Ordinance 6703 - Broadband - Defeasance ORD

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an opportunity to discuss funding for Art in Public Places (APP), timing, and process ... were authorized by the Electri
Agenda Item 1


April 24, 2018

City Council

STAFF Travis Storin, Accounting Director Mike Beckstead, Chief Financial Officer John Duval, Legal

SUBJECT Items Relating to the Appropriation From Light and Power/Broadband Fund Debt Proceeds and Other Funds Related to the Broadband Project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This item was originally scheduled for April 17 and was moved to April 24 to allow the Mayor and City Manager an opportunity to discuss funding for Art in Public Places (APP), timing, and process concerns with impacted stakeholders. Funding for APP is included in the ordinance below and will be finalized upon a review of the APP guidelines and process to occur by the end of 2018. Both the amount borrowed and amount appropriated have been increased to cover the additional funding requirement. A. First Reading of Ordinance No. 056, 2018, Appropriating Proceeds from the Issuance of 2018 Electric Utility Enterprise Revenue Bonds for Capital, Operating, Debt Service and Art in Public Places Expenditures Associated with the Construction of a Broadband System to Provide Telecommunication Facilities and Services to Customers Within Fort Collins in the Light and Power Fund and Transferring Appropriations from the Light and power Fund to the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund for the Art in Public Places Program. B. First Reading of Ordinance No. 057, 2018, Appropriating Funds from the Light and Power Fund to Defease the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise Taxable Revenue Bonds Series 2010B. The purpose of this item is to appropriate (1) bond proceeds for the construction of a municipal broadband system and (2) Light & Power reserves for the defeasance of outstanding debt. The issuance and defeasance were authorized by the Electric Utility Enterprise Board Ordinances No. 003 and No. 004, respectively. This agenda item is consistent with Strategic Objective 3.9 from the 2016 Strategic Plan: Encourage the development of reliable, high speed internet services throughout the community. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Manager recommends adoption of the Ordinances on First Reading. The City Manager has also determined that these appropriations are available and previously unappropriated from the Light and Power Fund and will not cause the total amount appropriated in the Light and Power Fund to exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received in this Fund during the fiscal year. BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION Overview At its April 3, 2018, meeting the Electric Utility Enterprise Board adopted Ordinances No. 003 and No. 004 on Second Reading, authorizing the issuance of debt for construction of the broadband system. The ensuing step

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Agenda Item 1 is to appropriate bond proceeds for operating costs of 2018, the capital project itself, debt issuance costs, repayment of the General Fund bridge loan, capitalized interest, and defeasance of the 2010 Light & Power bonds. For reference, below is the schedule previously published for the broadband project: Table 1: Broadband Project Schedule

CITY FINANCIAL IMPACTS Appropriations and Budget Appropriations of the above proceeds are brought forward to City Council under Ordinance No. 056, 2018. Of the $142,815,541 project funding, $115,356,991 will be appropriated upon issuance while $27,458,550 will be set aside for future appropriations. Of the $27,458,550 for future appropriations, staff recommends a balance sheet assignment of $8,200,000 million of unappropriated proceeds for the exclusive use of expanding the system in response to market share and/or future annexations. This step will require staff to return to Council to authorize the use of these funds. The remaining $8,200,000 of unappropriated proceeds are for operating costs to be appropriated in the 2019 and 2020 biennial budget as part of Budgeting for Outcomes (BFO). The remaining $11,058,550 of unappropriated bond proceeds will be placed into escrow as the capitalized interest fund. The ordinance includes a contribution of $609,526 to Art in Public Places (APP). These APP funds are transferred to APP on a provisional basis and depend on the outcome of a broader conversation and review of APP and future Council policy discussions. Of the $609,526, $479,430 remains in the Light & Power Fund for acquisition of art while $130,096 is transferred to the Cultural Services Fund for maintenance and operations. City Code states that contributions from City utilities to the APP program are capped at 0.5% of their budgeted operating revenue. As Broadband is being created as a sub-fund within the Light & Power Fund, it shares this cap with the electric utility. The 2018 cap for Light & Power is $652,650, of which $43,124 has already been committed as part of existing capital projects within Light & Power. The $609,526 contribution to APP is based on the remaining cap, as 1% of the Broadband project amount would otherwise exceed that cap. Ordinance No. 056, 2018, directs staff to review and consider whether the APP Code provisions need to be amended to address future new Broadband System construction projects and to present recommendations by the end of 2018.

