International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 6, no. pp. 223-233,Robots April 2008 Output Feedback Dynamic Surface vol. Control of 2, Flexible-Joint
Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Control of Flexible-Joint Robots Sung Jin Yoo, Jin Bae Park*, and Yoon Ho Choi Abstract: A new output feedback controller design approach for flexible-joint (FJ) robots via the observer dynamic surface design technique is presented. The proposed approach only requires the feedback of position states. We first design an observer to estimate the link and actuator velocity information. Then, the link position tracking controller using the observer dynamic surface design procedure is developed. Therefore, the proposed controller can be simpler than the observer backstepping controller. From the Lyapunov stability analysis, it is shown that all signals in a closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, the simulation results of a three-link FJ robot are presented to validate the good position tracking performance of the proposed control system. Keywords: Dynamic surface control, flexible-joint robots, output feedback.
1. INTRODUCTION During the past few years, significant research efforts have been devoted to solve the tracking control problem for the flexible-joint (FJ) robots [1-7]. One of the problems that has prevented the application of these controllers is that the knowledge of four state variables is required. However, velocity measurement devices such as tachometers are easily contaminated with noise and are frequently omitted due to the savings in cost, volume, and weight. Therefore, many researchers proposed observers to estimate the states of FJ robots, and the output feedback methods using them. Tomei [8] presented the state observer for FJ robots with the link position and velocity. In [9], the nonlinear observer for FJ robots with only position measurements was designed. Abdollahi et al. [10] proposed the stable neural network observer for multivariable nonlinear systems and applied it to FJ robots. In [11], the output tracking controller for FJ robots was presented based on a two-time scale sliding-mode technique and a high gain estimator. Angeles and Nijmeijer [12] proposed an observer__________ Manuscript received March 27, 2007; accepted February 1, 2008. Recommended by Editorial Board member Young Il Lee under the direction of Editor Jae-Bok Song. This work was supported in part by Yonsei University Institute of TMS Information Technology, a Brain Korea 21 program and in part by MOCIE through EIRC program with Yonsei Electric Power Research Center (YEPRC) at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. Sung Jin Yoo and Jin Bae Park are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul 120-749, Korea (e-mails: {niceguy 1201, jbpark} Yoon Ho Choi is with the School of Electronic Engineering, Kyonggi University, Suwon, Kyonggi-Do 443-760, Korea (email:
[email protected]). * Corresponding author.
based synchronization controller for FJ robots which are interconnected in a master-slave scheme. In [13], Jankovic presented an approach to control FJ robots using only the position and velocity measurements on the actuator. The backstepping technique [14], in particular, has been widely used to design output feedback controllers for FJ robots. Nicosia and Tomei [15] developed a global dynamic output feedback backstepping controller for FJ robots using only the measurements of the link position and speed. In addition, they proposed a backstepping control method for FJ robots with only link position feedback [16]. Oh and Lee [17] presented a tracking controller using a backstepping design approach for FJ robots with only position measurements. In [18], an adaptive partial state feedback controller for FJ robots without velocity measurements was designed via an integrator backstepping procedure. Dixon et al. [19] suggested the global adaptive partial state feedback tracking controller for FJ robots using the backstepping technique. However, the backstepping algorithm has the “explosion of complexity” problem which is caused by the repeated differentiations of virtual controllers [20,21]. To overcome this problem, Swaroop et al. proposed a dynamic surface control (DSC) technique adding a first-order low-pass filter at each step of the backstepping design procedure. In addition, this idea was extended to adaptive systems to treat parametric nonlinear functions [21] and uncertain nonlinear functions [22]. Besides, Song and Hedrick [23] suggested an output feedback DSC (OFDSC) method using a convex optimization technique for nonlinear systems. However, these works only used DSC technique to control singleinput-single-output systems. Recently, we suggested the full state feedback
Sung Jin Yoo, Jin Bae Park, and Yoon Ho Choi
control approach using the DSC technique for FJ robots which are multi-input-multi-output systems [24]. In this paper, we present the output feedback control approach for FJ robots via the observer dynamic surface design technique. For the OFDSC system design, we first introduce an observer for the FJ robot model to estimate the link and actuator velocity information. Then, the control law using the state estimates is induced from the DSC design procedure. This design procedure comparable to the observer backstepping is called the observer DSC technique. From the Lyapunov stability analysis, it is shown that all signals in a closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, we simulate the three-link FJ manipulator with complex nonlinear functions to show the effectiveness of the proposed OFDSC scheme. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the dynamic model of FJ robot systems. In Section 3, the observer is presented to estimate the link and actuator velocity. In addition, the OFDSC law is proposed based on the designed observer. Besides, the stability and performance of the proposed OFDSC system are analyzed based on Lyapunov stability theorem. Simulation results are discussed in Section 4 Section 5 gives some conclusions.
