A 20-year school PR veteran will discuss how to use social media platforms to show that you're doing. your best to provi
OSBA/OHSPRA Fall Workshop 2015 Social media: How to engage your community before, during and after a crisis 9am — Welcome and Introductions Erika Daggett, president, Ohio School Public Relations Association (OHSPRA) Crystal Davis, deputy director of communications, Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA); president-‐elect, OHSPRA
9:15am — Social Media and Communications: Finding the right voice and the right message
Brian Hoyt, Management Supervisor of Public Relations, SBC Advertising With more than 17 years of PR experience, Brian Hoyt will provide an overview of the social media landscape and share insights on how to identify and avoid common mistakes in using social media.
10:20am — Break (10 minutes) 10:30am — Avoiding pitfalls through message development, best practices and online tools Part two of Hoyt’s presentation will teach how to best use social media, and create content and an online community that creates dialogue. He will also share industry best practices from both the private and public sector and the latest tools that are available online. 11:30am — Lunch 12:30pm — Fanning or dousing the flames: Tips for handling a school crisis on social media
Tracey Carson, public information officer, Mason City Schools
Mason City’s communication chief will share stories and tips designed to help you strategically decide when and when not to employ social media during and after a crisis. Learn the 5 C’s of effective social media crisis strategy: Compassion, Concern, Commitment, Control and Communication.
2pm — Stop, Look, Listen via Social Media
Debbie Alberico, communications consultant, West Clermont Local (Clermont) Schools
A 20-‐year school PR veteran will discuss how to use social media platforms to show that you’re doing your best to provide students, parents, and staff with as much “after crisis cleanup” as possible. 3pm — Adjourn