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Agenda Item 1 Staff will leverage current Art and Culture Master Plan findings, as well as conduct additional meetings with the Cultural Resources Board, the APP Board, other relevant boards, capital planning staff, and budget staff. A review of the current APP workplan and recommendations will be presented. Appropriated and unappropriated proceeds for the Broadband project totaling $142.8M are summarized below: Table 2: Broadband Appropriations

2018 Operating Appropriations Cost of Issuance (legal, advisor, underwriter) Interest on $1.8 M loan from General Fund 2010 L&P defeasance, backfill QECB subsidy Operating expenses 2018, repay GF loan Capitalized Interest 2018 Operating Budget 2018

822,100 15,000 373,000 1,800,000 3,129,117 6,139,217

Multiyear Non-lapsing Capital Appropriations Capital Projects Art in Public Places Capital Budget

108,608,249 609,526 109,217,775

Appropriated by Ordinance in 2018


Table 3: Unappropriated Proceeds

Set aside for future appropriations Working capital future years (2019-20 BFO) Success capital (higher take rate or annexation) Capitalized Interest

8,200,000 8,200,000 11,058,550

Total set aside for future appropriations


Appropriations for the Light and Power Defeasance are summarized below: Table 4: Light and Power Appropriations

Budgeting for Defeasance of 2010 Light and Power Bonds 2018 Budget (already appropriated) New Appropriation from L&P Reserves Total escrow amount for 2018-2020 payments

1,992,324 3,791,004 5,783,328

Impact to Other Projects The Utility Customer Information System (CIS) replacement project planned for a $7M+ implementation cost, with $2.3M appropriated in 2018 and the remainder to be brought forward for the 2019-2020 budget. Broadband was to be put on a separate billing system funded by the project. Throughout February and March, staff has learned that it can implement a single system to serve all five utilities. Doing so necessitates a faster implementation so that Broadband can activate customers in late 2019.

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Agenda Item 1 Long-term this is expected to decrease cost, and in fact the bids for the new system are coming in lower than the original project plan for the four utilities. The immediate impact is for the four existing utilities to bring forward the full project cost for appropriation sooner than initially planned. BOARD / COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION At its February 27, 2018 meeting, the Council Finance Committee supported proceeding to First Reading with the full Council. PUBLIC OUTREACH Two separate ballot measures brought to voters were successful in authorizing the establishment of a municipal fiber retail broadband network. ATTACHMENTS 1. Broadband and Art in Public Places Memo (PDF) 2. Council Finance Committee minutes, February 27, 2018 3. Powerpoint presentation (PDF)

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ATTACHMENT 1 215 N Mason Street 2nd Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6795 970.221.6782 - fax fcgov.com


March 29th, 2018


Mayor and City Councilmembers


Darin Atteberry, City Manager


Mike Beckstead, Chief Financial Officer


Broadband – Art in Public Places

Bottom Line: Staff has been assessing how Art in Public Places (APP) fits within the new Broadband (BB) effort. The current APP provisions in the City Code would require a range of APP contributions from zero if BB is treated as a separate utility to over $600k if BB is combined with L&P in calculating the required contribution. As a competitive venture vs. a single source utility, BB needs to maintain a competitive cost position to the current incumbents to be successful. The incumbents are not required to incur such a cost. Staff believes additional analysis and policy discussions need to occur to resolve how APP should be included within a new, competitive venture such as broadband. As a result, staff recommends approving the BB appropriation without a contribution to APP but including a commitment to evaluate alternatives for future funding and contributions by 2022 with a target contribution of $125k to $150k based on BB’s anticipated annual operating revenues once BB is in full operation. Background Discussion: APP guidelines within City Code Sec. 23-304 are summarized below: 1. A 1% contribution to APP applies to construction projects over $250k. 2. If partially funded by restricted sources, the 1% applies to sources not restricted 3. Funds are expended for projects as prescribed by APP guidelines. Within utilities the project needs to benefit the rate payers in some fashion. 4. Annual contributions for each utility is limited to .5% of annual operating revenue in the year of the appropriation 5. Construction project defined as:

