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or a version of Carey's Organic Chemistry as used at NDSU, contact me in ..... Preview of ACS Final Exam; Course Evaluations. Practice. 8-May Final Exam, ...
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II: CHEMISTRY 360 SYLLABUS SPRING 2017 Classroom: Langseth 118 Office Hours: M/W/F 9-10:30, 1:00-2:00, Dr. Craig P. Jasperse Mon 9-10:30, 1:00-2:00 web: Tues 10:30-12:00, 1:00-2:00 Office: Hagen 407J Wed 9-10:30, 1:00-2:00 Telephone: 477-2230 Fri 9-10:30, 1:00-2:00 e-mail: [email protected] Required Text and Materials: 1) Text: "Organic Chemistry", 7th edition OR 6th edition, by Wade (Note: if you have a different Wade edition, or a version of Carey’s Organic Chemistry as used at NDSU, contact me in order to use what you have.) 2) Solutions Manual: "Solutions Manual, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition OR 6th edition", by Simek, Wade Note: These aren’t the newest versions, so you can buy used ones cheap on-line. See website for Amazon links to cheap copies: 3) Online “Sapling” homework. Office Hours:

Test Schedule Test #1 (100 pts) Wednesday, Feb. 8

Ch. 10 Structure and Synthesis of Alcohols Ch. 11 Reactions of Alcohols

Test #2* (50 pts) Wednesday, Feb. 22

Ch. 13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Ch. 12 Infrared Spectroscopy

Test #3 (100 pts) Monday, April 3 Test #4 (100 pts) Friday, April 28

Ch. 18 Ketones and Aldehydes Ch. 22 Alpha Substitutions and Condensations of Enols and Enolate Ions Ch. 19 Amines Ch. 20 Carboxylic Acids Ch. 21 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Comprehensive (Standardized American Chemical Society Exam

Final Exam (150 pts) Wednesday, May 10, 11:30

Grading Summary: Tentative letter grades Tests 350 points A/A≥90% Final exam 150 points B-/B/B+ ≥80% Sapling online homework 80 points C-/C/C+ ≥70% Take-Home Quizzes 20 points D-/D/D+ ≥56% (+5 points extra credit possible for perfect attendance) The instructor may lower but will not raise the numbers required for a letter grade. Attendance: Perfect attendance will be rewarded with 5 points of extra credit. Be sure to sign the attendance sheet each day! Final Exam: The final exam will be cumulative, covering the entire year of organic chemistry. The test is a standardized test produced by the American Chemical Society, taken by thousands of students at schools throughout the country. It is useful for comparison to other students at other schools. Jasperse website: Notes for use in class Recorded Lectures Extra Practice Sets Practice Tests Jasperse Schedule Textbook Info

This will provide links to: Quizzes Miscellaneous

Book Homework Problems: All assigned book problems are representative of what I consider to be reasonable test-level problems, and have worked-out answers in the Solutions Manual. With solutions manuals available, I will not collect the book homework. After each class, review your notes and try to work all of the assigned book problems for the sections covered. Do all of the assigned end-of-chapter problems as soon as a chapter is completed in class.