2. DYNAMICS OF FJ ROBOTS The dynamic model of an n-link FJ robot composed of robot dynamics and actuator dynamics can be described by [25]: M(q)q + C(q, q)q + G (q) + Fq
+K m (q − qm ) = 0, J q m + B q m + K m (q m − q ) = u ,
(1) (2)
where q, q, q ∈ R n denote the link position, velocity, and acceleration vectors, respectively. M (q) ∈ R n×n is the inertia matrix, C(q, q) ∈ R n×n denotes the Coriolis-centripetal matrix, G (q) ∈ R n is the gravity vector, and F ∈ R n×n is a diagonal, positive definite matrix representing the coefficient of friction at each joint. qm , q m, q m ∈ R n denote the actuator position, velocity, and acceleration vectors, respectively. The constant positive definite, diagonal matrices K m ∈ R n×n , J ∈ R n×n , and B ∈ R n×n represent the joint flexibility, the actuator inertia, and the natural damping term, respectively. The control vector u ∈ R n is used as the torque input at each actuator. Property 1 [17]: The link inertia matrix M(q) is symmetric, positive definite matrix which satisfies M m ≤ M (q) 2 ≤ M M where ⋅ 2 denotes the
matrix induced two-norm and Mm, M M are positive constants. In addition, M −1 (q) is uniformly bounded. Property 2: The Coriolis-centripetal matrix C(q,
q) can be defined such that the matrix M (q) − 2C (q, q) is the skew-symmetric matrix, and satisfies C(q,ξ)ζ = C(q,ζ)ξ where ξ, ζ ∈ R n are any vectors. Property 3: The Coriolis-centripetal matrix C(q, q) is upper bounded, that is
C(q, q)
≤ CM q
where CM is a known positive constant.
Property 4: M −1 (q)K m
≤ H M where H M is
a known positive constant. Property 4 is reasonable due to Property 1 and a constant positive definite matrix Km. Assumption 1: The system states q and qm are only available for feedback, that is, the outputs of the FJ robot system are q and qm .
Assumption 2: The desired trajectory vector qd , its first and second derivatives qd(1) , qd(2) are only available, and bounded where qd(i ) denotes the i th derivative of qd . Assumption 3: The link velocity q is bounded as q < ω1 where ω1 is a known positive constant.
Assumption 2 indicates that our controller via the dynamic surface design technique does not requires qd(3) and qd(4) compared with the controller via the
backstepping technique [15-19]. In Assumption 3, ω1 does not mean a tight upper bound for q , that is, any upper bound does. Reasonable bounds can be obtained from manufacturer’s specification and structural limitations of the robot [12,13]. As a preliminary to the output feedback controller design, if we define the state space variables as x1 = q,
x2 = q, x3 = qm , and x 4 = q m, system is described as follows:
the FJ robot
x1 = x 2 ,
M (x1 )x = −C(x1 , x 2 )x 2 − G (x1 ) − Fx 2 − K m (x1 − x3 ),
x3 = x 4 ,
x4 = J −1[−Bx4 − K m (x3 − x1 ) + u].