a. The construction, rehabilitation, renovation, remodeling or improvement of any building, structure, street, sidewalk, park, utility or other public improvement by or for the City including landscaping, parking, design, engineering, equipment or furnishing for such improvement and all other costs, but excluding the cost of real property acquisition, vehicles and equipment not affixed to public property. Broadband is operating in a competitive environment which requires different business decisions: 1. BB is not a single source utility where a captive market exists and rates are set based on revenue requirements needed to support programs such as energy efficiency, APP, or low-income rates. 2. BB is a competitive business and needs to maintain a competitive cost position compared with the incumbents. a. Including APP as a cost to BB puts BB at a competitive cost disadvantage to the incumbents who are not required to support such a program. Similar discussions occurred around the topic of low income rates. A low-income internet rate will be developed but funded outside of BB. PILOTs (payment in lieu of taxes) are another example. Three of the City’s utilities pays a 6% PILOT to the general fund. Broadband will most likely carry a PILOT but at a rate that is equal to taxes paid by the existing incumbents. 3. Governance discussions with Council focused on decision factors based on business and competitive criteria vs. social and community decision criteria. The omission of an APP contribution from the broadband capital estimates is consistent with those discussions. The application of APP to Broadband: 1. If BB were treated as a separate utility, without operating revenue in 2018 when the startup capital is appropriated, no contributions would be required to APP. a. The startup of BB will occur within the current L&P Enterprise fund to leverage the ability to issue revenue bonds to support the BB capital costs. Other than this leverage, staff has received direction to not comingle resources and BB will have a separate set of books within the Enterprise. 2. Combining L&P and BB in calculating the appropriate APP contribution has BB contributing just over $600k to APP based on the operating revenue of L&P. Staff does not believe this was the intent behind the APP requirements in the Code. a. The APP requirements in the Code were developed for established utilities. If BB is combined with L&P, L&P has a very large APP cap given it’s $130M of operating revenue and has a very small capital spend that uses very little of the APP cap in 2018. BB has a very significant capital spend as a start-up utility but no operating revenue. Staff believes additional policy discussions need to occur to resolve how APP should be included within a new, competitive venture such as BB. Considerations and evaluation of items such as:

1. Should BB make similar contributions as the other single source utilities or does the competitive nature of BB exclude it from the program? 2. If excluded, should other income sources be considered such that the APP program is supported in some fashion? 3. If a PILOT were established for BB that is competitive with what the incumbents incur, could that be a source of funding for APP in a way that doesn’t create a competitive disadvantage? 4. If a PILOT were established for BB, would/could that also be used to fund a low-income internet rate. If so, how would that compete with APP funding from the same revenue source? 5. Should forecasted operating revenue after start-up be used to establish a targeted funding level? BB is anticipated to have operating revenues of $25M to $30M by 2023. A base level of funding associated with start-up capital could be set at $125k to $150K consistent with the cap defined in code once the funding questions above have been evaluated. Staff recommends approving the BB appropriation without a contribution to APP but including in the appropriations ordinance direction from Council for staff to evaluated alternatives for funding and contributions by 2022 and targeting a contribution associated with the start-up capital of $125k to $150k.

ATTACHMENT 2 Finance Administration 215 N. Mason 2nd Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6788 970.221.6782 - fax fcgov.com

Special Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 02/27/18 11 am - noon CIC Room - City Hall Council Attendees:

Mayor Wade Troxell, Ross Cunniff, Ken Summers


Darin Atteberry, Mike Beckstead, Jeff Mihelich, Kevin Gertig, Carrie Daggett, Travis Storin, John Voss, John Duval, Andres Gavaldon, Lance Smith, Tyler Marr, Joanne Cech, Kelly DiMartino, Andres Gavaldon, Zach Mozer, Jennifer Poznanovic, SeonAh Kendall, Patrick Rowe, Allyssa Johnson, Blaine Dunn, Josh Birks


James Manire, Tim Tilleson, Colin Garfield, Todd Parker, Kevin Brinkman, Kevin Jones (Chamber of Commerce), Dale Adamy (Citizen),