On-line “Sapling” homework Problems: You will be required to buy access to an on-line homework system (see later page in syllabus for details.) These problems will be computer-graded, will give you some practice and sometimes tips, and will help to keep you from procrastinating. Recorded Lectures and On-Line Availability: I will either try to record all of the regular class periods and post the movie-versions, or provide recordings from last year. I will also record and post practice test sessions, and perhaps extra problems or comments or pre-test tips. Recorded on-line lectures will be used on Snow Days/Flood Days Final Exam and Grading The final exam will involve 70 problems, but your score will not be determined in the normal percentage way. (In other words, you don’t need to get 90% correct in order to get an A…). Your raw score will be compared to national averages, and converted into a percentile format. For example, 52/70 may be 74%, but may be 90th percentile, and would be viewed as a strong A. Essentially I will use your raw score, convert that into percentile score relative to national norms, then use a formula to convert that back to a letter grade equivalent, and scale it all up to be worth 150 points. Bottom line: it will be fair and the class grade distribution/curve will be comparable to on regular tests. Class E-Mail List An email list will be used to notify you of special scheduling information or other miscellany. (If I am sick and won’t be able to hold class; if there are errors in one of the practice tests or book problems or in something I communicated in class, etc.) The list defaults to your official mnstate e-mail address. If that isn’t what you actually use, contact me. • Note: Test e-mails have already been sent. If you haven’t received any, something needs correction. Course Description CHEM 360 Survey of Organic Chemistry: Part II (3 credits) The structure, nomenclature, reactions, reaction mechanisms, and synthesis of carbon compounds that contain oxygen and nitrogen. Prerequisite: Chem 350 Note: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II, Chem 365, is a related but separate class. It is not required, but if you want to be in the lab you must be registered for it. Student Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives The general outcome goals are that students will understand the structure, characterization, nomenclature, reactions, reaction mechanisms, and synthesis of carbon compounds including those that contain oxygen and/or nitrogen. A general summary of major learning topics is summarized on page 1, with the listing of chapters that will be covered. A more detailed list of learning topics is summarized on page 4, with an approximately day-by-day listing of topic coverage. Most of the learning outcomes will be assessed by problems in which students must demonstrate their understanding. The list of problems on page 3 represents a detailed and representative sampling of the types of problems that should be solvable by a student who has achieved all the learning outcomes. Academic Honesty Cheating will not be tolerated and will be reported to the Dean of your College and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. It may also be reported to the Student Conduct Committee for further disciplinary action. For a full description of the MSUM Academic Honesty Policy, please see the Student Handbook. ( Special Accommodations Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges, Coordinator of Disability Services at 477-5859 (Voice) or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY), CMU 114 as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

CHEMISTRY 360 PROBLEMS SPRING 2017 Dr. Craig P. Jasperse (note: if you have the 7th edition of Wade or if you have a Carey textbook, lists of appropriate problems from those books are linked from my website, or you can email me to get the list.) Other Textbooks: Dr. Craig P. Jasperse [email protected] Phone: 477-2230 Ch 10

In Chapter Problems 1, 5d, 6, 8, 10, 12a,b,d, 13-16, 17 (esters only), 18-20, 22-26

End of Chapter Problems 31, 33a-d, 34b,c, 35a,c, 36b,c, 37 (review from chapter 8), 38a-l, 39, 40, 42, 43


2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13a, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24a-e, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32

33, 34, 35 (skip d), 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 49


4, 5



1a,b,d, 2, 3, 5 (skip KMnO4), 6, 9, 10, 11, 12a, 13, 14, 22, 23, 26a, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

40 (do the bromides only), 41 (skip g), 42, 43, 44, 48a, b, c, f, g, h, 49, 50, 52, 53, 56


1a,b, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11a,b, 12, 16, 17, 18a, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27a,b,d, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34a-d, 35a-c, 37a-c

39a-c, e-g, l, 40, 43, 44, 49, 50, 51a-f,h, 52, 56a-g, i-l, 57, 58,59 61a-e, 64a-d, 65, 66


(Enols, Halogenation) 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, (Aldol) 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,32, (Claisen) 34a, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, (alkylation-decarboxylation) 46, 47, 49, 50, (Michael) 55, 56, 57, 59

61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 (skip c,g), 69a, d, e, 70, 71, 73a-c


1,2(skip b,d), 3a-c, 5b,c, 6a-c, 15, 16, 17, 25b,d,f,g, 26, 27, 28, 30a-c, e-g, 31

36a-e, 37, 39a,c,d 41a,b,h,i, j,l,m, 42 (skip e), 44a,d,g, 47, 48, 50a-c, 51a,c


1b-d,g, 2a-c, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 b,c,d,f, 12, 13, 15b,c, 16a,b, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24

27 (not d,g, i), 28a,e,f,h,i 29 (skip b), 30a,d,e, 31, 32a,c,d 33, 35a-e,i,j,k, 36a-c,e,f, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47