3. OFDSC SYSTEM FOR FJ ROBOTS In this section, we first introduce the observer to estimate the link and actuator velocity information of the FJ robots. Then, the OFDSC system for FJ robots
Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Control of Flexible-Joint Robots
is designed. Finally, the stability of the designed output feedback system is analyzed. 3.1. Observer design for FJ robots Define the estimates xˆ χ of the states x χ ( χ = 1, …, 4) as follows:
xˆ 1 = z1 , xˆ 2 = z 2 + l1 (x1 − z1 ),
xˆ 3 = z 3 , xˆ 4 = z 4 + l2 (x3 − z 3 ),
(8) (10)
where l1 , l2 are design parameters, and z χ denote observer states. The observer for FJ robots is presented in the following form:
z1 = z 2 + l1 (x1 − z1 ) + D1 (x1 − z1 ),
M (x1 )z 2 = −C(x1, z 2 + l1 (x1 − z1 ))(z 2 + l1 (x1 − z1 )) −G (x1 ) − F (z 2 + l1 (x1 − z1 )) −K m (x1 − x3 ) + D 2(x1 − z1 ),
z 3 = z 4 + l2 (x3 − z 3 ) + D3 (x3 − z 3 ), −1
z 4 = J [−B(z 4 + l2 (x3 − z 3 )) + u − K m (x3 − x1 )] + D 4(x3 − z 3 ),
(12) (13) (14)
where D1 , D2 , D3 , and D4 are the observer gain matrices to be designed later, and the outputs x1 , x3 and the input u of the FJ robots are used as the inputs of the observer system. Then, to consider the observation error dynamics, we can rewrite the observer dynamics (11)-(14) using the estimate variables (7)-(10) as follows:
xˆ 1 = xˆ 2 + D1x1 ,
M (x1 )xˆ 2 = −C(x1, xˆ 2 )xˆ 2 − G (x1 ) − Fxˆ 2
− K m (x1 − x3 ) + l1M (x1 )x2 + D2 x1 , xˆ 3 = xˆ 4 + D3x 3 , −1
xˆ 4 = J [−Bxˆ 4 − K m (x3 − x1 ) + u] + l2 x4 + D4 x3 ,
(17) (18)
where x χ = x χ − xˆ χ ( χ = 1,…, 4) denote the observation errors and D2 = D2 − l1M (x1 )D1 and D4 = D4 − l2 D3 are the new observer gain matrices. Remark 1: The observer dynamics (15)-(18) cannot be implemented due to the unknown states x2, x4. Therefore, in this paper, we use the observer dynamics (7)-(14) based on only the known states x1 , x3 to implement the observer for FJ robots.
3.2. Output feedback controller design for FJ robots The control objective is to design an output
feedback control system for the state vector x1 to track the desired trajectory vector qd. In our controller design procedure, the true velocities of the FJ robots are replaced by the estimated states xˆ 2 and xˆ 4 . We now design step by step the output feedback control system via the observer DSC technique. Step 1: Design the virtual control law for xˆ 2 . The first error surface vector is defined as S1 = x1 − qd , and its derivative is S1 = x 2 − q d = xˆ 2 + x 2 − q d.
Choose a virtual control vector x2 as follows: x2 = −k1S1 + q d,
where k1 is a positive constant. Then, to obtain the filtering virtual control vector x 2f , we pass x 2 through a first-order filter with a time constant τ 2 > 0 as follows:
τ 2 x 2f + x2f = x2 , x2f (0) = x2 (0).
Step 2: Design the virtual control law for x3 . Define the second error surface, with the filtering virtual control vector x 2f , as S 2 = xˆ 2 − x 2f .
Then, differentiating (22) and substituting (16) yields S 2 = xˆ 2 − x 2f = M −1 (x1 ) [ −C(x1, xˆ 2 )xˆ 2 − G (x1 ) − Fxˆ 2
−K m (x1 − x3 ) + D2 x1 ] + l1x 2 − x 2f .
Choose a virtual control vector x3 using (21) as follows: −1 x3 = K m K m x1 + C(x1, xˆ 2 )xˆ 2 + G (x1 ) + Fxˆ 2 (24) x2 − x 2 f −D2 x1 + M (x1 ) −k2S 2 + , τ 2
where k2 > 0 is a design parameter. Then, we pass x3 through the second first-order filter to obtain x3f as follows:
τ 3x3f + x3f = x3 , x3f (0) = x3 (0),
where τ 3 is a small positive design parameter, that is, a time constant. Step 3: Design the virtual control law for xˆ 4 .
