swinging Bridge Distinctive Premium Handcrafted Wines. By appointment or available for tasting @ taste Canowindra. 1052 Fish Fossil Drive, Canowindra Map 5 D4 P. 0409 246 609 E.
[email protected]
Falls Hair Beauty Spa is the ultimate in luxury retreats, nestled in 5 acres of country gardens and overlooking a heated 15 metre indoor pool. Special features include a hairdressing salon, private beauty therapy and massage rooms, Derma Life Spa Oceana, Mystic Spray Tan, Premium Payot products and coffee shop. Couples and group packages available.
Hamilton’s Bluff Cellar Door – open every weekend 10am – 4pm. Enjoy a glass of wine with a tasting plate of delicious morsels specifically designed to complement the wine, or pre-order a picnic hamper.
Belubula Way, Canowindra Map 1 J1 P. 02 6344 1293 E.
[email protected]
Longs Corner Road , Canowindra P. 02 6344 2079 or 02 6344 2670 E.
[email protected]
Age of Fishes Museum
Long before the dinosaurs, the mighty rivers of the Central West teemed with bizarre ancient fishes – fish with armoured shells, huge predators with jaws like crocodiles. Featuring: • Education Programs • Permanent Exhibitions • Fully Accessible • Picnic grounds and much more Open 7 days (including most public holidays). Admission charges apply. Cnr Gaskill and Ferguson Streets, Canowindra Map 5 D3 P. 02 6344 1008 F. 02 6344 2450 E.
[email protected]
canowindra char m
Visit our STRAW BALE winery, taste hand picked organically and biodynamically grown wines and olive oil. Bring a picnic or order one. Open most weekends 11am - 5pm or by appointment at other times. 82 Lawrences Road, Canowindra Map 5 A1 P. 02 6344 7153 E.
[email protected]
Canowindra Caravan Park Shady unpowered and powered campsites. BBQ and picnic area | Camp kitchen. Located adjacent to Canowindra swimming pool. Pet Friendly. Tilga Street, Canowindra Map 5 F3 P. 02 6344 1850
taste Canowindra
· Taste wine from the advertised vineyards · Enjoy fabulous food 7days for lunch & for dinner Thursday – Saturday · Fully licensed restaurant and full catering license for functions both on and off site.
42 Ferguson Street, Canowindra Map 5 D4 P. 02 6344 2332 E.
[email protected]
Gardners Ground
© Simmone Vivers
A natural gift from the earth. Cellar Door tastings seven days at taste Canowindra. Tasting 7 days a week at taste Canowindra Map 5 D4 P. 02 6344 2332 E.
[email protected]
Aussie Balloontrek Celebrate that special occasion above historic, unspoilt Canowindra with it’s quiet pace, scenic beauty and striking panorama. Champagne Breakfasts Gift vouchers Children’s Flights available Discounts on group bookings
Canowindra Canowindra (est 1846) has a streetscape of outstanding heritage value, with its crooked main street following the old bullock trail. Country pubs and late 19th century buildings line the street, now housing boutique shops and galleries supporting Canowindra’s flourishing art scene. A chance discovery when a rock slab was overturned by a roadworker in 1955 revealed detailed impressions of more than 100 Late Devonian fish fossils - around 360 million years old. These fossils form the internationally acclaimed Age of Fishes Museum - a hands-on display and educational centre for people of all ages. A regional food and wine centre and a number of cellar doors showcase Canowindra’s burgeoning food and wine industry.
Your hosts Alan and Chris Mulligan
Hot air ballooning is popular in Canowindra with tours available and once you’re back on the ground pamper yourself with some local hospitality.
20 Gorman Road, Orange P. 02 6361 2552 M. 0427 640 211
An easy day trip from Orange or stay in this historic rural town with a number of accommodation options available.
canowindra ch ar m
must see & do
• Age of Fishes Museum, Canowindra p30 • Golden Memories Museum, Millthorpe p29 • T he villages of Millthorpe, Carcoar, Canowindra and Molong p24 • Orange Heritage walking trail • Ophir gold walk and Lucknow walking tour
Celebrating a rich natural, cultural and man-made heritage, the region was traditionally owned by the Wiradjuri people with European settlement dating around 1823.
Why Orange? Orange was named by Sir Thomas Mitchell in honour of Prince William of Orange with whom he served during the Peninsular War in Spain and who later became the King of Holland.
A first for gold The first payable gold in Australia was discovered at Ophir near Orange in 1851 and thousands of people flocked to the diggings. Only months later gold was found at Lucknow, where two looming poppet heads from the 1930’s dominate the landscape.
Architectural era It was gold that brought the impetus to the growth of Orange and like many towns born of this era several landmark buildings remain. Grand stately homes such as Duntryleague, Croagh Patrick and Wolaroi mansion are a reminder of the prosperity of the region, while Bloomfield Hospital showcases federation and art-deco style buildings amongst several hectares of park-like grounds.
Banjo Australian poet, Andrew Barton ‘Banjo’ Paterson was born just outside of Orange in 1864 and spent time growing up in the village of Yeoval. The Banjo Paterson memorial park is at the site of his birthplace along Ophir Road.
Central NSW Museums Visiting the museums and historic sites of Orange, Cabonne and Blayney provides an opportunity to experience the rural lifestyle and mining history of the region. Displays of our historical past can be viewed at the Golden Memories Museum in Millthorpe or the Canowindra Historical Society Museum in Canowindra. For more information go to
Before man...
© Alf Manciagli
A chance discovery in 1955 near Canowindra revealed an extensive fossil bed of over 3500 freshwater fish from the Devonian period - over 360 million years old. Visit the Age of Fishes Museum in Canowindra for an interactive display for all ages.
Must see brochure:
Pick up from the Visitor Information Centre or download online
© Holly Condon
© Seth Buchanan
Playgrounds Playgrounds abound – the ‘must do’ list includes the Orange Adventure Playground, Gosling Creek Reserve (bring your bike), Elephant Park and Lake Canobolas. Pick up A guide to playgrounds in Orange brochure for more information.
Burn off steam Have a swing at Cook Park, roam free in the Botanic Gardens, swim at the aquatic centre or Lake Canobolas and if you are here on the second Saturday of the month ride the miniature railway from 1pm in Matthews Park. Sport is a large part of regional life and Orange has an extensive range of sporting facilities. For further information please visit and click on community space & facilities/sport & recreation/sports facilities and download the sports facilities PDF.
Free-wheeling For kids with ‘wheels’ there is a BMX track at Anzac Park and Orange’s John Lomas Skate Park (located at the eastern end of Moulder Park) features bowls, a pyramid jump, spine and grind block plus box and rails. There’s also cycling trails to Lake Canobolas and around the paths of Gosling Creek Reserve. Pick up a Walking & Cycling brochure for more information.
Inviting indoors For indoor fun try tenpin bowling, amusement centre, movies and indoor play centres.
fun for the
See the pull out map in the centre of this booklet for a guide to the facilities & activities available at each location.
must see & do
• Run wild at the Orange Adventure Playground p38 • Knock – em down with indoor games • Splash around Lake Canobolas p38 • Ride bikes around Gosling Creek Reserve p38 • Visit skate parks in Orange and Millthorpe
activities iglou
Odeon 5 Cinema
The coolest way to check out Orange is with a vintage bicycle... Pedal the path to the most delicious coffee, food, wine and shopping. Self guided maps crafted with insider knowledge outline routes and expeditions so you know exactly where to explore. So grab a mate, cruise the streets and samples the treats! Daily hire from $40 200 Anson Street, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 0418 165 852 E.
[email protected]
Parties * Functions * Fundraisers Licenced Venue Visit the website for session times, movie and cinema information and subscribe to have the program emailed to you weekly. 43 William Street, Orange Map 3 B7 P. 02 6362 0213 F. 02 6362 5086
Kinross Wolaroi School
34 Kinross Wolaroi School is situated in Orange, on 40 hectares (100 acres) of beautifully established landscaped grounds. We are Uniting Church co-education school from Pre-Prep to Year 12 with separate boarding sites for boys and girls from Year 7. Our outstandingly resourced school provides first class education, within a safe, secure and friendly environment. From the day a child arrives at our School they are welcomed into a happy, nurturing community that encourages academic, physical, and spiritual growth. We take children across the entire arc of their school years and our staff has a finely-tuned understanding of the needs of every stage of a young person’s progress. With friendship and dedication, our students emerge from Kinross Wolaroi School with confidence, skill, and enthusiasm for the waiting world. Kinross Wolaroi School’s 125 years of tradition and experience ensures our students are part of a community of involved and engaged learners with a commitment to individual achievement.
