overall job index - Info Edge

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Despite deceleration in the overall Indian economy, 2013 began with job creation across key industry segments. When we c
TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 3 SECTORAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................. 5 FUNCTIONAL AREA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 6 CITY BASED SCENARIO .......................................................................................................................................... 7 WORK EXPERIENCE BASED ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................ 8 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 ANNEXURE ....................................................................................................................................................... 10-12



O VERALL J OB INDEX Despite deceleration in the overall Indian economy, 2013 began with job creation across key industry segments. When we compare hiring trends of the last one year, Jan-13 saw maximum movement with the overall hiring activity moving up by 10% in Jan-13(index value-1270)when compared to Dec-12(index value1150). This is definitely a matter of cheer for jobseekers planning a career move as sectors like IT- Software, BPO, Banking and Oil and Gas witnessed double-digit percentage growth in their hiring numbers in the last one month. A similar sentiment was echoed in the Naukri Hiring Outlook survey with recruiters where 68% said that new jobs will be created in 2013.

Hitesh Oberoi, CEO and MD, Info Edge India said “2013 will see an improvement in fresh and replacement hiring and there will be demand for skilled candidates. Improvement in government decision making and buoyancy in financial markets may lead to a much better macro environment in the coming months.”


SECTORAL ANALYSIS While most important sectors saw positive movement


hiring activity,

Telecom and

Insurance sectors saw dipping hiring levels with index value going down by 6% and 8% respectively in Jan-13 over Dec-12. The index for these sectors stands at 689 and 597 presently. Oil & Gas sector saw a 24% improvement in hiring activity and both Banking and BPO sector saw 14% increase in their hiring levels during the same time period. The index for Banking and BPO sector in Jan-13 stands at 1455 and 986. Stable hiring levels were seen in the Auto and Construction sector.


F UNCTIONAL A REA ANALYSIS Positive hiring activity was seen for professionals



functional areas. Highest demand was seen





Software services and Sales domains where the Naukri Job speak index moved up by 18%, 15% and 10% respectively in Jan-13 over Dec-12. Production,




professionals also saw positive movement in hiring activity with demand going up within the range of 6% and 10% respectively in Jan-13 over Dec-12.


C ITY BASED HIRING SCENARIO Barring Pune which saw a minor 2% dip in hiring activity, all the other important cities saw positive employment trends. Hiring activity for Delhi, Mumbai Pune, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad moved up within the range of 10% and 16% respectively in Jan-13 when compared to Dec-12. Kolkata also saw just 6% improvement in hiring levels over the last one month.


W ORK - EX BASED S CENARIO In Jan-13 hiring levels moved up across all experience brackets. Maximum improvement was seen for senior experience levels (above 16 years) where hiring activity moved up by 14% in Jan-13 over Dec-12. The 0-3 years experience category and 4-7 years experience category also saw about 10% increase in their hiring activity during the same time period. Percentage share of jobs across experience levels


METHODOLOGY The Naukri Job Speak index from Feb’10 includes both online jobs as wells as jobs acquired from existing clients by our tele-calling team. Although the tele-calling data is a relatively small component of the entire job postings on Naukri, addition of the same to the index gives a more holistic picture of the Indian job market. Therefore, the Job index which was till now based on the July 2008, has been realigned to take care of the effect of the Jobs added by the tele-sales team. On the basis of job listings added to the site every month, the data shows an increase or decrease in the index. To calculate the index, job listings added to the site in July 2008 have been taken as 1000. The subsequent months have been indexed with data of July 2008. The monthly report shows hiring trends across industry sectors, geography and functional areas. There might be high volatility for certain fringe cases like smaller cities, niche industries etc. owing to a small base, but more than 42000 clients using Naukri.com leads to high reliability of the data. Naukri Job Speak not only talks about sectors or cities but also about the total job movement on site. The total jobs on site are defined as: Total Jobs: Jobs Added + Jobs Refreshed Where a refreshed job is any job that was posted earlier, however has been refreshed during the month and therefore indicates that the position is still open.

Disclaimer The data is only representative of the listings on Naukri.com. Our analytics team has used statistical techniques to derive insights which might be useful for our users/stake holders/ audiences. There may be a statistical margin of error


ANNEXURE Sectoral Data

Upward movement of the index as compared to the previous month Dip in the index


Functional Area

Upward movement of the index as compared to the previous month Dip in the index



Upward movement of the index as compared to the previous month Dip in the index