1a-c, 6-14,16, 18, 31, 32a,b

44a,c,d,e,f, 45, 46, 47a,e,f, 48a,b, 49a,b,d, e 50a,b,c,e,f,g,h, j, l, 51, 54a,c,d,f,j, 55, 57a-c

Chemistry 360, Jasperse, Spring 2017 (42 class days)

Reading Assignment 10.1-10.6 10.7-10.9 10.7-10.9

1 2 3

Date 9-Jan 11-Jan 13-Jan

Topic Intro; Structure, Nomenclature, Properties, Weak Acidity of Alcohols Synthesis of Alcohols; Organometallic Reactions. Synthesis of Alcohols; Organometallic Reactions.

4 5

16-Jan 18-Jan 20-Jan

No Class. Martin Luther King Day. Side Reactions; Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds Oxidation of Alcohols

6 7 8

23-Jan 25-Jan 27-Jan

Conversion of Alcohols to Tosylates or Halides; Uses of Tosylates and Halides Miscellaneous; Chemical Tests; Multistep Synthesis Retrosynthetic Analysis

11.5-11.9 11.10, 11.14

9 10 11

30-Jan 1-Feb 3-Feb

Catchup, Multistep Synthesis Problems Review for Test 1 1H NMR Overview: Chemical Shift, Integration, and Splitting; 1H NMR Problem Solving

Catchup --13.5-8

12 T1 13

6-Feb 8-Feb 10-Feb

1H NMR Overview: Chemical Shift, Integration, and Splitting; 1H NMR Problem Solving Test #1 Covering Chapters 10-11. More Problem Solving; Complex Splitting; Stereochemical Nonequivalence of Protons

13.5-8 Test 1 13.9-10

14 15 16

13-Feb 15-Feb 17-Feb

13.12-13; 12.11-12 catchup

T2 17

20-Feb 22-Feb 24-Feb

13C NMR; Infrared Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Catchup, Integrated Problems Ketones/Aldehydes. Nomenclature, Properties, Intro. (Focus on 13.5-8, 12-13; Skim 13.1-4, 9, 10; Skip 11, 14) No Class President’s Day Test #2 Covering Chapters 12-13. 50 points. Synthesis of Ketones/Aldehydes.

18 19 20

27-Feb 1-Mar 3-Mar

18.12, 14-17, 18-19 18.20-21 22.1-2, 22.15

6-Mar 8-Mar 10-Mar

Reactions of Ketones/Aldehydes Reactions of Ketones/Aldehydes Catchup; Enols and Enolates Intro. Acid/Base Considerations; Proton as Electrophile (Skip 18.13, for now…. ) No Class, Spring Break No Class, Spring Break No Class, Spring Break

21 22 23

13-Mar 15-Mar 17-Mar

Enols and Enolates Intro. Acid/Base Considerations; Proton as Electrophile Halogenation; Alkylation; Double Activation; Ester Hydrolysis; Decarboxylation The Aldol Reaction (Aldehyde/Ketone as Electrophile)

22.1-2, 22.15 22.3, 5, 15-17 22.7-11

24 25 26

20-Mar 22-Mar 24-Mar

Claisen Reaction (Ester as Electrophile) Catchup The Wittig Reaction and Alkene Synthesis; Catchup


27 28 27

27-Mar 29-Mar 31-Mar

Catchup, Integrated Practice Problems. Amines. Intro, Nomenclature, Properties; Basicity of Amines; Structural Factors; Salts Reactions of Amines

Catchup 19.1-7 19.10-13, 17-18

T3 28 29

3-Apr 5-Apr 7-Apr

Test #3 Covering Chapters 18 and 22. Diazonium Chemistry; Amine Synthesis by Reductive Amination of Carbonyls More Synthesis of Amines

19.17-19 19.19

30 31 32

10-Apr 12-Apr 14-Apr

(Skip 19.8-9,14-16,24-25) Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature; Properties; *ACIDITY*; Salts; Soap; SYNTHESIS Acid Synthesis; Reactions No Class, Easter Friday

