Water through the microscope and the camera was held March 22, 2017 at the Plenum Gallery, Catania to celebrate the World Water Day The popular science event was dedicated to water and microscopic life, which is only visible through a microscope and could be captured by the camera. The wall images and video presentation and the scientific seminar revealed the life hidden in a drop of water, combining science, art and photography.
ORGANIZATION The event was organized by the no profit organization Microb&co, whose name derives from the scientific discipline "Microbial Ecology", which studies the interactions between microorganisms and their surrounding environment. The pun Microb & Co also wants to emphasize the link between microorganisms and many different aspects: from health of human beings to that of the oceans. The mission of Microb & Co is to promote knowledge about microorganisms to the public of non-experts. They could better appreciate nature, be less victim of misinformation and able to give opinion about environmental and health policies. The Plenum Gallery is hosting the event in its exhibition-space to give breath to microphotography that becomes art.
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE The Scientific Committee includes personalities from the academics and not, having actively contributed to the realization of the event, by taking care of the contents or providing materials and equipment. Through their work they produce knowledge and add valuable opportunities to satisfy our curiosity and thirst for culture. Manuela Coci (Microb&co) - Gian Marco Luna (CNR-ISMAR-Ancona) - Stefano Amalfitano (CNR-IRSA) Angelina Lo Giudice (CNR-IAMC) - Antonietta Rosso (Università di Catania) - Chiara Pennesi (Università Politecnica delle Marche) - Grazia Quero (CNR-ISMAR-Venezia) - Fabrizio Joppolo (Nikon Instruments) Michele Nubile (Mima srl) - Franco Ferro, Alberto Castro (Plenum Gallery).
PATRONAGE and SPONSOR Supporting institutions of the event were: Academia Gioenia of the University of Catania, ISMAR-CNR (Institute for Marine Sciences), the IRSA-CNR (Institute for Water Research), United Nation- World Water Day. Sponsors which provide active contributions were: Nikon and Nikon Small World photomicrography Competition, NPIItalian, A2D-Analisi Acqua a Domicilio and SciencED. Their activities are directly related to water or to the world of instrumentation and scientific communication.
www.microbeco.org || waterday.microbeco.org || www.worldwaterday.org || www.nikonsmallworld.com ||
PHOTOGRAPHY On the walls of the Plenum Gallery there were 6 prints of microphotography having as subject water and some of its microscopic inhabitants. 4 photos were chosen from among the participants of the Nikon Small World photomicrography competition; the other two photos were provided by Italian researchers.
Water Crystal (25x). Nikon Small World 2005 Photomicrography Competition -Image of DistinctionRaul M. Gonzalez- Raul Gonzalez Estudio- Mexico City, Mexico.
Daphnia sp. (100x) Nikon Small World 2010 - Image of Distinction- José R. Almodóvar - University of Puerto Rico (UPR)- Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Microscopia ottica in campo scuro.
Chaetoceros debilis (marine diatom), a colonial plankton organism (250x). 1st Place 2013 -Wim van Egmond-Micropolitan Museum- Berkel en Rodenrijs, The Netherlands.
Diatom frustules of Mastogloia corsicana Grunow (benthic algae, scale bar 40 µm). Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope SU8010 (Freie Universität Berlin). Image by Chiara Pennesi, Department of Life and Environment Science, Faculty of Science, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy. Subject Matter:
Spicules of sponges originating from the Bisbe Cave within the Capo Caccia-Punta Giglio Marine protected Area (Sardinia) - -8 metres depth. Image by Antonietta Rosso- Università di Catania. Scanning Electron Microscope TESCAN VEGA II LMU, Low Vacuum acquisition mode with backscattered electrons.
Pleurotaenium ovatum (microalgae, 40x) Nikon Small World 2014 Photomicrography Competition 17th Place -Rogelio Moreno Gill- Panama, Panama.
SCIENTIFIC CONTENT The presentation "Water through the microscope and the camera" had the following contents: from the macroscopic to the microscopic world, an endless landscape, Azam and the marine plot, the importance of the origin of water samples to the search for microorganisms, basic functioning of the microscope, resolution and magnification, the first microscope and its evolution, art and science, photography and microscopy: against divergences.