59-67 Bathurst Road, Orange Map 2 N17 P. 6392 0300 F. 6392 0410 E.
[email protected]
There’s something about the crisp, fresh air of our cool climate, the changing colours of the seasons and that endless clear sky that entices you outdoors when you visit.
Balls large and small For the golfer, there are three,18 hole courses in Orange – each with an excellent reputation and where players of all standards can be challenged. Lawn Bowls also feature as an important part of our active lives or you can hire a court for a hit of tennis.
must see & do
• Picnic in a heritage listed park, eg Cook Park p39 • Play golf on a championship course p37 • Bushwalking around Mt Canobolas p38 • Take a stroll around the Botanic Gardens p39
© Alf Manciagli
• R ide the bike trail from Orange to Lake Canobolas Reserve - pick up a Walking & Cycling Orange brochure
Swim at our aquatic centre or Lake Canobolas during summer and if you want to keep your stroke going in the cooler months we have indoor pools to keep the chill at bay. Sailing and boating are also available at the many lakes in the region.
The sky’s the limit Why not try a helicopter joy flight or Hot Air Balloon ride? And when you’ve got your feet back on the ground, walk the Orange to Lake Canobolas trail or one of the many bushwalks to water falls, picnic areas or the summit in the Mt Canobolas State Conservation Area.
Gardeners ground For a gentler pace, grab a picnic or simply stroll around one of the many magnificent parks, gardens or reserves and soak up the wonder that nature brings.
Orange Tenpin Bowl OPEN 7 DAYS 9am till late .......PH 6362 5466 • Modern Tenpin Bowling Centre fully automatic bumper lanes, computer scoring, all equipment supplied and a great friendly team happy to assist. • Tenpin Bowling FUN for all ages, groups large or small, disability friendly and something you can do in all weather conditions. • Café with lots of menu options from snacks to meals, serving great coffee too. • Great Pool Tables and Amusement games. If you are looking for something to do day or night that everyone will enjoy then come and visit us at the Orange Tenpin Bowl, a place with great atmosphere, friendly and all about experiencing FUN. Cnr Byng & Seymour Streets, Orange Map 2 L19 P. 02 6362 5466 F. 02 6361 3353 E.
[email protected]
Sir Neville Howse Stadium (Anzac Park)
Orange Ex-Services’ Tennis Complex
The jewel in the crown of the City’s sporting facilities is the Sir Neville Howse Stadium, a first class multi purpose indoor sport and recreational facility and home to the Orange PCYC. Contact the PCYC and inquire about their wide range of activities including Netball, Basketball, Futsal, Gymnastics, Hockey, Boxing, Dance and Music.
The Orange Ex-Services’ Club Tennis Complex features 10 synthetic grass courts which are fully lit and fenced. Other facilities include a clubhouse and BBQ facilities, ideal for social groups or family gatherings. The tennis complex is open 7 days a week with court hire available by appointment only.
Orange PCYC, Sir Neville Howse Stadium Map 2 L19 2-10 Seymour Street, Orange P. 02 6360 2249 E.
[email protected]
Cnr Warrendine Street & Lords Place, Orange Map 2 O14 P. 02 6362 8020 E.
[email protected]
Simmo’s Offroad Tours
Extra Mile Cycling Tours
Winery Tours – Scenic 4WD Tours – Camping Adventures Operating daily in the Central West, offering wine and produce tours of Orange, scenic 4WD tours including Ophir, Hill End and Sofala. Camping adventures in Central and Western NSW.
Go the extra mile in Orange... Experience the best of the region through an all inclusive, hassle free cycling tour. It’s the most exciting and energetic way to enjoy the region’s offerings. Breathtaking scenery, luxury and B & B style accommodation, and the ultimate in food and wine. Tour packages are flexible and can be tailored to your groups needs.
P. 0415 641 343 E.
[email protected]
13 Kite Street, Orange Map 3 D1 P. 0447 013 766 E.
[email protected]
Helicruz Orange Locally based at Highland Heritage Estate, Helicruz offers visitors to Orange a unique way to see our beautiful town and the surrounding district with our winery tours, scenic flights, heli-golf, heli-fishing and a whole lot more. Choose from a scenic flight, visit our award winning vineyards, arriving in style or play golf at one or all of Orange’s 3 stunning golf courses, all of which Helicruz have exclusive landing rights. For the fisherman we can fly you to one of the large dams in the region for a spot of fishing. Helicopter transfers are also available to and from airports and some local accommodation. So let your imagination run wild and remember, the sky’s the limit with Helicruz Orange.
Highland Heritage Estate 4968 Mitchell Highway, Orange Map 1 E9 P. 0438 272 441 E.
[email protected]
get outdoors & active
Golf Orange
Orange ex-services
stay Duntryleague Guest house
melview green templers mill motel serviced apartments
helicruz arrival 3 great courses A range of accommodation A unique way of arrival Stay & play packages available or make your own For further Information visit
get outdoors & active
& One of the most striking features of the region is Mt Canobolas, an extinct volcano and an impressive 1395m above sea level. The 360 degree view is spectacular and the surrounding reserve has several walking trails. Lake Canobolas Reserve hosts many water activities such as canoeing, sailing, swimming and fishing. A walking trail offers the opportunity to view an abundance of bird life and native fauna. Carcoar Dam features swimming, boating and camping in the foothills of the impressive Blayney Wind Farm while at Borenore Caves Reserve you can explore the child friendly Arch Cave – but make sure you bring a torch. Gosling Creek Reserve surrounds a reservoir of water with a shared walking/bike riding trail and fishing opportunities for Golden Perch and Trout. A leash free dog exercise area is nearby. Ophir Reserve is the site of Australia’s first payable gold find. Take the signposted walk and learn about the old mine sites, fish in the river or try your luck gold panning before camping overnight. The region hosts two National Parks - Nangar and Goobang. Both offer accessibility by 2WD vehicles and a number of rewarding walks for the nature enthusiast. © Seth Buchanan
Gosling Creek Reserve
Adventure Playground
Featuring a large grassy family picnic area overlooking the reservoir with views through to Mount Canobolas, Gosling Creek Reserve offers free gas BBQs, picnic tables under shelters and toilets. Bring your bike, scooter or rollerblades to ride the paved pathways or scale the climbing structure, see-saw with friends, play ball, or fly a kite.
A kid’s oasis and a MUST DO when visiting Orange - children can climb, swing, slide and play on a huge timber structure and parents can supervise from shady seats close by. Themes include a farm tractor, rock wall, tree house and a rocket. Special needs children are catered for, including a “liberty swing”.
2 Bloomfield Road (cnr Bloomfield & Forest Roads), Orange Map 2 Y13
1 Yellow Box Way (off Hill Street), Orange Map 2 E11
visit a reserve & national park
Our parks, with over 100 display flower beds and our streets with over 200km of exotic street trees, form the basis of Orange’s reputation as the colour city. NSW
Cook Park is arguably one of NSW’s finest parks. Planted over 120 years ago it is classified by the National Trust and is a perfect spot to take time out or have a picnic. At the eastern end of Orange’s main street is Robertson Park, also planted in the 1880s.
The Orange Botanic Gardens features exotic and native flora including a traditional homestead garden, woodlands, heritage orchard and heritage rose garden. Guided walks are offered on the first Sunday of each month. See the pull out map in the centre of this booklet for a guide to the facilities & activities available at each location, visit the Orange Visitor Information Centre or jump online to get more indepth brochures.
© Steve Marshall
Cook Park
Orange Botanic Gardens
Planted in the 1880s, Cook Park is a beautiful, peaceful and restful place with a fountain, rotunda where bands often play, an aviary, historic Blowes Conservatory containing Begonias, the lattice fernery, sunken rose garden and swings for play. Cook Park embodies the changing colours of Orange – pick up a Cook Park Heritage Walk brochure for a self guided tour.
