To speak of "alternative" medicine is, as Pietroni has pointed out, like talking ..... 33 67 54 7533). International Cou
Alcohol and drugs. Michael ... alcohol and drug policy in Europe, but the lack of a ..... 9 Stimson G. The war on heroin: British policy and the international trade in.
... have yet been made to apply Equation 1 or Equation 2 to .... least squares are a in Equation 1, and the inter- .... in Figure 4 all have a negative slope of smaller.
*Department of Molecular Biochemistry, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, 1450 East Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91001-0269; tGendtique.
Belfast BT12 6BA) write: Antineoplastic drug therapy has been ... drugs are probably toxic to vascular endothelium2 ... 6 Doll DC, List AF, (ireco FA, et al.
production.29 Bezafibrate has also been shown to reduce fibrinogen concentrations, which may also be a primary risk factor for the development of atheros-.
advertising and marketing practices on smoking initiation ..... national anti-tobacco broadcast media campaign should be .... email: grcgconn@ix. rtetcomxom.
Jan 20, 1997 - important criteria for local primary care services. Method. Two health boards ... rience of health care professionals and services, they will have.
Senior Surgical Registrar ... place and the acute abdomen remains the domain of clinical .... registrars based upon house surgeons' and their own clini-.
recovery of the selected cDNAs by the PCR. The procedure .... Nylon Discs and Hybridization for Selection of cDNAs. Non- .... on nylon discs (data not shown).
Jun 25, 1983 - with Shigella were most likely to have numerous faecal leucocytes (>50/high power field: 39% v 8% ofall patients and 7% of patients infected ...
25 juNE 1983 1983 25 JUNE
Outside Europe
Value of stool examination in patients with diarrhoea BARBARA J STOLL, ROGER I GLASS, HASINA BANU, M IMDADUL HUQ M U KHAN, MAFIZUDDIN AHMED
Abstract Findings of stool examinations in 1593 patients with diarrhoea due to a single enteric pathogen-enterotoxigenic Escherichia coll rotavirus, Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni, Vibrio cholerae 0:1, Entamoeba histolytica, or Giardia lamblia-were reviewed to determine how well they predicted the agent associated with the diarrhoea. Specimens were examined visually for blood and. mucus, tested for pH, and examined under a microscope for the presence of red and white blood cells, parasites, and stool fat. Although visible blood was more common in specimens from patients infected with Shigella (51%) and Ent histolytica (39%) than in those from patients infected with other agents (6%; p < 0-01), patients infected with Shigella were most likely to have numerous faecal leucocytes (> 50/high power field: 39% v 8% of all patients and 7% of patients infected with Ent histolytica, p 10/high power field) than patients with other agents (48 % and 39 % respectively v 12% of all patients, p 10/high power field) than patients infected with other agents (83% and 68% respectively v 48% of all patients, p50
TABLE I-Age specific prevalences of infection in patients screened for all pathogens,* Dacca Hospital surveillance, March 1980 to February 1982 (figures are numbers (%) of patients) Agents for which drug treatment not required