FINAL REPORT The event was attended by approximately 80 people of all ages: from children to the elderly, including concerned citizens, professional photographers and teachers of visual arts. Between 17.00 and 19.30, about 30 people visited the exhibition and were able to use the microscope provided by Nikon Instruments by Dr. Fabrizio Joppolo. In the second part of the evening, from 19:30 to 22:00 at least 50 people have attended the official presentation of "water under the microscope," introduced by the gallery staff (Ing. Alberto Castro and Franco Ferro) and held by Dr. Manuela Coci, as President of Microb&co. Numerous questions of those present on both the aquatic microscopic life and microscopy techniques and photos features exposed. In general, by the comments of those present the event had a good success of participation and a vivid interest was recorded about science dissemination events The theme water and microorganisms, joined together by the photograph, arouses a general ransverse interest. IRSA-CNR and CNR-ISMAR announced the event on their web pages and UN-WorldWaterday authorized the event on the world map and spread the photos via its extensive social network. The event was made possible through the generous support of the sponsors; in particular, the realization of the event web page has been sponsored by Mima Srl (Dott. Michele Nubile) that with A2D- offers a service of analysis and monitoring of tap water. The professional photo printing was sponsored by NPIItalian companies (Neoperl group) leader in the production of high quality accessories for the plumbing and heating sector. SciencED of Dr. Simona Purrello oversaw the scientific event on social communication. The use of photos was authorized by the Nikon Small World photomicrography Competition. The event was announced on social, with Facebook and twitter page @microeco_news Alert prints and local offices: Radio Zammu, Lapis, Events Sicily. The Argo Association- hundred eyes of Catania- wrote an article reported at the bottom of this page.
The event certainly represented an opportunity to celebrate the World Water Day but also to disseminate scientific knowledge to the public of non-experts.
TESTO ARTICOLO: http://www.argocatania.org/2017/03/26/la-magia-in-una-goccia-dacqua/ “L’acqua attraverso il microscopio e la fotocamera”, questo l’evento che ha celebrato a Catania, lo scorso 22 marzo, la giornata dell’acqua. Un appuntamento con valenza insieme scientifica e artistica, organizzato da Microb&co nella sede della galleria fotografica Plenum di via Vecchia Ognina, durante il quale Manuela Coci, microbiologa, ha presentato le immagini realizzate con una macchina fotografica collegata ad un microscopio. E’ stato reso così accessibile un mondo di straordinaria bellezza, l’incredibile ricchezza che si nasconde dentro una goccia di acqua. Tutto in scala infinitamente piccola, mille volte più piccola di un millimetro, ha spiegato Coci. Milioni di virus, batteri, protozoi vivono dentro l’acqua degli oceani che la scienziata ha definito il vero polmone verde della terra perchè indispensabili nella formazione dell’ossigeno che ci serve per vivere. L’evento ha avuto diversi sponsor, locali e internazionali, un riconoscimento del valore dell’iniziativa che ha suscitato curiosità e interessi nel numeroso pubblico. Un microscopio scientifico messo a disposizione ha permesso a chi lo desiderava, anche alcuni giovanissimi ospiti della serata, di provare l’emozione di ammirare, guidati da Manuela, le immagini offerte dall’apparecchiatura. Una esperienza emozionante e formativa che ha indotto qualcuno, in sala, a chiedere di renderla ripetibile, soprattutto per sensibilizzare e coinvolgere i più giovani. “Non aspettiamo che ci sia qualcuno a realizzarlo, creiamo noi stessi uno spazio in cui i cittadini possano accostarsi alla tecnologia scientifica. Per noi della Microb&co sarà un impegno” ha risposto Coci. Dopo anni di lavoro di ricerca all’estero, Manuela Coci è tornata a Catania dove ha contribuito alla nascita di Microb&co, una associazione no profit che si occupa di formazione, divulgazione e organizzazione di eventi nel campo scientifico.
www.microbeco.org || waterday.microbeco.org
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