Their commitment to sharing musical and life. lessons is at the core of all SDYS offers. Learning in a musical ensemble
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook
Ovation Program
Dalouge Smith, President & CEO | Jeff Edmons, Music Director
“I am truly grateful and privileged to have been able to participate in SDYS for the last four years. Through SDYS, I have not only realized that music is quite possibly a career that I would like to pursue, but I have also truly discovered what it means to achieve success through hard work and collaboration. Each and every rehearsal and concert are team efforts, and it is an amazing experience to watch the orchestra progress as it undertakes and learns a diverse selection of challenging repertoire throughout the concert season. My time with SDYS has been an experience that I will never forget, and if anybody were to ask me for recommendations about great music programs to audition for, I would wholeheartedly recommend that they audition for SDYS.”
Ovation David Meinen, Principal Percussion, Ovation Program, Class of 2017
SDYS’ Mission: The San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory instills excellence in the musical and personal development of students through rigorous and inspiring musical training experiences.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome 3 Conservatory Programs
Registration and Audition Dates
From the Music Director
Ovation Program Description
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Instrument List
Conductor’s Biography
Making the Decision to Audition
Audition Requirements
Audition Preparation and Expectations
Attendance and Conduct
Rehearsals and Logistics
Concerts 22 Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid
Additional Opportunities
2017-2018 Season Calendar
Liability Releases
Sample Ovation Commitment Forms
If you have any administrative questions, please contact: Kyle Henning, Conservatory Program Coordinator
[email protected] / 619.233.3232 x111 1650 El Prado #207A, San Diego, CA 92101
Make great music, meet new friends, and create exciting lifelong memories at the San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory! Just as diverse instruments unify to create harmony, the same is true of our musicians. We invite youth musicians from all backgrounds and corners of the San Diego region to join their peers at San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory (SDYS). We are proud and humbled our musicians and their families choose to make SDYS their musical home. We are deeply grateful for the trust placed in our outstanding conductors, who are just as diverse as our musicians and come to San Diego from across the globe. Their commitment to sharing musical and life lessons is at the core of all SDYS offers. Learning in a musical ensemble at SDYS means aspiring to the highest musical and personal standards. This is why SDYS offers student musicians at every musical level the chance to enroll and participate. Our faculty lead SDYS’ musicians along a path of discovery. Together, they learn the thrill of reaching a goal through dedication and talent, achieving individual success as part of a group, and sharing the beauty and joy of music with audiences. Whether a student first auditions into our Debut Classes or has matured to reach the Ovation Program, our full range of ensembles gives every student a place to excel. San Diego’s finest student performers return to SDYS year after year for this experience of learning and growing alongside friends under the direction of our inspiring faculty.
Every musician enrolled in SDYS depends on every other musician in their ensemble. Please read the Musicians’ Handbooks to be confident and comfortable with the commitment that comes with making music at SDYS. We’re excited to have you join us and garner the same benefits countless musicians before you have achieved for the past seventy-one years. If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Henning, our Conservatory Program Coordinator. He will be happy to answer your questions. We look forward to sharing the year ahead...and many more...with you at SDYS! Sincerely,
Dalouge Smith President and CEO
Jeff Edmons Music Director
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Enrolling in SDYS is a choice to pursue excellence. Because excellence is not easily achieved, we set explicit participation and commitment standards to guarantee every musician and every ensemble succeed. Our Musicians’ Handbooks provide all the details your family needs to master being an SDYS member – including important dates, attendance requirements, and audition preparation instructions.
CONSERVATORY PROGRAMS Ensembles and Classes • Inspiration Program (Prelude Strings / Debut Strings / Debut Winds / Overture Strings / Overture Winds / Symphonic Strings) • Showcase Program (Concert Winds / Concert Orchestra / Wind Symphony / Sinfonia) • Ovation Program (Symphony Orchestra / Wind Orchestra / Chamber Orchestra) Free Opportunities for Conservatory Students
• Season’s First Downbeat (Orientation) • Music Director’s Seminars for Success • Performing Arts College Fair • Musical Artstops at San Diego Museum of Art (Sinfonia/Wind Symphony and above) • Student Mentorship (Sinfonia/Wind Symphony and above) • Music Library (Showcase and Ovation leadership) • Student nights at the opera and other free ticket offers • Group Lessons (Need-based) • Community Performances
Fee-based Opportunities for Conservatory Students
• Music Theory Classes • Chamber Music • Concerto Competition (Sinfonia/Wind Symphony and above) • Senior Send-off • The Music Institute (Ovation level) • International Youth Symphony (Ovation level)
Opportunities for Parents and Guardians of Conservatory Students • Season’s First Downbeat (Orientation) • Beyond the Staff • Volunteer Opportunities
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
SDYS’ programs are designed to give student musicians a sequential ensemble experience over multiple years.
Our Inspiration Program offers quality foundational classes and ensembles that provide an important musical and social experience for young students. Prelude Strings class is SDYS’ entry-level group instruction on beginning string skills. It is open to students with little or no experience on a string instrument. Debut Strings and Debut Winds ensembles focus on beginning ensemble techniques. These ensembles are provided for students who have played an orchestral instrument for one or two years and are preparing to participate in a full ensemble. In Overture Strings, Overture Winds, and Symphonic Strings, students will develop technical, collaborative, and musical skills as they progress on their instruments. The Showcase Program encourages our intermediate-level students to participate in both an orchestra and a wind ensemble to maximize their musical training and exposure to diverse musical literature from a range of styles and historic periods. Our Ovation Program provides the most advanced string, woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians with comprehensive, intensive, pre-professional musical training. Participation in the Ovation Program includes the study and performance of classical music spanning the eighteenth century through the twenty-first century in multiple wind and orchestral ensemble settings. This flagship program provides the finest training at the highest levels attainable in a youth orchestra program. This handbook is specific to the Ovation Program.
Prelude Strings
7 years / 2nd grade
12 years / 7th grade
8 years / 3rd grade
15 years / 10th grade
8 years / 3rd grade
17 years / 12th grade
Showcase CO/CW
10 years / 5th grade
19 years
Showcase Sin/WS
12 years / 7th grade
19 years
9th grade
25 years
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Age Requirement by September 1, 2017
REGISTRATION AND AUDITION DATES (Current and New Students) Thursday, March 30
Registration opens for currently enrolled and new students. All currently enrolled musicians must register for a June audition.
Register at The non-refundable registration fee is $40 from March 30 until May 5.
Friday, May 5
The registration fee increases to $50 at 12 noon on May 5. The registration fee may be paid online with a credit card, mailed as a check, or hand-delivered to the office as cash or check payable to SDYS.
Monday, May 22
12 noon is the registration deadline and the financial aid deadline for June auditions. (Deadline for all returning students to apply.)
Friday, May 26
Audition assignment is available to families.
May 31 to June 17
Auditions for currently enrolled and new musicians.
Friday, June 30
Ensemble and class placements will be available.
Tuesday, July 11
Commitment forms are due for principals and assistant principals.
Tuesday, August 1 *Full tuition payment of $900 is due. Payment may be made online by credit card for an additional 3% fee. It may also be made by check (payable to SDYS or cash at the SDYS office or via mail with a check. A $20 late fee will be charged for past-due payments. The musician’s ID # must be included with payment.
Carson Kemp scholarship applications and non-leadership commitment forms are also due.
*No tuition will be refunded after September 1.
Thursday, September 7 First day of rehearsals for Ovation strings only.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Saturday, September 9 First day of rehearsals for all Ovation students.
LATE REGISTRATION AND AUDITION DATES (New Students Only) Monday, May 22 Noon Registration for August auditions opens (new students only) at 12 noon. Register at The non-refundable registration fee is $50. The registration fee may be paid online with a credit card, mailed as a check (payable to SDYS), or hand-delivered to the office as cash or check. Wednesday, July 26 Noon 12 noon is the registration deadline and the financial aid deadline for August auditions. Monday, July 31
Audition assignment is available to families.
Saturday, August 5 & Sunday, August 6
Auditions for new musicians only in sections with vacancies.
Wednesday, August 16
Ensemble and class placements will be available for August auditions.
Wednesday, August 23
*Full tuition payment of $900 is due. Payment may be made online by credit card with an additional 3% fee. It may also be made by check (payable to SDYS) or cash at the SDYS office or via mail with a check. A $20 late fee will be charged for past-due payments. The musician’s ID # must be included with payment.
Commitment forms are due for principals and assistant principals for August auditions, if applicable.
Thursday, September 7
First day of rehearsals for Ovation strings only.
Saturday, September 9
First day of rehearsals for all Ovation students.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
*No tuition will be refunded after September 1.
FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR In addition to the Ovation Program policies and procedures outlined in this handbook, it is my pleasure to share with you an overview of the fundamental artistic and educational elements which define the ensembles in the SDYS Ovation Program. The Ovation Program at San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory represents the pinnacle of musical achievement in our programs and is recognized as an international role model for musical achievement. The Wind Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, and Chamber Orchestra are designed to provide musicians with the finest pre-professional music education available in a cooperative, respectful, and collective learning environment. Throughout its 71-year history, the advanced ensembles of SDYS have created lifelong positive memories for musicians, audiences, and the community through musical excellence and artistry. Training in the Ovation Program is rigorous. Musicians at this level are expected to prioritize their musical preparation and activities in Ovation each week. The music that musicians in this flagship program will study and perform encompasses a wide range of historical periods, genres, and styles from complete major symphonic works to professional-level concert pieces. The course of study is designed so that the breadth of repertoire musicians study and perform provides a strong foundation for collective musical achievement and provides each musician with the needed skills for success at the university, conservatory, and professional levels. In addition to its very high standards of musical achievement, the Ovation Program provides an infrastructure for leadership development as well as cooperative citizenship. Through challenging and rigorous expectations, musicians learn the positive values of discipline, the achievement of long-term goals, and the self-confidence of realizing inherent potential. The program of study in the Ovation Program is also designed to instill a spirit of cooperative learning and the uniting of friendships through a common bond of music. Musicians are encouraged and expected to contribute their unique strengths and talents toward a collective artistic product that inspires and educates our audiences through the transformational power of music.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
As the highest-level ensembles at SDYS, the Ovation ensembles also serve as role models for our Showcase and Inspiration ensembles, providing an aspirational framework for our younger musicians to strive for. Musicians in the Ovation Program are also offered opportunities to perform as soloists through our annual concerto competition, as well as to perform in outreach concerts and events, and to mentor younger students from our Balboa Park and community programs.
Through comprehensive advanced musical training, prestigious concert performances, professional partnerships, and extensive leadership training and development, the San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory’s Ovation Program provides an outstanding educational pathway that serves as a national benchmark for musical excellence, positive citizenship, and the realization of inspirational, collective artistic achievement. With best wishes,
Jeff Edmons Music Director
OVATION PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Symphony Orchestra/Wind Orchestra/Chamber Orchestra SDYS’ Ovation Program, led by Music Director Jeff Edmons, provides the most advanced SDYS string, woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians with a comprehensive, intensive, pre-professional musical training. Participation in the Ovation Program includes the study and performance of classical music spanning from the eighteenth century through the twenty-first century in multiple wind and orchestral ensemble settings. This flagship program provides the finest training at the highest levels attainable in a youth orchestra program. The minimum grade level to participate in Ovation Program ensembles is entering 9th grade by September 1, 2017. The maximum age to participate in the Ovation Program is 25 years by September 1, 2017. Tuition for the Ovation Program is $900, and need-based financial aid is available. Rehearsals take place in Balboa Park on most Saturdays; see rehearsal calendar for details. All students admitted into the Ovation Program are encouraged to apply for The Music Institute, a partnership program of La Jolla Music Society and San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory. More information is available at SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA is an orchestra comprising the most advanced musicians in SDYS. All musicians who are accepted to the Ovation Program are in Symphony Orchestra (except for saxophone musicians); the size and instrumentation of the ensemble may vary during the year based upon requirements for specific repertoire. This flagship SDYS orchestra rehearses and performs full-length, multi-movement symphonies and advanced professional orchestral literature of a wide range of periods and styles. Solo and section parts are assigned within each section according to seating and repertoire needs. WIND ORCHESTRA is a wind ensemble comprising the woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians in Symphony Orchestra. Saxophone musicians who audition into the Ovation program join Wind Orchestra musicians to study and perform the most advanced repertoire of multiple styles and genres, including traditional full-length concert pieces for wind orchestra as well as multiple-movement works and traditional concert pieces. Instrumentation will be based on the professional wind orchestra with requisite doubling and tripling of parts. Saxophone musicians from Wind Orchestra will also form a saxophone ensemble and will study and perform advanced chamber literature. CHAMBER ORCHESTRA is an artist-level ensemble comprising principal and assistant principal musicians from the Ovation Program. The chamber orchestra is the resident orchestra of La Jolla Music Society. This orchestra rehearses and performs a variety of professional-level repertoire from multiple historic periods for both string orchestra and full chamber orchestra. Chamber Orchestra musicians are offered the first opportunity to participate in the International Youth Symphony (IYS) in Summer 2018 for an additional fee. Instrumentation will be based on the professional chamber orchestra with wind and brass musicians playing individual single parts.
LEADERSHIP POSITIONS, i.e. PRINCIPAL and ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL chair positions, are open by Choosing to audition for a principal chair is an important decision. Principals serve as artistic leaders and role models in their ensemble. They must exhibit exemplary musical preparation, maturity, and leadership as representatives of their sections. Additional criteria for selection include a positive attitude, appropriate behavior, getting along well with others, coming to rehearsal prepared and on time, staying within the attendance policy, and not being dismissed from SDYS for any reason throughout the entire previous season. Any student who participated in SDYS in the 2016-2017 season but were dismissed, withdrew from, or did not complete all concerts in the Showcase or Ovation programs lose eligibility to receive a merit award for the 2017-2018 season though they are still eligible to apply for a leadership chair. The principal chair students work directly with the conductor to facilitate rehearsals and to interact with the members of their sections. Principal chair students must follow attendance policies as stated in this handbook and must prioritize their participation in SDYS. In addition, they must serve as outstanding representatives of the organization in all respects. Assistant principals also occupy an important leadership position in the Ovation Program. They are
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
application to any currently enrolled or new musicians auditioning for the Ovation Program.
expected to have exemplary musical preparation and to foster a respectful and cooperative atmosphere and environment within their respective section and the ensemble. They must also be prepared to take over the musical responsibilities of the principal chair in the event that it is necessary. In special circumstances, the highest non-leadership student in a section may be asked to join the Chamber Orchestra due to vacancies. Principals in the Ovation Program will receive full merit awards. Assistant principals in the Ovation Program will receive half merit awards. Principals and assistant principals are required to participate in Wind Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, and Chamber Orchestra, depending on instrumentation. Concertmaster, associate concertmaster, and principals will be required to participate in chamber music and to perform in the community during the season. Chamber ensembles may include a quartet consisting of the concertmaster/mistress, associate concertmaster/mistress, principal viola, and principal cello. Other string, woodwind (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and French horn), brass, saxophone, or percussion ensembles may be formed which may include selected assistant principals. Musicians who wish to be considered for a leadership position must apply during the registration process and submit a one-page resume. They must also prepare additional audition requirements. Please review the Commitment Form for principals and assistant principals before auditioning. Musicians will be required to sign and submit the form before being awarded a leadership position. Students who do not fulfill their artistic or leadership responsibilities will lose their leadership position, be moved to the highest non-leadership chair, and forfeit their participation in Chamber Orchestra for the remainder of the season. They will be required to pay the tuition balance immediately.
Double Bass
French horn
Tenor Trombone
Bass Trombone
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
French horn
Harp (periodic)
Trumpet Trombone (Symphony Orchestra only) Bass Trombone (Symphony Orchestra only) Tuba (Symphony Orchestra only) Harp (Symphony Orchestra only) Percussion: Timpani /Battery and Melodic
Percussion (e.g., xylophone, marimba, etc.)
Percussion: Timpani /Battery and Melodic
Percussion (e.g., xylophone, marimba, etc.)
Euphonium Soprano Saxophone Alto Saxophone Tenor Saxophone Baritone Saxophone Double Bass
SPECIALTY INSTRUMENTS Piccolo, English horn, E-flat clarinet, Contrasbassoon Students may be invited by the conductor to play these instruments as needed after they have been placed on a primary instrument.
CONDUCTOR BIOGRAPHY Jeff Edmons, Music Director
CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, WIND ORCHESTRA Jeff Edmons is now in his 21st year with SDYS. Under his direction, the Youth Symphony has experienced tremendous growth, both in enrollment and in its level of musical achievement. Performing the most difficult works in the classical repertoire, SDYS achieves the highest standard attainable by a youth orchestra. SDYS’ exemplary standards of skill and musicianship have afforded it the opportunity to participate in the most prestigious international festivals and perform with eminent guest artists and musicians from around the world. Under Mr. Edmons’ direction, the Youth Symphony boasts a strong international presence and sets a benchmark for excellence in the United States. San Diego Magazine named Jeff Edmons as one of “50 People to Watch in 1997.” Mr. Edmons has been featured in articles and journals honoring his work and has been the subject of documentaries on CNN, Fox Television, National Public Radio, and more. Mr. Edmons has led youth, collegiate, and professional orchestras in critically acclaimed performances throughout the United States as well as in Mexico, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Switzerland. He is frequently invited to judge and guest conduct local and regional orchestras and bands. He has received numerous local and national invitations and awards for his achievements in music education.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
He studied violin performance with Michael Davis, former Concertmaster of the Scottish National Orchestra, string pedagogy with renowned pedagogue Dr. Robert Gillespie, and wind, brass, and percussion pedagogy and wind ensemble conducting with Craig Kirchoff, Principal Guest Conductor of the Tokyo Wind Orchestra and past President and Chair of the National College Band Director’s Association. Mr. Edmons has dedicated himself to promoting youth music and youth education.