Opened in 1988, featuring over 17 hectares featuring impressive collections of native and exotic plants, from the Sensory Garden, Orchard with historic varieties of apples, collections of mature oaks through to the largest collection of Heritage Roses in NSW as well as several artistic structures. It’s a great place to stroll around or take a guided tour on the first Sunday of the month.
24 Summer Street, Orange Map 3 D2
1 Yellow Box Way (off Hill Street), Orange Map 2 E11
unwind in a garden
© Simmone Vivers
With a resident population passionate about the arts, wine, food and music, many retailers have flourished here selling specialty items – from boutiques that would hold their own in any capital city, to eclectic homewares and stylish accessories. Summer Street is the main shopping street in Orange with two large shopping complexes and a number of specialty stores. Anson, Byng and Sale Streets form the ‘boutique’ strips and there is a Homemakers Centre on the Bathurst Road leading into Orange. The region is a great source of bric-a-brac with stores catering for fossickers of once-loved treasure. Tucked away in the villages surrounding Orange are galleries and stores selling locally produced art, produce and other collectables.
Australian made sheepskin car/truck seat covers, work and dress footwear, ugg boots, lambskin baby care, medical rugs, floor rugs, leather coats, jackets, bike jackets and gloves; pure wool quilts and underlays; oilskins – coats, gloves, pants, chaps, wool gloves, hats and beanies, ladies’ and mens’ pullovers and cardigans. Childrens’ and adults’ work and dress boots, including Ariat, Baxter, Blundstone, Ian Harold, Rossi, Thomas Cook, Wrangler and more. Open 7 days – 9.30am - 5.30pm Mitchell Highway, Lucknow Map 1 F9 P. 02 6365 5330 F. 02 6365 5101 E.
[email protected]
The Essential Ingredient
fashion all the best brands sass & bide, zimmerman, tigerlily, gorman, gifts & accessories looking fabulous and you!.. xxx 200 Anson Street, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6360 1210 E.
[email protected]
Lucknow Skin Shop & Boot Barn
GOURMET FOOD CULINARY HOMEWARES COFFEE BOOKS CHEESE Stocking an extensive range of locally made foods as well as imported delights from around the globe. The Essential Ingredient Orange is a haven of all things food. 145 Summer Street, Orange Map 3 C4 P. 02 6361 8999 F. 02 6361 7950
Anything Grows
Nursery * Boutique Homewares * Café Enjoy a light lunch served in our beautiful nursery, before browsing our boutique homewares, a comprehensive collection of quality merchandise and exclusive lines carefully chosen from throughout Europe and elsewhere. Open 7 days a week Sat – Sun 10am – 4pm Mon – Fri 10am – 4.30pm 54 Summer Street, Orange Map 3 D3 P. 02 6361 4333 F. 02 6361 3029 E.
[email protected]
The Complete Garden Garden Secrets revealed. Fabulous granite table range – outdoor dining was never so glamorous! Urns of varying sizes and styles to make a statement in your courtyard. Water features to add music and magic to your garden. Fun, interesting and quirky gifts. Come in and browse our unique collection. Open 7 days.
173 Lords Place, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6360 0655 F. 02 6362 6519 E.
[email protected]
Thomson’s Garden Centre
Thomson’s Garden Centre established in 1963. Now a 1 acre Garden Centre in the middle of Orange. - Over 10,000 Pots - Over 1,000 Statues - Over 100 Water features - Indoor Plants
- French Gift line - Gazebos and Garden furniture - On site Horticulturalist - Open 7 days, 8.30am - 5.30pm
213 McLachlan Street, Orange Map 3 B7 P. 02 6362 3191
Kezz Brett - Clothes for The Gorgeous
102 Byng Street, Orange Map 3 C4 P. 02 6362 2655 E.
[email protected] Open Mon - Fri 10.17am - 5.30pm Sat 10am - 2pm
Orange City Centre
Home to Myer, Big W and over 30 specialty stores including Rodney Clark, Noni B, House, Everly Jewellers, Village Coffee Shop and more! All the latest styles at Orange City Centre. Connecting fashion, friends, family and fun.
190 Anson Street, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6361 3879
The White Place
Rooms and rooms of fresh and contemporary homewares, clothing, accessories and so much more. Open Monday - Friday 10am - 5.30pm, Saturday 10am - 3pm-ish
Inspiring cooking, entertaining and gift giving solutions.
100 Byng Street, Orange Map 3 C4 P. 02 6363 1160 E.
[email protected]
Shop 28/29 Orange City Centre, Anson Street, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6369 1200 F. 02 6369 1244 E.
[email protected]
Visit us at House in Orange Today!
Our clean natural environment and affinity with food, wine and hospitality make the region a great place to wind down and enjoy a good night’s sleep. Accommodation ranges from boutique motels, guesthouses and bed & breakfasts to farmstays, cabins, caravans and camping in nature reserves. Our long history means you may find yourself sleeping in a grand residence over a century old, or waking up to magnificent heritage gardens just outside your window. Several hotels offer traditional pub rooms for a time-honoured country stay. A range of modern motels offer full facilities and for those wanting to stay a little longer there are numerous serviced apartments, homes or boutique establishments offering selfcontained suites. Several caravan parks service the region, some offering modern cabins, and there are a number of pet friendly accommodation options. Outside town you can sleep in a vineyard, on an orchard or stay on a farm in a converted woolshed or historic stables.
de Russie Suites Orange 43
This boutique, self-contained apartment hotel offers a unique combination of urban style and a sprinkling of Tuscany and Rome. de Russie Suites Orange is located in a quiet tree-lined street only one block from the CBD and a short walk from the city’s vibrant restaurant strip. Choose from studio, studio spa, one, two and three bedroom suites or the exquisite Blue Room. All suites have the de Russie ingredients - great king beds for sleepy heads, luxurious bathrobes, crisp linen, collectable guest amenities, lcd tvs, uniquely styled furniture. As a bonus, enjoy the indoor plunge pool, complimentary light breakfast, non-smoking property, and de Russie’s charge back facility at selected restaurants. Visit local wineries, play golf, dine out, or just get away from it all and enjoy your stay at de Russie Suites Orange. 72 Hill Street, Orange Map 3 C3 P. 02 6360 0973 F. 02 5301 6179 E.
[email protected]
a place to rest
Country Comfort Orange
Quality Inn Ambassador Orange
Country Comfort offers corporate and family accommodation at affordable prices. All rooms contain wireless broadband, reverse cycle air conditioning, TV, hair dryer, iron, ironing board and mini bar. Jonathon’s a-la-carte restaurant is open 7 days for breakfast and dinner. We have conference facilities and a licensed bar for your convenience.
City Style - Country Hospitality! The Quality Inn Ambassador Orange motel is a modern, 4 star property close to the town centre. Our Ambassador’s Table restaurant serves local produce and provides excellent quality, good-value cuisine. We welcome corporate guests, conferences and weddings. We also have Spa and Family rooms available.
146 Bathurst Road, Orange Map 2 O19 P. 02 6362 6033 F. 02 6362 6532 E.
[email protected]
174 Bathurst Road, Orange Map 2 O19 P. 02 6393 7500 F. 02 6393 7599 E.
[email protected]
Glenidle Boutique Farmstay
Templers Mill Motel
Stay in the heart of Orange’s famous food and wine region in a boutique farmhouse on a beautiful working farm. With views of Mt Canobolas, just 8km from Orange centre. 841 Cargo Road, Nashdale Map 1 E6 P. 0414 832 983 E.
[email protected]
Duntryleague Guesthouse 1876 Guesthouse • 18 Hole Championship Course Tennis Courts • Restaurant/Bistro Functions Centre • Pro Shop
Situated in the heart of Orange, just a stone throw from shops, restaurants & historic landmarks; we offer relaxed accommodation at reasonable rates. The recently refurbished motel consists of 47 comfortable units including 8 executive suites with spas & lounge areas as well as three specially designed disabled units.
Woodward Street, Orange Map 2 L9 P. 02 6362 3466 E.
[email protected]
94 Byng Street, Orange Map 3 C4 P. 02 6362 5611 E.
[email protected]
Orange Motor Lodge
Turners Vineyard Motel & Function Centre
Welcome to Orange’s premier three and a half star motel, where friendly service and pristine, comfortable rooms don’t cost the earth. A full range of accommodation from deluxe rooms and a self contained apartment awaits your choice. Stay with us when next in town, you won’t be disappointed.