Sung Jin Yoo, Jin Bae Park, and Yoon Ho Choi
Define the third error surface, with the filtering virtual control vector x3f , as S3 = x3 − x3f
and its derivative is S 3 = x 4 − x3f = xˆ 4 + x 4 − x3f .
Choose a virtual control vector x4 using (25) as follows: x4 = −k3S3 +
x3 − x3f
where k3 is a positive constant. Then, we pass x4 through the third first-order filter with a time constant τ 4 > 0 to obtain x4f as follows:
τ 4 x4f + x 4f = x4 , x4f (0) = x4 (0).
and its derivative is
y 3 , and y 4 ). From (3)-(6) and (15)-(18), we first obtain the observation error dynamics as follows: x1 = x 2 − D1x1 ,
M (x1 )x 2 = −C(x1 , x 2 )x 2 + C(x1, xˆ 2 )xˆ 2 − Fx 2
− l1M (x1 )x 2 − D2 x1 , x3 = x 4 − D3 x3 ,
x 4 = −J −1Bx 4 − l2 x 4 − D4 x3 .
By using Property 2, adding and subtracting C(x1, x 2 )x 2 , the observation error dynamics (34) can be rewritten by M (x1 )x 2 = −C(x1 , x 2 )x 2 − C(x1 , xˆ 2 )x 2 − Fx 2 − l1M (x1 )x 2 − D2 x1 .
Then, we describe the derivative of the surface errors as follows: S1 = S 2 + x 2f + x 2 − q d,
S 2 = M (x1 ) [ −C(x1, xˆ 2 )xˆ 2 − G (x1 ) −1
− Fxˆ 2 − K m x1 + K m (S3 + x3f )
+ D2 x1 ] + l1x 2 − x 2f ,
S 4 = xˆ 4 − x 4f = J −1 [ −Bxˆ 4 − K m (x3 − x1 ) + u ]
+ l2 x 4 + D4 x3 − x 4f .
Choose an actual control vector u using (29) as follows:
S3 = S 4 + x 4f + x 4 − x3f ,
S 4 = −k4S 4 + l2 x 4 .
Define the boundary layer errors as y 2 = x 2f − x2
= k1S1 − q d + x 2f ,
u = Bxˆ 4 + K m (x3 − x1 ) + J[−k4 S 4 − D4 x3 +
S 2 , S3 , and S 4 ), and boundary layer errors ( y 2 ,
Step 4: Design the actual control vector u. Define the fourth error surface, with the filtering virtual control vector x 4f , as
S 4 = xˆ 4 − x 4f
errors ( x1 , x 2 , x3 , and x4 ), surface errors ( S1 ,
x 4 − x 4f
where k4 is a positive constant. Remark 2: Compared with the previous works [1517] using the backstepping technique for FJ robots, the proposed control method does not require the repeated derivatives of the virtual controllers because they are computed easily by the first order filter (i.e., x jf = ( x j − x jf ) /τ j , j = 2, 3, 4). Thus, the proposed control system can be designed more simply than the backstepping control systems [15-17]. 3.3. Stability analysis In this section, we now show that all signals of the proposed OFDSC system are uniformly ultimately bounded. For the stability analysis, we define analytic expressions of the closed-loop system via observation
y 3 = x3f − x3 −1 = −K m [K m x1 + C(x1, xˆ 2 )xˆ 2 + G (x1 ) + Fxˆ 2
y −D2 x1 + M (x1 ) −k2S 2 − 2 + x3f , τ 2 y y 4 = x 4f − x4 = k3S3 + 3 + x 4f .
(43) (44)
From the boundary layer errors (42)-(44), (38)-(41) can be expressed by S1 = S 2 + y 2 − k1S1 + x 2 ,
S 2 = M −1 (x1 )K m (S3 + y 3 ) − k2S 2 + l1x 2 ,
S3 = S 4 + y 4 − k3S3 + x 4 ,
S 4 = −k4S 4 + l2 x 4 .