MAKING THE DECISION TO AUDITION INTO THE OVATION PROGRAM Participation in SDYS requires a substantial commitment to weekly rehearsals, practice, and concert performances. You may have to choose between joining SDYS and other activities. We encourage you to consider carefully if you, both the musician and family, can fulfill this commitment. The minimum grade level to participate is entering 9th grade. Musicians enrolled in the 2016-2017 season may decide to audition to reseat in their current ensemble or audition to advance to the next level of ensemble. Musicians are not guaranteed the same or a higher seat for the 2017-2018 season or to retain a principal or assistant principal seat. The maximum age to participate in the Ovation Program is 25 years by September 1, 2017. Students will be placed based on their musical ability, the balance requirements of the ensemble, and the number of vacancies in each section. Past attendance may also be taken into consideration. Placement decisions are final, and students may only audition one time per season. Decisions are made for the entire season so that the ensemble can grow together. There are no mid-season auditions to change ensembles or seating. Seating assignments will be posted at the first rehearsal.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Both new and currently enrolled musicians should read the audition requirements carefully with the guidance of a private or school music teacher to prepare an audition for the appropriate level. We encourage all students who are interested in joining the Ovation Program to visit and observe the current season’s Wind Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, or Chamber Orchestra rehearsals on Saturdays. Find rehearsal schedules at
AUDITION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OVATION PROGRAM Students will be placed based on their musical ability, the balance requirements of the ensemble, and the number of vacancies in each section. All Instruments: • A movement from an advanced concerto or concert piece from which the Music Director will select a maximum of three minutes to be heard at the audition. The solo should demonstrate mastery of technique and musicality including areas of tone, phrasing, articulation, range, dynamics, double and triple tonguing (brass and flute), mixed or compound meters (5/4, 12/8, etc.), and interpretation. • All major scales must be memorized. Scale books are permitted only for minor scales. • Sight-reading (provided at audition and is an important factor in placement). • Instrument tuning proficiency. Principal and assistant principal auditions require the solo and scales to be memorized, and students will be asked to perform additional sight-reading. • Students must be able to rehearse and perform full-length, multi-movement symphonic works. • All requisite clefs for the instrument (treble, alto, tenor, bass). Instrument-Specific Additional Requirements: All Strings: • All three-octave major and natural minor scales (bass two octaves), ascending and descending. The Music Director will select the scales to be performed. • Quarter note = 80 bpm single bows. • Fluency in all advanced bowings and techniques including spiccato, martelé, left hand pizzicato, sul ponticello, saltando, ricochet, louré, etc. • Fluency in arm, wrist, and finger vibrato. • Proficiency in all positions including thumb position for cello and bass. Additional Requirements for Cello and Double Bass: • Must bring a rock stop to your audition.
Additional Requirements for Clarinet: • All transpositions. • Fluency on requisite specialty instruments is encouraged, e.g., E-flat clarinet, bass clarinet, etc., with separate audition of above requirements. • Ownership of or weekly access to an A clarinet. All Brass: • All two-octave and natural minor scales. • Fluency in requisite applicable tonguing, e.g., single tongue, double tongue, triple tongue, etc. Additional Requirements for French horn: • Fluency with stopped horn technique, all transpositions. • Range to written high C. • Bass clef mastery. Additional Requirements for Trumpet: • Fluency with all transpositions. • Range to written high D. • Fluency in single, double, and triple tonguing.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
All Woodwinds: • All two and three-octave major and natural minor scales to the maximum range of the instrument, slurred and tongued, quarter note = 120 bpm. • Three octaves of chromatic scale to the upper range of the instrument, single breath ascending and single breath descending.
Additional Requirements for Trombone: • Range to written high D and pedal C. • Alto and tenor clef fluency. Additional Requirements for Bass Trombone: • Range to written high A and low C. Timpani and Percussion: Note: All percussion students must audition on timpani, melodic percussion, AND battery percussion. • Three-minute solo for timpani (memorized, if applying for principal). • Two-minute solo or etude for melodic percussion. • All snare rudiments. • Mastery of timpani tuning and all battery instruments.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Harp: • Three-minute solo memorized. • Pedaling exercise provided by the Music Director.
AUDITION PREPARATION AND EXPECTATIONS Students auditioning for both an orchestra and a wind program will be scheduled for one single audition unless they are auditioning on two different instruments, and they only have to pay one registration fee.
• Read all SDYS communications carefully prior to the audition.
• Discuss with your private teacher and/or school music teacher all the criteria and skill levels for the program that are best suited to your current abilities.
• Revisit the audition requirements for the program that is right for you, and prepare the solo you will play for the judges.
• Make a plan for how and when you will practice in order to prepare fully for your audition.
• Put your best foot forward when auditioning. Dress nicely.
• Bring extra strings, reeds, mutes, rock stops, and other accessories. • Remember to bring your instrument, accessories, and at least one original solo part for the judges, including cadenza, if it is to be included in your audition. • Arrive 20 to 30 minutes before your audition so you have plenty of time to check in and warm up. • Auditions usually run on schedule. If parking is a problem, have a parent or guardian drop you off first. Check in at the audition location as instructed. Time slots will not be held for students who are late to their audition time. • Warm up only in the designated area, and have your music out of its folder so you are ready to be escorted to the audition room.
• Please do not play your instrument in the halls or outside the audition room, as the sound may interfere with other auditions.
• When you enter the room, the judges will greet you and ask you to introduce yourself and your solo piece.
• Audition time is limited, so come prepared. Make the best of every minute you have. • In order to maintain efficiency of the audition process and fairness to all students, judges will likely stop you before you complete your solo piece and/or sight-reading. This has no negative effect on your audition placement and simply means that they have listened to a sufficient amount to determine your placement.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
• Take about five seconds to look at the sight-reading excerpts before you begin to play. Think about the tempo in your head.
Practice Tips: • All areas of the audition—scales, solo, and sight-reading—are important.
• Practice with a metronome for even tempo and accurate rhythms.
• Scales: Prepare all required scales with an even tempo throughout.
• Solo: Choose a solo piece that best represents your level of ability.
• Sight-reading: Work with your teacher on a variety of sight-reading materials as part of your daily practice routine. Sight-reading ability is heavily weighted and often the deciding factor between two students of otherwise equal skill. General Criteria: Every student auditioning for SDYS is required to prepare materials from the categories listed below. Specific requirements within each category are determined by the instrument the student plays. • Scales for woodwinds, brass, and percussion: The goal is to demonstrate different tonalities, tone quality, and range development.
• Scales for strings: The goal is to demonstrate knowledge and expertise of different tonalities, tone quality, range development, bowing styles, and articulations.
• Prepared solo: This should be three minutes in length. All students must bring their original solo part. Leadership auditions require the solo to be memorized. • Sight-reading: Music is provided by judges during the audition. Sight-reading ability is heavily weighted and the deciding factor between two students of otherwise equal skill. Extra sight-reading material will be required for students auditioning for a leadership position.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Specific Areas of Evaluation:
Does the musician perform articulations clearly and as marked?
Are pitches in tune, or is there a tendency to go sharp or flat?
How well does the musician phrase, make dynamic contrasts, and interpret the music?
How precisely can the musician play rhythmic figures in the context of a piece?
Is the musician following and keeping the proper, consistent tempo in the context, style, and period of the piece?
How strong is the musician’s technical ability?
Is the tone focused, and does it have character?
Sight-Reading: How well can the musician play a previously unseen piece of music? Is the musician able to play the right notes and rhythms at the correct tempo? Transposition: This may be required in some orchestral passages for horn, trumpet, and clarinet. Multiple Clefs: Reading in multiple clefs is required in some orchestral passages for strings, bassoon, and trombone.
ATTENDANCE AND CONDUCT Attendance Participation in SDYS requires a substantial commitment to weekly rehearsals, practice, and concert performances. Consistent, weekly attendance at rehearsals is not only a requirement for musicians in the Ovation Program, but it is also essential to creating strong musical ensembles. You may have to choose between joining SDYS and other activities. Please carefully review the attendance guidelines and rehearsal/concert schedule before making the decision to audition. SDYS maintains the official record of musician absences in its student management system. Musicians may view the details of their absences by logging onto the system via the portal at All musicians are expected to be at every rehearsal, dress rehearsal, and concert on the calendar. Musicians involved in other activities must be able to make the attendance commitment outlined below for the full duration of the season and for all Ovation Program ensembles to which they are assigned. Musicians are required to be at rehearsal by the call time, and they are expected to be in their seats, warmed up, tuned, and ready for the conductor’s downbeat. Attendance is taken at the beginning of rehearsal prior to the conductor’s first downbeat. Arrival after the attendance has been taken must be reported to the conductor to be recorded as a late arrival. If a musician is not present, the ensemble diminishes. Each musician is significant to the integrity of his/ her ensemble. Non-leadership Ovation Program musicians may not have more than four (4) absences in the first concert period (Sep. 7-Nov. 18), no more than three (3) absences in the second concert period (Nov. 27-Feb. 4) and no more than four (4) absences in the third concert period (Feb. 10-June 10). Principals and assistant principals may not have more than three (3) absences in any concert period (Sep. 7-Nov. 18; Nov. 27-Feb. 4; Feb. 10- June 10). Please see the Rehearsal Calendar at the end of the Musicians’ Handbook for the schedule. All Ovation students may request one additional rehearsal absence within the entire season. Such requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may or may not be excused. Absences due to illness or emergency count toward the total number of allowed absences, so please plan accordingly.