Orange’s finest motel & function centre comprises of 42 beautifully appointed rooms. Located 5 minutes from Orange (Bathurst side), our 4 1/2 star motel offers scenic views with comfortable inclusions. We have 5 modern function rooms. Our “Vines” a la carte restaurant opens 7 days. We look forward to welcoming you to Turners.
110 Bathurst Road, Orange Map 2 O17 P. 02 6362 4600 F. 02 6362 0601 E.
[email protected]
4929 Mitchell Highway, Orange Map 1 F9 P. 02 6369 1045 F. 02 63691046 E.
[email protected]
a place to rest
Borrodell on the Mt
Nestling amongst the vineyard and orchard Two self contained three bedroom cottages Two one bedroom suites Superb views of the valley and the district. Visit
Keronga Park Cottage Keronga Park offers a charming and peaceful 3 bedroom self-contained cottage with stunning views of Towac Valley and Mount Canobolas. Relax and rejuvenate in a Heated Indoor Mineral Therapy Pool. Pets Welcome. 13 Wrights Lane, Orange Map 1 E7 P. 0409 765 908
Melview Greens Apartments
Lake Canobolas Road, Orange Map 1 E7 P. 02 6365 3425 E.
[email protected]
Canobolas Mountain Cabins
SELF CONTAINED APARTMENTS Melview Greens is set on 5 acres of beautiful gardens. Quiet, peaceful location. Opposite Wentworth Golf Club only minutes from CBD, wineries and restaurants. Studio and 2 bedroom apartments, air-conditioned, undercover parking at door. Facilities include kitchen, linen, guest laundry and BBQ. Golf, winery and accommodation packages. 119 Ploughmans Lane, Orange Map 2 Q5 P. 02 6362 0955 F. 02 6362 0855 E.
[email protected]
Minutes from Orange, on the side of Mt Canobolas, these modern, spacious self contained cabins are perfect for that country break. Warm log fires, balcony BBQs and on-site restaurant, are all designed to give you a comfortable and delightful stay. Visit our website -
Ophir Valley Cabins & Edwardian Duplex’s
42 Mt Canobolas Road, Orange Map 1 F7 P. 02 6365 3656 F. 02 6365 3951 E.
[email protected]
Five Frogs Guest House
Cabins - Nestled amongst natural timbers, old goldmines, waterfalls & hiking trails. Edwardians -2 x 3 bedroom Heritage listed duplex’s in the centre of Orange. 1606 Ophir Road, Ophir Map 1 B10 & 151/153 Edward Street, Orange Map 3 E7 P. 02 6366 0451 E.
[email protected]
Nestled in the heart of the historic town of Carcoar you find 21st Century luxury within a 19th Century heritage building. Choose from suites each containing a modern spa with heated tiles, air-conditioning and LCD Televisions. Charming courtyards, cosy wood fires and sumptuous finishes complete the picture. Experience modern cuisine in the ambience of times gone past. 3 Belubula Street, Carcoar Map 7 B4 P. 02 6367 3155 E.
[email protected]
Sunny Ridge Grand Country Home Grand country home located on 200 acre property. 7 guest rooms with private bathrooms, swimming pool, spa pool, tennis, games room. Exclusive use of the homestead is available for special occasions. 58 Belubula Way, Mandurama Map 1 J7 P. 02 6367 5092 or 0422 222 446 F. 02 6367 5353 E.
[email protected]
a place to rest
Stay Orange offers a wide range of accommodation styles on one easy-to-use website. Choose from historic residences, country style retreats or city locations. You can also choose between hosted or self contained accommodation for couples, families or groups of friends. Check out our website to view all these great places to stay in and around Orange.
Arancia Bed & Breakfast
Black Sheep Inn B&B
On 11ha of landscaped gardens, fields and orchards, just 5mins from town, Arancia offers luxury accommodation with panoramic rural views. Each room is superbly appointed with private entrances and full ensuite facilities.
Talk about unique! Sleep in style in a converted 5 bedroom shearing shed or 2 bedroom shearers cottage... all rooms with ensuite. A great night’s sleep... countryside views... gourmet breakfasts... 7 minutes from Orange.
69 Wrights Lane, Orange Map 2 T1 P. 02 6365 3305 E.
[email protected]
91 Heifer Station Lane (off The Escort Way), Orange Map 1 D7 P. 02 6369 0662 E.
[email protected]
Camelia Cottage
Cleveland B&B
Tudor style heritage home overlooking parklands. 3 minutes stroll to CBD, restaurants, coffee shops, theatre and shopping. Comfortable home with central heating and air conditioning. Relax in established gardens.
A welcoming home with an extensive art collection just 2 minutes from the CBD. A range of ensuite rooms available with TVs and fridges in all and wireless Broadband. Children welcome.
175 Anson Street, Orange Map 3 D5 P. 02 6362 8898 F. 02 6361 1498 E.
[email protected]
9 Crinoline Street, Orange Map 2 G13 P. 02 6362 5729 F. 02 6361 2679 E.
[email protected]
Clifton Gardens B&B
Quiet parkland setting with two quality suites just minutes from Orange. Each comprising queen bedroom, private loungeroom and ensuite bathroom. Air-conditioning, TV, tea-making and refrigerator.
Close to CBD, Greentrees has two Standard and six Deluxe family rooms and one Luxury Suite. All with ensuites & kitchenettes. A/C, TV, DVD, Disabled access. BYO.
4 Templer Place, Orange Map 2 C21 P. 02 6365 1044 F. 02 6365 1044 E.
[email protected]
33 Pinnacle Road, Orange Map 2 S8 P 02 6361 4546 E.
[email protected]
Mayfield Cottages
Two charming cottages offer idyllic vineyard cottage accommodation just 10 minutes from Orange. Fully furnished and equipped, stay in one of the most picturesque vineyards in the region.
Minutes from Orange. Open rural setting in beautiful established garden. Luxuriously appointed, self contained Queen accommodation. Ideal for a private country getaway.
P. 02 6365 9292 Map 1 F10 www.mayfield
909 Cadia Road, Orange P. 02 6365 4256 M. 0418 262 334 E.
[email protected]
stay orange
Canobolas Caravan Park Winner of the 2004 Inland NSW Tourism Awards
caravan & camping
See also the villages pages (starting on page 26) for more caravan & camping areas.
Self-contained cabins. Affordable rates and friendly service. Deluxe and standard cabins. BBQ shelter. Large camping ground. Overnight & permanent sites available. Small pets allowed under strict supervision. 5 minutes from CBD. Boom gates and security cameras.
Cudal Caravan Park
166-172 Bathurst Road, Orange Map 2 P19 P. 02 6362 7279 E.
[email protected]
Main Street, Cudal Map 1 E1 P. 02 6390 7100
Powered and unpowered shady campsites opposite the swimming pool and within walking distance to the main street. Disabled amenities.
Colour City Caravan Park
Colour City Caravan Park AAAT Rating 3 1/2 star. Modern overnight ensuite cabins, powered and tent sites. All amenities including BBQ facilities, camp kitchen, children’s playground, close to shops and quiet location. Come and sample our excellent customer service.
203 Margaret Street, Orange Map 2 J16 P. 02 6362 7254 F. 02 6369 1977 E.
[email protected]
CountryLink XPT
Helping you get here... 47
Visiting the Orange region? Let CountryLink take you there. With a daily train service from Sydney and regular coach connections to Parkes and Nyngan, CountryLink is the convenient and safe way to travel. Our trains carry you in air-conditioned comfort with a choice of first or economy class seats, with a buffet car providing a range of tasty hot and cold meals. So sit back, relax and let CountryLink take the hassle out of getting there. Phone CountryLink or contact your nearest CountryLink travel centre or accredited agent. P. 13 22 32
a place to rest
Dubbo 1:45 mins
100 Miles for Orange....
Our region has embraced the 100–Mile catch-cry of local not global to promote sustainability, economic prosperity and to teach city dwellers the joy of eating seasonally and locally.
100 Mile Diet
The 100 Mile Diet concept originated in Canada where a couple pledged to eat only produce that came from within 100 miles (160km) radius of their home town for 12 months. Arguably there are fewer regions in Australia than Orange better placed to enjoy a rich and rewarding 100 Mile eating experience. Our bounty includes meat, fruit, berries and vegetables, to flour, nuts, cheese, milk, eggs and even truffles. Oh, and of course, wine.