Differentiating (42)-(44), we can obtain
Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Control of Flexible-Joint Robots
Table 1. Simulation parameters for the robot dynamics.
Joint 1
Joint 2
Joint 3
y2 = − y3 = − y4 = −
τ2 y3
τ3 y4
6 Actual Observed
Moment of Inertia ( Ii , Kgm 2 ) 43.33 ×10
25.08 ×10
32.67 ×10
+ Ω 2 (S1, S 2 , y 2 , x 2 , Qd ),
Link Mass ( mi Kg) ( li , m)
+ Ω3 (S1,…, S3 , y 2 , y 3 , x1,…, x4 , Qd ), (50)
2.5 Time(sec)
(a) Joint 1. 5
+ Ω 4 (S1 ,…, S 4 , y 2 , y 3 , y 4 , x1,…, x 4 , Qd ),
Actual Observed 4
(51) where
Qd = [qdT , q dT, q dT]T ,
2 Rad/Sec
Ω 2 (S1, S 2 , y 2 , x 2 , Qd ) = k1S1 − q d,Ω3 (S1,…, S3 , y 2 , y 3 , x1,…, x 4 , Qd ) ∂C ∂C )xˆ 2 + Cxˆ 2 + xˆ T2 ∂x1 ∂x 2 y ∂G ∂M x1 + Fxˆ 2 − D2 x1 + x1T {−k2S 2 − 2 } + τ2 ∂x1 ∂x1
−1 [K m x1 + (x1T = −K m
+ M{−k2S 2 −
2.5 Time(sec)
(b) Joint 2.
5 Actual Observed
are the continuous functions. Theorem 1: Suppose that the dynamics (3)-(6) of the FJ robots is observed by the observer (7)-(14), and is controlled by the proposed controller (32). If the proposed output feedback control system satisfies Assumptions 1-3, then for any initial conditions satisfying V (0) ≤ p where p is any positive constant, there exist k j , l1 , l2 , D j , τ h ( j = 1,…, 4, h = 2, 3, 4 ) such that all signals of the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded. In addition, all errors in the closed-loop system may be kept arbitrarily small by adjusting the design parameters. Proof: See Appendix I. Remark 3: The proposed output feedback control scheme for FJ robots can be summarized by the observer ((7)-(14)) and the DSC system ((20), (21), (24), (25), (28), (29), and (32)). Accordingly, our control system can be designed more easily and simply than the output feedback control system via the backstepping technique.
Ω 4 (S1,…, S 4 , y 2 , y 3 , y 4 , x1 ,…, x 4 , Qd ) = k3S3 +
2.5 Time(sec)
(c) Joint 3. Fig. 1. Observation results of the state x2 for the three-link FJ manipulator.
4. SIMULATION RESULTS In this simulation, we consider a three-link FJ manipulator to validate the effectiveness of the proposed OFDSC system. Remark 4: We do not compare the proposed control method with the backstepping-based control
Sung Jin Yoo, Jin Bae Park, and Yoon Ho Choi 1500
0.2 Actual Observed
q1 0.15
q2 q3
observer errors (Rad)
-0.05 -0.1 -0.15
-0.2 -0.25
2.5 Time(sec)
(a) Joint 1.
2.5 Time(sec)
(a) State x2.
10 Actual Observed
q1 q2 q3
observer errors (Rad)
-10 -200
2.5 Time(sec)
(b) Joint 2.
2.5 Time(sec)
(b) State x4.
Fig. 3. Observation errors for the three-link FJ manipulator.