Ovation musicians who do not stay within the attendance policy or miss a concert will be dismissed from the Ovation Program except in extreme circumstances. Please review the rehearsal and concert calendars before making the decision to audition. Concert periods are detailed on the calendar; HERE’S HOW other performances may be scheduled during the season. Please also review the Commitment Form, which includes additional commitment details. Ovation musicians will be required to sign and submit the form with their tuition payment. Absence Requests
Go to to log onto the student portal and request an absence at least one week in advance.
It is important for all musicians and their families to communicate with SDYS regarding any expected absence from a rehearsal. Absences, late arrivals, or early departures must be requested at least ONE WEEK in advance (except in an emergency situation). All musicians must submit the online form at A reason for the absence is required, and the request will be reviewed by the Music Director. The Music Director will reply within 72 business hours to confirm whether the absence is excused as long as the request was made according to these guidelines.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
All students in the Ovation Program are permitted a maximum of either one late arrival to a rehearsal or one early departure from a rehearsal per concert period. One additional late arrival or early departure may be requested during the course of the full season due to a special circumstance.
In order to augment their musical understanding of the repertoire, musicians are expected to attend rehearsals even if their instrument is being repaired or if they have a minor personal injury. Communication about any absence for any reason is imperative for the conductor’s planning. Attendance at all rehearsals and concerts will be recorded. Musicians “standing in” for absent musicians will be dismissed from the SDYS program, as will the absent musicians. Conduct and Behavior Any musician who exhibits inappropriate behavior at rehearsals, concerts, or activities jeopardizes his/ her good standing and may be dismissed from SDYS. Examples include, but are not limited to: • failure to request absences, • disrespect toward others, • failure to follow instructions, • verbal or physical threats toward others, • horseplay, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, • inappropriate physical contact or gestures of affection, e.g., kissing or holding hands, • inappropriate language, or • any other inappropriate behavior that undermines the integrity of the ensemble.
If any musician does not feel safe, s/he should speak to an SDYS staff member immediately. SDYS maintains a drug-free workplace. Illegal drug use by musicians will not be tolerated and will result in the musician’s dismissal from the program. Adults who smoke should do so away from the rehearsal rooms and buildings. Smoking in Balboa Park is prohibited and may result in fines imposed by city staff. Commitment to Ovation Program and Dismissal from SDYS Participation in the Ovation Program requires a high level of commitment. In addition to the musical requirements, there are non-musical expectations. These expectations ensure that Ovation Program musicians are fully committed to upholding the standards of these flagship ensembles. The following actions may result in dismissal. This list is illustrative only, and other circumstances may also result in dismissal from SDYS.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
• If a musician arrives late or leaves early more than once during each concert period, • If a musician exceeds the maximum number of excused absences in any concert preparation period, • If a musician misses a dress rehearsal or concert published on the season calendar, • If a musician is absent from three consecutive rehearsals at any time during the season, • If a musician has more than one unrequested absence during the season (except principals and assistant principals, who are not permitted to have any), • If a musician demonstrates inappropriate conduct, or • If a musician exhibits a lack of regular weekly musical preparation and progress.
Any students who participated in SDYS in the 2016-2017 season but were dismissed, withdrew from, or did not complete all concerts in the Showcase or Ovation programs lose eligibility to receive a merit award for the 2017-2018 season though they are still eligible to apply for a leadership chair. Dismissal from SDYS The final decision regarding dismissal from SDYS programs for excessive absences, excessive late arrivals or early departures, missing a concert, unacceptable conduct, or failure to uphold any other required policy or agreement of participation in the respective SDYS program or ensemble will be made by the President and CEO. Tuition refunds are not provided to musicians dismissed from SDYS, and students dismissed from an ensemble are ineligible to join another ensemble during the season.
REHEARSALS AND LOGISTICS SATURDAY REHEARSAL SCHEDULE Wind Orchestra: 1:45 to 3:15 PM Symphony Orchestra: 3:15 to 6:00 PM Chamber Orchestra: 6:10 to 7:30 PM Additional mid-week rehearsals are listed on the rehearsal calendar. Attendance at all rehearsals is expected. Full ensemble rehearsals begin on September 9, 2017. All rehearsals (unless notified) will be held in the Casa del Prado building in Balboa Park, 1650 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101. Saturdays and Sundays are busy and fun with musicians and families coming and going throughout the day. The majority of musicians’ SDYS experience occurs during rehearsals. Below are some helpful guidelines to ensure rehearsals are successful for all. On rehearsal days, we have production staff ready to help you and answer questions. Call Time and Conductor’s Downbeat Musicians are expected to be at the rehearsal room by the call time. Musicians must be seated, warmed up, tuned and ready by the conductor’s downbeat time. Students are recorded as late if they are not seated by the conductor’s downbeat time. Rehearsal Etiquette Musicians are expected to take personal responsibility for the following: • to arrive at rehearsals before call time, • to be seated, warmed up, tuned, and ready for the conductor’s downbeat, • to stay focused on the conductor, be respectful, follow directions, and participate fully in rehearsal, • to have the current music in their folder and on their stand, • to have a pencil and eraser for note taking, • to have extra instrument supplies in their case (strings and reeds, etc.), • to wear shoes but no hats, • not to use a cell phone or engage in other distracting activities during rehearsals, and • to store instruments properly during rehearsal breaks.
Due to various health risks and allergens contained in some food items, no snacks or drinks (except bottled water) are allowed in the rehearsal room.
Parking in Balboa Park on Saturdays and Sundays can sometimes take time and patience. To ensure timely arrival at rehearsal, musicians can be dropped off curbside on Village Place outside the Casa del Prado building and make their way to rehearsal while the driver finds parking. Difficulty parking is not an acceptable reason for tardiness. Parking is typically available in the Inspiration Point Lot near Park Boulevard and Presidents Way. A free tram runs from there to Plaza de Panama outside the San Diego Museum of Art. This is a short walk to the rehearsal rooms in the Casa del Prado. For more information about Balboa Park tram and parking, please visit Balboa Park is very active with cultural events, recreational activities, and large civic events such as runs and parades. Every Thursday, SDYS staff will email families a Weekly Update, which will give notice of known events in and around Balboa Park that might cause traffic delays so you can plan accordingly. Music Distribution New music is distributed at the first rehearsal of the season and after each concert. If a musician is absent on the music distribution day, s/he will need to contact the Music Director to schedule a time to pick up any new music that was distributed.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Parking for Rehearsals
All music must be returned to SDYS after each concert. Musicians should not depend on their stand partner and are required to bring their own music to each rehearsal and concert. Lost Music Any musician who loses his/her music will be required to pay a $5 replacement fee per part. Musicians may request a replacement for lost music online at under the “Current Musicians” tab. Instruments Except for percussionists, students are required to transport their own instruments to rehearsals and concerts throughout the entire season. This includes double bassists. Loaned Instruments SDYS has a large inventory of purchased or donated instruments. If you are unable to buy or rent an appropriate instrument, please contact us, and we may be able to lend you an instrument. In situations where your instrument has to be repaired, we may be able to lend you an instrument for a short period of time. Do not repair your own instrument! Families accept liability for any damage or loss of SDYS instruments that occur while the instrument is on loan. The instrument loan policy is available from the Instrument Librarian, Charlie Perkes at
[email protected]. A deposit of 10% of the value of the instrument is required at the time of the loan and will be returned when the instrument is returned in good condition. Instrument Insurance SDYS is not liable for loss or damage to instruments when musicians have them at rehearsals, concerts, or in transit. Families are encouraged to add valuable instruments to their personal property insurance. Accidents do happen. Musicians are expected to take care of their own instruments and respect other musicians’ property. Weekly Preparation, Private Lessons, and School Music Programs Musicians are expected to practice music between rehearsals to make rehearsals enjoyable and productive for all. When possible, musicians are encouraged to take private music lessons and/or participate in school music programs. Family Involvement
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Families are important partners in their musician’s participation and development through SDYS programs. Musicians’ success at SDYS is the result of dedicated families who help their children understand the importance of practicing, being on time, and contributing to the ensemble. All rehearsals are open to the public. Families are encouraged to visit rehearsals to witness their musician’s musical journey and to enjoy the other ensembles.
