PLC. Student Name. : Yohanes Sabriant Widyo Utomo. ID Number.
PROTOTYPE OF AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE TRAIN CARRIAGE BY PLC Student Name ID Number Student Name ID Number Lecturer Counsellor ID Number Lecturer Counsellor ID Number
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Yohanes Sabriant Widyo Utomo 2210039019 Ariadhi Aprillian Faris Putra Pratama 2210039043 Slamet Budiprayitno, S.T., M.T 19781113 201012 1 002 Eko Pujiyatno M., S.Pd. 19710330 199403 1 002
ABSTRACT The increasing number of train departure schedule requires managers to provide a train carriage lot and clean. Carriage cleanliness must be maintained for comfortable of passenger when on the way. Therefore, in this final project created a prototype tool that is able to provide convenience to the railroad car wash. Is a tool that works automatically with the integrated PLC. The basic concept is similar to the automatic car wash in general. Using a DC motor as player on cleaning brush and also coupled with 2 proximity sensors as detection of objects passing. So when it all started, at the time of passing the sensor 1 and sensor 2 then detected on the carriage will stop. In this stage, the side of the carriage will be cleaned with a cleaning brush that moves from side to side where previous cars had passed the first part cleaning brush specifically for the carriage roof. After the second process is completed, the carriage will be pulled again by a small DC motor as a puller to get the rinsing process. At this stage, the carriage will be cleared for the right-left position with a brush rinse only stay on the pole. Then the final stage is the drying process, where the dryer using 2 mini fans for either side. This is the final stage of the overall prototype mechanical system regulated by PLC. Key words : train carriage, prototype, PLC