Call an integer of the form 2a3b, a harmonic integer, so named by. Phillip de Vitry ..... 2 circular points at infinity) or three tangents, or the center and tan- gents.
mathematical artwork which is created from a simple, flat sheet of square paper
..... David Mitchell's Origami Heaven - Modular Origami Design Encyclopaedia -.
The beauty of origami lies in the result of a totally attractive piece of mathematical
... A sonobe is a unit that has two points or inserting tabs, two pockets where.
Glue. Paper Clips. The Origami flower is a fun and versatile paper craft to make.
... topper or make a bunch with wire stalks and paper leaves. ... 3D Flower Ball.
exhibit. Figure 3: Sketch of Origami Desk installation design. ... technologies that
free the computer from the traditional ... installation of interaction furniture for the.
E. D. STEP 5. Unfold last 2 creases made so the newspaper forms a triangle
again. The previous 2 creases are your guidelines for the next steps. C. A. B. FO.
fold in half diagonally, turn over. fold in half on the horizontal and vertical. Basket fold down top layer. make a crease, folding in half. fold up to midway crease.
This proposal details the design of Origami Desk, an interactive installation
where participants are guided through the creation of various origami structures.
How To Fold An. Origami Dog! Origami Dog! You'll need a square piece of paper.
If you don't have origami paper, you can make a square from a rectangle.
How To Fold An
Ori g ami D o g !
remove this part You’ll need a square piece of paper. If you don’t have origami paper, you can make a square from a rectangle. Fold on the dotted lines, and cut away the extra.
Fold your square in half diagonally.
Fold the top points down on the dotted lines to make ears.
Rotate the triangle so the longest edge is at the top.
Fold the bottom points up on the dotted line to make a mouth.
Draw a face and spots on your dog to look like Sparky!
The name and image of Sparky are trademarks of the NFPA