Actual Observed 200
The control objective is to design the output feedback control law u using only position measurements to track the reference trajectory qd = [qd1 qd 2 qd 3 ]T as follows:
100 Rad/Sec
qd 1 = 1 + 0.5cos (1.5t +
π 3
2π ), 3 = 1 + 0.3cos (1.5t ).
qd 2 = 0.7 sin(1.5t + -100
2.5 Time(sec)
(c) Joint 3. Fig. 2. Observation results of the state x 4 for the three-link FJ manipulator.
methods [15-17] since the performance of the DSC system is similar to that of the backstepping control system [20]. That is, this simulation focuses on the simplicity of the controller design method for the nlink FJ robots with the complex nonlinearity. Therefore, we consider a three-link FJ manipulator, not an one-link or a two-link FJ manipulator.
qd 3
The matrices M (q), C(q, q), G (q), and system parameters of the three-link FJ manipulator are defined in Appendix II. In Appendix II, mi s are the link masses (kg); ai s are the link lengths (m); I oi s are the moment of inertia about the center of gravity (Kgm2); g is the acceleration of gravity; qi s are the joint angular positions (rad); Sij and Cij denote sin( qi + q j ) and cos( qi + q j ), respectively. And, the FJ parameters are chosen as J = diag[0.5 0.5 0.5],
Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Control of Flexible-Joint Robots 1.6
Tracking errors (Rad)
q1 and qd1 (Rad)
2.5 Time(sec)
(a) Joint 1.
2.5 Time(sec)
Fig. 5. Tracking errors for the three-link FJ manipulator.
0.4 q2 q2 and qd2 (Rad)
2.5 Time(sec)
(b) Joint 2.
= 5, k4 = 120, and τ 2 = τ 3 = τ 4 = 0.001. The observation results of the states x2 and x4 are displayed in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. Fig. 3 shows the observation errors of the link and actuator velocities for the OFDSC system. From these figures, note that the proposed method demonstrates the good observation performance. The tracking results and errors of the OFDSC system are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. These figures indicate that the tracking errors which occur at the starting point drop quickly in less than a few seconds. Besides, we can see that all signals in the closed-loop system are bounded.
q3 and qd3 (Rad)
q3 qd3
2.5 Time(sec)
(c) Joint 3. Fig. 4. Tracking results for the three-link FJ manipulator. B = diag[0.02 0.02 0.02], and K m = diag[15 15 15]. In this simulation, the initial positions of the three-link FJ manipulator are also set to q1 (0) = q2 (0) = q3 (0) and the observer and controller parameters for the OFDSC system are selected as l1 = 25, l2 = 20, D1 = D3 = 5I, D2 = D4 = I, k1 = 130, k2 = 15, k3
A new output feedback control design method for the FJ robot has been developed based on observer DSC technique. First, the dynamics of the FJ robots has been introduced. Second, an observer for FJ robots has been presented to estimate the link and actuator velocity information, and it has been used to design the simple OFDSC law for the tracking control of the FJ robots. Third, from Lyapunov stability analysis, it has been shown that all signals in the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, we have presented the simulation results for the three-link FJ manipulator to verify the effectiveness of the proposed OFDSC approach.
APPENDIX I Proof of Theorem 1: Let us consider the following Lyapunov candidate function: V = Vc + Vo , Vc =
3 1 4 T T , S S + y y ∑ ∑ + + 1 1 l l l l 2 l =1 l =1
1 Vo = [x1T x1 + xT2 M (x1 )x2 + x3T x3 + xT4 x4 . 2
(52) (53) (54)
Sung Jin Yoo, Jin Bae Park, and Yoon Ho Choi
For the stability analysis of the total system, we first consider the Lyapunov candidate function Vc for the controller. Differentiating (53) with respect to time and substituting (45)-(51), we can obtain
− l1xT2 M (x1 )x 2 − xT2 D2 x1 + x3T x 4 − x3T D3 x3
+ ST2 (M −1 (x1 )K m (S3 + y 3 ) − k2S 2 + l1x 2 ) + ST3 (S 4 + y 4 − k3S3 + x 4 ) + ST4 (−k4S 4 + l2 x 4 ) 3
l =1
y l +1
≤ S1 S 2 + S1 y 2 + S1 x 2 −∑ kl Sl
T T V o ≤ −d1x1 x1 − x 2 (C(x1, xˆ 2 ) + F + l1M (x1 ))x 2
l =1
+ M −1 (x1 )K m
+ M (x1 )K m
− d3 x3T x3 − l2 xT4 x 4 ,
S 2 S3 +l1 S 2 x 2
where d1 and d3 denote the positive constants,
S 2 y 3 + S3 S 4
I ∈ R n×n is an identity matrix. Using Properties 1 and 3, and Assumption 3, the term xT2 (C(x1, xˆ 2 ) + F +
+ S3 y 4 + S3 x 4 + l2 S 4 x 4 3 1 + ∑ − y l +1 l =1 τ l +1
+ y l +1 Ωl +1 .