Wellington Gulgong 1:20 mins 2 hours Yeoval 1 hour Cumnock Parkes Mudgee 45 mins 1:15 mins 2:15 mins Molong 25 mins Manildra Ophir 30 mins 20 mins Cudal Forbes 30 mins 1:30 mins Bathurst Eugowra 40 mins Lithgow 1 hour Millthorpe 1:20 mins 20 mins Canowindra Blayney 30 mins 50 mins Carcoar Cowra 40 mins 1 hour Jenolan Caves 2 hours
Jenolan Caves
To help you plan your diet, visit to download a 100–Mile Directory. Several key attractions surrounding Orange are within 100 miles and an easy day trip during your stay. These are our ‘locals’ and we encourage you to stay a while longer and enjoy what these attractions offer.
Cowra Tourism Corporation Cowra – the great escape! Located just one hour from Orange and home to the Cowra Japanese Gardens, P.O.W. Theatre, Australia’s World Peace Bell, fantastic wineries and award winning restaurants. Olympic Park, Mid-Western Highway, Cowra P. 02 6342 4333 F. 02 6342 4563 E.
[email protected]
Explore 11 spectacular caves, with underground rivers and breathtaking formations. Be amazed on guided tours, multi-lingual self-guided tour, kids’ tours, night tours and ghost tour. Try Adventure Caving or experience live music deep underground. Stay overnight in romantic, historic Caves house – accommodation for all budgets. Enjoy café and magnificent restaurant. Jenolan Caves Road, Jenolan Caves P. 1300 763 311 F. 02 6359 3307 E.
[email protected]
Zoofari Lodge, Taronga Western Plains Zoo
48 A safari adventure awaits you at Zoofari Lodge…just 90 minutes from Orange at Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo. Imagine sleeping in your own African-style canvas covered lodge just metres from an African Savannah area where animals roam, and waking to the sounds of the zoo coming to life. Experience intimate behind the scenes encounters, luxurious accommodation and irresistible cuisine that combined will create unique and exclusive memories that you will treasure for years to come. Obley Road, Dubbo P. 02 6881 1488 E.
[email protected]
going the extra mile
By appointment S/Su 10am-5pm. Or by appt Daily 9.30am-5pm Mail order and local stockists Local Stockists W-Su 10am-4pm Mail order and local stockists W-Su & PH 10am - 4pm Or by appt S/Su & PH 10am - 5pm S/Su & PH, 11am - 5pm, M-F by appt S/Su & PH, 10-5, M, Th & F 10-1 & 2-5 S/Su & PH 9am-5pm, W-F 9am-3pm or by appt S/Su & PH 11-5, or by appt S/Su 12 - 5, or by appt Sat & PH 9.30-5. Su-F by appt Mon-Sat 10 - 4pm S/Su & PH 10am - 4pm, M-F by appt By appointment Mail order and local stockists Local stockists W/Th/F 11am-5pm S/S & PH 10am-4pm 7 Days 10am-5pm S 10.30am - 5pm, Su-F 10.30am - 3pm, closed Tues Daily Daily 9am to 5pm S/Su 11am to 4pm taste Canowindra S/Su 10am to 4pm Taste Canowindra or by Appt Daily 10am to 4pm Open most w/e or by appt. Phone to confirm
Totally Local, 426 Mitchell Highway, Orange Beekeepers Inn, Mitchell Highway, Vittoria 12 Akhurst Road, Borenore
Tasting at taste Canowindra Longs Corner Road, Canowindra 1052 Fish Fossil Drive, Canowindra 752 Longs Corner Road, Canowindra 82 Lawrences Road, Canowindra
S/Su & PH 11am - 5pm Mail order and local stockists T/F/M 9am - 3pm, S/S 10am - 4pm Daily 10am - 4pm Daily 11-6pm S & PH w/ends 10 - 5, Su by appt. M-F 11 - 1 & 2 - 4 Sat 11am - 5pm, other times by appt S/Su & PH 11am - 5pm, M-Th by appt, F 1 - 5pm Mail order and local stockists S/Su & PH 11am - 5pm Local Stockists S/Su & PH 11am - 5pm, M-F by appt S/Su & PH, all Jan 10 - 5, M-Th by appt, F 12 -5 S/Su & PH 11am - 5pm By appointment
The Bluestone Stables, Victoria Street, Millthorpe 519 Three Brothers Road, Newbridge 154 Peabody Road, via Borenore Cnr Byng & Sale Streets, Orange Lake Canobolas Road, Orange 837 Pinnacle Road, Orange Boree Lane (off Cargo Road), Lidster 1064 Cargo Road, Orange CSU Campus, Leeds Parade, Orange Millthorpe Wine Centre, Pym Street, Millthorpe 892 Davys Plains Road, Cudal via Orange 125 Mount Lofty Road, Orange 859 Cargo Road, Orange Millthorpe Wine Centre, Pym Street, Millthorpe 150 Lemmons Road, Borenore 1119 Cargo Road, Orange 329 Old Canobolas Road, Nashdale 701 The Escort Way, Orange Mitchell Highway, Orange Annangrove Park, Cargo Road, Orange Boree Lane, Orange 42 Lake Canobolas Road, Orange 1320 Castlereagh Highway, Apple Tree Flat 954 Icely Road, Orange 69 Stagecoach Road (off Icely Road), Orange 780 Burrendong Way, Orange 131 Nashdale Lane, Nashdale Cnr Forbes Road & Radnedge Lane, Borenore 109 Summerhill Lane, Orange Koomooloo Vineyard, Caldwell Lane, Orange 1814 The Escort Way, Borenore 489 Yuranigh Road, Molong 134 Wallace Lane, Orange 789 Icely Road, Emu Swamp via Orange 2160 Limekilns Road, Bathurst 358 McDonalds Road, Pokolbin 4602 Mitchell Highway, Lucknow Mitchell Highway, Orange 790 Pinnacle Road, Orange
Angullong Bantry Grove Barton Creek Wines* Belgravia Wines at Union Bank Borrodell on the Mt Brangayne of Orange Canobolas-Smith Wines Cargo Road Winery Charles Sturt University Coffee Hill Wines Cumulus Estate Wines De Salis Wines Dindima Wines Edgecombe Wines Faisan Estate Wines Gordon Hills Estate Habitat Vineyard Hedberg Hill Highland Heritage Estate Jarretts Wines Jokers Peak Vineyard La Colline Wines Logan Mayfield Vineyard Moody’s Wines Mortimer’s Wines Orange Highland Wines & Gardens Orange Mountain Wines Patina Wines Philip Shaw Wines Prince of Orange Wines Printhie Wines Ross Hill Wines Sharpes Wines of Orange Stockman’s Ridge Wines Tamburlaine Organic Wines Toogoolah Winery Turners Vineyard Word of Mouth Wines Cider & Beer Badlands Brewery Central Ranges Brewery Small Acres Cyder Wine - Surrounding Regions Gardners Ground Hamilton’s Bluff Swinging Bridge Toms Waterhole Wines Wallington Local Stockists - See page 52
Opening Hours
6344 3135 6344 2079 0409 246 609 6344 1819 6344 7153
0411 025 437 6368 7382 6365 2286
31 30 30 30 30
21 18 10
Map 5 D4 Map 5 A1 Map 5 C1
Map 5 D4
Map 1 D7 2 Map 1 H12 Map 1 E6 28
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
29 30 31
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Map 1 F9 Map 1 F9 Map 1 F7
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Map 1 F10 Map 1 E10 Map 1 C8 Map 1 E6 Map 1 D6 Map 1 F9 Map 1 D6 Map 1 C5 Map 1 B4 Map 1 F7 Map 1 E10
3 3 3 3
3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Map 1 E7
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
11 12 13
Map 1 E6 Map 1 E6 Map 6 D3 Map 1 C5
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
14 15