Due to copyright, privacy, and royalty issues we do not allow photography, audio or video recording at rehearsals. Volunteering Rehearsal days are very busy with about 600 musicians moving through our rehearsal rooms. Please offer to help the production staff with room setup and breakdown, snack setup, or handing out SDYS materials to visitors. The Weekly Update will also include opportunities for parent volunteers. All volunteers are required to read and sign the Volunteer Waiver before volunteering. Thank you in advance for
your time and help! Musicians who help on a consistent basis may record their volunteer time as community service hours for school. Families who receive need-based financial aid have additional volunteer requirements, which are outlined in the Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid section of this handbook. Communication SDYS’ communication with musicians and their families is essential. To enable good communication we ask that you keep the administrative staff up to date with any email, phone, and address changes. Important SDYS communication will be sent to all email addresses provided in the registration application. Primary and secondary contacts are responsible for reading SDYS correspondence. Students over 18 who would like to become primary contacts need to contact SDYS. We email a Weekly Update every Thursday with important information for all families, and we send ensemble-specific emails on Tuesday. Weekly Updates are archived on the website at updates for reference. Please read these emails so you can stay up to date with your musicians’ SDYS activities. Please ensure emails from “” are not blocked as spam. Rehearsal schedules and Weekly Updates can be found on under the “Current Musicians” tab. Follow us on the SDYS Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and YouTube accounts available through the buttons on Notice boards outside the rehearsal rooms display information about music-related activities. These events are not endorsed by SDYS. Any questions can be directed to Kyle Henning, Conservatory Program Coordinator at
[email protected]. Merchandise for Sale SDYS sells some merchandise at rehearsals: • Snacks • Bow ties • Black tights • Concert CDs (if available, with suggested donation) • SDYS T-shirts and hoodies (if available) Concert DVDs may be purchased on We record some, but not all, concerts. Artistic Faculty
Production Staff SDYS production staff members are onsite at rehearsals to assist musicians and families. They can answer questions and give directions. Production staff facilitate smooth rehearsal and concert day activities. They depend on volunteers and musicians to assist with rehearsal setup and breakdown. Musicians and families are asked to respect these staff members and assist them when asked. More information about volunteering can be found in the section above.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Students at SDYS are expected to follow the conductors’ directions at all rehearsals and concerts. Students are also expected to treat conductors with respect as their leaders in each ensemble. Our conductors will be happy to answer any artistic questions.
CONCERTS Concert days are exciting events that enable SDYS musicians to share their talents and progress as an ensemble. They start with a dress rehearsal at the venue, followed by a concert for families, friends, and supporters. All musicians are required to stay for the duration of each concert in which they participate. Students who miss the dress rehearsal will not be permitted to perform at the concert. Exceptions can be made in advance for extreme circumstances on a case-by-case basis. Dress Rehearsals and Call Times Dress rehearsals are an important part of the concert experience to help the ensemble adjust to new acoustics in the concert hall. We publish call times in the Weekly Update approximately three weeks in advance. Musicians need to arrive at the concert venue by the call time in their concert attire. Concert Attire Concert attire is a visual representation of the artistic excellence we present on stage. Students will not be allowed to participate in the group photo or perform at the concert without wearing either sets of the appropriate concert attire listed below. Female Attire: Male Attire: • Full-length elbow sleeves, • Black tuxedo, black dress with or full-length black dress pants, full-length black skirt • White tuxedo shirt, with a black top with elbow • Black bow tie, or full-length sleeves, • Black tights, and • Black socks, and • Black dress shoes. heels. • Black dress pants, No spike • No sparkly jewelry or hair accessories. • Black dress shoes. • No cap sleeves, backless, sleeveless, or spaghetti straps.
SDYS often has a limited amount of concert attire which has been donated. If you would like further information, please contact Kyle Henning, Conservatory Program Coordinator, at khenning@
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Concert Tickets
Families and friends are encouraged to attend concerts and events where musicians perform. Most concerts require paid tickets. Concert tickets are sold at reduced prices to SDYS families through the SDYS office approximately four weeks prior to a concert. For some concerts, SDYS offers a “2 for 2” ticket deal that gives families two free tickets with the purchase of two full-priced tickets. This offer is only available through SDYS and is limited to two free tickets per family. This offer is not available on the day of the concerts. Photography and Recording Due to copyright, privacy, and royalty issues we do not allow photography, audio or video recording at concerts.
TUITION, FEES, AND FINANCIAL AID Tuition Payments Tuition for the Ovation Program is $900. It is due in full by August 1, 2017. Payments may be made by credit card online with an additional fee of 3%, by check mailed to SDYS, or by cash at the office. All payments should include the musician’s ID number. A $20 late fee will be applied to payments received after the deadline. Families will be charged a $15 fee for bounced checks. Tuition is non-refundable or transferrable after September 1, 2017. Ensemble placement will be forfeited and musicians will not be allowed to join rehearsals if the tuition balance has not been paid or financial aid has not been requested by the first rehearsal. Dissatisfaction with ensemble placement or seat assignment is not an acceptable reason for a refund. Dismissal from SDYS does not result in any refund of tuition regardless of the time in the season. Financial Aid Need-based financial aid for tuition is available for musicians, but applying for financial aid does not guarantee approval. Financial aid is not available for the registration fee. Musicians eligible for the Federal Reduced School Lunch Program qualify for full financial assistance toward tuition. Please send your 2016-2017 or 2017-2018 federal lunch award letter to Kyle Henning, Conservatory Program Coordinator at
[email protected] or mail it to the SDYS office. Award letters from previous years are ineligible. Students who attend a school with free lunch do not automatically qualify for financial assistance. These students must provide a lunch letter that shows the child is eligible for the Federal Reduced School Lunch Program based on the family’s individual need, not the school’s program offering. Alternatively, the family may complete an SDYS financial aid application. Families of a student auditioning for SDYS may submit a fully completed financial aid application with all required documents, including their signed 2016 tax returns, all applicable schedules, and child support documents, if applicable. The application will be reviewed by the SDYS Board of Directors Financial Aid Committee, and SDYS staff will notify families of any financial aid award before tuition is due. A receipt acknowledging the acceptance of the financial aid award and interest in sponsored lessons must be signed and mailed back to SDYS before the first rehearsal. The Preuss School UCSD students are also eligible for financial aid and may indicate their eligibility on their application.
All families receiving financial aid for tuition are required to pay a $75 fee, which will be refunded if the family completes five volunteer services before the end of the 2017-2018 season. All families who volunteer are required to read and sign the Volunteer Waiver before their first service. Families may opt to donate the $75 fee and not volunteer. Examples of volunteer services include, but are not limited to: • Help with rehearsal setup and breakdown, • Help with truck loading and unloading at concerts, • Help at the information table at rehearsals,
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Volunteer Expectations
• Help with chaperoning at concerts, • Help with music preparation, • Help with preparing mailings, and • Help as an Ensemble Ambassador. Volunteer opportunities will be advertised in the Weekly Update.
Sponsored Music Lessons Musicians awarded financial aid may be eligible for inclusion in SDYS’ sponsored lessons. A refundable deposit of $40 will be collected before the start of lessons. This deposit will be refunded at the conclusion of the season if students remain in good standing with both sponsored lessons and SDYS large ensembles. Students who are dismissed from lessons due excessive absences may be ineligible for future lessons and will not receive the $40 deposit. Concert Tickets
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Families that are awarded full financial aid are mailed a voucher redeemable for free tickets to most large ensemble concerts. This gives the families the opportunity to see their musician perform. Additional tickets may be purchased.
ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES La Jolla Music Society Partnership In 2015, La Jolla Music Society (LJMS) and SDYS launched a new partnership. This collaboration includes SDYS’ Chamber Orchestra in Residency at LJMS and a multi-year, college-level training for students who aspire to become professional musicians. The LJMS/SDYS Chamber Orchestra Residency is the United States’ first youth orchestra residency on a professional concert series. Through the residency, San Diego’s most talented student musicians will perform with professional artists, introduce new works by emerging composers, and participate in workshops led by the world’s most accomplished conductors. LJMS artists and the SDYS Chamber Orchestra perform together in professional concert halls. Residency events will combine the excitement of outstanding performances with the thrill of seeing the student and professional artists growing in partnership. The Music Institute combines learning opportunities with international touring soloists, chamber musicians, professional symphony orchestra performances, and a curriculum of university-level courses. San Diego’s most musically ambitious and talented teenagers will receive professional-level training as they prepare to pursue college music degrees and professions in music. Limited to 15 new students per year and a total of 60 students over a four-year curriculum, the LJMS/SDYS Music Institute rivals the standards of music education offered to high school students at major centers of musical learning across the United States. All students accepted into the Ovation Program are encouraged to apply to The Music Institute. More information is available at Here is a sneak peak: The Music Institute Overview Core Curriculum • Master classes, open rehearsals, seminars, and clinics led by world-renowned artists. Artists from past seasons include Jinjoo Cho, Sheryl Renk, Kate Hatmaker, Ji, Cami Smith, Richard O’Neill, Josef Špaček, Raphaël Sévère, and István Várdai. • Performance training and academic instruction with professional artists and musicians. • University-level theory, ear training, and music history courses. • Intensive chamber music and conducting classes. • Attendance at LJMS professional concerts. Season 2016-2017 included Prague Philharmonic; Takács Quartet; Leonidas Kavakos, violin; Yuja Wang, piano; and Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra.