33 34 35

17-Apr 19-Apr 21-Apr

No Class, Easter Monday Reactions of Acids: Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution; Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Interconversions Among Acids and Derivatives; Synthesis and Mechanism; Catchup

36 37 T4

24-Apr 26-Apr 28-Apr

Interconversions Among Acids and Derivatives; Synthesis and Mechanism; Catchup Practice Problems Test #4 Chapters 19-21


1- May Significant Special Topics; Preview of ACS Final Exam; Course Evaluations 10-May Final Exam, 11:30am., Wednesday

Skip 10.12 no class 10.10-10.11 11.1-11.3 Skip 11.4, 11.11-13

18.1-7 Test 2 18.7-11

(Skip 22.4,6. 18, 19)


20.1-5 20.8-11

20.13-15; 21.1-3 21.5-7 (Skip 20.6,7,12) 21.5-7 Test 4 (Skip 21.4) Practice Final Exam

Sapling OnLine Homework, version 2017 Re-enrolling for Organic II, if you Paid a 2-semester package fee for Organic I To register for the course for those who purchased the two semester access, find the Chem 360 Spring course. From there, if you paid the 2-semester access, there should be a button somewhere eventually that says "Use your Sapling Learning Credit to enter the course". Enrolling if you did not pay for a 2-semester package 1. Go to 2. a. If you already have a Sapling Learning account, log in, click "View Available Courses", then skip to step 3. b. If you have a Facebook account, you can use it to quickly create a SaplingLearning account. Click "create account" located under the username box, then click "Login with Facebook". The form will auto-fill with information from your Facebook account (you may need to log into Facebook in the popup window first). Choose a password and timezone, accept the site policy agreement, and click "Create my new account". You can then skip to step 3. c. Otherwise, click "create account" located under the username box. Supply the requested information and click "Create my new account". Check your email (and spam filter) for a message from Sapling Learning and click on the link provided in that email. 3. Find your course in the list (listed by school, course, and instructor) and click the link. 4. Select your payment options and follow the remaining instructions. NOTE: There is a 14 day

grace period to access your courses before payment, and there is a 60 day refund policy. For more information on refunds, visit: • Once you have registered and enrolled, you can log in at any time to complete or review your homework assignments. • During sign up - and throughout the term - if you have any technical problems or grading issues, send an email to [email protected] explaining the issue. The Sapling support team is almost always more able (and faster) to resolve issues than your instructor and TAs. Getting on when you’ve already enrolled: (see lower down for enrolling at first) 1. Website: 2. Login 3. Click on your class 4. If you click on “Activites and Due Dates” in the upper left corner, that will list assignments. 5. Miscellaneous: • After you open an assignment, there is an option to “print” it. I like to write on paper and keep my work so I can study it later, for example. However, this will NOT print the “hints” which are often very helpful. • You can try a problem as many times as you like. But the scoring will cost you 5% of the points available (per problem) for each incorrect attempt. • Jasperse can enter due-date extensions. • Take some time with the introduction materials, including the “training assignment” and the “drawing tips and shortcuts” practice problems. • You can go back and work on things after they are due. So you can use these as a study tool later on if you wish (or when you’re studying for PCAT or whatever….) ********************************************************

MSUM Sexual Violence Policy: Acts of sexual violence are intolerable. MSUM expects all members of the campus community to act in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others. We are committed to eliminating all acts of sexual violence. MSUM faculty and staff are concerned about the well-being and development of our students. We are obligated to share information with the MSUM Title IX Coordinator in certain situations to help ensure that the students’ safety and welfare is being addressed, consistent with the requirements of the law. These disclosures include but are not limited to reports of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. If you have experienced or know someone who has experienced sexual violence, services and resources are available. You may also choose to file a report. For further information, contact Lynn Peterson, Coordinator of Sexual Assault Services at Hendrix Clinic and Counseling Center, 218-477-2211, or Ashley Atteberry, Title IX Coordinator in Owens Hall 208 (218-477-2174; [email protected]). Additional information is available at:

Course Summary: • See: Course and Test Learning Objectives: • See Use of Other Textbooks: • See: Jasperse Normal Schedule: • See: