metric underlying party identification is not necessarily the same as the linear .... model. In any event either one of the thresholds must be ''anchored'' a priori.
capa. Fig. 1. Example of SOFTCUMULATIVESUM with a ground schedule with. 3 fixed activities: a1 starts at 0 and ends at 3, and res[a1]=2. a2 starts at 2.
Jun 13, 2014 - NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA ... Plaintiff's claim under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.
Jul 14, 2015 - Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 3740 (1996); 10.1063/1.117207. Pressure dependence of optical transitions in ordered GaP/InP superlattices. Appl. Phys.
tained via carbonization of precursors of natural or synthetic origin, followed by ... be impregnated with polymer precursors that can be poly- merized to form a ... with synthetic siliceous opals with ordered structures was successful in pro-.
9 - u 3 9 7. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: I Nov 87 - 12 Aug 88. 12 Aug 88 - 28 Oct 88. Dr. James F. Wolfe ..... W'e had planned for Year 2 to synthesize higher molecular weight PIZ polymers that ...... in Appendices A, B, and E, technical papers resulting
Feb 19, 2009 - US 2009/0048928 A1. FIG. 1. L32. D13. Tunin. Sorted/annotated setsg. Train Temporal Classifier ' referenc
May 19, 2017 - The Court set the following schedule re Staged Discovery: ⢠6-19-17: Plaintiffs to serve narrowed disco
Case 4:08-cv-04373-JSW Document 356 Filed 05/22/17 Page 1 of 1
Time in Court: 1 hour 54 minutes
Court Reporter: Diane Skillman
Courtroom Deputy: Jennifer Ottolini CASE NO. C-08-4373 JSW TITLE: Carolyn Jewel, et al., v. National Security Agency, et al., COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF: Richard Wiebe Cindy Cohn Philip Tassin Thomas Moore
COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT: James Gilligan Rodney Patton Caroline Anderson
PROCEEDINGS: Further Case Management Conference
Further Case Management Conference held. By 6-2-17: Government counsel to inform the Court if, hypothetically, a career law clerk was granted security clearance, would she be able to view all documents, including those already produced in classified submissions. The Court set the following schedule re Staged Discovery:
6-19-17: Plaintiffs to serve narrowed discovery requests on standing. 7-10-17: Parties shall meet and confer to agree to further limit requests based on Rule 26 with an eye toward significantly narrowing requests. 8-9-17: Defendants’ responses due (presumably in public record). All questions need some sort of response - including whether some responses would be classified.
The remainder of discovery responses in dispute to be submitted ex parte and in camera, including but not limited to orally ordered scope of production on Defendants to marshal all evidence pertaining to statutory discovery issues. Briefing and hearing on omnibus motions shall be set in the Order on Discovery.