• Chamber music performances/student recitals at public performance venues, • Musical preludes on LJMS’ Discovery Series at The Scripps Research Institute, and • Accompanying and chamber music experience (for pianists). Community Engagement Opportunities • Outreach concerts/events, • Mentorship and music education training opportunities (through the Mentor Program), and • Fulfillment of community service hours. Eligibility All orchestral and piano students entering 9th grade to 12th grade in 2017-2018 are eligible to apply. Non-SDYS students will need to complete a short audition. Please visit for more information. All applicants will be required to attend an interview with SDYS and LJMS.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Weekly Class Schedule History 10:00-10:50am Theory 11:00-11:50am Workshops/Chamber Music/Conducting 12:00-12:50pm All Institute classes and workshops will take place on Saturday mornings in or near Balboa Park. Visit to learn more.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Chamber Music
Fee-based chamber music coaching and performance opportunities are open to all students in the Showcase Program. Ensembles will rehearse each week for a predetermined number of weeks. NonSDYS students are eligible to apply for an additional fee with the submission of a YouTube video for musical evaluation. Ensembles are formed based on instrumentation and balance. The design of these chamber music ensembles emphasizes small-group learning and musical performances without a conductor. These chamber music ensembles will perform at a mid-year or year-end recital. Select ensembles may be invited to perform at other community and SDYS events. Concerto Competition SDYS offers an annual concerto competition for Ovation Program musicians to further their opportunities at the highest level. Winners perform a complete concerto accompanied by their respective ensembles. Candidates can select a single-movement concerto, a single movement from a multi-movement concerto, or approved pieces that have original orchestral or symphonic band accompaniment to audition on. These selections must be approved by the Music Director and SDYS staff. The competition takes place in two rounds: a preliminary round for all entrants and a ticketed, public final round for a limited number of candidates. More information will be available in August.
International Youth Symphony In collaboration with Rotary International Youth Exchange, SDYS hosts music students ages 16-24 from around the world to join select SDYS musicians for a three-week summer experience performing as an orchestra. This season will be the 13th Annual International Youth Symphony, with performances in different venues. Enrollment in the International Youth Symphony, conducted by Jeff Edmons, is by invitation only for members of the Ovation Program with priority given to Chamber Orchestra students. Mentor Program The Mentor Program is a leadership development opportunity for SDYS students to model, teach, play alongside younger students, and assist conductors with rehearsals. Peer teaching allows students to become further engaged with music and enhances kinship within the SDYS community. Students who become part of the mentor program will have the opportunity to attend a training session with the Conservatory Program Coordinator. These student volunteers will be able to log program hours for community service and will be recognized in the year-end concert program upon completing a minimum number of services. Students in Wind Symphony, Sinfonia, and the Ovation Program are eligible to apply. Music Theory and Ear Training Intermediate and advanced theory classes review preparatory theory and reinforce the basic skills of music rudiments. The course focuses on writing, hearing, and using major and minor scales, all the intervals of the major and minor scales, compound time signatures, and more about scale degree function and root position triads. Students in Wind Symphony, Sinfonia, and Ovation ensembles are encouraged to apply. Ten-week courses are available in the fall with continuation into the spring. Details on program offerings and tuition will be made available in the Weekly Update. Theory course offerings are dependent on minimum enrollment. New students must take a placement exam to determine current skill and knowledge level. Beyond the Staff Beyond the Staff workshops are fun, educational presentations that inform SDYS families about opportunities and resources that SDYS and the San Diego community have to offer. They are also aimed at providing families with information about how best to support their child in music learning. Past workshops include instrument tuning and care, college applications, the Board and CEO’s role, how to practice, and how to select a private teacher.
SDYS has partnered with schools and community organizations since its founding. SDYS regularly partners with leading professional music, theater, and arts organizations, including La Jolla Music Society, San Diego Symphony, and San Diego Museum of Art, to give students access to unique performance experiences, professional music mentors, and concerts by the world’s leading artists. Please watch the Weekly Update for notification of concert ticket offers, performance opportunities, or master classes from our partners. Community Programs San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory works in neighborhoods across the region to build community support for giving all students access to the benefits of music making. Chula Vista, City Heights, and Solana Beach are just three locations where SDYS partners with local schools or educational providers to further music education for their students. Balboa Park musicians are encouraged to join our movement by serving as student peer mentors at the various ensembles or sectionals. Along with teaching instrumental music at the high standard of the Balboa Park programs, the community programs of SDYS engage students and families in the education process to build confidence and leadership in children who may not have the opportunity to learn music otherwise. It is the vision of SDYS for all students in the San Diego region to have access to high-quality music instruction on a regular basis.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Peer Arts Partnerships
SDYS Ovation Program Rehearsals and Concerts: Season Calendar 2017-2018
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Wind Orchestra: 1:45 to 3:15 PM Symphony Orchestra: 3:15 to 6:00 PM Chamber Orchestra: 6:10 to 7:30 PM
Labor Day weekend
September 2
No Rehearsals
6:00 PM
September 7
Symphony Orchestra Strings Only
September 9
All Ovation Ensembles
September 16
All Ovation Ensembles
3 / Photo
September 23
All Ovation Ensembles
September 30
All Ovation Ensembles
October 7
All Ovation Ensembles
October 14
All Ovation Ensembles
October 21
All Ovation Ensembles
October 28
All Ovation Ensembles
November 4
All Ovation Ensembles
6:00 PM (10)
November 6
Symphony Orchestra
6:00 PM (10)
November 9
Wind Orchestra & Chamber Orchestra
Veterans Day
November 11
No Rehearsals
6:00 PM (11)
November 13
All Ovation Ensembles
6:00 PM (12)
November 16
All Ovation Ensembles
Concert TBA
November 18
Music Educators Concert Symphony Orchestra & Wind Orchestra
No more than 4 absences. Day
Thanksgiving weekend
November 25
No Rehearsals
6:00 PM (1)
November 27
Symphony Orchestra
December Nights
December 2
No Rehearsals
6:00 PM (2)
December 4
Symphony Orchestra
6:00 PM (2)
December 7
Wind Orchestra & Chamber Orchestra
December 9
All Ovation Ensembles
Winter Break
December 16
No Rehearsals
Winter Break
December 23
No Rehearsals
Winter Break
December 30
No Rehearsals
January 6
All Ovation Ensembles
6:00 PM
January 11
Chamber Orchestra
5 MLK Day weekend
January 13
All Ovation Ensembles
January 20
All Ovation Ensembles
January 27
All Ovation Ensembles
6:00 PM (8)
January 29
Symphony Orchestra
6:00 PM (8)
February 1
Chamber & Symphony Orchestra Dress Rehearsal
February 3
All Ovation Ensembles
Winter Concert - 1PM Dress Rehearsals - AM
February 4
Ovation Concert Symphony Orchestra & Chamber Orchestra
February 10
All Ovation Ensembles
President's Day weekend
February 17
No Rehearsals
6:00 PM
February 22
Chamber Orchestra
February 24
All Ovation Ensembles
March 3
All Ovation Ensembles
March 10
All Ovation Ensembles
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
No more than 3 absences.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
6:00 PM
March 15
Chamber Orchestra
March 17
All Ovation Ensembles
March 24
All Ovation Ensembles
Spring Break
March 31
No Rehearsals
April 7
All Ovation Ensembles
April 14
All Ovation Ensembles
April 21
All Ovation Ensembles
April 28
All Ovation Ensembles
Concert TBA (11)
May 5
All Ovation Ensembles and Encore Gala
May 12
All Ovation Ensembles
May 19
All Ovation Ensembles
6:00 PM (14)
May 24
Symphony Orchestra & Wind Orchestra
Memorial Day weekend
May 26
No Rehearsals
6:00 PM (15)
May 31
Symphony Orchestra & Wind Orchestra
Balboa Park Concert
June 1
Symphony Orchestra & Wind Orchestra Concert
June 2
All Ovation Ensembles
6:00 PM (17)
June 7
All Ovation Ensembles
June 9
All Ovation Ensembles
Final Copley Concert
June 10
Ovation Concert All Ovation Ensembles
No more than 4 absences. All concert and rehearsal dates may be subject to change.