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Map 1 C3 Map 3 C4 Map 1 E7 Map 1 F8 Map 1 E6 Map 1 E6 Map 1 D9 Map 6 D3
Accommodation Art Gallery
Map 1 F6 Map 1 E7 Map 1 E9
Map 6 C4
Page Map
1300 743 332 10, 27 6368 1036 14 6364 2160 11 1300 721 731 16 6365 3425 10 6365 3229 11 6365 6113 11 0428 656100 12 6933 2435 14 6365 6230 27 8977 2800 14 0403 956 295 12 6365 3388 12 0400 210189 27 6365 2380 0417 727 000 6365 3598 0429 694 051 10 6361 3612 17 6364 3118 14 4990 7535 6365 3275 6373 1333 6365 9292 12 6365 9117 6365 8689 6365 3002 12 6365 2626 11 6362 8336 12 6365 2334 10 6365 2396 10 6366 8422 11 6365 3223 12 6361 9046 0419 249 790 14 4998 7570 6365 5200 12 6369 1045 44 6365 3509
Phone (02)
Refers to the location of the cellar door on pull out Map 1
‘By appointment’: These cellar doors encourage you to call before your visit. Couples and small groups welcome. * Central Ranges Café Cellar Door Disabled Facilities Local Produce Mail Order Restaurant Blends Red - Cab Sav Red - Merlot Red - Pinot Noir Red - Rosé Red - Shiraz Sparkling Wine White - Chardonnay White - Pinot Gris White - Riesling White - Sav Blanc White - Viognier Gewürztraminer Sangiovese
Semillon, Port, late harvest Petit Verdot, Tempranillo
Traditional alcoholic cider
Boutique beers
Dessert Riesling, fortifieds
Cab Franc
White & red fortifieds
Late harvest Sauv Blanc Dessert wines Dessert, fortified wine
Cabernet Merlot
Semillon and Muscat
Zinfandel Rosé
Zinfandel and Barbera
Dessert wine
Ruby Red dessert wine
Additional Varieties
44 29 44 44 44 44
2/19a Hamer Street, Orange 35 Kite Street, Orange Lake Canobolas Road, Orange 42 Mt Canobolas Road, Orange Glenorie Road, Millthorpe 36 Forbes Road, Orange Mandurama 72 Hill Street, Orange 72 Cultowa Lane, Canowindra 840 Cargo Road, Nashdale 368 Gordon Road, Guyong 28 Park Street, Millthorpe 13 Wrights Lane, Orange 954 Icely Road, Orange 119 Ploughmans Lane, Orange 12 Crouch Street, Neville 52 Summer Street, Orange 307 Convent Lane, Borenore 521 Garra Road, Molong Ophir Road, Ophir & Edward Street, Orange PO Box 541, Orange 37 Sale Street, Orange Gamboola Cabonne, Molong 909 Cadia Road, Orange 21 Rowan Street, Orange 19 Hewitt Close, Orange 399 Summer Street, Orange 58 Belubula Way, Mandurama
6361 4021 6361 8114 6365 3425 6365 3656 6366 3317 6369 1166 6367 5264 6360 0973 6344 3116 0414 832 983 6368 7261 6366 3643 0409 765 908 6365 9292 6362 0955 6368 8455 6365 8411 6365 2420 6366 8337 6366 0451 6362 7666 6362 6966 6366 9166 6365 4256 6362 9146 0431 260 417 6369 0046 6367 5092
Cnr Park & Victoria Streets, Millthorpe 6 Belubula Street, Carcoar
6366 3999 6367 3009
224 Strathnook Lane, Orange 69 Wrights Lane, Orange 91 Heifer Station Lane, Borenore 24 Kite Street, Orange 175 Anson Street, Orange 9 Crinoline Street, Orange 4 Templer Place, Orange 177 Anson Street, Orange 51 Lakes Avenue, Clifton Grove Woodward Street, Orange 3 Belubula Street, Carcoar Cnr Pinnacle & Lysterfield Roads, Orange 7 Templer Place, Clifton Grove, Orange 27 National Avenue, Orange 11 Morley Street, Millthorpe 154 Peabody Road, via Borenore 538 Ophir Road, Orange 12 Naylor Street, Carcoar 168 Forest Road, Millthorpe
6365 1231 6365 3305 6369 0662 6362 2857 6362 8898 6362 5729 6365 1044 6361 2520 6365 1017 6362 3466 6367 3155 6361 4546 6365 1331 6369 0522 6366 3967 6364 2160 6365 1040 6367 3235 6366 3168
166-172 Bathurst Road, Orange Tilga Street, Canowindra 203 Margaret Street, Orange Mail Street, Cudal Cnr Watson & Hill Streets, Molong
6362 7279 6344 1850 6362 7254 6390 7100 6366 8328
a place to rest
45 45
43 44
45 46 45
26 45
26 46
45 28
Map 3 D3 Map 2 O19 Map 6 C3 Map 2 O17 Map 2 O19 Map 3 C4 Map 1 F9
Restaurant / Café
6362 7699 6362 6033 6366 3653 6362 4600 6393 7500 6362 5611 6369 1045
Pet Friendly
60 Summer Street, Orange 146 Bathurst Road, Orange 26 Victoria Street, Millthorpe 110 Bathurst Road, Orange 174 Bathurst Road, Orange 94 Byng Street, Orange 4929 Mitchell Highway, Orange
Meals on request
Log or Gas Fire
Phone (02)
Disabled facilities Family Friendly
Name Motel Central Caleula Country Comfort Orange Millthorpe Motel Orange Motor Lodge Quality Inn Ambassador, Orange Templers Mill Motel Turners Vineyard Motel & Function Centre Self Contained A Colour City Apartment Apartments on the Park Borrodell on the Mt Canobolas Mountain Cabins Cheneyvale Loft Cole House Apartments Dairy Park Farmstay de Russie Suites Orange Everview Retreat Luxury Stone Cottages Glenidle Boutique Farmstay Godolphin Country Accommodation Hockeys Keronga Park Cottage Mayfield Vineyard Cottages Melview Greens Apartments Neville Siding No 52 Serviced Cottage The Old Convent Old Redbank Farm Holiday Ophir Valley Cabins & Edwardian Duplex’s Orange City Serviced Apartments Orange Serviced Apartments Platypus Hollow Rosemont Cottage Rowan Cottage Serenity Studio Summer East Apartments Sunny Ridge Grand Country Home Hotels (Pubs) The Commercial Hotel Royal Hotel Carcoar Bed & Breakfast Abby Lodge Arancia Bed & Breakfast Black Sheep Inn B&B on the Park Camelia Cottage B&B Cleveland B&B Clifton Gardens B&B Cotehele - The Magistrates House Duckpond Duntryleague Guesthouse Five Frogs Guest House Greentrees Guest House The Grove B&B Leloma Bed and Breakfast Millthorpe Bed & Breakfast Nyrang Homestead Ophir Gold B&B Stokehouse Accommodation Warriwillah Bed & Breakfast Caravan & Camping Canobolas Caravan Park Canowindra Caravan Park Colour City Caravan Park Cudal Caravan Park Molong Caravan Park
Additional Facilities
Austar, guest laundry Pool, Gym, Austar Ex-Services club Function Centre
Map 3 D1 Map 3 D2 Map 1 E7 Map 1 F7 Map 6 D2 Map 2 K8 Map 1 J11 Map 3 C3 Map 5 H3 Map 1 E6 Map 1 G11 Map 6 D4 Map 1 E7 Map 1 F10 Map 2 Q5 Map 1 J11 Map 3 D3 Map 1 D6 Map 1 A3 Map 1 B10/Map 3 E7
Central, A/C
Map 4 G7
Historic rural homestead Pool, rural setting Next to golf club Alfresco dining
Map 2 M8 Map 2 G5 Map 2 M17 Map 1 J7
In Vineyard Bush setting
Farm activities Restaurant charge back Organised tours Farm Stay Farm Stay Spa Mineral Therapy Pool In Vineyard Next to golf club Private courtyard 1870’s cottage Farmstay
Pool, spa, tennis
Map 6 C4 Map 7 B4 4.5 star spa ensuites
Map 2 B24 Map 2 T1 Map 1 D7 Map 3 D2 Map 3 D5 Map 2 G13 Map 2 C21 Map 3 D5 Map 2 B24 Map 2 L9 Map 7 B4 Map 2 S8 Map 1 D9 Map 2 N12 Map 6 C5 Map 1 C4 Map 1 D9 Map 7 A3 Map 1 H9
47 30 47 47 26
Map 2 P19 Map 5 F3 Map 2 J16 Map 1 E1 Map 4 D6
Self contained cabins
46 46 46 46 46
44 45 46
All ensuite rooms Central Central heating
