Organise a street collection - Marine Conservation Society

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Marine Conservation Society (MCS) supporters have successfully organised street collections in their local towns and hav
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...organise a street collection! About this guide Do you want to get out and about to spread the word about marine conservation and fundraise at the same time?

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Marine Conservation Society (MCS) supporters have successfully organised street collections in their local towns and have raised between £50 and £200 each in just one day. There are some rules and regulations that you’ll need to be aware of before you hit the streets - this guide will explain what you need to do.

Why? MCS relies on the generosity of its

supporters to ensure a healthier future for our seas and we need your help to achieve this.

What do I need? The Fundraising team can send you collection boxes, tamperproof seals and leaflets for your street collection. All you need is a couple of friends to help you, a friendly manner and be prepared to answer some basic questions about MCS’ work. *MCS doesn’t encourage house to house collections, and for your safety, we would like you to collect in public areas only. We recommend you don’t fundraise alone.

Step by step Step 1 - Let us know! Let the Fundraising team or your Sea Champions Volunteer Coordinator know that you’re planning a street collection.

Step 2 - Find a buddy Find some willing volunteers to help you and decide on a date when you are all free.

Protecting our seas, shores and wildlife

Step 3 - Apply for a licence You’ll need to apply for a licence from your Local Authority (LA) at least one month before collecting donations in public (the notice period can vary for each LA). Don’t be put off by this formality, it’s usually pretty easy! Simply find the “Licensing Department” or search for “street collection” on your LA’s website and download an application form for street collecting. If you have any problems, give the Licensing Department a call and they will be able to help. Some LAs list the days when they allow street collections to take place, and others list dates that are already booked by charities. If you are unsure, call the Licensing Department before officially applying for a licence. Read the street collection “Rules & Regulations” on the website. If you have any concerns, feel free to give the MCS Fundraising team a call.

Fill in the application form The following information about MCS may help you fill in the application form: Charitable purposes: The Marine Conservation Society’s (MCS) mission is to protect our seas, shores and wildlife. MCS seek to achieve measurable improvements in the state of our seas, marine biodiversity and fish stocks through changes in government policy, industry practice and individual behaviours. Main contact at the charity: Tori Williams (Community and Events Fundraiser) You will also need to supply your personal contact details, the date that you would like to run your street collection and the specific street/area of the town that you would like to collect on - we recommend choosing a busy street with lots of shops! Submit the form as specified on the Local Authority’s website. Some Local Authorities also recommend notifying the local police – please check the LA guidance. If you’re not sure, there’s no harm in emailing your local police station to let them know.

Protecting our seas, shores and wildlife

Step 4 - Get prepared Once your Local Authority confirms they are happy for you to collect donations, contact the MCS Fundraising team to request collection boxes, tamperproof seals and MCS leaflets. Before hitting the streets, meet with your fellow volunteers to give them their collection boxes and decide where exactly on the street/s you will stand. *If you need to cancel the street collection for any reason, please inform your Local Authority at the earliest opportunity.

Step 5 - On the day! You’re ready to go! But don’t forget… Take a copy of your licence with you on the day. Only collect cash – if someone would like to set up a direct debit, please give them a membership leaflet to complete and return to MCS, or direct them to our website. Only use the collection boxes allocated to you by MCS, and ensure that the MCS label is on the box. Stick to the areas that you have specified in your application. Please don’t annoy anyone! The Institute of Fundraising says that as street collectors, we must not: rattle boxes or approach the public, and you must stand at least 25m away from each of your fellow collectors. Of course, you can chat to the generous people who donate once they’ve approached you! Cash must be place directly into the box, and not handed to the collector. Please do not take any of the donations raised to cover your own expenses; we are unable to pay expenses for volunteer fundraisers. Stay safe when heading home with the cash – we recommend ensuring that you are with at least one other person when travelling with a large amount of cash.

Protecting our seas, shores and wildlife

Step 6 - Time to count and pay it in! Congratulations, you’ve filled up your collection boxes! What next? As volunteer fundraisers, we trust you to count and pay in the donations that you have collected. As the organiser, you are responsible to ensure your volunteers return the full collection boxes to you. We recommend counting it with at least one other person. Head to your nearest Barclays and you can pay the cash directly into the MCS bank account. You will receive our bank details (and alternative ways to send us your donation) when you request the collection boxes from the Fundraising team.

Don’t forget! Within one month of your event, you will need to complete and return a “Street Collection Form of Statement” (or equivalent) to your Local Authority.

Useful links! England and Wales Scotland Northern Ireland

Feedback We hope you’ve enjoyed the experience! We’d love to hear all about your street collection. Call us on 01989 566017 or email us your experience along with some photos ([email protected])

Marine Conservation Society, Overross House, Ross Park, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 7US Tel: 01989 566017 01989 566017 Email: info@[email protected] Web:

Registered Charity No (England and Wales): 1004005 Registered Charity No (Scotland): SC037480

Protecting our seas, shores and wildlife