LIABILITY RELEASES FOR SAN DIEGO YOUTH SYMPHONY AND CONSERVATORY (SDYS) MEDIA RELEASE Pursuant to the furtherance of the purposes, goals, and objectives of SDYS, and for no other consideration or compensation, I hereby irrevocably grant to SDYS and its officers, directors, and employees the permission to use my child’s name, likeness and biographical data incident to practices, recitals and other performances with SDYS, and the right to take photographs or record audio or video of my child’s practices, recitals and other performances with SDYS, and to use such photographs and video or audio recordings for any SDYS purposes. In granting the above permission, I hereby irrevocably relinquish all right, title, or interest in the above mentioned photographs and/or recordings and all rights of authorship or of performance as may apply and hereby assign to SDYS all copyrights arising with respect to my child’s practices, recitals and other performances with SDYS. Additionally, I hereby irrevocably grant SDYS, its officers, employees, and licensees permission to reproduce, use, or publish such photos and/ or recordings in all media, whether now known or hereafter existing, for any SDYS purposes, with no additional compensation being due to me or my child. Additionally, I hereby irrevocably release SDYS, its officers, directors, employees, and licensees from any and all claims that my child may now or hereafter have for libel, defamation, invasion of privacy or right of publicity, infringement of copyright, or violation of any other right arising out of or relating to any utilization of my child’s name, likeness or biographical data, the practices, recitals and other performances with SDYS and all related photos and/or recordings. MEDICAL RELEASE I agree, on behalf of myself and/or on behalf of my child, beginning on the date of execution of this Release, to give consent to SDYS to obtain all emergency dental or medical care prescribed from a duly licensed physician (M.D.) or dentist (D.D.S.). This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve life, limb, or the wellbeing of me or my dependent.
As a condition of my child’s participation in any activity sponsored by or associated with SDYS, I agree to and hereby irrevocably waive all claims on behalf of myself and/or my child against SDYS and to indemnify and hold SDYS, its officers, directors, and employees, the City of San Diego, and the San Diego Park and Recreation Department (“Released Parties”) harmless from any and all liability or claims that I, my child or anyone else on behalf of my child or otherwise may have against the Released Parties or that any other person, entity, my child or I may have against the Released Parties because of any death, bodily injury, personal injury, or illness, or because of any loss to property that may arise out of or in any way be connected with my child’s participation in any activity sponsored by or associated with SDYS and any Released Parties’ activity related thereto. I will also allow the Released Parties to transport me and/or my child in an emergency circumstance. I further acknowledge that the Released Parties do not provide any type of insurance including liability or medical coverage for any child who participates in any SDYS activity. I hereby state that it is my intention in executing this Release that the same shall be effective as a bar to each and every claim, complaint, action, debts, promises, demand, cause of action, obligation, damage, liability, charge, attorneys’ fees and costs herein above released. I hereby expressly waive and relinquish all of my rights and benefits, if any, arising under the provisions of California Civil Code § 1542, which provides: A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND TO CLAIMS WHICH THE CREDITOR DOES NOT KNOW OR SUSPECT TO EXIST IN HIS OR HER FAVOR AT THE TIME OF EXECUTING THE RELEASE, WHICH IF KNOWN BY HIM OR HER MUST HAVE MATERIALLY AFFECTED HIS OR HER SETTLEMENT WITH THE DEBTOR. I hereby expressly agree that the above releases apply to all unknown, unsuspected and unanticipated claims, liabilities and causes of action which I, my child or any other party may have against the Released Parties which have arisen, occurred or existed at any time prior to the date of this Release or after.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY 1. I agree to volunteer with the San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory (SDYS) in the 2017-2018 concert season. 2. As a volunteer, I understand that I control the dates and times when I do the work and that SDYS is not responsible for scheduling my volunteer work. I also understand that I will not be compensated for any time spent volunteering, nor am I entitled to benefits, including employment insurance benefits upon the termination of this agreement or as a result of this service. 3. I am aware that participation as a volunteer may require periods of administrative duties, standing, sitting, or lifting and carrying up to 40 pounds and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury. I am voluntarily participating in this activity with knowledge of the hazards and potential dangers involved, and I agree to accept any and all risks of personal injury and property damage. 4. As consideration for volunteering for SDYS I hereby agree that I, and my assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives, will not make a claim against or sue SDYS or its employees, agents or contractors for injury or damage resulting from the negligence, whether active or passive, or other acts, however caused, by any of its officers, employees, agents, or contractors of SDYS as a result of my volunteering. I HEREBY RELEASE AND DISCHARGE SDYS AND ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND CONTRACTORS FROM ALL ACTIONS, CLAIMS, OR DEMANDS THAT I, MY HEIRS, GUARDIANS, AND LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES NOW HAVE, OR MAY HAVE IN THE FUTURE, FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM MY PARTICIPATION IN THE PROJECT. 5. I UNDERSTAND THAT IF I AM INJURED IN THE COURSE OF THE PROJECT, I AM NOT COVERED BY SDYS’ WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROGRAM. I authorize SDYS to seek emergency medical treatment on my behalf in case of injury, accident or illness to me arising from my involvement as a volunteer. I understand that I will be responsible for medical costs incurred by such accident, illness or injury. 6. I agree and understand that injuries or losses to others, such as co-workers or the person(s) being helped, may occur as a result of my negligent or intentional acts during volunteer service, and that to avoid such harm, I must exercise care and act responsibly in serving others. 7. If any injury or loss to another does occur due to my intentional actions or due to my negligent actions arising outside of the scope of my volunteer activities, I will accept the liability for and repair, or make reparations for, the harm done. 8. I understand that the materials and tools provided by SDYS are and remain the property of SDYS, and I agree to return these tools and any remaining materials to SDYS at the end of my volunteer service.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
2017-2018 SAMPLE COMMITMENT FORM FOR PRINCIPALS AND ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS IN THE OVATION PROGRAM CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully auditioned into the Ovation Program as a principal or assistant principal. Your musical and personal achievements place you among the finest students in the SDYS programs, and your accomplishments are to be commended. The principal and assistant principal positions in the Ovation Program are highly competitive and selective.
SDYS invests a great deal in its most accomplished student leaders to provide them with outstanding artistic and leadership opportunities on behalf of the organization and its community partners. Acceptance of a principal or assistant principal position in the SDYS Ovation Program requires a heightened commitment and responsibility to the program. The award of a principal or assistant principal position in the Ovation Program involves additional leadership and attendance responsibilities related to your participation in the orchestras and the SDYS programs as outlined below. Principals in the Ovation Program are eligible to receive full merit awards. Assistant principals in the Ovation Program are eligible to receive half merit awards. Principals and assistant principals are required to participate in Wind Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, and Chamber Orchestra, depending on instrumentation. Any students who participated in SDYS in the 2016-2017 season but were dismissed, withdrew from, or did not complete all concerts in the Showcase or Ovation programs lose eligibility to receive a merit award for the 2017-2018 season though they are still eligible to apply for a leadership chair.
Please read carefully the entire SDYS 2017-2018 Ovation Program Musicians’ Handbook before accepting a place in the Ovation Program. To secure your place as a principal or assistant principal, please read the below statements carefully. You are required to agree with these statements, sign, and submit the commitment form to SDYS no later than Tuesday, July 11. Failure to agree or sign the commitment form will result in the loss of a leadership position, and you will be reseated in the ensembles. Payment of the tuition balance is due by Monday, August 1 to secure your position as a leadership student. LEADERSHIP & CONDUCT I understand that my leadership position requires me to set an example for other members of the Ovation Program through musical and personal conduct. I understand that disruptive or disrespectful behavior toward other students, peers, or adults will not be tolerated. I commit to set the highest standards of decorum and respect in my role as a leader in the Ovation Program and to be a positive example at all times as a musician and as a citizen. REHEARSAL TIMES I understand that on-time arrival at rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and concerts is essential to the integrity of the ensembles. I commit to the rehearsal, dress rehearsal, and concert times detailed in the season calendar. I will arrive at the call time, warm up, and be ready for the conductor’s downbeat.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
Principals and associate concertmaster will be required to participate in a weekly chamber ensemble for the full season and to perform in the community. Chamber ensembles will include a quartet consisting of the concertmaster/mistress, associate concertmaster/mistress, principal viola, and principal cello. Other string, woodwind (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and French horn), brass, saxophone, and percussion ensembles may be formed.
I understand that I am permitted a maximum of either one late arrival to a rehearsal or one early departure from a rehearsal per concert period. One additional late arrival or early departure may be requested during the course of the full season due to a special circumstance. REHEARSAL & CONCERT ATTENDANCE I commit to all of the rehearsal dates, dress rehearsal dates, and concert dates as detailed in the season calendar. I will not be absent from any dress rehearsal or concert on the season calendar. Ovation concert dates are Nov. 18, Feb. 4, May 5, June 1, and June 10. Chamber Orchestra musicians will have one additional partnership concert with La Jolla Music Society during the season. I understand that as a principal or an assistant principal, I may not have more than three (3) absences in the any concert period (Sep. 7-Nov. 18; Nov. 27-Feb. 4; Feb. 10- June 10). I understand that I may request one additional rehearsal absence within the entire season. Such requests will be reviewed on a case-bycase basis and may or may not be excused. I understand that absences due to illness oemergency count toward the total number of allowed absences and I will plan so accordingly.
