Organic Agriculture

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Congress on Allelopathy in the same beautiful host city and venue. Vigo is an ... Please download a template from the webpage and submit up to 2 abstracts per ...
International symposium Vigo (Spain) 30-31 July, 2014


Organic Agriculture clues for weed prevention and control


Young and Senior Researchers working in weed prevention and ecological strategies improving weed control are cordially welcome. Whatever your field of expertise: biodiversity conservation and enhancement, crop rotation, intercropping, green manures, cover crops, mulches, physical and cultural practices… you have a lot to say to weed management in Organic Agriculture.

With the support of

First circular


Organic Agriculture: clues for weed prevention and control

Vigo and the venue The OA International Symposium will take the advantages of the coincidence with the 7th World Congress on Allelopathy in the same beautiful host city and venue. Vigo is an Atlantic city with 300,000 inhabitants located in the Ría de Vigo (Galicia, Spain). This beautiful city is surrounded by exceptional landscapes that deserve to spend some time relaxing and enjoying a visit. The organizing committee will offer a tour of Vigo without extra cost. A Post-symposium visit to Cíes Islands (part of the Atlantic Islands National Park), among others, can be arranged through the organizing committee.


The OA symposium will be celebrated in the Auditorium “Mar de Vigo”, a recent facility with all the needed for a congress to be successful... apart from you! Located in the seafront, it will bring together the people in other simultaneous congresses: Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils, Marine Allelopathy, and the 7th World Congress on Allelopathy. As we believe that Allelopathy and Organic Agriculture should be necessary linked in the search of efficient ecologic tools for weed management, there will be one session concurrent with the 7th World Congress on allelopathy organized by the International Allelopathy Society. Please, for more information (how to arrive, hotels, the venue, trips, etc.) check the web page

Deadlines!! March 31, 2014 Submission of Abstracts Please download a template from the webpage and submit up to 2 abstracts per scientist who registers at your earliest convenience

April 31, 2014 Acceptance of submitted abstracts December 29, 2013 - March 31, 2014 Early registration April 1, 2014-July 1, 2014 Late registration, with an additional cost During the congress You will be able to register during the Congress, but your contribution will not appear neither in the book of abstracts nor in the program.

Registration All the participants in the Organic Agriculture meeting will be welcome in the general Allelopathy congress during the two days, but enjoying a reduced fee and special prices for students. Early registration has a cost of 250 € (200 € for students). The registration will cover the meals and dinners of the two days of the OA symposium (Wednesday and Thursday), the visit to Vigo and surroundings (Wednesday evening) and the farewell wine of the congress (Thursday evening), plus all the usual supporting materials (book of abstracts, bag, etc). Registration can be done directly using credit card or wire transfer. A secure booking can be performed from the web page of the Symposium.

Organic Agriculture: clues for weed prevention and control

Scientific Committee Chair: Nuria Pedrol. University of Vigo, Spain. [email protected]

Vice-Chair: Carolina G. Puig. University of Vigo, Spain. [email protected]

Committee members: Mohamed Ben Kheder, ISOFAR Board. Centre Technique d'Agriculture Biologique, Tunisia. Sang Mok Sohn. ISOFAR President. Dankook University, Republic of Korea. Paolo Bàrberi. EWRS President. Institute of Life Sciences, Italy.

Scientific Sessions

Bo Melander. Aarhus University, Denmark.

Organic Agriculture today Socio-economics, rural development and research needs. Weed prevention strategies Crop rotation, intercropping, cover crops, green manures, mulches, residue management. Weed control strategies Physical, cultural and biological management. Organic Agriculture general Organic arable cropping systems, grasslands, perennial cropping systems, vegetable production, soil fertility, biotechnology and plant breeding in OA, invasive weeds, biodiversity preservation. Invited speakers for each scientific session will offer a plenary lecture as a key note to introduce your oral or poster contributions. Round tables for discussion will be moderated by expert chairpersons. Extraordinary contributions will be invited to participate in a special issue of a prestigious international journal whose editorial board has already manifest interest. Feel free to suggest extra topics for a special session to the chair of the congress. Also, if your organization is interested in sponsoring one of the sessions, we will add your institution name to the session title, as well as to the list of supporters. Please, contact to: [email protected] [email protected]

Anne-Kristin Løes. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Norway. Xavier F. Sans. Agriecol. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. Emma F. Covelo. University of Vigo, Spain. Pedro Revilla. MBG, CSIC, Spain. Rosana Malvar. MBG, CSIC, Spain. Víctor Gonzálvez. SEAE, IFOAM EU Group, Spain. Alfons D. Gento. IVIA, Valencia, Spain. Vicente Rodríguez-Estévez. UCO, Spain. Gloria Guzmán. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain. Juana Labrador. Universidad de Extremadura, Spain. Xavier Simón. University of Vigo, Spain. Antonio Rigueiro. USC, Spain.


Organic Agriculture: clues for weed prevention and control

Local Organizing Committee Organizing Chair: Nuria Pedrol. University of Vigo. [email protected]

Organizing Vice-Chair and Secretary: Carolina G. Puig. University of Vigo. [email protected]

Committee members: Lorena Álvarez-Iglesias. University of Vigo Alberto Garabatos. University of Vigo Tonio L. Nogueira. University of Vigo María Pardo-Muras. University of Vigo Pablo Souza-Alonso. University of Vigo Luís González. University of Vigo Paula Lorenzo. Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. Esther Barreal. University of Vigo Carlos Souto. University of Vigo Purificación Marcet. University of Vigo


Antonio Rigueiro. USC Emma F. Covelo. University of Vigo Pedro Revilla. MBG, CSIC

You are cordially invited to share the knowledge about very different aspects of Organic Agriculture and ecological weed control… including Allelopathy. Summer in Vigo is delightful… we will have time to enjoy the city and the beach, to share meals and dinners and pleasant chats with all you friendly people.

Website and e-mail Please bookmark both addresses:

[email protected] Most of the actions will be announced in the website of the Symposium (and shortly in the website of ISOFAR