Organised by Department of Youth Empowerment & Sports ...

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Swimming, Water polo & Diving events will be held at Hubli from 7th to 9th February 2017. KOA will be providing acco
Organised by Department of Youth Empowerment & Sports & Karnataka Olympic Association In Association with Karnataka Swimming Association® We are happy to inform you that Department of Youth Empowerment & Sports & Karnataka Olympic Association will be organizing the State Olympic Games at Hubli & Dharwad. Swimming, Water polo & Diving events will be held at Hubli from 7th to 9th February 2017. KOA will be providing accommodation to all the participants. Entry Guidelines for swimming:Events will be conducted as per FINA Rules on time trials basis only. It is an Open Category and any age group swimmers can send their entries through affiliated Clubs only. There is no restriction in the events. Whoever already submitted the accreditation forms to the association are eligible to send their entries. On line Invitation for sending your Club swimmers entries will be sent to you shortly and the entries should be sent through on line only. Diving: OpenCategory, participants have to send their entries on or before 28th January 2017 through their Clubs with their Club seal & signature. Water polo: - Water polo team entries should be sent to the association on or before 28th January 2017 through their Clubs with their Club seal & signature.

Thanking You, With regards, (S.R. SINDIA) HON' SECRETARY