I understand that I may not be absent from three consecutive rehearsals at any time during the season. ABSENCE REQUESTS
I understand that absences, late arrivals, or early departures must be requested at least ONE WEEK in advance at (except in an emergency situation). I understand that the request will then be reviewed by the Music Director. The Music Director will reply to confirm whether the absence is excused as long as the request was made according to these guidelines. I understand that attendance at all rehearsals and concerts will be recorded. I understand that musicians “standing in” for absent musicians will be dismissed from the SDYS program, as will the absent musicians. I understand that unrequested absences are detrimental to the ensemble and that an unrequested absence is any absence not requested and approved by the Music Director in advance or any absence that is not reported through the student portal ( prior to the rehearsal or concert. I understand that I may not have ANY unrequested absence in the season, and my total number of absences cannot exceed the total number of reported absences detailed above. I understand that if I do not stay within the attendance policy or miss a concert as described above, I will be dismissed from the Ovation Program except in extreme circumstances.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
I commit to full and thorough musical preparation of all assigned music each week in order to make a consistent, positive contribution to the ensembles. Lack of weekly pre-rehearsal musical preparation slows the pacing and effectiveness of rehearsals, detracts from the rehearsals, and is a sign of disrespect to the ensemble. If I am absent from a rehearsal it is my responsibility to contact my principal or the Music Director to receive updated musical and technical assignments. I understand that lack of musical preparation is not acceptable. Examples of lack of musical preparation are: • • • • •
arriving to or departing from a rehearsal without required music, arriving at rehearsal without required accessories (e.g., pencil, extra string, rock stop, reeds, mutes, or tuner), reporting to rehearsal with assigned musical passages unrehearsed, demonstrating a lack of prepared transpositions, bowings, articulations, and fingerings as assigned for the requisite rehearsal, and engaging in disruptive or distracting behavior during rehearsal or demonstrating a lack of attentiveness in the rehearsal.
I understand this is not a comprehensive list.
CONDUCT • • • • • • • • •
I understand inappropriate behavior at rehearsals, concerts, or activities will jeopardize my good standing and may be dismissed from SDYS. Examples include, but are not limited to: failure to request absences, disrespect toward others, failure to follow instructions, verbal or physical threats toward others, horseplay, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, inappropriate physical contact or gestures of affection, e.g., kissing or holding hands, inappropriate language, or any other inappropriate behavior that undermines the integrity of the ensemble.
I agree to all of the commitments outlined above in the 2017-2018 Commitment Form for Principals and Assistant Principals in the Ovation Program. These policies in some cases supersede the SDYS policies outlined in the Ovation Program Musicians’ Handbook. I acknowledge receipt of a merit award for the 2017-2018 season and the responsibilities that go with the award as detailed on this form. I understand that failure to uphold artistic or leadership responsibilities will result from losing my principal or assistant principal title, and I will be moved to the back of the section for the remainder of the season. I also will be required to pay full tuition immediately before participating in the following rehearsal. I understand that failure to meet any of these standards will result in my dismissal from SDYS at any point in the season without any tuition refund.
This commitment form, with full tuition, must be submitted to SDYS by August 1, 2017 to hold the position. Email it to Kyle Henning, Conservatory Program Coordinator at
[email protected]. Or mail it to SDYS, 1650 El Prado #207A, San Diego, CA 92101.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
2017-2018 SAMPLE COMMITMENT FORM FOR NONLEADERSHIP OVATION PROGRAM MUSICIANS Participation in SDYS requires a substantial commitment to weekly rehearsals, practice, and concert performances. Consistent, weekly attendance at rehearsals is not only a requirement for musicians in the Ovation Program, but it is also essential to creating strong musical ensembles. You may have to choose between joining SDYS or other activities. Please carefully review the attendance guidelines and rehearsal/ concert schedule before making the decision to audition.
Please read carefully the entire SDYS 2016-2017 Ovation Program Musicians’ Handbook before accepting placement in the Ovation Program. You are also required to agree with these statements, sign, and submit this commitment form to SDYS no later than Monday, August 1. Failure to agree or sign this commitment form will result in ineligibility to participate in the Ovation Program. REHEARSAL TIMES
I understand that on-time arrival at rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and concerts is essential to the integrity of the ensembles. I commit to the rehearsal, dress rehearsal, and concert times detailed in the season calendar. I will arrive at the call time, warm up, and be ready for the conductor’s downbeat. I understand that I am permitted a maximum of either one late arrival to a rehearsal or one early departure from a rehearsal per concert period. One additional late arrival or early departure may be requested during the course of the full season due to a special circumstance. REHEARSAL & CONCERT ATTENDANCE
I commit to all of the rehearsal dates, dress rehearsal dates, and concert dates as detailed in the season calendar. I will not be absent from any dress rehearsal or concert on the season calendar. Ovation concert dates are Nov. 18, Feb. 4, May 5, June 1, and June 10.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
I understand that as a non-leadership Ovation musician, I may not have more than four (4) absences in the first concert period (Sep. 7-Nov. 18), no more than three (3) absences in the second concert period (Nov. 27-Feb. 4) and no more than four (4) absences in the third concert period (Feb. 10-June 10).
I understand that I may request one additional rehearsal absence within the entire season. Such requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may or may not be excused. I understand that absences due to illness or emergency count toward the total number of allowed absences and I will plan so accordingly. I understand that I may not be absent from three consecutive rehearsals at any time during the season. All saxophone musicians are required to participate in the saxophone ensemble. The ensemble will rehearse regularly throughout the year, and musicians will be held to the same rehearsal and concert attendance policy as other Ovation students. If I am a saxophone musician, I understand this commitment. ABSENCE REQUESTS I understand that absences, late arrivals, or early departures must be requested at least ONE WEEK in advance at (except in an emergency situation). I understand that the request will then be reviewed by the Music Director. The Music Director will reply to confirm whether the absence is excused as long as the request was made according to these guidelines. I understand that attendance at all rehearsals and concerts will be recorded. I understand that musicians
“standing in” for absent musicians will be dismissed from the SDYS program, as will the absent musicians. I understand that unrequested absences are detrimental to the ensemble and that an unrequested absence is any absence not requested and approved by the Music Director in advance or any absence that is not reported through the student portal ( prior to the rehearsal or concert. I understand that I may not have more than one unrequested absence in the season, and my total number of absences cannot exceed the total number of requested absences detailed above. I understand that if I do not stay within the attendance policy as described above, I will be dismissed from the Ovation Program except in extreme circumstances. MUSICAL PREPARATION
I commit to full and thorough musical preparation of all assigned music each week in order to make a consistent, positive contribution to the ensembles. Lack of weekly pre-rehearsal musical preparation slows the pacing and effectiveness of rehearsals, detracts from the rehearsals, and is a sign of disrespect to the ensemble. If I am absent from a rehearsal it is my responsibility to contact my principal to receive updated musical and technical assignments. I understand that lack of musical preparation is not acceptable. Examples of lack of musical preparation are: • • • • • • •
arriving to or departing from a rehearsal without required music, arriving at rehearsal without required accessories (e.g., pencil, extra string, rock stop, reeds, mutes, or tuner), reporting to rehearsal with assigned musical passages unrehearsed, demonstrating a lack of prepared transpositions, bowings, articulations, and fingerings as assigned for the requisite rehearsal, and engaging in disruptive or distracting behavior during rehearsal or demonstrating a lack of attentiveness in the rehearsal.
I understand this is not a comprehensive list. CONDUCT
• • • • • • • •
failure to request absences, disrespect toward others, failure to follow instructions, verbal or physical threats toward others, horseplay, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, inappropriate physical contact or gestures of affection, e.g., kissing or holding hands, inappropriate language, or any other inappropriate behavior that undermines the integrity of the ensemble.
I agree to all of the commitments as outlined above in the 2017-2018 Ovation Commitment for placement in the Ovation Program for the 2017-2018 season. I understand that failure to meet any of these standards will result in my dismissal from SDYS at any point in the season without any tuition refund.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
I understand inappropriate behavior at rehearsals, concerts, or activities will jeopardize my good standing and may be dismissed from SDYS. Examples include, but are not limited to:
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
This commitment form, with full tuition, must be submitted to SDYS by August 1, 2017 to hold the position. Email it to Kyle Henning, Conservatory Program Coordinator at
[email protected]. Or mail it to SDYS, 1650 El Prado #207A, San Diego, CA 92101.
SDYS 2017-2018 Musicians’ Handbook Ovation Program
1650 El Prado #207A, San Diego, CA 92101 619.233.3232 •