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(1) Organic Chemistry 7th Edition, by John McMurry. (Brooks and Cole) ; Solutions Manual by Susan McMurry. (2) Study Guide and Solutions Manual 7th.
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (CH203) COURSE OUTLINE Fall 2010 Instructor: Dr. Frédéric Minassian Office: room 115 - 1st floor - building C – Department of Chemistry – 301, rue de la Chimie Office telephone: 0476-514-908 Email: [email protected] Office hours: Wednesdays (11:00 - 12:00 AM) in C115. Please come at the beginning of the hour. Location and Meeting Times Lectures: - Week 37: Wednesday 8th of September 1:30 – 3:00 PM in room B105 - Chemistry Department and Thursday 9th of September 8:00 – 9:30 AM in DLST-B008. - From week 38 and for the rest of the semester: Monday 3:15 - 4:45 PM in DLST-D102 and Thursday 8:00 – 9:30 AM in DLST-B008. Discussion Sections Wednesdays 1:30-3:00 pm Attendance at discussion sections is strongly recommended. Discussion sections will begin the week 38 (classroom = B108 in Chemistry Department on week 38, then B101 in Chemistry Department for the rest of the semester). Lecture Textbooks and Other Course Material.: (1) Organic Chemistry 7th Edition, by John McMurry (Brooks and Cole) ; Solutions Manual by Susan McMurry. (2) Study Guide and Solutions Manual 7th Edition by Susan McMurry. A few samples are available at the central library. Molecular models are extremely useful. Examinations: There will be three (3) 'in class' examinations during the semester (1.5 h) and a final examination (2 h). The examination rooms will be announced prior to the examinations. You may drop one of the "in class" examinations for any reason but you may not drop the final examination. Each examination (including the final examination) is worth 100 points. The 'in class' examinations will be held during the scheduled lecture session on the Thursday from 8:00 9:30 AM at the following dates: 10/7/10



The final examinations will be held on 12/16/09, 8:00 – 11:00 AM

(There are no "make-up" exams - don't ask for one) Final Grades: The final grades for those students taking both the lecture and laboratory portions of the course (CH203) will be based on 400 points (300 points for examinations and 100 points for the laboratory). The grades for the students who are only taking the lecture part of the course (CH205) will be based on 300 points.

Grade Breakdownbased on 400 points Total Points .>374 360