roach taken in secution of vi es that a forei ment processo ons that repre ng with rights ol in combatin roviding a tho
December 12, 2011 The Hono orable Ron Wyyden 221 Dirkseen Senate Offfice Building Washington, DC 20510 0 The Hono orable Darrell Issa 2347 Rayb burn House O Office Buildingg Washington, DC 20515 5 RE: Draft OPEN Act Dear Senaator Wyden aand Representative Issa, ersigned Interrnet and tech hnology organ nizations supp port legislatio on that would d As you know, the unde provide to ools to targett foreign‐baseed “rogue” weebsites that aare engaged in widespread d copyright an nd trademark infringemen nt. We believve the draft O OPEN Act is naarrowly focussed on provid ding effective remedies that target such sites, witthout creatingg new liabilities for lawful, U.S. technology companies or collateral damage to th he secure fun nctioning of th he global opeen Internet. Consequeently, we supp port the apprroach taken in n the draft OP PEN Act, whicch would taskk the Internattional Trade Com mmission (“ITTC”) with prossecution of viiolations of U.S. copyrightss and trademarks by foreiggn‐ based websites. If the ITC concludees that a foreiign‐based sitee is violating tthe law, the ITC would req quire U.S. advertising netwo orks and paym ment processo ors, many of w whom we rep present, to teerminate servvices to the unllawful site. A As organizatio ons that repreesent compan nies that are tthemselves rightsholders aand that are o on the front lines of workin ng with rightssholders to prrotect their w works, we beliieve that this approach would be an effective too ol in combatin ng copyright aand trademarrk infringemeent. We appreeciate your leaadership in providing a tho oughtful, effeective proposal, and we staand ready to work with you aas it moves th hrough the leegislative proccess. Sincerely,
Ed Black President and CEO CCIA
Gary Shapiro President and d CEO CEA
m Erickson Markham Executivee Director & G General Counsel NetCoalittion