Show Gardens Historic Mansion Historic village On acres Central Location Compl Cheese platter Outdoor spa On acres
Camp kitchen, cabins
Directory December
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Map 5 A1
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Hazelnuts Chestnuts Stone Fruit Cakes & Pastries Honey Fruit & Vegetables Hazelnuts Cakes, Pastries, Preserves Jams & Preserves Fruit & Vegetables Berries & Jams Herbs, Honey Venison Soft Drinks, Juice Jams & Preserves Fruit, Hazelnuts Figs, Fruit, Eggs Smallgoods Olives Herbs & Vegetables
6369 0396 6361 8999 6365 2247 1800 069 466 1800 069 466 6360 4604
21 40 20 20 8,20 21
Map 3 D5 3 Map 3 C4 3 Map 1 D6 3 Map 2 H16/L15 3 Map 3 C6 3 Map 1 D7 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
All produce All produce Fruit & Vegetables All produce Non perishable produce All produce
169 Hill Street, Orange 26 Victoria Street, Millthorpe
6361 3336 6366 3888
Map 2 J12 Map 6 C3
Cnr Park & Victoria Streets, Millthorpe Mitchell Highway, Vittoria 179 Anson Street, Orange 341 Summer Street, Orange Woodward Street, Orange 85-87 March Street, Orange 4968 Mitchell Highway, Orange 177 Lords Place, Orange 293 Summer Street, Orange 48 Sale Street, Orange 133 Lords Place, Orange 22-24 Riddell Street, Molong 231-243 Anson Street, Orange 324 Summer Street, Orange 42 Lake Canobolas Road, Nashdale 6 Belubula Street, Carcoar BorrodellVineyard, Lake Canobolas Road, Orange 116 Summer Street, Orange 56 Gaskill Street, Canowindra 30 Victoria Street, Millthorpe Cnr Sale & Byng Street, Orange 130 Ploughmans Lane, Orange
6366 3999 6368 7382 6361 1179 6360 4478 6362 3466 6361 9020 6361 3054 6362 2389 6362 4663 6361 7748 6362 4100 6366 8105 6362 2666 6362 1786 6365 3275 6367 3009 6365 3128 6362 5191 6344 2332 6366 3811 6361 4441 6361 4505
28 18 16 16 44
54 Summer Street, Orange 595 Borenore Road, Borenore 1064 Cargo Road, Orange Shop 31 Orange Arcade, Orange TheWellness House, 55 Bathurst Road, Orange 31 Gidley Street, Molong 25 Victoria Street, Millthorpe 42 Mt Canobolas Road, Orange 154 Peabody Road, via Borenore 307 Convent Lane, Borenore 220 Lords Place, Orange
6361 4333 6365 2261 6365 6100 6362 5151 6391 5933 6366 8810 6366 3656 6365 3227 6364 2160 6365 2420 6362 9394
41 11 12 18 18 26 28 19 11
22 Pine Ridge Drive (PO Box 2550), Orange Shop 31 Orange Arcade, Orange Pine Grove, Cudal 307 Convent Lane, Borenore
0437 621 908 6362 5151 6364 2053 6365 2420
Phone (02)
Local Outlets Local Outlets Farmers Market, Local Outlets Farmers Market, Local Outlets Farmers Market, Local Outlets Cargo Road, Nashdale Farmers Market, Local Outlets Farmers Market, Local Outlets Farmers Market, Local Outlets 1209The EscortWay, Borenore Huntley Road, Huntley Local Outlets Farmers Market, Local Outlets Farmers Market Farmers Market, Local Outlets Farmers Market Farmers Market, 39 Nashdale Lane, Nashdale Farmers Market, Local Outlets 82 Lawrences Road, Canowindra Farmers Market, Local Outlets
6365 4305 6365 8353 6383 9225 0427 103 747 6368 5889 0414 832 983 6366 5131 6365 3581 6361 4546 6365 2247 6365 5282 6365 5511 6365 6171 6360 0320 6361 7739 6365 3540 6365 3145 6369 1381 6344 7153 6365 9269
Map 1 E6
20 20
Map 1 D6 Map 1 G9
Shop 2, 200 Anson Street, Orange 145 Summer Street, Orange 1209The EscortWay, Borenore Showgrounds or Northcourt, Orange 151 Byng Street, Orange 426 Mitchell Highway, Orange
a place to eat
Page Map
Map 1 E6
Map 6 C4 Map 1 H12 Map 3 D5 Map 3 D6 Map 2 L9 Map 3 B3 17 Map 1 F9 19 Map 3 D5 16 Map 3 C6 Map 3 C4 13 Map 2 N14 26 Map 4 E4 16 Map 3 C5 Map 3 C6 Map 1 E7 Map 7 B4 17 Map 1 E7 Map 3 D4 31 Map 5 D4 16,28 Map 6 C3 16 Map 3 C4 16 Map 2 Q6
Map 3 D3 Map 1 D6 Map 1 E6 Map 3 D4 Map 2 N16 Map 4 E5 Map 6 C3 Map 1 F7 Map 1 C4 Map 1 D6 Map 3 D5
Map 3 D4 Map 1 D6
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Product Outlets
Company The Producers Anynco Farm Brittle Jacks Chestnut Farm Budgi Werri Prunes Chesney & Green Cupcakes Cottesbrook Honey The Farm Gate by Nashdale Fruit Co. Fourjay Farms Gina Allen Catering Greentrees Gourmet Preserves Hillside Orchard Huntley Berry Farm Lucknow Lavender Mandagery Creek Venison The Nectar Beverage Group Orange Food Hampers Rose Farm Thornbrook Orchard Trunkey Bacon & Pork Wallington Wines Olives Waru Organic Farm Local Outlets A Slice of Orange The Essential Ingredient Hillside Orchard Orange Region Farmer’s Market Orange Visitor Information Centre Totally Local Food Experiences Orange Regional Cooking School Urban Graze Cooking School Restaurants Basalt @ The Commercial Hotel Beekeepers Inn Bistro Ceello Bodhi Garden Vegetarian Restaurant Duntryleague Guesthouse Restaurant The Harrison Restaurant Highland Heritage Estate Hog’s Breath Café Loc Sing Restaurant Lolli Redini Restaurant Mary Jane’s at Kellys Hotel Molong RSL Club Orange Ex-Services’Club Pip’s Restaurant at Hotel Orange Racine Restaurant Royal Hotel Carcoar Sisters Rock Restaurant Sweet Sour Salt taste Canowindra Tonic Restaurant Union Bank Wine Bar Wentworth Gallery Restaurant Cafés Anything Grows The Borenore Store Cargo Road Winery delish Energize Café Jayes Café & Gallery La Boucherie The Mountain Tea House Nyrang Café Old Convent Teahouse Catering All About You Catering delish Edwena Mitchell Catering Old Convent
food & places to eat
Produce Available
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
Name Central Western Daily Newspaper Hospital - (prior April 2011) Hospital - (post April 2011) Orange City Council Orange Visitor Information Centre Police - Orange Regional Integrated Marketing Taste Orange
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
Main produce
Address 132 Kite Street, Orange 84 Dalton Street, Orange 1502 Forest Road, Orange 135 Byng Street (PO Box 35), Orange 151 Byng Street, Orange 115-117 Byng Street, Orange PO Box 301, Orange PO Box 1363, Orange
Farm Gate
3 3
3 3
Phone (02) 6391 2900 6393 3000
Map Map 3 D6 Map 3 A4 Map 2 U14 1300 650 511 Map 3 C6 1800 069 466 Map 3 C6 6363 6399 Map 3 C6 6360 3700 Map 3 C6 6360 1990 Map 3 C5
Orange Visitor Information Centre
- we’re here to help you
OPEN 9am – 5pm | 7 Days 151 Byng St (Corner of Byng & Peisley Sts), Orange NSW 2800 (Map 3 C6) FREE CALL 1800 069 466