l1M (x1 ))x 2 can be represented by
By applying Property 4 and Young’s Inequality, we obtain V c ≤ S1
1 + x2 4
1 S2 4 2
+ H M S2
+ S1
1 y3 4
1 y2 4 1 + S3 4 +
2 +l1
+ S1
1 x2 4
1 2 2 1 2 2 1 + S3 + S 4 + S3 + y 4 + S3 + x 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 +l2 S 4 + x 4 −∑ kl Sl 4 l =1 3
l =1
τ l +1
y l +1
+ y l +1
1 Ωl +1 4
2 .
= k3∗ + ( H M / 4) + 3, k4 = k4∗ + (1/ 4) + l2 , 1/τ 2 = γ 2 + (5/ 4), 1/τ 3 = γ 3 + ( H M / 4) + 1, and 1/τ 4 = γ 4 + (5/ 4) yields 4
l =1
1 + (1 + l2 ) x 4 4 where
− ∑ γ l +1 y l +1 l =1 2
1 + (1 + l1 ) x 2 4
1 2 Ωl +1 , l =1 4
is the upper bound of the initial
V o ≤ −d1 x1
− β1 x 2
− l2 x 4
+ x2
− d 3 x3
+ x4
where β1 = l1M m − f m − CM (ω1 + ω2 ). Finally, we consider the total Lyapunov candidate function V. By adding (55) and (56), the derivative of the total Lyapunov candidate function V can be obtained as follows:
Choosing k1 = k1∗ + 3, k2 = k2∗ + 2 H M + l1 + (1/ 4), k3
∗ V c ≤ −∑ kl Sl
≥ [l1M m − f m − CM (ω1 + ω2 )]xT2 x 2 ,
observation error x 2 , and f m denotes the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix F. Therefore, using Young’s Inequality, we obtain
2 2
xT2 (C(x1, xˆ 2 ) + F + l1M (x1 ))x 2
where ω 2
+∑ −
− xT4 J −1Bx 4 − l2 xT4 x 4 − xT4 D4 x3 . Here, choosing D1 = d1I, D3 = d3I, and D2 = D4 = I, we obtain
+ Ωl +1
τ l +1
The derivative of Vo using (33), (35)-(37), and Property 2 can be obtained as follows: T T T T V o = x1 x 2 − x1 D1x1 − x 2 C(x1 , xˆ 2 )x 2 − x 2 Fx 2
T V c = S1 (S 2 + y 2 − k1S1 + x 2 )
+ ∑ yTl +1 −
let us consider the Lyapunov candidate function Vo .