Meeting called to order at 11:04 am

A. 2018 Light & Power Revenue Bonds, Series A and B Mike Beckstead, CFO Travis Storin, Accounting Director Lance Smith, Utilities Strategic Finance Director James Manire, Bond Advisor EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff is preparing to bring forward ordinances for first reading on March 20th for the following: • Issuance of 2018 Light & Power Revenue Bonds • Defeasance of 2010 Light & Power Revenue Bonds • Appropriation of proceeds for construction of a municipal retail broadband network Subject to change and as currently structured, bonds will be issued in gross for $141.9 million, which will cover issuance costs of $0.9 million, establishment of a capitalized interest fund of $13.8 million, and project proceeds of $127.2 million. Proceeds are split into separate tax-exempt and taxable series. Tax-exempt bonds have certain requirements to maintain their exempt status, including: • A reasonable expectation to spend 85% of the exempt proceeds within a 3-year window • A limitation on proceeds funding private use of up to 10% • A limitation on “bad money”, or the use of proceeds for working capital, of 5% of the issuance.

The bonds are structured with a 25-year maturity and allow for early redemption beginning in year 10, or mid2028. Debt service at the currently contemplated terms is presented as follows:

In addition, existing Light & Power bonds of $5.3 million will be defeased by placing cash reserves into an irrevocable escrow account. Doing so will satisfy bond covenants limiting the ability to pledge net revenues toward the 2018 bond issuance. Proceeds of the bonds will repay the $1.8 million short-term loan made from the General Fund earlier in 2018. Defeasance of the 2010 bonds will forfeit approximately $400,000 in Qualified Energy Conservation Bond subsidies, which will be repaid to Light and Power reserves from bond proceeds. The bond ordinance will be brought forward as a parameters ordinance, allowing for a reasonable range of market scenarios in the weeks that elapse between second reading and pricing of the bonds. Staff recommends multiple external rating agencies to review the issuance in March and April, and pricing and distribution to take place in May after second reading of the ordinance April 3.


GENERAL DIRECTION SOUGHT AND SPECIFIC QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED Does the Finance Committee support proceeding to first reading on March 20, 2018? BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION For reference, below is the broadband implementation timeline, including the milestones on bond issuance:

Within the bond issuance milestone above are the below key dates:


Discussion / Next Steps; Mike Beckstead; this is completely neutral to L&P - no adverse impact on L&P revenues, reserves or rates. We had 13 organizations responded to our RFP - we interviewed 4 - the city should be proud as high-level firms participated. Very robust and transparent process. Mike Beckstead; Travis sent an email yesterday talking about the rating agency review – 30-40% of rating is management / leadership as opposed to financial - how L&P has been managed - we want to highlight next week - this is a big part of the rating - qualitative side - Fitch / S&P Option we are exploring - retail only order period of 1-2 days – access before the institutional investors - access and can yield benefits to the city – it is not w/out risk as it is one more day it is in the marketplace. Institutional buyers projected to make up 70% - Encourage as much retail as possible anticipate it will top out 10-30% range. Ross Cunniff; enable retail - are we talking with investment advisors around the city to let their clients know of this option? Travis Storin; that will be part of what the underwriters do – we will work with the senior underwriter and CPIO to have a little bit of a marketing campaign on how to buy bonds via retail channels. newspaper, etc.


Ross Cunniff; Will sequestering be part of the ordinance? ACTION ITEM: Mike Beckstead; we haven’t thought that through yet but we will and will come back with a recommendation. When fully ramped up this will be $10 - 10.2M of annual debt service Rates have ticked up 50 basis points recently - volatility - 2-3 months before we issue -there could be more movement up or down


Mayor Troxell; comprehensive and well thought through - ready to go Ken Summers; I agree Ross Cunniff; ordinance and reserve 8.2 - I do have a bias toward wanting that - keep body informed. Mike Beckstead; to confirm, if we want to activate the reserve we need to come back to Council. Ross Cunniff; yes, come back to Council Carrie Daggett; make sure and touch base with bond council regarding this -