activities Name Ada’s Place Art Aussie Balloontrek Australian National Field Days Balloon Joy Flights Blake’s Artist Studio Gallery Central West Writers Centre Central West Libraries Cook Park Iglou Vintage Bike Hire Jayes Café & Gallery Odeon 5 Cinema Orange Arts Society Orange Botanic Gardens Orange Highland Gardens Orange Tenpin Bowl Orange Civic Theatre Orange Ex-Services Tennis Complex Orange Regional Art Gallery Orange Regional Conservatorium of Music Sir Neville Howse Stadium taste Canowindra
Name Duntryleague Golf Club Orange Ex-Services’ Country Club Wentworth Golf Club
Family Name Adventure Playground Back 2 Family Basics BMX Track Elephant Park Gosling Creek Reserve John Lomas Skate Park Kinross Wolaroi School Millthorpe Skate Park Miniature Railway
Address 5 William Street, Millthorpe 20 Gorman Road, Orange 563 Borenore Road, Borenore Longs Corner Road, Canowindra 611 Pinnacle Road, Orange Orange City Library, Byng Street, Orange 147 Byng Street, Orange 24 Summer Street, Orange 200 Anson Street, Orange 31 Gidley Street, Molong 43 William Street, Orange PO Box 792, Orange 1 Yellowbox Way, Orange 131 Nashdale Lane, Nashdale Cnr Byng & Seymour Streets, Orange 135 Byng Street, Orange Cnr Warrendine St & Lords Pl, Orange Civic Square, 149 Byng Street, Orange 73a Hill Street, Orange 2-10 Seymour Street, Orange 56 Gaskill Street, Canowindra
Phone (02) Page 6366 3108 28 6361 2552 31 6362 1588 6344 1819 30 6365 3328 6393 8125 6393 8120 23 1800 069 466 39 0418 165 852 34 6366 9093 26 6362 0510 34 6362 5729 6365 1125 39 6365 3002 12 6362 5466 35 6393 8110 22 6362 8020 36 6393 8136 23 6361 7974 22 6360 2249 36 6344 2332 31
Address Woodward Street, Orange Forest Road, Orange 130 Ploughmans Lane, Orange
Phone (02) Page Map 6362 4072 37 Map 2 L9 6361 3210 37 Map 2 V14 6361 4505 37 Map 2 Q6
Address 1 Yellow Box Way, Orange PO Box 1809, Orange March Street, Orange 96 Woodward Street, Orange 2 Bloomfield Road, Orange Cnr Anson & Warrendine Streets, Orange 59-67 Bathurst Road, Orange Boomerang Road, Millthorpe Matthews Park, Anson Street, Orange
Address Gaskill Street, Canowindra Ophir Road, Orange Gaskill Street, Canowindra Pye Street, Eugowra 37 Park Street, Millthorpe Kiew Street, Manildra Gidley Street, Molong Yuranigh Road, Molong
things to see & do
Map 1 D6 Map 5 A1 Map 1 E8 Map 3 C6 Map 3 C6 Map 3 D2 Map 3 D5 Map 4 E5 Map 3 B7 Map 2 E11 Map 1 E7 Map 2 L19 Map 3 C6 Map 2 O14 Map 3 C6 Map 3 C3 Map 2 L19 Map 5 D4
Phone (02) Page Map 38 Map 2 E11 0428 631 600 Map 2 L19 Map 2 O10 38 Map 2 Y13 1800 069 466 33 Map 2 O13 6392 0300 34 Map 2 N17 Map 6 B4 6362 9634 Map 3 E5
Museums & History Name Age of Fishes Museum Banjo Paterson Memorial Canowindra Museum Eugowra Museum Golden Memories Museum Mill & Rail Museum Molong Museum Yuranigh’s Aboriginal Grave Historic Site
Map Map 6 C4
Phone (02) 6344 1008 6344 1747 6859 2820 6366 3980 6364 5107 6392 3200
Page Map 30 Map 5 D3 Map 2 H22 Map 5 E3 Map 1 E1 29 Map 6 C4 Map 1 C1 Map 4 E5 24 Map 1 A4
Name Anything Grows Canowindra Trading Post The Complete Garden Drayshed Nursery The Essential Ingredient Falls Hair Beauty Spa galvanised at Millthorpe Harvey Norman Orange Hawkes General Store House Iglou Kezz Brett Lucknow Skin Shop & Boot Barn Orange Visitor Information Centre Orange City Centre Thomson’s Garden Centre tomolly The White Place
Address 54 Summer Street, Orange 46 Ferguson Street, Canowindra 173 Lords Place, Orange 66 Kings Plains Road, Blayney 145 Summer Street, Orange Belubula Way, Canowindra 17 Pym Street, Millthorpe Mitchell Highway, Orange 46 Sale Street, Orange Shop 28, Orange City Centre, Orange 200 Anson Street, Orange 102 Byng Street, Orange Mitchell Highway, Lucknow 151 Byng Street, Orange 190 Anson Street, Orange 213 McLachlan Street, Orange 7 Blake Street, Millthorpe 100 Byng Street, Orange
Phone (02) 6361 4333 6344 1529 6360 0655 63682140 6361 8999 6344 1293 6366 3983 6393 2222 6362 5851 6369 1200 6360 1210 63622655 6365 5330 1800 069 466 6361 3879 6362 3191 63663847 6363 1160
Page 41 30 41 28 40 30 28 53
Map Map 3 D3 Map 5 D4 Map 3 D5
Map 3 C4 Map 1 J1 Map 6 D3 Map 2 Q20 Map 3 C4 42 Map 3 D5 40 Map 3 D5 42 Map 3 C4 40 Map 1 F9 8,20 Map 3 C6 42 Map 3 D5 41 Map 3 B7 28 Map 6 D4 42 Map 3 C4
wine - local stockists Name The Borenore Store D’Aquino’s Liquor D’Aquino’s Liquor D’Aquino’s Liquor Kelly’s Drive Thru Liquor Barn taste Canowindra Totally Local Union Bank Wine Store
Address 595 Borenore Road, Borenore 48 Peisley Street, Orange Summer Centre, Summer Street, Orange 129-133 Bathurst Road, Orange 133 Lords Place, Orange 42 Ferguson Street, Canowindra 426 Mitchell Highway, Orange Cnr Sale and Byng Streets, Orange
Phone (02) Page Map 6365 2261 11 Map 1 D6 6362 9683 14 Map 2 P15 6393 5858 14 Map 3 D3 6362 7381 14 Map 2 O18 6361 9457 13 Map 2 N14 6344 2332 31 Map 5 D4 6360 4604 21 Map 1 D7 6361 4441 16 Map 3 C4
tours and transport Name Central West Getaways CountryLink Extra Mile Cycling Tours Helicruz Orange Orange Helicopters & Limousines Simmo’s Offroad Tours Taxi Cabs of Orange
Railway Station Peisley Street, Orange 13 Kite Street, Orange 4968 Mitchell Highway, Orange Orange Friendship Place, Orange Orange
Phone (02) 0413 551 212 13 22 32 0447 013 766 0438 272 441 0438 270 370 0415 641 343 131 008
100 mile directory Name Cowra Tourism Corporation Jenolan Caves Zoofari Lodge, Taronga Park Zoo
Address Olympic Park, Mid-Western Highway, Cowra Jenolan Caves Road, Jenolan Caves Obley Road, Dubbo
Phone (02) 6342 4333 1300 76 33 11 6881 1488
Page Map 29 47 36 Map 3 D1 36 Map 1 E9 36
Page 48 48 48
Published by Taste Orange for Orange City Council. Whilst every endeavour has been made to ensure the information in this publication is correct at the time of printing, Orange City Council, publishers or their agents cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from mis-description, inadvertent errors or omission contained herein. Thank you to all the photographers for their input, with special thanks to Craig Fenemor, Steve Marshall, Alf Manciagli, Simmone Vivers and Seth Buchanan. TM
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Certification applies to Offset Alpine Printing in Lidcombe NSW
ORANGE Harvey Norman Orange, always supporting the local community and always offering you the best price and the best service in the Central West.
Supporting our Community Frost Fest
3–12 Aug 2012
Wine Week
19–28 Oct 2012
Slow Summer
18–27 Jan 2013
F. O . O . D W e e k
12–21 April 2013
Harvey Norman, Mitchell Highway Orange 2800 Ph. 6393 2222 Fax. 6361 4141
Orange Visitor Information Centre OPEN 9am – 5pm | 7 Days 151 Byng St (Corner of Byng & Peisley Sts), Orange NSW 2800 FREE CALL 1800 069 466