Jan 7, 2016 - first 3 quarters. Organ Donors*. Donors after brain death (DBD). 32. 35. 32. 32. 26. Donors after circulat
Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Data: WALES Annual data for financial years 2011/12 to 2014/15 and data for 2015/16 - first 3 quarters Date published: January 2016 Summary Figures Organ Donors* Donors after brain death (DBD) Donors after circulatory death (DCD) Total deceased donors Living donors Transplant Waiting List (active)^** Total patients on active list (end of period) Organ Transplants^ Deceased donor transplants Living donor transplants Total organ transplants Organ Donor Register (ODR) (end of period) Number of people opted-in to the ODR Percentage of population opted-in to the ODR Number of people opted-out from the ODR Organ Transplants^ Deceased donor (DD) transplants by organ Kidney Pancreas Kidney/pancreas Pancreas islets Heart Lung(s) Liver/lobe Intestinal Other (multi-organ) Total DD transplants Living donor (LD) transplants by organ type Kidney Liver Total LD transplants Total organ transplants Transplant Waiting List^** Number of patients on transplant list Kidney Kidney/pancreas Pancreas (+islets) Heart Lung(s) Heart/lung Liver Total number of patients on the list
2015/16 first 3 quarters
32 35 67 38
35 17 52 42
32 22 54 37
32 28 60 34
26 21 47 22
190 51 241
158 53 211
158 50 208
129 44 173
129 31 160
942,798 31 0
968,751 31 0
1,004,593 32 0
1,037,394 34 0
1,086,322 35 157,133
2015/16 first 3 quarters
121 5 11 2 8 15 27 0 1 190
101 7 11 0 5 7 26 0 1 158
98 3 10 1 4 14 28 0 0 158
66 8 8 1 7 9 29 1 0 129
63 3 6 0 10 13 33 1 0 129
50 1 51 241
52 1 53 211
49 1 50 208
44 0 44 173
31 0 31 160
At 31-Mar-12 230 4 7 6 17 1 19 284
At 31-Mar-13 183 6 7 6 15 0 8 225
At 31-Mar-14 153 9 9 7 16 0 15 209
At 31-Mar-15 150 9 3 13 23 0 22 220
* Based on donors from Welsh hospitals ^ Transplant waiting list and transplants based on Welsh postcode of residence of patient ** Excludes patients temporarily suspended from the transplant list NOTE: All data as recorded on 7 January 2016 and subject to change as UK Transplant Registry updated. Contact
[email protected] for further information
At 31-Dec-15 156 6 1 11 14 1 22 211