Jim Manire; satisfy that as a policy matter - appropriation Ken Summers; confirming tax exempt is 3.8% - taxable is 4% Mike Beckstead; based on proposals we received about 3-4 weeks ago - I have a feeling it will be north of that but do not know by how much Travis Storin; taxable side scales up - earliest maturities are 3.1% in 2022, latest maturities are 3.9% in 2031. Ken Summers; 4.0 is 25-year term Travis Storin; because taxables are more expensive we have them maturing faster - maturing in year 13 where the exempt go through year 25. So taxable are 4% over 13 years, while exempt are 3.8% over 25 years Jim Manire; your staff in the due diligence, development, research and consulting has been strong and puts the city in a terrific position for this project – favorable position because of the ability to combine your finances with the electric utility -gives you market access for a project like this that a lot of communities in Colorado simply don’t have. Well organized approach to the project and financing. Darin Atteberry; we had consultants in the business planning process - best in industry - 3 years ago Jim is part of Bond Council which is a great team including Sally, Dee, Lance, Mike and Travis. Thank you for your professionalism and competency. Ross Cunniff; this has been a very streamlined and well done approach. Excited to move forward and get this off the ground. Ken Summers; positive effect - flexibility - makes sense Jeff Mihelich; appreciate Council’s willingness to going forward with success capital - allow us to expand. Meeting adjourned at 11:31 am



April 24, 2018


Broadband Project Appropriations

Overview Recommend appropriating bond proceeds for: • • • • •

Broadband build-out capital project 2018 Operations/General Fund repayment plus interest Cost of bond issuance Capitalized interest on bonds Repayment of forfeited subsidy to Light & Power


Term Summary: Proceeds Series 2018A (Tax‐exempt) Project Fund

Series 2018B (Taxable)

$87,433,000              32,171,526

Total $119,604,526

Sequestered capital for  annexations and/or market share


Capitalized Interest Fund

                    10,272,106                3,915,561             14,187,667

Cost of Issuance

                          541,793                    281,556                   823,348



               8,200,000                8,200,000




Broadband Budget 2018 Operating Appropriations Cost of Issuance (legal, advisor, underwriter) Interest on $1.8 M loan from General Fund 2010 L&P defeasance, backfill QECB subsidy Operating expenses 2018, repay GF loan Capitalized Interest 2018 Operating Budget 2018

               822,100                  15,000                373,000            1,800,000            3,129,117            6,139,217

Multiyear Non‐lapsing Capital Appropriations Capital Projects Art in Public Places Capital Budget

       108,608,249                609,526        109,217,775

Appropriated by Ordinance in 2018


Set aside for future appropriations Working capital future years (2019‐20 BFO) Success capital (higher take rate or annexation) Capitalized Interest

           8,200,000            8,200,000          11,058,550

Total set aside for future appropriations


Total Appropriations, 2018/Current and Future

$142,815,541 4

Retirement/defeasance of debt

2018 Budget (already appropriated) New Appropriation from L&P Reserves Total escrow amount for 2018‐2020 payments

           1,992,324            3,791,004            5,783,328

Light & Power will receive $373K from the Broadband Bond proceeds to repay forfeited federal subsidies for energy conservation 5

Impact to Other Initiatives: Utility Customer Information System (CIS) Previous plan • Utilities planned $7M+ for new billing system; appropriated $2.3M in 2018, planned on appropriating the remainder in 2019 • Broadband assumed a separate billing system was required

What we learned • Issued RFP and several responses provided an integrated solution that will support current utility and broadband needs. • Evaluating integrated proposal in April & May

Implications • If integrated solution works, we’ll need to accelerate utility funding • 2018 appropriation to be brought forward from the four existing utilities 6

Questions and Comments

• Ordinances on first reading: • •

Appropriation of Bond Proceeds for project and operations Appropriation of Light & Power Reserves for defeasance



WHEREAS, after final passage of Ordinance No. 003 of the Board of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise (the “Enterprise Ordinance”), the Electric Utility Enterprise (the “Enterprise”) intends to issue its “City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise, Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A” (the “2018A Bonds”) and its “City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise, Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2018B” (the “2018B Bonds” and, together with the 2018A Bonds, the “Bonds”) WHEREAS, as described in the Enterprise Ordinance, the Bonds are being issued and sold to fund the construction of a municipal broadband system by the City’s Electric Utility (the “Electric Utility”) to provide telecommunication facilities and services, including the transmission of voice, data, graphics and video, to customers within the City, which facilities and services the Electric Utility has not previously provided but is now authorized to provide pursuant to City Charter Article XII, Section 7 and City Code Section 26-398 (the “Broadband System”); and WHEREAS, the net proceeds from the sale of the Bonds are anticipated to be $142,815,541, and of this amount, City staff is requesting that only $115,356,991 be appropriated now from the Light and Power Fund to be used to fund the construction of the Broadband System, including for all related capital, operating and debt service expenditures, leaving an unappropriated balance of $27,458,550 to be appropriated for future operation and expansion costs relating to the Broadband System and capitalized interest to bondholders; and WHEREAS, in 1995, the City Council adopted Article XII of City Code Chapter 23 to establish a program to acquire, exhibit and maintain art in public places to be funded by including in the Council’s appropriations for certain capital projects, including those of its utilities, an amount equal to 1% of the construction costs for those projects, but this contribution amount for the City’s utilities is limited to a total annual contribution amount of .5% of each utility’s “budgeted operating revenue” (the “APP Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, contributions to art in public places for each utility will be kept and spent in such Utility’s own fund, with the exception of maintenance, administration, repair and display costs pursuant to City Code Section 23-303; and


WHEREAS, the Electric Utility’s budgeted operating revenue for 2018 is $130.53 million, but this amount does not include any budgeted revenues generated from the Broadband System since the System will not be in operation in 2018, so this amount only includes revenues to be generated from electric services provided in 2018 by the Electric Utility; and WHEREAS, as currently written, the APP Ordinance therefore requires that this appropriation include a 1% contribution for art in public places capped at the Electric Utility’s Light and Power Fund’s annual limit of .5% of the $130.53 million budgeted operating revenues, which is $652,650, and the Light and Power Fund has so far contributed $43,124 of this cap in 2018, so this leaves $609,526 available to be contributed for the Broadband System project under the APP Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Article V, Section 9 of the City Charter permits the City Council, upon recommendation of the City Manager, to make supplemental appropriations by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year, provided that the total amount of such supplemental appropriations, in combination with all previous appropriations for that fiscal year, do not exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received during the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended the appropriation described herein and determined that this appropriation is available and previously unappropriated from the Light and Power Fund and will not cause the total amount appropriated in the Light and Power Fund to exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received in this Fund during the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is necessary for the public’s health, safety and welfare and that it is in the best interests of the City, the Electric Utility and the Electric Utility’s ratepayers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated from the Light and Power Fund proceeds from t he Bonds i n the t ot al am ount of ONE HUNDR ED F IFTEEN M ILLION THR EE HUNDRED FIFTY -S IX THOUS AND N INE HUNDR ED N INETY -ONE DOLLAR S ($115,356,991) t o be used to fund t he construction of the Broadband System, including for all related capital, operating, debt service and art-inpublic-places expenditures as follows: Cost of Issuance Interest on loan from General Fund Backfill of forfeited subsidy to Light & Power 2018 Operating Expenses 2018 Capitalized Interest


$822,100 15,000 373,000 1,800,000 3,129,117

Capital Projects Art in Public Places (Artwork) Art in Public Places (transfer to Cultural Services for Maintenance & Operations)

108,608,249 479,430 130,096 $115,356,991

Section 3. That the unexpended appropriated amount of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND NINETY-SIX DOLLARS ($130,096) in the Light and Power Fund is authorized for transfer to the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund. Appropriation of said funds in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund shall be contingent upon the completion of the review process described in Section 4. Such funds shall be appropriated in the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund for the Art in Public Places Program Maintenance and Operations. Section 4. That the City Manager is directed to study whether the APP Ordinance needs to be amended to address future Broadband System projects and to present any recommended amendments to Council before the end of 2018. This should include consideration of a contribution amount capped at .5% of the Broadband System’s anticipated annual operating revenues once the system is in full operation, which capped amount is estimated to be from $125,000 to $150,000. The City Manager should also evaluate and recommend to Council how to fund art-in-public places contributions for Broadband System appropriations. It is Council’s intent that some or all of the funds transferred by this Ordinance to the Cultural Services and Facilities Fund shall be transferred to the Light and Power Fund as appropriate and in accordance with the program amendments adopted by Council in follow up to this review process. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 24th day of April, A.D. 2018, and to be presented for final passage on the 1st day of May, A.D. 2018. __________________________________ Mayor ATTEST:

_______________________________ City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading on the 1st day of May, A.D. 2018.

__________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk -3-

ORDINANCE NO. 057, 2018 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE LIGHT AND POWER FUND TO DEFEASE THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, ELECTRIC UTILITY ENTERPRISE TAXABLE REVENUE BONDS SERIES 2010B WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore established, pursuant to Section 19.3(b) of Charter Article V and Ordinance No. 060, 1993 adopted by the Council on July 20, 1993, and Ordinance No. 038, 2010 adopted by the Council on April 20, 2010, the City’s Electric Utility as an enterprise of the City (the “Enterprise”); and WHEREAS, after final passage of Ordinance No. 003 by the Board of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise (the “Board ”), the Enterprise intends to issue its “City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise, Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A” (the “2018A Bonds”) and its “City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise, Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2018B” (the “2018B Bonds”) to fund the construction of a municipal broadband system to provide certain telecommunication facilities and services to customers within the City (jointly, the “Broadband Bonds”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 001 adopted by the Board in 2010, the Board authorized the issuance of the “City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise, TaxExempt Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A” in the aggregate principal amount of $9,675,000 (the “2010A Bonds”), and its “City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Electric Utility Enterprise, Taxable Revenue Bonds (Direct Pay Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds), Series 2010B” in the aggregate principal amount of $6,410,000 (the “2010B Bonds”) to finance various improvements to the City electric utility system; and WHEREAS, the 2010A Bonds have been fully paid in accordance with their terms and are no longer outstanding; and WHEREAS, the 2010B Bonds are currently outstanding in the principal amount of $5,270,000 and $513,328 in interest; and WHEREAS, relating to the issuance of the Broadband Bonds, the Board has determined in Ordinance No. 004 that it is in the best interest of the Enterprise to defease the outstanding 2010B Bonds in full prior to the issuance of the 2018 Bonds in order to eliminate certain restrictive contractual provisions contained in the 2010B Bond Ordinance; and WHEREAS, upon such defeasance, the 2010B Bonds will no longer be deemed to be outstanding within the meaning of the 2010B Bond Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the Enterprise will utilize available funds in the Light and Power Fund to defease the 2010B Bonds; and WHEREAS, in connection with this defeasance, the Enterprise will enter into an escrow agreement (the “Escrow Agreement”) with U.S. Bank National Association, as escrow agent, (the “Escrow Agent”), into which escrow the funds appropriated herein will be deposited; and


WHEREAS, in order to fully defease the 2010B bonds, the total amount of $5,783,328 will need to be deposited with the Escrow Agent under the Escrow Agreement; and WHEREAS, there has already been appropriated in the City’s 2018 annual budget $1,992,324 for the principal and interest payment owed under the 2010B Bonds in 2018 and, therefore, only an additional $3,791,004 needs to be appropriated in this Ordinance to fully defease these Bonds; and WHEREAS, Article V, Section 9 of the City Charter permits the City Council, upon recommendation of the City Manager, to make supplemental appropriations by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year, provided that the total amount of such supplemental appropriations, in combination with all previous appropriations for that fiscal year, does not exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received during the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended the appropriation described herein and determined that this appropriation is available and previously unappropriated from the Light and Power Fund and will not cause the total amount appropriated in the Light and Power Fund to exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received in this Fund during the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is necessary for the public’s health, safety and welfare and that it is in the best interests of the City and its Electric Utility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated from the Light and Power Fund THREE MILLION S EVEN HUNDR ED NINETY -ONE THOUS AND FOUR DOLLAR S ($3,791,004) to be deposi t ed wi th t he Escrow Agent pursuant to t he t erm s and condit ions of t he Esc row Agreem ent in part ial defeasance of t he 2010B Bonds . The remaining amount of $1,992,324 to be paid from the Light and Power Fund to the Escrow Agent under the Escrow Agreement in order to fully defease the 2010B Bonds shall come from the funds already appropriated in the City’s 2018 budget to pay the 2018 principal and interest payment due under the 2010B Bonds.


Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 24th day of April, A.D. 2018, and to be presented for final passage on the 1st day of May, A.D. 2018. __________________________________ Mayor ATTEST:

_______________________________ City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading on the 1st day of May, A.D. 2018.

__________________________________ Mayor ATTEST:

_______________________________ City Clerk
