oregon parks and recreation commission - Oregon.gov

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Feb 7, 2016 - b) Solar Eclipse (Information). 13. Commission Planning Calendar (Information). The services, programs and
OREGON PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION February 7-8, 2017 Woodburn, Oregon

AGENDA Tuesday, February 7, 2016 Location: Woodburn Police Department Community Room at 1060 Mt. Hood Ave, Woodburn, 97071


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: 10:00am  Local partnerships

WORK-SESSION / TRAINING: 12:30pm  Commission Rules and Authority  Heritage Update  Third Party Real Estate Transactions

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 Location: Woodburn City Hall Council Chambers at 270 Montgomery St, Woodburn, 97071


EXECUTIVE SESSION: 8:15am The Commission will meet in Executive Session to discuss acquisition priorities and opportunities, and potential litigation. The Executive Session will be held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(e) and (h), and is closed to the public.

BUSINESS MEETING: 9:15am 1. Commission Business a) Welcome and introductions (Information) b) Approval of November 2016 Minutes and Recap of Actions (Action) c) Approval of February 2017 Agenda (Action) 2. Public Comment: This is the time for the public to address the Commission. If you wish to make public comment on an agenda item you can choose to make your comment either when the item is heard, or during this allotted time. Although written testimony is not required, it is suggested that 15 copies be provided to the Commission Assistant prior to the meeting. Speaking time is limited to 3 minutes.

3. Director’s Update a) Oregon State Parks photography presentation (Information) b) Legislative/Budget Updates (Information) c) Dedication request regarding Senator Alan Bates (Information) d) State Scenic Waterways update (Information) e) Sixes Ranch acquisition record request (Information)

OPRD Commission Agenda February 7-8, 2017 Page 1 of 2

4. Consent Calendar (Action) a) Approval of Delegated Authority Report 1. Contracts 2. Report of Actions Taken under Delegated Authority for Natural Resources Management from October 15, 2016 through January 17, 2017 3. County Opportunity Grant Program 2016-17 Annual Grant Awards 4. Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) Grant 5. Budget a) 2015-17 Budget Update (Information) b) 2017-19 Budget Update (Information) 6. Property a) Brian Booth State Park – Forest Reserve Property Acquisition (Action) b) Bayocean Spit external request (Information) c) Neskowin Beach SRS – Tillamook County Memorandum of Understanding (Information) d) Silver Falls State Park - YMCA Cooperative Agreement (Action) e) Sidney Access - BPA easement (Action) 7. Community Engagement a) E-commerce Update (Information) 8. Heritage a) Heritage Division Update (Information) 9. Engineering a) Beverly Beach Water Treatment System (Action) 10. Stewardship a) 2015-17 Natural Resource Accomplishments (Information) 11. Rulemaking a) OAR 736-024-0025 Lincoln City Beach Driving Restriction (Action) 12. Reports a) 2017 First Day Hikes (Information) b) Solar Eclipse (Information) 13. Commission Planning Calendar (Information)

The services, programs and activities of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the commission assistant Jen Busey at (503) 986-0719 or [email protected] at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.

OPRD Commission Agenda February 7-8, 2017 Page 2 of 2