School of Dentistry, Department of Stomatology,. Division of Periodontology, University of California, San Francisco,. 521 Parnassus Avenue, Room C-628, San ...
Springer-Verlag 1998
Cell Tissue Res (1998) 294:99±108
Peter M. Loomer ´ Richard P. Ellen Howard C. Tenenbaum
Osteogenic and osteoclastic cell interaction: development of a co-culture system
Received: 17 February 1997 / Accepted: 24 April 1998
Abstract The processes involved in the regulation of bone cell metabolism are complex, including those implicated in bone cell coupling. This study was undertaken to develop a model that would permit real-time interaction between osteoclastic cells and osteoblasts in vitro. Osteogenic bone marrow stromal cells were isolated from 18day-old embryonic chickens, while osteoclastic cells were isolated from laying White Leghorn hens on calcium-deficient diets. Osteoclastic cells (5105) were seeded onto mineral thin films and suspended above osteogenic cells (1104) already plated on the bottoms of tissue culture plate wells. The data showed that after 4 days of incubation there was up to a fivefold (P