> 0, γ l +1 > 0 are design parameters. Then,
V = Vc + Vo 4
≤ −∑ kl∗ Sl l =1
− ∑ γ l +1 y l +1
l =1
− d1 x1
2 2 2 1 − β1 x 2 −d3 x3 −l2 x 4 + (5+l1) x 2 4
3 2 2 1 1 + (5+l2 ) x 4 +∑ Ωl +1 . 4 l =1 4
From Assumption 2, and the existence of p, there exist a positive constant δ l +1 such that
≤ δ l +1. Therefore, by choosing l1 = [d 2 + f m + CM
Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Control of Flexible-Joint Robots
(ω1 + ω2 ) + (5/ 4)]/[ M m − (1/ 4)], l2 = (4 / 3)d 4 + (5/ 3), we obtain 4
V ≤ −∑ kl∗ Sl
l =1
l =1
≤ −2ϖ V + C ,
where d 2
− ∑ d l xl
− ∑ γ l +1 y l +1
l =1
are the positive constants,
C = ∑ l =1 14 δ l2+1 , and 0 < ϖ < min[k1∗ ,…, k4∗ , d1, 3
d2 MM
d3 , d 4 , γ 2 , γ 3 , γ 4 ]. (6) implies V ≤ 0 on V = p when ϖ > (C / 2 p). Therefore V ≤ p is an invariant set, i.e. if V (0) ≤ p, then V (t ) ≤ p for all t ≥ 0. In addition, all error signals in the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded in the following compact set Ξ :
Ξ = S1 ,…, S 4 , x1 ,…, x 4 , y1, y 2 , y 3
+ M m x2
1 a1C1 + a2 C12 + a3C123 2 m1 g 1 a2 C12 + 2a3C123 m2 g , 2 m3 g 1 a3C123 2
and d 4
+ x3
+ x4
∑ Sl
l =1
+ γ l +1 y l +1
+ x1 ≤
C . ϖ
Besides, the compact set Ξ can be kept arbitrarily small by adjusting kl∗ , dl , γ j , where l = 1,… , 4, and j = 2,3, 4. That is, the tracking error S1 and the observation errors x 2 , x 4 can be made arbitrarily small. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.
APPENDIX II The matrices M (q), C(q, q), and G (q) of robot dynamics are as follows: 2d1 + d 4C2 + d5C23 2d 2 + d 4C2 + d 6C3 M (q) = d 4C2 + d5C23 2d 2 + d 6C3 d5C23 d6C3 2d5 + d5C23 + d 6 C3 1 0 0 1 1 0 , 2d3 + d 6C3 2d 3 1 1 1 Cm11 C(q, q) = Cm 21 Cm31 1 2 a1C1 G (q) = 0 0
Cm12 Cm13 Cm 22 Cm 23 , Cm32 Cm33 1 a1C1 + a2C12 2 1 a2C12 2 0
where Cm11 = −q 2d 4 S2 − q 2d5 S23 − q 3d5 S23 − q 3d 6 S3 ,
Cm12 = − q 2d 4 S2 − q 2d5 S23 − q 3d 6 S3 − q 3d5 S23 −q1d4 S2 −q1d5S23 , Cm13 = −q 2d5 S23 − q 3d5 S23 − q 3d 6 S3 − q1d5 S23 −q1d6 S3 −q 2d6 S3 , Cm 21 = −q 3d 6 S3 + q1d 4 S2 + q1d5 S23 , Cm 22 = −q 3d6 S3 , Cm 23 = −d 6 S3 (q1 + q 2 + q 3), Cm31 = q1d5 S23 + q1d 6 S3 + q 2d 6 S3 , Cm32 = d 6 S3 (q1 + q 2),
Cm33 = 0, and 1 1 d1 = [( m1 + m2 + m3 )a12 + I o1 ], 2 4 1 1 d 2 = [( m2 + m3 )a22 + I o 2 ], 2 4 1 1 d3 = [( m3 )a32 + I o3 ], 2 4 1 d 4 = ( m2 + m3 )a1a2 , 2 1 d5 = m3 a1a3 , 2 1 d6 = m3 a2 a3 . 2 [1]
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Sung Jin Yoo received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in 2003 and 2005, respectively, both in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree at Yonsei University. His research interests include nonlinear, robust, adaptive control, and neural networks theories, and their applications to robotic, flight, and chaos systems.
Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Control of Flexible-Joint Robots
Jin Bae Park received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in 1977 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University, Manhattan, in 1985 and 1990, respectively. Since 1992 he has been with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, where he is currently a Professor. His research interests include robust control and filtering, nonlinear control, mobile robot, fuzzy logic control, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. He had served as Vice-President for the Institute of Control, Automation and Systems Engineers. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems.
Yoon Ho Choi received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, in 1980, 1982 and 1991, respectively. Since 1993, he has been with School of Electronic Engineering at Kyonggi University, where he is currently a Professor. From 2000 to 2002, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University, where he was a Visiting Scholar. His research interests include nonlinear control theory, intelligent control, biped and mobile robots, web-based control system and wavelet transform. He is currently the Director for the Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems.